HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREEN FOREST BLK 2 LT 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE On -Site Water & Wastewater Program PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Phone: (907) 343-7904 Fax: (907) 343-7997 http://www.muni.org/onsite On -Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Permit Number: OSP211301 Effective Date: Work Type: Septic Upgrade Expiration Date Tax Code Number: 01801114000 Site Legal Address: GREEN FOREST BLK 2 LT 2 G:2833 Site Mailing Address: 12516 SNOWBIRD DR, Anchorage Owner: SAMBO GARY DEAN 1/4 & DOROUGH Lot Size in Sq Ft: Design Engineer: ALASKA NATIVE TRIBAL HEATLTH CONSORTIUM Total Bedrooms: This permit is for the construction of: �p�en� °� ,. Is, h A Uepartm'ent 8/25/2021 8/25/2022 31963 Q Disposal Field Q Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation. The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 (24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Special Provisions: A subsurface disposal field may not be located less than two times the depth of gravel below the level of the horizontal perforated pipe or six feet, whichever is greater, from any existing or abandoned subsurface disposal field. If the existing field is encountered, excavate out the existing trench within 6' of the new field and backfill with native soil. n GD �Xi`5tt�nq Sys'er� �0Catej /1-20vecL c loser fa -the roach• omq) Received By: Issued By: L Date: Date: (317 -5 - ZZ -J-- 3 O L I NCS RUSH Development Services Department h ' Phone: 907-343-7904 On -Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997 ON-SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION Parcel I.D. 018-011-14-000 Property owner(s) Lorraine Sambo Mailing address 12516 Snowbird Dr, Anchora Site address 12516 Snowbird Dr Day phone (907) 744-2012 AK 99516 Legal description (Sub'd., Block & Lot) Green Forest Subdivision; Plat 66-134, Lot 2, Block 2 Legal description (Township, Range & Section) 61 deg 06min 27.62sec N / 149deg 50min 20.9sec W Lot Size 31,963 Sq. Ft. Number of Bedrooms 3 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DWELLING: (® all that apply) Absorption Field Initial ❑ Single Family (SF) Septic Tank Upgrade 0 (w/wo ADU) Holding Tank ❑ Renewal ❑X Duplex (D) ❑ Privy ❑ Multiple Dwellings ❑ (SF and/or D) Private Well ❑ Replacement X Water Storage ❑ GW is 6.5ft BG - 2ft vertical separation between sewer rock to gorundwater, w/ 2ft THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A WAIVER REQUEST FOR: sand liner. No waiver request - System will be AWWTS / REPS / Pressure Mound Drainfield Distance: 851BGaGt° r I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium - Div. of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Dr., Anchorage AK 99508 Kurt D. Sauers PE (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) 111�2m_tD �,� � — Permit/Rush Fees: kq.6 Z Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: %ZZZ�2 I Date of Payment: Receipt Number: 26,(503 Receipt Number: Permit No. (/_�Q2 i rz)o ) Waiver No. GADevelopment Services\Building Safety\On Site Water and Wastewater\Forms\Client FormsTermit Application.doc Page 1 of 3 August 16, 2021 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On-site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd. Anchorage, AK 99507 Reference: Septic system replacement (AWWTS) for Lot 2, Block 2, Green Forest Subdivision #1, Plat 66-134 – 12,516 Snowbird Dr., Anchorage, AK 99516 Property Owner: Lorrain Sambo (– Revised Permit request cover letter) To Muni Onsite Dept., The 3 bedroom residence located at the above address has a failed conventional septic system that was installed in 1975. From the test hole that was dug at the property in June of 2020, the ground water table was located at 7.5ft below existing grade. It was adjusted by 1 ft., per the Muni seasonal groundwater adjustment table; raising it to 6.5ft below existing grade. In order for the 4ft vertical separation distance to groundwater be met, the bottom of the sewer rock in the absorption field would normally need to be at 2.5ft below grade, requiring a raised mound drainfield. A new test hole was dug on August 16th, 2021, within 30ft of the proposed soil absorption field. It was dug to 14ft and no groundwater was encountered. A monitoring tube was installed and will be checked in 7 days, but it is not expected to show any groundwater. New soil samples were taken and a new percolation test was performed. However, there is a sandy silt layer transitioning to tight silts at 8.5ft below grade. While a percolation test was not performed at this level, it can be assumed that this layer is close to impermeable. Based on the earlier soil analysis which reflected SW-SM soils at 4ft, transitioning to ML (silty) soils deeper into the test hole, the loading rate would need to be increased from 150 sq. ft./bedroom to 250 sq. ft./bedroom. However, the initial design required an absorption field that was too large for the available space. The potential location for the field is constrained by the 100ft separation distance to the well, a paved driveway, two property lines, and road easement. This resulted in