HomeMy WebLinkAboutYALE Water Supply and Systems Informationglo File no. 4.t,1 Anchor~,q,e AK g,9 Attention: Hr. Dale R. Jones P~r request of Mr. Richard A. Drahn, tl)o following tnfor~lation is provided concerning Yale subdivision lot 2: This subdtvlsto~{ has a cen~unli;y water Supply that: is approved in each respect except 'For the requlr~'ne,tt for a concret~ floor tn the well Plo'l; plan d'l~ensions indicate tZ v{ould be possible to place a private well on this lot and aehtew n~intmun~ distance s~.paratton req~lren~ont~. Stn(erely, Joseph S. Blair, JSB/sr CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & A$~ )C. Engineering and Surveying 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Phone 279-1792 Mr. Roll Strickland G.A..A.B. Dept. of Lnw. ronment 1 Anchorage, Alaska Quality March 7, 19'74 Dear Mr. Strickland, Attached is the as-built drawing £or the Yale Subdivision. At the last completed except inspection of this system ali. construction had been the concrete floor in the well house. Sincerely, .? / March 13, 1974. 14qL LIAM ~ EGAN, GOV£R~LOR $OUTIICENI RAL REGIONAL OFFICE / 338 OENALI STREET Mr. Glen Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Water Sys-I'er~ -Yale Subdivision, As-built Drawing Dear Mr. Fluff: The as-built drawing for i-he subjeci- project is approved for the features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, ~]~/~, ~' z.~ ~~ Regional Environmental Engineer cc: Rolf Strickland, DEQ Januazy 16, 1!')75 Nick Yale 4734 W~t Dtr~l Blwl. 9~502 SL~T~z~: wa~:,~: su]~)ly serve<1 tt~ Yale S~'x]ivisic~ Upon insr~.~fe~on it was note, d that th~ woll casing o0urt aotic~% will follow. If .yo%~ lkava ~u%y ques~iona, pi,ease fc~l f:~;e to conflict ]~ at 274-~561, ~:b~n~;ion 137. Ik~x~rI: C. Pratt, E~vJflx~tal Oontrol Officer III ' ' SENDER' Be s. re fo foIIow h~sfructio.$ o. PLEASE FURNISH ~RVICE(S) INDICATED BY CHECKED { ~ Show to whonl, d~mte and address [ ~ where de[Ner~d ~ to addressee [ ;~ t~ - -- , ' F ECEIPT YALE SUBD Rece v4d the .umbere~ article 4escrH, e~ ~elow :,~ 7404'14 k6 /'~k: ~// )//w .... ~, M~'Ch 1~ 1974; 1~01 ~;an%en SU~3JEC1'; Y~le Subdtvls$on ~a{:er Supply p~-~v~l,, ho~eve~; k~fore flna! approVai can be given t;he following taus% be l) A ce~n~; floor mus~ ~ p~ure~ tn ~he w~11hous~. g) The ~all ca~tn~ head taus: be ~e~led. 51~cere1~, December 17, 1975 ~r. Rolph 5tricklend Department (~ality Control Greater Anchorage Area Anchorage, Alaska 9p507 Dear Mr. Strickland: A number of weeks have passed since subn~[tting my request to 7ou regarding tg~e ~atter of sanitamf and water proposit~ons of the proposed '~Yale Subdivision ii, and as ~fet we have received no further inforl~at[on regarding as to dieposLtion of th~s case. Noting t?~at this situation contLnues to cause comp~ 1Leatic~s and embarrassment of previous oomm[ttments and a current problem regarding an intent to purchase bva proposed buyer of anot~mr lot which ue [lave in t~lo pro,- posed ~Yale Subdivision", we will apprec[aie usry much your advice and information as to the proceedings in this matter. I plan to be back ~n Anchorage so~etime in },arch, however in the ,,ea~tLne ti~,e seems to just keep on sl[pplng by on the above and ~.t is on this note oF unawareness as to the happenings or rssult~ of my previous inquiries, your advice wi].l be of assistance. With kindest personal, regards, I rs~r~ain. CC: 7c~ ~suth ~rango S[ouz Falls, South Dakota 57104 3h erwo ed ~ 1801 Stanten Avenue Anchorage~ Alaska CONTraCTING ENGINEERS AND ASSOC, Consulting Engineers V~GINE~RING REPORT YALE SUBDIVISION WATER SYST~ Phone: 279-.1792 Water System fur: Lot % thru 11, Block 1 Lot 1~ 4 thru 14, Block 2 Total lots served - 23 Lot l~ Block 2 requires ser~lces for 8-plexo A. General 1. The system as designed will serve the 23 lots in this subdivJ, sion as noted above and as shown on the attached drawiugs. 2. The systom as designed will not be expanded. 3, There will be no industrial activity which will affect the requirements of this water system, 4, The estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g~p.d, n~n. per capita and 3,25 people per residence and 30 residences is lOG x 3,25 × 30 = 9750 gallons per day or 6.77 gallons per minute. This is the present and futuro requirement. The capacity of this system is based on th~ peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: Bathroom group with flush tank, ~itchen siuko 3. Laundry tray, Total supply fixture units per lot .