HomeMy WebLinkAboutTALUS WEST BLK 2 LT 10 Municipality of Anchorage Page 1 of DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: 543-474¢ On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: SW990164 PID Number: 015--201--20 Nome: MICHAEL HINDS Wast°water System: [] New · Upgrade Address: 4820 TALUS DRIVE, ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 ABSORPTION FIELD No. of Bedrooms: Ph°ne:(907) 345--5340 [] Deep Trench [] Shallow Trench · Bed · Mound · Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION goi, RoUng, 2 OPD/Sm n. ,ora, Depth ,ra,.4.4o~¢nol_grodo:3.8 ~Ft. Lot: Block: Subdivision: 3epth to pipe bottom from origrnal 10 2 TALUS WEST 1.9 - 1,5 Ft, ° Township: Range: Section: Fill added above origlnol grade: Gravel length: - - - 0,6- 1.2 Fl. 30 pt.  Gravel wldlh; Humber of lines: Distance between lines: WELL: [] New [] Upgrade 12 Ft. 4,3 rt. Close,cation (Private. A.B~C)~ I Total Dept '~ C~ed To: rot°l absorption area: Pipe mot°Hal: ASTbl 0-3034/ ~.c~..~/~ Ft. Ft. 360 S(3. Ft. F-810/ 1 1/4" SCH 40 PVC Odllen ~ I Dale Drilled: ~atlc Water Level: Inatellen Dote In,tailed: Ft. A+ HOME SERVICES 7/12/99 - 7/14/99 I SEPARATION DISTANCES [] Septic [] Holding · S.T.E.P. From Tank Reid Station Tank Sewer u,,, ANCHORAGE TANK 1250 Well 100% 100'+ 100'+ - 25% STEEL 2 S~eee ~00'+ ~00'+ ~00'+ - - LIFT STATION Water Line -- -- 1250 ANCHORAGE TANK Foundation 5'+ 10'+ 5'+ - - 41" ~<~< 41" Cur~oln 20 OSI 05 HHF M.O.A. Drain -. NONE KNOWN I I Remarks: * THIS IS AN INNOVATIVE, INTERMITTENT DOSING, BENCH MARK BOTFOMLESS SAND FILTER SYSTEM. TOP OF GAS LINE ELBOW FIT]'ING ~<:~ 1' LOT LINE WAIVER GRANTED WITH ISSUANCE OF PERMIT. © THE SOUTHWEST HOUSE CORNER ~<*~< TIMER ACTIVATED 100.00 Ft. h Inspections performed by: AWWC, INC. Dates: 1st 7/12/99 3rd 7/14/99 .." Department of Health and Human Services approval Reviewed and approved by: 0~'.--~ ~../,, ~:~b Date: ~'"/'¢/ PE..,Tsw090 .U DE.:64 AS ' BUILT DRAWING , 0EL0,2--20"' / , A I B C TALUS DRIVE / ST1 - 48.5 --~ .......... ~/ / ST2 - 45,3 45.1 ~H - 44.6 46.0 ~ /~ / MT1 56.2 !39.8 - MT2 51.3'31.6 - / ~ ~EO,OO, ~ous~. MT3 ~ ~ ~MT4 B C .......... I / IIIII I ~ ~~'~co % , NEW / MT~L~, MT2 ~ ~ OA~OE INTERMI~ENT ~1~ ~ ~ ~ SAND FILTER. F ~ ~ ~ ~' pn SHED -- D .............. ~ ~10' ~OTILI~ ~2~EMENT ............................... ~ ~ ~-' ...................... : INSULTED~AIR COMPRESSOR ~ EXISTING ADSORPTION N AIR LINE % BED TO BE USED AS % A RESERVE SITE. NEW 1250 GALLON ~ S.T,E.P, TANK WITH ~ DUAL OUTL~S ALAS~ ffA~g[ AND ffAS~ffAIA[ CONSOnANtS, INC, I~LUS W[SI SUBDIVISION; LOI 10, BLOCK 2 ~PE OF WORK: ~S-8UILI DRAWING OF SEPIIC SYSIE~ UPGRADE 345-5340 UlOHAEL HINDS (007) ~r'." ............. DAT¢:7/24/99 O~WN BY: SCALE: PAGE: K.D.W. 1 = 30' 2 0F 3 A B C ST1 - 48.5 43.5 ST2 - 45.3 45.1 MH - 44.6 46.0 MT1 56.2 !,39.8 - MT2 51 .,.3, ,31,6 - MT3 ,,38.034.5 - MT4 29.6 23.9 - *E..,TSWOg0,.0**64 AS ' BUILT DRAWING P^.C.~0, ~--20"0 ~***_~0 / NSW 12¢0 d~bON , 5,T,E,F, T~K ~1~ ~ - 99,0 ~ I = 96~5(5 ~ ..... 'O ' ' : "O':~ "'~: :": "' "0' '~, --~LM5'9~66 ALAS~ WA~R AND WASTEWA~R CONS~TANTS, INC. ~~/ IALUS WESI SUBDIVISION, LOT 10, BLOCK 2 ~.............. ~PE 0F WORK: MICHAEL HINDS 345-5340 '. D~WN BY: SCALE: I PAOE: DATff:7/24/99 A.C.O. N.T,S. 8-12-1999 6~&gAN FRON ARCTIC L[QHTS ELECT 907 34B 7874 P. 1 Attn: Subject: Dear Mike: ARCTIC LIGHTS ELECTRIC INC. P.O, Box 110135 Anchorage, AK. 9951'1-0125 ~hone~' (907) 34~.7896 l~a× Lme." (~)07)'$45;78/4~ " August ~[2th, 1998 A Plus Home Services 7501 E. 140th Avenue Anchorage, ~laska 99516 Mike Blakeslee 4820 Talus Drive Reaidertce Lift Station Project Completion Status On 7-20-99 we installed necessary wiring, componertts, and control panel for the permanent installation of a .recirculating sewage tank system at the rcderenced property. We have confirmed the proper operation of all controls and ~ertify that all work was performed in strict accordance with the National Electric Code. Note that.' we performed no othee code upgrades on tkis property not related to the above system installation. All labels and identification stickers were attadxed to the control panel for future reference, Should you need other assistance on thi~ project, please don't hesitate ro contact The Building Safety Department of MOA has t~is p~oject registezed under !Permit 99-8849, and status of completion can be confirmed through their archiving proces.~. Sincerely, Brian D. Miller Fresident cc: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Jun 30, 1999 Expiration Date: Jun 29, 2000 Permit Number: SW990'164 Legal Description: TALUS WEST BLK 2 LT 10 Design Engineer: 0041 AK Water & Wastewater Consulta Owner Name: Michael Hinds Owner Address: 4820 TALUS DR ANCHORAGE , AK 99516-2256 ParcellD: 015-201-20 Site Address: 004820 TALUS DR Lot Size: 16740 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] SepticTank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.05 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. 5. The following special provisions. THIS PERMIT ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN INTERMITTENT DOSING SAND FILTER (IDSF) WASTEWATER SYSTEM. THE ATTACHED PROPERTY OWNER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME A PART OF THIS PERMIT PACKAGE. THE ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL FOR THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE HOME IN PLAN VIEW OF THE LIFT STATION WITH A REMOTE ALARM MOUNTED INSIDE THE HOME. Date: Date: Rick Mystrom. Mavor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us June 30, 1999 Jeff Garness, PE Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc 6901 De Barr Road, Suite 2B Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West Subdivision Waiver Request #WR990036 Parcel ID #015-201-20 SW990164 Dear Mi Garness: Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the on-site wastewater disposal system to property line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 1.0 foot. This waiver is from the ISF system to the west property line. This waiver approval applies to the existing on-site wastewater disposal system to property line separation only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. If there are any further concerns or questions regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343-4744. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Water Quality Program MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-site Services Section Wa~iver Review Worksheet WRY( ~,~l~'~('~(',,~,~'~ PID~ 015-201-20 HA~ Permit ~ Date Received: June 17, 1999 Legal Description: Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West Engineer: Jeff Garnass~ PE., Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants. Inc. 6901 De Barr Road, Suite 2B, Anchorage~ Alaska 99504 Applicant: Michael Hinds Waiver Requested: Lot line waiver request of 1 foot to the proposed ISF system to the west property line. Criteria: 1. Geology: A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation TOTAL: 2. Special Conditions: Points: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: ~ Waiver is NOT Granted: List Conditions or Reasons for above: Rec #: 05017/5579 Amount: $ 115.00 Name of Reviewer Date Paid: June 17, 1999 Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B N Anchorage ~ Alaska 99504 (907) 337-6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers June 16, 1999 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Hmnan Smwices Division of Environmental Services On-Site Se~wices Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Reft Sewer Upgrade for Lot 10, Block 2, Talus West Subdivision (Bottomless Intermittent Sand Filter - ISF) To whom it may concern: The existing 3 bedroom house is se~wed by an onsite septic system and a private well. The existing bed is surcharged and must be upgraded. Comments regarding the proposed upgrade are summarized as follows: 1. GENERAL: A test hole was excavated to the north of the existing bed. As can be seen on the attached site plan and design, the area to install a septic upgrade is ve~2g limited. We propose that a 12' by 30' Bottomless Intemfittent Sand Filter (ISF) system be installed along the west lot line, north of the existing bed. As can be seen on the design, there is an existing crib with a small trench that was abandoned in 1986, in close proximity to the proposed ISF system. It is our opinion that this encroachment is not a concern due to the fact that the ISF system is designed for bottom absorption only and that the old crib and trench have been abandoned for almost 14 years. It is our opinion that a innovative septic system is the only option, short of rebuilding the existing bed or installing a holding tank. The homeowner would like the option of installing either the proposed innovative ISF system or a holding tank. If the holding tank was installed, the intent would be to rest the old bed for several years and then reactivate the bed. Installing the ISF would be preferable to rebuilding the bed because there would be two drainfields on the lot. Please provide a special provision on the permit if a holding tank is a acceptable option by your department. 2. SOILS: On June 4, 1999, a test hole was excavated and a percolation test was performed. As can be seen fi'om the attached log, the soil below the organic is a GM/SM material to a depth 7 feet and than the soils transition to a ML material to a depth of 10 feet (bottom of test hole). Groundwater seep was encountered at a depth of 7.0 feet at the time of excavation. After seven days, the monitoring tube was checked and groundwater was found to be at 7.5 feet. A percolation test was performed between 5.0 feet to 5.5 feet, and determined the rate to be at 20 minute/inch. 3. TRENCH DESIGN: Bottomless Intermittent Sand Filter (ISF) a. Percolation Rate: 20 minutes/inch b. Allowable Application Rate for ISF: 2 gallons/day/ft2 c. Number of Bedrooms: 3 d. Design Flow: 450 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 225 ft2 f. Effective Depth below pressure pipes: 3+inches g. Width: 10 feet h. Length: 36 feet. i. Effective absorption area = 360 ft2 (>300 ft2 OK) j. Air Supply: Thomas Industries, Model 5070, "Anchorage Tank". k. Air Supply Line: "Wasteflow" emitterline, 1/2 inch I.D, "Anchorage Tank". 1. Sand Material: In accordance with M.O.A. latest standards m. Pea Gravel: 100% passing 3/8" sieve, less than 20% passing the 1/4" sieve, and less than 1% passing the #8 sieve. We are proposing to excavate down to a depth of 4.5 feet (maximum), place a minimum of 6 inches of sand, install the air supply line, and cover it with 1.5 feet of sand. On top of the sand, we will place 6 inches of 3/8 inch pea gravel, with the pressure laterals midway in the layer. We will use a conventional lift station (Anchorage Tank), equipped with a programmable timer so that flow can be intermittently dosed to the ISF. 4. SURFACE WATERS: There is no surface water within 100 feet of the existing or proposed septic systems.. 5. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached topography site plan, there are no slope concerns. 6. MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES: The materials used, and the construction practices will comply ~vith DHHS' "Intet~nittent Sand Filter Design, Installation & Maintenance Manual". The contractor should read this document prior to construction. Copies are available at the Municipal Onsite Services office (5th floor, 9th & L St.). 7. LOT LINE WAIVER REQUEST: We request that your department issue a 1 foot lot line waiver fi'om the proposed ISF system to the west property line. We are unaware of any adverse effects by the granting of this waiver may have on the neighboring property. 8. CLOSING: I am open to any suggestions from your department, which would be an improvement to the proposed design. I am unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179. Thank you/f~r your assistance. Jeffryb/~/. ( ~ess, P.XF~M.S. Presi~er/t ~-. -~' ~ LOT 5, BLOCK 1 LOT 4-, BLOCK 1 LOT 3, BLOCK 1 LOT 2, BLOCK 1 ~ I BOREALIS S/D BOREALIS S/D BOREALIS S/O BOREALIS S/D ~/ ~) LOT 5, BLOCK 1 /LOT 4, BLOCK 1 LOT 3, BLOCK 1 LOT 2, "LOCK 1 ~ TALUS WEST S/D / TALUS WE~ S/D TALUS WEST S/D TALUS WE~ S/D - .............. .... 7 .... .............. ~'~' _~.