considering an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System and possible mound system. By using a Quanics/Anua system with recirculation AeroCell pod, (an approved Muni AWWT System), sizing of the absorption field and vertical separation distance could be reduced to better fit the field onto the lot. A 1,500 gallon polypropylene septic tank (made by the Infiltrator Water Technologies Co., IM- 1530) will be used for this 3 bedroom home. This is followed by a 500 gallon pump chamber, (Infiltrator IM-540). This pump chamber is also the recirculation chamber for the 500 gallons Quanics AeroCell pod. This allows an 80/20 split of the treated wastewater, with 80% recycled, leaving 20% of the treated effluent to be gravity fed to the absorption field. The pump in the pump chamber will be a ½ HP, Liberty Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Effluent Pump. The pump is controlled by floats and timers, with a SJE Rhombus control panel, and WIFI connected alert/alarm system. A CAT II AWWT system allows the loading rate to be reduced to 2 gals/day/sq. ft., or about 91 sq. ft./bedroom. The treatment area for a daily wastewater flow rate of 450 gals/day is 225 sq. ft., but can be upsized a bit to 272 sq. ft, as there is room to extend the length of field. The drainfield would consist of 24 drainfield chambers, comprised of 4 rows of 6 chambers each lateral. This is approximately a 12ft wide x 24ft long field, with an extra 2ft of sewer rock around the perimeter, resulting in a field of 428 sq. ft. (or 143 sq, ft. / bedroom). The AWWTS also allows for a reduction in the vertical separation distance to be reduced from 4ft to 2ft between the sewer rock and the seasonal high groundwater table. The impenneable layer can be reduced from 6ft down to 4ft. If the existing grade at the drainfield is 245ft, and the impenneable layer was at 8.5ft below grade, then using the 4ft separation distance; the bottom of the sewer rock will be set at 241 ft, giving an extra'hft of clearance. Engineered soils Ayf MOA filter sand) will be brought in and placed under the 2ft sewer rock layer. The excavated silty sand material will be used to landscape the area when �pc. the mound is complete, but the system is expected to generate an extra 62 cubic yards of material that will be removed from the site. • A test hole was dug and soils analyzed by Shannon and Wilson Inc. • The percolation test was performed by an ANTHC field technician under the direction of an engineer. • There are no surface waters impacted by this design. • The topography of the site is a gentle slope to the northwest (sloping downward from Snowbird Dr., toward the back of the lot.) • There is no violation of separation distances. and the residential well on the lot is protected. • No neighboring wells are in the vicinity of the proposed absorption field. • The design of the AWWTS and absotptign field will not cause surface water ponding or surface water rum -off to neighboring lots. • The only waiver requested is to only install clean -outs at the end of each of the four laterals, instead of both ends. • The homeowner will sign and agree to an AWWTS operation and maintenance service agreement. • The design of this system adequately protects public health. The following information is included with this submittal: • Scope of Work • Design calculations, design notes, construction notes • Soil Analysis and soil log • Percolation Test Form • Engineering Design Plans • Muni Onsite Pen -nit Application • DNR Well Log • MW Drilling — Drillers log Page 2 of 3 Page 3 of 3 • Original Inspection Report – 1975 (from Muni database (Laserfiche Document Management System (LDMS)) • Original Application Permit – 1975 (from Muni database (LDMS)) • Copy of AWWTS Maintenance Agreement – (submitted under separate cover) • Rush Permit Fees – (Refer to credit card payment by ANTHC) If the department would like to discuss this project or have questions or concerns, please contact me at (907) 644-4454 or by e-mail at ksauers@anthc.org. We appreciate your rushed review of this permit application. Sincerely, Kurt D. Sauers, PE, PMP, MCE Updated 6-7-21 – DCVR – Remove Lift Station and shift absorption field closer to Aerocell recirculation pod. Provide gravity flow from AWWTS to absorption field. Lorraine Sambo – Anchorage, AK Address: 12516 Snowbird Dr. Anchorage, AK 99516 Parcel ID: 018-011-14-000 Legal: Lot 2, Block 2, Green Forest Subdivision, Plat 66-134 ANTHC Project: AKA.C9FIHH ANTHC Planset: AKA-20-ANC Scope of Work • Provide new septic system to replace existing failed system • Install new sewer service line • Install new septic tank • Install new Cat II Quanics /Anua Advanced Wastewater Treatment System with Aerocell Pod, filled with open-cell foam cubes, and recirculation pump. (Liberty FL50) • Install new gravity feed, below grade, mound drainfield system o Mound system contains: 4 rows of 6 chambers, for a total of 24 chambers and 271.7 sq ft of treatment area • Remove existing septic tank and dispose of at an Anchorage approved solid waste facility. • Install 2 bollards to protect septic tanks at end of driveway Absorption Field Design Criteria • 