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GLENN VIEW ESTATES Lots 1-20 Plat# 96-101 S-9764
MOA CR&D ADMIN DERT CHUGIAK COt4FtUNITY COUNCIL SERVING FIRE LAKE, CHUGIAK, PETERS CREEK, MIRROR LAKE, THUNDERBIRD HEIGHTS AND EKLUTNA 185~$0 OLD GLENN HIGHWAY CHUGIAK BENEFITS BUILDING aka CHLIGIAK CHILDR£N'S SERVI{~S P.O. BOX 671350 CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 July 21, 1995 MOA PAtting Authority R.E: S-9764 The Claugiak Co,,~mnky Coun~ met Thursday July 20. Glean View E~tates was dj. scusmd at great length under opm forum. out of the me~'drtg. I would like to share some of the ¢onmaeats and input that came The first poi~'t was that this item was not on the agenda for rliscu~sion~ The MOA mailed k with a postmark of July 12, 1995 and I received it on the [StlL Our Agenda was mailed on the 12tit h~ce there was ac ~ime for the Counca~l to notify members that ~hle L~sue would be on the agenda for the Council's action on July 20. We have addressed the concern previously about inadequate notice many times in~e past. This is another exan:ple of what is legally .timely notice by the MOA and what is not ~rffieient notice for the Council to respond to an important issa~e, We rgeed adequate thne to ggt information from your department, the developer and the comnmuity. There are some very valid contemn ttmt need to be addressed regarding safety, health, traffic alld adequacy of water supplies. The mca~bers f¢l~t that more time is needed to gather kffbrmafioa in order to submit reasonable input regar.rlln$ thin ease. I will atxempt to relay the comments and concerns from the member~ at the meeting on Thursday 7/20/95. 1. The issue of ~ent aotice to the Couacil partieularly¢n th© ~mm~r time, needstobe addressed- It m_~kes no sense to ask for co_mments from the Coan~fil$ and then d.i~xegard the standards and practices that they axe ruled by. Notice i~ needed that allows time for the Council process of meeting notice, agenda, meeting and ¢omm~llt or resolutions. ~out'd JUL-~8-1995 08'. 1_q. I'qOA CP~D ADIqtN DEF~T P.O~ page 2 MOA case #9764 The issue of water ~ad where the supply will come fi-om needs to be addressed. 20 new well~ ~,511 potentially have a cieva~tating effect on the ex/sting residents as well as the ~ew project. APUC has approved the tariffrevision that will bring water to Scimitar Subdivision. Ballots will be mailed to the res/de~ts the end of this month. There are numerous Iow producing wells ia the area as well as good producing wells. Scimitar is experiencing wells going dry that have never had problems before.. Elevated nitrates that appear to be moving crown the mountain towards the highway are also an issue being addressed in &e area. One resident indicated there has been discussion withiu the Troll Knoll system about n/trates and the difficulties of maintaining the comm~mJ, ty systerm The Dawn Water system which is quite close has been experiencing problems with quantity in the Meadow Ridge mbdiMsion area. It is not known for rare if the problem is quantity' or the s~ystmn itself_ Homeowners minute~ from last two meeting ia Meadow Ridge Estates a~e attached and mention problem~ with Dawn water and having to conserve water in the ~,mmer. The systc~m is old and reportedly u~docunmntec[ The belief',eems to be that sooner or later AWWU will have to take over that system and provide public water_ The need for public water has an[¥ed ha Peters Creek. It would seem that mbdh.'isions wkh on site water and septic are a fixture of the past in urban areas. The very principle needs to be inve~igated thoroughly with particular attention paid to protecting drimking water and ground water as 'well as our neighborhood~ A~ a minimum, long term te~t[ug needs to be done to verify that the water ~upp[y can be maintained w/thout drying up the smroum[ing well,. Tiffs Council has gone on record repeatedly supporting the protection of our potable water and ground water from contamin etlon. 3. Septic systems is another i~,ue that was brought up. Soils tests r~portedly indicate high ground wa,er on some lots that will neces~kate mound or elevated bed sy~erm Additionally k was reported that soils tests indicate the ~eed for sand filte~s in thc design duc to lfigh p~rm~ability. Thi~ k~foi-mation was unable m be verified at the time of the Council's meeting and mauy que~ions were rai~d. With the history of changing water tables in Norrhwood.s subdSA~ion it would se~m reasonable to requke some tong term monitoring of the test holes and monkomg mbcs in Glenn View. Our area cannot support additional negative fi'ont page pubiieity from improper development of on-~e septics. 4. Den~ky was also a concern with zoning. Are there to be multi family residents approved thi~ plan? This i~ considered a la, ge lot rural area and it i~ important to preserve the flavor oftkks pan of the community. Th~ consensus was no mu~ family development should be permitted in tlxis area without public utilkies to support the density. cont'd ._TUL-28-19S5 E~S: ['9 ~OR CPS[) IqDFllH DEPT p,R_3 page 3 MOA case # 9764 5. Tramc i.s a major concern. Peters Creek Chapel is across the street with a large con~egation as well as a private school. Additionally there is the public bus stop and an area collection bus stop at the Old Gleun and Chapel Drive. Tkis situation already presents a hazard wkich ~ be compounded w/th the additional development. It must be addressed in the early stages of platting. The comer of Chapel and C~eatland Drive is a very hard left mm that is usually slick h~ the winter and the ske of many neighborhood fender benders near misses. The proposed etd-de-sac enters Chapel 12)rive just over the crest cfa lfill which w4tl '[brce blind entry directly acros~ the road from the Church school The driveways for 19 & 20 vhll enter dkecdy into thi~ area of concerto I have auached a map and highlighted the main areas of concerto 6. Additional information is needed to understand the request for a variance on the cul-de-sac. It seerrta to be exceetth~gly tong and other routes are feasible. 7. I have lot~ messages at 333-9411 for Village Ventures and H~es development in order to get ~ome in¢ormafion fi:om the developer who is listed as LLM&M on the application. I did not get a return call to my home, office or voice mall At the Commllgity Council level there is a aced to have as much information as possible to discuss the issue in an intelligent manner. Not everyone can make the 60 mile round trip to Anchorage and sit through very long Assembly and Platting mectSugs. Many can bring the kids to the Council meetings. Often times concerns eau be addressed at the Council level and there is not the need to proceed to the Platting level 8, On Monday, July 24th the packages had gone from Comrmmiry Platmmg to be printed and may be available by the 26th. One issue raisefl was how can anyone at MOA make decisions or recommendatSons without all the pertinent hfformation. Pmother issue was if the MOA employees get additional information to bas~ theix input on then why don1: the people who live in the area get the some consideration? It is dorm/lely time to review the process that can ultimately leave the COtrl~nnity Coun~l o11I of the loop for dis~mssion and input in a timeb/m~nuer. These are the people mo~ impacted by decisions that are made without thek input. Might there be a way to notify Councils wt~,a the preliminary platt application is filed or staff becomes aware that $omethlng is working through the pipeline. Soils, den~ry, traffic studies, reco,~nendations f~om staff, MOA departments and on site service~ information should be provided to the Councils for d£.