HomeMy WebLinkAboutGAAB'k/Oool. no / POUCH 0 -- JUNEAU 9~801 July lO, 1972 Mr. Leo Scheben, Jr., P.E. Dickinson-Oswald & Partners Engineers and Surveyors 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Scheben: SUBJECT: GAAB - WOODLAND LAKES DEVELOPMENT I am writing in regard to the 540' sewer extension from MH W24-28A along Cranberry Road to the existing sewer line on W 68th Avenue. The plan for this proposal was forwarded to this Department for our review via Mr. Kyle Cherry of our Anchorage office. No specifications were received but your forwarding letter to Mr. Cherry stated that the GAAB Standards and Specifications would be used for this construction. Our only comment is that compliance must be made with the recently enacted air pollution regulations of this Department during the building of this line. A copy of these regulations is enclosed. The plan is approved by this Department. Please complete and return one of the two attached Applications for Approval of Plans. Sincerely yours, Ronald G. Hansen~ Chief Water Quality Control Section Enclosure cc: Clifford F. Judkins'~ BECEIVF~V3 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION POUCH O JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 Mr. Clifford F. Judkins Department of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Ra~ sewage lagoon consisting o£ 6 un~ts~ 1% acres each~ one of ~h~ch to ope~atioaal at this time. Each lagoon is based on a capacity of 50 homes (120 persons par ac~e), and a B.O,Do loading of 12 to 2~ pounds per acr~ per day° At present the one operatin§ lagoon is not operating to capacity, but ~lll be p~ior to the sp~ing of 1964. ~LASi~N.VILLAG~ INC. Primary T~eatu~nt: Consists of a package u~l~ called the Spira~Pae~ Hodel ~300~ designed by ~he H. ~o Fowler Compeny~ ~e~Cle~ ~ashiugtOno The plant 1. Large su~ap for sewage collection. 2. Sludse digester (Spiregeater) 3. Trickling rock filter. 4, Skiraner ad final plant ~ea~meut (5pira-ilo~.~) Sec~daxy Treatment: 6g' x 30' open generally maintained al 5 ieec~ approximately, and Eradually ~eepa into ~he S}I~DY BIRCIt TERRAC~ Prima~y Treataeut: Chicago Pu~p Ra~ed Aerated Steel 18~000 G.P.Do treatment plant consisting of:fl) C~inutor~ (2) S~tn§ dif£user~ ~3) Air blower (aerator), ~) Sludge return~ (5) F~oth Spray System. Secondary Treatment: ~o lagoons of apprOximately one (1) acre each. They are presently in service ~ith ~hi~ty (30) ho~e~ on ~he eystera by the e~d of ~his fall (1963)o The plant is operated antoma~tcally~ with two 4 hour cycles per day° Disposal ayb~em designed for ?& large independent e~allerSo Secondary Treaement: Several large seepage pits~ design criteria based on a soils percolation rate of ~e (1) inch in less than 5 minutes. Note: The bal~ce of 200 trailers are on septic task and several seepage pits for each row of appre~imaeely ten (10) trailers. Tbs septic tanks are designed too small to handle the volumes ~ sewage for this type of opera,ion. primary treatment is ~robably nil. VANDEMgKE TRAILER C0UR~T This system is designed for 30 trailars~ and is presently serving 23 trailers. Primary Treatment; 16~600 galfon~ two compertmen~ septic ta~k of concrete Secoadary Treatment: ~o 15~ a 36~ x 5~ lagoons~ and a leaching area go carry off the ezcess water, qonfidential: Leach line fs designed as a gravel filter area from ~he lags,ns which is purposely routed iht@ a small stream hy a eubterranean pipe. O~eration: Since the treagmen~ plant has been in operation~ ~here has not been a trace of odor. The lagoons are completely aerobic wi~h a lush growth of algae. SCENIC PARK ESTATES Primary treatment: Chicago Pump Aerated Steel~ 1~000 G.P.Do treatmen~ plant consisting of: (1) Co~minutor~ (2) Swing diffuser, (3) Air blower (aerator), (4) Sludge raturm~ (5) Froth spray system. Secondary treatment: One I acre lagoon (approximately) and one 1 acre seepage lagoon (approximately) ia a gravel bed area. Presently around 15 homes being serviced, but ultimate goal is around 75 homes. Note: Until nex~ spring (1964) the treatment plant is to used only as e septic tan~o GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTME~T WATER AND SEWER SURVEY ,. , ,%~.,.~, .... Mailing Add.ess -:'>2 &'-~P ~:[ , Pate of Visit Type Establishment WELL DATA: Monthly Samples SEWER DATA: Septic Tank Cesspool ,, Distance To Well REMARKS: Owner/Manager