3 bedroom house • Design flow rate: 150 gal/day/bedroom • Total design flow: 450 gal/day • Soil Type at 4ft is: Well graded sand with silt - USCS Classification: SW-SM • Soil Type at 8ft is: Sandy Silt - USCS Classification: ML • Soil Type at 10.5ft is: Silt - USCS Classification: ML • Ground water encountered at 7.5ft below existing grade (EG=245ft) from test hole, or at an elevation of 237.5ft. However, no groundwater was encountered in the 14ft deep test hole on 8-16-21. • Groundwater was monitored for 7 days during the month of June, 2020. • City of Anchorage (Muni) requirements per Table 1. Groundwater Adjustment Factors, 15.65.C.6.b.ii. State that groundwater monitored in June, shall be decreased by 1 ft, (to more closely reflect the seasonal high ground water month of May). • Therefore, the groundwater was raised to 6.5ft below grade or at an elevation of 238.5ft. • The percolation rate from the test on 6-9-20, was 0.431 min/in, which is much faster than the soils would indicate. This may be due to not a long enough pre-soak of the soils. The percolation rate will not be used to size the drainfield in this case. The soils at 4ft were SW to SM drifting into ML soils, deeper into the test hole. SW soils can be sized at 150sqft/BR, but the inclusion of a silty component, requires the adsorption rate to be increased. The original system was sized in 1975 at 138 sq ft/br and noted that the soils were poor below 5 ft. The new rate should be increased to 250 sq ft/BR • Use absorption rate of: 250 sq ft / bedroom (This absorption rate resulted in a drainfield that was too large for the available space, and was adjusted with an AWWTS, but the calcs are shown below to demonstrate original size.) • Infiltration area required = 3 bedrooms * 250 sq ft /bedroom = 750 sq ft • Chamber area per unit is: 2.83’ x 4’ long = 11.32 sq ft/chamber • # of Chambers required is = 750 sq ft / 11.32 sq ft/chamber = 66.3 chambers • Round to 66 chambers • Use 66 chambers with 6 rows of 11 chambers per row (747.1 sq ft) • Final Loading rate is: 450 gal/day / 747.1 sq ft = 0.60 gal/day/sq ft • 0.60 gal/day/sq ft is more conservative than the E.J. Tyler recommended 0.8 gal/day/sq ft for sandy silty material for BOD5 loading less than 30mg/l wastewater strength. • Septic tank sizing: DEC requirement for 3 bedroom home is: a 1,000 gal septic tank. Upsize septic tank to 1,500 gals, and use Infiltrator 1,500 gal, polyethylene septic tank • The pump chamber will be a separate pump chamber. (Infiltrator, IM-540) • Providing 4ft of separation distance to groundwater and 6ft to an impermeable layer will require the use of a pressure mound disposal drainfield. As this initial design yielded a mound system layout that would impact the paved driveway, separation distances and excavation limits to property boundaries, as well as impacting trees and vegetation on the lot, an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System is now considered, under 15.65.340, Part III. AWWTS Design • The Quanics/Anua Aerocell Cat II Advanced Wastewater Treatment System is one of the systems that has been approved by the Municipality of Anchorage. It has been shown to reduce contaminant discharge levels to 30 mg/l of BOD5 (5-Day, Carbonaceous Biological Oxygen Demand , 30 mg/l of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) and 50,000 colonies per 100 ml of Fecal Coliform reduction. • The system is mostly comprised of non-propriety components which will make it easier for the homeowner to operate and maintain. The system uses septic tanks and pump chambers that are made by the Infiltrator Tank Company, and are common to ANTHC standard details. They are compatible with the pump chambers used by ANTHC for their Residential Effluent Pumping Stations (REPS units). • The system utilizes a filter that protects the packed bed filter pod. The media is a proprietary high porosity, synthetic, open cell foam blocks. The effluent pump is controlled by a timed and float controlled control panel and alarm system that is connected to Wi-Fi for remote monitoring. After wastewater goes through the first septic tank, which acts as a settling chamber, the effluent flows into a second septic tank, and is then pumped and recycled and sprayed over foam blocks in the pod that act as a trickling filter that lets aerobic biological activity take place. The system recirculates 80% of the wastewater, and 20% of the treated wastewater is sent to a pump chamber. • Because the impermeable layer at this site is high, a mound distribution system will be required. • The CAT II nitrogen removal treatment system will allow a reduction of the vertical separation distance from 6ft down to 4ft, for an impermeable layer. However, even with this reduction a pressure mound system will still be required, as the discharge of the Aerocell pod will be lower than discharge piping into the mound, and cannot be fed by gravity flow. – Design update for DCVR. The Aerocell pod can be moved to the drainfield location, and the drainfield can be supplied by gravity instead of pressure (and eliminates the proposed lift station). • The advanced wastewater treatment system allows for a