HomeMy WebLinkAboutVALLI VUE ESTATES #2 BLK 2 LT 9Onsite File #015-322-49 Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Water and Wastewater Section • (907) 343-7904 GQeb"'F ON-SITE WASTEWATER INSPECTION REPORT OCT �Z 20 OSP191287 Permit Number: PID Number: 015-322-49 i�9 Dwelling: ❑■ Single Family (SF) ❑ with ADU ❑ Duplex (D) ❑ Two Single Family Project: ❑ New *Upgrade Name KIMBERLY BYBEE ABSORPTION FIELD ❑ Deep Trench ❑ Wide Trench ❑ Bed ound Site Address 6310 WEST TREE DRIVE *ANCHORAGE, AK El Other Phone Number of Bedrooms Soil Rating Total depth f original grade 907-244-8310 4 . GPD/SFJ Ft. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Depth to pipe invert from original grade Ft. Gravel depth beneath pipe Ft. Subdivision Block Lot VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 9 Fill added above original gr a Ft. Gravel length Ft. Township Range Section - Gravel width Ft. Beds: Number of Lines Distance between lines Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES To Septic Absorption Lift Station Holding Sewer Total sorption area Number of trenches Dist. between trenches From Tank Field Tank Line Ft2 Ft. Well *50'+ _ *50'+ _ _ TANK El Septic 9 S.T.E.P. El Holding El Other Manufacturer ANCHORAGE TANK Capacity 1500 Gal. Surface Water *50'+ _ *50'+ _ Material Number of compartments Lot Line 51+ - 10'+ - NA EPDXY COATED STEEL 2 Foundation0'-F _ 10'+ _ LIFT STATION Manufacturer ANCHORAGE TANK Capacity 500 Gal. Remarks *CAT III IDSF SYSTEM WITH SJE RHOMBUS MYSPY MONITORING SYSTEM Alarm location LAUNDRY ROOM Electrical installed by MOA PIPE MATERIAL House to tank D3034 drainfieldTank to D1785 Installer JR SEPTIC Drainfield EXISTING CO/MTD3034 Inspector BENCH MARK (Assumed elevation) 100.00 ft Inspection15` 8/16/2019 _ Location and description nd BACK DOOR THRESHOLD 3`d _ 4°i _ ON-SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER SECTION APPROVAL Engineer's S mp 0600 OF Conditional Approval: Date �............. ....... ......� .... • .. •• . • • 0 Septic System 1 n� Approved x ill C�CiI �, �L"t its Date Q •• J fGarn _;3 QO E-7 53 Q� s �1 �! r� t Note: this approval does not include well permit requirements. 000 �4���oOoo���o #nett (Rev 05/02/18) PERMIT NUMBER: OSP191287 WEST TREE DR. RECORD DRAWING A B MH1 20.7 28.3 MH2 26.3. 33.3 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF 50' SETBACK OF •z' •: SURFACE WATER; WAS NOT SURVEYED IN BY +`. •: •. - , CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION d*IVEWw .:�•. VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 10 W i CW7 _2 EXISTING 4 BEDROOM o r HOUSE B NEW 1500 GALLON EPDXY COATED STEEL SEPTIC TANK A ci Uv.=\! -1 S PARCEL ID NUMBER: 015-322-49 VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 8 APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXISTING SEPTIC TANK; FILLED WITH PEA GRAVEL AND MORTAR MIX THROUGH THE 4" CLEANOUT - SEE ATTACHED EMAIL r • APPROXIMATE LOCA OF RETAINING LL VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 7A EXISTING 18'X 20' IDSF DRAINFIELD 10' UTILITY EASEMENT lr& At GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd ENGINEERING-_SALESCONSULTING = ---- -- --- --- 3701 E. TUDOR ROAD. SUITE 101 • ANCHORAGE. AK 99507 -PHONE (907) 337-6179 -FAX (907) 336-3246 • WEBSITE:-gamessengineenng.com PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: KIMBERLY BYBEE 907-244-8310 2 OF 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 9 D.J.G. TYPE OF WORK: DATE: STEP TANK RECORD DRAWING SITE PLAN 10/1/2019 P. BOOK 3267, PAGE 701 1"=40' jw ..... .4 ... ........... 0 o: A_ .ey .....arne• ..:;� Ar �� 4-79 3 ' �AV AV LIC ENSE'�tt;; ESS\ �• #AECC884 / PERMIT NUMBER: RECORD DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMBER: OSP 191287 015-322-49 TOP OF MANHOLE = 100.25 FINAL GRADE= 100.1-101.0 TOP OF MANHOLE = 101.31 MH1 MH2 TOP OF TANK AT INLET = 94.50 TOP OF TANK AT OUTLET = 94.51 INVERT OF BUNG AT INLET = 93.75 NEW 1500 GALLON EPDXY COATED STEEL STEP TANK RATED FOR 10' BURIAL ••. GARNES S ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd ........... 4 � -__- - 3701E.TUDOR ROAD. SUITE 101'ANCHORAGE, AK99507-PHONE (907)337Li79 -FAX (907)33&3246'WEBSITE:-gamessengineering.com ,,,,,,, ................. 0 PREPARED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: �0, � A. •• mess : W w KIMBERLY BYBEE 907-244-8310 3 OF 3 �jG'i C -7 53 •° _� N LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DRAWN BY: ����� ••., f*� �� VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 9 D.J.G. �j'QFQ••'•••. �, ��''•� ��� TYPE OF WORK: DATE: LICENSE♦11,;:;`S`;:.t • STEP TANK PROFILE 8/30/2019 #AECC984 1 II?�, N J L! Qo 3QWo Dy2� 2 Q�ZZ IW, WWW W O eW�z 0 2 InQup W h Z WJW 0 02�� ti In °NZ W W ?who X20 2�U� 2WJ a�W W p Q s O �ti�� G2q a vlti���¢02 �m�oti�,o �W4ci OW W2�OOHai z2�W�wo3 OGW��n2�n0 h WWW�JW1 OUmW2��� Z��rO wQ WZhuwiWhO> ti0U21Qi1T2CQ 0 o ZWo jam �WY in aWil zo< Z f p goo; oMZ, xrn¢v J T M m oQ000vp4 � I I ALL _ I or' r -- I I \` I I I I C I I I I Qo 3QWo Dy2� 2 Q�ZZ IW, WWW W O eW�z 0 2 InQup W h Z WJW 0 02�� ti In °NZ W W ?who X20 2�U� 2WJ a�W W p Q s O �ti�� G2q a vlti���¢02 �m�oti�,o �W4ci OW W2�OOHai z2�W�wo3 OGW��n2�n0 h WWW�JW1 OUmW2��� Z��rO wQ WZhuwiWhO> ti0U21Qi1T2CQ 0 o ZWo jam �WY in aWil zo< Z f p goo; oMZ, xrn¢v J T M m oQ000vp4 ALL _ z "� C1PAL/Tr0'� Municipality of Anchorage License/AP#: Development Services Department O.C1 C P.O. Box 196650 - 4700 Elmore Road ��,_ _ L• Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Type: Info and Help: (907) 343-8211 �'Y�HORP�E INSPECTIONS: Address: Voice: (907) 343-8300 Fax: (907) 249-7777 9/24/2019 Inspection Report License/AP#: RETROE191349 Parent AP#: Inspection #: 583491 Type: DPRETRO Status: Closed Address: 6310 WEST TREE DR Parcel: 01532249000 Inspector: M.Green Project: Resp Party: Descr: Lift Station Reconnect Inspection Electrical (Electrical Inspection) Item: EvaluatioApproved Result Notes: rground to reconnect existing septic approved. Inspection Item Item Description Evaluation 9/20/2019 Correct following Item Corrected Code Ref: Location: External j-box(s) Notes: At least one does not have ground wire connection to box. 9/20/2019 Correct following Item Corrected Code Ref: Location: Megger test. Notes: Leave megger test report in j -box. Jeff Garness From: Jeff Garness Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:03 PM To: Carroll, Rebecca M. Cc: David Garness Subject: 6310 West Tree - Valli Vue #2, B2, L9 - Setpup of MySpy unit Hello Becca. See email below from Mike at Jr's indicating that the MySpy unit for the IDSF at 6310 West Tree is operational. Jeffrey A. Garness, P.E., M.S. President Garness Engineering Group, Ltd. 3701 E. Tudor Road, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99507-1259 Phone: (907) 337-6179 Mobile: (907) 244- 9612 Fax: (907) 338-3246 Website: www.garnessengineering.com GARN SS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd EUGINEERING -SALES- From: JR's Septic Customer Service <jrsseptic@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 12:24 PM To: Jeff Garness <Jeff@garnessengineering.com> Subject: 6310 West Tree Jeff, The MySpy unit has been setup and tested to ensure that we get an email notification on any alarm events. LEt me know if you need anything else. ,.Q"i�MMIT:3T David Garness From: JR's Septic Customer Service <jrsseptic@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 10:29 AM To: David Garness Subject: Re: FW: Valli Vue Estates #2; Block 2, Lot 9 David, 1. Yes, the myspy unit was installed, 2. The alarm is located just inside the back door of the dwelling in the laundry area. 0 spoke with a plus and they are not sure of the report that needs to be provided. Do you have an example of this report? -mike On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:22 AM David Garness <David@garnessengineering.com> wrote: Mike, Looking over the emails you sent looks like items 3, 5, and 6 were resolved. Do you have information regarding the remaining items? From: David Garness Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 2:51 PM To:'irsseptic@gmail.com' <irsseptic@gmail.com> Subject: Valli Vue Estates #2; Block 2, Lot 9 Mike, We had spoken this morning about items I need for COSA completion from you. They are as follows: 1. Was the SJE Rhombis Myspi monitoring system installed 2. Where is the interior alarm location 3. 1 need a copy of the electrical inspection report 4. Was the maintenance service provider notified for system startup? If not, they need to be contacted and we need a copy of the report 5. Email resolving the existing tank decommissioning with the MOA onsite department 6. Was the required HP -1001-1- Linear septic air pump with alarm installed 1 David Garness From: JR's Septic Customer Service <jrsseptic@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 9:08 AM To: David Garness Subject: Fwd: Capstone Electric West Tree Electrical Inspection Attachments: InspectionSummary_583491.pdf, SepticSolutionsOrder Confirmation.pdf The electrical inspection should be attached, and the linear air pump is installed in the garage, on top of a shelf. The order confirmation from septic solutions should also be attached. Is there anything else that needs to be done? -mike Forwarded message From: Curtis Faulkner <Curtis@capstoneak.com> Date: Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 11:45 AM Subject: Capstone Electric West Tree Electrical Inspection To: irsseptic@gmail.com <irsseptic@gmail.com> Hello, Attached is the inspection for West Tree. Sorry again for the delay. Thanks, Curtis Get Outlook for iOS From: Green, Michael L. <michael.green@anchorageak.gov> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 12:01:23 PM To: Curtis Faulkner <Curtis@capstoneak.com> Subject: InspectionSummary_583491.pdf David Garness From: JR's Septic Customer Service <jrsseptic@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 3:27 PM To: David Garness Subject: Re: Valli Vue Estates #1; Block 2, Lot 9 Hey David, Sorry we've be n so tardy in this. In answer to your questions we have completed grading (the lines were confirmed intact and hot sheared), installed the new hp100 LL air pump, and decommissioned the existing tank per UPC with a mortar mispected and confirm this). As far as I re the only thing left for JR's to produce is the inspection report on the wiring. I've been told by Curtis at Capstone Electric (they did the wiring) to expect the inspection report later this week no later than this Friday. Is there anything else we need to produce or is that it? -mike wehr On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 12:21 PM David Garness <David@garnessenginee ring.com> wrote: Mike, Wanted to follow up on your conversations from yesterday regarding 6310 West Tree Drive *Anchorage, AK. As discussed yesterday, there are a few items that i need from you to complete the COSA and record drawings: MOA electrical inspection report Email stating how the old tank was decommissioned Notification when the grading is complete so we can perform an additional site visit When completing the grading, it would be prudent to confirm the lines have not "sheared" or seperated. Sincerely, David Garness, P.E., M.S. Civil Engineer �'""A y). MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �°.