HomeMy WebLinkAboutWILLIAMSON #2 General Information June 21, 1971 Tryck, Nyman a~ XeTee 740 "I" 5%reet Anchorage, Alaska ~agSO1 5ubJectl Wllltamson Su~ltvielon, Addition Number Dear Mr. Roguakal In regards to Tract 28 of thio particular subdivision, when our complete wa~ce that Tract 2e~ could not be developed at tho present time, we offer the followirg note that should be placed on t~ plat prior to final approval. You indicated that you would place this n~;e on the revised plat, to afford the Commission time opportunity to *review the plat in its final form. The note ia e~ roll.let Due to advera{e soil conditions and surface wetet, Tract 2B ~y not be developed withou2 the petmiaelon e~ approval of sewer and wirer plans to tim Department of Environ~ntal quality, fro,a a profeaeto~l e~i~er, Should you Ilave any questions regardir,g thio parttcul4mr matter, please contact the unalarmed. Sincerely, Roll Strio~la~l, AeaistanetOtrector ky June 28, 1972 Hr. Glenn fluff Contractino EnOtneers and Asseelutes ]~Ol Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Willtamson Subdivision Addition Community Water System Dear Hr. Huff: The ~]reater Anchorage Area Berongh, Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the engtneerinu p'lans submttt~.)d for the subject t~lter system. We find that these plans meet Yrith all conditions with which this Department 'is concerned. Ue ~,~ould caution you nnd your client, hm~ever, prior to con.- struction or letting of bid for this project that a similar set of plans be submitted to Mr. Kyle Cherry of the St~te Department of E.vtror)ment(~l Conservation for his revtm,~ and opprowl. Should you have any questions re(!ardin,) our review of the most recent information, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strtckland, R.S. Assistant Director bb cc: Kyle Cherry FROM: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT: Department of Emv£monmental qu~Jlity SUBJECT: Williamson Subdiv£slon Adds Case 8 2350 INITIATED BY: RO~ S~tekland, R.S.~ Asst, Dtmeo~o~DATE OF MEMO: DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMFNT: pla~ii':L{l%~r ge]?a~.tmelYt REQUESTED: RECEIVER: F(~R INfoRMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION Of HER~' WigE;£n8, gLVe¢l;oz' - REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION ~~ Th~ above subdiv-{sion was given final approval ~ubjeet ~o th~ Depa~memt of Envir~$nmental Qualities w. evlew of engineomt~g ~epo~w~s a'ad desiE~ as needed to show how each lot can suppo~ on-stYe sewe~ and wate~ sy~tems. The eng~neo~ ha~ p~vlded ~his D~pa~tmen~ with soils ~epo~ts of a ~at~,e such that we ca~ now dete~fne that ~t!~ots ~n Chis p~'~iuula~ amea w~h the exclusion of wate~ systems. I)a~a was also auppl],ed showing that ~%dt~i~ual~tls can be ~itled on all ~ots and p~ovide an~deq~ate and safe ~lum~ of watem ~o these lo'~ We now ~ecommeud appm. oval as s~bmitted~ SIGNAIURE 'rRYCK, NYMAN & H !S [~[~L~.{~ ®~ ~~]0~[~ Consulting Engineers 740 'T' Street ANCHORAGE, A~S~ 99501 ~ ~. /~-~/ ~ ~,~ ] Phone 277-0~38 ~ENTLEMEN: . ~the ~ items: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ttached ~ Under separate cover via ~ Shop drawings ~rints ~ Plans ~ Samples [] Specifications ~ Copy of letter ~ Change order ~ ~ DESCRIPTION DPIES DATE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [~'/Fo r approval E~For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment E~ FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS-- , 0 Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted El Returned for corrections [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return_ copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints 19_ __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ltECI~,I VLD COPY TO SIGNED: t e,;t. i To }{20 ,"~et t I :"~'"'="'"~' Net Dz'op Was Gmound ~datar Encour~te],ed? ~,i~D., bate 'ez ~ 2r;,e [lest lc; H20 ~^- , ,~,-' t Dr'op e .... .,e d(?tn ]o !!2,_) ~'et Dx'op June B,1971 ~r. Jerry Roguska Tryek, N~nsn and Ha~s Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: ~tlltamso~ Subdtvison Tho Greater Anchor~ge Area Borough Dep~rtm~t of /~nvtron~]ontml Specifically, we need ~;uffi¢ient soil ii,for,nation to tndicate the soil types on ~1! lots in this area. {>lease contact the undersigned for additional information. Sincerely, Roll 5t, rickt~nd, Assistant Dlre{:tor Icy SUBJI!CI'~ ~?i.!lim~son Subdivi,3ion; Forty (40) l~cro.q, ~'~)ro or Less, J}aar fir, hxln~t l: '£hi,'~ lottol' iL to coliftrm our convolsat'~on of l.rxday aftornoon~ June 26, 1970, qi~e subject ,'iuhdivision is resl;rictod to a total elf 87 silq.,,lo ..cl....~ ~;..to.. p~r 20,000 roi,are t~ot. Should a I;al:or ,~t)'.~.cm 1;~? developed to serve this tiro. a, there may bo one single family s¢l~or syst:e~:i i,~m, lS~O00 squ[a'e feet. (ku'.projected di.