HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREGORY Soils Logs S-3780 4040 "B" S'~PEE:T, ANCHORAGE, At. ASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 Walatka & Assoc. 3107 W. 29th Ave. Anchorage, AK 99503 Attn: Mr. Fred Walatka July 3]., ]_975 W.O. #17387 Subject: Addendum to the Soils Investigation of Gregory Subdivision Gentlemen: At your request, we have reviewed our report of 0uly 7, 1975. Sam Sparkman, the technician who logged 'the ~estbo]es, des- cfi_bed the soils above the free water level as b~i~ wet.: This is not uncommon and we do not expect that ali. the voids in this material are filled with wate~ We therefore fee] ~/~ free water leve3 is relate, vel sh ..... " ' Y - ' -thi~ area. A leach field J_s therefore reco~uended. The construction of the leach field should conform to that o~ a standard septic system~with regard to ~bsorption area; however the depth of ~nbedment should be bevween three and ~our feet to reduce ~-'~the possibility of freezinq the pipes. A tt~aw wire extend-. lng from the outlet of the system through one of 'the legs of the leach field is a prudent precaution in th:i_s regard. It is also prudent 'ho design 'hbo system so that a substantial gravity head exists between the ].each field and tine treatment system. We trust the foregoing transmittal is sufficient to your immediately needs. Please feel free to call should que. stions arise in this regard, or if we can be of further service to this project as it develops. Very truly yours, ALASKA TES'J?LAB JML: chc ..~ /' ~' , Ill .[ )/; / / Jonn M. Lambe Natty l~./];,ee, 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 July 7, 1975 WO #17387 Walatka & Associates 3107 West 29th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Fred Walatka Subject: Soils Investigation Gregory Subdivision Dear Fred: Transmitted in this letter are the results of the subsurface soils investigation performed on the subject property on July 2, 1975. Drilling was accomplished with a Nodwell mounted Mobile B-50 drill fitted with a 6" solid flight auger. Grab samples were taken at five-foot intervals by pulling the auger out of the hole and removing the samples from the flights from near the bit. As the samples were recovered, they were visually classified and each was pleced in a plastic bag and transported to the laboratory. The samples were visually classified and grouped according to similarities in texture and particle size, and given an arbitary group letter designation to reference the soil types between test holes. The compilation of the field and laboratory data is recorded on the test hole logs which follow immediately after this letter. Following the test hole logs are three sheets with data explaining the soils classification systems employed and other information regarding the test hole logs. Basically the soils system in the study area can be described as a three layer system. Uppermost is eight inches to one foot of organic overburden which is immediately underlain by NFS gravelly sand to sandy gravel to a depth of 7 to 14 feet. Underlying these clean materials is an F-4 silt or sandy silt. In all five test holes the free water table was encountered at between 7-1/2 to 9 feet below the existing ground surface. Walatka & Associates July 7, 1975 Page 2 In reviewing the logs, please note that the unified classification of each of the major soil stratum follows at the end of the -verbal description of each layer, and is again noted at the bottom of each test hole log under "unified classification" in the sample description. We trust the foregoing data transmittal is sufficient 'to your immediate needs. Please feel free to call the writer should questions arise in this regard~or if we can be of further service to this project as it develops. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB John M. Lambe JML:mm Enclosure Approved: H~~~, H~ry R.~et'~PE Fred Walatka July 3, 1975 Test Hole No. 1 TABLE A W.O. #17887 Depth in Feet From To 0 1.0 1 .0 7.0 7.0 16.0 Ottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: SOIL DESCRIPTION Organic Overburden. NFS~ brown Gravell_~ Sand, wet, SP F-4, tan Sand~ Silt becoming grey Silt by 15 ft. saturated, ML -- 16.0 ft. None observed 8.0 ft. SA. NO. ?~pth 1 5-6 2 9-10 3 15-16 Type of Blows/6" M% ..... Grab ..... Grab Grab Dry S h r e n.~.3, th Groin. Unified --- A SP --- B ML --- C ML Notes: 1) Group: Refers to similar samples this study only. 2) Type of Sample: G-= Grab; SP = Standard Penetration. 3) Unified Classified, see Sheet 2. 4) Frost and textural classification, see Sheet 1. 5) General information, see Sheet 3. Fred Walatka July 3, 1975 Test Hole No. 2 Depth in Feet · From To 0 1.0 1 .0 11 .0' 11.0 16.0 TABLE A ' SOIL DESCRIPTION W.O. #17887 Organic Overburden. NFS, brown Sand~ Gravel becoming Gravelly SanQ by 9 feet, wet (saturated @ 8.5 ft.), GP/SP F-4, grey Silt, NP, ML Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free W~ter Level: 16.0 ft. None Observed 8.5 ft. SA. N~O. Depth 1 5-6 2 9-10 3 15-16 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% ~.