~ ll -2- Englneering Report ~ale Subdivision For 23 lots the load on the system in supply fixture units is 330. With this load the supply demand is equal to 92 gallons per minute for approximately 20 minutes or 1840 gallons. With the installation of one 315 gallon Hydro-pneumatic storage tank %with 2/3 effective capacity installed in the well house to serve Lot l~ Block 2, and one 82 gallon Hydro-pneumatic storage tank for storage on each of the remaining lets, the total storage for this system %~.ll be 1412 gallons. Required pump capacity = 1840~14~_~2= 21.3 gallons per 2O minute or 1278 gallons per hour. 5. The source of water for this system is a drilled deep water well located as sho~ on the plans. The well is cased with a 6" casing to a depth of 191', to prevent ground water contamination. The top of the casing %will extend at least 12" above fiuished grade with no pit around the~casing. A well house will be constructed over the well to allow all electric controls to be located at the well. ~e well house ~.ll be insulated and weabher tight. It will have a daylight draiu and will be electirsally heated to prevent freezing. A pitless adaptor %,~11 not be used and the discharge pips'will come out of the top of the casing and will be connected to the distl%bution header in the well house. The casing will be sealed. 6. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality. 7o Permafrost le not known to be present in this area. B. ~his is not a surface water source. Ground water source. ' 2. O to 15 feet - Small~ cobbly gravel; 15 to 80 feet.~ Brown sandy clay; 80 to 140 feet - Blue sandy clay; 140 to 175 feet-- Fine to medium blue sand; 175 to 188 feet - Blue sandy clay; 188 to 191 feet - Medium water-bearing gravel. 3. Source is not subject to flooding. 4° The following miuimum distances from points of possible contamination to grouud water supplies ¥~ll be exceeded: a. Any contamination - 40 feet. b. Sewers, septic tank, disposal fields - 80 feet. c. Seepage puts .~ 120 feet. ,F.,n glue ering Report Yale Subdivision D. PurifiCation is not anticipated or proposed. E. Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump with a ~.numum rating of 1890 gallons per hour ~,~th a discharge pressure of 60 p. s~ ~i. and a depth to water level of ~0~ (Jacuzzi Submersible Pump No. 5S4D-T or equal.) To minimize fluctuation in pressures, a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gallon pressure tank %~ll be located in each residence. Pressure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is 9 P. s. i. Fo Distribution System 1. The distribution lines will be constructed with approximately 895 lin. ft. of 2-]./2" NSF approved water line. 2. There are no special features in the distribution system. 3o The distributio:~ system v~ll be installed v~th a miuimum of 10' Cf cover over the distribution lines. 4. ~ne system ~wtll be located in glacial till at the depth specified. Storage 1. Water vrill be stored as specified in 2o Fire protection has not been provided. Cost Estimates 1. Construction: Well House $ 500.00 895 lin. ft. 2-1/2" ¥~ installed ~ 8 6.25 lin. ft. 5594.00 * 23 Curb Stops installed ~ $ lO0.O0 each. 2300,00 500 liu. ft. 3/4" ?~ installed @ $ 5°00 lin. ft. 2500.00 Submersible Pump, riser pips and tank ~.00.00. 1~,094.00 2o Msatntenance cost estimated to be $ 400°00 per year. *Curb stops included sera. ce connection. Eighty~two gallon Hydro- pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop. 1801 Stanten Avenue Anchorages Alaska COM-r~CTING ~GINEER$ AND ASSOCIATE~ Consulting Engineers Phone: WATER SYSTEM CO~STRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 279-1792 All materials shell be of types shown on the plans and shall conform to these. specifications. Ali. workmanship~.~hall be according to good practices of each trade. Safety precautions shall b~ observed to prevent hazards to property, life or eq%~pment through caving earth~ electrical liness floodings ~.res, traffic and other potential causes. The site shall be kept free of accumulations of trash or debris from the work° Upon completion Of construction the site sh~ll be left in a neat and clean conditions graded to drain to established channels. V~TER LINES A. Materials 1. P.V.C. pipe and ~lttings shall be schedule 40 Type 1-1120 normal i~pact high chs;~cal resist~nt N.S.F. approved or equal. 2. Galvanized pipe shall be of galvanized steel pipe conforming to ASTM specii%cations A 120-68a; of galvanized wrought iron pipe conformin~ to ASTM spscil~cations A 72-68, standard %'~eghto Joints shall be 'threaded and threaded couplings ~,~th N,P.S. threads shall be provided. 