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Municipality of Anchorage Page I of 3 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: -¢ b(-/ ¢] 7' 0,'~ E~c~ PID Number: _ Name: ~ ~ ~' 7~ C I~ ~ Wastewater System: ~ New ~ Upgrade Phone: ~ ~ ~ . ~ ¢~ No. of ~¢drooms: ~ Deep Trench ~Shallow Trench ~ Bed ~ Mound ~ Other Total Depth from original grade: LEGAL DESCRIPTION SoilRating: O, ~ GPD/S%Ft. ~,~'' Lot: Block: Subdiv~ion: Depth to pipe bottom Irom original grade: Gravel depth beneath pipe I I Number of lines: ~ Distance between lines: WELL:D New Q Upgrade ~rave[ width; ~, ~ Ft. ~I I ~ Ft. Classification (Private, A,B,C): Total Depth: Cased TO: Total absorption area: Pipe materiah Driller: Date Drilled: StaticWaterLevel:Ft. Installer:~l~ ~C~o~ Dateinstalled:~/7 Yield:GPM [ Pump Set at: Ft. ICasing Height Ab°ye Gr°und:Ft. TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES ~ Septic ~ Holding ~ S.T.E.P. TO Septic Absorption Lift Holding ~ubtic/Pdvate Manufacturer: Capacityin gallons: From Tank Field Stat[on Tank Sewer Lines ~ ~O ¢~ ~ ~ ~ Material: Number of Compadments: Sudace w~t~ > ~oo, > ~o' - LIFTSTA'rlON ~.~, LOt Size in gallons: ~ Manufacturer: I Cu~ain Pump Make & Modal I Electrical Inspections pedormed by: I Remarks' ~ m~//,~ ~ ~ ~ BENCH MARK . ~,~ _ ~6~ ~t¢~e~o,~ ~alu¢ ~e¢ t~1~¢ ~ ~ AssumedElevation: Department of Health and Human Services approval 72-013 (Rev. 9191) MOA 25 PERMIT NO: SW970088 PAGE 2 C)F 3 PID NO: 02102111 C.O, "G" M,T, "1-1" C,O. 'T' C.O, "J" M.T, "K" C.O. "L" WELt_~ DRIVE SWING TIES: FROM: COR. "A" TO: S.T, C,O. "C" S,T. C.O, "D" DBL C,O, "E" VALVE "F" LOT 3, I SPENDLOVE \ "BULL RUN" DIV. VALVE BDRM HOUS DBL. C.C. COR."B" 42' 9.5' 44.5' 15.5' 45' 19' 60' 45' 45' 25.5' 67' 46' 101' 87' 36.5' 36' 70' 60' 101' 91' p, 100' ,OCK 3, FW HEIGHTS ,, ~- % "C" 1000 GALLON ~,~ SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELDS LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION AS-BUILT INSPECTION REPORT FUA~OP T~C~[CAL S~V[C~S SCALE: 1" = 30' ]4530 ECHO S't'~T DRAWN BY TFM ANCHO~G~, ALAS~ 995 ~6 AUGUST, 1997 PERMIT NO: SW970088 PAGE 3 OF 3 PID NO:02102111 2" RIGID INSULATION OVER TANK, DRAINFIELDS, AND PIPES 2' SOIL COVER )VER ENTIRE SEPTIC SYSTE"M 1000 GALLON INV. SEPTIC TANK 101.9' INV. 101.4' BOT. GVL ELEV. 100.4' BOT. SAND ELEV. 99.2' T.H. #1 M.T. WATER ELEV. - 96.3' ON 6/5/97 0.2' "BUMP" INV. 100.t' BOT. GVI.. ELEV, 99.1' BOT. SAND. ELEV. 96.01 (SEE NOTE) NOTE: GRADIENT OF WATER TABLE ASSUMED TO BE PARALLEL TO SURFACE OF ORIGINAL GROUND, THUS, THE WATER TABLE 18 4 FEET BELOW THE BOTTOM OF BOTH DRAINFIELDS, LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS SEPTIC SYSTEIVl INSTAL[J~TION AS-BUILT CROSS-SECTION FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO STREET X_NCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 NOT TO SCALE DRAWN BY TFM AUGUST, 1997 LOCATION OF WELL STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OIVISION OF MINING & WATER MGMT WATER WELL RECORD BOROUGH · SUBDI I ION ,, LOT eLOCK LOCATION/SKETCH: DEP'rHS MEASURED FROM:~]easing top []ground surface BOREHOLE DATA: Depth SECTION QTRS SECTION TOWNSHIP I RANGE mN []E []w WELL OWNER: MERIDIAN Material Type and Color From To WELL DEPTH: ? ,"'~ DATE OF COMPLETION Depth of hole: '~r ' ~t ~r ~ ( ~ ' / Depth of casing: . :, ~, ft - / [] ground surface DEPTH TO STATIC WATER LEVEL: ft below [] top of casing / ,) () '} Date: t:;~ / , / '.? METHOD OF DRILLING: i[] air rotary [] cable tool [] other USE OF WELL: ;[] domestic [] irrigation [] monitor [] public sopply [] other CASING STICKs.U?:' ~ft. Diam: ~:' Casing type: ..'* ,'.; :.: /, in. to:: ~?ft in. to.~ : ft [] screened WELL INTAKE OPENING TYPE: .;[] open end [] perforated :D open hole Depths of openings: to __ ft SCREEN TYPE: Diam: in. Slot/Mesh Size: Length:_ ft GRAVEL PACK TYPE: Volume used: Depth t,o top: GROUT TYPE: ·)-,,- =:<~¢¢Vol~me ¢' Depth: from ' ft to ft PMENT METHOD: 7 :~-",' PUMPING LEVEL AND YIELD: -,.