HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREENBROOK Soils Information , R&M Civil Engineers ENG_ EERING & GEOLOGIC .L CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 ' ' TELEPHONE 907-279-0483 TELEX 090--35419 Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P,E., L,S. ,.lAMES H. WELLMAN, P.E, 1V~ay 23, 1972 R & M No. 25112 RALPH Fl. MIGLIACClO Engineering Geologist Maurice P. Oswald, Partner Dickinson-Oswald, Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Subsurface Soil Investigation (Sanitary System) Greenbrook Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Afr. Oswald: We are submitting herewith results for the field exploration and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your letter request of May 17, 1972 and our fur- ther discussion held February 18th in which the development plans and previous soil investigations were reviewed. The procedures used in this investigation were directed to identifying soll characteristics in accordance with those re- quirements outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by ]VIr. Roll Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough~ Department of Environmental Quality. A total of six test holes were put down at the approximate locations indicated on attached Drawing A-01. Also, included on the drawing are the locations of pre- vious borings made at the site. Drilling was accomplished using a Nodwell track- mounted "Afobile B-61" auger drilling rig utilizing six inch diameter continuous- flight augers., Samples were recovered from representative strata and retained for moisture content and grain size analysis. Final logs for the test borings have been prepared and are included on Drawings B-03 thru 06. Grain size analysis curves for selected samples have also been plotted and are shown on Drawing B-07. The boring locations have been shown at their approximate locations and, as noted on the drawing, it is understood that the horizontal and vertical positions will be established by your organization. The soil conditions encountered at the site are typical for the lateral moraine deposit which extends along the footslope of the Chugach 1Vlountain Range. The nature and extent of this depos'it has been generally described by Miller and Dobrovolney in the Geological Survey Bulletin 1093. The predominant till mater- ial of this deposit has been described as being looser in the upper brown weath- ered zone, transitioning to an underlying more dense light gray gravelly till. Randmn surficial deposits of peat are generally found to occupy kettles or low areas within abandoned ice margin charmels. ANCHORAGE FAIFlBANKS JUNEAU May 23, 1972 Mauriee P, Oswald Page 2 The soil strata disclosed by the test holes have been identified on the attached boring logs. These boring records indicate both soil type and soil characteris- tics. The so{Is were visually classified in the field in accordance with the Unified Classification System and selected samples were tested in the laboratory for 'the purpose of further defining these soil descriptions. Ground water conditions as encountered during drilling operations are noted on the boring records. Perched 'ground water was encountered in Test Holes No. · 4 and 5. In these test holes the water was observed to be seeping into the hole ~rom within the organic layer. A deeper hydrostatic ground water table was not noted in any of the borings. In order to determine actual hydrostatic ground water conditions it would be necessary to aquire water table readings over an extended period. Based on the inforraation obtained, we feel that the tong term hydrostatic water table is located at considerable depth below ground- surface. Also, it is expected that the perched ground water level will vary, depending on precipitation and surface runoff conditions. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us. ww 4, R &:~,~lf~ GIN~,~I~ ~-..,~OnOGICAL CONSULTA~ S R&M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Huffman Road ~5 tH. 5-A ~4 ~.4-A T.H.3-A :H.2-A ~4 ', LEGEND T.H.A SERIES- THIS I~').-PREV,OUS TEST HOLES BY ALASKA TESTLAB REPORT NOTE: Test hole locations are approximate only. Horizontal and vertical positions to be established by Dickinson-Oswald and Partners. ~81~~ Engineering 8~ Geological Consultant8 ANOHORAO~ FAIR~ANK0 ALA.~}(A dur~AU Propos~ Greenbrook Subdivision LOCATION OF BORINGS Anchorage Alaska DATE 5_£5_72 sc~.~.E ApprOX.,_...~LDwN ~Y DAS . ~C~-~D BY JWR ~NO. 25112 owe NO. A.01 __ SOILS CLASSIFICATION, CONSISTENCY AND SY2{BOLS CLASSIFICATION: Identificat{on an~ classification of the soil'is accomplished in accordance witb the Unified Soll Class[flcation System. Normally, the grain size distribution determines class{f{cat{on of the soil. The s.o{i {s defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as mod{fiefs of the major elements. For cotes{ye soils, the clay becomes the principal noun with the other major soil constituents used as modifier; {. e. silty clay, when the clay part- ic]es are such that the clay dominates so{i properties. AIinor soil constituents may be added to the class{flcat{on breakdown {n accordance wi%h the part{cie size pro- portion listed below; i.e. sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. no call- 0 - 3% trace - 3 - I2% some - 13 - 30% SOIL CONSISTENCY - CRITERIA: Soll consistency as defined below and deter- mined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material. For these ~naterials, the h]fluence of such ~actors as soll str~cture, i.e. fissure systems, shrinkage cracks, slickensides, etc. , must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below. In permafrost zones, the consistency and streng~th of frozen soils may vary slgn~icantly and unexplainably with ice content, ~hermal reghne and soil type. Coheslonless Cotes{ye N* (blows/ft) Relative Density T - (tsf) Loose 0 - I0 0 to 40(~c Very Soft 0 0.25 B/~edinm Dense 10 - 30 40 to 70~/~ Soft 0.25 0. $ Dense 30 - 60 70 to 90% Stiff 0.5 1.0 · Very Dense - 60 90 to 100% Firm 1.0 2.0 · Standard Penetration "N": Blows per foot Very Firm 2.0 - 4.0 of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on Hard - 4.0 a 12-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. DRILLING SYMBOLS WO: Wash Out YVD: WL: Water Level BCR: YVCI: 1Net Cave In ACR: DCI: Dry'Cave In AB: WS: While Sampling TD: While Drilling Before Casing Removal After Casing Removal After Boring Total Depth Note: Water levels indicated on the Boring logs are the levels measured in the boring'at the tin~es indicated. In pervious unfrozen soils, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water conditions. In ~npervious and frozen so{Is, accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be ob- talned within a limited period of observation and other ev{dence on ground water elevations and conditions are requLred. ENGINEERING AND GEOLOGICAL CON S U I_TA NTS FAIRBANKS ALASI<A JUNEAU 1-20-72 GENERAL NOTES ~ ~ ~-i~)'0 .~N,'_~, GENERAL SCAL~ N_/..A STANDARD SYMBOLS ~ ORGANIC MATERIAL ~ COBBLES ~ BOULDERS ~ ~ CLAY ']~ CONGLOMERATE ~ IGNEOUS ROCK M ETAMORP~IC ROCK ICE, MASSIVE ICE -SILT ORGANIC SILT SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS St ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WITH 47~/,~ HAMMER Ss ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140~ HAMMER SI ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140~ HAMMER Sh ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON WITH 340v~ HAMMER Sx ..... 2.0" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140~ HAMMER Sz ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WITH 340// HAMMER Sp ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON, PUSHED Hs ..... 