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GINAMI HILLS Lots 1A & 1B S-6990
CO. $ toqqO Departmen t if Health & Environmental 'otection ~Vironmental Health DivisiOn/ Case Review Worksheet Case Number S-6990 Date Received April 27, 1983 Subdivision or Project Title: Lots lA, lB Ginami Hills Subdivision ( ublic water available ( ) Community water available Comments: Comments Due By May 13, 1983 (~'Public sewer available I ~ t !'cS"..L,: W. 48TH ,-~,~,t:...:,FE. 'C' ~:,~m';'~r~ - A'~.!-I(.)RAGF_ ALASKA 99503 L_/--x. ED 248-1.333 S 6 9 9 0 MAY 1 6 1983 D (i'F i'E'FtFC, RME[' '.F..r'C~MFO FAF!; V;,.L-~ LT,j_:.h~::.;~:~::V.:~.L ....................................... -~-~ . ils FORM REPORTS: (~iVisuol Sc'ds Exomin~liorl E; ?'ercoh;hoh-. Ta~1 ......... ~I:'TH SOl L NC,, :: {lET DESCRIf;TION ZO~lv ;' Silt>', :;andy [...ravel BOTTOM OF HOLE :tS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED _. YES, WHA1- DEPTH :GEND -- Perc zone ~.- Somple leken --- Frozen zona -- Woter table ADING DATE GROSS TIME o ..~ I CLT. ]' , ,., .... , ,.-- . ,...,, -~-, .~..+..1-,.+- ~-~u~--i '--...:-M--~s ...... ;Y, 'J,. o ~6z..).L: .'.'-~'- ' ' ' ' i ~ ' ~ ' ~ <',-' ~,o ..... -,-- _;:" GENERAL SITE SLOPE T NET TIME J DEPTH TO H20 NET DRAINAGE RCOLATION RAI'E: DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS:_. ]50 ,:£.Li:u:drr~m OPOSED INSTALLATION: O SEEPAGE PIT O DRAIN FIELD O OTHER ,MMENTS: Pert test was attempted~ but tile ~,,ater wou!.d not remain to a' depth in order to record a good pert test. ST PERFORMED BY: Kpvin DATA CERTIFIED B¥:__Zi.,m~y' p,:wrm' [)ATE: 3-24--81 ., -;v?-- ',;' :'. ,v ,. It~,.JO W qL?;I'H AVE. STE.. ' .... -- A ¢- S 6 9 9 0 MAY 1 6 1983 :~qF{>:~M{J.'~ FOR:.__.~:.~; S.~.._.;.~,,.~.: ...... i ,~ ~ ..................................................................... D/¥F f.' PE ~FORMC~ HIS FORM REPORTS: {3Vh;ue~ S~ls Exemin~li~ 8 P~.rco~alJo}]."- ~ ' ''"'T ' EF'TH SOIL ~ET DESCRIPTION NOTE5 '.- -~ ~ . - ................................. l ........... ~I !~ Li' I t .t, .I ~. :.r. - ~ ~ Vt ~ : : ' ~ ~2.~.;' ,.,. ,, ..... ..,. , ~ , , . , .. ,~., ~ ~ · t i ~m::~ : ......... .. ,...,.: , I I .~ ~ ~ I J i ' I :' :'~-! ,-F '~ ...... - ,.¢--, o .... . ..... .............................. ~ ................ z. : I' [-. i / I Il ~q ...... ~..,/~.~-~-~--~-, . ff .... i I ~ I.. __ i-~ ' ~~2~i~]' 1 ~ i '' ~ ; i j I"7TT'f- BOTTOM OF HOLE ¢~2~',.," ' ¢ -. ...;"' . ~ ~. ..,.,~ ~_ ~ ~ I .~.: ! ; ' ' ' ZGE~ ¢ 9~ ~ ,,,,,m, l, ,.,,:,::,~ *' 4'-' 6 ...... I -h"-'i - " ~ ~-.,.F ......... ~,~-~a',~..;' . ... ]~ ' . --Frozen zone qb ',,uq : ;," =~- GENERAL SITE SL~ ~ Water table "L:? '- , .... E~t~ ~ DATE GROSS TiME NET TIME DEPTH TO H~O NET DRAINA~ ] I 3-24-8~ 10:~0 A.H. 0 3" 2 I L0:20 lO rain. _3 ~ ~(): 2~ ]~ mi.n. _ ....... ,'~'~¢",, t~;" I .t0:28 0 3~'~ 2 [ t0:63 .15 mi.n. 4 3/4" 1'~" t0:58 j 30 min. ~' ..... ' {RC~AI'ION RATE:,(i2 ,nin,/inch] ~AINAGE REQUIREMENTS: ~;0 s. l:, /bedroom IOPOSED INSTALLATINN: [3 SEEPAGE Pll' O DRAIN FIELD O OTHER .)MMENT'S -. ,-'ST PERFORIv~D __ DATA CERTIFIED BY:__iLL~,~..,.~,.,: Il. 1~2:-:Cer DATE: 3-' 2,/~-8L MATERIALS TESTING · ©UALffY CONTROL SO!!..S ENG[~-,' EE RI;,IG so Ls EPORT $' fO 9 9 0 MAY 1_ 6 1983 .for LOT 1, GTA~I 1tILLS SUBDIVISZON INTRODUCTION The subsurface soils investigation was performed on Lot 1 of Ginamt Hills Subdivision for tl~e purpose of subdividing a five acre lot into two equal halts, and determining if the material on each resulting lot ~¢ill be able to sustain an approved septic system. This report was requested by Mr. Wesley Dentscher, an interested buyer of one of the resulting lots. SITE CONDITIONS Th~ lot is located just North of Upper Huffman on Ginami Street. The topography of the land is is typical of the Hiliside area of gently rolling terrain. The East two thirds of the lot is fairly level with a slight rise to the Southeast. The West third slopes at about fifteen percent down to the West.