% './ ft after ",Q hrs pumping..~',: ) gpm INTAKE DEPTH: ft Horsepower: __ WELL DISINFECTED UPON COMPLETION? [] YES [] NO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Registered Business Name Signature of Authorized Respresentative Date REMARKS: PLEASE MAIL WHITE COPY OF LOG TO: DNR/DIVlSION OF MINING & WATER MGMT 3601 C St~ Su£te 800 Ancho~age~ Ak 99503-5935 ph(907)762-2538,Fax(907)562-1384 ZtK c'r&E Environmental Services Inc. CT&E Ref,# Client Name Project Name/# Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID Sample Remarks: 994247001 Flattop Technical Srv. I_3 Blk3 Spendlove View Hts L3 Blk3 Spendlove View Hts Drinking Water 0 Client PO// Pre-Paid Coils/NO3 Printed Date/Time 08/20/99 14:41 Collected Date/Time 08/18/99 13:20 Received Date/Time 08/18/99 14:50 Technical Director: Stephen C.'Ede Results PQL Units ALLouable Prep Analysis Hethod Limits Date Date Init Total Coliform Nitrate-g 0 cot/100mL SM18 9222~ 4.56 0.500 mg/L EPA 300.0 10 max 08/18/99 JOT 08/18/99 00/18/99 SCL PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH A/~D HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ~g~CHORAGE, ALAS[CA 99519-6650 PERMIT NUMBER:SW970088 DESIGN ENGINEER:FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES OWNER NAME:JOHN TUCKEY OWNER ADDRESS:3454 SAGEN CIRCLE ANCHORAGE, AK. 99517 PARCEL ID:02102111 ON-SITE WELL AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT //3%LT ~,~.~ EXPIRATION DATE: 5/12/98 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS BLK 3 LT 3 LOT SIZE: 51216 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 THIS PERMIT: 3 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK / WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALAS[CA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (iSAAC80). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4744 ( 24 HOURS ) (NOT REQUIRED FOR WELL ONLY PERMIT) 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING 5. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS RECEIVED BY: [ ~/~ DATE: DATE: - q "7 ' -,NSTA'L"SPL,TTE / / o.o. "A" ;'> ~ CONSTRUGT 2 PARALLEL ~, 66' LONG X 5' WIDE SOIL PLAN VIEW SCALE: 1" = 10' - 0" ABS. DRAINFIELDS WITH 12" GRAVEL BELOW PIPE SECTION "A - A" SCALE: 1" = 5' - 0" -2' COVER MATERIAL RIGID INSULATION FILTER FABRIC SEWER GRAVEL (12" BELOW DIST PIPE) FILTER SAND MAXIMUM DEPTH OF NOTE: THIS DESIGN REVISION IS NECESSARY TO COMPENSATE FOR AN UNEXPECTED SEASONAL HIGH GROUND WATER LEVEL OF 6.5~' BELOW GROUND LEVEL. THE FILTER SAND IS NOT REQU RED BY CODE, BUT IS BEING ADDED IN AN ATTEMPT TO ENHANCE THE LONGEVITY OF THE SYSTEM. THE SIZE OF THE DRAINFIELI:) IS BASEl:) ON A SOIL ABSORPTION RATE OF 0.6 GPD/SQ. FT. WHICH FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM RESIDENCE REQUIRES (3 X 150)/0.6 = 750 SQ. FT. THE REQUIRED LENGTH FOR A STANDARD 5' WIDE DRAINFIELD WOULD BE 150', HOWEVER USING A LENGTH REDUCTION FACTOROF 7/8 FOR 12" SEWER GRAVEL. BENEATH THE DIST PIPE YIELDS A REQUIRED TOTAL _ENGTH OF 132 F:EET. L3, BLK. 3, SPENDLOVE, VIEW HEIGHTS SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE REVISED PLAN AND CROSS-SECTION FLATTOP TECItNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO STREET ANCHORAGE, AK, 99516 SCALE: AS SHOWN DRAWN BY: TFM REV. JUNE, 1997 P. 01 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 FiX COVER LWI'TER Subject: From: Total # of Pages (incl. cover letter) CIVIl. & ENVIIIONMENTAL ENGINEERING * ENERGY CONSERVATION & ANALYSLq THEODORE F, MOORE, P.E. 14530 ECHO ST. PH: (907) 345-1355 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 April 28, 1997 M.O.A. DHHS P.O. Box 19-6650 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to provide the required design narrative