HomeMy WebLinkAboutWONDER PARK TR C LT 3 =/:>O-':v t~UNIC I PAI. ITY Of: ANCItORA6~. /? .. ~. ',', ,~"a' ..... ,', DEPAR'tMEN, 3t:: It[{AL. TH AND ENVIRONHEN'i'/, [[%~T?;[~ ,¥ 2% 825 I., St:l:eet~, Anclnora(rn, Alaska PRO [ECT ION 9950]. REQUES[ii' FOR APPI{OVAL OF NqDIVIDUAL SENti{ AND 'VA I'I,R FACILITIES S:i,ngJe Fam:LJy Res:J.dence: ( ) M'u].tip]e I amiJ_y llcsJ(fence: Number of Bedrooms: ~) iqumber of Bedrooms: q Well ,,ystem: Individual well ( ) Community/Puh]ic System l?ermit ti Depth of Well Well Log on File ( ) Consbructior BacterJ.al Analysis Sewage D,'isposa] System: On-site System (~)~ I'ublic Utility ( ) Permit f .,no[all ed Ins[ali. er Septic Tank "" e blanufacturer Absorption Area ............. Soils Rate .................. Material . .................... Distances: Well to Septic 'Pank to Sewer Lirle Nearest Lot line Lc, Nearest Lot: ' to Absorption Area Two Depar~.menh of ll,q'-a].~th and F,r~vi~romncnha~[ Prohec Request for Approval of IlKtJ. viduaJL Sower and Water Depar%men~. Worksheet: ~ C,,F, IPT I:OR p, KFffWIEJt MAIL---.30( (plus po_~t~) ............... -- - POST~ARI/ ~ OR I)alE ~dJgE ~I~D~S~E ONLY ................... '27'":2'''7''2'''''''''~ ~ ' ~!g INSlJIIANC[ COVEIIAG[ pROVIIIEB~ (Seo ofnor s~oe/ PS V.r,,~ 3RiU) · / =: ,UNICIPAL1TY OF ANCHORAGE . //"~{[}~"%q~ · } De)arhment of Health and Environmenhal Pro-hection ~?ji~:}'~?'~'~/ 825 L Street, Anchorage, A]aska 99501 ~[k~; } (~ ,/ 279-2511, ex¢ 224, 225 4th Floor-Sewer & Water Div. ~[~>$[<ecue~$t~ .... for AD)rova'~}. _ ..... of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities iL. Properby Owner: Mr. NeM Hausem Mailing Address: 204 Bunnel 1 _S_t_.~ ,._~_ch__o_r a_~9_e_, A__K ...... Phone: 333-1296 2. Name of Buyer: Jay Newgaard Mai ling Address: 6952 Terry P1., Anchorage, AK Phone: 274-8602-Work Lending Instihubion: The Lomas & Nettleton Company Mailing Address: 4449 Business Park Blvd., Anchor. AK Phene: 274-7661 Realbor/Agenh: Mailing Address: Neal Hausem Realty 2204 Cleveland, Anchorage, AK 'Phone: 276-2102 o Descz lp ~AOll. Location: Lot 3, Block 2 Wonder Park Subdivision 204 Bunnell St., Anchorage, AK 99504 6. SJnq]e I~am._].y Residence: ( Mu].hip].e Fam:i. ly Residence: ) Number of Bedrooms: ( X ) Number of Bedrooms: 4 o Water Supply: *Individual Well ( ) Public/Conwaunity System ~ ) If Individual Well, well depth If Conmmnii;y System, name of syst':em o IuAL].c System Sewage Disposal Sysbem: On-site System (X) ) ' ' ' If On-site Syshem, dabe of iusta]]a'hion: ( ) *NOTE: A well leq is required on ALL wells dri].led DEPT. OF II~AI.IH ENVIRONMLN I/~ i Roi .CiION NOV I 0 'r,' .. IJ~ / 3/77 November 21, 1977 204 Bmlaell Street Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Lot 3 Block 2 WeD~er Park Subdivision The Munio~pality Se~er Utility do~s no% have any r~cord of ~he s%~)Je~t lot being connected to ~',he public sewer. Therefore, before we can approve your r~qu.os% for approval Monies may b~ escro~ ~o that yo~ may connect at a l~ter date. Th~ connection must bo made before June 30, 1978. If there aro any further questions, please, contact this office at 264-4720. ,g in cero ly, Robert C. ).~ratt, R. S o Sanitarian RCP/lJh Lema~'~ and Nettleton Company 4449 Business Park Boulevard 99503 h ........ I 31 ~4®~- 33 ¥ Mountain View Ama fleforenco Map-P3