�"'`of On-Site Water&Wastewater Program ., ,,Tye-)1!,,_S. I , PO Box 196650 4700 Elmore oad :..:-..,.!:_,,,---:t.,,..,;.',.. . Anchorage,Alaska 99519.6650 Phone:(907)343-7904 Fax:(907)343-7997 http://www.muni.org/onsite ti "f"--, A"' s., Department 44cHORot On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Permit Permit Number: OSP191287 Effective Date: 7/12/2019 Work Type: SepticTank Upgrade Expiration Date: 7/11/2020 Tax Code Number: 01532249000 Site Legal Address: VALLI VUE ESTATES#2 BLK 2 LT 9 G:2538 Site Mailing Address: 6310 WEST TREE DR,Anchorage Owner: BYBEE STANLEY M & KIMBERLY J Lot Size in Sq Ft: 20219 Design Engineer: GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP LTD Total Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: ❑ Disposal Field Q Septic Tank 0 Holding Tank. 0 Privy 0 Private Well 0 Water Storage All construction shall be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18AAC72) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80) 3. The wastewater code requires inspections during the installation.The engineer shall notify the Development Services Department per AMC 15.65. Provide notification by calling (907)343-7904(24/7). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather shall be either: a. Opened and Closed on the same day, or b. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing Special Provisions: 1. Prior to Inspection Report approval, please submit the tank manufacturer's warranty. 2. Prior to Inspection Report approval, please send a statement from the maintenance provider acknowledging x that he will be the contact for the MySpy remote monitoring. y'M1 441 ix.. . 7/zi� Received By: , , Date: Issued By: A, / //l/, a,/ �- Date: 7f�Z/9 E s MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Community Development Department - Phone: 907-343-7904 Development Services Fax: 907- 343-7997 On-Site Water & Wastewater Program Mayor Dan Sullivan On-Site Sewer/Well Permit Application For A Single Family Dwelling Parcel I.D. 015-322-49 Property owner(s) Kimberly Bybee Day phone 244-8310 Mailing address 6310 West Tree Drive *Anchorage,AK 99516 Site address 6310 West Tree Drive *Anchorage,AK 99516 Legal description (Sub'd, Block& Lot) Valli Vue Estates#2; Block 2, Lot 9 Legal description (Township, Section & Range) Lot Size Sq.Ft. Number of Bedrooms 4 APPLICATION IS FOR: APPLICATION IS AN: TYPE OF DEWELLING: (®all that apply) Initial ❑ Single Family(SF) Absorption Field ❑ (w/wo ADU) Septic Tank ® Upgrade Duplex(D) ❑ Renewal ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Multiple Dwellings ❑ Privy ❑ (SF and/or D) Private Well ❑ Water Storage ❑ THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES A VARIANCE/WAIVER REQUEST FOR: N/A Distance: - I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this is in accordance with applicable Municipal codes. GARNESS ENGINEERING GROUP, Ltd. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: E,925•00 Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: i J S iPt ti Date of Payment: Receipt Number: 0(Q °5 Receipt Number: Permit No. OS P 111283- Waiver No. (Rev.01/11) Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP191287, Deb Wockenfuss, 07/12/19 Municipality of Anchorage On-site Water and Wastewater REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OSP191287, Deb Wockenfuss, 07/12/19 m I�iIFS�---�'"- uu -- - :1 /V 6y -')y 4-'.) vv !-') L bu ------ Qo�� _OF � At 49 TH u o o N SHANE A. HOLT qjjc LS -6914 r . 4aA �a_o ,�\,°fession3 THEINFORMATION HEREON 15 FOR THE USE OF LF_ NDING INSTITUTIONS SPECIFICAL L Y TO SHOW ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURESAND PLATTED LOT LINESAND./OR EASEMENTS; AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR POSITIONING ADDITIONAL STRUCTURES IMPROVEMENTS, OR FENCELINES. EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OTHER THAN I-HOSEAPPEARING ON T HE -RECORD PLAT, A,'?ENOTSf-JOWN HFREON ( UNLESS INDICATED) NOTE- FENCELINES THAT MAYAPPEAR ON THIS DRAWINGARE NOT TO BE USED TO DETERMINE PROPERTYLINES OR POSTTIONADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS. ANYPA VING SHOWN HEREON MA YBE APPROXIMATE DUE TO EXCESSIVE SNOWAIVD/OR ICE - EAS'EMEM FD AT L700R'3267, PAGE 707 NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERFORMED A SURVEY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY 107-U BLOCK Z, VALLI VUEFSFA L_-UN17- ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT, ALASKA, AND THAT THE VISIBLE IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED THEREON ARE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES AND NO VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS EXIST OTHER THAN NOTED. DATED ,AT ANCHORAGE,;`LASKA THIS 24TH DAY OF ,'L`NE , 2823 FB 1?;' -6 HOLT LAND SURVEYING 9309GROVER DRIVE ANCF-IORAGE,AK 99507 345-5513 Municipality of Anchorage Page DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL'SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report ,~.: N~ ~V~ WastewaterSystem: ~New ~Upgrade Address: ~/~ ~ ~P_E~ ABSORPTION FIELD Phone: ~No. of Be~oms: ~ Deep Trench ~ Shallow Trench ~Bed BMound ~Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION S°il Rating: Total Depth from original grade: ~ GPO/Sq. Ft. LOI: Block: Subdiv~Jon: ~ Depth ~o pipe bottom from original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe Township: I Range: I Section: Fill added above original grade: Gravel length: I Number of lines: ~ Distance between lines: I WELL: D New D Upgrade Gravelwidth: 1~ Ft. f~ Classification (Private. A,B,C): Total Depth: Cased To: Total absorption area: Pipe material: Driller: OateDrilled: StabcWsterLevekFt. Installer: A + Date installed: SEPARATION DISTANCES ~ Septic ~ Holding '~ S.T.E.P. To Septic AbsoCption La[ Ho~ding ~ublic/Privale Manufacturer: Capacityin gallons: From Tank Field Stalion T~nk Sewer Lines Well' i~/~ Material: ~1 ~ Number of Compadments: Surface w~t~, t ¢ o LIFT STATION LOt Size in gallons: ~ Manufacturer~ Line Foundation Curtain ~ Pump Make & Model ~ectrical Inspections peHormed by: Drain / Re~a~ks: BENCH MARK ~,~..~ Location and Description:  Assumed Elevat'on: ~ ~ ENGINEER'S SEAL Inspections performed by: ~ Dates: 1st tO/%]~ , Department o~ Health and Human Services approval :~" Reviewed and approved by: 0~ ~, ~ Date: /~4/-0o 72-013 (Rev 9/91) MOA 25 ~ ~ ~ \ 100' CREEK OFFSET I~11, ~ \ .-'"X ~ '.,-- / ~. I / ........ ~8X20 BOTTOMLESS SANe FILTER SWINO TIES: N AB 22.5 FT AC 56 BC 32 AD 49.5 ED 46.7 kiT 40,5 MT 41 SP 46.5 SP 50.5 AE ILS S£AL~' /" = 50 FT, TOBBEN SPURKLAND P.E. 205 W 15TN. AVENUE ARCH. AK. 99501 (907) 279-591g LOT 9 BIT 2 VAL£/ FUE ESTATE NORMAN AND GAlL REEVES 6510 WEST TREE SEPTIC SYSTEM AS BUILT DATE: OCT. 6, 2000 SHEET: 2/5 GRID: 2555 PERMIT ti SIK0000402 P/B # gL5 32~-49 VVEO~Og£.D~/5 i05~ 101.6 100.6 100. 1 98.6 WA TER MONITOR SAMPLING PORT SLOPED TO DRAIN 96~ ~ 5.00' ~ PVC LINER BENCH MARK DOOR SILL ASSUMED ELEVATION. 100.00 FT SCALE: = NOR 1'~ 2' = VER TOBBEN SPURKLAND P.E. 205 I'Y 15TN. AVENUE ARCH. Al(. 99501 (907) 279-5916 INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER SECTIONAL VIEW SEPTIC SYSTEM AS BUILT DATE: OCL 6, 2000 SHEET: 4/6 GRID: 2538 PEf~P/IT # SW000402 PIB # 0f5-522-49 VVEO~O94, DVG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box '196650, Anchorage, AK 995'19-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Sep 27, 2000 Expiration Date: Sep 27, 2001 Permit Number: SW000402 Legal Description: VALLI VUE ESTATES #2 BLK 2 LT 9 Design Engineer: 0007 Tobben Spurkland, PE Owner Name: Norman Reeve Owner Address: 6310 West Tree Anchorage, AK 99516- ParcellD: 015-322-49 Site Address: 006310 CORNER TREE DR Lot Size: 20219 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [~ Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Date: 203 W 15th. Avenue, Suite 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 F~x (907)-276-6013 SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE DESIGN LOT 9 BLOCK 2 VALLI VUE ESTATE S/l) NORMAN AND GAIL REEVE Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Social Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 September 5, 2000 We are submitting an application for the upgrade of the septic system for this lot. The submittal consists of five (5) drawings showing the present improvements on the lot and the adjoining properties, (sheet 1/3), the proposed improvements of the lot, of which only the septic system is subject to this permit application, (sheet 2/3), and schematics of the septic system, (sheets 3-4-and 5). This property was upgraded in 1989 when a pressurized bed was installed. Due to limited space caused by a creek running along the west lot line and a multitude of utility easements, a bottomless sandfilter has been found to be the most practical solution. This proposed filter has been located where the present bed is. Copies of the soil reports utilized to design the existing are enclosed. Testhole/ti indicates a soil strata between 3 and 7 feet with a pemolation rate of 8 minutes per inch. The existing bed was installed with a total depth of 4 feet. Assuming that one foot ofinsitu material must be removed, due to accumulation of biomass, there is still 2 feet of acceptable material under the proposed