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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREENBROOK BLK 2 LT 26 \.~, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRESS / LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION WeLl f,,,,,¢ Absorption area ¢¢ , DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer Dwel]ing Material W dth Liq. gallons DISTANCE TO: Inside length PHONE ~ NEW [] UPGRADE NO. OF BEDROOMS¢ PERMiTNO'E 30 ¢¢¢ Liquid depth IF HOMEMADE: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. Manufacturer Liquid capacity in gallons Foundation Material Nearest lot line Trench width~,~.~ inches We DISTANCE TO: g 0k}~/~ ~/)'.)t~/ No, of lines / Length of each n~)~: Top of tile to finish grade /.~-/.__ 2, ~- ; Total length of lines/0~,), 2 inches PERMIT NO.8 .~O ¢4¢ Distance between lines ~. Total effective absorpti~2?/ ~. Material beneath tile Length Width DeptE PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Building foundation DISTANCE TO: Well Depth Class Driller Building foundation Sewer line DISTANCE TO: OTHER PI PE MAT ER IA LS p ~///C- SOIL TEST RATING 27o t INSTALLER R EMAR KS Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line PERMIT NO, Sept c tank Absorpt on area(s) APPROVED DATE '7.2 72-013 (Rev.'~178) LEGAL F'EF.:H I'¥ NO. b ~-4----=- X ]FEE ,' :::.~:13444. ) FIF'F'L I CFINT LOCFIT 101',~ LEGFIL [:,EF'FIRTHENT ElF FIEFILTH FIND ENVIF.:ONHENTFfL PROTECTION '-"~'~ 9. 95~1 ,: ..... '"L'" STREET, RNCHOF.:RGE, RK. 2 6,'4..- 4 7:2 E~ "=:-;Eb.~EF:: F"E-_-F::bll I T' LRF.:RY GRFtE:,Y 81E~t L=Ii'".F'L !GHTER LO'F 26 Bi._K 2 GREEI'.,IEROAK SUB Lf]T SIZE '99'99'2'9 SQURRE FEET TYF'E 0F SOIL RE:SOF.:F'TIuN SYSTEM IS: TRENCH t'"IFI::.:,'IMUM NIJMBER OF E:EDROOHS = SOIL F:FITING ,'SQ FT,.'E,F .......... THE REQUIRE[) SIZE OF THE SOIL FtBSORPTION SYSTEM IS: [:,EF"TH== t:1. LEb,~G]-H= ,.=-_ .... : ........ - ____ [-'"E--F'TI-{= THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH ,::IN FEET.'-" OF THE TRENCH OR DRFIINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF Ft TRENCH OR PIT IS THE E:,tSTFiNCE BETHEEN THE SURFFlCE OF THE GROUND FIND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCFIVFtTION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET I,IIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRFIVEL DEF'TH IS TIlE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRFIVEL BETHEEN THE GUTFFILL PIPE FINE:' THE 80TTOH OF THE EXCFIVFITION (iN FEET). F-: E L-->_ L~ I F: El:, 2.~, E F' T I C: T R b4t~-:::__,'=- I ZE= ~>'~L'~ :::" R ~:'~ t..~ R Lll PERHIT FiF'F'LICFINT HI=IS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPRRTMENT DURING THE INSTFILLFITION INSPECTIONS OF RN"r' HELLS FIg"JRCENT TO THIS F'ROF'ERTY FIND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THFIT THE I,.IELL b.tILL SERVE. .-...: - ~ ' ' '-', - EIY E;FICKFILLINF~ OF FINY _-'r_TEtl k!ITNOUT FII",IFIL INSPECTION FIND HFFE_,HL THIS DEPFIRTMENT b. IILL BE SUBJ'ECT TO F'R. OSFC:L~TIEd"L MINIMUM DISTFII'.,fCE BETNEEN Fl HELL FIND RNY ON-SITE SEHRGE DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS 'IC~E~ FEET FOR FI PRIVFITE NELL OR ±SE~ TO 2E~C~ FEET FROH FI PUBLIC NELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC t.,.IELL HINIHUM DISTRNC:E FROI"I FI PRIVRTE I-4ELL TO R F'RIVFITE SE!.4ER LINE IS 25 FEET FIND TO Fl COI',!HUNITY SENER LINE IS 75 FEET. OTHER REL.]UIREHENTS I'"IFIY FIPPLY. SF'ECIFICFfTIONS FIND CONSTRUCTION [)IFIGRFIMS FIRE FIVFIILFIBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTFtLLFITION. F' E F: ~""1 ][ T E ::-:: F" I F: E S [:. E C: E ~"1 E: E F-: L]-~: 1 .. 