- Th~ trees in the area are mostly sprnce with a few birch and alders scattered throughout. The ground cover is mostly marshy grasses and scattered tussics with dead fall trees abundant. £UiiSURFACE SOILS Thrue holes were dug by a tracked front and loader with a backhole for the soil tests. Two holes were on the West half of the lot and one on the East half. An additional hole was drilled on the East half for the purpose of ground water determination only. The first hole on the West half (referred to as Lower Lot) showed two feet of overburden and .silty, sandy gravel to the bottom of hole at nine feat where ground water was encountered. The §econd ho].e did not show ground water to a depth of sixteen feet. Two samples were taken for classification purposes at the two - seven foot level and at the seven - sixteen foot level. Both samples were tested for classification and fo,md to be bott~ silty, sandy gravels that require an absorption area of 22% square feet per bedroom for septic system purposes. Ih,~ first hole on the East half (referred to as Upper Lot) encountered ground water at the six foot level. No further analysis was needed at this site. The second hole drilled for water table determination - "t'ro/~'.~'.viot~al.~ ~c~]r~ittg [o de.¥k~tt ot;d htztld ~ h~'[/er .,1 lasl(a" SOILS REPORT (cont.) hit water at the eight foot level. The area was ~ot explored for possible deeper water. RI!COP~IENDATIONS The soils investigation indicates that the West half of the lot is accept- able for the purpose of the installation of a septic drain'field system. The East half of the lot is not acc'eptable for a drain field system as determined by the test holes. Other septic systems are available if the o'~ner chooses to develope his lot using these means. Additional soils investigations may reveal that the area is influenced by a perched water table, therefore making it possible to retest at a .later date in adjacent areas for acceptable results. K~nnev R. Baxter-~' P.E. Senior Civil Engineer MAY 0 !:. TEST ANCHORAGE. ~IRBANKS PROJECT CLIENT ~,/'~'~c ,/'~, c ',',, '_~CZ~z4~__e''''- VEGET~TON: PREDOMINANT TiME Slam Fi~sh CEPTH, Fl' SUBSURFAC[~.,,SOILS EXPLORATION VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG $ 6 9 9 0 I~AY 1 6 198,~ TEST ANCHORAGE ' FAIRBANKS BORING ,NO. /0~.'.2¢F" ,~/CP7c''' %~ / _ F~OJECT CLIENT ' /'f/,'~¢/~,- ' ! VEGETAT.0N: PREDOMINANT TIME Stor! FiNsh DEPTH, FT. SUBSURFAC .[.~,,SOILS EXPLORATION VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG LOGGED BY w.o. ,~/-. GROUND COVER MAY 1 6 1983 TES%~,,LAB ANCHORAGE' FAIRBANKS PROJECT VEGETATION: PREDOMINANT SUBSURF,~L?_ SOILS EXPLORATION VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG TIME Slorl FiNsh DEPTH, F'T. EOX~ S () 9 9 0 MAY l_ 6 1983 ENGINEERS. INC. 349 - 6561 LOG PEt-!,C()I. AII'()N I'ES1 I s 6 7 8 9 lo !1 12 14 16 17 ~8 ~9 2O OF ; JOHN E SWAh~SON: 1834-E // & £NGI~EERSo lNG. S .