~u~,sion. JUL--~8-1995 08:20 MOA CP~D ADMIN DEPT F'.04 page 4 MOA case # 9764 It is worth considering a process that allows for time extensions upon reque~ from Councils. When a Council does not have any input or problems with a cas~, it could proceed with the regulax t~e line and leave it up to the departmeats to make the fight decision. I request that the August 2ztd consideration of this matter be postponed until more complete information can be obtained and considered at the September 21st Council meeting. Neither this Council nor the resideats are o:x reco~d as oppo~Sng reasonable plam~ed developmgnt h~ our area. We do oppose poor judgeenernt and planning in O~Lr neighborhoods. We ask that you research thoroughly the points that we have raised. Our homes, ckil~em, healflL ~t'ety, walls, septics and quality of living are v&at is at ~isk if more prudent plans are not made for developments with on-site services. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, President Chu~.~k Co~;~m~y Com'tcfl Mayor Mystrom Assgmblyman Dan Kend~ll Assembly Chairm.a.n Craig Camp, bell Kqaresemtative Vie Kokfing Federation of Community Councils for di~n'oution to all 36 Councils _TIJL-28-19'g5 08:20 I'!OA CP~D ADHIN DEPT F',05 ._TUL-28-1_q95 DS: ~i MOA CP~D ADH IN DEPT F'. DF:) DAWN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION g20 WE-WT 6TH AVENUE ANCHOI~AGE, ALASKA gD~01 (907) 2~-6~ 16 1-o qm_t a~eoLtat~= mp~.~,~L~r*e we h~v~ .at,iv&ced tm.~. n~pv~ cgn~en~ %nan %hm wvn~ep F-'apk w~i ]. Bmcause Qt ~ne ]acP. ,~ it ~ punning re~i ly ,dirt'/, ~et ~he tap r'un +or ~ mi~ an,n ~om tiny bu~l~s ~n the water, .and ~ev sh~u~l,~ float, ~ top an~ ~isapmear in a Yew minutes. in th~ meant ime, ~- a~: '¢ou to tP'¢ to con~_env_= watep. melting an~ br~ak.L~o will at hand, Melting at the sur--face MEADOW RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ANNUAL MEETING P. 07 DATE: TIME: PLACE: April 16, 1994 1:00 PM Peters Creek Lutheran Church OLD BUSINESS: The iake level is now under the control of the Municipality. arise over the level, please contact a board member. if any problems or question NEW BUSINESS: Election of new board members, Kelly Robison was elected replacing [~ill Byas. thank Bill for his many years of help and support. W e Ben Marsh & Associates provided us with last year's budget and ail of our bank statements. Ne problems were noted, They also ~ovided the Proposed Bud~: for ne~ year, which was a~oved, AIl memb~ship dues ~e cu~ent ~t the time of the meeting. We greatly ~ppreciate ail of your supper. Those interested in Cable TV should contact Prime Cable. They shoutd be ready to come up to us this summer, Water short,zOos that occurred last summer were mainly due to the extremely dry weather. These shortages could happen again during high volume times. Limiting usage ¢luring peak times (y~e~k~n¢~ would hew a gre~t deal. Engineers repcrt on upgrade ot the manhole on upper hill shoutd be ready by the first of July. The firm of Tryck. Nyman, and Hayes (nc. are d~ing the report. Once again dogs are a problem in the subdivision. Please remember that we are a part of the Municipality of Anchorage ~nd that the leash law ,¢c,~,~ apDty. Anyone having problems with dogs should contact the dog pound. Remember to drive slowly inside the subclivision. Kids nave hit the streets once again and its up to us to watch out for them, if you have any questions, concerns, or problems concerning the subdivision, please contact a Beard Member, Connie 8auermeister 888-4088 Chris LaRue 688-5911 J~mie 8enard 588-4437 Andy Sullivan 888-4,128 Andy Flexo 688-6141 Ed Weiss 688-6029 ~ Hight 688-~386 Kelly RoOisen 688-4850 Jo~ Ku~z B~8-9719 JUL-~O-1995 08~ MOA C~D ADIqlN DE?T R~00 Febraary 23, 1995 A.PUC P,e: Scimitar My name is Sharon Minsch mad I am a Realtor in Eagle River since 1984. I am a lifelong resident who has lived on wells and septics all my life. I am. also serving ia my fourfft year as president of the Ckugiak Community Council TEe house in my back yard (though I l~ve in Chugach Park Estates) is in Scimitm'. As a result of the information above I am probably more knowledgeable about Scimitar than most of the people who live there, As Corrmmmity Council presidcmt I have attended every meeting of the residents ott t!)i~ problcam I have long be~a a supporter of the need for tariff revision as we move toward the need for public water and s~ver ia ot~r area of large lots. The committee of homeowners discovered at the first meeting that ax[ equal cost basis was the only method that their neighbors would support. It was felt to be unfair that one neighbor would pay 9K and the 01lC aexx door pay 40K for th~ same~ service. The fact ~at it had bee~ done successfully on Hland road with the gas assessm~t also seemed to open the door for a change in the procem We were informed by AWW~ that the coto.~m_ity must. vote first trader the ex/sting tariff rule$ before any attmmpt could be made for a tariffrevL~ion. We ',hen told people that until tlxe vote failed under the exJming m~hod no equal cost metJaod could be brought forward. The commktee wanted to bring forward equal cost from the vary beginning. The co,nraktee did exactly as they ware m~ by AWWU. [ have be~a involved in the testing of walls in the area looking for akernative sources of water on several occasions. Tla~ro is not a well that is capable of providing the qmmtlry of water that wotdd be Rev-deal. During extended te~tlag of one well the neighbors wells were nm dry! There is no way for anyone othm' than AWWU to bond for Z5 million dollars re install a water system of rhig si~e. Additionally, the dens/fy of developm~tt and the problerm of the existing systems make a cMar point to in~..a.__l~$ a system that is not dependemt on a well that could go dry or be¢om~ ¢ont.a. mhmted. The acighboring Dawn water system ks well known by APUC, It is antiquated and undocnmented and plasued wi~ problems. Area residents complain of hearT use days leading to la~k of water. Ttxe Troll Knoll system is very rmfinteaance intensive and has had indications of elevated nitrates. At any rime thg~g wells could go dty or become contaminate& ¢onfd ._TUL-~O-i995 00:~ I~OA CP~D AD~'HN DEPT F'.09 page 2 Neither of them i~ capable of servlchlg or expanding to fit the needs of the rest of the commumty. There is no way to guarantee a well will provide quality or quantity especially for an area tiffs large The major expense is in laying the water 1/ne. It appears ecouomlcally feasible and responsible to hook them up to a permanent supply of clean water. The water line is clearly the only alternative for the long term future ofthi~ community. While Scl.miter has long been an area Imowa for low producing wells it is appaxeur that the problem~ have gown increasingly more wide spread. There have been several wells contaminated with nitrates beyond the allowable llmks. When dye te~ted several septics ~'~tems have shown up in neighboring wells. Sever~ more wells have gone totally dry during thi~ process to find a solutiom I also would like to point out that Troll Knoll, Dawn Water and Ski road are all down bJJ! fi'om $¢ix~tar. When we track the spreading nitrates they form a faXrly clear pat-~rn of heading down and towards this area. We would like to hope that the dry wells and xfitrates will not spread any further but it appears that it is wishful thinldug at best. There, are people/n Scimitar who are dl4nking and using nkrate