filter. The acceptable load on this soil is 5 gallons per square foot per day. The total loading rate for the proposed 18 x 20 filter is therefore 1,800 gallons per day, far in excess of the 600 gallon expected from as 4 bedroom residence. The installation of this septic system will not prevent development of adjacent lots. There are no developed or natural surface / sub surface drainage courses on this or the adjacent lots. The proposed septic system will not change the general slope of the area. Ponding and/or concentration of surface runoff will not result from this installation. Lilt ~PUR~L I~o, CE-2~ $0 0 N Lilt $0 100 150 £00 S£/~LE; Y' = 100 F~ I / I / " II I I 250 300 TOBBEN SPURKLAED P.E. 205 W 15TH. AVENUE ANCH. AK. 99501 (907) 279-3916 [ LOT 9 BI( 2 FALLI VUE ESTATE NORMAN AND GAlL REEVES 65i0 WEST TREE SEPTIC SYSTEM DES/GE DATE: SEPT. 5, 2000 SHEET; I/5 GRID: 2558 PER~IT # SWOOOOOXX PI~ # 015 3~ XX VVEO2OgLDw6 I I I I III ~1 // I I ~XISF 500 GAL STEP JREPALCELRUIgP- ¢ONTflOL$ [;41Lt~EW 18K2oPRE$SURI?D SAND FILTER 25 0 ~5 EX/ST. SEPTIC I00' CREEK OFFSET && EI_EC~ \ \ N $0 75 100 125 SCALE; 1" = 50 FI, TOBBEfl SPURKLAND P.E. 205 W 15TH. AVENUE ANCH. AK. 99501 (907) 279-$916 LOT 9 BK 2 VALLI VUE ESTATE NORtWAfl AND GAlL REEVES 6510 WEST TREE SEPTIC SYSTE~,I DESIGN DATE: AUG. 21, 2000 SHEET; 2/5 GRID: 2558 PERMIT # SW?9OOOXX PIP # 015 322-XX VVEO£O92DW5 DISCHARGE FROM RESIOENCE 0 B, lq? 18 X 18 ORENCD BOTTOMLESS SAND FILTER TOBBEN SPURKLAND P.E. 203 W 15TH. AVENUE ANCH. AK. 99501 (90Z) 279-$916 LOT 9 BI( 2 VALLI VUE ESTATE BO?TOML£SS FAND FII_?£R SYSTEM SCHEMAHC SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE: SEPt. $, 2000 SHEET: 5J5 OR/D: 2538 PERMIT # S~/O00XXX PID # 015-322 XX VVEO2093,~IZ6 WA ~ER MONI?OR '-~[//////////////. SAMPLING PORT SLOPE TO DRAIN, 5.00' ~ PV¢ LINER SCALE: !" = 4' HOR 1" = 2' VER [OBBEN SPURKZAND P.E. II 205 W ISTH. AVENUE ANCH. AK. 99501 (907) 279-5916 LOT 9 BI( 2 VALLI FUE ESTATE INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER SECTIONAL VIEW SEPTIC SYSTEM DES/ON OATE: SEPT. 5, 2000 SHEET.. 4/~ OR/D: 2558 PERMIT # SWOOOXXX PID # 015-$22-XX VVEO£O94, DVO AND 2.0 ..~- ! "INFILTRATORS" 15 TOTAL 4 SURE GAGE CLEANOUT AND FLUSHING VALVE TOBBEN SPURKLAND P.E. 20J W I5TN. AVENUE ARCH. AK. 9950! (9OX) Zm-SgI~ LOT 9 BI( 3 VALLI VUE ESTATE INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER PLAN YIEY/ J l SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE: SEPT. 5, 2000 SHEET: 5/.~ CRIB: 2538 PE£MIF # swoooxxx PID # OI$-$22-XX PERFORMED FOR: Flatto~ Technlc~l Se~rvic~s 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L~/ ~ e, (/",j;~ [/, .~/~' ~ Township, Range1 Section: · ' SLOPE 10 ~:;t[ C~ m/~ ) ENCOUNTERED? S 1 1 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? i~? _~ lc (~p Depth to Waler Alter 13 MoniLoring? I~-~ Oate: Gross Net Depth to Net /, ~ J Reading Date Time Time ~l~n) Water Drop (.Ir~ J ~"Pre.~o,r~t ~'/l~ II:~l ~7 14 15 16 17- 18- 19- PERCOLATION RATE ~] (m,nutes/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER "~ ~ ~ ~ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~ FTANO ~'~ FT PERFORMED BY: F/aP~' ~C~. ~S. I ~~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~ / ~ / ~ ;2-o08 (Rev. 41851 T.SPURKLAND P.E. 203 W15TH. AVE. SUITE 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 (907) 276-6013 Fax SPECIFICATIONS FOR WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION 1.0 GENERAL YALLI VUE ESTATES BK 2 LOT 9 NORM AND GAlL REEVE 1.1 Owners are Norm and Gail Reeves, 6310 West Tree Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516. 1.2 Engineer is Tobben Spurkland P.E. 203 W 15th. Suite 203, Anchorage AK. 99501. (907) 279-3916 1.3 Contractor is the person or entity hired by the Owner to install this project. Contractor must be certified by DHSS to install septic systems. 1.4 The Drawings, sheets 1 through 5, shall be part of this specification. 1.5 All materials and workmanship shall meet the requirements of these specifications, the conditions of the permit, and all applicable rules and regulations currently in effect. 1.6 All excavation depths are advisory, and are to be verified and may be modified in the field by the Engineer. 1.7 It is the responsibility of the Owner or the Contractor to adhere to the approved design, to verify that the specified separation distances are met, and that the required inspections am performed. 1.8 The Contractor or the Owner shall report to the Engineer any observed condition which would put the septic system in violation of State or Municipal regulations. 2.0 SEPTIC TANK 2.1 Lift station / septic tank shall be as manufactured by Anchorage Tank and Welding The tank shall be a UPC approved two compartment tank, constructed of 12 gage steel, with a screened pump vault and 1 -inch discharge 2.2 The septic tank shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any well serving a single residence; 100 feet from any body of water, creeks or drahmge ditches with flowing water; 150 feet from Class "C" wells, and 200 feet from Class A or Class B wells. 2.3 All pipe connections to thc tank shall be mechanical watertight couplings. Cleanouts shall be installed and capped with air-tight caps. 2.4 Effluent Pump shall be P20 OSI 05 HHF. ½ hp 115V. Specifications for septic system installation Valli Vue Estates Block 2 Lot 9 pg.1 2.5 Control Panel shall be eSI Simplex control panel with Elapsed Time Meter, Counter, and Programmable Timer, Level control float assembly shall provide alam~ for high water conditinn and pump on/offsignal to timer and event counter. Discharge line shall be I-inch HDPE coiled conduit. 3.0 AIR SUPPLY 3.1 Air Compressor shall be Thomas Industries Linear Compressor. 3.2 Flowmeter shall be Dwyer Series RM Rate Master Model RRC 104 Range 40-400 CFH. 1/2" NPT 3.3 Air line shall be 1/2-inch HDPE coiled conduit. 3.4 Air diffuser shall be made from polyethylene and be wastewater and -bacteria resistant. Air emitters shall be evenly spaced at 12" with an orifice area of 0.053 in. square. Each orifice shall have an airflow of 0.01CFM at a pressure of 0.25 psi. 4.0 SAND FILTER 4.1 Gravel shall be 3/8" washed pea gravel. 4.2 Sand shall be shall be washed with less than 4 % passing the # 100 screen and less than 2% passing the //200 screen. Sand shall be obtained from a Municipal approved source. 4.3 Pressure distribution pipe shall be Schedule 40 PVC or ABS. 4.4 4-inch pipe shall be ASTM D3034. 4.5 Monitor standpipes shall be installed as shown. That section of the pipe penetrating the gravel shall be perforated, either by drilling 0.5" holes on 6-inch centers or by joining a section ofF810 perforated pile to a solid section of pipe. 4.6 Geotextile shall be Mirafi I40. 4.7 Infiltrators as furnished by INFILTRATOR SYSTEMS INC. 5.0 INSTALLATION 5.1 Locate all underground utilities, property lines, fi~ture driveways, existing or proposed water wells, water ways, surface and sub surface drainage facilities, lakes, ponds, and all other facilities requiring separation distances from the proposed septic system. Notify Owner or Engineer of any observed possible conflict. 5.2 Stake alignment of system with markers showing the protective distances from wells and water bodies. 5.3 Establish an elevation benchmark. This BM shall be easily identifiable, stable and permanent. An arbitrary elevation of 100 can be assigned. 5.4 Excavate the filter site to one foot below bottom of existing bed.. Bottom of excavation shall be level and scarified. Construction equipment shall not operate on the floor of the excavation. Any material compacted by the operation of the construction equipment shall removed and replaced with uncompacted materials. Specifications for septic system installation Valli Vue Estates Block 2 Lot 9 pg.2 5.6 Place the materials to the depths specified. Do not contaminate materials with native materials or spoils from the excavation. Do not stockpile pea gravel or sand on site. Move directly from track to filter. Level the sand surface (+- 1") before placing the pea gravel. Level the pea gravel before installing the perforated distribution pipe. Solvent weld the joints. 5.7 Pressure test distribution pipe before placing infiltrators. Each orifice should have a stream 4 feet or higher. 5.8 Cover the distribution pipe with the infiltrators and place pea gravel between the infiltrators. Cover the excavation with geotextile before backfilling. 6.0 INSPECTIONS 6.1 A minimum of five inspections are required. The first inspection will be to lay out the installation and establish with the proper separation distances from the adjoining wells. The second inspection will be of the existing septic tank. A third inspection will be at the excavation of the filter. At this time the soil conditions will be observed and compared to the design assumptions. The installation of the filter will be under continuous inspection. The pressure test will be witnessed by the Engineer. A f'mal inspection will be conducted afier placement oftopsoil and cleanup. Any deficiencies wili be noted and the Contractor notified. Such deficiencies shall be corrected within ten days. 6.2 Notify Engineer at least 24 hours in advance of beginning any work. Specifications for septic system installation Valli Vue Estates Block 2 Lot 9 pg.3 . MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ~'lattop Technical Services , Environmental Health Division 14530 Echo Street '/~("f ~'¢,/~;) ~;> 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 Anchora e, ~lask~ 99516 " ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION RE~RT N~.