reduced footprint of the drainfield or mound system, or an increase in the wastewater loading rate. • Because of the possible proximity to the groundwater, and proximity to the impermeable layer and to stabilize the percolation rate of the soils, and to allow for a more conservative sizing of the system, a 4ft layer of coarse-graded MOA filter sand will be added. The existing soils will be replaced with this 4ft layer of sand. • To increase the lifespan of the system, and to assist with better wastewater treatment hydraulics, a 2ft layer of 2”minus sewer rock, will be added underneath the pressure distribution piping. Which will be protected with the use of Infiltrator chambers, placed over the discharge piping, that will protect the discharge piping from clogging, and provide void space and can handle severe peak flow events, and helps with the distribution of the wastewater to the filter sand layer below. • A reasonable and somewhat conservative soil percolation rate can be assumed to be in the 16-30 minutes per inch range. Which takes into account the in-situ silty soils around and outside of the imported coarse filter sand. Per Table 6. AWWTS Effluent Application Rates under section 15.65.355.G., the loading rate for a CAT II system, with this percolation rate is 2 gallons/day/square foot. New Design for AWWTS Drainfield sizing • 3 Bedroom house • Flowrate is 150 gal/day/BR • Total flowrate is 3BR * 150gal/day/BR = 450 gal/day • Use CAT II loading rate of 2 gal/day/sq ft • Area required is 450 gal/day / 2 gal/day/sq ft = 225 sq ft • The area of a standard Infiltrator chamber is 11.32 sq ft/chamber • The number of chambers is 225 sq ft/11.32 sq ft/chamber = 20 chambers • 20 chambers is 4 rows of 5 chambers – But the site has enough room to add another row of chambers, as a factor of safety. • Final sizing is 24 chambers of 4 rows of 6 chambers or 272 sq ft of treatment area • Final loading rate is 272 sq ft / 450 gal/day = 1.7 gal/day/sq ft • Or an equivalent sizing rate is: 272 sq ft / 3 BR = 91 sq ft/ bedroom Note: The smaller footprint of the drainfield is a major advantage to using an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System. Design Notes 1. Gravity wastewater service line from house to tank shall be set at a minimum of 2% slope. However, this could be a little steeper, as slope varies based on length and distance. Slope equals rise over run. 2. ABS and PVC Sch 40 pipe will be used. There shall be a minimum of 4 ft of cover over pipe, tank, and drainfield, plus 4” of boardstock insulation over pipe, tank and drainfield, to prevent freezing. 3. Per Muni requirements the bottom of drainfield (gravel base) must have 4 ft of clearance to groundwater and 6 ft to impermeable layer. However, the AWWTS reduces this to 2ft to groundwater and 4ft to an impermeable layer. 4. This site encountered groundwater seeps at 7.5 ft below existing grade at the test hole location, in the month of June. And was adjusted to 6.5ft BG (below grade). 5. The test hole that was dug to 14ft on 8-16-21 did not encounter groundwater. 6. While the site may have high groundwater as well as an impermeable layer with tight silts, the 4ft separation distance controls and establishes the elevation of the absorption field, a separate pump chamber will not be required. It is possible to utilize the effluent pump from the recirculation chamber to pump up to the Aerocell pod. If the Aerocell pod is placed at the same elevation of the drainfield, the treated effluent can flow by gravity into the absorption field. (The Pod will need to be raised about 1/2ft to allow gravity flow into the distribution box that feeds the laterals.) 7. A 100 ft separation distance must be maintained between the well and septic tank and drainfield. Including 100 ft from neighboring wells. 8. There must be 10 ft of separation from the septic system to the property lines. 9. The drainfield must be located greater than 50 ft away from a 25% slope. Construction notes: 1. Contractor must comply with all OSHA trenching requirements, Refer to Section 31 23 16.13, trenching. Excavation limits and slopes shown are 1:1 and assumed to be Type B soils, but must be verified by Contractor. Mound system finished grade slopes should be 3:1 (minimum) for ease of maintenance. 2. General landscaping and site clean-up - In general, all disturbed areas shall be graded, compacted, leveled, and hand or machine raked. Rocks larger than 3” should be removed from the surface. All construction debris, brush, root balls, and limbed tree branches shall be removed from the site. Bucked logs can be neatly stacked and left, if homeowner agrees. All septic system observation ports shall be vertical and plumb, and capped, and shall be cleaned off of all mud, dirt and markings. Access risers on septic tanks shall be secured and be cleared of dirt and mud. If gravel or paved driveways are impacted they must be replaced to an “or better” status. 3. The gravel/sewer rock for the drainfield must be raked loose and not compacted by equipment. 4. The boardstock layer must be laid onto smooth soil surface without large rocks or voids, and capped with clean backfill without large rocks or voids. 