contmated wells. It stands to reason that by u~ing nitrate conta_m__iaated water and cycling it through a septic system, the nitrate concentration level, increase. Scimitar is not screaming heakh emergency or askSng anyone else to pay for th~k problem~. They axe acknowledging that after much work and researc/a there is no alternative ~lution but to bring public water into the area. Sooner or later the adjaCent areas are going to experience these problems. It is u~xeali~ic to expe~ ground water supplies to keep up with the density of development and the flemaud we are placing on these limited resources. Many of the people who have bought into ~ area over the last few years did ~o without knowing of the areas reputation. Others had wells that tested fine and have since gone dry. Many of the lot owners are ~it2ug on l~d that they continue to have to pay taxes on but cannot develop. Pub[to water would allow them to finally use the land for it's intended purpose. The problem has become so well known this last year that ao one wants to buy auFhhg in thi_~ area. ~ was able to ~ell one tmme by reducing the v',flue 25,000. The buyer f~lt that thiz would cover the cost of the water li~e when it comes ia The 700 foot well ha, alot of storage and the buyer figure~ that one way or the other Sch~kar will ge~ water. He hopes that it doesn't take to long. If a solution is not reached soon the neighborhood will a~ffer ha mother way. As tune goes by and people are transferred or have to move another problem.q adzes, cont'd JUL-2_P,-1995 08:~75 MOA CP~D ADMIbi DEPT P.10 page 3 If you have to haul water and can*t flush toilets you cannot sell or rent your home. Once we start having vacant houses because people cannot sell them we ~en have foreclosures. Without owners living in the houses there become problems of vandalism. With vacant houses the mbdivision also lose~ the consensus they have worked so hard to gather on thi~ issue. For most of these people, their home ks their biggest source of equity and savings, Without water it becomes worthless. We have t~vo families ready to retire wlxo cannot afford to live in their honie~ ,Mtkout a job and ca,uaot sell the homes to retire. They face the risk of losing so much of what they have worked towards because cfa problem they have no control over. Anchor point is that Sclm~tlElaS problems effect all of Peters Creek. People do uot seem to be able to separate one area from another when it comes to problems like this. As a Realtor I am ex~perienciag more and more people who do not want to look at homes in Peters Creek because "they have water problems out there." With fis'hg nitrate levels and wells going dry there are more and more people without the abilky to flush a toilet or waslx their hands. These are very real concerns cud be¢om~g .m. ~tters of public and private health and ~afety. They can't sell their home~ or wash their laundry, lma~.o4no not being able to water your lawn or wash your car but having to make house payments every mouth w/th no way out, Ther~ can be no dispute that these people need public water. It is time for public water to be made available where and when these problems begin. The tiJ. ue to provide solutions is before the problem gets worse and people start to lose their homes or someone gets sick. Waiting for the problem to spread and more people to get hurt before we come up with a solution is not the answer. Imagine being without water and driving past a water line everyday that you cannot hook up to. R is easy for people to ~ay, "I have water and there ks no problem". Many of the people in this area were saying that a year ago. Now they say," I doit have water and we mu.~t act quickly." It is ,meorumate that people sometimes only consider themselves when k is a matter of publlc health and safety. They would deny needed services to their neighbor because they do not feel they themselves need them yet. When they figure they do need k everybody else will be expected to jump. Waiting tmtil the problem gets bigger or someone gets &ok also makes the problem harcter and more expensive to fix. Th~ cost of sm,;~ner p 'lanned consU'uetion v~rsus emergency whter tmptatmed const, mctiou is enormous cont'd JJL-2_P,-1995 0¢-,9,:2~ NOA CPSD ADIdlN DEPT P,11 page 4 The tkne has come for a revision of the ta~ff~ to atlow for large lots sttbdMsious to have access to public water, h subdivicous where everybody has the same i00 foot fl:enrage the existing system works and has worked for some time. lin our area identical lots in total ~qua.re footage cart be several htm~ed feet different ia frontage, A tariff revisiou that allows a subd2Msion aa alternate method ofassessiag themselves ~,s an idea who~e time has come. People camaot accept that they can have one aeighbor pay 9k and another gay 40k for ~e same service, water to their home. Aa equal cost method is fair, democratic and ectuitable, Please support thi~ tariffrevision that will allow these people to get public water and get on with their lives. [ a.m available to discuss a.ad answer questions regarding this matter at any time. Thank you for you eon~iderafiom Sinferely, Sharon M~$¢h Realtor, ReMax of Eagle River t:h'es/flent, Cttugi~k Community Council I ,ifetlme Resider sharcm minsch 08:24 HO~ CP~/~ ~DMIH DEF'T P. :1.2 MEADOW RIDGE HOMEOWNERS ANNUAL MEETING DATE: April 2~, 1995 TiMF:'. 1:00 PM PLACE: Pelera Creek Lutheran Church BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE; Johrl ~-.urlz. Andy FiOrD. Mike Hight. Andy Sullivan. Chris LaRue. Kelly Flobisen. Ed Weiss. Jamie Benard. MAIN TOPIC: Water Shortages Andy SulliYan opened Ihs meeting with a brief history et Ihs sJtualion on thy water ~lecuesed fha lindings el the A.P.U.C. ~nd the lelt~ trom the D.E.C. and what ~Iepo tho The meeting was lh~ opened up to the homeowners I~ quesllons ragging 1he water eltua~om Miny homeowners voiced their concerns ~d ~ked question~ ~ich the bo~d members replied to with delailed explanations an~or possibte oplions available MRHOA. The following ~e some oI the [0pice 1. The A.P.U.C. Order whi~ ~tates thai Dawn Water muat maintain ads,ate ~e~=~e te the boo=tar ~ump on Homestead Drive. 2; MRHOA ~d Dawn Wai~ ehoutd enter in{o negotiation~ I~ ~ new 'Bulk Water" 3. OpflO~ en ¢~e~g ~ Ekiulna ~ e 8u~ Wat~ Coa~ ~ ~W.U. ~e. ere- w~e ~s~ueaed with possible options and ¢o~l which may be In,red by the MRH~. 5. Results of the w~ter test came back 100% bact~ia free. 5. TeaSe et water may bec~me s re~ponslbitity of the MRHOA. 7. Water outages should be de,It with bY first contacting neighbm~ in au~t~ston see if they are out, than contact a board member. Bo~d ml~! will Ihen determine wheth~ it t~ a ~gblem with out system or ~ supply ~lem of Dawn Water. 8. With 1he p~eJblllty of waI~ eh~tageS this summer, please rememb~ to fry and canoerve wet~ on hot oummar days, OLD BusINESS: Once again 'loose dog~' are a problem in the subdivision. First and I~em~t. we ~e ree~nlibJl[ty el kilpJng the~ ~9s und~ c~ol. ~yo~e h~v~g ~= with pooeibte ~ does not solve the ~lem, contact the Animal Shelt~ 561-1~. Pleaae ...... TAKE cONTROL OF YOUR OWN P~T~I NEW BUSINESS: Election of three beard members. Ed Weiss nominated and voted In [c~ three year term- John Kurtz nominated end voted in Ior three ys~ term. Cunnie BauermeJater nominated and voted In for t~ee ye~ t~m. ~ree ait~nates were ~1oo nomJ~et~ ~d voled In: 5h~w~ H~nbuekte. BHan S~ague. Jamie Spell. Meeting adlourned- Thane you to all hamaowners who attended. The turn out was faniaatlo and I thl~k ev~yone went a~y ~ i good und~an~n9 et the ~urrenl -Wst~ ~o~e~e'. Michael D. ~ght, Se~elmy Connie Bauarmeister 688-4088 JamJe Be~l ~d 686-4437 Andy FielTO 6BB-6141 j~.