__._. , ~ ~ ~ TALUS D~VE ~Z -~--~ ~~ ~ ,~, .~,, ~.~,,,. ~-~'"-~-~ ........... ~//I ~ ~ r ~.~ -- /h ', ~ ..... / ~ ~~EX~N~ / ~ ~ / ~ ~m~ 3 BEDROOM / ~' ~ m~ TALUS WE~ S/D ~ ~ [ '~ ~ , / ./ LOT 12, BLOCK 2 /h - ? ~' ~ '~ ' I ~T,,~%,~75,~ TALUS WEST S/O ~,~ /// % mm ~ II %~ ~ .......... /~  --"- PROPOSEO SEPTIC UPG~DE ~~ ~SIBN, PAGE 2 ~ PROPOSED SEPTIC UPSIDE~ ~ ' BE USED AS A RESERV~ISTIN~ ABSORPTION ~E~.'~ LOT 9, BLOCK 1 TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION; LOT 10, BLOCK 2 . ~ o~ WOR~: / / Y t ~ ~ S~T[ PL~ ~OR SEPTIC SYST[U UPgraDE ,~/!"'~d":"'~ PREPARED FO.: PHO.E(907)545_5540. UUa[~: ~0~.~/. I~ ~ 7953 .." MICHAEL HINDS ~h~a .... ~ .... OATZ, 6.15.99// O~WN .Y: Iscz~: PACE: '~e~ ....... K.D.W.~ 1 = 100' 1 OF 3 ~100' t~ELL ~IUS I UNE (SEE ~OTE ~ ~ ~ (SEE NOTES) /~/ , EXISTING THREEHouSE. EXISTINg DRIV~AY 1' LOT LINE W~ER REQUESTED ~ ~ BEDROOM / ~-- I / M'io~T ~ .... ~EXISTING LI. 3TATIO~TO BE PROPOSEO BO~OMLESS~', IIII ', c---~ N BY 12 WIDE, BY 30 LONO. ~; ; ~ ~ (SEE PROFILE PAgE 3 OF 3) .~' : ', ~ N~ ~ ~ / / (ABANDONEO IN 1986) I I X --  EXISTING ABSORPTION B SEPTIC TANK ' TO BE ABANDONED COMPL~ELY AND ~ REP~CED WITH A 1250 GALLON THE WEST PROPER~ LINE, AND THE SOUTH PROPER~ LINE CONSTRUCTION AND THE ~NDATORY PRE-CONSTRUCTION SITE VISIT WITH THE ENGINEER. ALAS~ WATER AND WASTEWATER CONS~TANTS, INC. ~[t~tl~cuso~[sc~°~:~o~:W[Sl SU~wsl0u;""°~: (~o~)~oi~-,~o/r~,~o, U~0C~(~°~) 2,~-~2~ ~~ ~.~ ~;'" ' '"??~?I~.~ DESIGN FOR BOTTOMLESS INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER (ISF) UPGRADE )~ t* rrlrq~(~ t ~--~Jrness.: PREPPED FOR: PHONE NUMBER: MICHAEL HINDS (907) 545-5540 DA~E:6/15/99 D~WN BY: SCALE: 'AGE: e K.D.W. 1 = 50' 2 OF 3 PROX, 2P~f, OF~NCO (H~5 ~l~bb¢ ~P PbU~INQ /NODIN~EON B~?OM, P~¢~ / ~'W~PL~" ~ FR~IP~P V~ P~R ~NCO ~51~N)~ / PIFIN~ /2T~2 ~2'~ ...... ~ _ ~ ~2 ~ ~ y~' ~1/~ P~ ~H ~~f ~H PLU~IN~ V~5 5~P f~K ~P ~IP~P OF ~P ~P PlS~I~ON PIP~ (~X~NP ~0~ ~) IN~, (P~ILL I/4 INCH P~ H~) PLAN VIEW ~2" e IN~AqON ~/4" PVC LA~5 (~,4)~ I~ ~ PIL~R 2 ~f MN, ~ ~lb¢~ 5~ 12. - RRblN~18" B~L~ / ~1 ~ ALAS~ WA~R AND WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS, INC. TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION; LOT 10, BLOCK 2 .......... - , ::: BOTTOMLESS INTERMITTENT SAND FILTER (ISF) DETAIL ~,~.~ .,.~ ~o~ ~-~¢~ K.D.W. N.T.S. 3 OF 3 ,~ ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS~ INC. PHONE (907) 337-6179 * FAX (907) 338-3246 I SOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TEST I ~..~., 0 ~, ~J ~.% ..... l...:... PERFORMED FOR: MICHAEL HINDS ~^_ '~ d ff e~ A. 13em6ss.: , [TEST HOLE #1 ] '"'"' ~lt~'~,.., ~ ............ ' ~;~,~,~ SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS I '.. '., OH / I sc / / DEPTH TO DATE ': ~: ~::'a GROUNDWATER ~"-'-- -- - ,. SEEP @ 7' 6/4./99 111111111 HL 7.5' 6/10/99 9 : SITE PLAN ............................ ' = I00 10 11 DATE i READING CLOCK NET TIME WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIME (MINUTES) READING (INCHES) 12 6/8/99 1 2:58 -- 6" ..... 2 5~08 _~ . 50 4.-1/8" 1-7/8" .... 4 ;5:41 30 4-1/2" 1-1/2" ----, .... 6 ---~-:~2 30 4-1/2" -~ - 1/2' 18 19 PERCOLATION RATE 20 (HIN./INCH)~PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) 20 TEST RUN BETWEEN 5.0 _FT. AND]~/ ~.5 FT. COHHENTS: PREOSOAKED PE.C CAWW FOR 4+ HOURS ~ T~ / · ERFOMED BY A~SKA WATER * WASTEWATER I. k ~ ~, ~ . CERT,~ THAT THISDATE.WASDATE:PERFOR",D~, *3 1~'¢' AOOORDANCE~ WITH ALL .TAT:~¢ ~/NIO*~UIDELINES I, E*,EOT ON THIS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT ~mo~/ ~ N~ncy /~r/o DISTANCES ..... ~ SEPTIC ABSORPTION Address- I'~c~-0 '7~[~4' D~, ~ ~o~ ~q~l~~ TANK FIELO WELL Phone{s)~ 11~ ~ 8~ Permd~ O0~N° No ol~eOroomso WELL ~EGAL DESCRIPTION LOT LINE J Block J Subd,vlslo. ~ I 2--~--E ~ ~ ~eC ~ dr,veway,AS'BUILTwate,DIAGRAMbod,es, mc)(Sl'°w local,or, of well, sep,,c system, property hnes, Ioundm,on, TANKS ~ T/L~M D ~l(,~ ~J ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING I~ [ NO OI Comp~ments TYPE OF SYSTE~ ~S~IN~ - ~ TRENCH [~ BED ~ W. DRAIN [~ OTHER FT FT FT FT FI FT i Dmt~nce between "nes SO~ FT / ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER (Identify) .................... ~ase(I to FT FT REMARKS: Municipal and Slate Duidelines in el,,cl o?~date: ¢/1¢* 72 013 (3/85) IIx!I::EiIRH .l:),,[],,ll,:~!;,, i:'b'.Ji[:tFC !ii .I:N~:~I:::'I!;:I:;II[!Ixl ~::~¥ E';N[3i:I',I[:i]:!:I::;',!, :l:l:: fz'~F:II:F~'. .[N~i;'t,/4t L., ',";I;i:[::"]'llE~ 'lf.~Nt::i F'li!i:]:,'. E]'q[31:l".fl!]]!:[::~!i~ fYI I~'EZ;I]Ii!]I) ~-:fl'::'I:::'I::~IZ]iVE!.:) 'tllI~i; I::'IiT/H]:T };:!;XI::']]::~'.t{~; :! 2. /::f!; :t /~:1~9 (.hl'4D V{.'~l.i!::O I:::EtF~ ~:'/ l!i; :!. l',l( )l .l i: F'~II'4ILV LoT I0 LOT II Nol'~s; o o o I-~ f3t, /..I~.~c p~nP, ~,'Z) TA I.(X-~ (.O"b-PT -q /l) ~ I tE Pl..b N MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DE: :TMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER~ :S Environmental Health Division 825 "U' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Address ~ ~ 0 -~'// No. ol Redro,~som 2~/ 3 q3~fg Townsh,p, Range. Sechon ( p~erqt ~ & ) (~ c~t~ I { ) TANKS ~ SEPTIC ~] HOLDING 7 , I~ DISTANCES FROM"~ SEPTIC TANK I. OT LINE FOUNDATION ,-/? ABSORPTION FIELD WELL /o~ /o TYPE OF SYSTEM [] TRENCH [~I3ED [~ W. DRAIN [] OTHER ~ FT /~ FI ~'~ SOFT ~:~o3~ /~BI6 z~2~ z4,,, ?- 16' WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER fldentifv) REMARKS: Inspections Performed by I ~K~--~'~'/";'~ ,~'~'~'~"/'~"-'~'" cedily Ih~t this inspection was pedormed according to all Municipal aed St~ines in effect on Ihis dale: ~-/'~--~'~ ENGINEER'S SEAL 72 0~3 (3/85l Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'rbo~?oi[ 1 2 10 11 12 (ENGINEER'S SEAL) DATE PERFORMED: Township, Range, Section: ~'/,),(y,/ k/) :5~ SLOPE SITE PLA~I 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT Deplh lo Water After I Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ,' % 0 /cT) r;,). '~' o,IV c. PERCOLATION RATE ~' ~ ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ff.U FTAND ,¢~/.,Z~' FT /' PERFORMED BY: .~'¢~(' ' [~-' 'A'*- CERTIFY THATTHISTESTWASPERFORMEDI. ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~r~f ¢. ~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIC~ INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY ~ OF "~ CHECKED DY. SCALE I - /0 DATE ~D~ -?- ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIC' INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY. SCALE It~: q OF ~ DATE .~ ~-,: ~ U>,-/ lO 7 ALASKA ei UIROIIITIE FITAL CODTROL SeI uICE!S, IFIC. ~nqineemq 6 ~nuiromental Studies SPECIFICATIONS FOR BED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM - LOT lO, BLOCK 2, TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAL ].1 THE DRAWINGS, SHEETS 1 TIIRU 3, StlALI, BE PART OF Tills SPECIFICATION. 1.2 ALI, MATERIALS AND WORK}~ANS}IIP SHALL MEET TIlE REQUIREMENTS OF TIlE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCUORAGE, DEPARTMENT 0F HEALTH & BUMAN SERVICES (DIIHS), TIlE CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT, AND ALL APPLICABLE RIILES AND REGULATIONS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT. 1.3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY, AND ARE TO BE VERIFIED OR MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY A BIIHS APPROVED INSPECTOR. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLER TO ADIIERE TO APPROVED DESIGNS FOR INSTALLATION, TO MAINTAIN THE SPECIFIED SEPARATION DISTANCES, AND TO ItAVE TIlE APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS. 1.5 IF THE INSTALLATION IS NOT INSPECTED HY AN AECS ENGINEER, AECS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN. AN ENGINEER AT AECS StlOULD BE CONSULTED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, TO DETERMINE TIlE NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS TIIAT WILL BE REQUIRED AND TO EXPLAIN WIIAT THESE INSPECTIONS WILL INVOLVE. 2.0 SEPTIC SYSTEM 2.]¸ TIlE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK MAY BE USED, IF IT MEETS THE CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESIDENCE AND THE APPROVAl, OF DIIHS. IF NOT, TItEN SPECIFICATIONS 2.2 TUROUGH 2.6 APPLY. TIIE SEPTIC TANK StlALL BE A UPC-APPROVED TWO-COMPARTMENT TANK, CONSTRUCTED OF 12-GAUGE STEEL WITH BITUMASTIC COATING, SET LEVEl, ON UNDISTURBED SOIL, AND INSULATED WITU AN OVERLYING LAYER OF 2 INCH BURIAL TYPE POLYSTYRENE. 2.3 TIlE SEPTIC TANK SI{ALL BE A MINIMOM OF 5 FEET FROM TIIE HOUSE FOUNDATION, AND A MINIMUM OF 5 FEET FROM TIIE ABSORPTION AREA. 2.4 THE SEPTIC TANK AND BED SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 100 FT. FROM ANY PRIVATE WELL OR BODY OF WATER, 150 FEET FROM ~200 [Uesl 33ri Auenue. Suile B,Anchoreqe, Alaska 99503'(907) 561-5000 2.5 2.6 S. 0 3.2 3.4 8.5 8.6 CLASS C WEI,LS, AND 200 FEET FROM CLASS A OR B WELLS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. LESS THAN THE REQUIRED SEPARATION DISTANCE MUST HAVE PRIOR APPROVAE OR WAIVER BY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (ADEC). PIPING SUALL BE FITTED WITH A MECtlANICAL WATERTIGtlT CALDER COUPLING ON TIlE OUTLET AND INLET OF THE SEPTIC TANK. PIPING SHALL HE 4-INCH SOLID PVC ASTM D3034 OR CAST IRON, SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1/4 INCH PER FOOT WITH A MINIMUM OF 4 FEET OF COVER. CLEANOUTS SI}ALL BE INSTALLED AS DESIGNATED AND CAPPED WITII AIR-TIGHT RAIN CAPS (JIM CAPS OR EQUIVALENT), AND EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET ABOVE GROUND LEVEl,. SEEPAGE BED TIlE SAND SttALL HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SIZE OF 0.4 TO 1.6 MM AND A UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT OF NOT MORE THAN 4. THE GRAVEL FOR THE BED SIIAI,L BE 0.5 TO 2.5 INCII, SCREENED ROCK WITH LESS THAN 3% PASSING ~200 SIEVE RESIDUAL. ALL SUBSTITUTES MUST IIAVE PRIOR DHEP APPROVAL, THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION SI{ALI, BE LEVEL AND RAKED WITH THE BACKHOE BLADE TO INSURE THAT THE BOTTOM tIAS NOT BEEN COMPACTED DURING EXCAVATION. THE DISTRIBUTION PIPE SItALL BE 4-INCH RIGID PVC WITH A MINIMUM CRUSH STRENGTH OF 1500 LBS. ALL PIPES SHALl, BE LAID LEVEL, AND SPACED ACCORDING TO THE DRAWINGS. MONITOR STANDPIPES SHALL BE PI,ACED AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWINGS. THEY SHALL BE RIGID PVC ASTM D-SOS4, OR OR 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON. THE SECTION SHOWN WITtI HOLES MAY BE EITHER DRILLED 0.5 INCH HOLES ON THE 6 INCH CENTERS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE PIPE, OR A SECTION OF REGULAR PERFORATED SEWER PIPE MAY BE CLAMPED TO THE SOLID SECTION WITtI A NO-HUE COUPI, ING OR SOLVENT JOINT. A RUBBER RAINCAP (JIM CAP OR EQUIVALENT) SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE TOP OF TIIE PIPE. IF THE FINAL GRADE OVER THE BED IS LESS THAN 4 FEET ABOVE TIlE GRAVEL, INSULATION IS REQUIRED, USING DOW EXTRUDED BLUE STYROFOAM BOARD. T}IERE SI{ALL BE 1 INCH OF INSULATION FOR EVERY FOOT OF SOIl, LESS THAN TIlE REQUIRED 4 FEET 0F COVER, BUT THERE MUST BE AT LEAST 24 INCHES OF SOIL EVEN TIIOUGH INSULATION IS USED. THE SOLID PIPE 3.7 4,0 4.1 4.2 4.3 EXTENI)ING FEOM THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE DRAINEIELD StlALL ALSO tIAVE 4 FEET OF COVER OR AN EQIJIVALENT LAYER OF INSULATION COMBINED WITIt SOIl, TO PREVENT FREEZING OF TRE LINE. IF INSULATION IS NOT NECESSARY, THEN THE GRAVEL MUST BE COVERED WITH A LAYER OF A NONWOVEN FABRIC (SUCH AS MIRAFAI, FIBRETEX 200 GRADE, POLY-FILTER X, OR EQUIVALENT). TIlE TOP AND SIDES OF TIlE BED SIlALL BE PLANTED WITI{ A WHITE CLOVER AND RED FESCUE MIX OR BLUE GRASS. INSPECTIONS THIS BED WILl, REQUIRE THREE INSPECTIONS. THE FIRST INSPECTION WILL BE OF THE OPEN EXCAVATION, TO ASSURE TI{AT THE SYSTEM IS INSTALLED IN PROPER STRATA AND DEPTH. TEE SECOND INSPEUTION WILL BE FERFORMED AFTER SAND FILL IS INSTALLED, BUT PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL AND DISTRIBUTION PIPES. THIS INSPECTION WILL VERIFY TItAT TIlE FILLER IS PROPERLY INSTALLED, THAT IT MEETS SPECIFICATIONS AND THAT IT FULFILLS TIlE INTENTION OF THE DESIGN. TIlE TI{IRD INSPECTION WILl, BE PRIOR TO BACKFILL AND VERIFTY THAT DISTRIBUTION PIPES ARE POSITIONED PROPERLY, SUFFICIENT GRAVEl, IS PLACED, AND THE SFECIFICATIONS OF THE DESIGN. 'fANK I::'OR LIFT c4Y,STEMS A SEP]lt: TANK S~ El.., TANK Anchorage Tank & Welding, I~,~. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 272-3543 SHAL, L, BE A HO])II::'IE]) ARC ':ORAglE TANK 'Ii-.Jill: [iESI(~)N (]l;~ ANAI..,YSi:,(!~ SI-IALI., BE IN A C C 0 R ]:J A N C El: t411' I"1 A C C E F'; Ii!: D E N G I N lli; Iii: R I N (3 P I:~ A C T .1; C. IE AN[~ L.,(]CAI,., I.,'I!i;GLi!,ATORY AGENCIES, 'file TANKS SHAL.,I.., BE :()ESIGNED FOI~ LOABING C 0 N )] I T L ii N S A S I:,~ E C4tJ I R E D B Y M U N I C I F' A I.,, (', l~[) REGUL,,AT IONS, S T A 1" Ii!; AI...~, t41!;I.,,I)ING SHAI.,,L, BIZ IN ACCORI)AH:.:;E; WITH AF'PLICABL, E CO'OES AND !:i!'AN]OARDS, COATING SHALL, BE ]'NEHI!:t q. 6,.q. 65 HI-BUIL, B TANK COATING AND APPL,]:E;C~ AS FOI.~,OI,JS', StJI;ffrACE PRE;PARA"~'];Of '-' AI..,L, SURFACES MUST BE ]ORY~ CL.,EAN, AN)] I~IEASONABI..,Y FRIEIE 01::' RtJST AND MIL, L, SCAI.,F EXCESS RUST, HII.,I,., SCALE AND WE:L,I)ING SL.,AG SHAL, L, BE lt:i::HOVE:D BY WIRE BRUSH Ok O]HEI~ MEANS AS NEC, ESS~RY, 2, APPL, ICATION SHAL, I.., BE AIF~L.,ESS .SPRAY TOtJCH UP t. JITH BRUSH Oh' ROLi.,ER, 3, '¥H]:NNING SHALL BE ACCOMI:q~ISI"IED t,JI(H API::'ROVEI) HATlii~I]:AI,., AN~() I, JIL,L,, NOT E;XCEE~O fi, SURFrACE TEMPEI~ATL'F':IE SHAI..L, NOT BE BEI..,Ot, J OR 5 BEL.,OI,J I)IEI,,I POINT ~H]:CH E;Vi: R IS L.,OI,.IEI~, IN'IIi~:I~IOR SFIAL, L BE COATED TWO '¥;I:MIi:S AND SHAL, I., BE A MIN]h',IUN OF 20 )]RY MIL,L,S EXTE:I~.]:OI? SIIALL, BE COATE:C~ ONE TINE AN:O SHALL, BE: A MINIMUM OF 10 ]ORY MII..,LS, RISER A Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska (907) 272-3543 OUTI..,ET RISER.q SHAL, L, BE GAL.,VANIZEiD STEEL AND SFIAI.,I., BE 51.1· INCHES (HININUM), HIGH, SHAL, I., HAVE A MINIMUM NOMIMAL, D]A?,IEI"EI:~ OF 2H. INCHES, AND SHALL, BE CAPABI.,E OF' BEING IEQUIPPEI) WI I'H 'iHE FOL, LOWIN(: A, A JUNCTION (NE]MA H,X) BOX OR E]QUAi,, BON]OED OR ATTACI-.IF.D TO THE] RISli:.R, B, UL L.1]STI:iZO EI.JZCTRICAI.., CORB GRII:)S, IN THE J-BOX, A !.,ID .... SHAL,L, Bill: FLIRN:I:SHIED W!'IH iFIE RISER, I1' SHAL, L, BE'. CONSTRLICTIi;D OF F'IBlii:RGt~ASS OR Eq~']iVAI.JENT AGGREGATE F IN :1: SH, I~ISER INSTAL, I.,ATION - lEACH R,'I:SE:I~ SHAI..,L, BE SEAL, EB OR 14EI.,]EI[.~D TO 'file 'FOP (:IF 'rilE: TANK ]:N SLICH A MANNE:R AC3 TO PREVENT INF:II.,TI~A1'ION (:il::' GROLIND IgATE:.'R lJI..ll. RIk: I:~REC3ENT , INSLIL,AI'ION .. 2" SHAbl.., BE PbACED RIGI][) EXTRU[~E]O POI.,YS'I'YI?E:Nt: IN THE: RISiZR I.~II:,~EC'¥L,Y BI~:I..,OLI E, INSUI.,ATION - 2" SPRAYED URE:THANE: ON C :L R C U N F' E R E N C E: 0 F' R ]: S E R, EFF'L,L~ENT A, Anchorage Tank & Welding, h,~. ) 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 272-3543 1, :1./3 I"I,P, MYI-]RS SoM~* 115 VOI..,'¥ OR E~UAI., SCREENELD PUHP VAUL'T (L),S, I:~A'Y'ENT ilq. 14.39S23) 59" ][IEEEI:~ 3/16" TI-lICK H:I~H..I-..:[]E:NSITY PVC C, YCI.,,INDI:!]( I..IOUSIiES THE PLIMP, L, EVEL' COixFROI.,,S AND SCREE'N AND SE'IWES AS A BAF'I:'L'E TO I:H:;Hi[VE:NT THIE SCREEEN I::'ROW CI..,OGGTNG, THE FIFILEN 1-:1./2" DIA, HOI.,,[.ES ARE: DI~II..,I,ED IN THIS VAUL'T A"F A L'EVEb 'fHA'~ M.,,AC, I~.ES THEM AT ABOUT THE MIDWAY POINT liN THI! DEPTH or:' TI-IE S I:i] I:' T I C, FL'AP CHECK; AL.,L, OW8 THE VAUI..,T TO I)RAIN WHEN REMOVING I::'l]OM "rANI( , PUMP CONTROL'S CONTROl.., SI-~AL'I, CONo,[ollNG OF", SCREEN: :1.5" DIA, CYL'INBER OF' I-.IIGH-[I[:'iNS]:TY POL, YETHYI.,F. NIE :i./8" MESH CAST INTO FIBER[.H..,ASS BOTTOH, Al.!., PI.,UMBINC') [H4AL.,L' BE PVC OR O'i'I.~iZR NON .... [',OI;H~OD I NG MATERIAl .... AN]O AL, ARM SYSTEM BIE OI;Ui~.N[',O SYSTEMS (TM) HI..,-3F AUIYl;BI.,IE AL'ARM PANEL' MOUNT W]Y'H A MINIMUM OF 80 :OB [~OtJND PRESSUr, tE AT ,:.I--.I. NCIIE.,:~, OP RA'I'ING 6~,A[,, CON'Y'INOLJS ~[)LINi.~ TE:MPERATUR[i: -..::~OAC: TO ,~ , o ', Anchorage Tank & Weldlng, 1 2700 Porcupine Dr. ~ Anchorage~ Alaska 99501 (9~7) 272-3543 OIL-TIGH'r VISUAL AI.,ARM WITH PUSH.-TO-SILENCE FL. ATURE, AUTOMATIC AUDIO-AL, AP, M RE;SET, 15 AMP MOTOR RATED TOGGLE SW.~'YCH, S];NGLE POLE, DOUBLE-THR(.xJ WITH THREE POSITION~; MANUAL (MAN), AUTOMATIC (AUTO), AND CENTI::R (OFF) (H,O,A,), NEMA q.X-R(:,[lilD, FIBERGLASS, 0R EQUAL, ENCLO~;LIRE WITH HINGE[ COVER, C L, EVEL CONTROL~ FLOATS SHALl.., BE ORENC~ SYS'I"EHS ('¥M) MF2 CONS]:~;IING OF 2 MERCURY FLOATS ON Aii~ .JS1ABLE PVC STEM WHICH ATTACHES TO VAUL¥, ONE FLOAT SIGNALS ALARM; THE OTHI:R SWITCI-IE.S PUMP ON-OFF, D INSTALLATION, AI.,L PUMPING SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND STANDARDS, /,")'2n~D~-~/~~ GREA,ER ANCHORAGE AREA BORUdG" Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE_ DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ LOCAT,ON '~'~ / :, ~' '~"-' "--"~-~ LEGAL OESCR,PT,ON I ~ x/~ :"6 /~ /'~ ~.u. ~ SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH _ MANUFACTURER INSIDE WIDTH MATERIAL LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS .LIQUID CAPACITY GALLONS. SEEPAGE P~F: 7-I-~:A2(>'/') NUMBER OF ~ ! . DIAMETER__ LINING MATERIAL /-~ CRIB SIZE: BUILDING FOUNDATION__ ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION OR WIDTH ,'~, '/LENGTH'.~/-),r4~/D'~EPTH //~,~.) ~ 7~ DIAMETER ~-~DEPTH ~'-d31STANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. WELL: TYPE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING NEAREST FOUNDATION LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED NEAREST SEWER LINE .__ REMARKS DEPTH. DISTANCE FROM: SEPTIC SEEPAGE TANK SYSTEM DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL' LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form No, EQ-O31 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM GRE'ATI r ANC:HORAG' ' Area BorouGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT PeRMiT NO.. INSTALLATION Of: SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT TYPE AND SIZ£ OF FA¢ILITY TO BE SEI:tVED 9 -~'~.