HomeMy WebLinkAboutWILDWOOD GLEN Geological & Soils Investigation aP'plied earth sciences August 12, 1971 Hewitt V. 'Lounsbury and Associates. 723 West Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTENTION: Mr. Bud Herschbach Re: Geologic and Soils Inveatigation - Wildwood Glen Subdivision Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith in accordance with your request is our report of the geologic and soils investigation of the above-captioned property. We have enjoyed being of service to you on this project. ff we can be of further service. Very truly yours, Please. call HJM:js Attachment ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Telephone: 277-7601 277-7602 - 2227 SPENARD ROAD · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 GEOLOGIC AND SOILS INVESTIGATION OF WILDWOOD GLEN SUBDIVISION REPORT TO HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS mEPARED BY ALAS~ GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA AUGUST i~?1 INTRODUCTION This report sets forth the results ofa geologic and soils investigation conducted o~ Wildwood Glen Subdivision, a proposed residential subdivision. Located outside the area serviced by water and sewer utilities, the development is planned for on-site water sdpply and sewage disposal facilities. The purpose of this investigation was, therefore, to.I determine the geologic and'soil conditions at the site to facilitate proper design of the s~wage disposal system..~ }' INVESTIGATION Geologic and soils data at this site were obtained through a geologic recon- naissance of the property followed by a drilling program designed to provide data on subsurface soils and drainage conditions. Three test borings were drilled utilizing a . Gb-Track mounted B-40 Mobile drill, The borings were advanced using solid flight auger equipped with a D-P rock bii. a ?taft engineering geologist. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Sampling, logging and inspection Were provided by Wildwood Glen comprises approximately ten acres of the lower slopes of the Chugach Mountains east' of Anchorage. The lot sizes are large, ranging from approximately. One acre up. The site has been mapped as a lateral moraine by the U. S. Geological Survey. The moraine was deposited along the margin of glacial ice during the Pre- Wisconsin "Knik" glaciation. The topography is typical of lateral moraines with linear ridges parallel to the direction of ice m. ovement~ Side glacial streams were responsible for a considerable amount of sorting in the morainal material resulting .in d eposits of sand and gravel _ Surface drainage tl!r..o,,u, ghout co~untered in the .teq~, Borings which, were drainage, can be expected to be ~apid'owin .e area is g0od.] 'the water table was not en- tilled.to depths up to 24.5 feet. Subsurface to the abundance of gravels and sands beneath the silt topsoil mantl% . ........ ' "· SUBSURFACE MA'~ER IA LS '~'lq'/) 'C0 ND ITIO NS Subsdrface' dataTp'6rtainin~ io this site are shown on the enclosed boring logs. Location of. the borings ar?.shown on the plan'of b6rings. The soils ~onsist of water- sorted glacial sands, gravels and silty sandy gravels of lateral moraine, origin, _The materials present near the western b.oundary of the subdivision generally contain more silt with a corxesponding decrease in percolation rate. CONCLUSIONS AND ~RECOMMENDATIONS .- - On the basis 6f information gathered in this investigation, we draw the following principal conclusions: ~i . i 'fi' / · i i. Lot ,sizes are adequate fo~ ori-site sewage dispos.al u iliz ng the ~/ . conventional septic 'lank-seepage p~t ,system.,. 2.Seepage area requirements for individual systems will r/~nge' from 125' to 325 squdre feet!pe~'bedroom. In view of the variable nature iof the subsffrface soils on .the Site, -we recommend that a soils, investigation on each lot should be required prior to installation ot the sewage in order to define the. seepage areh require, ments for the particular lot. _~-~2~e~'~%~ ' Respectfull;g submitted, .,..~ ' 0,?.. ~ '~ '~ ' " ~_~... ....... .~a ~ ,. ~ ~s~ ~nomc~ca~ co~su~x~s , ~ . ~ .75 E ~.~/~o.*, g-~ ". Nmi H. ~elker disposal system LOG OF' BORING NO. WILDWOOD GLLt S[JBDIVISION TYPE BORING: Au~'cr IJ.3CATION: See m ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION Ld ~ ~ ~ SUR. EL~V.: 805' ~ Organic tops?il'  Sandy gravel with silts (GP) ~ 125 square feet per bedroom -- Medium sand with occasional g~avels (SP) - 150 square ;~': feet per bedroom -10' .... ~:.~ 20. -~r~';' ,. .... Gravelly sand to s~dy gravel (SW-GW) - 100 square :~.~ feet per bedroom -254 ~MPLETION ~TH: 23.5' D~YH TO W~TE~:.Nowater DATE: ,lune 10, I971 DATE: SK :01KA GE LOGICAL CONSULTANTS LOG OF BORING NO. ? · WILDWOOD GLEN SUBDIVISION TYPE BORING: Aug'er LOCATION: See Hah  m SOIL DESCRIPTION SUR, ELEV,: 815' ~-, .... Topsoil previously str~pped. Sandy g~avel to gravelly :..> sand (GW-SW) - 100 square feet per bedroom :'O. '~.;~ Poorly graded medium sand (SP) - 150 square feet per · · bedroom -10 ": .... · Stratified sand and grave~ (GW) - 85 square feet per ,~ %: i -15 -' · bedroom -20 .,iC. , -25 .[ ~MPLETION ~EPTH: 24.5' DEPTH TO WATER: No water DATE: June 11, 1971 DATE: ~ LOG OF BORING NO. : WILDWOOD GLEN SUBDIVISION TYPE 8ORING: Aug'er LOCATION: See Plan o /' SUR. ELEV.: · '~ Sandy g~avel w~ some silt (GM)'- 225 square feet · : ..per bedroom . -20 - ~MPL[TION ~PTH: 19.5' D~TH TO WATER: No.water DATE: .June 11, 1971 DATE': pAN~AMA LEGEND i~THIS ~ 2O ,~y WILDWOOD GLEN SUBD. LOCATED IN NE I/4 ,S%I~ II4, NW I/4 , SEC 15 ,TI2 N, R3W, ,./ / 2 ,'5 \\\ DTI002237 ~, NSUBDI VID£D 2 9 I0 U NS U BDIVIDED 5 6 ~° ~ ~- 0 WNE~: DTI002238