5. Construction photos and work logs must be submitted daily, as work proceeds. 6. The system must be installed as designed, and only changed or re-positioned with approval of the Engineer. 7. Underground utilities must be identified and located prior to excavation. Please call Alaska DigLine, Inc at 811, a minimum of three working days prior to installation of the system. 8. Once located, underground utilities may need to be protected from damage during installation. 9. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to not encroach over property lines. 10. The installation of the Quanics/Anua advanced wastewater treatment system must be according to manufacturer’s specifications. Refer to manufacturer’s website for installation instructions and operation and maintenance literature. 11. For additional guidance and system parts for the AWWTS, contact Garness Engineering Group at (907) 337-6179 or sonja@garnessengineering.com 12. Material used in the installation and construction of an on-site septic system must comply with the Municipalities Standards and Specifications for Component Parts and Materials Used in Construction of Onsite Wastewater Disposal Systems – 2019 13. Sewer Rock and Coarse Filter Sand must meet Muni Specifications under Code 15.65 14. The Contractor is responsible for locating all buried utilities, easements, property lines, right-of-ways, surface water set-backs, well radius, and water service lines, that may intrude into the design layout of the proposed on-site septic system. 15. Any encroachments found, that were not identified on the engineering plans should be brought to the attention of the Engineer-of-Record. 16. Contractor to establish survey benchmarks, from which to establish elevations. The on- site septic system has been designed using elevations. 17. Site Inspections – The Contractor must notify the Engineer at least 24 hrs prior to beginning Construction. Inspections should take place during normal business hours. The Municipality must be provided notification of Installation and provided the opportunity to inspect all phases of the Installation. a. The following are inspection points that must be photo documented by the EOR and the Contractor. i. Initial before photos of the site, prior to the start of Construction ii. The bottom of all trenches iii. The bottom /bedding of the septic tank and pump chambers iv. The bottom of the pressure mound drainfield v. Top of sand liner of pressure mound drainfield vi. Top of sewer rock of pressure mound drainfield vii. Layout of perforated distribution manifold and drainfield chambers viii. Boardstock covering of bed system ix. Geo-fabric covering of bed system x. Top of septic tank, risers, and pump chambers xi. Control and Alarm panel Kiosk, interior of panels, and exterior xii. Sewer service line and clean-out xiii. Sewer service line house penetration of connection point xiv. Final grading and finished grade of septic system from multiple angles 18. As this system is an AWWTS, the start-up of the Facility shall be coordinated and arranged with the Company providing the Maintenance Agreement of the system. Successful system start-up, troubleshooting, and addressing Inspection concerns, must all be completed before Final Contract Payment. 19. The Contractor shall provide ANTHC Operation and Maintenance materials, and any copies of manufacturer’s literature of the system components. ANTHC will compile the O&M manual for the Homeowner. References • State of Alaska ADEC Onsite Wastewater System Installers Manual, January 2016 • Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Soil and Site Evaluations, Design, Construction and Maintenance, Tyler and Associates, Inc. 1998 • Wisconsin Mound Soil Absorption Systems: Siting, Design, and Construction Manual, JC Converse and EJ Tyler, January 2000 • ADEC Wastewater Disposal Regulations 18AAC72, November 2017 • ANTHC Technical Specifications – 2021 • Municipality of Anchorage Onsite Standards, Anchorage Municipal Code 15.65 • Residential Design Guide 2018 – Quanics Environmental Solutions • Municipality of Anchorage – Approved On-site Materials list 2 4 - A NOTES: GD 1 �� ! `'- / 4 O1 EXISTING SYSTEM SHOWN AS A POSSIB LITY WAS NOT FIELD VERIFIED. IF ANY PORTION OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM IS ENCOUNTERED, IT WILL BE DUG UP AND REMOVED DO NOT EXCAVATE DRIVEWAY, REBUILD/REPAVED IF IMPACTED. 