~mple_ Strength Grou~ Unified .... .- Grab --- D SP ..... Grab --- A ~L ..... Grab --- E ML Notes: 1) Group: Refers to similar samples this study only. 2) Type of Sample: G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration. 3) Unified Classified, see Sheet 2. 4) Frost and textural classification, see Sheet 1. 5) General information, see Sheet 3. Fred Walatka July 3, 1975 Test Hole No. 3 TABLE A W.O. #17887 Depth in Feet From To 0 0.6, 0.6 13.0 13.0 16.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Organic Overburden NFS, brown Gravell~ Sand wet (saturated @ 9.0 ft.), SP F-4, grey ~oarse Silt, saturated, NP, ML Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 ft. None observed 9.0 ft. SA. NO. Depth 1 5-6 2 9-10 3 15-16 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sam~e___ Strength Group Unified ..... Grab --- A SP ..... Grab --- A SP ..... Grab --- F ML Notes: 1) Group: Refers to similar samples this study only. 2) Type of Sample: G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration. 3) Unified Classification, see Sheet 2 4) Frost and textural classification, see Sheet 1. 5) General information, see Sheet 3. ]Fred Walatka July 3, 1975 Test Hole No. 4 Depth in Feet From To 0 0.6 0.6 14.0. 14.0 16.0 TABLE A SOIL DESCRIPTION W.O. #17887 Organic Overburden NFS, brown Sand~ Gravel becoming Gravelly Sand by 9 feet,' Qet (~ted @ 8.0 ~-~.j TsP NFS/F-2, brown Sand, saturated, SP/SM Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water ]bevel: 16.0 ft. None observed 8.0 ft. SA. Type of Dry N_20. ~epth B__l~ws/6" M% Samp~e~ StreDgth Group Unified 1 5-6 ..... Grab --- D GP 2 9v10 ...... Grab --- A SP 3 15-16 ...... Grab --- G SP/SM Notes: 1) Group: Refers to similar samples this study only. 2) Type of Sample; G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration. 3) Unified classification, see Sheet 2. 4) Frost and textural classifJ, cation, see Sheet 1. 5) General information, see Sheet 3. Fred Walatka July 3, 1975 Test Hole No. 5 TABLE A W.O. #17887 Depth in Feet From To 0 1.0 1 .0 7.0 7.0 16.0 SOIL DESCRIPTION Organic Overburden NFS, brown ~ravel~ Sand, wet, SP F-4, grey Silt, saturated, NP, ML Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 ft. None 6bserved 7.5 ft. SA. N__qO. ,,Depth '1 5- 6 2 9-10 3 15-16 Blows/6" Type of Dry ~ Sample-- Stre~ t~ Grou~ Unified -- Grab --- A SP -- Grab --- F ML -- Grab --- F ML Notes: 1) Group: Refers to similar samples this study only. 2) Type of Sample: G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration. 3) UnifJ. ed ClassifJ. cation, see Sheet 2 4) Frost and textural classification, see Sheet 1. 5) General Information, see Sheet 3. SOIL CLASSIFICAT[ON CHART 30% GRAVEL CLAY CLAYEY OR SILTY SAND CLAYEY CLAYEY SILTY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND SANDY CLAYEY GRAVE[_ SILTY GRAVEL SAND GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL 0 10. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+#4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm, GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINlZR THAN 0.02 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER TI-JAN 0.02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MC)RE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b, CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12, EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a, ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN ]5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c, LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12, d, VARVED CLAYS. Test Hole Log - Description Guide Thc soil descripSions shuwi,, on the Jogs are the best estintatc or the soil's characteristics at the time of field examination and as such do not achieve thc precision of a laboratory testing procedure. If the log includes soils samples, those samples receive an independent textural classification in tbc laboratory to verify the field examination, The lugs often include thc following items: Depth Interval - usually sho~vn to 0.1 foot, witbin that zone no significant change in soil type was observed through drill action, direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification -- NFS, Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil - An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and proportion, see "Soil Classification Chart", note the proportions are approximate and modifications to the soil group due to stratification, inclusions and changes in properties are included. Moisture Content - this is a qualitative measure: dry, no or little apparent surface moisture, damp, ntoisture forms portion of color, less than plastic limit, wet, no free water, often soft, if cohesive soil, saturated, frcc water may be squeezed out, ifa free draining soil; di]atent at natural moisture content, ifa non plastic silt or fine sand. (Tb~ moisture content is further definedby reference to PI, LW, NP, M% or dilatency.