*voloj~tr~)[lt l;lon !for this oroa sllol~s tile tOtl~l f(lr~ilz acres devoloi.,ed. Those facts~, an stated ~bove, ~<ere ,~nlt to that effect. This area is developed with 108 lots '~hal; 21 Iota shell l~ma:[n tlndev~lol)cd tom serves ~]lJ, s 'lbo statc~nts above only BI)ell out our roco)aa;ndod m~i~mm d~v~lotm~ant. 1)~ to ext~l), poor roil condit, iom~ or high surIaco wator, sorm lots itl this Subdtvision~ c(;uld bo ~suitable For development until public sower is availS)lc. Sincerely, CLIFFORD P. JUDKI:NS, R.So ^dni )xstrative l)irecto:' ]invironmolltal Iloalth Su.m)~vi:;or ALASKA !'ARTMENT OF tILAI,TH AND Wl,'A,t DIVISION OF PU1H,iC HEALTfI APPLIGASt'ION FOR APPROYAL OF PLANS Juneau, Alaska 99801 City Zip Code 1801 Stanton Ave. Mailing Address ............ ...................... Application Date 279-1792. ~usilless Telephone No. a~: ...$'!J.] ] iamsmn. Subdi.v.i$ion..Add._#2.-Community..-.Wate~.-Sys (em ................................. }n accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec., (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereu,der, we, ........... GeocSa Iii lmou-th ............................................................................................ ] .................................................................. herewith 8ttbmlt for yottr review anti approval, with respect to SANITARY FI~IATURES, duplicate sets of cornplete plans .. for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans anti speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Beport) including necessary data required for full uaderstand- lng of SANITARY FEATUREIS of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) ............... ~m. Unity._.wa'~er sya~em fo~- 1~ lots .i~ ~-ill.iamson Sub. Add, #2 ~ - ~ :: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. These plans were prepared bY ........ Contma.cLing.-Eng.inee.~s.. &.--Assoc..-: ...................................................................... ............. ].80.l..S.tanton. AYe ...................................................... and by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or Architect(s) duly licensed to practice In Alaska: .......... 6].¢0.~ A, Buff ...................................... :C.i.~.1.l...Enq5 nee~ ................................................... 1426E ................ : .... This project is to be financed in the following manner; (List sources of funds lind amounts). Total estimated cost of this project is $ .......... 17.3.7_4 ....................... These plans are being submitted to you at 'least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids ......................... .N.//X ..................... We understand that COllSlrucEiorl shall not he started nntil yOtlF final appro~lal of these plans has be~ll received; that no revisions in the plans affecting the SANITARY FEATURES of the project nmy be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approved; that construction will be earl'led out in aceordarlce with the approw~d plans; and that unless consu'nction on this project ia started within il two-year period sttbsequent to your approval, such approval will become void. Yery truly yours, 1801 Stanton Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC. Phone: 279-1792 ENGINEERING REPORT ~lilliamson Subdivision Add. #2 WATER SYSTEM # I Water system for: Block 3, Lot 1 thru 14 Block 2, Lot 29 thru 33 Total lots served : 19 A. General 1. The system as designed will serve the 19 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as shown on the attached drawings. 2. The system as designed could be expanded. 3. There will be ilo industrial activity which will affect the requirements of this water system, 4. The estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g.p.d, min. and 3.25 people per residence and 19 residences is lOOx3,25x19 = 6175 gal./day, or 4.3 gal./min. This is the present and future requirement. The capacity of this system is based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: 1. bathroom group with flush tank 2. kitchen sink 3. laundry 'tray Total supply fixture units per lot = ll Engineering Report Williamson Subdivision Add. #2 For 19 lots the load on the system in supply fixtures units is 209, With this load the supply demand is equal to 66 g,p.m, for approximately 20 minutes or 1320 gal. With the installation of one 82 gal. Hydro-pneumatic storage tank with 1/2 effective volume for storage on each lot served and one in well house, the 'total storage for this system will be; 82xl/2x20 = 820 gal. Required pump capacity = 500 = 25 gal. per minute or 1500 gal. per hour 20 5. The source of water 'For this system will be a deep water well located as shown on the plans. The well will be drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent ground water contamination. '[he top of the casing will extend at least 12~' above finished grade with no pit around the casing. A well house will be constructed over the well to allow all electric controls to be 'located at the well. The well house will be insulated and weather tight. It will have a daylight screened drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A pitless adaptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to the distribution header in the well house, The casing will be covered. 6. All development in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this well will penetrate has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for household uses. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality. A chemical analysis will also be made on the water. Permafrost is not known to be present in this area. C. This is not a surface water source, D. Purification is not anticipated or proposed. E. Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible Rump with a minimum rating of 1560 gal. per hour with a dischrage pressure of 60 p,s.i, and a depth to water level of 180 'Feet. (Jacuzzie Submersible Pump ~Io. 354D or equal). If the depth to water level is such to require a larger pump, then a pump of adequate size will be installed. To minimize fluctuation in pressures, ahy.dro-pneumatic system consiS-~i~gof one 82 gal, pressure tank will be located in each residence and one in ti}e well house. Pressure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is negligible, Engineering Report Williamson Subdivision Add. #2 F. The distribution lines will be constructed with approximately 1396 lin. ft. of 2" NSF approved water pipe. Service connections with a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop with service box installed at the property line or easement line for each lot will be constructed as part of this system using 580 lin. ft. of 3/4" NSF approved Type K copper water pipe. 2. There are no special features in the distribution system. 3. The distribution system will be installed with a minimum of 10' of cover over the distribution lines. 4. The system will be located in glacial till at the depth specified. G. Water will be stored as specified in "E", 2. Fire protection has not been provided. H. Cost Estimates Construction Well house with 6" casing 200' at $15/ft. $ 3,000 1396 lin. ft. 2" WL installed at $6,5g/lin. ft. 9,074 *19 curb stops installed at $200 each 3,000 Submersible pump and riser pipe & 82 §al. tank 1,O00 Maintenance cost estimated to be $600/year The following minimum distances from points of possible contamination to ground water supplies will be exceeded: 1. Any contamination - 40 ft. 2. Sewers, septic tank, disposal fields - 80 ft. 3. Seepage pits - 120 ft. *Curb stops include service connection. Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop. All protective radii around this well shall be filed by recorded eas6ment in the District Recorder's office with a copy being submitted with tt~e as-builts. 1801 Stanton Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC, Phone; 279~1792 WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS General All materials shall be of types shown on the plans and shall conform to these specifications. All workmanship shall be according to good practices of each trade, Safety precautions shall be observed to prevent hazards to property, life or equipment through caving earth, electrical lines, flooding, 'Fires, traffic and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations of trash or debris from the work. Upon completion of construction the site shall be left in a neat and clean condition, graded to drain to established channels, WATER LINES A. Materials 1. P.V.C. pipe and fittings shall be schedule 40 Type l~ll20 normal impact hi chemical resistant N.S.F. approved or equal. 2. Galvanized pipe shall be of galvanized steel pipe conforming to ASTM specification A 120-68a; of galvanized wrought iron pipe conforming to ASTM specification A 72-68, standard weight, Joints shall be threaded and threaded couplings with N.P.S. threads shall be provided. 3. Copper pipe shall be flexible seamless pipe, Type "K" conforming to ASTM specification B-88~66, 4. Valves, gate valves shall be brass body bronze 'Faced gate valves, pressure tested at 250 p.s.i. Service valves shall be Mueller Co. No. N-10202 or approved equal. B. Construction The trench shall be excavated to the depth shown on the plans and as staked. Galvanized pipe shall be installed by screwing the joints tight with suitable pipe wrenches. Approved pipe joint compound or white lead shall be applied to all male threads only prior to assembling the joint. Changes in grade or alignment of galvanized pipe shall be accompli§hed with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Copper pipe shall be installed by laying it in the trench and assembling the joints. Threaded fiLtings shall be screwed on to their ma~ing fittings before soldering. All pipes shall be assembled at a joint before that joint is soldered, and 'the entire joint shall be soldered at one time. WATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 PVC pipe shall be installed and joints made as recommended by the Manufacturer and only approved materials used. Changes in grade or alignment of the P.V.C. pipe shall be accomplished with fittings and not by bending the pipe. Before backfilling, all newly installed water 'lines shall be tested for leaks by filling the lines with water and examining them under normal system pressure. C. Disinfection I. After testing and after all leaks are corrected, the newly installed water lines, well and pump shall be disinfected by filling with water solution containing not less 'than lO0 ppm of available chlorine. The solution shall be retained in the system for a minimum of four hours and then thoroughly flushed from the system.