~ ~9719 ~OARD MEMBERS Chris LaRue 686-5911 Andy Sullivan 6 B8741 Z6 Ed W~s 588-6929 J'UL-28-1~95 08:2Ca ['10~ CF'~:D ADI~HN D~PT F'. 14- TOTAL P,14 ? 1e 2$ ALT 17 16~ 18 5 14 4, $ Ss 1;5 7 8 ECEIVED JUL 1 0 1995 of Anchorage Jman Services 20 12 11 ~ 10 ALTO TEST HOLI': LOCATIONS GLENN VIEW ESTATES FIELD/DRAWN: 02 JULY 95 FILE: T-HOLZ.CRD/PL1 SCALE: 1" == 200' KENNETH G. LANG REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 1731 GEORGE BELL CIRCLE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (go7) ,545-6476 0i-03-1996 04:26PM FROM E.R. Glen Vie~-Estates Sub. Case S-9;' Page 5 Engineering Svc¢. TO a) 3434786 P.O1 b) c) "Direct vehicular access from Lots 1 and 17 onto Chapel Dr~ve is proh/bited." 'T~lrect vehicular access from any lot onto Frontage Road Hilltop Drive, Wooded Hollow Circle, or Leprecl~n Drive is proh/bited." "Single family residences only to be developed on these lob." : 7. CorSecUng street names to shove. Melana ~ {oted ~ ~b~c Wor~ co~. ~ f~ ~? ~V~iE~ of ~ter ~ D.~. slope ~d setback lVI~chaeI j. Mee~a'n, ~dCP Director rots P._o,st. tTM brand fax trarmmittal memo 7671 Del)t, I~hone # Prepared by: Associate P~er 2O TOTAL P.O1 Louis Butera, P.E. Registered Civil Engineer October 25, 1995 Jim Cross, P.E. Manager, On-Site Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 RECEIVED O0'F 3 0 ~ ervices Re: Glenn View Subdivision ~.~ .~ 0]' F (P ~( Dear Mr. Cross: The ground surface slopes in above referenced subdivision are not excessive enough to adversely affect primary or reserve areas as per AMC 15.65, and all lots meet requirements of AMC 15.65.180.B. 1. Subdivision Standards minimum required area by square footage. If you have any questions please call our office at 694--5195. Sincerely, Louis Butera, P.E. \G:\WPDOCS\i 995\95-049A.LTR P.O. Box 773294 · Eaola Riwr Alagka 99577 · Tolonhano fqfl71 fiq4-~lq~ · l~av/qfl7/flqd_q9q7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: July 17, 1995 To: Zoning and Platting Division, CPD From:(~ ~, "a~es Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Sulojecff. Request for Comments on Cases due 7/14/95. The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Section has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9214 S-9484 S-9764 S-9765 S-9766 S-9767 S-9768 Ship Creek Crossing. No objections. U.S. Survey 3042, Lot 84F. No objections. Glen View Estates. Reserve area requirements must be met which meet slope and setback reqtfirements. The availability of an adequate potable water supply must be documented. Parkside. No objections provided all lots are served by pubLic water and sewer. Stuckagaln Manor. No objections. Skyhills East. No objections provided all lots are served by public water and sewer. Ptarmigan. The preliminary Plat does not agree with the end, Sneering drawings submitted. Reserve area requirements must be met which meet slope and setback requirements. Water monitoring information must be submitted. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: August 2, 1995 To: Joann Contreras, Associate Planner, CPD From:(_..t~ '~nes Cross, P.E., Prograln Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Subject: Glen View Estates Subdivision, S-9764. Following further review of information available on this subdivision, and conversations with Alaska Department of Natural Resources and Mr. Ken Lang, representing the developers, we have defined our potable water supply comments regarding this subdivision to the following requirements. A test well shall be drilled on the property and an aquifer test shall be conducted and submitted under the stamp of a registered professional engineer. The aquifer test shall determine what effects the appropriation of 20 wells in this subdivision will have on the existing wells and water rights holders in the area. The affected area shall be a minimum of 1/4 mile SmTounding the subdivision. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P,O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PR~ELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION I REC'D BY: OFFICE USE Please fill in the information requested below, Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address Isl l I l lol I ? 111111 III IIIIIltlllll II 4, NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LoTs 34), 5. 'EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page. 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) Address Ci~ ~~ State Phone ~ 7. Petitioner's Representative Address \]~ ~9-~ ~bt.-~L(br~b~ City -~,J~/~.C,.~, State Phone# ~'~- Q'gc"]~, _ Zip 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed 10, Existing 11, GddNumber 12. Zone Number Lots Number Lots 13. Fees 14. Community Council I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval ofthe subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee, I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons, ~? /<:'~-- ~'i -~' - ' 'P.~t' ' " --~'- ' Signature ~.. *Agents mustprovide written proof of authorization. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre AlPine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. - ~.rc~,~,~ Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Vadance Enforcement Action For Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Building/Land Use Permit For . Army Corp of Engineers Permit Legal description for advertising. Checklist -Se Copies of Plat v/ Fee ,// Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1/~ x 11) '/~' Drainage Plan ~/// Certificate to Plat ¢// Topo Map 3 Copies v// Aedal Photo v'/ Soils Report 4 Copies Housing Stock Map Cf~ Pedestrian Walkways Zoning Map ~./~ Landscaping Requirements Water: ,// Private Wells Community Well Sewer. ~// Private Septic Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utilib/ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRF. LIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE REC'D BY: A, Please fill in the information requested below, Pdnt one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LoTs 34). Ill ITl l,-lul Ic.l 5. ~ISTING abbreviated legal description ~12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS ~) full legal on back page. 6. Petittone?a Name (Last - First) Ci~~_ State Phone ~ ~%~- ~[ Zip 7. Petitioner's Representative Phone # ~'~'~- ~'J~-J~o Zip OtCt, 5 [% 8. Petitfon Area Acreage 9. Proposed Number Lots 10. Existing 11. Gdd Number 12. Zone Number Lots 13. Fees 14. Community Council I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval ortho subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned headng dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board. P ann ng Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Signature - ' *Agents must provide written proof of authorization. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan-- Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Margina~ Land CommerciaVIndustrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. Rezoning Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Vadance Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Legal description for advertising. F. Checklist '~e Copies of Plat '.-'/ Fee ,¢/' Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1/~ x 11) '/~ Drainage Plan ~ Certificate to Plat v~ Topo Map 3 Copies '."