~ ~ DISTANCES ~ ~TO SEPTIC ABSORPTION Addressr~Uill ~ TANK FIELD WELL Phonets) Pern]it NO NO of Be~oo .... WELL ~ ~ Subdiv,mon Lot ~ Block~ V~llt ~ ~¢. ~ FOUNDATION Townsbip, Range, Section AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show [ocahon o~ w~ll, septic system, property hnes, Ioundaho~, ~ I~ N/ R ~ ~C re dr,veway, water bodies, etc) TANKS ~ HOLDING ~ ~ ~ SEPTIC Matedal NO ol Compadmenls ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~OTHER original grade FT FI Fill added above original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe FT FT ~-~)RI Total absorption area Distance between lines '~ FT ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER {Idenlifv} Health Depadment Approval: Date: ¢~A 72 013 (3/85) ,' ' ' ~J INSPECTION REPORT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 3500 EAST TUDOR ROAD I NS P E, CTf,.,Ol~ ~'¢907) 56,9-~4~4 STREET ADDRESS LOT / q ADMINfSTRATfON (907~ 786-8301 FOOTING E ELEC, TEMP. D PLBG. UNDGR. FOUNDATION ~ ELEC. SERVICE~ ~ PLBG. ROUGH BOND BEAM ~ ELEC. ROUGH~ ~ GAS TEMP. __ FRAMfNG ~ ELEC. FINAL __ ~ GAS iNSULATION ~ OTHER ~ MECHANICAL¢ SHEETROCK ~ MECH. FINAL STRUCT. FINAL ~ FIRE FINAL ~ PLBG. FINAL OTHER ~ ZONING ~ OTHER NO NONCOMPLIANCE OBSERVED [] CORRECTIONS ESSENTIAL AS EXPLAINED BELOW [] WILL REEXAMINE AT NEXT INSPECTION ~ DO NOT CONCEAL UNTIL REINSPECTED COMMENTS /~/HEN CORF~'ECTIONS ARE MADE, PLEASE CALL FOR INSPECTION DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE Date T E S E.:, 890 108 Lip I:] r' ade 06/27/89 MARY YANCEY MOSS 6310 WES] ]'REE DRIVE ANCHORAGE:: AK 995~.6 PaPcel Id: 0:[5-322-49 I...ot Legal: ,"Subdivision: VALLI VUlii!: ESllATE,"i!i Section= :!.4 'T'cm~nsh:[p',', 12N Lo[:. Si:ze ~SA (sq. f'L. (::m acr'es) Max .Script:iotas= 'l-hi:~ F'ermi'L~ 4 Total tank Int..~+-',lt;. have at le:,as'L ~}'l c~:)mpai-tmenls,, ;.)epth to 'Lc~p o£ sept:i.c tank (s) <1 4.0 ilec-',)'lL, t',eclu:i, pe!~,; il"l~[iLli:[~:~!'J'.icifl Ovel' 'Lank (s) ,, INI::OFiI"t D.:H.I'~.S,, PF:;:IOR TO :!.S'T & 21',ID Ih!SFIECT]:ONS BY [ENGINEER:, :Il:: AFTER OI:::'F'ICE HOLJRS~ CAL.L 343'"468:L AND LIEAVE A MESSAGE:, C:ONSTF?.LICT PER lENGth!lEERS A"f]~.~C:HI:ED AF'I::'ROVED DESIGN. TH:IS PIERIqIT E×F:'IRIES :[;?./:]!;1/S9 AND VAI..ID I::rOR h SINGI..E FAMIL.Y HOME,, CERT :i: I:::'Y ['HPFIF = 1:'ch-th by the Mur~ic:ipality c)f Aritho?age (MOA) and the State c~ Alaska,, ][ [,kiilJ :i.l"~i~F[llal]. 'Lhe system :in accc)r'dal]c::e w:i. Ch all MOA cc:ides ar'id r'egu].atioris, arid in (::of?Ip].i~,r'lce ~:[1'..h the d~:i. gi~ c:['iCer, ia o{ this per'mit. d:[s'[.anc]ceE~ fpc]i'f~ any exis'L:i, ng we!l, a].~[[~o ur'ldep~y[larld ~:ha'[, 'Lh(~'~ capac:ity of 'Lhe t. Ei'[.a]. s~f![i~.Eam :L![i 4 b~:)cJPiDC)[?l~i~ ancJ any erl].ar'gemenlL :NJ. il r'eC]LULPe aYi addit:,igFia[L peer, mi'L,, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502. Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT SEPTIC ABSORPTION WELL Phone[s) ---- Peim,I NO. No. of Beo~oms WELL ~ I~N, R S~/ ~c I¢ dr,veway, walerbod,es, etcJ ~1~ ~ HOLDING ~ SEPTIC 5T~(O~ M~nu~ac[u~er Capacity ,n gagon5 TYPE OF 8YSTE~ X ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~OTHER '''t Orave, lengm ~ ~ FT arave~w,oth 8~ FT ~ ff ~ ~h NumOet o~ hnes Soft raang P~pe ma/erie /~ · ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER fldentifvl " ~' Dale msm,leU: ~ [ [ I REMARKS: , ~ ~ ~ cedilythallhisinspacgo, was pedermed accordi"g to all I Health Depadmen, Approval:~ Oa,~ ~ - 2 -~ ~ ~ ~~'~rr°fess[u"~;~.. Owner Day' F:'hon e: l.::'arc:e}l I1_t: 01L5.-::!!;22-....49 L,.o'L I...,~;~gal= Subd:Lvisic:~n: VAI_I..I VLJE ES]-A'TES :~2 L. ot.: 9 S~ct:i.c,n: 14 Townsh:i.p: :I. 2, N Range: 3W Lot S:i.;-~e .SA (SCl,, ~.l;.. or' ac:r(z)~O Block~ ~.,,aJll-:: mus'L hav~ a'L least, '2 c:ompart, merit, s. DeFrl:.h t.o '-~ I ,'.F.'iE'~. PE!qLiil"-~i]!!~J insuia't'.ioc~ over t. al'lk (~i;i) ,, INF:'ORM D,,H,,I!.S,, PRIOR 'FO :I, IBT 8~ 21qD ]:NSF'I!!CI'.[ONS BY t!~NGINEEF(:~ J:i:: AI:::'TIER CII:::FICE t.I[]URS, CAI.,.I_.. :?;4:3.,..4,M31 AND I.IEAVE. A Mtiii%~SA(.ilE. C;ONS'IRUCT PIEF?. IEIqGINE]ERS A'I"TACI~tE'iD APPFi:OVED bESIBI~I. 1'HIS F:'IERM]:]' EXI:::']:I::tES !;?,/;3!/89 ANiD V;:~I,..ID I:ITiR A SIIql:il_,.E FAMILY I{OMIE. CER]' ! F:'Y 'I-I,,~A'f ~ J'opU"i by t,h~ JvJL.il"iiC:ipa]Lity 6;)¢ Anchor'age (Mi]A) arid the State of Alaska. ! w:i, ll ins'Lall the system in accopdanc:e w:i.t.l-i ali, MOA coc:tes and reglulatic:ins, and in (::l]li'lp],iE~r~c:e ~/¢it, h 'Lhe desi(]l'l cpi'f, epi~ o~' 'Lhi% permit.. ! w:i. ll adh((~re t.o a].i MOA and State of Alaska r, equiremer'lt, si for Lite set. back d:i. starlc:es Cpom any ex:ist.:ing wel].~ wastewateP disposal, sys'l:.em OP I;;II.IDiic s~ewer'age system on t.l"~:i.s or any adjac::ent, or' i'leapby lo{. ~ Lil']del'S'Lal']cJ t. hatt. his permit is valJ. ct f'op a ma~{ifiiL.tfll Of' 4 J:)edl"OOlll~,, ]] a].~go t. tf'ldepst¢~:/nd t.h¢;zt, t.l'l(e c:apacity Elf the to'La], s;:,yst.(¢:~lfl is 4 J;:x~.~dpoolil~ arH:J any' en].ar'gement w:i. ll require an additLional permi'L. MAXEY CONSTRUCTION 7111 Spruce Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 1988 RECEIVED TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: In September, 1984, I was asked to bid on a septic system upgrade involving the residential property described as Block 2, Lot 9, VALLI VUE ESTATES. The owner's name was Milton L. Moss. The job was based upon a plan prepared by' Alaska Environmental Control Service, Inc., which called for an elevated bed and lift station. The plan for this alternative system was filed and approved by the Municipality of Anchorage on August 30, 1984. When I excavated around the tank already in place, it was apparent that the outflow from the tank was not even remotely connected to the drain field. Before going any further with the project, I advised the owner of the situation I had discovered. I told him that in my opinion all of his past septic problems would be largely solved by properly connecting the system. I installed an additional 500 gallon tank which had' already been purchased for the initial project. I connected the existing tank to the new 500 gallon tank and hooked them into the drain field at an apprpriate location. On several subsequent occurrences, I checked with the owner and was told that the septic problems had been corrected by the action taken. · MAXEY / Torn Fink, Mayor Ntun c pahty of AnchQra e Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 June 27, 1989 Ted Moore, P.E. Flattop Technical Services _ 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 9 Block 2 Valli Vue Estates #2 Waiver Request ~WR890029, PID ~015-322-49 Permit ~ SW890108 Upgrade Dear Mr. Moore: Your request for waiver of the required 10 foot separation between a septic system and a lot line has been approved. The waived distance is 5 foot to the northeast property line. This approval applies to the existing septic system lot line separation only. Any future upgrade to the septic system will require all separations be met or another approval from this department. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-site Services DJR/ljw#7 Flattop TechnlcaI Services 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 9g~ Lot 9, Block 2, Valli Vue S/D #2 6310 West Tree Drive Septic System Upgrade Specifications and Design Notes 1. The design of the soil absorption bed is based on a measured perc rate of 8 minutes per inch, which was adiusted by the design engineer to arrive at a soil rating of190 square feet per bedroom. The total required area for this 4 bedroom residence is thus (4) x (190) x (1.5) = 1140 square feet, which is accomplished by the configuration shown on the plans. 2. A lot line waiver is needed allowing construction up to the vicinity of the northeast property line in order to obtain enough suitable area on the lot for , construction of the soil absorption bed outside of the 100 foot setback from the creek. There is no conflict with the existing septic systems on either of the adioining lots, or with the ability to replace them in the future. 3. The shape of the system shall be as shown on the plans, except that minor modifications may be allowed or required by the engineer conducting the inspections. 4. It is the responsibility of the property owner to provide the necessary survey identification of applicable property lines, and to arrange for underground utility locates, as well as any necessary utility coordination during construction. 5. All material specifications and construction practices shall be in conformance with M.O.A. regulations. 6. The existing soil absorption trench shall be abandoned in place. 7. A new 500 gallon steel septic tank, equipped with an "Orenco" lift station package (or equal), shall be installed at the approximate location shown, after the existing septic tanks and outside the 100 foot offset from the creek. An 8 foot high access manhole riser will be needed. The lift station shall be equipped with a 1/2 hp. submersible pump capable of delivering 34 gpm at an effective head of 20 feet. The on/off float shall be set to provide a 123 gallon effluent dose, with an independent float set to trigger an alarm mounted in the residence when there is 111 gallons of reserve capacity remaining in the tank. The contractor is responsible for obtaining the necessary electrical permits and inspections. The lift station supplier shall provide applicable operating, service and warranty information to the installer for subsequent transmission to the property owner. 8, The soil absorption bed shall be created by excavating the surface soils down to the sandy silty gravel stratum beginning approximately 3 feet below the original ground surface, A level surface shall be created in this stratum at an average depth of 4 feet, with no part of the excavation deeper than 5 feet below the original ground surface. If necessary, sand shall be imported to bring any naturally low points up to a grade level with the remainder of the bed. 9. A total of 1 foot of approved sewer gravel shall then be placed on top of' the excavation, with the bottom of the manifold and lateral distribution pipes located 8 inches above the bottom of the gravel. 10. The manifold shall be 2" dia schedule 40 PVC pipe, and the pressure distribution lateralsshall be 1.25" dia schedule 40 PVC pipe with 3/16" alia holes drilled in the bottom on a 3 foot spacing. 11, The supply line running from the lift station to the manifold shall be non-perforated 1,25' dia schedule 40 PVC pipe. Special care shall be taken to thoroughly compact the soil under the pipes leading into and out of the lift station. 12, The ends of all laterals shall be capped, and all pipe connections in the pressure distribution system shall be glued. 