3. Copper pipe shall be flexible seamless pip% Type "If" Conforming to ASTM specifications B-88-66o 4. Valves~ Gate valves shall be brass body bronze faced gate valves~ pressure tested at 250 P.SoI. Sera.ice w~lves shall be Mueller Co. No. H-10202 or approved equal. B. Construction ~%e trench shall be e×cavated to the depth shown on the plans and as st~ed. Galvanized pipe shall be installed by screwing the Joints tight %rlth s~bab~e pipe wrenches° Approved pipe Joint compound or white lead shall be applied to all male threads only pror to assembling the Joint° Changes in grade or ali~%ment of galvanized pipe shall be accomplished %,~th ~[ttings and not by bending the pipe. Copper pipe shall be installed by laying it in the trench and assembling the ~oints. Threaded fittings shall be screwed on to thier mating fittings before soldering. All pipes shall be assembled at a ~oint before that Joint is soldered~ and the entire Joint shall be soldered at one time. PVC pipe shall be installed and Joints made as recommended by the man- ufacturer and only approved materials used. Changes in grade or alignment of the P.V.C. pipe shall be accomplished ¥~.th fittings and,not by ben,ling the pipe. Before backfillings all newly installed water lines shall be tested for l~aks by filling the lines %,;ith water and e;~amining them under normal system pressure° 2 Co Disinfection 1. After testing and after sll leaks are corrected the newly installed water lines, well and pum~ shall be disinfected by filling ~lth water solution containing not less than 100 ppm of available chlorine. The solution shall be retained in the system for a minimum of four hours and then thoroughly flushed from the system~ HO£ E TO NUT I~/'~'°X $~ NO. 8 COPPER SHEET BRAZED TO NO 2 COPPER WIRE--.) ~RIGINAI. THAW WIHE 51~.BO~T COHNECTOR ~ RON ~TOP GROUND SAM~ SIZ~ TO CONNECT LINE TO SER~CE SEE MA IN ii' EXPLODED VIEW- THAW V~RE CONNECTION DETAI£ A ~ __.RUBBER COATED Nm 2 THAW WIRE~ (TYR£X OR EQUA£) ~ 8~RPO~TION : · S~RVICE ~ ~ INE STOP CURB STOP ~r. Rolph 3tricktand ~nief Sanitarian, DE2 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Octsb er ~1~ Dear ~r. Striokland: As c note of explanation governing an answer to your ]attar of October 1, 197), I had shortly before this date incurred a ruptured spinal disc and have, therefore, ~ome Ou'tsids for additional medical attention, thus not being available by phone or a people to people discussion ~f the problems I related to you concerning matters about the ~als 8ubdivisionSand a certain ~ir. Nick Yale, apparent o~ner thereof such subdivisbn, if such subdivision exists in entity. Shsrtly before ta~ing up these matters with the Borough departments of interest, contact was made by letter to the Alaska Public Utilities Oommission, Depart[r~ent of Commerce, State of Alaska, llOO Macl{ay Building, Anchorage, Alaska, concerning like matters as per my letter to you of September 2~, 197~, but parh'~ps in not as wide a scope or detil. I received a forwarded letter from tbs above State of Alaska authsrized body in which they have reviewed their files as they indicate in their letter, and their review indicates that fale Subdivision does not hold, nor has it ~ade application for, a certificate of public convenience and necessity to opera!e a water and sewer utility, and the Oormrd. ssion has apparently Forwarded certain documents to ]>:ick 'fale as indicated b,; their letter to me. In my letter to the Oo,~mission, I submitted tv..o documents to 'this bod~, one a money draft and l'ne other a document of receipt by a i~[ick 'fale part sf this instru ment harked '!later and Sewer ASS. Paid in Full" and dated June F-l, 1775, end I am submittin., copies(true) o£' the same documents to your department and the other d(.~part [~en'ts s~ ihs Soroug?l as re uested in mM letter to -fsu of September =5, 197~. As I indicated to Meu in my letter of Septe~.ber ~, 1975, there is another vsm, im portent document and oz' docunents on file ak the Recorder's Office, third Judicial District~ regaling impl~entation of some kind of agreement regarding ~he w~ter svstsm of ~ Yale Subdivision ", which is in entire disregard of the r~uirements set forth by the Borough as to establishment of a ;'Oommu~ity Water S~otem '~ when and if the GAAS and the Starts of Alaska accepted this legally as a subdivision. There is no question of the chain of events in this matter end ~he purpose of this cerialn party, a ~.'.r. Z!ick Yale, in assuming to himself without regards to tho intent of the ~-reater Ancbo~'a!je Ares Sorough in r quiring certain end ressonabl~ r-~quire~i:er, ts re~{crdin~ property owner partic~ating I~,embershtp in the col~;munity tvpe water system, end I agsin repeat lhat I ful]~ object to the disclosures of this moment. I sat in with 'Zou end I.!r. Nick zale a number of ti~ses on the restrictive roculrs'.~snts both for the sanitary and water developments of this anticpated subdivision, and also attended a number of board meetings about these very sai:e questions now being brought to light again, and also was kept informed by the enf~ine~rs, lJlenn ~.uf[' and Oosny Gardine~ on related matters and also w)s a party to infom[ation as rsleted by the State of Alaska, of 'cha interested department~ the same In one of my preceding paragraghe rega ding a money draft and a receipt which copies are enclosed , Mr. Yale, as you will note, stated in tho ~teceipt~, ~,'~atsr and ~ewor Ass. Paid in Full". This raises a number of questions about }4r. Yale and his substantiated statement about assess,~ents as indicated by his above rsceipt~ and 'they are~ 1. ¥~here