1 £-" :-:-: I UEF. TIF'r THRT :L: I FIt'1 FFII'"IILIFIR HITH THE REQUIF:EMENTS FOF.: ON-'=;ITE SEWERS RN[:' NELLS FIS SET FORTH B"r' THE MIJNICIPFILITY OF FINCHOF.:FIGE. 2: I WILL INSTFILL THE S"r'STEI'"I IN FICCOF.:E:,FINCE .L,IITH THE C:ODES. · F,E ENLHF...~EHENT IF THE Z.': t UI',tDERSTFIN[:, THFIT THE: ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MRY REL-]IJt RESIE:,ENC:E IS REHOE)ELED TO INE:LUDE MORE THaN 4 P,E[,l~'nnt'tc, ~[p-'-~,~/~ ' /-~¢~ I SSUEE) ................. ----- FOR DE_ A~EN~AL gSE ONLY ................ ~1 P~ling ................. TYPE OF SYSTEM:. Pit ............ gr~infield .............. ~n~h ............. '*-O--~.'~;~.7~%. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ PERCOLATION eel~.~.~: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST i~ 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCR,PT,ON G eem6 De rmoun aH 2.0% sill 6 cobble5 7 8 9 10, tl 12 13 14' 1: SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS .ROUND ~ATER NO ~ ENCOUNTERED? O P E IF YES, AT WHAT ~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop . ~sn:~o ~. ,. ~ ' ¢ PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) TEST N ETW EN~"~'~"~"~'~ FT~ND ~ FT PERFO.MEDBY: ~ RO+~ - CERTIFIED BY: ' ' DATE~ ~ ~3-ozH ALASKA nullqonm nTAL CONTROL $1 I UIC1 $ Inc. {~n~ineeri.~ f~ {~nuironm~ntal Studi~s PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET CLIENT ADDRESS DATE ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION ~-~,-<~¢~< ~_ TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE I q ZONE TESTED /~, ~ ft TO L ~-r ft. ft TH # READING # CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) [ ~" "l DATUM ~. ~ c~.. ~ ~i ~ .~,~S , ~ ~0:~ ~,~1 ,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ Z.~ FINAL PERCOLATION RATE PERFORMED BY ~-~ ~-~,~-! PERFORMED FOR: L~.~3 -~r.~ LEGAL DESCRiPTiON: Gr ~ ~r~oV- '~22 L~S~tcf ~ o~: 3 SI~¢~S ~' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST 10- 11 12 13~ 14 15- 16- 17- 18- 19 20 DATE PERFORMED: .--,~/q o-~ 5/c~/8~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? S 0 P E er~ Mc, k : Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 5/q 3: ~ 5 - 2. ~ 5 - PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN /-~ FT AND ~11 V''7~ FT PERFORMED BY: ~.4o-~ 5 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: /y/ DATE: '~MUNICIPA_ LITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ DEPA F~TMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ? [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: L~ &r-~l~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~---~'~-~-n~roo ~ DATE PERFORMED: s~ -~1-11N IZ 3 W SLOPE SITE PLAN s/~ /8~ 2 ($~16~'b sm1 s~4. s 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20- COMMENTS ~O"~ r&~ ~o~ll~ ~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net 'Depth to Net Reading Date Time - Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RU[', BETWEEN 8 s ct/l~ (minutes/inch) FT AND -- FT PERFORMED BY: C~,nor ~, C~r~p~ 72-008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: REPLY .,~~, 4S472 SIGNED DATE// SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. carbanle~s POLY PAK (50 SETS~ 4P472 ~FTAC"H AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: : APPLIF... r~'NT FILLS OUT UPPER HAr..~_,'ONLY / ' (/.-:- ~/, -'~- ~' Property O~ner /~ .~//2,z:: '/ :--' //,t,',:: /..]/.~ ~.- I ...... ~ Phone ·,: / ,.,., Mailing Addre~ ?./',L'/ i , .~ ' W.-'" ~:' '"'/': "-'-" ?-~'.'·/:·Z A.':bS4:,~-,q:i, ~.~' .:, ,,~:,..?..,.::·.,. ,~,..~/ 7%,~, Zip¢ode ..t/,~'-:',<-'-~-- Buyer Address Zip Oode · ~ ~.%~,,..~/ :/~_D/, ~_ Phone Lending Institution /. / , ,~ ~ ~:' ,~>~ /~,~j~ Address ~ Zip Code Realty Co. & Agent Phone Address Zip Code Street Locati~ /..:¢ .