// Aedal Photo ~/ Soils Report 4 Copies Housing Stock Map t'Jfl~ Pedestrian Walkways Zoning Map I~/p, Landscaping Requirements '~ Water: ,-// Private Wells Community Well v/ Sewer. v/ Private Septic Community Sys. Waiver Public Utility Public Utility '(' 35 2 5 364.5 07.5 384.5 457.0 / 46%0 / 435.5 4500 / .' 46.5 ~1'045 ?.O / Municipality of Anchora e g , DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alask~ 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ¢b¢~ ~/~ ~%~¢~ Township, Range, Section: ~]~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 :20 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED.* SLOPE SITE PLAN S~: I S IF: YES, AT WHAT ~ oE~TH~ //-/, 5' p Depth ID Water Alter Reading Date Gross Nat Depth to Nat Time Time Water Drop _~ ~ ~ ~5 ~o ~ /~//u" 5//~" PERCOLATION RATE ?/-"" '~ '~ (m,nutes/,nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~:~ FT ANO __--.~--. FT COMMENTS PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MUnlclpallly ol ~flcflorag~ ///4 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PE~CO~TION TEST ~:~.. ...'~ ~ i ~ ?~. .........:; -, ~v.~ 1 3 4 7 g i0 ii 12 la l§ 17' 18- COMMENTS '7'-/W' 02,. SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? __/~'~ S IF YES, AT WHAT / ~) DEPTH? /$ p E Moniloring?Depth to Water Alter Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop / ~/;,~/'~,5 7-- -- 17.',/~ SO 7-'/./ /~/1~,,,//{/u" ~ ," I~,; 5~ 3~ ?:L~ ?1)(~,, .//'//~' ,, ~ ,.- ./; 7../ ~o z.~ ~//~,', ////~,' PERCOLATION RATE ~'/~.,~ (m~nutes/~nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN__'~' .r" FT AND ____c'~ FT PERFORMED BY: ~'~' ~ I .-.~~ CF-RTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFQRMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST . LEGAl_ DESCRIPTION: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS Township, Range, Section: .-.~/,~/,.~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S b IF YES, ATWHAT 0 DEPTH? p E Olptll 1o Willf Alter Mmlitoring? Oale: Reading Date Gross Net Def~th to Net Time T~me Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~' (mmules/,ncnl PERC HOLE DIAMETER ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MI. JNIOIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE; MunicipaLity ol Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SO/L. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND ' ATER s IF YES, ATWHAT //,) ~ / ~ DEPTH~ /~' p E o~,m~ow~A~er/'~'~ .~..~ Mofliloring~ Oat~ Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Dro~ PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ / minutes/tach) PERC HOLE DIAMETER Municipalily ot Anchorage ~-.~-~~ '~' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ~~":'~"~'"~ ..... :' ;' ~] 825 '*L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 r¢.~.~ L=,¢~.,:~..:;:~c~ ..:,?~::;,, SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST I'~'%~.,, ,, ..?;~?' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~b¢~N ~/~2 ~5 Township, Range, Section: ~/~ ~./~ ~E~. /D ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? s L IF YES, ATWHAT 0 DEPTH? p E SLOPE SITE PLAN Oeplll to Walar Alter Monitoring? Reading Date Gross Net OeDth to Net Time Time Water Orol~ I ¢b,I/ rt?5 PERCOLATION RATE /~)' 9/ (m,nutos/mcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN aETWEEN ~ FT ANO __~----~._FT COMMENTS PERFORMED aY: ~; /~' k~;~'~ t ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE ANO MUNICIPAL GUIOELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. ?~.//-L'7.,'/'~' ~' 3601 C SL, Su~ 800 A~mhorage, AK 99~03-5935 Phone: (~0'7)762-2163 OR (907) FAX TRANSMITTAL MEMO DATE; TIME: O: ~ O~~.,~'''1~ PNONE: '/~ FAX #: :0/DEPT: _ 'ROM: 'c.. ,.,,...,.Q.---' PHON E: HVISION OF MINING AND WATER MANAGEMENT FAX ~: (907) 58,3.-185:3 OR (g07) ,562-1364 lUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET:_ ~ F YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL THE SENDER AS 8DON AS POSSIBLE ;OMMENTS: ~,:\WP $ 'i %FILES\FAX 01/95 Bristol Environmental Services Corporation A Subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Cortyoratio~ Project Number 6014YM-00 October 6, 1995 Via Hand Delivery Mr. James Cross, P.E. Department of Health and Human Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage AK 99519-6650 Mr. Cross: At the request of Turner Construction Co., Inc., I am providing you this transmittal in response to the Platting Board approval of S-9764 Glenn View Estates Subdivision. The approval was granted subject to plat condition number 9 that includes "resolving...the availability of water with DHHS". I understand that you have requested that a well be drilled and tested on the property to address this issue, however I have reviewed the information available for the site and it appears that water availability concerns can be adequately addressed with existing information for the area. This letter presents a summary of my Findings on this issue. The principal finding supported with information presented below is that a safe and adequate volume of water is available for domestic purposes for the proposed twenty lots at Glenn View Estates Subdivision without drilling and testing a well on the subject property. I would like you to review this information and, if appropriate, concur with this finding to satisfy plat condition nurnber 9 with regard to the availability of water. BACKGROUND Glenn View Estates Subdivision is located in an area that has extensive mapping of groundwater resources stemming from the Peters Creek Fuel spill discovered in 1986 (Munter, 1986a) and an areawide report published by the U.S. Geological Survey (Brunett and Lee, 1983). The property is also located about one eighth mile from an aquifer test that was conducted in 1986 (Munter, 1986b). Numerous driller's logs of water wells are available for the subdivisions surrounding the property. These data present a fairly complete and detailed picture of groundwater conditions that can be expected at the property, which is summarized below. Surficial geologic deposits at the site are mapped as glacioalluvium, described as "chiefly sand and gravel, but locally includes discontinuous lenses of silt, clay, or diamicton... "(Brunett and Lee, 1983). The thickness of this unit is not well documented, however nonlithified materials are mapped as approximately 200 ft thick beneath the property (Munter, 1986a). Nonlithified deposits are underlain by sedimentary or metamorphic rocks that are poor aquifers in the area. P.O. Box 100320, Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 800 Cordova Street, Suite 104, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone (907) 258-7922; Fax (907) 258-6137 page 2 Bristol Environmental Services Corporation A Subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Co~ooration All well records that I reviewed surrounding Glenn View Estates Subdivision obtain water from unlithified deposits overlying bedrock. Using about 71 well logs from the area, Munter (1986a) mapped two sand and gravel aquifers that appear to extend under the property. These are the Four-Wheel Drive aquifer and the Ski Road aquifer. The Four-Wheel Drive aquifer is shown to occur at a lower elevation and to the west of the Ski Road aquifer. Reported yields of wells tapping the Four-Wheel Drive aquifer is 3 to 13 gallons per minute (gpm), while reported yields of wells tapping the Ski Road aquifer are 5 to 100 gpm, with most wells reporting 5 to 25 gpm. SITE EVALUATION Review of Well Data I reviewed the logs of 14 wells surrounding Glenn View Estates Subdivision that were selected based on their close proximity to the subdivision (see attached). This should be regarded as a representative sampling