HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODLAND LAKES DEV UNIT #1 BLK 1 LT 5 ,ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOR_JGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOC^T,ON /:U~'W~-'~'"'~:'/__¢~ ~ ~ ~'~n~ ~''' ~¢~'"-_' '- ' "~ ~ ~ SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE('~/~ ~, L/ i.~F[. ~ff~ NUMBER OF FROM WELL~'~ MANUFACTURER .... MATERIAL .......... COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH /~ INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY/~-~GALLONS, TILE DRAIN FIELD: / DISTANCE FROM WELL ~X., ~",__ _/?~NDATION NEAREST LOT LINE__ ..... ''~'~) TOCALoF LINEsLENGTH~'~ / NUMBER OF LINES__ DIS ANCE BETWEEN LINES _ TRENCH WIDTH '~ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA_.__~~7 SQ) FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE ~ ; ~-. ~ / DEPTH OF FILLER ~A~ / ?z DEPTH: TOP OFTILE TO FINISH GRADE ~ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE_~~ 1~ IN. ABOVE TILE ~ IN. WELL: TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION CESSPOOL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION NEAREST LOT LINE_ OTI IER SOURCES DISAPPROVE[} DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE SEWER LINE __, TANK ____, SYSTEM ______REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY:~. SEWER LINE DEPTH: LOT SLOPE: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ~ , , ~ !!',il I I,ii:;l;l",l I:::1 l'liii!l l::ll",ll::, l:::ll",l'r' ()hl 'ii;iii'Fi ~;El,IF:l(iii; i:,il::;F'~l::i;l::ii ,~., i iii i:~ ' F:Oi ii F:'I;:I;',/IIIi I,II;I.I 0[i i:;'l::ll~:l F:'i]il;l:;l' F'III;;: I:1 I'I.,IE;I.I;I: · ' ' ~ Ilu I::I',/1':1][I. Ilf:,l 'i(]l [ ',,':;;I il;:q !'1,:~ i~ ::J ~ :i: ]i:i:;iil' I)i',!:!; I::llr't[:' (::(:ff',!;]i;i'F::Ul:;::i .il::Ii",i l:):(l:::ll:iiF;;'.l:::ll'l!;:; ' ,, """ ! :Ii=! i:'i::/hi]li ]I i:l!;; I'1;!.'I ii ill: i;:1 ]t:;:!l.i;I; I;i:!:i:;l"ll~;i",i 1"'.'5 i:EII;i: ()1",! :i;][ t ~i I:it",!DH!;i.i !:; ;:r:, :~ F(1)I;:i i i i;" i Ii; iqiii',,i ! (; i F.'!':'li.]. I'1" ()1::: i:::I1'11"!il ,' iiI,. '~ .... ~ .~ ~,,,~' ~' "~.L i! li;:i; .::, ~ :::, I ,:,1"' i;i"t l::lE:(];(.:q:tl])F:ll",l(i:l!] I,t I. II I I I1~:: ;;: i] i. ji',!i])!]]l;i'il,~ '::h,,.."~' I II1:1'! IH ]]i ¢1i',1. i;:; lie : ;l:~!,!lEI;~: '.:;h%; I'1;]!"1 HFI"r' I;;'.1]];(;!i I I;H:i ii;l',il I:::ll:;;'(ii! iI"iE i,i i i i: ~, ,:il, i,'h: ,).i])i] i'.i(];i; ' ' ~::, ~,:;l::l'lLh.,hl..l:::h, I(]) J]i",IE;L.ilI:)IE I'lEd:;:[~;-1'Iii'::11",! iii: APPLI( FILLS OUT UPPER HAL ONLY- Property Owner Mailing Address Clay A. & Kathrin W. Young 6419 Blackberry, Anchorage Zip (;ode 09502 243-7855 Buyer Address Lending Institution Address Mary Ann & Stephen Lesko 513 Nathan Way Anchorage Home Savings Att: Monna Nale 535 D Street Realty Co. & Agent Century 21 Heri~'~age Homes Address Carol J. Douthi~' Lot 5, Block 1, Woodland Lakes Dev. Zip Code Zip Code Zip Code 99503 Phone Phone 263-2404 Water Supply (~ Individual ATTACH WELL LOG. A wail Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. [~ Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach Icg If avaPable). Sewer Dieposal [~ Holding 'rank Year Individual Installed: When Connected to Public Utility: NOTE: THE INSPECTION EEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE iNITIATED. Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Insgector Inspecto~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~C) ~ ~ P~ ifll ~ L~ MUNICIPALJ'~DEpT. oFOFH~AL~HANCHO~Q~' /~. ENVIRONMENTAL pROTECTION RECEIVED ( ~PPROVED BEDROOM8 'OONDITION8 OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ~yOONDITIONAL APPROV~ J ~ ~ ,- ,,~ .~/ , , ~, d? ~ ~?::..~. ~< ~, ( - Soils Rating Date ~wer Inslalled Well TO Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tmlk Septic Tank Size Da~e: August 16, ].976 Logged by: Terry Barber Lot 5, Blk. 1 Woodland Lakes #l TABLE A W.0.#17790 Depth in Feet From To Soil Description 0.0' 7.0 7.0' 15.0 15.0' 20.0 F-4, brown silt~ ML , damp, fill material F-2, brown ~ilt~ sand, SM, wet. NFS/F-2, brown fine sand, SP/SM, with trace of si~t~'~wet to saturated. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.0' None observed None observe~ 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 August 17, 1976 W.O. #17790 Mr. Jeff Hanker~ Gerard Construction Co. 3137 Rasberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Subsurface Investigation for Suitability of On-site sewer Lot 5, Blk. 1, Woodland Lakes Development No.1 Dear Mr. Hankert: Transmitted herein in accordance with your instructions are the results of the above referenced investigation as performed by us on August 16, 1976. The scope of this project is in- vestigation for suitability of an on-site sewerage system. Included in this transmittal are: Test Hole Loca%iun Sketch Test Hole Log Explanatory Information Figure i Table A Sheets 1-3 The exploration was conducted using a Nodwell mounted Mobile Drill Mode]. B-50 drill rig with a continuous flight solid stem auger. The rig is owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. Drilling was supervised, the test holes logged and percolation test performed by Mr. Terry Barber, Geologist with Alaska Testlab. The test hole was placed at the approximate location shown on Figure 1. The log of this test hole is included was Table A of this report. In interpreting the log, it would be helpful to utilize the explanatory information contained in Sheets 1 to 3 of this report. When drilling was completed a 3/4" slotted PVC pipe was in- serted in the hole to aid in determining the free water level. For the percolation test, the test hole was filled with water and left overnight to saturate. On returning the next day, the hole was refilled with water and the drop in the water level carefully monitored over the next 60 minutes. This procedure is no% a standardized percolation test, however, we understand that the Anchorage Department of Environmental Quality prefers tests performed in this manner to evaluate a site for a proposed on-site sewerage system. Using the above testr the observed minimum percolation rate was 2.5 minutes per inch. No water table was observed during drilling, but it should be noted that the free water lew~l normally fluctuates season- ally and with precipitation. We hope this report meets your present needs. If we can be of further service, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Laboratory Manager MRN: amc Enclosures 'C IGD IGF' :TY SIXTH 7 4 ~ AVLI ' 2 /GO, Test Hole Log - Description Guide ~cision of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, to verify the field examination, The logs often include the following items: Depth Interval - usually shown to 0.1 foot, within that zone no sig~ificant cbauge in soil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification NFS, Fl, F2, F3, 1:4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil - An engineering classification of the soils by palticlc size and proportion, see "Soil Classification Chart", note tile proportions are approximate and modifications to thc soil group clue to stratification, inclusions and changes in properties are included. Moisture Content - this is a qualitative measure: ~, no or little apparent surface molsturc, damp, moisture fo~ms portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no free water, often soft, if cohesive soil, saturated, free water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil; LW, NP, M% or dilatency.} ~W~lby tube 3", auger flights {minute-man) 2", Auger flights ~nits B. ock flour- finely ground soiltbat is not plastic but otberwiseappears slmib~r to a clayey silt, Organic Content usually described as Peat, PT, sometimes includes iliscrete palticles such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to au inorganic soil. Quantity described as; t~ace, or an estimate of volume, or, in case of all organic, as Peat. This Inay include tundra, muskeg and bog material. Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft, senli-organic deposits ~s~lly occuring below a peat deposit. Atnorphus peat ~ organic particles uearly or fully disintegrated, Fibrous Peat - orgauic particles more-or less intact. Bottom of Testholc includes last sample interval. Frost Lifie - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or ~mples at the time of drilling. Frozen Ground - other tban fi'ost line;described by samples, usually includes description of icc contel)t, often will include modiUed Unified Classification for frozen soils this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level -~ The free water level noted duringdrilliug. This is ~ot necessarily tile static water table at the time of drilling ut at other seasons. Static water table determination in other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or piezomcter installations, used only in special cases, Blow/6" - The nmnber of blows of :{ 1,I0 weight free falling 30" to ,advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by definition, the standard penetration. mttural moisture content of tbe soil sample, usually not ~formcd on clea~ sands or gravels below thc water table. Type of Sample ~, refers to 2" sp{it spoon driven tutu