13, Monitor tubes extending to the bottom of the sewer gravel shall be installed in the locations shown. Filter fabric shall be placed over the sewer gravel. The unclassified soil cover shall have a minimum depth of 3 feet over the filter fabric, and the sides sloped down at no steeper than 3:1. The final ground surface shall be contoured to provide surface drainage around the south and east sides of the bed. 14. At least four inspections will be required: (1 } Initial stakeout, (2) after the excavation is complete but before placement of any sand or gravel, (3) after the gravel is placed, the lift station is installed, and all pipes are laid and connected, and (4) after backfill is complete. ~latto~ Technical Services .... 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99Rlq 0 l- 9, SEPTIC SYSTSM 5 ITE PI. AN t~oT~2 'THai tg 1~107 A g~RuOy~ pleAT PERFORMED FOR: Flattop Technlc&! S~-rvic6s 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _L~f ~ ~... U'afl, &'~e -~.~ Township. -- PP SLOPE Section: 11 ~2--- 8. hL 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT OL DEPTH? IO' -e~t~ p E Depth to Water Alter i~ Net Depth to Net Reading Date Gross Time ~/'h~ ~) Water Time Drop PERCOLATION RATE t~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER '"~ ~'~ ~ ~J TEST RUN BETWEEN ~-0 FTANO ~'~- FT PERFORMED BY: ~&e6? m~6. S~,,, ' ~~ CERTJFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ~ORDANCE WITH ALL STATE ANB MUNIClPAL GUIDELiNES iN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~/~ /~ 4185) '; PERFORMED FOR: Flattop Technical Services 14530 Echo Street Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: Township, Range, Section: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20 -Poct~el' o£ ~' SLOPE \ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N s IF YES, AT WHAT ~) DEPTH? p E Depth Io Water Alter Monitoring? ~)/ Date: ,~',/?-3/",~ Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE __ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ ~ ~ ~J~ '~ TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND __ FT COMMENTS I~'~g*"l['~l' 1~ Itt4'~11~*~ ~ $ ~P~ ~ ~[~ ~/~r PERFORMEOBY: ~/~eL. ~. S~,,_ ' ~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DA~E. DATE: ~ ~ ~ /~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/85)  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME /fl ~LTOk) ~O~ PHONE EZ] NEW MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS ~ ~ Manufacturer Material No, of compartments DISTANCE TO: WeN Dwelling PERMIT NO. OTHER PiPE MATERIALS TOTAL o F I w )~0 G4L, Derm'~t ~ ~ON-SITE SEWF. R PERMIT Location: ~~/~ ~ ?~/~Phone Number: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department~ Health and Environmenta%-~rotection 825 Street, Anchorage, AK. ,501 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: Drainfield: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ The Required Size of DEPTH LENGTH Legal Description: ~ ~) ~ ~ V~ I,//.,.~. ~ LOt Size: Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: the Soil Absorption System Is: GRAVEL DEPTH WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). /~dd . * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(i.~)~?~J~J) TANK SIZE = GALLONS Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without' final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion° Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if he r s'dence is remodeled to Signe~: Applicant Co N~3 Irlo~l ? : include more Issued by: Date: that 3 bedrooms. ALASKA I ilLIIROFImEIT^L CONTROL Sd UlCl S, ~ncli,eeri.q $ ~nukonmenlal $1udies ir/c. Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: August 28, 1984 ~ /z~w, MUNICIPALITY OF ! ,, /~'~- b./ ENVIRONMENL"~L PROTEC1 ION Lot 9, Block 2 - Valli Vue Subdivision Nine Waiver Dear Keith, We request a lot line waiver from l0 to 2 feet. Our justification for the waiver is as follows: 1) 2) The system needs an upgrade. There is a stream which flows less from some portions of the lot. The pla as a drainage easement, but in reality round stream. 3) It is not possible to fit the upgrade ~ the lot unless encroachment on the lot line ~aived. 100 feet shows it is a year The diagram submitted by this office needs updating. locations are not correct. We have located the corner provide a corrected drawing. lot line and will If you have any questions, please contact this office a 561-5040. Sincerely, God, sn Operations Ma .ager 1200 U~¢sl ~rd Ao~nu¢. ALASKA .,iUIROrlmel]TAL CONTROL SehdlCE!S. InC. SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELEVATED BED ALTERNATIVE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM - VALLI VUE SUBDIVISION LOT 9 BLOCK 2 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 THE DRAWINGS, SHEETS 1 THRU 6, SHALL BE A PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 1.2 ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERMIT. 1.3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY AND ARE TO BE VERIFIED OR MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE ENGINEER. 1.4 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS OR EASEMENTS. 2.0 THE LIFT STATION 2.1 THE STOCK MATERIAL FOR THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE EITHER GALVANIZED STEEL (ASTM A-4444-76), OR ALUMINUM CULVERT, CAPABLE OF BURIAL TO 10 FT. 2.2 THE 36" DIAMETER PIPE FOR THE LIFT STATION SHALL HAVE A WELDED WATER TIGHT BOTTOM OF THE SAME THICKNESS AND COMPOSITION AS THE CULVERT. 2.3 ALL PENETRATIONS OF THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE WELDED AND WATER TIGHT. ALL WELDS SHALL BE CLEANED OF SLAG. WELDS ON GALVANIZED STEEL WILL BE SPRAYED WITH. ZINC RICH PAINT OR COATED WITH BITUMASTIC. 2.4 THE~TOP CAP SHALL BE RAIN TIGHT AND SECURELY FASTENED WITH SCREWS. A TWO INCH LAYER OF POLYURETHANE FOAM SHALL BE GLUED TO THE INSIDE OF THE TOP CAP. 2.5 ALL ELECTRICAL FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE LIFT STATION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A WATER TIGHT SERVICE. 2.6 THERE SHALL BE A HIGH LEVEL ALARM, PEABODY BARNES 6147 OR EQUAL SET AT THE LEVEL OF THE SOIL PIPE FROM THE SEPTIC TANK. THE BUZZER SHALL BE LOCATED NEAR THE ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL OR IN A LOCATION DESIGNATED BY THE HOMEOWNER. 2.7 THE SUMP PUMP SHALL BE CAPABLE OF DELIVERING 10 GPM AT A HEAD OF 20 FEET. 2.8 PROVIDE A CALDER COUPLING AT THE CONNECTION OF THE 4" SOLID PVC INFLUENT PIPE AND 4" STEEL NIPPLE. 2.9 THE PUMP SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A DIFFERENTIAL MERCURY FLOAT SWITCH, ADJUSTED TO ALLOW A TWO FOOT SPAN BETWEEN 'ON' AND 'OFF', AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWING. ALL RELAYS AND ELECTRICAL CONTACTS SHOULD BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CHAMBER TO PROTECT THEM FROM CORROSION, PREFERRABLY IN A DRY LOCATION WITHIN THE HOME. 2.10 COAT THE INTERIOR OF THE CHAMBER WITH BITUMASIC PAINT OR TAR TO APROXIMATELY 3.5 FEET ABOVE THE BOTTOM. 2.11 MOA BUILDING CODES: WHEN LIFT STATIONS ARE INSTALLED WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY, AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION ARE REQUIRED. IN AREAS NOT COVERED BY MOA BUILDING CODES, THE SYSTEM SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN TO INSURE THAT THE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS. 1200 Wgsl 33rd ~uenue. Suite B" Anthoruqe. Aloske 99503.(907] 561-50~10 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP, A(~I~ DEPT. OP HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL 'AU6 3 0 IgtR4 RECEIVED 3.0 SEEPAGE BED 3.1 THE GRAVEL FOR THE BED SHALL BE SCREENED TO THE SIZES INDICATED. 3.2 THE SAND SHALL HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SIZE OF 0.4 TO 0.6 MM AND A UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT OF NOT MORE THAN 4. 3.3 THE BERM AROUND THE SEEPAGE BED SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF IMPERMEABLE MATERIAL~ AND ON A SLOPE OF 1 FOOT VERTICAL PER 3 FOOT HORIZONTAL. 3.4 THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE RAKED WITH THE BACKHOE BLADE TO INSURE THAT THE BOTTOM HAS NOT BEEN COMPACTED DURING EXCAVATION. THE BOTTOM ELEVATION SHALL BE PLUS OR MINUS 2". 3.5 TWO OBSERVATION PIPES SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS. THEY SHALL BE RIGID PVC, ASTM 3033 D-3034. THE SEGTION SHOWN WITH HOLES MAY BE EITHER DRILLED 0.5" HOLES @ 6 INCH CENTERS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE PIPE OR A SECTION OF PERFORATED SEWER PIPE MAY BE CLAMPED TO THE SOLID SECTION WITH A NO HUB COUPLING OR SOLVENT JOINT. A RUBBER RAIN-CAP (JIMCAP OR EQUAL) SHALL BE PLACED ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. 3.6 THE INSULATION REQUIP~ED SHALL BE DOW EXTRUDED BLUE STYROFOAM INSULATION BOARD OF THE THICKNESS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. 3.7 THE TOP AND SIDES OF THE BED SHALL BE PLANTED WITH A WHITE CLOVER AND RED FESCUE MIX. , ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIa?"; INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenu Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-3.363. SHEET NO OF C^LCUL^~-EO BY ~'- ' ~' c^~ CHECKED BY. DATE · ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICr'~'~ INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenu~ Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 CALCULATED 8Y ~ '~'~ y DATE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL · ' CONTROL SERVICr~, INC. 1200 West 33rd Aven[ ~Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 CHECKED BY. DATE SCALE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICe% INC. 1200 West 33rd Aven~ ' Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 JOB SHEETNO ~ OF CHECKED BY DATE ALASKA I[flVIH(JNMP-fl I ~L · CONTROL SERVICES, INC, ]200 West 33rd Aven.u,~-'Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASK~ . =)503 Phone 276-1361 JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE DATE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVI~% INC. 1200 West 33rd Aven~ Suite B ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1561 SHEET NO OF CALCULATEDLY. DATE CHECKEO BY DATE. SCALE tT~ ALASKA ~]UIROnm~I1TAL CONTROL S~,,~,JIO,~S, InC. ~noineerin0 6 (~nuironm~ntol CLIENT ADDRESS ~PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION ZONE TESTED ft READING ~ CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (min/in) DATUM FINAL PERCOLATION P~TE PERFORMED BY O}'~d (min/in) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchora§e, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST TEST PERFORMED FOR: 4 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4- 5- 8 DATE PERFORMED: , SITE PLAN 10- 11 13- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop /o ,.,,.. o.