1.4'; SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER HI ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE: SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG SAMPLE DEPTH. SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTEREO COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYERED SAND ~ SANOY GRAVEL SILTY CLAY w/TR. SAND Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb .... PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd .... CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SAMPLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE G ..... GRAB SAMPLE OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE TYFICAL 80RING LOG I~Ot~/NG NUM~E/?--~.I~ H, 30-15 Elev. 274.6 .~---ELEFI~T/ON /N FEET Ss ~ SA~PLER TYPE DATE D/?ILLED~iO.21_ 70 All Samples O' F :~.~IC MATERIAL I' - ~ '" ' Consid. Vis:~ble Ice 0'-7' ICE+ML . · ICE. SILT Esfim0te 65 ~o Visible Ice S~MPL~ rr~ss ~ 9o,5~.~% Ft~OZEN GHOUIVD ~ Cd SANDY SI LT ,~,..~,°PtTOXIM/~TE STt~,4TA CHANGE Lillle loNoVisible Ice 13L30' Vx ~/C~ D~SCHIPT/ON ~ CLASSIFIC~TIOt/' 72,5ZI % , 85 9 pcf, 28~ GP (CORP~ OF ~/FGIfVE~S METIIOD) ~ '~ ' ~ ~ ~u~¢~ o~ CL~S~F~C~T/O~ ~LO~TS/FOO T SANDY GRAVEL LOC~TION ~O~D~ILL DEPTH -~ VI. D. - WHILE DF'ILL/A/G, A.~-,4FTEt~ BOF'IAIG - F-ngineer[ng ~ Geological Consul?anf$ EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS O~T~ 2-~6-72 iSCALE NONE IOWN BY LDS ICH~D BY GLB.IPROd' NO. GENERAL iDWGNO. T.N.I- A 5--20-72 All Samples G O' ORGANIC MAT. I' ORGANIC SILT 2' GRAVELLY SAND WITH SILT (SM) Brown~ Dry to Slightly Moist ) I:~°/o Gravel to 2" maximum size I0' SILTY SAND W/ GRAVEL (SM) Brown~ Slightly Moist to Very Moist T.H.2-A 5-22-72 All Samples G ORGANIC MAT. ORGANIC SILT SILTY SAND W/ SOME GRAVEL (SM) 8% Brown, Siightty Moist to Dry Gravel to 2 I/2"max. ~18% SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL (S M) Brown,MoJs~' to Very Moist 0.5' 2' 7.5' No water table 20' T.D. 22% No water tabi'e 20' T, D. ['% EEngineering ~ Geological Consultan'te ~j1 A~CHO~ Proposed Greenbrook Subdivision LOG OF TEST BOR1NGS Anchorage Atos~a T.H. 3- A 5-22-72 All Samples -G O' ORGANIC MAT, 0.5' ORGANIC SILT 1.0' 8% GRAVELLY SAND V¢/ SILT (SM) Grey fo Brown Dry fo Moist Gravel to 5" maximum size 5.5' W.D. Very Moist below I0' Sand seam at 15' 17' 14% SILTY SAND · W/ GRAVEl_ (SM) Grey, Moist 20' T.D. No water table T.H.4-~ 5-22-72 No Samples O' ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) Very Wet SANDY SILT _~//. SOME GRAVEL (ML) Greys Very Moist 15' T.D. Note: Ponded surface water in area and ma?erial sloughing in hole. Proposed Greenbrook Subdivision LOG OF TEST BORINGS Anchorage Alaska PATE 5-22-72 JSCALE ¢'= 5' JOWN E~y D~P~OU. NO. 25112 'lOWm NO. B.04 6.0 T,H.5- A 5-22-72 All Samples G 0t ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) Very Wet ORGANIC SILT Grey~ Wet GRAVELLY SAND W/ SILT (SM] Grey, Mois? ~11% No?e: Welter seeping into hole while drilhng. ' 6.51 15' T.D, T. H. 6-A 5-22-72 All Somples G ORGANIC MAT, ORGANIC SILT ~r°/o SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GM) Light Brown,Dry 5% SILTY SAND W/GRAVEL (SM) Ligh~ Brown, Moist 0.5' 2.0' 14' 20'T. D. No wu?er fable Engineering ~ Geological Co~8ul?ant.