HomeMy WebLinkAboutGALLAGHER Tract 1 S-4340 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-4340 P E T ;::J~.N FOR DATE RECEIVED REZONING SPECIAL EXCEPTION VACATION RESUBDIVISION OF Wakon Redbird & Associates - Plat of Gallaqher Subdivision Tract One, located within NW 1/4, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec TllN, R3W, S.M. ALASKA, containing 3.685 acres more or less. COMMENT TO PLANNING BY Feb 17. 1977 FOR MEETING OF COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: \ of Cases u LIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE SEWER NOT AVAI ~"-'~'" ~t~m~~~~ ~~e PU~IC LABLE TO~ERVICE~¢~ ~f~(~ · [ - , 71-014 (9/76) PYRAI~ ~3 S706 EAST NORTHERN LIGHTS ANCHORAGE ALASKA 337- 3812 Mr. John Lynn ~unicipality of Anchorage 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska Re.: Existing soils - Gallagher Subdivision, Tract I, Bob Gallagher, Owner (Municipality of Anchorage case S-4330) Dear Mr~ Lynn: This is to report on my observation of the existing soils on the subject property. You will recall that I visited the site with Mr. Gallagher on Earch 27 and observed a deep cut bar~ located on the westernmost lot of the subdivision and a test pit dug on the center lot. It was evident that the nature of the soil under the easternmost lot would be the same as that observed on the other two. Both the cut bank and the test pit reached a depth of 15 to 17 feet below original ground level. The material which I observed was a silty, sandy gravel, fallin~ within the USCS classification "GM'. The silt frac- tion was relatively low. I reco~mend that no less than 140 square feet of seepage pit wall area be provided for each bedroom in residences erected on the property. The terrain and vegetation indicate that the nature of the soils under the entire subdivision is essentially the same throughout. Very Truly Yours PYRA~.!I D .D~vid J. ~rma~, ~.E. Principal Engineer February 10, 1977 R & M NO. 751109 Wakon Redbird & Associates 600 W. 53rd Avenue Anchorage, ~/aska 99502 NW¼, NE%, NE%, Section 12, TllN, R3W, Tract 1, ~-c~or~a~,-Alaska Gentlemen: We are submitting herewith the results of our inspection and coments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This in- vestigationwas performed in accordance with your request of February 9, 1977 and those procedures outlined in a letter dated July 15, 1975, by Mr. R~lf Strickland of the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Environmental Quality. Several cut slopes were inspected within the subject site area for the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions for the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with a tractor-mounted dozer and the cut slope was extended to a total depth of 12 feet below ground surface. The final log prepared for the cut slope has been included in Drawing A-01. Groundwater was not encountered within the cut slope while inspecting. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Vice President xc: Municipality of Anchorage MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGi~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROI ECTION FEI~ ~ 8 lg77 RECEIVED PAINE Lot 1 ~ Shed LOG ~1 Lot 2 TR; -~T 1 Lot 3 Test Hole locations are approximate and have not been located by survey methods. Location Diagram represents Tract 1 NW¼, NE¼, NE~, Section 12, TllN, R3U, Anchorage, Alaska LOCATION DIAGRAm! WAKON REDBIRD & ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA GRID ~ROJNO 751109 LOG -~1 2-10-77 O.O' ORCANIC SAND %;/S0:1E SILT A/ND SO:rE GRA~;EL 1.5' GRAVEL W/SOllE COBBLES A~D sOME SAND (~Z'l) 3.5" GRAVELLY SAND Many Cobbles 12.0' TD IR) %;ater Table Present This log represents subsurface soil conditions within 1~.;%, ~E%, NE¼, Section ~2, TllN, R3W, Tract 1, Anchorage, Alaska w N: MAM JMA 3-16-77 / ~ 2-10-77 0.0~ / i | I [.%~ o~.~c sM ~.,/so,,t~ :~"- / ' ' I~?~1 ~ ./so}m m~ms ' / -- -' n ~ amzi~te ~ '"~ 12.0' / ~a~o s ~ _ ~ have not b~n l~at~ by s~ey ~ Water T~le Pres~n I ~is 1~ ~.pzesents s~s~fac, mil ] s~tion 12, TllN, R3W, Tract 1, ]D~TE: ~-iO-~T ]] II '- ' ' // N- ~ ~ .......... ti II I/OWG- o. CERTIFICATE of SURVEY OWNER OF RECORD D~Z~TM ~ '2.'"aC,~F'F~ ,m~H~/D . ~.v~ Nome City State I hereby certify that the fg ~o~ing described property has been surve ~d by me or under my Juper- visioe~ and that improvementl sJtuated thereon do ~ot encroach on adjacent property, that improvements adjacent property do not encroach on t~e surveyed premisel~ and that there are no power Jines~ tran~mi~lion hnes or other vislbJe easements or r[ghts-of-way e~cept as shown hereon: j ( 80' OX~'~'~Y E~%E. SE~C T~NK O B.L.M. Bras~ Cap Monument Fnd. - Bra,, Cap Monument, Set~,Fnd.~ SUBDIVISION Iron Pipe ~ Set~Fnd. %" ~ 30" Rebar, Set~,Fnd ~ Survey Hub & Tac~,Set~,Fnd.~ }'.2~F~xRECORDING PRESeT,ALASKA UNWlN-SCHEBEN-KORYNTA CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~ SURVE~RS 103 E 26f~ Ave Anc~=ge, AIu~= CASE NO. TITLE: )'/~-~RTMENT~- OF ENVIRONMENTAL Q~'~ITY PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation t Gallagher GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOR'OUGH 3500 EAST TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 Sep~zemt;er 19, ]975 P.O. Box 4-1950 Anchorage Ak 99510 RE: Case S- 3832 In reviewing the proposed subdivision case, the Planning Staff has found it to be deficient in supplying or showing the following required information: 1. ZONING 5. TITLE BLOCK ERRORS 2. ~ISTING EAS~NTS 6. DRAFTING ERROP~ OR OI~{ISSIONS 3. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 7. FLOODPLAINS AND WATER AREAS UTILITY LINES 8. EXISTING STRUCTURES OR FEATURES WATER 9. PERIPHERAL ~ Ih~ORMATION SEWER 10. TOPO DATA OTHER 11. SOILS TESTS 4. ROADS AND DRAINAGE INFORMATION 12. OTHER SPECIFIC OMMISSIONS I If the deficient information is not received by the Platting Officer within 10 c days of the date on this letter, we will reconanend denial of the subject su.b- o M division to the Anchorage Platting Board, at their regularly scheduled meeting M ~tober 7, 1975 unless we receive a written request for postpone- u merit of this matter. ! ¥ Please keep in mind that any new information must be submitted with enough copies to supply the necessary reviewing agencies. If you have any questions, please let us know. /- '\