~ · ~NCHORAGE, ALASKA 99505 'k_j" '~/' 349 - 6561 S()ILS LOG PER(:OI. AI'I()N I'ES'I s 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 14 17 ~8 2O 511'[ Lot __ D, op o ]~'-- 0" L,,UI\!b I I-'UL, I TEST' LAB IOL/' ' V'/, ~i'OI n /a, VF__... ,3ir, AN~'~.iORAGE, ALASKA 99505 '248-1333 ,_,~A k DESCRIPTI~: L~ ] Block HIS FORM REPORTS: D Visual SMIs Exominaflm EPTH SOIL NOTES Perc - Zo~]e - 7.5 Overburden Silt)', sandy gravel Silt),, sandy gravel BOTTOM OF HOLE AS GROUND WATER ENCO~JNTERED yes__ YES, WHAT DEPTH 7.5' ~_GEND -- Perc zone S- Sample token -- Frozen zone DATE PERFORMED: SubdMsion.~zn__g_omi Hi 11s ) 121 P er col a tiot~-q'¢~..-/ 3---g4- 81 Khmey R. 3656- E =L-.-:.:~' GENERAL SITE SLCf:'E -- Water ~ADiNG [ DATE ] j 3-24-81 GROSS TiME NET TIME DEPTH TO H2:O NET DR/~tNAGE 10:10 A.M. 0 ' ' 3" 10:20 lO min. 4" 10:28 0 3, {RCOLATION RATE: 12 min,/inch DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS! 180 s.f_./bedroom IOPOSED INSTALLATION: [] SEEPAGE PiT g DRAIN 'FIELD O OTHER )k~. MENT$: .EST F'ERFDRMED BY2_ DATA CERTIFIED BY: ¥.~,, ~ DATE: 3-24-81 .-TRFORMED FOR: W~.sl~y ~GAL DESCRIPTION: Lol _1 tis FORM REPORTS: UUI\!b I k ,Jb I TEST I_AB Block ' Visual Soils E×aminafio~ I~L)'' W. WlSI H lAVE. blt=. , ANC"r-rORAGE, ALASKA 9950.3 248-1333 IUIX DATE PERFORMEI~: Sub division__j~~~ Et Percolatioh---q'esL_~__.. "~_ ~PTH SOIL lET DESCRIPTION NOTES 2.07 Zone Overburden Silty, sandy gravel BOTTOM OF HOLE '~S GROOND WATER ENCOUNTERED YES, WHAT DEPTH :6END -- P~-rc zone ;- Sampte loken -- Frozen zone -- Water table · F~I~,~-- z GENERAL SITE SL~E ADING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO H20 NET DRAINAGE RCOLATION RATE: DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS: ]_~ OPOSED iNSTALLATION: [3 SEEPAGE PIT El DRAIN FIELD O OTHER :MMENTS: Perc test was attempted, but the water wou]d not remain to a depth in order to record a good perc test. ST PERFORMED DATA CERTIFIED DATE: 3-24-81 MATERIALS TESTING · QUALITY CONTP, OL SOILS ENGINEERING SOILS REPORT for LOT 1, GIAMI HILLS SUBDIVISION INTRODUCTION The subsurface soils investigation was performed on Lot 1 of Ginami Hills Subdivision for the purpose of subdividing a five acre lot into. two equal halts, and determining if the material on each resulting lot will be able to sustain an approved septic system. This report was requested by Mr. Wesley Dentscher, an interested buyer of one of the resulting lots. SITE CONDITIONS The lot is located just North of Upper Huffman on Ginami Street. The topography of the land is is typical of the Hillside area of gently 'rolling terrain. The East two thirds of the lot is fairly level with a slight rise to the Southeast. The West third slopes at about fifteen percent down to the West. The trees in the area are mo.stly spruce with a few birch and alders scattered throughout. The ground cover is mostly marshy grasses and scattered tussics with dead fall trees abundant. SUBSURFACE SOILS Three holes were dug by a tracked froni end loader with a b~ckhole for tile soil tests. Two holes were on the West'half of the lot and one on the East half. An additional hole was drilled on the East half for the purpose of ground water determination only. The first hole on the West half (referred to as Lower Lot) Showed two feet of overburden and silty, sandy gravel to the bottom of hole at nine feet where ground water was encountered. The Second hole did not show ground water to a depth of sixteen feet. Two samples were taken for classification purposes at the two - seven foot level and at the seven - sixteen foot level. Both samples were tested for classification and found to be both silty, sandy gravels that require an absorption area of 225 square feet per bedroom for septic system purposes. The first hole on the East half (referred to as Upper Lot) encountered ground water at the six foot level. No further analysis was needed at this site. The second hole drilled for water table determination - 'Trofessio;mls ~?rking to desigt; attd build a better Alaska" SOILS REPORT (cont.) hit water at the eight foot level. deeper ~ater. RECOI.