and how did ~ale accomplish this to himself. ¥;as th~ "Yale Subdivision" actually a certified subdivision at this dat~. Did Y~le have certifications to operate in this manner~ or was he in violation of statuatory requirem~nt~ at this time. ~;as Yale in proper agreement with the prsscrib~ regulations and requirements of the Borough and State regarding original and stated stipulations for acceptaoce of the ~ale Subdivision s regarding the status of the Community type water and sewer systems under special design and criteria for submission and acceptance by the above bodies. As I recall very plainly at the time of submission of the original parcel or tract of land by fale for platting and acceptance by the [~AAB and State, the requirement ',~as that both sanitary and water s~/stems be installed and paid for and that lots out of the proposed subdivisien be sold to the origbnal purchare at a selling price whlch included not only the sewer and water systmme but also a particpation of ownership of th~ come, un i~' water' system was to be absolutely included to the benefit of the lot(and or llots) purchaser or purchases of first order~ the sewer syst~l~ to become a function of the GAAB w~ich would clear Tale out of thls area of participation along witb the home owner Or ownors , Arrival has reached ihs point w e~'eae either Yale sbide by rules and regulatisns as set ~brth previously mainly that f~rst of order lot purchers or o~.lnere i~ the proposed "Yale subdivision" retain proeBetor? particpating membership and ov..nership of the community water system a£ the aobe submitted subdivision to the GAAB and the State. On the ether hand, l~[r. ~fale, without any cost to any lot owner portain~E to the water system of the above proposed subdivision, and reimbursement for any funds so obtained b~ Y'ale previously as ~ssesements" as Yale so coils these funds he has obtained from certain lot purchasers and or owners ~n the above proposed subdivision, proposed under the nar~e ~Yale Subdivision~, retain ownership of ~he designed water svste~ associated wilh the subdivision with ~i~;ht to sell such water system to an organized utility concern at any time and to make charges For monthly w~ter so delivered to each consumer, provided that Yale sustain all costs of the origination, construction and u~aintainence of same since Yale would be the sole proprietor, therebV removing a two sale return to ?ale to which Yale is not entilled. I think it is ver~ fair to request a review of these matters By the GAA~ an d the A~aska Public Utilities Oom~ission to sustain tho re~mests I ?lave made now ar)d in my previous lettsr. It will be about Four months before I r'eturn to Anshorage and I will appr~cia%e bein~ kept inform:ed of the immediate prosress of these matters. i~i~h kindest pereonel re.~ards, I remain. 72~ !3oath Grange 3iou× ~'alls~ South Dakota t~mpor er'; ad~'] r ~ss tespectfully, Don V. Sherwood ~r. Donald L. Lucas 1805 ' ' - ' l,opl~eI Anchorage ~ Alaska 99504 SUBJECT: Yalo Subdivision [)oar lv~, Lucas ,' This letter is ~, reminder that an agreement regarding the total d(~velop- ~mnt of.' the subject land must be reached prior to :final £iling of this pla'~'. 'Ibis ~part,cnt shall not frb:ltrarzly de.';~inate which lots will or will not be dewloped. ~n agre¢;mol{t which '. · . ~..~, notar:tzed and recorded with the plat must bo made between this Department mid the. developer. Consideration of this matter at )'()ur earliest com~enience %._~uhl'~ be lq)preciated, Sinceroly, (,LII'}'0M) I', JOI),(INS, . [), .I'(j C~20i~ RltS/eh Hrlviro~}i~lltal llealt,]l PAY ALASKA ~AUTIIAL SAVINGS S~ptember 25, 1~73 Mro Rolph Strick].and Dept of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr~ S~ricklandt Acting on my own behalf, Leona M. Sherwood, Douglas L. Sherwood and Robert V. Sherwood for whom I ha ye power of attorney to cio so in raga rds to certain pa rcels of ?roperty located in Y~le Subdivision these being Lots 4,5 end 6, Block ~, Z wish to call your a~tention 'Go various matters concerning special problems existing in relationship 'bo tbe sewer a nd wefoer acml~tzes in the a~bove .~ Yale Subdivision.° I ha ve ha d a recent conversation with Mr. Y a].e(Nic~) the former and present owner of the orig~lnal "Yale Subdivision,, and I can get nowhere rega~rding the disposition of certain street sewer a nd water improvement costs, s~nce I have sold one lot and my two sons, Doug and Bob have sold their lot. In the case of the lot I sold, a e escrow was setup for this purpose and on June 20, 1973, Mr. Yale ?rsuaded the buyer to pay Mr. ~ick Yale t five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) from the escrow without my knowledg~e~ thousand Mro Yale described the payment he received a s ~' assessments, for sewer and wa~er for this Lot ~ Block 2, and receipted the payment so and , paid in full, so described thereon the receipt. I have sent $ copy of this to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission in another . nqumry to th~.s body° ~n regards 'Go the lot which Douglas and Robert Sherwood sold~ a n eserow was set up for protection to the buyer. ~cting with power of attorney, I called upon Mro Nick Yale, 47~4 West Dimond r~cent].y and he refused to dispose of the ma tter regs.rding the pa yment of monies out of the escrow~ declaring tha~ Nick Tale, was the sole owner of the wa ter system and also the sewer system and I could get nowhere with the man on disposing of this matter altho he had ta ken pa Y~ent of t~o thousand five hundred dollars two months before on the lot I ha d sold, Mr. Ya~le sta~od tha~ he wa s the sole owner of the systems, and was going 'Go charge whet he wa-nted to, and I quote Mr° Yale. Mr. Yale said,a I am going to cha-rge wha'tever I wa.et to, four thousand, f:Ive bhousa nd dollars or what I wa nt to.~! Mr. Strickland, I worked with Mr. Yale on this Subdivision, putting the package togeB~er and we called on your office a number of tg'aes regarding the sewer and wa tar systems which bad to be processed thru your ~ffiee and the State las~ year, as you perhaps will recall. Aa I recall fr?m the numerous conferences with you regarding the above systems for. t IIV ' ' ~e male Suhdzvision,,', these system costs were to be incorporated into the ].and sale costs of the property sold b? Mro Yale based on several fact~ s which the Borough s nd the State required of this SubdSvision for its approval and accepts. ~lso npon approval and acceptance by the Borough and the Sta re, but actually~ the Borough, the sewer system so designed and installed ~n the above Subdivisinn would be maintained ar~ trea ted in like as ownership by the Borough whi~h thereby substantiates the nitmal costing out of the syt~tem~ and takes Yale out of the i ' picture° Also upon approval by' the Borough and the S ,.tate and acceptance of the water system so installed in the , Yale Subdivision,~, as I reca].l, your department request was that the co]mu~t~ ~yst~, be set up in legal form~ either as a home or lot owner:~ participating entity~ or as a Trust Corporation ~wJ_th the owoers of the prope~ty upon purchase of lots ha ring an interest tbereby~ This has not been done a t a 1], and Mr. N._ck Yale on the b~s of wh~i be is doing and artec]pt:lng to d% is to charge syste~ costs per lot and to retsin pri.~ rate ownership~ which among a nun]bet of h:[ngs~ would allow him to sell. the water t ' system at a fnture date~ thus giving him do~!b~ pm:ce~. ~s I have pointed out to the Alaska Public Utilities Com~ioslon in a recent letter to this body~ there is an instrument filed, in the Recorder's Office, Third J '.' ud3.czs..l~ Anchorage which I d. iseovered several nonths ago hy Mr, Nick Yale which snob strtu~ent h~ been filed on severa 1 of the lots sold by Mr~ Zale in recent months. This instrt~ent contains a ntunber of items~ including the ~ ' · .-ndzcatlon that this a ~ te s~stem which Is contrary to the Borough requirements as Z recall: and a~lso :Importantly in this instrument, the instrument clearly states that there ~uara ntee of wa t~r I bring these mat%ers to your attention beca use of the ~ · ,.er3.etls nature; part~.cular.- ly regarding the status of tho "sommunity~ water system: and I objeot~ formally, acting in ~ own behalf~ as power of attorney for ~ona M. Sho~ood~ Douglas L. She~ood and Robert V. Sbez~ood these parties being owners of property and or parties to escrow agreements regarding certain properties In the ~Y,~le Subdivision and desire fha t your department a nd the other Borough departments which are parties to the acceptance of the ~Ya le Subdlvzs3_on look into th~se matters as soon a s possible, .' especzally your department with whom we worked closely~ the planning department, the Public Works department and the legal department. With kindest regards~ and trusting to hear from you as soon as possible, I rema in~ 2310 La rk Sro Anchora g% Ak. 99507 Don Ye Sherwood Augus: 16, lg73 Alaska Mutual Savtngs 5th & F Streets Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Bank At;tent;ton: L,yr~n Breedland Re: Dwell'lng located on Lot ~, Block 2, Yale Subdivision Deap bits, Breedland: ]'he above dwel]ing is served by an approved community sewer and water sysl;em. At present, we are not allowing any further connections onto this system. Sincerely, C.S. McKechnfe, Environmental Control Officer CSM/ko July 20, 1972 plans have b~en approved by the Greater Anchorage Area )~t~rough, This lector shall serve as yuar approval to construct th~ subject proj,)c~. ;~e Shall also expect to reCeiVa, prior to occupaocy 1) 5tac¢~ Hr. a'lck Yale utll be responstbl() for r.;~tl)- uti to public sewer, we?must receive a perfor~ance bond operation aaa repairs u~ Lft¢ system. ~uly ~.0~ 1972 proje~'~. DEPAR'ItvllzNT OF HOUSING AND URLJAN DEVELOPMENT FEDERAt. HOUSINO