~*-/X'' '~ FINANCED THROUGH ,' TO BE INSTALLED BY ., DRAIN FIELD NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED, BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEEPAGE AREA SIZE TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK SIZE TYPE I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE AI]OVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAiD CODE. GRE ANCHORAGE AREA BO: 'IGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE :iq / FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH MANUFACTURER INSIDE WIDTH NUMBER OF LIQUID DEPTH L QUID CAPACITY/~/~ (r~) GALLONS, 5EEPAGEPIT: / /~ X [--/ A / ~ ~<~,~ '~ -7 NUMBER OF PITS -- DIAMETER __OR WIDTH LENGTH DEPTH LINING MATERIAL~//~)¢¢ CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER '¢ DEPT. ~ 'DISTANCE FROM: WELL BUILDING FOUNDATION /¢~ NEAREST LOT LINE CJ 0 ('1 TOTAL EFFECTIVE / / / . ABSORPTION AREA (WALL ARE~¢ >~ ' SQ. FT, ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: T y p F~¢~L¢'~\ (()- L,L' % .¢~ (- 'g ¢--/ CONSTRUCTION BUILDING 2 [)iA,- NEAREST ~O' + FOUNDATION LOT LINE CESSPOOL APPROVED OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED NEAREST SEWER LINE DEPTH , DISTANCE FROM: SEPTiC-_J_.~[~ I SEEPAGE I~) TANKY]~", SYSTEM REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PiPE M AT E R I A LC,~/~'( LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form NO. EQ-O31 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAME Of APPLICANT ~/~/6~4,~_~¢~.''''~¢ ~ '~/'~"'¢~'¢/~'~"/~'~' MAILING ADDREBS INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK ~ SEEPAGE Pie ., DRAIN FIELD OTHER TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO ~E SERVED ~~/~ ,'~~ FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY FINAl. INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT O:'~ ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE ~' TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, RE~)UIREMENT~ FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK / FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANl( TO SeePAGe Pit WALL PIT ~ DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK~!~ -, SEEPAGE TO NEAREST LOT LINE, WELL TO SePTiC TANK- r~J~ DRAIN FIELD WATer MAin TO SEPTIC TANK j~/J J ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. , SEEPAGE PIT /~/~ 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT fITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION, OR ] CERTIFY THAT [ AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO, 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAIl3 CO E, /. . ~ MUNICIPALITY O F ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE S EWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (b) Property Owner Mailing Address (c) Lending lnstitution 5(¢v'd-c~r' p.ro, r]~.~c~e~ Telephone Mailing Address (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address ]~ Y~ Telephone ~7~- Telephone: (home) 3' Y,~-cf$ ~ Business (e) Mail the HAA To the following address: (or check here [], if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: 2. TYPE OF RESIDENCE Sing e-Family [~ Number of bedrooms 3. WATER SUPPLY Individual Well I~ Community [] Public [] Note f commun ty we system must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conser~atio'n a~testing'fo th legality and statds;''''~': ...... ''' ...... " -" ' - ......... ~-A. SEWAGE DISPOSAL " ' : ' ' ' On-site[].~ Public[] Community[]-: Holding Tank[]: - .'. ' ,-.' , ,i:, ' Note:.lf community well system, must have written confirmation from the S~ate Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. ' ...... 72-025 (Rev.?/88) Page 1 of 2 5. ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional end adequate for the number of bedrooms'and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. .Name of Firm Ffc~¢'/'°~ 7-~J~/~c~( ~'~r~'~-.~.- Telephone Address / ~ 0 ~c'~o ~., ~ ~ o c~, ~(~ Date ~r~ [ ~ 6. DHHS APPROVAL Approved for ~ Approx;ed ~X 'Z/Z- Disapproved Terms of Conditional ApProval bedrooms by ate ¢ Conditional The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Heaith Authority Approval cerificated basecl only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88)Back Page 2 of 2 Well Classification Well Log Present (Y/N) ~ Date Completed Total Depth ~' Cased to ~¢~ Depth of Grouting Static Water Level MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) Health Authority Approval (HAA) CHECKLIST- FEBRUARY 1984 84:3-4744 Legal Description: Casing Height Above Ground Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) /* Y SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Yield '~,¢. ¢ ~m~ y, (00 ~ ~,,'J. Pump Set At '~, ( ¥0' Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots lC, ~¢ ' ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ;Date _3 Date Installed ~/2-~ (~¢ Size /O°¢'~'~1 No. of Compartments Standpipes (Y/N) Y Air-tight Caps (Y/N) Depression over Tank (Y/N) Pumping/Maintenance Contact on File (Y/N) N /~ Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: To Water-Supply Well l o ¥* To Building Foundation 3~~ ' To Property Line '85"' ' To Disposal Field ~ to ' To Water Main/Service Line ~ '~-¢' ' T Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Date Last Pumped N,A, (,~.r..¢ ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Iq, To Stream, Pond, Lake or Major Drainage Course Comments 72-026 (Rev//88) Front Page 1 of 2 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field Square Feet of Absortion Area 7 Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply Well ! O ,~ ' To Building Foundation Lot ~ ,¢' ' To Water Main/Service Line ;::, To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments / ~'"~ Type of System Design Length of Field Depth of Field Gravel Bed Thickness Statndpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line (¢ ' To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots ~ G'o ' To Cutback (if present) ^h ¢¢. D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at · High Water Alarm Level at Tested for ;~ Meets MOA Electrical Codes Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) Y "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Me/, ~, ¢~ c,,,~ ~ o Comments **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and.4¢¢~ ~e.l~r~l~r~ effect inspection. Signed ~~ Company Date ~r>l MOA No ReoeiptNo. ~/ 7q3~¢~¢ _) Recoipt.o. Date of Payment Amount: $ 72~026 (Rev. 7/88) Back Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 the date of this Engineer's Seal MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4720 Application Date ~' GENERAL INFORMATION (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) -/"~1~ I:.