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LoT' 2.7 Z8 ,loCK, olOO~V~ GREA'TER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH · ' epartment of Enwronmental Quality '?C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-.4561 '~ Time of I sp ' · ~' n ectlon Date of Inspection FOR APPROVAL OF OUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES .. : -~"? '*~' FOR der~l Offioe Box 4-2200 lnt Fischer and Loan Assoc~,ation Phone: 274~6561 Phone: ~t,-27 and 28 Block M Woodland Park .low Sbreet · ],nspect, ed ~.~.g!~ ~F~ .~_iitA__ NO. ef bedrooms i~iduai Bo Depth D. Bacterial Analysis ~at~s~actory ,_*~ublic Utility B. Installer ................ ; 2. Manufacturer I'. ~.Absorption Area ..... 2. Material ........ ~ngth of lines Ic:ta~k_~ , Absorption area ~_~ __ _, Sewer Lines Other contamination ~ septic' tank ......... ; Absorption area f · line Page 1 of ~wo pages MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENV,RONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO .VA 2. Property Owner: Waltrant Fischer Mailing Address: 31 Name of Buyer: Wilfried P. Stache FHA CONV. :XYJDLXY~ Day Phone:. 99501 Mailing Address: 106 East 8th Anchorage~ Ak. Name of Lending Institution: Mailing Address: F,O. Day Phone: 272-5775 First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Anch'orage 99509 Box 4-2200 Anchorage, Ak Phone: 274-6561 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: N/A Mailing Address: N/A Phone: N/A Legal Description: Lots 27 & 28, Block M Woodland Park Location: ~ Willow Street Anchorage~ Alaska (See attached Location Map) 7. Type of Facility to be Inspected: 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Well No. Bdrms. 2 Public Utility. Individual ~ If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: If Individual, date of installation Public Utility ~~;: Individual (on-site). N/A FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF ANCHORAGE P.O. Box 4-2200 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Attention: 72 003(3/76) Candice A. Easley 274-6561 extension 216 12/22/76 2~°f tw6 pages ~ Req~-~t for Approval of Individual S~-~r. & $'~ater Facilities Disapproved ..... Date .~1_.r3-7'/ . Approval Valid for one year from date signed J,~chorage ^rea Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM contained 'in this request for approval to be a true and subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities Date ·. DATE STATE OF ALASKA Dr~'~RTMENT OF HEALTH AND ,.WELIr~-~E DIVISION OFCPUBLIC.HEALTH BA CTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS PUBLIC E] SEMIPUBLIC[] NDIVIDUAL [~ OTHER REPORT RESULTS TO- ADDRESS OF SOU RCE Sorer*la Colle¢led From ~J~ K[tche~ To~ ~] Balhroom Top [] Bo ..... f Tap Records in Ihls office indicate Ibls WATER SUPPLY to be of: [] SagsJoclory [] Questionable [] Unsallsfactor¥ Sanilary Slatus. ~Analysis shows Ibis Water .SAMPLE to be: [~afisfaclory [~ Ouestlonable [] UnsaUsfadory. If an "Unsatlsfadory' or "Ouesllonable' stalus is indicQled above you Should lake immediate action as recommended below. 1. Notify consumers water is poJluled. Boil or chemicagy freal this water as o¢lJned in the enclosed leaflet "Drink It Pure." 2- Increase chlorination sufficiently to meel recommended residual standards. Determine source of conlaminagon and toke aclion necessary te maintain o safe waler suooly at all times 3. Check chJorinaiJnn and other mechankaJ equipment. Make cerloJn it is funclioning properly. When? =UMP LOCATION: [] n Well [] Basemenl [] In Basemenl [] Room [~ of Well [~ Omer PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? [] Yes [] No 4. If aber checking equipmen(a disinfecting residual is not oblained, please wire Ibls office for emergency assistance or advisory services 5. This is a surface waler source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be develooed. 6. Improve your [~ spring [] auE well [~ driven well [] drilled well [] cistern. ?. Relocale your well fo a safe location in relallonsb;o 1o your sewage disposm system 3 see enclosure 8. Sample 1oo long in lransil; samoJe should hal be over 48 hours old at examlnaflon 1o indkate reliable results, please send new sbmple. [] 3oflle Broken in transit, please send new samole. 9. Conlad your nearesl [] Local Heallh Department or [] Alask6 Division of Public Health, sanffatlon office for bulletins, consullafion and ;ANITARIAN'S REMARKS READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Dote Received 48 hours Brillia nl Green 24 hours 48 hours EMB Lactose Broth, 24 hrs. Coliform Densffy MF results AGAR II 48 hrs. .(Most probable No. per 100cc) am Reporled by This analysis indicates Coliform Organisms J)IREC'flONS FO~I COLLkCING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAl, EXAMINATION Recld Carefully and Follow bstrudions Exaclly Al~Ohgemen% should be mode to have v/ole~ sign~ficcmce of the t~c~clodoloflicc~] oncdysis is impoi~od. For o1: ious ~e¢~ons lbo Iobo~alo~y p~efe~s Io ~ocoive sompIos in the ~m'Jy pr.I of lbo ~,..ct:k but is willing Io occepl samples al ony time In collecling sclmples Iiom lAPS ol PUMPS pioceed os follows: ((1) Thoroughly flush top or pump by allowir~g water lo ru. J~eely for five ~uinutes. oullol bul should be oppliod unli[ fixture shows il dicoiior~ oJ IJein9 hoL Flume d~oukl be di~eded against inside edge. (c) Ope. fixture so lhat o smoll st~ocm~ flows. (d} Romow~ bdlle from moi~bg klbo. Hokl bottle by the Iowul hcdl in one bond and wilh I},o c~the~ ~omow~ ll~e sc~e~w c~q) wilh thc lin~fu~s, Jeoving pcq)o, pioleding cova~ b pbce. Fill lbo bollle to ~lu~ shoulde,. Repbce cap wilh p.po~ curer, screwing fiu.ly into pbce I~ul do hal apply p~essu~e which wil[ split cop. (e) hick I~oltlo cc: r eJully Jn moiling lube o.closing Ibis com,qeled inJo~mcdion sheel. In collecling s(Imples flora S[REAMS ond RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: (o) Remove c(q):,M hold I~ottle (,s desc,ibed under (dj above. (h) Collecl soml~le I~y holding I~ollle i, o slcmling position ond sweeFing il below the su~nre in such a m(m;.e~ thol wcde~ lhol hos been in conlocl wilh lbo h,nd is m,I hdroduced inlo lbo bollle. Avoid ~ollecllng suffc~ce scum omi STERILE WATER SAMPLE! BOTTLES ARI! AVAILABLI{ UPON RE©UEST FROM: I)opl, of IIr;.olth & Welbr~ 5OUJHEASTRRN REGIONAL IAEIOR^TORY POUCH J JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 Dept, of He¢~llh ,~ Welfare Dept. of I leallh & Welk,'e NOREIIERN REGIONAl, LABORATORY