ADMINISTRATION ANCHORAOE INSURING OFFICE 334 WEST FIFTII AVENUE ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 July 24~ 1972 Anchorage IO (VAL) Mr. Nick Yale 4734 W. DJ. mond Anchorage ¢ Alaska Dear ~r, Yule: Subject: Yale Subdivision - FHA¢165 We huve made s, preliminury review of 'the captioned proposul as it relates to the environment. This review disclosed the sub- ject to be located within a noise zone of Inter~ations,1 Airport normally referred to us unacceptable. ' As your Environmentul Impact Statement does not adequately uddress itself to this problem¢ ~ huve uttached a copy of form 10~-2 for your convenience in r '*' p ovzuzng additional information outlining possible means of minimizing the effects of aircraft noise. This letter must not be construed as un acceptance of your tract for submission of individual applications for mortgage insurance¢ until such time as the aforementioned data has been reviewed and fomzd acceptable 'to this agency and other regulatory a~encies to be contacted for comment¢ and completion of normal subdivision pro ce s s lng. fncerely¢ , Claude Millsap¢ Jr. Director l'/ll[IA/d A. £C, AN, GOVERNOR POUCH 0 -- JUNEAU 99801 July 14, 1972 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Huff: Su~_~b~ect: GAAB - Yale Subdivision~ Water and Waste Systems. The results of our initial review of this project were sent to Mr. Conrad Gardner of your organization by our letter of June 20, 1972. Your reply of June 26, 1972 forwarded two plans which together wi th the letter answered most of our questions and requir~nents. Two points remained, however, and these were clarified by your telephone call to Mr. Richard Britt of this Departlnent, on July 6, 1972. The percolation test was taken Outside of the excavated area of the pit (not in the gravel fill as we had 'Feared). Secondly, rock of no less than 3" in size can be substituted for the gravel shown as fill for the pit. The plans for this project are approved by this Department with tile understand- ing that at least 3" rock will be used for the fill of the seepage pits, and last, that the water must equal that of drinking water quality as defined Dy the Public Health Service with such treatment as may be necessary to meet these standards. Sincerely yours, !.~?~,~.,c;. ~.' ..... Jonathan W. Scribner, Chief General Engineering Section cc: C. F. dudkins Nick Yale: July 14, 1972 Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Huff: Subject: GAAB .. Yale Subdivision, Water and Waste Systems. The results of our initial review of this project were sent to Mr. Conrad Gardner of your organization by our letter of June 20, 1972. Your reply of June 26, 1972 forwarded two plans which together with the letter answered most of our questions and requirements. Two points remained, however, and these were clarified by your telephone call to Mr. Richard Britt of this Department, on July 6, 1972. The percolation 'test was taken outside of the excavated area of the pit (not in the gravel · fill as we had feared). Secondly, rock of no less than 3" in size can be substituted for the gravel shown as fill for the pit. The plans for this project are approved by this Department with the understand- ing that at least 3" rock will be used for the fill of 'the seepage pits, and last, that the water must equal that of drinking water quality as defined Dy the Public Health Service with such treatment as may be necessary to meet these standards. Sincerely yours, Jonathan W. Scribner, Chief General Engineering Section CC: C. F. Judkins Nick Yale 1801 Stanton Anchorage, Alaska Contracting Engineers and Assoc. Consulting Engineers Juls 19~]972 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Dept. of I£nvironmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention Mr. Rolf Strickland: Subject: Sewer and Water for Yale Subdivision; Dear Mr. Strickland: The following revisions have been made to the subject plansi Plans for the septic tank have been added, Ductile iron pipe has been specified for sewe~ lines between ti~e 40 foot radius and the 80 foot radius, Drainage map added, Class of pipe shown on the drawings~ Manhole at station 11+27 moved out of the 80 foot well radius. Cleanout specified at station 19+54. We trust that this meets with your requirements and would hope that any other additions that you may require could be added to the "As~Builts". Sincerely,~ ?~ Conrad Gardner PE VtllLIA/d K LGAN, GOVERNOR Mr. Glenn A. Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ,, July 14, 1972 Dear Mr. Huff: Sub__j_ect: GAAB .