~ D ~' 4~.~/2: ~/~A). ,---/;~ ,f/_:.~,gD .. ~: Type of Resi~nce  Single Family Multiple Family No. of Bedroo~ ~ Other I Wa, r ~ Individual / ~'O ~ A~ACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. ~CommunitYPublic Utility ~.~.. ~~ ~ For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). Sewer Disposal /~ ~~ yoar individual installod: ~ ~/_ Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: 0 Holding Tank ~~ NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED· Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Field Notes: //:'t/'3-~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF H~,'hLTH & ENVIRONM2NI'AL PROTECRON RECEIVED ( ~ A~PROVED BEDROOMS *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL* DATE ~ ~ ~ ~ Soils Rating Date ~wer Installed Well To Absorption Area W~II Log Received ~ _~ ~ '~ ~/--~ Well loTank Septic T~K Size / ~ ~ 72-023 (31~) October 24, 1983 i,arry and ~,iargaret Grady 8101 Lamplighter Court Anchorage, All 99502 SubDect: Lot 26, Block 2 Approval for the individual s@v[er arid %~ater ~.dctllutes Ca~lY~ot be granted until the ~oilowing '~- ~' haw~ peen compiete~: The water analysis report needs tO be sub,~itted to this. · : .... ~-~ ~- 33 B Street, for our review. ozfxce.~om the Chem Lab~ 56 The en~[~ineer's as-builts, which have been sub~.itte~] tO this office, are not within the parameters of the on-si~e installation permit issued by this department. The discrepancies %iili need to De corrected before this ~department can accept the submitted engineer as-builts~ Please notify tills Department ~or a reinspectiou ~;h~n the note~ discrepancies have been corrected, if there are any further questions, ~lease call this o~ficc at 264~4720. Sincereiy, Ji~62/ej/E2 April 17, 1981 W.O. #A19708 Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership 4611 Business Park Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Les Pace Re: Subsurface Investigation for Suitabilityof On-Site Sewage Disposal, Lot 4, Block 1; Lot 2, Block 2; Lot 3, Block 2; Lot 8, Block 2; Lot 9, Block 2; Lot 10, Block 2; Lot 17, Block 2;~..Lot 19, Block 2; Lot 26, Block 2; Lot 3, Block 4; Lot 4, Bloc~4; Lot 6, Block 4; Lot 12, Block 4; Lot 13, Block 4; Lot 14, Block 4, Greenbrook Subdivision Dear Mr. Pace: During March and April of 1981,. we drilled a 15 foot boring on each of the above lots and placed a perforated, 3/4 inch PVC pipe in each hole rio that the water table could be monitored over a period of time and a percolation test run in the hole. The holes were drilled using a Nodwell mounted, Mobile BS0 drill rig owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. The drilling was supervised and the test holes logged by Mr. Ted Krupka, senior technician, and Mr. O.M. ~atch, geologist with Alaska. Testlab. After the holes were drilled, our technician ~eturned on several occasions and checked the water level in each of the test holes. After a period of time the holes~were~~'~>left to stand overnight, saturated again and a perco/~t~on'"'t~'~t run. The percolation test was run by monitoring the drop in the water table elevation at 10 minute intervals for a minimum of one hour. The percolation rate listed in this report was computed using the slowest 20 minutes 'of that percolation test. Included with this report is a test hole location sketch for each lot and a log of the boring placed on each lot. The results of this exploration are described as follows: Lot 4, Block 1 The water table elevation measured in the test hole at this site remained fairly constant at about 12 feet. The percolation rate measured on April 15 was 6.0 minutes/inch. Because of the need to keep the system shallow and ~he high silt content, we recommend a more conservative design percolation rate of 10.0 minutes/inch. Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership .April 17, 1981 Page Three rate was 5.2 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch. Since the seasonal water level is quite high, we recommend a mounded disposal system so sufficient separation is achieved. Lot 10, Block 2 The test hole was located in the southwest corner of the lot, and we recommend that the sewage disposal system be placed in this area. The water level is quite near the surface towards the front of the lot. The water level while drilling on April 8 was 9.0 feet, then was found at about 12 feet over the next few days. On April 14, the percolation rate was measured at 2.5 minutes/inch. We recommend that a more conservative rate. of 10.0 minutes/inch be used, due to'~the silty nature of the upper soils. The system should be placed as ~igh as possible, in the upper 8 to 10 feet, to avoid conflicts with the seasonal high water, mounding may be necessary for insulation. Lot 17, Block 2 No ground water was encountered while drilling on this lot on April 8, or when checked again April 9 and April 16. The measured percolation rate was 5.4 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a more conservative design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch because of the siltier nature of the soils. Lot 19, Block 2 No water table was observed in the 16 foot test hole while drilling on April 8, or on April 9. The percolation rate was measured at 8.9 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a more conservative design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch because of the silty nature of the soils. The system should be placed as high as possible, as high seasonal water levels were the immediate area. Lot 26, Block 2 ~he test hole was drilled near the center of the lot April 8, and no water was observed. The test hole was also found dry April 9.. The measured percolation rate was 6.2 minutes/inch. Lot 3, Block 4 No water was observed in the test hole at this site while drilling on April 8, bu~ was at 12.5 feet the following day. The measured percolation rate was 14.6 minutes/inch. The disposal system should be kept as high as possible to avoid conflicts with the ,A I I , .,',,I?,,~,K,.\ II%IIAH Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership April 17, 1981 Page Five checked April '9. The measured percolation rate was 4.0 minutes/inch. We recommend a more conservative rate of 10.0 minutes/inch be used, since the upper soil is silt. If you have any questions regarding these tests, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Carl A. Bassler Geotechnical Engineer Approved by: Manager CAB/mg Attachments cc: Ralph Westover, Tryck, Nyman & Hayes ~'A'I , AIAsI(A II!SllAll ............ 23~.3 ~o NE /0 LOt 26, Block Table I WO #A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 8.0 8.0 11.0 11 .0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat F-2/F-4, Brown Gravelly Silt~ Sand, SM, occasional cobbles, moist, medium dense NFS/F-2, Brown Gravelly Sand, SP, trace silt, moist, medium dense, 3" maximum F-l, Brown Silty Sandy gravel, GM, occasional cobbles, moist, medium dense '~"Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Perc Rate = 6.2 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hol~: Frost Line: Free Water Level? 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4/8/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 -'None Observed