4 .s L— s e-1 tdv �x \ � O O GRAVITY FED BELOW GRADE DRAINFIELD, 4 ROWS OF 6 CHAMBERS (272 SF). ILI <�' sw. J Ake s jV CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEVER SERVICE LINE AT THE HOUSE A �® O1 EXISTING SEPTIC TANK.' l I i + 06-08-20 I N i BY N.C. I I If EXCAVATION LIMITS­�It 1 x x ST 01 y _ x - x - - - -- FINISH GRADE _. CONTRACTOR AS -GUILTS: 12 GRADING TABLE _ a STATION DEPTH OF SEWER LINE: \� \ n DEPTH OF SEPTIC TANK: 0+47.8 1,500 GAL INFILTRATOR SEPTIC TANK, IM -1530 o DEPTH OF DRAINFIELD: i 1 � t / Wim' J Co Z Y z y 1 I 0 10' 20' OR FILL BOUNDARY 1 DOME CONCRETE MORTAR AT TOP I 2 ROWS OF 2" RED REFLECTIVE TAPE 260' 4" SCH 40 STEEL. FILL W/ CONCRETE `q�Lj. MORTAR AND PAINT SAFETY YELLOW -6 WRAPS OF 6 MIL POLYETHYLENE SHEETING —FINISH GRADE wlw Ui Li wl� -0+10 0+00 0+10 0+20 0+30 0+40 0+50 0+60 0+70 0+80 0+90 1+00 1+10 1+20 " PLAN AIV® PROFILE BOLLARD DETAIL I JHORZ. SCALE 1" =10' VERT. SCALE 1" =10' JEELLORIN PRODUCT: Autodesk Civil 3D 2021 - English FILE: P: LAYOUT: DSGN PRINTED: 8/10/2021 11:`-2:47 PM Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 729.3600 49M !T D. SAVERS CE -10280 0 1' BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, IF NOT ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY z _Q 1 -- NU cc W N Q W 0 0 u ZOLL O cc Q N W 1D PLAN SET: GRADING TABLE MAJOR STRUCTURES SWING TIE TABLE STATION DESCRIPTION CO 01 0+03.7 DESC DSGN AB 0+47.8 1,500 GAL INFILTRATOR SEPTIC TANK, IM -1530 DESC DSGN AB O O ST 01 I 31' O O OF PORT I 51' OB O1 ST Ot 1 37' © O OF PORT I 32' O O ST Ot lI 33' O © OF PORT II 57' OB 2O ST 01 II 32' ) © OF PORT II 39' OA O3 ST 02 37' OA O7 DF PORT III 78' © O3 ST 02 30' O O7 DF PORT III 56' OA 4O ST 03 I 45' 0 ® OF PORTIV 74' © O ST 03 I 31' OB OS DF PORT IV 51' Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 729.3600 49M !T D. SAVERS CE -10280 0 1' BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, IF NOT ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY z _Q 1 -- NU cc W N Q W 0 0 u ZOLL O cc Q N W 1D PLAN SET: GRADING TABLE MAJOR STRUCTURES ID STATION DESCRIPTION CO 01 0+03.7 CLEANOUT ST 01 0+47.8 1,500 GAL INFILTRATOR SEPTIC TANK, IM -1530 CO 02 0+56.6 DOUBLE CLEANOUT ST 02 0+60.8 500 GAL INFILTRATOR SEPTIC TANK, IM -540 ST 03 0+73.6 QUANICS / ANUA AEROCELL POD, SEE SSSD-563 . DB 01 1 0+82.6 DISTRIBUTION BOX, SEE SSSD-600 Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 729.3600 49M !T D. SAVERS CE -10280 0 1' BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, IF NOT ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY z _Q 1 -- NU cc W N Q W 0 0 u ZOLL O cc Q N W 1D PLAN SET: GRADING TABLE PROJ MGR: SEWER SERVICE ID START END LENGTH SLOPE DESCRIPTION SS 01 0+00 0+04 4 LF 2.4% 4" SCH 40 ABS PIPE SS 02 0+04 0+40 37 LF 2.4% 4" SCH 40 ABS PIPE SS 03 0+55 0+58 3 LF 2.0% 4" SCH 40 PVC SS 04 0+64 0+68 4 LF 0.0% 4" SCH 40 PVC SS 05 0+80 0+83 3 LF 2.0% 4" SCH 40 PVC Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 729.3600 49M !T D. SAVERS CE -10280 0 1' BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, IF NOT ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY z _Q 1 -- NU cc W N Q W 0 0 u ZOLL O cc Q N W 1D PLAN SET: GRADING TABLE PROJ MGR: M. LANDON ID DESCRIPTION VOL (CuYd) ELEV DRAWN BY: EXCAVATION (EXC) 303 - �A 3.75' MOUND COVER (FG) 103 247'-9" �8 BOTTOM OF INFILTRATORS CHAMBERS 11 243'-0" ❑C BOTTOM OF 2' MOA SEWER ROCK 38 241'-0" ❑D BOTTOM OF 4' MOA SAND 76 237'-0" ❑E BOTTOM OF SEPTIC/RECIRC TANK 25 237'-0" n❑ BOTTOM OF 1' TANK BEDDING 15 236'-0" NET VOLUME A - (B + C + D + E + F) -62 - NET VOLUME (SOIL NEEDED) = FG (MOUND) - SEPTIC SYSTEM POSITIVE NET VOLUME = SOIL NEEDED; NEGATIVE NET VOLUME = EXCESS SOIL VALUES ARE ESTIMATED; COMPACTION/EXPANSION ARE NOT FACTORED IN Division of Environmental Health and Engineering 4500 Diplomacy Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 729.3600 49M !T D. SAVERS CE -10280 0 1' BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, IF NOT ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY z _Q 1 -- NU cc W N Q W 0 0 u ZOLL O cc Q N W 1D PLAN SET: AKA -20 -ANC PROJ MGR: M. LANDON PROJ ENG: K. SAUERS DRUMS ENG: -- DRAWN BY: J. ELLORIN SHEET TITLE LORRAINE ELLEN SAMBO DESIGN PLAN C-103 SHEET 6 OF 11 6 OF 11 TOTAL St Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Silt w/Sand (ML) Silty Sand (SM) ML 7'-10" 7 days Comment - KDS (8-25-21) - Surprising to see dry hole at 14ft, have groundwater show up 7 days later in the monitoring tube to 7'-10" below grade. Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP211301, Deb Wockenfuss, 08/25/21 Project Name: ANTHC 2021 Scattered Sites Location: Anchorage, Alaska ASTM D422 Client: ANTHC ASTM D4318 Project Number: S&W: 107363-033 Date: August 24, 2021 Sambo Sambo Anchorage, AK Anchorage, AK 4' 8' Grain Size - % passing Sieve Size - mm (USS) 63 (2.5")-- 50 (2")-- 37.5 (1.5")-- 25 (1")100 - 19 (3/4")99 - 12.5 (1/2")99 100 9.5 (3/8")98 99.9 4.75 (#4)97 99.9 2.36 (#8)97 99.7 2.00 (#10)96 99.7 1.18 (#16)96 99.6 0.600 (#30)94 99.3 0.425 (#40)93 98.5 0.300 (#50)92 95 0.150 (#100)88 68 0.075 (#200)72 38 Hydrometer (interpolated) 0.02 17 7 0.002 2 1 Liquid Limit - - Plastic Limit - - Plasticity Index NP NP USDA Classification (portion passing #10 (2mm) only) Sand 0.05 - 2 51 63 Silt 0.002 - 0.05 47 36 Clay <0.002 2 1 Texture Very Fine Sandy Loam (VFSL) Fine Sandy Loam (FSL) Rock Fragment Modifier -- KEY DESCRIPTION - Not present or not applicable % Percent. Percent passing is based on total dry mass mm Millimeters. Sieve sizes shown are based on ASTM E11 standard sizes. " Inches. (USS is United States Alternate standard from ASTM E11) NP Not Plastic USDA United States Department of Agriculture Reviewed by: Particle Size Analysis Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index Sample Information 5430 Fairbanks St., Ste. 3, Anchorage, AK 99518; (907) 561-2120 Page 1 of 1 USER: JEELLORIN PRODUCT: Autodesk Civil 3D 2021 — English FILE: P:\Anchorage\AKA-20—ANC\CAD\Survey\ANC—V—STSURV—LSombo.dwg LAYOUT: STSURV_LSAMBO PRINTED: 12/28/2020 11:53:54 AM 4 OF 11 TOTAL SHEETS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE # • 'I'l IIS MAIN'T'ENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT, herein the "AGREEMENT" made and entered into as of this 21 Day of ti of 2014 , by and between Lei CG �hA to CLQ { herein the "OWNER," and the Municipality of Anchorage, herein the "MUNICIPALITY", in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) 15.65.365. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1. Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems. The Municipality grants permission to the Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWWTS), described as u a� D C C. 1 n J Q. 1 c c e IL AW wr� located at (legal description) 2.Iaintenanee, Repairs and Alterations. .,(Owner is required to read,understand and initial each section) Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Owner shall enter into a service agreement with an AWWTS service and maintenance provider approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative. The AWWTS shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition capable of performing as designed and producing treated septic effluent in accordance with the equipment's approval for operation in the Municipality. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Agreement to pay for all repair(s), maintenance, adjustment(s), replacement costs, and inspection costs. This L4'7 includes an annual maintenance fee (typically $400 to $600). Owner agrees that only maintenance and repair personnel approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, �L repairs or permitted alterations to the system. Owner acknowledges that regular maintenance of an AWWTS reduces the potential failure of the system, which could include sewage backup and costly repairs or drainfield replacement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 1 of 3 �-� Owner acknowledges that the Municipality may request records of maintenance and repairs from the manufacturer's representative or maintenance provider. Owner acknowledges that the fine for failing to maintain and repair an AWWTS may be assessed in accordance with AMC 14.60.030. Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the AWWTS. The Municipality will give at least 24-hour notice. Owner agrees that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur without a new Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval. Owner agrees that the AWWTS installation and maintenance requirements as provided by the AWWTS vendor/installer and approved by the Municipality are the governing guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AWWTS. Owner agrees to maintain remote monitoring of the AWWTS as required by the AWWTS approval. 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of approval by the Municipality to operate the installed system, or upon transfer of title, and shall continue while the AWWTS is operational or until title is transferred. 4. Nonwaiver. The failure of the Municipality at any time to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall in no way constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of the Agreement or any part hereof, or the right of the Municipality thereafter to enforce every provision hereof. 5. Amendment. This Agreement shall only be amended by authorized representatives of the Owner and Municipality. Any attempt to amend this agreement by either an unauthorized representative or unauthorized means shall be void. 6. Jurisdiction: Choice of Law. Any civil action arising from this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska at Anchorage. The laws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement. 7. Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement decreed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shalt not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 2 of 3 OWNER: i BY-� "LCL'✓ti ��,-CWI (signature) Date: r ZU Zj �Q 11r�;f SYS V1'1 (Print name) STATE OF ALASKA ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) c The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisQ.Dday of 0 20�;?j by '� NOTARY 9-U-7.IC FOR X' ASKA OFFICIAL SEAL PMARYANN ANI1000IA 1 My Commission ex ires: ,- NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF ALASKA My Comm. Wres December 11, 2021 MUNICIPALITY: BY l/�/ (signature) Date: Z5 Z (print name) Title: (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 3 of 3 \NCHORAGE AREA BOROI' Department of Environmental Quality 3330 O Street Anchorage, Alaska ggs03 INSPECTION REPORT ON-51TE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCATION __ MAILING ADDRESS 15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL -7(~( MANUFACTURER INSIDE LENGTH '~'-INSIDE WIDTH -.-.. NUMBER OF MATERIAL ~r~l~O_~ COMPARTMENTS__ LIQUID DEPTH ~ LIQUID CAPACITY [OOOGALLONS. ¢ DISTANCE FROM WELL [~(.2__FOUNDATION _NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL LENGTH OF LINES '~ '.-~ NUMBER OF LINES J DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ____/0¢ TRENCH WIDTH ~J~:~ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA ....... ~_'2,.- SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE MATERIAL BENEATH TILE Id~ IN. ABOVE TILE '~' IN. WELL: BUILDING FOUNDATION__ CESSPOOL APPROVED NEAREST LOT LINE OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED EONSTRUCTION_ ~(2,,__~_pt'"0 ~ ~ J DEPTH NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE SEWER LINE TANK "]~ SYSTEM REMARKS __DISTANCE FROM: [oo ~ DISTANCES: 1~ _~_ . DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM INSTALLED BY: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form EQ-032 G.A.A.B. ~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 I'C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-456 ! SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAMe OF APPLICANT~-,,'~/~/,~*''//~' ~/"~//*~//'~'~'~? MAILING ADDRESS INSTALLATION LOCATION /~/j~JJ~¢~ /~/l/ ~_.~/~ ~2/~ PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~--' ~'~ '~'~ _7'_ /~'~-/~/~'~ ~_ ~_~ ~.~¢~ _.~//~. INSTALLATION OF: S~PTlO ~ANK &~ SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN F[EL~ . OTHER TYPEAND SIZE OF FAC~LITY TO BE SERVED ~ ~'~¢~ ,~/~&~ ~2/L~ ~;~ J / FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY ~ /~ ~>/~/~ SOIL TEST RESULTS ~¢~ /~J~¢~// NOTE~ THI~ PERMIT I~ NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED ./ .~ ~ ~ / FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK S ZE ,///~/~¢' ~'~ /~/~//~ TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT --~-- DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM SEEPAGE PIT ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS, , SEEPAGE Pit · DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL SEPtiC TANK ~ , SEEPAGE PIt , DRAIN FIELD//~ / TO NEAREST LOT LINE, ./~,/~/~/~/////.~<¢//~¢_~ WELt_ TO SEPTIC TANK .,-'~ 4~ / DRAIN FIELD / ~;/~'~ ~ WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK /' c~' / DRAIN FIELD //~// / SEPTIC TANK, ./~' '/'~ /' , SEEPAGE PFr TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. CAST lEON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL, 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS· GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO E~OROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. G ,A ,A ,El, OR LICENSED DESIGNER CERTIFY THAT AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS Of GREATER AN~GE AREA BORO~H ~ORDINANCE N~O~8-68 AND THAT Tide ABOVE DESCR'"ED SYBTEM'S 'N ACCO.DANCE W,T,-, SA,D OOOE. /// // ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATUR ¢ GREATER AN(;tI(JI<AG[~ Al;4/\ bOl~ll)U($i~ IJepar~li/e~/l[ of [)lvi rornnenLal (/ual i Ly 3330 "C" S[reet /\nchorage, A1 as ka 99b(J3 S()IbS I,()(; PI,;I~OI,ATION TEST / / lh]s fora pepop~s: Soils Io~ ~, pepcbT~t~on Dep th Feet l 0 = ,~'?oz~(~__ 11 - 12 _C ;--- 1,t- Was ground water encountered? ___~___ If Reading Date Gross Time Net Time _??!_¥b_ Percol a~ion rate mi nute. 'Prot)osed 'Jnstalla~6h-Y'-~b~bJge Pit................. Urain Field )e)t of I~le~ . Depth to bottom oF pit or. trenci~ PYrtorned b' ~ ,~. _ I. Certified b~' Drilling, Inc . ®P.O. Box 110389 s Anchorage, AK 99511,o 6907-345-4000 a Job No.ig-s.i2 GROUNDWATER WELL LOG - DEEPENING Well Owner: Lorraine Sambo Use of Well: Domestic Site Description: 12516 Snowbird Drive, Anchorage, Alaska Legal Description: Green Forest Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 2 CONSTRUCTION Drill Method: Air Rotary Hole Size: 6" Hole Depth: 118' Casing Size: 6" Cased to: 106.94' Material: A53B steel Well Completion: Open end X Screen _ Perforated Method: Wall: 0.250" Screen/Perforation Description: n/a Grout Notes: 2 Sacks (50#ea) of Bentonite Well Development: Airlift/Surge Well Disinfected: Y Method: Chlorine bleach Yield Test at 8 GPM for 2 hour(s) with 100% of drawdown (DD) from static level(SWL). Method: Submersible pump Static Water Level (SWL): Start Date: 5/24/19 Completion Date: 5/29/19 Test Pump Date: 5/29/19 Final Pump Install Date: 6/10/19 WELL LOG Depth in feet from top of casin 9• I Details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and miscellaneous details. 0 TO73Casing Stick Up3 To ting Well101 101 TO Ta 7r;;V,.I. r ter L ter gravel: coarse - — --- ----- Water gravel: coarse 111 TO 118 Clay ~dl-W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box 4-1224 · 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-4611 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner Frank S.,xmOo Use of Well Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road L2. BI.k. 2 G:ceenfor,es~. Subdv. Size of casing G" Depth of Hole Static water level 69 ft. (Ab.~Y~e.) Screen ( ); Perforated ( Describe screen or perforation Well pumping test at ~ gallons:.per (h3ll~-) (minute) for of drawdown from static level. Date of completion qO .7, t~[~r t. 9'75 WELL LOG .1.50 feet Cased to .12. fi; feet (below) land surface. Finish of well (cheek one) open end ri hours with 1, ); ft. Depth in feet from ground surface Give'details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness TO TO_ TO_ TO TO .TO TO_ TO .TO .TO. .TO. .TO. .TO. .TO .TO 6 NW~VA Certified Conh'acior Certificate Ne's. 814 & 973 2 -- STATE