- Yale Subdivision~ Water and Waste S,ystems~___,_._ The results of our initial review of this project were sent to Mr. Conrad Gardner of your organization by our letter of June 20, 1972. Your reply of June 26, 1972 forwarded two plans which together with the letter answered most of our questions and requiranents. Two points remained, however, and these were clarified by your telephone call to Mr. Richard Britt of this Departmentl, on July 6, 1972. The percolation test was taken outside of the excavated area of the pit (not 'in the gravel fill as we had feared). Secondly, rock of no less than 3" in size can be substituted for the gravel shown as fi'Il for the pit. The plans for this project are approved by this Department with the understand- ing that at least 3" rock will be used for the 'Fill of the seepage pits, and last, that the water must equal that of drinking water quality as defined Dy the Public Health Service with such treatment as may be necessary to meet these standards. Sincerely yours, Jonathan W. Scribner, Chief General Engineering Section cc: C. F. Judkins Nick Yale' ~ON?RACTINO E~OINEERS & ASSOC. 7.801 Stanton Avenue Consulting En~neera Phenol ~,,nchorage~ Al~o~ Mr, Richard N. Bi,itt · ator Quality 0carrel Dept, off Euvironlaental Conservation Pouch 0 ~uneau~ Alaaha 99801 Dear Mr. Bpi~;tl .Sub Jest: Yale Subdivision Wate~ and Waots System. '~ In answer to your letter of June EO~ 197R~ ~he following revisions and inv~sti.,, gaticne have been made, A. A co~nblnation pit and auger hole mt tho mite to ~ depth £n 9xce~ of ~,~ feet did not reach the water tablOo Bo A per. elation to,at was attempte~ in the pig and tho ~" of wagOl- ia the goat hole aft®r saturation seeped away in 1.aa than two minute~. ~.~e ~and2 clay mengioned in the well log was not eacoun%~,red in tho depth investigated. ~o gPavol u~sod for fill wall meet the OAAB ro2uiremmts for gravel. D. ~ere are no wolla within t~e requl~ed radiu~ of the seepage pit° See att~hed piano. I,', Plastic pipe will not be need in thin ~yetem. G. Sec attaohod plans. See ~ttachod planes Io l~e well im supplying water for domestic use at present. Water treatment will bo provided if'ohomlcal analymis chows o. need for treatment. We trust thi~ anawors yotu, questions and meets your requirements and wo~ld hope that any other additions that you m~,y requi~o could be added to the "as~bu£1te." Very tr~d.y youree Conrad }[. Gardner. P. g. co/j~ June 20, 1972 Mr. Conrad H. Gardner Contracting Engineers and Associates 1801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Dear Mr. Gardner: Subject: GAAB - Yale Subdivision, Water and Waste Systems I am writing in regard to the plans and engineering reports of the subject systems, forwarded to this Department via Mr. Kyle Cherry of our Anchorage office, by your undated letter of May 1972, and received by us on June 14, 1972. The plans carried the stamp and signature of a registered engineer. No specifications were receive~ but the plans noted that.construction would be in accordance with the GAAB Standard Specifications. An application for approval of plans was also received. This dual project will provide a well and water distribution system together with a waste disposal collection system (one 8" line), and septic tank - seepage pit disposal system. We were informed by GAAB Public Works Depart- ment that sewerage would be provided in this area of Dimond Boulevard and Emerald Street by next year so we regard this as a temporary system. The engineering report states that the systems are for 20 lots and will not be expanded. We have some questions and requirements as 'follows: a. What is the depth of the water table at the site of the septic tank and seepage pits? To avoid contamination of the ground water we require the pit bottoms to be at least 4' above the water table. From the water report, it appears this may be a major problem that must be investigated carefully. b. We req~ire percolation tests of the ground at the seepage pits. These pits are dependent on the abosrption values of 'the side walls and an "estimated percolation rate" might well lead to sorry suprises later. c. While there is no objection to fill in a seepage sit, this should be in the nature of head sized rocks rather than gravel. The later lends itself too easily to the formation of sulphide mats with a consequent early failure. Page 2 Mr. Conrad H. Gardner June 20, 1972 d. The distance of the seepage pits from the semi-public well shown here is sufficient for compliance with our regulations but we need assurance that no other wells are within 100' to 200' (depending on consumers s~ppl!~d and.