in support of our application for a permit to construct wastewater disposal facilities on Lot 3, Block 3, Spendlove View Heights, located on Spendlove Drive. Soils logs, perc test results, a site plan, design drawings and specifications are enclosed for your review. The proposed system will be constructed in the vicinity of test hole # 1. As can be seen from the soil log, the native material between 1.5 feet and 8' below ground level is a sandy silty gravel with a measured perc rate of 15 minutes per inch. Using a slightly conservative soil application rate of 0.6 gpd/sq, ft., this proposed3 bedroom residence requires a total absorption area of(3 x 150)/0.6 = 750 square feet. The proposed design consisting of 94 lineal feet of soil absorption trenches with 4 feet of sewer gravel has a total absorption area of 752 square feet. The topography of the lot slopes down towards the southwest at 10%. The proposed project will have no significant impact on present or future water supply and wastewater disposal systems serving adjacent properties, nor will it have any significant impact on reserved space-surface and subsurface, or on drainage. Please give me a call at 345-1355 if you have any questions on this submittal. Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. (~EXISTING ,,,~WELL / LOT 5, BLOCK 2- - -.. t VACANT) -.... SPENDLOVE DRIVE R 100' PROPOSED WELL SITE lO% / / LOT 6, BLOCK 2 ," LOT 2 (VACANT - EXCEPT FOR WELL) INSTALL SEPTIC TANK CONSTRUCT 2 PARALLFL 47' LONG SOIL ~T.H. ABS. TRENCHES #1 W. 4'SEWERGVL q. ?~. 10°~ SITE FOR /~.~.% REPLACEMENT ~---~ ';. \ T H TRENCHES W. 6' SEWER GVL. LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS 10' UTILITY EASEMENT UNSUBDIVIDED WELL~ SEPTIC LOT 4, BLOCK 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS L3, BLK. 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HTS. PROP. WELL AND SEPTIC SYSTEM SITE PI.AN FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 1 INCH = 50 FEET 14530 ECHO STREET DRAWN BY TFM ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 _. APR., 1997 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PLAT. ALL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. INSTALL 1000 GAL. SEPTIC TANK ~ MONITOR TUBE · ' - D3034PIPE / I/ / 47' LONG A~S. TRENCHES/ ASTMF-8~0 ~,4""SUMP~- I/ / SPAOED~5APART / PE~FP~PE PLAN ViEW SCALE: 1" = ~10' - 0" CLEANOUT MONITOR TUBE MOUND BACKFILL 12" OVER TRENCH DIA. D-3034 PIPE W. 4" "BUMP" 3 FABRIC :. PIPE BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION SECTION "A - A" SCALE: 1" = 5' - 0" L3, BLK. 3, SPENDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS SEPTIC SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN AND CROSS-SECTION FLATTOP TECI~qlCAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO STREET ANCHORAOE, AK, 99516 SCALE: AS SHOWN DRAWN BY: TFM APRIL, 1997 Flattop Tochnical Services 14530 Echo Street, Anchoraoe,/ 1( 9951§ Phone (9(17) 345-1355 Lot 3, Block 3, Spendlove View Heights S/D Spendlove Drive Wastewater disposal system installation Specifications 1.0 General: 1.1 The scope of the project consists of installation of a 1000 gallon septic tank followed by two parallel 47 foot long soil absorption trenches with 4.5 feet of sewer gravel in each. Care shall be taken in laying the pipes to keep the distribution pipes as shallow as possible. 1.2 Construction shall be as depicted on the approved site plan and design drawings. Minor deviations fi'om these drawings may be allowed or required by the engineer conducting the inspections. All construction procedures and material specifications shall conform with Municipal and State requirements. All separation distances shall be in conformance with Municipal requirements, unless specifically waived. 1.3 The contractor shall be responsible to obtain any necessary utility locates, and to work around any buried utilities. 