~ A NOHORAO~ P'AI . BA ~'~ ~ B A LAE~ ~A Proposed Greenbrook Subdivision LOG OF TEST BORINGS Anchorage Alesko o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o 0 o o o 0 0 ~9 0 February 28, 1972 W. O. 12329 Dickinson - Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ATTENTION: Nr. Naurice QsWald SUBJECT: Subsurface Soils Exploration Vicinity of De Armoun Road W. O. No. 4738 Gentlemen: Per your instructions we put down five (5) test borings as shown on the attached drawing. Attached are the following: Sheet 1o Sheet 2 thru 6. Sheet 7 thru 9. Sheet 10. Sheet 11. Test Boring Locations Test Boring Logs Sieve Analysis Soil Classification Chart Soil Description If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB K. K. yon Dohrmann Senior Engineer Technician PROJECT ///,' r/~Z','~,~-~ ds',~ra'' T.H. / ELEV. //~ SHEET 2 OF // DATE E~' ~,f ~'~ w.o. NO. /Z~z? CLIENT g~ / ~) ~----~) PROJECT ]--/~' .,~£~, ~. ~, T.H. ~ ELEV. CLIENT PROJECT SHEET ',~ OF // DATE W.O. NO. ~HEET f OF // DATE gff/~' ~ 7~. W.O. NO. SHEET ~ OF // w.o. NO, /~ ~ Z'~' o~,t~ 4-1 o ~ 0 0 · CONSULTATION ALASKA TESTLAB · TESTING · E XPLOR ~.TION · CHEMICAL MATERIALS '~ INSPECTION 80IL CLASSIFICATION CHART . ~0% GRAVEL 0 I0 £0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 luO GRAVEL (+=b4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 50/0 FINER THAN O.02mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 5 AND 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN '5 AND 15% FINER THAN O.02mm. F31 a. [ GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY~ SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15°/o FINER THAN O.02mm. b, CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. Fa,` e~ ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN O.02mm. e. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN I~). d, VARVED CLAYS. ' TEST HOLE LOGS SOIL DESCRIPTIONS The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil characteristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests for the various properties. The relative type of soil and the frost classification is sh~;n on the sheet "Soil Classification Chart." Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" Cobble - approximately 3" to 8" Blow Count - blows/6" of 140 lb. weight falling 30"; 2" split spoon (the standard penetration is blows/12") Density - estimated by the rate of drilling type of soil, blow count, and moisture range PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content being approximated as above (+) or below (-) plastic limit (PL) or liquid limit (Lw) as appropriate LW - Liquid Limit, see PL Dilatency - the ability of water to migrate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid in determining whether a soil is predominately a clay or silt Well graded - uniformity coefficient greater than 7 Poorly graded - uniformity coefficient less than 7 (Uniform particles, gap graded) Organic Content - estimated by volume, not particularly precise Clayey Soils - a field method now being used as an aid to identification of these soils as a combination ball drop and rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand-Silt-Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a 1" thick pat develops. The diameter of a thread at crumbling rolled from the resultant pat determines whether clay or silt predominates Dry Strength - a small sample of the soil is formed into a cube and air dried, and crushed between the fingers. High dry strength indicates clays and low silts Water table - the apparent water table at the time of observa- tion. Often the actual water table may be higher unless the hole is allowed to remain open or is converted to an observation well Capillary Fringe - change from moist ~o very damp or saturated soil, usually indicates that water table is close Peat - fibrous material of macroscopic and microscopic fragment of decayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuitable for foundation or embankment; color light brow to black A° - the upper layer, surface soil or toPsoil, containing humus and/or organic debris, not satisfactory for foundations ALASKA TESTLAB October ~2, 1971 Dickinson, Oswald & Associates 800 Cordova Street ^nct~orage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Soil logs for Greenbrook Subdivision, U~lt ~1, Lewis Subdivision and Day-Der Subdivision. Dear Mr, Oswald: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of £)~vtronmental Quality has received and reviewed the supplementary data on the subject subdivisions as submitted by your firm on October 19, 1971. Our comments are: l) Greenbrook Subdivision, Uni: ~l The location of the test holes is not representative of the entire subdivision and test hole~ #lA and 2 show unsatisfactory soils. You have yet to submttt a stateme~)t on the availabiliCy of potable water from the wells of their proposed locations. 