} _Detlsity -- refers to more-or-less non-cohesive soi]s~ such as sand gravel mixtures with or without a fine fraction, derived froln drilling action and/or sample data: usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork characteristics. Stiffness - refers to more-or-less cohesive soils and fine grained silts of the clay-silt groups. Derived from drill action and/or sample data. Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms. Particle size - Tbe largest particle recovered by the split spoon is 1-3/8", Shelby tube 3", auger flights (minute-man) 2", Auger flights (B-50 hollow stem) 6'-8". Larger particles are described indirectly by action of tbe drilling and are referred to as cobbles, Y' to 8", or boulders 8"+. Therefore when reviewing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on the bole log must be considered for an indication of larger particles. Unified Soil Classification This is a two letter code. See Unified Clnssification sheet for further definitiom In some cases AASHO and/or [:AA soil classifications may be sbown as well as tbe unified. Atterberg Limits useful for fine grained and other plastic soils. P~l; natural moisture content believed to be less than plastic limit PI+; Imtural moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid I~mit s Lw+; natural nloisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit N~P; non-plastic, useful as a modifying description of some silty materials. l)iJatency_ -- is tile ability of water to trlig~ate to tile surface of a sittut,dcd or nearly saturated soil sample ;vbcn vibrated or jolted -. used as an aid to determine it'a fine grained soil is a slightly or nrta-plastic silt or a volcanic aslt, Rock flour - finely ground soil that is not plastic but otbcrwise appears ~ar to a clayey silt. Organic Content - usually described as }'eat, PT, sometimes includes discrete particles sucb as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorganic soil. Quantity described as: trace, or an estbnate of volume, or, in case of all organic, ~ as Peat. This may include tundra, muskeg and bog material. Muck -- a inodifier used to describe very soft. semi-organic deposits usually occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphus peat - organic particles nearly or fully disintegra ed. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more-or-less intact. Bottom of Testho]e - includes last sample interval. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and'or ~qmples at the time of drilling. Frozen Ground - other than frost line. described by samples, usually includes description of ice content, often will includ~ modified Unified Classification for frozen soils ~ tbis is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Wnter Level --Tbe free water level noted during drilling. This is not necessarily thc static water table at the time of drilling or at other seasons. Static water table detcrlllinatJon in other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or plezometcr installations, used only'in special cases. Blowl6" - The number of blows of a 140 weight free falhng 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of bluws for a 12" advance is, by definition, the standard penetration. ,~t]~ _ natural moistme content of the soil sample, usually not performed on dean sands or gravels below the water table. ]'ype ofSampl~ - S}~, refers to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, ~, thin wall tube. "Shelby" used to obtain und~stmbed samples of fine grained soil, ~, "grab" disturbed sample from auger Nights or wall of trench, ~, cut samplt., undisturbed sample from wall of trench. l)t~y Strength - a useful indicator of a soil's clayey fraction, N=None, I.= ow, M=Medium, II=}ligb Gro~ - The samples are placed into apl) we y s ar groups ba~cd on color illld texture alld are rrb trariJy assigned a group ]ctter. Further Paul C~rr DEQ Comments Pap;e Two July 24, 1975 29. 30, 31. 32. 34, 35. d!sposp,1. P, ofl~ lots have bed.cock at six (6) to eiffht (8) feet below S--3780 Subdivision All tile soil te~;t:~; .M~ow that th~s px'oposed development is not :mitable for on-site wasto di, aposal, The soils ape eomple~el,y water sahamted f~om the on~ (t) foot to ~he sixteen (1~) foot level. On.~file w~mte disposal will not function in soils e, hmady we~t~r sahn'atod. ',Phis proposr~l cannot meet our requirements for on-~4te wmate di~0posal. is u lot line .qhift which does not lnerea~m dcnsiiy in this area. showing troth lot~ ape suitable for c~a.-st/o w~ate disposal and 2-.lann ~ubdivision, Tracts A, I"~ and C area is noted fop poor soils m~d a high w~tep tsble, Our field check showed tibia aeea will probably have high w~tep to]Yb;~ probl~ma and not be usuble until ~f~rved by p~olle sewer. ~$- 3747 and em~ bo adequately revi. ew~d, 5~3748 Amy's Subdivi:;-ion All the data supplied (trails, water availability ,,'md slope) show that these two Iota a~'e :milable fo,,,-, sinffle family da~w;:loprllont. 8-'3?49 Lot~; iOIA and tOlD retunled or postponed 212il the data ts submitted and (mn be ~dequately reviewed. 8--3750 Birehwood Park Subdivbfion This propm*ty i,,.~ proposed fo~, community ?,,,}w,~r and water. The ppe. liminaz-y