~l~/~ /.~-F 1o B/~,k 2 ~ ~ r/7-tV/z Location, (address ~)r'directions) (b) Apphcant Name. A/'~,.~y., ,~ ? Telephone: Home ?~/~ ~:/3g ~ Applica~nt A~,drb~s ¢'/E~, ~0; '7',~/~,$ ~t-,'~.~ Business (f) Applicant is (check,.one):,Lendihg Institutior~; Owner/builder'S.; Buyer [] ; Other [] (explain); (c) (d) Lending Institutio0 :~'-' ' Telephone Address (e) Real Estate Company and Agent Telephone Mail the HAA to the following address:/_,,./ TYPE OF RESIDENCE Sin gle-Familyfi~ Multi-Family Number of Bedrooms Other WATER SUPPLY Individual Well/~ Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsit~'~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: if community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation · ,attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 72.025(t1~84) ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING .~ISPECTIONS! TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DAT~ AND INFORMATION AS certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm. Address / Z. O 0 pC Date Approved ~)'~.~_ Disapproved. Conditional Terms of Conditional Approval CAUTION The Muncipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP) issues Health Authority Approval certificates based solely upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHEP does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHEP do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Page 2 of 2 72-025 (I 1/84) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST- FEBRUARY 1984 264-4720 Legal Description: WELL DATA Well Classification pr;~,-~ If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Well Log Present ¢40 Date Completed Total Depth ~ /5'~ + Cased to Depth of Grouting Static Water Level ¢'~ / O ~. Casing Height Above Ground. Electrical Wiring in Conduit ~(.~) Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot Pump Set At Sanitary Seal on Casing ~.¢~q) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/~ ; On Adjoining Lots ~-;7- /oo To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line p/c, Cleanout/Manhole /¢// Water Sample Collected by '-'7~'~,-~.¢,.¢.~/~,~ ¢ ~._~c.¢ ; Date Water Sample Test Results ~, .7~'-,~/. __ Comments ~ .,,~£.S' ~// /'~/ow--/~- y~?~J~ /~' ,)¢~'-~ ~ !~ '"" ; On Adjoining Lots ~'r /oo To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot d"F' % b~ ,-. B. SEPTIC/HOLDiNG TANK DATA Date Installed Standpipes/('Y~) Air-tight Caps DepressionU"over Tank (Y/~) Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) ~//~' /¢'~'~-'~Size /oeo No. of Compartments Foundation Cleanout (Y/~. Date Last Pumped ~/~J ; for Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well ':~ ~ To Property Line ~-/¢ To Water Main/Service Line G r Course ~ r /o D To Building Foundation ~ To Disposal Field ~- ~- To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Comments Page 1 of 2 72-026(11/84) C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata /,~-~ Date installed ~/-/0 '?/,.-o,yA Width of Field /(~ ~'~ Square Feet of Absorption Area Depression over Field (Y/~, Results of Last Adequacy Test Type of System Design Length of Field ~ Depth of Field 3, Gravel Bed Thickness t/Z" ~ {o,~ .p'~¢ Standpipes Present Y~) Date of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well To Building Foundation J¢ ~/ Lot ~-' -~ To Water Main/Service Line L'.~ F- 3 '{ To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area Comments ~ Z~[ /.r /~ ~'~.,I/o',,'..,~,'/.". To Property Line / ~ To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots (¢7 Jo To Cutbank (if present) //.4' D, LIFT STATION Date installed · Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at 4t% /¢' ' High Water Alarm Level at Tested for Electrical Codes (Y/N) /Mo .~,~- .--,~/?//a~¢'~. ~"~';~1' "~ /' VC , Comments ~ Dimensions ~'/o ~, ~- "J,'-, . Manhole/Access "Pump Off" Level at Vent~) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that I h~§hecked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Signed¢'"-////W'¢-~-~¢¢ .~,~-'~/-"~--' Date Company / ~6(X MOANo. Date of Payment Page 2 of 2 72-028 o 1/84) FIELD ~ATA Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed width of Field Square Feet of Absc=Dtion A~ea Dep=ession over F:ield(Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test /Type of System Design . Length of Field . Depth of Field Gravel. Bed Thickness . Standpipes P~esent (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance f=cm Absc~ptioa Field: To ~ate~-Supply ~4~11 To P~o~erty Line To Buiidin9 Founda.tion Lot To Water Mat~/Se~vice Line TO Existing or Abagdoned System cn ; On Adjoining Lots To Cutbank(if present) To St=eam/Pond/Lake/c= MaJo= D=aina~e Course To D~iveway, Pa~kin~ A~ea, c~Vehicle Stc~a9e A~ea C~u-~nts___ Lief STATION Size in Gallons /~ ..Manhole/Access (Y/N) ,'P~ O~" Level at /,(~z( "Pump Off" Level at //~;~ High ~ater Alarm Is~el at c~2 "- Vent (Y/N) .,,~ ~'~'~ Tested fo= - . Pu~ing Cycles .d~ing Adequacy T~, st.. Meets Com~nts ** Check Permitted Bedroc~ Rattr~ A~ain~t HAA Bequest. I certify that I have checked, verified, c~ oonfo~raed to all MOA on the da~ %f this i~nspection. KB1/d5/s [Pa~e 2 of 2] HAA Guidelines in effect ENGINEERS SEAL 2-15-84 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVIC' ' INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHE6T NO SCALE-- /= ~- L/O OF DATE OATE , ~NVOICE N~_ 3Za~ M-W' DRILLING INC. OA'~E ~7-a,'- ~' , ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511 QTY MATERIALS PRICE AMOUN PHONE 349'8535 LEGAL DESCRIPTION WELL NUMBER DIAMETER DEPTH J STATIC LEVEL GPM J ORAW~OWN DESCRIPTION OF WORK All charge~ ahail be paid in full within ten pr/or to drilling. The customer shall pay in- I ~ /j , ,~ MATERIALS IFROM tere~t at the rate of 1 ~ % per month on any OTHER CHARGES amount not paid w/thin ten days. Faffure to pay may result in a lien against the prope~. #1: Time Date Insp MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTM~, OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMEN1 . PROTECTION 825 L Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99501 264-4720 Date Received: March 3, 1978 #2: Time #3: Time Date Date REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. Lending Institution Request: Alaska Teamster's Federal Credit Union Mailing Address: 1200 Airport Heiqhts Road #430 Phone: 278-8180 2. Property Owner: Jack D./Darlene Van Lear Mailing Address: Star Route A Box 1587N 99507 Phone: 344-6056 3. Legal Description: Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West Subdivision 4: Single Family Residence: (x~ Number of Bedrooms: Three Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: Well System: Permit # Construction Individual well (x~ Community/Public System ( ) Depth of Well Well Log on File Bacterial Analysis ( ) Sewage Disposal System: On-site System (x~ Public Utility Permit # Installedt~¥~.