of wells in the area because logs are not available for all wells. One log reportedly encountered bedrock at a depth of 166 ft and was drilled to 305 ft. The well was perforated between 93-96 ft and 116-118 ft and obtains water from water-bearing gravels in these intervals. The 14. logs show a depth range of 90 to 221 ft, except for the bedrock well. Reported available drawdown data are available for 13 wells. Available drawdown ranges from 17 ft to 95 ft in these wells with an average of 43 ft. Reported yields of the 14 wells range from 3 to 100 gpm, with an average of 20 gpm and a median of 11 gpm. For 10 wells with reported drawdown information, the range of calculated specific capacity is from 0.007 to 3.33 gpm/ft of drawdown with an average of 1.2 gpm/ft of drawdown. The empirical method of Driscoll (1986, p. 1021) was used to estimate transmissivity from specific capacity data. This method results in an estimated transmissivity of 2,400 gpd/ft2 or 320 ft2/day for aquifers in the area, using an average specific capacity of 1.2 gpm/ft of drawdown. Based on the type and thickness of aquifer materials reported in geologic reports and well logs, this is considered to be a reasonable estimate for transmissivity at Glenn View Estates Subdivision. One aquifer test was conducted in 1986 only 1/8 mile from Glenn View Estates Subdivision. This test produce 60 gpm with less than 17 ft of drawdown, resulting in a specific capacity of at least 3.5 gpm/ft of drawdown (Munter, 1986b). Although drawdown data could not be collected in the production well, nearby wells were monitored showing very little or no drawdown. A minimum projected well yield for the well was 100 gpm. The data provided "an indication that a relatively productive aquifer is present in the vicinity of the ... well". Projected Impacts of 20 New Wells In order to estimate the cumulative effects of pumping 20 new domestic wells at Glenn View Estates Subdivision on surrounding well owners, I performed a Theis (1935) analysis. The Theis P.O. Box 100320, Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 800 Cordova Street, Suite 104, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone (907) 258-7922; Fax (907) 258-6137 page 3 Bristol Environmental Services Corporation A Subsidiary of Bristol Bctv Native Co(z~oratio~ model is useful for providing an estimate of water level declines that can be expected to occur in surrounding wells, and is widely used. To conduct the analysis, I assumed that all of the water for the homes would come from a single well located at the center of the subdivision pumping at a constant rate of 7 gpm (10,000 gpd) for 30 years. This represents 500 gpd per household, which is the standard State of Alaska water right amount for a single family home and is a typical value used for planning average domestic water use. For the Theis calculations, I used an aquifer storativity value of 0.0001, which is typical for confined aquifers of this type. The results of the Theis calculations show that a total of 4.1 ft of drawdown is calculated at a radial distance of 600 ft from the pumping well, which approximately corresponds to the distance to the perimeter of the subdivision from the center. At a radial distance of 2000 ft, which corresponds to a distance of about 1/4 mile from the subdivision, calculated drawdown is 3.3 ft. A calculated drawdown of 4 ft represents about 10 percent of the average available drawdown in surrounding wells. This magnitude of change is comparable to what seasonal variations in water levels are expected to be in this area. This could translated to about a 10 percent reduction in potential well yield. With median well yields of about 11 gpm, this would be expected to result in no noticeable difference in well yield to the homeowner. Even a hypothetical 1 gpm well that could be affected by 10 percent, would be able to deliver 0.9 gpm, or 1300 gpd, well in excess of ordinary household requirements. Of the wells that I reviewed for this project, drawdowns of 3-4 ft would not appear to have any significant adverse effect on their ability to provide adequate quantities of water for ordinary domestic use. Recharge Availability I also conducted an analysis of potential groundwater recharge to Glenn View Estates Subdivision. The subdivision occupies 23.57 acres of land. According to Brunett and Lee (1983), average precipitation for the area is probably in the range of 15-20 inches per year. Assuming that 15 inches per year occurs, and further assuming that 30 percent of annual precipitation is available for groundwater recharge, then total potential groundwater recharge on the property is calculated to average 8,800 gpd. Considering that 20 homes may use about 10,000 gpd, and that most of this water would be returned to the ground through septic systems, the recharge that naturally occurs only on the property in question appears to be adequate to support on site water supplies. Surrounding aud Historic Development Patterns and Water Supply Problems Regionally, the Anchorage Hillside and Eagle River-Peters Creek areas have numerous subdivisions developed with on-site water and septic systems. Many of these systems are constructed on lots smaller than those proposed for Glenn View Estates Subdivision. P.O. Box 100320, Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 800 Cordova Street, Suite 104, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone (907) 258-7922; Fax (907) 258-6137 page 4 Bristol Environmental Services Corporation A &tbsidia~_ of Bristol Bay Native Co~?ratio~t. In order to determine if any well yield problems are known in this area, I inquired at the Alaska Division of Mining and Water Management (G. Prokosch and K. Litzen), the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (C. Flothe) and your office, about whether any reports of water shortages or yields problems were known adjacent to Glenn View Estates Subdivision. No such problems were identified. Some problems have been reported in the vicinity of Scimitar Subdivision about 0.5 mile away, where wells obtain water from a bedrock aquifer. As a result of the distances and the large difference in characteristics between the bedrock aquifer and sand and gravel aquifers, these problems are considered to be urn'elated to Glenn View Estates Subdivision water availability. In areas that are underlain by glacioalluvial aquifers, State and local governmental agencies do not have a history of routinely encountering water shortage problems stmnming from on site development. This suggests that there is not a widespread problem with this type of development in the Anchorage area. CONCLUSIONS The analysis presented in this letter shows that the probable impacts to surrounding well owners of development of Glenn View Estates Subdivision as proposed are likely to be very small to unnoticeable. In particular, the information provided above substantiates the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water for domestic purposes for the proposed twenty lots at Glenn View Estates Subdivision. I respectfully request your concurrence with this finding. REFERENCES Brunett, J., and Lee. M., 1983, Hydrogeology for land-use planning: Peters Creek area, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations 82-4120, scale 1:25,000, 6 sheets. Driscoll, F.G., 1986, Groundwater and Wells: Johnson Division, St. Paul, Mim~esota, 1089 p. Munter, J.A., 1986a, Ground-water contamination at Peters Creek, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska: Ground-water