flu' soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, ~ thin wall tube, "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed Sitlllp]es of fine grained soil, ~,"gtab"disturbed sample from auger flights~rwalloftrcncb, SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART CLAYEY \ OR SILTY SAND CLAYEY CLAYEY CLAYEY SILTY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL SIL'FY GRAVEL .SAND GRAVELLY SAND GRAVEL GRAVEL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 '70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+#4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 /' GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2J SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BE'FWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER TNAN 0.02 mm. F3 a, GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE TIIAN 20% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE TFIAN ].5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, b, CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE FHAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4~' a, ALL SILTSINCLUDINGSANDYSILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE TI-lAN 15% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. c. LEAN CLAYS WlTFI PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS TI-lAN d, VARVED CLAYS, ALASKA ,, LIIROFImeFITAL COFITROL $ehulCC$, IFIC. HOME SAVINGS & LOAN/ATTN DONNA N POUCH 7008 ANCHORAGE AK 99510 3/14/83 MUNICiPALiTY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH ~! ~NVIRON~,AZN i AL PROi [CTIO~ RECEIVED SELLER - YOUNG BUYER-LESKO SUBDIVISION-WOODLAND LAKES LEVEL BI,OCK~-I LOT'-5 ADEQUACY TEST FOR SEWER SYSTEM THE TYPE OF ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS A TRENCH WITH AN AREA OF 416 SQFT. THE SYSTEM IS CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING 600 GALLONS OF WATER PER DAY. THE SURGE CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM IS 644 GALLONS. BASED UPON THE TEST DATA THE SYSTEM IS ACCEPTABLE FOR A 4 BEDROOM HOME. SEPTIC TANK ADEQUACY THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK VOLUME OF THIS 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. 1250 IS ADEQUATE FOR 1200 LUcsl 33rd Au6nu¢, SuJl¢ B · Anchora% Aloska 99503 "(907) 275-1361 March 22, 1!)83 Clay A. & l'(athrirt W. 6419 Dlackbe}?ry Anchorage, Ak 995112 Subject: Lot 5, /0_ock 1, Woodland Lakes Dev. Approva.I. JJor tho individual sewer and w~i:er LacilJ. ties cannot be granted until khe l!ollowing items haw: been eomplet~:d~ depression over the sewer sy:.~teta will need to be that ?A~r~!ac~ war(n: drain:~ away from the ~c.~;,;er syr~temo Condikional approval call be given i)J funds are er;crowed lief backfill aftr [)real< up. To be completed by 3. June 83. Please notify this Depar'[:ment ~:or a reinspection when the noted discrepancies have been corrected. If there arc any further questiom'~, ptea~'le call this office aL 264-4720° Sincerely, Jim AssocJ. atu Environ~'{~enti]t ~5pecia].J. st Jli. lUg/e j/El Attn; Donna Nale 535 D ~3treet Anchorage, Ak 995(11 Subj¢~ct~ Lot 5, Block 1, %'~oo(lland !.akc~s Dev. .i~l Approval for the individual sewer and watmr facilJ, tit}..~ cannot be granted until the following items have been coml?le't~d~ o Th~ de]?ression over th~ sewer ~ys'tem will need to be filled so that surface water drains away f. rom thc: flew(~r ~;yst~li~. Conditional approval can })e given if funds are escrowed for backfill aftr break ul>. To be con%pletcd by 1 June U3. Please notify this !)e[)al.~tl~ent J]or a reinspection when the noted (ti:-;crepancies have })e(.ui corrected. If there are any further questions, please call this offic~ at 264-4720. Sincerely~ Ji~lg0/e j/l':l Jim Roberts Associate~ Environme. ntal Specialist March 27., 1983 Centtl~"y 2]. llcri, ta9o ilonles Carol J. Douthit 107 i~. i.lorthern Light,q Blvd. Anc:horaUc~ Ak 99503 [)ubjoct~ Lot 5, ll].ock l, ¥1oodlm~d Lakes De.v. Approval for the individual ,'.;c%;cr ~%ad %;ater facilities cannot be granted until the fol].owing J. kel,.ls hav/-, becel col%~leted-~ '.['he de}?re,qsion over thc so%~(-u-~ systeL% %/ilt nc'ed to b~ fill~d ~o that surface ;,~ater dr0ins a%.;ay frolil the s~%~er sysk,::~!l. Conditional approw~l can be 9ivc, n if funds arc' escrow¢.~d foF backfJ, ll aftr break up. k'o ):)e Go~p],~;i;e0 by 1 iltHl{~ [i3. P].~aae notify this Department for a reiuspection i;hen thc noted discrepancies have becel cor~'ected. I]~ thccc are any further qk~estions, ple~lse call this of, lice at 264-4720. Sincerely, Jim l{obor ts Associato )~nviromaental Speciali,qt Jr,191/e j/pll