2) Lewis Subdivision -The o~e test )~ole is not representatiw of the entire area. We do not require further information on water availability, 3) DawDor Subdivision The two teat holes in the southern per- tion of this area do not represent the entire subdivision. You have not submitted a statement regarding the availability of table water from the proposed well sites. The above ment until manner. proposed subdivision will not be approved by th~s Depart~ the above questions have been answered in a satisfactory Enclosed is the form letter to all en(ineertng firms listi~g our minimum requirements for review. Should you have any questions regarding our review, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely° Rolf Strickland Assistant Director CC: Dick G1asheen Plannin§ Department Inclosure GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 I~st Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99S03 2542 Plat Status: Final Date: October 14, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer Public Works Departmen~ .... $gnd-4m~ Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chu~ach Electric Association CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire }.~arshal b{unicipal Light ~ Power Department Property Management Officer Public IVorks Department . Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska ?~le~one Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision / ~x~(~ Description of Property: Greenbrook Sub. Unit No. 1 Owner: Leslie B. Pace tl Gert emen: ,,,. Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and ZoniRg Corcmission for the proposed_ _Subdivision ~ Of subject property. Attac~.ed ~s a copy of the proposed plat. ~lill you please s~mit your in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depa~- memt or a~ency may need. If we do not hear from you by...... November 3, 1971 , we will assume that ~O not wi~h to submit any comments. - If you have no further use for the attac~ed print, please return it with your eor~ents. Ell C I OS lire Planning Department O,r.,,,,.r 'Il 1771 Oicki~on Oswald L, peri;norS Anchorage, A1 '~ 9~5)1 S~b-)f~ci;t Soil=q Classifications for Breenbroo~: Subdivisions, U~)it ~')~ L.?~ds Subdivision, and D~)v--dor Subdivision, Qual~D! ~as recoi~ of soils cl:~sstficatio~s for t~,:. ~ ~ '~.r- s~)d'~v ~' ~ and i~lcltldi~q wel~ and ~,-aoe ';it loca- .:, ~o.] ;~L .,lO, ~ ~ . . ' D r ,., · 0 .~ "" - ' "~,~ }~OV~fi 0~ i;~lC~ , r ~..:,,~ Ola?.S kiE~ ~iav~7 ~h ~ qo] tlu,,, s . . 1 (~r;en~5~oo~ Sn~:,d'ivtsion Llni~' ~'i · -' - Alaska rc~.,.la, ~,. Thc so{ls report as ,~on~: by , · .... laboratory in se;~e ,.v,t. oF co4tml ~.~.r and on-site soils 5oils aHol.'~'' ' c~,..~ ,.,is -'.'~ is not acceptaola .Y this B. T}i~:re is ~}o i,e~g'ion of the availa~:itity of water in Lhis ,n-"tcular nrca a~d itl ~aq$, instances in i;his tlcutar case ~( nu~stioT~ the avallabill~v of on-siL~ ~,= ~al/ need additional via i~dividually drilled.wells. co~,~ments on depth ~o watur 'i~ thi~ particular arc~ and lot as tn~ amoun;; availabl° on ~ach particular ;,. 'r~,e soils as done by ~la>aa 'festlab indicates taa~ the soil samt, l~:s wer~ delfv,;r-.J te th' labora$;ory tn some type )?> r ~.,. ~... t_~ ~ t. for of container. This again is an unsui~abl ' ....... soils analvsis.a~d this Department does require ~o'ils logs ru~ on-~Ait(~ ~.