1.4 The contractor shall provide adequate cover material and rough grading over all system components to ensure that proper drainage is achieved after settlement and that there are no residual depressions. Insofar as possible the contractor shall minimize damage to trees and existing lawn areas. 1.5 Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the homeowner shall be responsible for finish grading after the soil is compacted, as well as placement of topsoil and reseeding all areas disturbed by the construction. 2.0 Septic Tank: 2.1 The new 1000 gallon, 2 compartment septic tank shall be Municipally approved and shall be set level on undisturbed soil. Each compartment shall be equipped with a watertight manhole cover and a 4" cleanout. If the tank is buried less than 4 feet, it shall be insulated with 2 inches of approved burial type, rigid insulation. 2.2 All pipe connections to the tank shall be equipped with waterproof mechanical couplings. The waste line from the residence to the septic tank shall have a nfinimum slope of 1/4"' per foot, and the waste line between the tank and the soil absorption system shall have a minimum slope of 1/8" per foot. A cleanout shall be installed within 5 feet of the building foundation, and a double cleanout shall be installed within 5 feet downstream of the septic tank. 3.0 Soil absorption system: 3.1 The soil absorption system shall be constructed by excavating 2 parallel 47 foot long trenches in the vicinity of test hole # 1 to a total depth of 8 feet below ground level. 3.2 The bottom of the excavations shall be level within each trench, but the bottoms of the two trenches will not be at the same elevation. Any compacted or smeared surfaces shall be raked to allow proper infiltration. Sand for leveling or serving as filter material shall comply with Municipal specifications. 3.3 A total of 4.5 feet of approved sewer gravel shall be placed in the bottom of the excavations with the perforated distribution pipes laid level such that the pipe inverts are no less than 4.0 feet above the bottom of the sewer gravel. Sewer gravel shall be 0.5" - 2.5" screened gravel, with less than 3% passing tbe #200 sieve. 3.4 Monitor tubes and cleanout pipes shall be of 4" diameter and installed in the locations shown on the design drawings. The portion of the monitor tube extending through the sewer gravel shall be perforated. 3.5 Approved filter fabric shall be placed over the entire top surface of the sewer gravel. A minimum of 2 feet of soil cover is to be placed over the filter fabric. If the soil cover thickness is less than 3 feet, two inches of rigid, burial type insulation is to be placed over the entire top surface of the gravel, in addition to the filter fabric. 3.6 The top surface of the cover material shall be raised a minimum of 6 inches higher than the surrounding terrain to allow for subsequent settlement, and shall be graded to smooth contours. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than 3: 1. 3.7 Unless specifically agreed otherwise the homeowner shall be responsible for arranging to have the site finish graded after the backfill material has stabilized, and for placement of adequate topsoil and seed to promote rapid revegetation of all areas disturbed by the construction. 4.0 Inspections: 4.1 A minimum of 4 inspections will be required during the course of the project: (1) initial stakeout with the contractor to establish the location of the system and to discuss the plans, specifications and construction procedures, (2) after the native material has been excavated to expose the infiltrative surface to ensure that it is level and at the right elevation, and conforms with the soil test information, (3) after the sewer gravel is in place and the distribution pipes have been laid and connected up to the septic tank, but prior to placement of insulation or filter fabric, and (4) after rough backfill and grading is complete. The septic tank requires one inspection after it is set level and the piping connected, but prior to backfill. This inspection may be incorporated with any of the above inspections. 