%o o.ro ~.~. 0.~ ~-~ fi:z5 (minutes~nch) P~RCOLATION RATE 1,:~5 ~.~ 0 ~ ~'~ ~EST RUN BE~EEN ~_O . FTAND ~' ~ FT PERFORMED m~,4- sq-o~q CERTIFIED BY: (6/79) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT~0F HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [~SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: '~"~'~ ~-~Y LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 NL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~' 10 11 12 13 14 -I 15 16 17 2O COMMENTS SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER yff~ '1~ ENCOUNTERED? ~ pO IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? .0 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 72-008 (6/79) PERCOLATION RATE ,TE T R N ETWEEN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~'"-SOIL$ LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- ~L $~tT SLOPE WASGROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT iO.01~ ~-~ E DEPTH? DATE PERFORMED: ~--'~¢-'~/ SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Crop +'l~ ?:q? /:9'6 ; 6to~ /0 /:36 0,10 'qaO it 5'c9 I:~ ~ ~:~ff I0 /:37 0,09 PERCOLATION RATE COM"E.T~ ~',~ ~.;~ 4.~, ,'~t¢/E;~?"" %~'}",.'~ c~)~ ~ (minutes/inch) ~9-¢2 .TAND .q-q' FT afoA~'gq- Oaqq CERTIFIEO BY: 72-008 (6/79) \ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99601 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME ~IAI LING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION ] . ]Well~ I Absorption area DISTANCE TO' ~ Z Manufacturer ~ ~ ~ Manufacturor ~= DISTANCE TO: WOI~o~ ~ F°unOati°n ~I ~<~--'~;~-- No. oflines. . . ,~engthof'eachline Total~o ,length of lines ~ ~ Top of tde to hn!sh gra Je Mater~al beneath tile ~ Length Width Depth ~ ~ Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth ~ Well Building foundation ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller ~ foundation Sewer line Dwelling Material Width Material Nearest lot line Trenc~w~th PHONE ~ .~/~ [] UPGRADE NO. OF BED~.OMS PERMIT NO, Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. Distance between lines Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line Septic tank OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOl L TEST RATING I S' INSTALLER REMARKS APPROVED 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) DATE LEGAL F'EF.'.M I T DEPRRTMENT L, HERLTH RND ENVIRONMENTRL. ~ ,!3TECTION * 825 'L' STREET, RNCHORRGE, RK. 99501 264-4728 0~-~--~ ~'TE "~.EP~E~= Pf~£~:r~ IT' ( 788542 ) flF'PL I CANT LOE:RT I ON LE J,l-lL L I NC: CONSTRUCT I ON ',,,'RLLI ',,,'UE S,'"D L9 E,,-- 'v'RLLI VUE q,."[:' . _ _Rf~'rM CIF.:I_-:,LE LOT _-,I~E 22000 SQURRE FEET T"r'PE 8F =,OIL RBC;ORBTION _'r.=,TEM IS: TRENCH ' -'-- '= / ~--~..:,uIL RRTING '"q¢') FT,. BR.- {27] MRXIMUM NUMBER OF' E, EE.F..uUM.., = '-- - .... " "¢- - -' THE F.:E6!UIRED _,I~E OF THE SOIL ~E,..,uRFTIu6~,~-_,TErt IS: [:,EP-FH: :10 L El-.IG TH:: ~_. i]FqR%.'EL [:.EF" T F~: 5 THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRBINFIEL.[). THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OF.! PIT IS THE DISTRNCE 8El'WEEN ]'HE SURFRCE OF THE GR8UND RN[:, THE BOTTOM OF THE E~-',C~VRTION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRFIVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRRVEL BETWEEN '[HE OUTFRL. L PIPE RND THE BOTTOM OF THE EP;CRk,'RTION (IN FEET). ' I"- ' ' ~' ] ~ ' PERMIT RPFLI_.HNI' HRS '[HE RE:,PLN_IBILIT? TO INFORM THIS DEPRRTMENT [;,.RING THE IN:.-THLLHFIEN INSPEC'rlONS 8F RN'¢ WELL_-] RDJRCENT TO THIS PF.:GPERT¥ RN[:, THE NI_IMBER OF RESIDENCES THRT THE WELL WILL ...,ER/E. T~4fl~ < 2 ;:, ][ [-tSF"E,]:T I ~]~ f-~ S:;. RRE RE~;!~J I F~:E[: BRCKFILLING OF RN'¢ S'¢STEM WITHOUT FINRL INSPECTION RND RPPROVRL BM THIS [:,EPRRTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DISTRNCE BETWEEN R WELL RND RN¥ ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL S'¢STEM IS 188 FEET FOR R F'RI'¢RTE WELD OR ±58 TO 288 FEET FR0M R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE T'¢PE OF PUBLIC WELL OTHER REQUIREMENTS MR¥ RPPLY. SPECIFICRTIONS RND CONSTRUCTION DIFIGRRMS RRE RVRILRBL. E TO INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. F'ER~'I I T' E~-::P I lq:Es----. [:.E~:i:[~Z f-1BER 3:1.. iL=~- }"~:--TM I CERTIFY THRT :L: I 8M I--RMILIBR WITH THE REC,!UIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH B'¢ THE MI..INICIPRLIT¥ OF RNCHOR8GE. 2: I WILL INSTRLL THE S'.tSTEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH THE CODES. ~: I UN. DERSTRND TNBT THE ON-SITE SEWER S'¢STEM MFI~ RE[qUIRE ENLRRGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THRN 3: BEDROOMS. S I GNED: , .............. RPPL I ~NT ~t~C E:ONSTF~CT 18N IS;S;IJED B¥_~ .... L:: ..................... [:,RTE .................... ',,,'2:. 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONNIENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-222~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4- 5- 6- 7 8 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 2O SLOPE SITE PLAN ~F YES,^TW"AT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) , .~. //. , TEST RUN BETgWEEN FTAND FT / COMMENTS /o~-~,, ~,: -& ~, 9,:,:_..:...:~:,~,>~ .... 72 008 (7/76) • Municipality of Anchorage On -Site Water and Wastewater Program (907) 343-7904 Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Parcel 1. D. 015-322-49 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Expiration Date: 0 CA 1 LI , a 0 D 0 Complete legal description VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 9 Location (site address) 6310 WEST TREE DRIVE *ANCHORAGE, AK Current Property owner(s) KIMBERLY BYBEE Day phone 244-8310 Mailing address Real Estate Agent DOUG JOHNS Day phone 296-932-5367 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: ® Single Family (w/wo ADU) ❑ Duplex ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual Well ❑ Individual Water Storage ❑ Community Class A Well Public Water System ❑ TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Holding Tank ❑ Community ❑ Public Sewer ❑ WaiverNariance request for: Distance: Received by: COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by the engineer. Date: COSA Fee $ 5 0 Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment 7'3 `� G Date of Payment Receipt Number �(� 0�'1 G 08 5� ) G Receipt Number COSA # n SC 1 3 Waiver # 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm: Garness Engineering Group, Ltd (GEG) Phone: 907-337-6179 Address: 3701 East Tudor Road, Suite 101- Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Engineer's Printed Name: Jeffrey A. Garness Date: j t7 (, R In conducting this evaluation, GEG provided an engineering evaluation of the well and/or septic system in accordance with the guidelines and regulations established by the Municipality of Anchorage and �000Op industry practices. The reported results describe the condition of the system/s on the date/s of the _o OF q X04 evaluation. Separation distances were measured to readily identifiable features. Hidden defects or o �s00o encroachments may exist that were not identified during the evaluation. The operational life of all wells p ' and septic systems depend upon a variety of variables, including but not limited to, soil conditions, groundwater levels (that may fluctuate during the year), quality of construction (materials and* g workmanship), and the water usage of the family utilizing the system/s. These conditions can vary, and • • • • • • • • • • . • • • are outside the control of GEG. Satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system/s; therefore, GEG makes no warranty (express or implied) regarding the future performance of . ... • , . • . • • , • the well or septic system. GEG makes no representation whether an alternative well or septic system J f Garne s: can be installed on the property in the event either of the current systems fail to perform adequately in CE -79 the future. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the person/party that retained GEG to O 9 c�G perform the evaluation. Reliance upon the information provided in this report by any other person orll1 party (including subsequent property purchasers) is not authorized, nor will it confer any legallj�flit(((((((((�4eaes profst���o� whatsoever.l�/0�0p o OF AAA4C 1 �oo�i�ka8# 6. DSD SIGNATURE System #1 Approved for `i bedrooms System #2 Approved for bedroomsWATER A z WATER a^ Disapproved fl WASTE AM PROGR Conditional approval for bedrooms, with 81lowing stipule By: _U_w 0, Qa, U g Original Certificate Date: 1 `4 The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Division (DSD) issues Certificates of On -Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 7. ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist Nitrate Advisory Septic System Advisory Arsenic Advisory Well Flow Advisory Other • Legal Description: VALLI VUE ESTATES #2; BLOCK 2, LOT 9 Parcel ID: 015-322-49 If more than 1 septic system on lot: COSA Checklist # of Structure served by this system A. WELL DATA ❑ Well log is filed with Onsite (or attached) Date drilled Total depth ft Cased to ft ❑ Sanitary seal is functioning correctly ❑ Wires are properly protected Casing height (above ground) in. Date of flow test for Static wa el at beginning of test ft. B. TANK DATA Age of tank(s) NEW years Tank type/material STEEL Measured operating fluid level in septic tank - ❑ Standpipes/foundation cleanout per record drawing Date of pumping NEW D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA IDSF Which system tested (date installed) ?000 ❑ ALL standpipes present per record drawing Total measured depth from grade 4.25 ft (max) Measured depth to pipe invert from grade ft (min) ❑ NIA — pressurized field ❑ Monitor tubes go to bottom of effective. If not, state depth into effective 3.78" OR Code -required soil cover over field ❑ System presoaked (Required if vacant for greater than 30 days prior to date of test) Gallons introduced N/A gallons Comments/Deficiencies: COSA Checklist yellow sheet Well production at time of test _ m Water storage tank volu gallons Well disinfec r coliform test? E] Yes ElNc orm bacteria is Negative Nitrate mg/L ❑ Nitrate less than MRL (ND) Arsenic ug/L ❑ Arsenic less than MRL (ND) Collected by Date of Sample C. LIFT STATION FOR Required maintenance completed Age of lift station NEW years Lift station material STEEL Comments: SEE ATTACHED RECORD DRAWINGS Adequacy test date 7212019 Results ❑✓ Pass For 4 bedrooms Fluid depth prior to test 0 in Water added 765 gal New depth 1.5 in Elapsed time 10 min Final fluid depth 0 in Absorption rate 600+ gpd Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 months) N/A If yes, enter date N/A E. SEPARATION DISTANCES From Private Well on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required or if community well) Septic Tank/Lift Station on Lot > 100' ❑✓ Yes Community Sewer Manhole/Cleanout > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft ❑ Yes ft Neighboring Tank > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft Private Sewer/Se t• _ 5' ❑ Yes if No ft Absorption Field on Lot > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft g Tank > 100' ❑ Yes if No ft Neighboring Absorption Fields > 100' if No ft Animal Containment > 50' ❑ Yes if No ft es if No ft Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' Manure/Animal Excreta Storage > 100' Com wer Main > 75' ❑ Yes if No ft ❑ Yes if No ft From Septic/Holding Tank on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required) Building Foundations > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Surface Water > 100' ❑ Yes if No 50'+ ft Property Line > 5'✓❑ Yes Yes if No ft Wells on Adjacent Lots: Absorption Field > 5' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Private Wells > 100' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Water Main > 10'✓❑ ft Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Water Service Line > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft If septic tank is under driveway comment below From Absorption Field on Lot to: (Please enter distances if less than required) Building Foundation > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft If absorption field is under driveway comment below Property Line > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Wells on Adjacent Lots: Water Main > 10'✓❑ Yes if No ft Private Wells > 100' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Water Service Line > 10' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Community Wells > 200' ❑✓ Yes if No ft Surface Water > 100' ❑ Yes if No 50'+ ft F. ENGINEER'S COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION 1 certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date: COSA Checklist yellow sheet r,: .... ................... e G QOI rness. E— C 5 ` ` ` s •• j �'•• c�G 0' —rofess'10 �o� #AECC884 L", MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT THIS MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR AGREEMENT, herein the "AGREEMENT" made and entered into as of this � Day of �IjN� of 20 26 , by and between herein the "OWNER," and the Municipality of Anchorage, herein the "MUNICIPALITY", in accordance with Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) 15.65.365. In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows: 1. Advanced Wastewater Treatment Systems. The Municipality grants permission to the Owner to utilize and operate an Advanced Wastewater Treatment System (AWWTS), described as 63 (� ll�C—� Tr�-� jY��,, i` r Tn, fir . 4 - located at (Iegal description) VPa42 V v_l~ -# Z Lam( L2 _ 2. Maintenance. Repairs and Alterations. (Owner is required to read, understand and initial each section) Z-6 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Owner shall enter into a service agreement with an AWWTS service and maintenance provider approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative. The AWWTS shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition capable of performing as designed and producing treated septic effluent in accordance with the equipment's approval for operation in the Municipality. 7 It shall be the responsibility of the Owner during the term of this Agreement to pay for all repair(s), maintenance, adjustment(s), replacement costs, and inspection costs. This includes an annual maintenance fee (typically $400 to $600). Owner agrees that only maintenance and repair personnel approved by the Municipality or the manufacturer's representative will inspect and make any necessary maintenance, repairs or permitted alterations to the system. Z+ --g Owner acknowledges that regular maintenance of an AWWTS reduces the potential failure of the system, which could include sewage backup and costly repairs or drainfield replacement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Pagel of 3 ,Zkb Owner acknowledges that the Municipality may request records of maintenance and repairs from the manufacturer's representative or maintenance provider. Z Owner acknowledges that the fine for failing to maintain and repair an AWWTS may be assessed in accordance with AMC 14.60.030. Zr� Q Owner agrees to grant the Municipality reasonable access to test and inspect the AWWTS. The Municipality will give at least 24-hour notice. 7 Owner agrees that any sale or transfer of title of the property will not occur without a new Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval. 2e4 Owner agrees that the AWWTS installation and maintenance requirements as provided by the AWWTS vendor/installer and approved by the Municipality are the governing guidelines for the construction, maintenance and repair of the Owner's AWWTS. 7N"" Owner agrees to maintain remote monitoring of the AWWTS as required by the AWWTS approval. 3. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of approval by the Municipality to operate the installed system, or upon transfer of title, and shall continue while the AWWTS is operational or until title is transferred. 4. Nonwaiver. The failure of the Municipality at any time to enforce a provision of this Agreement shall in no way constitute a waiver of the provisions, nor in any way affect the validity of the Agreement or any part hereof, or the right of the Municipality thereafter to enforce every provision hereof. 5. Amendment. This Agreement shall only be amended by authorized representatives of the Owner and Municipality. Any attempt to amend this agreement by either an unauthorized representative or unauthorized means shall be void. 6. Jurisdiction: Choice of Law. Any civil action arising from this Agreement shall be brought in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of the State of Alaska at Anchorage. The laws of the State of Alaska shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties under this Agreement. 7. Severability. Any provisions of this Agreement decreed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement. (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 2 of 3 OWNER: By: (signature) Date: L (print name) STATE OF -AL JL�o-h o v0 ) CO V+I)i­o� bevi n v (-)4 ) ss. sTR1C_T1 ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2,9 day of NOTARY PU9LIC FOR �ah 0 v0 My Commission expires: 0 l� - 6 $ -U 2�v MUNICIPALITY: (signature) 0PN,DAY,. N07ARYPUBLIC MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES STATE OF IDAHO : �y / , '•........ �L NNUMV�P. Date: name) Title: (rev. 05/18/2018) Page 3 of MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Completelegaldescription Lo T~ ~ ~,~ ,~ ~/,~L~-i ~/~j~. ~_~- ~Z_- Location (site address or directions) Property owner Mailing address Lending agency t'~ ~.¢,.~,~ ~---¢.¢2,.., .~--- Day phone Day phone Mailin. g address Address 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. NOTE: Individual well Community well Public water If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: NOTE: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Nameof Firm l--'~(,/o~;~i ~u ~-~'--l~'"~-'~- "~ Phone Engineer's signature ~ ,. ~t~.~ ~,~x~.,,~. Date / DHHS SIGNATURE [-//' Approved for ~ Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms. bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Additional Comments By: ~~ /-(~/', /:::2::)c'¢~/"-~ Date / O -//- OO The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduot inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Se~i~ E ~ V E D Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section 825 "L" Street Room 502 P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 OCT ~- 0 ~.D00 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-4744 MUNtCiPAL~ OF ANCHORAGE ^ F.J~ViRONMENTAL ~E~,VICES DIVISt0N HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL L~HECKLIST Legal Description: L,~ q, ~V~ ,0.2 t//%-LI ~/~.)~- t~5'~ .H~_ Parcel I.D.: o/~'-3,zp_- 7 A. WELL DATA Well type '/-~' Date completed __ Total depth Date of test ft FROM WELL LOG If A, B, or C provide PWSID # ,~-/3E,~ ~/ Well Log Sanitary seal Wires properly protected __ Cased to ft Casing height (above ground) __ AT INSPECTION in, Static water level ft ff Well production WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: g.p.m g.p.m Coliform colonies/100 mi Nitrate__ mg/I Other bacteria__ colonies/100 mi Date of sample: Collected by: B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA TankType/Material ~?~;~ 5'~ ~'~ ( Date installed 0~/¢.~/~? ' Tanksize /~..~o gal Cleanouts '~/ Foundation cleanout ~ Depression Date of Pumping ~ ia/~ ] z,-o over tank Pumper A- 4- Number of Compartments ~ /',/ High water alarm C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed JO/~//~ Soil rating (g.p.d./ft2 or ft2/bdrm) System type Length ¢0..0 ft Width 1 ¢ ft Gravel below pipe ~Z~ ft Total depth .