~[~ ~q~Installer ( ) Septic Tank Size %,f~C~A ~xm Manufacturer ~ ~¥~_~ Absorption Area Soils Rate 7. Distances: Well to Septic Tank to AbsorptiOn Area to Sewer Line Nearest Lot line Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line Page Two. Department of Health and Environmental Protection Request for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Legal Description: Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West Subdivision Comments: Affadavit Attached: Approved: ~ <~ Disapproved: Letter Attached: ( ) Date.'. Date: Department Worksheet: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 · ~/e~equest for Approval of Individual Sewer and Water Facilities Property Owner: Jack D. & Darlene Van Lear Mailing Address: ~/t /.~ /J'~7 A/. ~ ~,~'~ c7')-~/ Phone: Mailing Address: Realtor/Agent: Mailing Address: Name of Buyer: Gary L. & NancV E. Arp Mailing Address: 1200 W. Dimond Sp. 1483 Phone: Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Lending Institution: Alaska Teamsters Federal Credit Union 1200 Airport Hts. Rd. #430 ~chorage, Alaska 99504 Marry Plunkett/Marston Real Estate 2060 W. Dimond Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 2, Tallus West SubdivisiQn Street Location: NHN Tallus Drive Anchoraqe~ Alaska ~4q-1174 Phone: 276-R] RD Phone: 349-4476 Single Family Residence: (X) Number of Bedrooms: 3 Multiple Family Residence: ( ) Number of Bedrooms: 7. Water Supply: *Individual Well (X) Public/Con. unity System ( If Individual Well, well depth If Community System, name of system Sewage Disposal System: *~n-site System (X) Public System If On-site System, date of installation: *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. ** If on-site sewer system is over two(2) years old, an adequacy test is required by this department. A fee of $25.00 must accompany each request before processing can be initiated. 3/77 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received ~x/L~ty , Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR /~e Conv. m~a January 7, 1977 1. Approval requested by: First National Bank of Anchorage Mailing Address: Post Office Box 4-2090 99509 Phone: 274-1521 x 42 2. Property Owner: Charles H/Sandra Carter Phone: Mailing Address: 3. Legal Description: Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West 4. Location: NHN Talus West Subdivision Type of facility to be inspected Well Data: A. Type C. Construction Individual Single Family No. of bedrooms 3 Sewage Disposal System: On-site system B. Depth D. Bacterial Analysis 1973 B. Installer 2. Manufacturer 1. Size/~O 2. Material 1. Absorption Area Field: Total length of lines , ADsorption area , Other contamination , Absorption area A. Installed C. Septic Tank: D. Seepage Pit: E. Disposal Distances: A. Well to: , Sewer Lines , Septic tank Nearest lot line B. Foundation to septic tank C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages MUNICIPALITy OF ANCHORAOE DEPT. OF HEALTH & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 J/~.~'l '[ 1977 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES RECEIVED 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO__VA 2. Property Owner: Charles H. & Sandra S. Carter Mailing Address: ? 3. Name of Buyer: Jack D. & Darlene Van gear Mailing Address: General Delivery Anchorage FHA CONV. ×× Day Phone: ? Day Phone: 272-4485 4. Name of Lending Institution: Mailing Address: Bo× 4-2090 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: 6. Legal Description: got 10, First National Bank of Anchorage - South Center Br. Anch.~ Ak. 99509 Phone: 274-1521 Ex 42 N/A N/A Block 2, Talus West S/D Phone:__ Location: NHN Talus Dr. Anch.~ Ak. 7. Type of Facility to be Inspected: 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Single Family Dwelling No. Bdrms. 3 Public Utility ,Individual XX Well If Individual, number of dwellings presently served 1 If Individual, depth of well ? Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation 1973 Individual (on-site) xx Present owners occupy the property - inspection can be made anytime. 72-003(3/76) Page 2 of two pages - Re( st for Approval of Individual S ~r & Water Facilities Legal Description Lot 10 Block 2 Talus West Comments Approval ~a-lji-d for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area~'Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) GREATER ANCItORAGB AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Qualtty 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 9950? 279-8686 Date em ed Time of Inspection R~qUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Address: Phone 5. Type of Facility. to be Insoected:, Number of Bedrooms: A. Type_ B. Depth 7. Sewage DisPosal System: A. Inetalied C. Septic Tank: ].. D. Seepage Pit: 1. Size ~/~ ¢_f 2. Manufecturer~ Material Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines Distances: A. ~e]l To: Septic Tank ~J ~] Absorption Area ~O<) (, Sower Lines , Nearest Lot Line / [~ / m , Other Con'tamination~. Foundation to Septic Tank [ () [ ";, Absorption Area / ~ ~ Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line k ~ thc Rea ,est for Approval of Inc~ividual Sewer & Water Facilities 9, Comments: Approval V~lid for One Year From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality D~AGRA~ OF SYSTBM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: Signed Date