HomeMy WebLinkAboutWONDER PARK #1 BLK 3 LT 8LoT' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received _~_//~//7 Time of Inspection Date of Inspection ~/ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 1. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: Phone: Mailing Address: ~ ~'~O~t.m~ ~~ __ --c>DT~t ~:'~'~ Legal Description: k~L 4. Location: ~)~-{~Og~ ~_~o~ 5. Type of facility to be inspected 6. Well Data: A. Type _1__~i~' ~1~1~4 ',~c-1~°~li~ Depth C. Construction Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed No. of bedrooms D. Bacterial Analysis o- B. Installer C, Septic l'ank: 1. Size D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area 2. Manufacturer 2, Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank , Absorption area , Sewer Lines , Nearest lot line , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Pa~e 2 of two pages - Requ..t for Approval of Individual Se,._r & Water Facilities Legal Description Approved Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality Approval Valid for one year from date signed Date I I //-vfl DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) A ICIIORAGE//1~/BOROUGIf ~EPARII~FNT O~ ~WIROI,~MEHTAL CUALITY 3500 TUDOR ROAD r, /~',:CHORAaE, ALASKA cJ9~7 279-8~8~ ~)AT'E '~ " aECEIVED: _ -/Z IrlSPECT',~ ? /7'-Y/ TmE:_ /2 RE(~UEST FOR APPROVAL OF IFDIV~DUAL SB'!ER A[B WATER FACILITIES FOR APPROVAL REOUESTI~ DY." Kas~sle.r/West Mortgage Corporation ADDRESS: 60~4~E~.a..s_t,_.6_t..h.~ve_n_u_e~..,._Anchorage, Alaska 99501 PHONE , ~. uavis assoc. (Realty) PROPERTY [~'l['.JE!~___JRl!.n_.pe_.porter & John Garcia PlImH~-, ~ 27,9-2491 LE6AL DESCRIPTIOii;.__~_qt; .8_ ~B..1. qc_sk_3__~_Wonder Park Sub~Dlvi~i, on TYPE FACILITY TO BE INSPECTED:__.w.~el~_I ...... .STRFET , 308 &_~q8¥ Stewart Ave. [IIJ~ER OF B' R ' *E0 00~}S,____D.u. Rl_e~_x. ,.-~l_Bedroom ,e,ach U_nit, I'I~IJ..JATA: /~, TYPE___ B, DEPTIt C, s~z~. E, __(In basement) COHSTRUCT[O[i ..........., /' BACTERIAL Ai~ALYS IS, _ SB'IAGE DIS~SAL SYST~: P~LIC SEWER SYSTEM SEPTIC TN)K (IF I~[,IB'~E, SHE'I DIAG~ ON BAC~ 1, S~ZE 2, AGL ~, M,~UFACTURER /4, I['ISTA[~JL APPROVAL R!?UL':ST I"OP. AT~:R FACILITL:. ~ AG _ 'FI !O ,~J:PAG~ PIT 1. SlZ,': ............. 2. LIi:Ii:O C, DISPOSAL FIELD 1, ~UI,~.~ER OF LI .... 9 ,., TOTAL LENGTH. 7, i{D~UIRED EASUREMI-'NTS A, I!ELL TO SEPTIC TA.,K_ .... B,' !fELL TO Sr:EPAGE PI'[ C, WELL TO SSI!ER LE!E ................. D, WELL 1'0 PROPERTY E, "ELL TO OTI!ER POS, L,U_ COLTAIII]ATIOD! F, FOUHDATIOH TO sr-FFIC TAI,!K FOUFDATIOH TO SEEPAGE PIT I, SE~PAG~ PIT TO PROPERTY LINE. APPROV~; DAF~, APP',IOVAL VALIi} FO:~ O::E YE.?, FRF~, AREA 30ROUGIt DEPARTMEIff OF Ei~IRO~1ENTAL .OUAI..ITY ED77! 5T KASSLER/WEST MORTGAGE CORPORATION 604 EAST SI XTH AVEN U E ' ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 · 212-9§01 i)ATE: A_ugust_ 1:~, 197! (;RI~ATEI~ ANCIIORA{;Ii ARliA B(/IL(/UGll Pel)t . of linvi ronmental Ileallh Pouch 6-050 Anchorage, Alaska 995(12 I', E: John _Dep.orter &_J_o_h.~ _Ga_rc__i_a I,ega I : Lot .8., .BLt. _3__Won__de__r~PAr?_. ~_ ......... Sub-Division huthori ty App I'OViI J . For Ileal th Plea~;e send your fi) injs to cilher the FIIA ofl'ices or the VA Office ;1~; ]]otod ~ll)OVO [:oF tho "(;;l~;{~ NIIIIll)~I'~,~ /~Jt;o~ please Selld all OX;~CI; copy ol' the report to our Your ~;wil'tness in expedLI i,/. ti]i~ I'C(IIICS[ Ix'()lllcl J]o I110.%t apj)rocJaLod, ~;inccre I),, K/\SSI,I!R /Wl!,%I HOilT(',A(;ti (;OI~P. ~.. q gavis. R~.altyz (geg~ge Johnson) 279-2~9~ .......... ^U6 i. 6 1971 GREATER ANCHORAG~ AR~A BOROUGH March 18, 1974 First ~I~tton(tl Southcenter Branch Ancliora(je ~ Alaska 99§00 SubJect~ ~mmr and water f~clllties servin9 Lot ~.), Block ~l, l.~(mder Park Suhd, 3Q8 St,)waet Avenue The subject facllttie~ were inspected by this department on faarch '14, 1974 ~d th ti)e fol lokd nU n()ted: l'h() sewage system construction is .nlmo~m. At the pr(merit time, public t~er tm available to the lot but accordtnf) to Greater Anchorage Area ~lOrOL~gl~ Publtc ~forks Depa~mmt, tho lot t~; not cmmected t() the public system. Before tht~ department ~dll approve the extstin~i on-site sewage facilities fm~ds lqu~t b~ ~serowed for cmmectio~ of th~ ~ubject lot to the available public so,mr. Ti)is commotion must take place on m' befm~e JLme 30, 1974. The relate by which water is provided to the dwelltnf) 1~ ~mknow~). This depm~tment ob~m'ved i~ pressure tank and water m~np tn tho basement adjacent to a pit. )to thought the well ~¢as local;~d in tho pit )Jut according tO the miner, that well ha~ been abandoned and another 1~ located some~vimr~ tn th~ front yard, exact lucattm~ unknovm. Until such time as the producing well can bn 'located and prove)) to be of satisfactory construction, this depnrb~mnt must dtsnpprove the water system and hold back its temporary al)prowl of the existinu on-site ~ewag~) dt~pos~l If yo~ have any questtons~ please contnct this deparb~ent at 274-4561, ox- ten~lon 135. Sincerely, Tim RumCel t, TR/ko