4.2 The installer shall coordinate the timing of the inspections with the engineer sufficiently far in advance to ensure the availability of the engineer. TEST HOLE FLATTOP TFCHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION:__ Lot 3, Bloc~_Spendlove View Heights S/D DATE PERFORMED: October 1, 1996 PERFORMED FOR: DEPTH (feet) Jolm Tuckey Pt. SM Sandy loam GM Sandy silty gravel Less silt, but tighter above 3 feet GM/ML Silty Gravel Hard digging Maay cobbles Sidewalls do SLOPE Depth to Groundwater Date No Groandwater 10/1/96 ~Mo~n~o~r ~be dry 10/9/96 ~V'~rO 15~" q"' q//K/~7 SITE PLAN SPENDLOVE DRIVE #2 COMMENTS: Clock Net Time Percometor Not Drop Date Reading Time (minutes) Reading (Inches) 10/1 12" Presoak Slart 11:27:45 23 3/8 #1 11:42:45 15 22 5/!6 1 1/16 Add water 11:43:30 __ 23 3/8 #2 11:58:30 15 22 3/8 1 Add water 11:59:15 23 3/8 #3 12:14:15 15 99 1/4 1 1/8 Add water 12:15 2~ 3~{.8~ #4 12:30 15 22 3/8 1 · Add water 12:30:30 __ 23 3/8 __ #5 12:45:30 15 22 1/4 1 1/8 PERCOLATION RATE 15 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 8" TEST RUN BETWEEN 5.25 FTAND 5.75 FT Recommend treecb desiga in this area be based on slightly conservative application rate of 0.6 gpd/sq, ft. PERFORMED BY FLATTOP TECIqNICAL SERVICES, I ,~..,~.,,,~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES iN EFPECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: [0/2~'/~,,~ ¢'//'/~',/~ 7 Il'EST HOLE# 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: PERFORMED FOR: DEPTH (feet) 1 FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Lot 3, Block 3, Spandlove View Heights S/D Oclober 1, 1996 John Teckey Pt. GM Sandy silty gravel Tightly bound GM/ML Silty Gravel Siltier than T,H, #1 Increasingly cohesive w. depth No distioct sirata change SLOPE Depth to Groundwater Date No Groundwater 10/1/96 Monitor l!!be dry 10/9/96 SITE PLAN SPENDLOVE DRIVE 15-- COMMENTS: Clock Not Time Percemeter Net Drop Date Reading Time (minutes) Reading (inches) 10/2 Presoak Start 12:34:45 23 3/8 #1 1:04:45 30 22 13/16 9/16 ___ _ Add water 1:05:45 23 7/16 #2 1:35:45 30 22 7/8 9/16 Add water 1:36:15 23 3/8 B.H. #3 2:06:15 --- ~ 30 - 22 13/16 9/16 PERCOLATION RATE 54 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 8" TEST RUN BETWEEN 4.5 FT AND 5.0 FT Trench design in this area should be based on 0.45 gl)d/s_ch ft. PERFORMED BY FLA~-rOPTECHNICALSERVICES. I ~-_~..,..,~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE, DATE: Q VJ mCD I,- r` coco M C? r- ti 0 0 CD 0') W c ca � O LL V � Q TO i V Z LL H O � U a) V L L Q z o� D U co L c � E O > C/) o0 LO N O N N ti ib cu c 0 cu Q X W 0 0 0 r N 0 N C) U f6 d (Y) 0 JLO CA C'7 CF) J Q CO U N /2 0 V � U W = Q p W_ W W O > J C) p W W Cn m r LO C: CY) 0 ZZ Q N U U N 0 � 70 (a � 0 J CO w z O W U 06Q Ln Q m z F- U) Q a) c 0 a) Q O D U N O O a) m CY) 0 a) 0 D- C- CU - QCa 0 ca D E U) U a) c O a) X c 0 n 0) C: 0 O a) t 3 O 0 a) m 0 cu 0 Q cu (B c 0 0 C: O l+J Lik ►l N N N co a) U a) U (B c 101 I o 0 0 �� en a a) -a Q. O 3 .0 _Q 'V 0 V N ( C .(D O ~O CO ~ ca a) a) U L a O O 0 v aa) C .y 0 aa) OL C CL .0 Q U) > >, O •= ^ Cl) oma' a) -0 > Q N E ., N C O N U Q fn L C d O N O O m a) 0 3 a) O. .N z Q U a) E L a cn •E > i = 'a O O •Q m C Q. L Q N LO QE fn V v) a) m r L E .