occurrence and movement: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Report of Investigations 86-24, 12 p. Munter, J. A., 1986b, Results of an aquifer test at Peters Creek, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Public-Data File 86-77, 7p. Theis C. V., 1935, The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using ground-water storage: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union v. 16 p. 519-524. P.O. Box 100320, Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 800 Cordova Street, Suite 104, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone (907) 258-7922; Fax (907) 258-6137 page 5 Bristol Environmental Services Corporation A Subsidiary of Bristol Bay Nati~,e Corooratio~ LIMITATIONS Work for this project was performed, and this report prepared, in accordance with generally accepted professional practices for the nature of the work completed at the same or similar localities, at the time the work was completed. It is intended for the specific use of the Department of Health and Human Services and Turner Construction Co., Inc. to determine the availability of water for Glem~ View Estates Subdivision and addressing plat S-9764 approval condition number 9. This report is not meant to represent a legal opinion and no other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Any questions regarding methods, presentation of the information, or interpretation of the data are welcome and can be addressed to the author. Sincerely, James A. Munter, CGWP Principal Hydrogeologist P.O. Box 100320, Anchorage, Alaska, 99510 800 Cordova Street, Suite 104, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone (907) 258-7922; Fax (907) 258-6137 lVI~AHORANDUM Stat~ of ~ Departm~t of Natural Reso~ Division of Mbflng sad Ws~r M~agtmont ~u~lvisio~ D~'S PD~ 8~77. ~M ~ ~ A~ T~ g P~ Cr~ M~oip~W of M~oip~i~ of~o~ ~ ~-W~ O~ ~d Movmnt B~d < ~ese ~om anJ ~ ~11 bgs p~ ~ B~] tinv~al 8~vi~ Coloron, it Exls~iag wells ~ ~ subdlv[~ w~ ~ ~o~-~11~=), Most of~e w~ll 1o~ nuppDM In~ well ylel~ f~ 1986 ~t ~ ~u~ II8 mll~ from ~ ~ sub~ion i~ m~p~ M a beli~ ~at ~b~ly somsw~ ~~ ~ ~R of 93 fi, of ~wdo~ ts'~r ~0 y~ of uon~auou~ pumping from a s~e wo~, ~m ~ ~20 d~t ~ p~,p~g i~iRmt~ would pmb~ly ~u~ ~ ~ ~t a~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~d~ fo~ ~ou~ ~o llm~ mat of ~ ~ M ~ ~ would ~ m ~me a l~g~ d~ ~ av[~l~le m wells ~ d~e ~ ~n~oli~ s~ ~d~ ~ sB~ ~d ~s do 8m~y ~mlt ~ ~ aq~ ~y m ~ ~ 1o~ ~c~se. I ~d d~s w~ Roar Alley ~d l~ M~ who ~ ~H~ ~ ~o ~{mem b ~ ~a ~d ~a~ ~l I~y~ ~ M ~ 8~ ~uld pmv~ a ~s moo~ to allow ?N'A bflC'12~lqlNfl 'Nlq ~[qd ~ql~M dN 'AI(I 'Y'N'R qN:l~l TMd qR-?T--INN SIX INCH WATER W~L DRI~D'~ND CASED O~ TO DRILLED AT THE RATE O~'~ pER'.FOOT PROPErtY OWNER · ;'-' ' WELL LOG: = ._..l, bed WdL..a~B~~ D.plh la fNt ~.~.n . WELL LOG Well Ov:ner State o£ Alaska C4r, L, . ~ '/ O w- Well Loc.'-tion Peters Creek Date Started. Z/8/?l Dote Finished l/Za/?l Driller Kenneth ~*~ Size of Casing Static k'~er Level Well Pu,,'-;p Test a'~ T .c .... To ~"~: Cased TO 152: 8' Depth of Y, ote --~ D'rawdov:n 85' Finish of ~,.~el] Ooen o ~* - Gallons per : ~' for 8 hours Formations Encountered: 0~ tO 26' Silt, Smn.i~ Gravel ~' boulders tO 88' to !30' Blow Ssmd: ver.'.¢ fine, dmmp e_nd rusty 130' to 140' ' ~O,:~S -~ clay, small water ~ ~' S ..... k?avel~ ~CO to to to to Surffed and developed water zones -¢~.th ¥~ater oe.~d. Iron: .5 PP?i H:~dness: 7 Grains 0~io Base Pattern Size Office Use Only: Pump Installation: Date installed 1/12/T1 v,~u.0 l~l Used: 126' of !~" Galvanized p~.~ ~.-~°~ ~ ~' couol~. 150' of ~" galvanized oioe (tb~e~ed & couple< ~" Foot Valve ea. -; ea. l~" x 5/4" Tee & Drain Valve ! ea. 1~" Brass Lined Cylinder with 2 leather packer and valve assembly. ~V1-W DRILl. lNG, Inc. P.O. Box 1~-378 * 10300 Old Seward Highway (907) 349-8535 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511 Well Owner DRILLING LOG Use of Well ITor~stic Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road T ~- 9 ac~ il B!od.: . Greatlanc! Estates f ', ~ nc: lc, l{ Size of casing, o .Depth of Hole =: :' feet Cased to. ~' feet Static water leve~ 160 ft. (~l~xT~-'~ (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( :~{ ); Screen ( ); Perforated ( Describe screen or perforation ~ Well pumping test at_2~ gallons per of drawdown from static level. Date of completion J~.~ 24. (minute) for ~ hours with !0"¥" Jrt; WELL LOG Depth in feet ~rom ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness o TO__ 4 A TO__ 21 21 TO_ 42 /,.2 TO S~ tO, TO ~A ,~3A TO !.q3 193 .TO 19~ TO. TO_ .TO TO. TO. TO_ TO_ 2 -- STATE OWNER OF LANI) ADI)RESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE · Started '7// PERMIT NUMBER ( er ifieh rilli { og h~ SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. SOX 3702T2, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 995~7 · TELEPHONE I)l-'l'rtl OF ~,I.:LL /~, ~ STLTIC L[-.¥£L OF ~'~FER Fi'. _ I I)R t,~,~ I)O~aN FT. GALS. PER HR '~:,~ ~ KIND OF FORMATION: FI h) .... FI.. FI. to ,, . FI. From Ft. to ..... Fl.. ,:~ d,. d.~..~'_.~ ........... Fro,,-.-- ~ _ ~" ~. ~ ~' ~ ~.~ From !'~--F'. ,o~-- F,..~(~. ____/,~: .... : From_. From .... Ft. From ...... FI. to ...... From~.Fl. to ,, FI, From , --__FI, to __- Ft ...... From FI. to Ft ....... FI l([I ' Ft~ FI Ill ____ Ft. Fr.vl___ Fl t()~ Fl. From ...... From_~Ft. From~ ,, FI, to____FI From .... FI. lo .... FI Frorn.~ FI. to____ Ft From ..... FI. to ~Ff ...... From Ft. to___.Ft. Fr~)m ..... Fl. h) __ FI. Frorn~FI to ... Ft. From , Fl, lo ..... FI MISCL. INFORMATION: WATER WELL RECORD STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE$OURES Oivllton of GlOlogi¢.l · G10;~lI¢;15~ by A & L DRILLING COMPANY BOX 97, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE 694.2588 OWNER OF LAND /~?,~ ~ ADDRESS Z. ,~ ~- -...~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION /?z. x. ,/ ,/:'/.,caz k'~ 7 DATE- S tarred ~--~ "'~'.--~'~-,~, ? g~ PERMIT NUMBER I,,.~. I / DEl'TH OF WELL STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FI'. DRAW DOWN FT. ~ GALS. PER HR KIND OF C^~IN~ ~ ~T o o 70'- KIND OF' FORMATION: From (~? Ft. to From .'?- Ft. to.,,/ From /~) Ft. to From ,,~o Ft. From /0 Ft. From / l ,5' Ft. From Ft. to_:_____. Ft.. From ____ Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to, Ft From Ft. to Ft. From Irt. to Ft. From Ft. to__Ft. From ____ Ft. to. Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft.. From Ft. to From__ Ft. to From__ Ft. to From__ Ft. to From., Ft. to From Ft. to From Ft. to From Ft. to From Ft. to From Ft. to From Ft. to, Ft. Ft. Ft, · Ft Fr. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft:. Ft. Ft, Ft. Ft. Ft. ~__.Ft.. _Ft vlISCL. INFORMATION: 7[/.~ /7' t '7/' ,,.)' DRILLER'S N,\ME . "'"' "'"' ¢1 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .J ) 4 r't ! ~O I I I 0 I I I "~ 0 ,..-t O'42 C4'~g 0'-- C-CO 10-25-1995 10:21RM FROM E,R. Enoineenin0 Sucs, TO 34~4786 L0ub Butera, P.E. Registered Civil gngineer P.01 October 25, 1995 Iim Cross, P.B. Manager, On-Site Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 Re: Glenn View Subdivision Dear 3,~ff, Cross: The ground surface slopes in above referenced subdivision are not excessive enough to adversely affect primary or reserve areas as per AMC 15.65, and all lots meet requirements of AMC 15.65.180.B. 1. Subdivision Standards minimum required area by square footage. If you iaave any questions please call our office at 694-5195. Sincerely, Louis Butera, P.E. \G:\WPDO C$\1995%9~4)49A,LTR 1 TOTRL P,O& 2 4 5 6 7 8~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19- :20- PERFORMED FOR; ~EGAL DESCmPT~ON~ ~b~'Y/V ///~ COMMENTS ~EPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 '%" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, ATWHAT 0 DEPTH;' p E OepOl Io Wlla' After ,~ Monitm'ing? ~-'c '~ Oat~ I Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water / o~/7.