HomeMy WebLinkAboutWORLD TOP ACRES Soils Investigation ':. ,ons ruchon October 1, 1975 Mr. Jim Crum 3000 Jones Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Dear Mr. Subsurfaoe Soils Investigation at World Top Acres Subdivision Crum: At your request we have completed four test borings on the referenced Project. The purpose of these test borings was to determine if the existing soils were suitable for ~ndividual on-site sewage systems. The location of the test borings are shown on the enclosed diagram. The test logs indicate the type of soils found in our subsurface investigation and the required per bedroom square footage for the drain field. Mechanical analysis tests were performed on representative soil samples. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Very truly yours, CONSTR CT O ames D. Mack Laboratory Manager JDM/dt enclosures .%- "0~ te~ ~s ~m ~ t~oz4snfl~ ~r,,534 C~evland Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 S~mple Operetor .~x~[' Sheef__o¢. COARS.___,~E I~NTERMEDIATE FIN_._~E SIEVE: ANAlysIs -' ~r~ GREATER ANCllUi<AGE A~LA UORUUGit~ ')epartment of Environmental Que 3330 "C" Street A~¢horage, Alaska 99503 ty · ., {50/I,~'LOG - PEROI,ATION 'FEST · ' 7his tom reports; ao~ls ~eg . _~_~, vercolaclon. ~es~ Feet ~. ' ~adlng Perco-i~-£i o n Da te Gr~s's Time rate minute. Net Time __Dep___t_h to Water [(et Urop -Proposed installa~'{-o-n~ SeeF~age Pit Drain"Field ~pth of Inlet . Dept';, to bot~-f~)it or trenci~ ..... "One ~..,~ is wo:, ~ thousand 220¢ Clevland Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 27'/-0231 Sample Date Operator Sheef__o~. Project ~OAR,S~ INTERMEDIATE ~INE "0~ te~ ~s ~ thousa.d o~i.ious" 2204 Clevland Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 Sheet _of No. / / Project ~OARSE ,I'NTERMEDIA~[ FINE o~ c~ Sieve _~ ~/~ ~/~ 4o 3o , 60 50 ~sn Pan Pan FM SIEVE ANA L,¥$ I $ = , . ~ ~,r.. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA UOROUGH Jepartment of EHvironmental Qua 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS' 1,0(~ ~ I)EROI,ATION TEST ~y Perforn~d for __~_.~_~-_.________Z _~ Legal Descr'ip~i-o-n:~_L____.~tY.~p~__~4) 7-0_~_. ~__ This form reports: Soils lo9~, .... Percolation ~est Depth . .. Feet .~ ,~.. ' ' ' ' ~ ,~: Y~/'~ ................... ~ ..... ,-.~. Was ground water encountere~ .~ .... If yes, at what depth?' . :~eading Date Gros's Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percol ati o~- rate mi nute. -Proposed installa~lo-n~-~'ge Pit ., DraiF :~ld Depth of Inlet . Depth 'to'-b-o-~t~n'-o'f~)i "One tesl~ is ,.uor thousand opinm~ s 22~4 Cievlar~l Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 277-0231 IN1ERMEDIATE FINE El-