� = a) x U) CO -0 -0 o E Q. -c— > o N Q a of O 4--O _ o o Q U) i N U a) 11 > -o O O O > v) ++ O c o Q a) m N O v) Q Q Q L 7t ^ U)R +r Z W U O O -0 -l: a) CD E cLc = U Q F�: O (� O 1� >, N _ Q CL d Q Q r - CD O) mco I-- I -- C) CD rnrn rW o LL V n a O U Z a _ L 1,7 \ O LD� o E a) Z(D `3 U) U C: O ca U .Q Q Q 0 a. W 4- U) N U) O O N cu 0 a) A M 4-1 J M O N 00L (M LO O cY) a� c �M 0 U L Q cu m U � U � O � ��^C) > O (p 0 m (n 06 CL � = U) M � c o cnn Q m c (n c cn a) a) o Q) a) 0- U) U) o (D Q ° o a) 0 0 =3 U -j U 141, a) L W C c a) >, ca 4� L 0 a) >_ ca N 3: C a) U E a) m LL it 0 O M O U 0 U U_ N ao` 7 c) a) IL a) aa)) o, N _Q 3: — a) c O cn v ) a U cu :t-_ >, N a Q_. =3 E c ° a) N _ Q rZU 3 U cn F]" ° _ H a)_ � N • C O c_' � (1) E v � o ❑� a Cl) U u) cu c Ll Ela) 0) c O r (1) _0 ~ ((a > + (� Q n�a) c ❑ L y^^ N L d C: rrn^ V/ a) 0) cu >, ^�` a) 0 ..I y O [:]o ❑ N m W o EIU m Q.. ) EIa) EIL o I M cn ° s �- d O cn a) r O❑ ❑ ❑ a N ca a) '° E5 W.SW d El _0+, N L Q U) a) r Cl) to ?� CO coo -1 (1)) a=) �, W W F— A a) F- F- U) Z L L) Rt N 0 L) U)' LU li u. Q F- a U) a) (D ' a) a) F_ O O V N a v) W w H O a a a W a) U) m a) `a) O H H N Q Q > a M N M d L6 (6 (o W >> m 0 141, a) L W C c a) >, ca 4� L 0 a) >_ ca N 3: C a) U E a) m LL it 0 O M O U 0 U Spendlove View Heights Block 3 Lot 3 021-021-11 6.5 6/20/99 60 N/A 57 5.45 18+ 7/8/24 Forge Engineering 22 7/4/24 48" 6/7/97 N/A N/A N/A 7/8/24 Benjamin Schiller, P.E. (907) 522-7773 SPENDLOVE DRIVE N EAST 230.00 9�L O Well CO/ �L Rock wall l r i deck' 2 Shia Frau e © Se $. 4• \,o co CF)•o o�..� o a CD CD d 61 Septic vent (typ) 0 0 _170 0 Wire fence 0 O Z 0 0 Lot 2 I LOT 3 10' Utility Easement N89048'21 "W 170.00 N LO L0 C:) tY) F— ry O Z SCALE: 1"= 50 Lot 4 8512S ♦NXI%\X% 4%Wlow ` OFAW �1 i �' • 49th 00 Opp 71ri z a b e t h L. Walatka : a �� • • 8036 - LS • •§7 AW Q• 'W AROFESS I ONA\� 774M 7 ozof AS -BUILT NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE hereby certify that I have performed a Mortgagee's inspection in accordance with ASPLS Standards of the following described property: LOT 3, BLOCK 3, SPE_NDLOVE VIEW HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the Unsubdivided improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not overlap or encroach on the property lying adjacent thereto, that no improvements on the property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in question and that there are no roadways, transmission lines or other visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska this 11th day of JULY , 2024. EASEMENTS OF RECORD, OTHER THAN FRED WALATKA & ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. THOSE SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON FB 24-2, pg 45-47 BE Engineers and Surveyors UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 907-24$-1666 This drawing is a representation of conditions found at the time the mortgage location survey was performed. This document does not constitute a boundary survey and is subject to any inaccuracies that a subsequent boundary survey may disclose. The information contained on this drawing shall not be used to establish any fence, structure or other improvements unless otherwise noted. This drawing shall only be used for a single property transaction. Use of this drawing by the original client or by others at a later date without the consent of Elizabeth L. Walatka is a violation of Federal Copyright law. Unless gross negligence is discovered, the liability extent of the preparer is limited to the amount of fees collected for services in preparation of this product. LLL.J u � N Lu ro C) ?; N a) LLj 4 Lu N 0 y to Q, d N N rn O J UO � = L N E fB L an E ll: n 4— O C 4 oO - X E t0 a) -� cn a NL Q > Q a O .�-i N J N L a--' m -� U O J E o X O N L ro f0 N QM W � O +? 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Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 ParcelI.D. # CERTIFICATF OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING HAA # ~'~ ~ Or?% (¢~ GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Location (site address or directions) / ~ 3-5-/ 'l~&iliilg ad'dress ".:.