HomeMy WebLinkAboutWILDWOOD BLK 1 LT 3LoT- ~w~er 7s 1~74 TrubyShaw 7601 ~tsteria Anchorage, Alaska 99502 5UBOgCT~ Lot 3, Block 1, Wtld~ood Subdivision Thts offtce recently received a complaint on overflowing sewage at your property. After Investigation ft was noted that the sewage ts not over- flO~tng but-the standpipes are not sealed which is a11owtng gases to escape and is therefore causing a very undesirable odor. This is tn violation of Borough ~ealth Codes end will have to be corrected ~tthtn ten (10} days from recetpt of this letter. At the ttme ~f Inspection, tt ~as also noted that there was garoage on ~our property that was no: properly contained. This ts also in viol.alton. Failure to correct both of these violations wtll result tn legal acUon. ~f you have any qae[tions, please fe~l free to contact me at 274, 4561, extension 137. Stncerelys Robert C. Pratt, Environmental Control Offtcer Certified ~o. 740401 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30c (plus postage) [O.. STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURNp 2 I~* 11 Sh°wst°wh°*anddat~deRvered ........ ~'51 With delivery te addressee only ............ RECEIPT Shows to whom, date ann where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85d DELIVER TO AODRESSEE ONLY ................................................ ~'~-- SPECIAL DELIVERY (extre ~ee required) ................................ POSTMARK OR DATE PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See erbar $;d.) Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *ovo: ts= o- ~?~ HOUSING PUBLIC FACILITIES 'NOISE SEWER & WATER COMPLAINTANT: ATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUF Depa,~ment of Environmental Qua'~-~-~y Complaint and Action Form AIR POLLUTION JUNK AUTOS --NUISANCE OTHER CASE~ DATE INVEST: LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: RESPONSIBLE PARTY ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACTS AND CORRESPONDENCEO/:~"~.~4~"2 DATE TIME COMMENTS lIME & DATE COMPLAINTANT CALLED BACK USE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM FOR FURTHER COMMENTS: EQ-045 (9-74)