~IENDATIONS The area was not explored for possible The soils investigation indicates that the West half of the lot is accept- able for the purpose of the installation of a septic drain field system. The East half of the lot is not acceptable for a drain field system as determined by the test holes. Other septic systems are available if the o:,~ner chooses to develope his lot using these means. Additional soils investigations may reveal that the area is influenced by a perched water table, therefore making it possible to retest at a later date in adjacent areas for acceptable results. Kinney R. Baxrer,~}E. Senior Civil Engineer © © UUIX, lb I ~UL, ' ,ul~ TEST LA~ ANCHORAGE.FAIRBANKS BORING NO. pROJECT CLIENT /'(/~,, ~'/~ k LOCAT,ON VEGETATION: PREDOMINANT SUBSURFACE ,~_~ILS EXPLORATION VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG LOGGED BY ' ,.x~.' ,~f"',~ ~-z-,.., w.o. 8/-/~',~ ~ GROUND COVER TIME Sim! Finish DEPTH, FT. 2 TEST ANCHORAGE.FAIRBANKS ~()RING NO. ,,~g~'Jdf-' /~_/L.- F~ROJECT CLIENT LOCATI~I VEGETATION: PREDOMINANT SUBSURFACE'~'OILS EXPLORATION VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG DATE ~./~/~/ ' LOGGED aY ~ ,~f-,~r,,. w.o. 8/-/~-o7 - GROUND COVER -" IME Slot! Fi~sh ~ Q: ZPTH~ FT. ~ ~:~z ~ i ~,UlXlb I l'x. uL.,, TEST LA'~~ ANCHORAGE.FAIRBANKS ~INO NO. ~',~n"'- Zo-/' pROJECT // VEGETATION: PREDOMINANT SUBSURFACE '~,_~DILS EXPLORATION ,VISUAL FIELD BORING LOG TiME Slorl Finish DEPTH ~ FT. LOG 5(~ILS LOG pEI]C(JI.,a, II(~N IE!~l 10 12 ~8 t9 70 SIT[ I'L^N ,LZPTH SOIL EGAL DESCRIPTION: LC ..... ~ ..... Block FORM REPOR'FS: O Vi~;uol Sdls Exominali~ O','erburdcn Silty, sandy Sravel SJLE':', sandy gravel NOTES DATE PERFORMED: , Subdivision ',.q~nomi hz].._ ~ ~ PErcolalioh'-.TEsL_~...../ .......... t}OT'fOM OF HOLE ~'tS GRO' iND yVP2'ER ENCOUNTERED YES, WHAT DEPTH i.J ~-- S3rn:.q.; 1ok~R TIM,T_ _ADi:qS ; DATE (¥~OS5 TiM[ NET ........ : .................... , ] [') , · ~,, c : ](1: A.~'J- _ .... ~ ........ ~ I0;20 l0 min. ~ ..... ~_. ]0:25 15 m~n. I 1.0~ 26 , . 0 ...... q ................... 10:43 _~ ~5 min. DEPTH TO H20 NET DRAINAGE 3, !5" 4 314" -- .'RCOt_AI'ION R~'(TE: t2 mi:_!./ifLch ..~INAGE REQUIREMENTS: IS0 s.f./bedroc, m ~OPOSED INSTALLATION: O SEEPAGE HT O DRAIN FIELD O OTHER )I./.MENI S: [ST I~LRF'ORI,4ED DY: }{e',':L~ ]~r,m,n DATA CERTIFIED BY:--}i~= R. [:~>:tc*r DATE: 3-24-81 ]RFORMED FOR,_._ {GAl_ DESCRIPTION: t',S FORM REPORTS: Lo(___] ............ Block F] Visual Sd!s DATE PERFORME[~L 3_-Z5- g i Subdivision / ¢ 4 ~'m_mJ_]L£]._t~_ iPTH SOIL /"' J NOTES [ET DESCRIPTION O\t4: r~tlr,,IcQ '~ O' Zone Silty, saudy gravel BOTTOM OF HOt_E '.~S GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED YES, WHAT DEPTH :G-END ;- Son-,Cie leken --- Frozen zona ..... - r-, r ,-~c,- 'r,,*- t,,;[-:l' TIN'..F_' DEPTH TO i420 NET ..- _ ........... ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :- _ ............. ;: ..... RCOLATION F~.~I'E:__ DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS~_ ' ' A SEEPAGE ~T O DRAIN FIELD O OTHER OPOSED INSTALL T~: O 'MMENTS: Perc ces[ Nas a~[emPCed~ bu[ che ~auer would no[ remain to a depth in order to record a good pert test. ST PiERFOF~,~ED BY: _Emvln )Ir:mn DATA CERTIFIED DATE; 3-24-81