-'Lending agency Mailing addi~ess Day phone Day phone Day phone Address Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: -~ TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well Public water NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAl.: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91) Front MOA #21 STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of thi~ Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Engineer's signature DHHS SIGNATURE ~ Approved for Disapproved. Conditional approval for 'T E E bedrooms. bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Ad(Jitional comments The Municipality of Anchorage Department of ·Health an~ Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations'~iven in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Municipality of Anchorage DE:PARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Services Division 825 L Street, Room 502 · Anchorage, Alaska 99501 · Health Authority Approval Checklist 'LegalDescription: /, /'~/ ~/oc~r~ 5/~,,~dlo~'~ ///.~//.,'TParcelI.D.: 0~./-0~-/ -/( A, WELL DATA Well type ?~' /' Log present (Y/N) Y' Total depth _ $C, ' Sanitary seal (Y/N) IfA, B, or C, at~ach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Date completed Cased to b'- '7 ' FROM WELL LOG ~'/2o/? 7 Casing height (above ground) Wires properly protected (Y/N) AT INSPECTION Date of test Static water level Well production ~'/~o/? 7 g.p.m. g.p.m, WATER SAMPLE RESULTS:. Coliform ~r,) Date of sample: ZY//~ /~ B, SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed Nitrate _ ~J',--~(~ Other bacteria _ ('~ Collected by: _ ~'/.5- / ~) '7 Tank size _L.O c)~,,,2 Number of Compartrnents ~- Cleaneuts (Y/N)_ '7' - Foundation cleanout (Y/N) _ Date of Pumping _ N,4 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed ~'/5-/ 9 7 Length _ I Z g..,c' Width Effective absorption area Date of adequacy test_ M. Fluid depth in absorption field before test (in.); __ Fluid depth (ins) Minutes later:. Peroxide treatment (past 12 montl~s) (Y/N) 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)* Depression (Y/N) /V High water alarm (Y/N) A/. ,4. . Pumper N. ~' ~e-oc-ge..c~ occ~;,,'~-( I~,,c_r /-~,~ I )/ec~ ~'- Soil rating (g.p.d./ft~ or fF/bdrm) ~_ System type ,~ o' Gravel thickness below pipe. /, o' Total depth ~.,5' ' Monitoring Tube present (Y/N) 'r" _ Depression over field (Y/N) ,~' Results (Pass/Fail) For .bedrooms Immediately after gal. water added (in.): Absorption rate =. ~' ?.~-O __g.p.d. If yes, give date D. LIFT STATION /k/. Date installed Manhole/Access (Y/N) High water alarm level at* Cycles tested E. SEPARATION DISTANCES Septic/holding tank on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main Sewer/septic service line Size in gallons "Pump on" level at* *Datum SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: I10' I ~-5'~ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOTTO: Foundation ¢" Preperty line ,5-5'' Water main/service line '>/~' Surface water/drainage ~ too' SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: I,s~' Building foundation ~--~' Property line Surface water Curtain drain On adjacent lots On adjacent lots "Pump off" level at* HAAFee $. ~,~, .¢,o ~ I~'O ' Public seWer manhole/cleanout Lift station /V. 4. Absorption field. Wells on adjacent lots Water main/service Dine. ~ /~ ' Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area ~ /Y~ ' Wells on adjacent lots ~ ~d.,o , Date of Payment Receipt Number Date of Payment Receipt Number 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)* ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have determined thru field inspections and review of Municipal records in conformance with MOA HAA guidelines in effect on this date. Signature ~ ~ Engineer's Name _ ~A ~ ~o ~ ~. ~oo ~ Date ~p ~ ~ ~ /~e~ Waiver Fee $