~he.pu~!ng_~!Z_ Please provide information as %0 o~ner we/~s in ~nlS w~n~y. e. The hatch to the septic tank must be offset from the influent T to allow entry and for pumping when such become necessary. f. All concerned should be aware that plastics cannot be thawed after freezing as can metals. We recommend use of metal water line throughout. g. We require details of the well house. While we are not dir- ectly concerned with strength of structure, we are concerned that it provides security from possible vandalism and that space is sufficient for repairs to be made. h. A gro~t seal for the well must be provided for at least 12' below surface elevation. i. Since the water must equal that of drinking water quality as defined by the Public Health Servicq treatment may be a necessary dependent on what the chemical analysis shows. We look forward to hearing further from you regarding this, particularly in regard to the height of the water table at the subsurface area since we sus- pect its height may be such as to necessitate a different method of disposal. The percolation figures may also require something different than what is shown here. Please let us know if clarificaiton is needed for any of the above. Sincerely yours, Richard ~. Britt Water Quality Control cc: C. F. Judkinsc~=~ Nick Yales June 12, "'E GREATER ANCHORAG-. AREA BORC)UGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1972 A N W A T E C O T Y Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Gentlemen: Subject: REVIEW OF SANITARY SEWER DESIGN FOR YALE SUBDIVISION The Public Works Department of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough has reviewed the subject plans and found them to be adequate. Construction must be in accordance with the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Sewer Specifications, which includes service connects to all lots fronting the line, and acceptance of the system by the Borough prior to allowing any sewage in the lines. Approval is given subject to submittal to the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Permit Agent of a plan checking and inspection fee equal to two percent (2%) of the approved estimated cost, and four (4) sets of approved plans. Following construction and before acceptance for the one-year interim mainten- ance period by the Borough, we will require an as-built reproducible mylar, a performance bond in the amount of 50% of the construction costs to assure that any latent defects that appear for a period of one year will be corrected, and a statement of certified construction costs. Should there be any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office. Yours very truly, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH James P. Swing, P.E. W.P.C. Engineer W. Donald Cantrell Engineering Technician WDC/jd cc: Bob Daniel, GAAB Permit Agent C~.int Crow, GAAB ~xRolf Strickland, GAAB GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGe. ALASKA 99~O7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARI'MENT June 5, 1972 Contracting Engineers & Associates 1801 Stantol] Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Gentlemen: Subject: REVIEI,I OF SEWER AND ~ATER PLANS FOR YALE SUBDIVISION The Public I~orks Department of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough has reviewed the subject sanitary sewer design plans and found them to be inadequate. Before approval can be given, the following additions and corrections must be made to the final design, and returned to us for approval. 1. Drainage boundary map I~lUSt be submitted with all plans (see attached let'gc~s), 2. Class of pipe must be shown on drawing. 3. Manhole at Station 11+27 inside 80' well radius must be water-tight. 4. All sewer lines inside 80' well radi,us must be C,I. Class 22 or D.I. Class 2, 5. Station 19+54 must have a cleanout. 6. 5 '1/2' is minimum depth of cover without insulation, Contracting Engin, ers& Associates June 5, 1972 Page Two 7. Check distances between stations. If there should be any questions regarding this matter, free to contact this office. Yours very truly, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH James P, Swing, W.P.C. Engineer please feel W. Don Cantrell Engineering Technician WDC/jd cc: Bob Daniel ~olint Crow f Strickland Attachments CenCract~n~ £n~lneer.s and Stent. on Aven~e A,choraqe, Alaska 99~08 Associates Attention: H~, 03enn Iluff .~iubJ ect: Sewer and Water For Yale Subdivision Dear Nr. Huff: The ~reat. er Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental ~nd water system~I [o ~erve Yale Subdivision. He offer glto fo'llo~- 1. The water system meats wtth a11 conditions ,it.h which this I)epurtment is concerned. The sewer system as designed needs exI)all.ii(ln on e. ugtneer- lng plans on the proposed construction of the septic :ank. Al~o. all sewer line between th~ 40 foot and 80 foot radii The sewer system must be destoned mo it is compatible for maintenance o¢ operation with the Borough Public Works Oepartm~nt. (A letter will be sent by ~orough Public Norks.) (}ur approval of the sewer and water system is contingent upon re-. ceivtnfl approval from Ne, Kylo Cherry of the ~;tete Department of Environmental Conservation aid also upon receiving a letter from the Borough Public ~orks Oepartment stating the ~yst~m mee:s with their design standards. Should you have any questions regarding our review of those plans, please contact the undersigned, Sincerely, Rol~ Strtckland. Assistant Director bb cc: Kyle Cher~y 3