~'~ ft Effective absorption area ~,¢,6) ft2 Monitoring tube "-/ Date of adequacy test t-/-,//_~ Results (Pass/Fail) Cf Fluid depth in absorption field before test ~ in Water added Elapsed Time: v/'- min Final fluid depth '-'/' in Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & type). Depression over field /'~ For ~ bedrooms ~ gal. New depth ~ in. Absorption rate >=__~"/g-p-d- If yes, give date 72-026 (Rev. 01/00)* LIFT STATION Date installed ~/'~/'/~/ Size in gallons "Pump on" level at ~ ~ in "Pump off" level at Datum r~ Jr7/,~,l Cycles tested Manhole/Access ~/ High water alarm level at ,~ c// in Meets alarm & circuit requirements ~X" Public sewer manhole/cleanout SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL~ LOT TO: Septic tank/lift station on lot /'On adjacent lots / Absorption field on lot J On adjacent lots Public sewer main Sewer/septic servic, c.c.c~e Holding tank SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation Water main Drainage Property line Water Service line Curtain drain COMMENTS Property line ~..'>/o Water service line ~> Wells on adjacent lots SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Building foundation 2- Surface water 'I,~P + Wells on adjacent lots Absorption field Surface water Water main '~ ~ ¢ Driveway, parking/vehicle storage G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined through field inspections and review of Municipal records that the above systems are in conformance with MOA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. Engineer's Printed Name ~ ~ ~o.~ ~-~ i) ~' ¥~.-L~. ,,,- ~ Date lO- lO- ~O HAA Fee $ "~,¢-)E). Date of Payment -~-~-,~ Receipt Number /9 Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number 72-026 (Rev. 01/00)' PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENT FOR TI~ MALNTENANCE OF AN ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM This a~eement, dated (~- ~:~.5- t99- , is made between the Municipality of Anchorage Department of ~-Iealth and Human Se-~vices (DHH$) and the property owner(s) of: This agreement is made for the purpose of maintaining an on-site wastewater disposal system on the subject property. The property owners agree to th, e following: Submit to the Municipality of Anchorage, on an annual basis, an inspection and operation statement from a registered professional engineer. This kmpection and operation statement shall verify that the engineer has inspected all effluent and air pumps, timers, and alarms, md that any deficiencies have been repaired and that the system is functioning as designed. (Signature) (Printed Name) (Printed Name) ............................... N.,,:ar±za Hera ::':.ZTZ ................................. State of ~x~_~x On th.'.s ~ day of. ~.O~r , G~i~ ,~. ~-e.',~'~:_ pe-sonally appeared before me, __ who is personally kno~ to me ~ whm~e identity I proved on the basis of ~ __ whose identity, I proved on the ~ath/affirmation of , a credible witness to be the signer of the a] and he/she ackn~ged that he/she signed ~- ~t~ ~ lic commission expires /b/~ MUNICIP~,LITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I,D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include 10t, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (b) Property owner tlil/o/~ J'f¢,¢.~ Telephone: (home)~Yd'/d¢O-Business Mailing Address ~(0 ~/ %~¢ ~r-2 ¢ (c) Lending Institution ~,~, Telephone Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address ,~ SOl' " C" ~¢, Telephone ~ - ~O /He ¢ 95-0_3 (e) Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here [], if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family [] Number of bedrooms 3. WATER SUPPLY Individual Well [] Community ~ Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site ~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note; If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Page 1 of 2 5. ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of th is Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional .and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. NameofFirm ~[~p/.~/~ ~¢~/~;¢~/ _~/~_c Telephone -~',5"- /-~"v~- Address / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~, ~ ~/~ Date ~ ~ ~ /~/ I~ Engineer's Seal 6. DHHS APPROYAL Approved for Approved - Disapproved Conditional Terms of Conditionai Approval The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval cerificated based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72~25 (Rev. 7/88)Back Page 2 of 2 A. WELL DATA Well Classification Well Log Present (Y/N) Total Depth Cased to. Static Water Level Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by Water Sample Test Results Comments MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) Health Authority Approval (HAA) ~u" o? / MC,~K~IST -343.4744FEBRUARY 1984 ENVI,~MEixh,~L $~RViCES D'I'VI$ION Legal Description: ~¢~ R[CEJVED Date Completed Depth of Grouting Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Yield ; On Adjoining Lots ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ; Date B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed ~/~/8~ Size I 2o-~af No. of C'ompartments Standpipes (Y/N) Y' Air-tight Caps (Y/N) Depression over Tank (Y/N) At Pumping/Maintenance Contact on File (Y/N) /q, 4. Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Date Last Pumped At,,4, ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM sEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: TO Water-~upply Well ~ '~o~' To Property Line ~o ~ To Water Main/Service Line :> ~¢' ~ To Stream, Pond, Lake or Major Drainage Course To Building Foundation To Disposal Field Comments 72-026 {Rev. 7/88) Front Page ! of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed 7 Width of Field , Square Feet of Absortion Area / I-y.~' Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test N, ,4. SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply Well ~ 8oo' To Building Foundation SE, ' Lot l¢' ' To Water Main/Service Line ~' ~.¢' /~ ~"~ Type of System Design Length of Field Depth of Field Gravel Bed Thickness ! Sta~'ndpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line ~-' To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots ~' :Y¢ / To Cutback (if present) To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level Tested for Dimensions 5-'o¢' ~¢/ /]-,'~c4 T~.~/r Manhole/Access (Y/N) Y,, ~t,~ ~ ~ "Pump Off" Level at ~¢ ~/¢ ~ ~'~ Vent (Y/N) ~ Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test, Meets MOA Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments ~-~? o,~/ <>~ ~'-,~l~,',,~ I~ **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HA~._,~.,~?..e.~.'.~,c~t on the date of this inspection. ~... ~ ..~ Signed Company I:{~ ~;~( ~z~ ~ ........................... Encn r' MOA NO. ....... , oe,p, No. Amount: $ 72-026 (Rev, 7/88) Back Receipt No. Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 3601 C STREET, SUITE 322 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 563-6775 DATE: August 31, 1989 PWSID: 210605 Requested By: Flattop Technical Services According to the records on file in this office, the V~lli Vue Water System is in compliance with State of Alaska Drinking Water Regulations. the Sincerely, Cindy Thomas Environmental Engineer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHO[~AGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIq~pT. OF V,~ALTH & 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 FNVIRONMENTAL pi;OTECTIO~ ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION JU[~ 2 8 1979, Telephone 264-4720 DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be procf~ssed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. MAILING ADDRESS PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) t K. qqSI I PHONE PHONE PHONE 3, LENDING INSTITUTION MAILING ADDRESS MAI LIN G ADDR ESS PHONE PHONE 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~TREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four [] Other ~ SINGLE FAMILY [] Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY ~ Three [] Six 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL* * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is requ'ired for all wells drilled ~ COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well [] PUBLIC UTI LITY depth (attach Icg if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM · *If individual/on-site, give installation date ~'"-/~1/ ~..~ I NDIVI DUAL/ON-SITE** If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required [] PUBLIC UTI LITY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) M U N lC i pA Li;T,E,p~. FoUr ~f~'~ - THIS SiDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE NSPECTOR I NSP ECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] · INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OFWELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTI LITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY ~' ~ ~"~ Connection Verified INSTALLER []Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURE (~ ~, ~.,._.~ 4. DISTANCESwELLTO: p 'el olding ~ank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS ~"~APPROVEDFOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE BY (Title~,~ 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) 825 "L' STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264 4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPAR'f'MENT OF HEAl TH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION June 27, 1979 Carol Nielsen Construction Loan Processor Alaska Statebank 310 East Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Lot 8 Block 2 Valli Vue Estates Subdivision Lot 9 Block 2 Valli Vue Estates Subdivision In reference to your letter of June 22, 1979, the following is the procedure for request for approval of on-site s'ewer and water facilities for lending agencies. (1) A request form(see attached is submitted to this office. (2) An appointment~for on-~iite {~nspections is made. We also review our files ~or information on the sewer system. (3) After everything has been reviewed and inspected we are then able to send a certificate of approval to the lending agency. In this case, the systems were installed last year, so the request forms needed to be filled out and submitted to this office. We will review our files and will be able to send a certificate of approval to you. One(l) request for each individual property. Do not send the fee as this will not require a field inspection. For you further information, Valli Vue Estates Subdivision is not served by public sewer. The entire subdivision is served by on-site septic systems. Public sewer is not available and will not be available for several years. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Laura J. Ward Sewer and Water Section