~/ a qualified e~g'lF~earlng or ~.~.~.ln(~ fir'm. B. Ne have sufficient information regarding on-site water · ' such ~,a~ w~ .,o not additional inforn~a~lor. in ~ is ar~a Day-dot Subdivision. A. ~/e are in r~:cei!:,t of the soils ln¢ormation as pre- sented to Alaska Testlab. Again ~.hese soils saturates were delivered to the laboratory and not run on-site. This is an unsuitable procedur~ and prior to our approval require soils logs ru~ ~. In this particular cas,~ w~~ do not have sufficient in,or,nation regarding availabtliCy of ~ater from Indivi-, drilled w~lls on each of these lots. We ~eed a 9en~ral state~ent as 1~o th~ depth to water and th~ amount avail.- able via im~ivtdually drilled well as a geueral Should you a).v~ any ques'~tons regarding our review of tire allow-' infortaation~ ?lease con'~act 'U~, undersigned. Since-rely Roll Strickla/c, ^ssista.,)~ !)irector cc: Oick G1 as hc:,] '~ GPJ;A1'ER A[;C}IORAGE AEEA BOROUGH 327 EAGLE STREET , ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 V4. O,//~02_ Pe~fopraed Foe/~/&¥,//d,5o/~l O,gc,j.~L~t? Date Perfor:~.ed ~ o~. I~ 1~7/ Legal Ocsc~zptzon. Lot . Thzs }orm Reports a: Sozls Log __~ ' -t'ercolat~on ~esr Depth reet SOil · ' ' Characteristics 12- ir~,.-. Was. Ground ~:ate~, Encountered? /A ~d. Location Sketch If Yes ;.t ¢~at [:epth 1, ~,~t~ I I--I t ~., t , , ~-~ ,-/ ~ ...... ~ ...... t._ "~ I ..... me I ue~tn ~o H20 I Net Dpo~ · : ......... , ................... [~ ___ I ..... · ~r ..~orc[~Tu'.:.:~: Seepage P~z Dealn Field GREATER AhCHORAGz AEEA BOROUGH HUALTH DEPABTI.~E~T ~ 397 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 kl.O, II go°W_ Performed For f)" ,' .', '~' ~ k[ T")g't,~f/~l,D Date Performed Le 'al Description: Lot ~loc~ ~ Suod~v~.s:.on ~;t'~o ~, ~ . ]nxs form ~e~o~ts a: bozis bog ~ ~- _~.:?ercozat~on jes~ Soil Characteristics Depth Feet Location Sketch F~'ci:~ed '~n~rc!]~,~Seepage Pit Draln Field Data Certified By: ,~ ~ /, ) ' Date. ~//-. z--,- Depth To H20 Net Drop GREATER A,,CHOR[ ..... AREA BOROUGH tIEALTH DEPAkl'~.~E!IT ~27 DAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 C^.qE # Performed For :OtL, k'.~&~3o,~t! .~'~-%~,37R~-~ Date Perfor:ned - .... ~ n~,s~tion: Lot ~o Bloc~ ~ Suod~v]s~on ~ ....... s Form Re or~s a: Sozls Log ~ ~ - -Percolation Tes~ Depth Feet Soll Characteristics .Was Ground '~,ate~ Encounter. ed? :If Yes~ ;.t ~'~ ~ a~ !:epth , Location Sketch I"':'°t:'~sed '~'n~ra!?~:r/~'~.'--Seepage Pit D~aln Field Depth ,Df Ir~lec .... . ~ ..... ~~?tn To Bottom Of Pit Om Test Performed Bu: ~./ ..... w~ W~ / , Data Certified y.r~ GREATER ANCIiORAGE AREA BOROUGH Anchorage, Alaska 9950~ 2466 P!a,t StatUS: Preliminary Date:July 9, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer Public lqorksDepartment Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chug~ch Electric Association CII~ OF ANCHORAGE: Fire M~rshal ~{unicipal Light & Fm~ter Department Froperty ~anagement Offiee~ Public ~orks Depa~tr0~mt Telephoae Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB q%leco~ications, InCo Hatanuska Blectric A~soeiation ~atanuska 'S~leph~]e Associo,~ion Assistant Superintendent o~ Mails Re: Subdivision Description of Property: Greenbrook Subdivision Second Anchorage Limited-Leslie Pace Gentlemen: PetiZion has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission i]or the proposed Subdiyision of subject prop¢,rtyo Att~.,~:~':.ed is a cop}, of the proposed pi. at. t~ill you please submit ),our co~mm%ts in writing, speeifTing any easements or other requirements that yom~aepa.ctl .... ~ merit or agency ma7 need. Xf ~'~'v do not hear from you by___j~_~ly~__.2~3~l_9_7!~,, we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If yoL, have no further use for the attached print, please ~'eturn it with yOttl° CO~ ~/ents ° Eno tosl~re Planning Department ~