~/¢5 3 ~ //r e/ /~ ? ~1/~', ~/~//~" ~ ¢ I/:~ Io ~ ~/1~; ~ /~t/~" PERCOLATION RATF_. --~' ~:) {mmules~ncn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ /' _ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FTANO __~ _FT CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN .~v /~ ~. /~ PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20- ~¢rrf . o£ H~ Township, Range, Section: SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN ?t,e/ / Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 7., " 2.~ o5 .3 o D /Z/Ib," I ?t/~," ~ " ~: '~, Zo f, /z/lb," I ?t1~" e ' ~ ', o7 ~o [~ //t~" I ?11~" PERCOLATION RATE ff._~/~.~ (mmules,qncll) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TE TR'..,N, ET',',EEN -25 TA, D COMMENTS PERFORMED FOR: Munlcipallly of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~/~ ~¢~¢~% Township, Range, Section: ¢'pP <g 0/~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOU NTE R ED ? 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? Oeplh to Water Alter ,¢ Moniloring? ~r~ ~ Dale: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ " I7~: ao ~a 4 /,,,t/o," I ~l/u" -¢ . i~. ; ;¢2 5a ~ ,I/o" /¢//~,'. ~- . '/: la 30 ~ /','11/.," lull.," ~ - ~: ~ $0 § c~//u'~ t~/1~," PERCOLATION RATE ¢'~' O~ (m,nutes/incl~l PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND JO . FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~' ~-' ~ I ~¢~-z.-~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERI-'ORMED IN ACCOROANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON TMIS DATE, DATE, Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 '%" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN s L IF YES, ATWHAT O DEPTH? p E Oeplh to Waler Alter Monilorino? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net '~me Time Water Drop I o~1t~/~5 ~- " 17'. T~ 3~ 5 ~/1"'" I ~/~" ~ ~ 1:~ ZO ~ /3/Io' I ~11~ w ~ /: 39 ~o 6 ~t~u" { PERCOLATION RATE ~'(]',~_~ (mmute,~,nc~) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST~UN ~TWEE~ ~ ~TAND ~' FT COMMENTS Municipallly of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Legal D~SCmPTION: (~UgNW YI~W 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 20 r~. Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE Pi_AN WAS GROUND WATER ~NCOUNTERED? /j o S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p Deptl~ to Waler Ailer ,~ ~/.~ ?,./f.f. Mo,niloring7 ~ "'.7 Oal~ Reading Date Time Time Water Orop ?' " I: Z. ? /~) ? ~,//z," ~ /~/l~o" PERCOLATION RATE ~,~/ imll~ljH~.~Jl,C~l, PERC ~-~OLE DIAMETER b" TEST RUN BETWEEN F FT AND /~) FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~- ~'~ I CERTIFY THAT T~IS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Munlcipallly of Anchorage 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SO LS -- E CO T O. TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~U~ ~/~ ~(~5 Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~2 ~3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 P1L 5u/ ~-~H'rb'/ /+1015 7' SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~ o Sl L; IF YES, ATWHAT Oeplh Io W~ter Alter . Moniloring7 ~J/*..~ Ozl~: ~'/~ ~/~" Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop / ~!/~/~ ~n~ ~ ~- ?; ~F ,'¢ ¢ 5 51/~' i~//~,, PERCOLATION RATE ~'~' ~)1~1' (mmules/mch) PERC HOLE OIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ¢ 5 .T AND ~, ¢_~T COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ,~- ~ ~ I ~/'~-~'¢_~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFgRMED IN Munlcipalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~W~. OATE PERFORMED g~ Township, Range, Section: ~j~ ~1~ ~, /0 ~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ~.~ /v ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? p Oeptll lo Walm' Monitoring;:' Oale: I I Gross Net Oef3th to Net Reading [:)ate Time Time Water Drop 7- ,- 9:~7 I~, '7 'l/u" t ~//u " ~ .- ?.'~ /o ~ ~1/~,~ i ~i/~,, TESTRUN BETWEEN .--~--~ FTANO_ ~7 _FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~'~'"*~ I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 '%" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAl DESCRiPTiON; 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, ATWHAT O DEPTH? p E Momloring? Dale: Township, Range. Section: '7'"/~/'J ~./A,' ~E&. /O ~j't4 SLOPE SITE PLAN Gross Net Oepth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop / o~t/~,/?~ //,'~ ~,4~ ?. " 0;5 f o" .z" q " t:r;I ¢" ;~' PERCOLATION RATE ~ / tmmules/mcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~,O FT AND __ ? FT PERFORMED BY: ~ ~' ~:'~"'~ I /~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Munlclpalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS ~ ~'~ ~ '~ "t ¥. r~ ', Louis A. ~.u~era · ~'~ / I~"". ...... ~ -~'~ Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES. AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E OepIlt Io Water Alter_/ Maniloring? ~, Gross Net Dal~th to Net Reading Data Time Time Water Orop ~ ' /:1o ~" Z" U ~ /.' o? 0" S" PERCOLATION RATE ~' (mmuleszmchl PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~/1 TEST RUN BETWEEN q'5 FTAND .__~, 5 .FT PERFORMED BY: ~ ~ ~ I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PER,CORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' S[reet, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DATE P~R FORMED: Township, Range, Section: -~/~ ~./~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Oeplll Ia Water Ailer ~,. Monitoring? Oal.' Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Crop PERCOLATION RATE .~2~,) C6" (mmutes/mc~) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~-P FT AN[:) '"~ FT PERFORMED GY: ~ ~ ~ ~ I __~~r CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality at Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HLJMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street Anchorage Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ¢~,.. c~-~73~ ,..%~.~ . ......... LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ¢~ ~/~ ~%~¢~¢ Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN s L IF YES, ATWRAT O DEPTH? p E Oe[~lh to Water After Reading Oate Gross Net Oepth to Net Time Time Water Orop / o~,1/,/195 //,'5~ 7,. ,. ~o 0" ~,, ~ - 37. 0., ~,. PERCOLATION RATE ~ / Im,nules,';nct~) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'¢ 5 FTAND ~FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~-'*~ I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATEANO MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE. PERFORMED FOR: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES SOILS LOG -- PERCEPTION TEST w,,s GROUND W~TER ENCOUNTERED? Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN S L IF YES, AT WHAT 4~ / O DEPTH? / p E Oeptlt Io Water After 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I I Reading Date Gross Net Oeoth to Ne~ Time Time Water Drop / ~//'~/~$ ~o~ ,g ,,. ~, : ~5 /:$5 Z.. ', ~, ,, '~ " I :¢/0 0" ~ " ~ ' /: -~? 0" -'~" PERCOLATION RATE ~' / (mmutes/mcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~' FT AND __ ~ _ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~' ~ I ~~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCEWITHALLSTATEANOMUNICIPALGUIOEL,NESIN EFFECTONTHISDATE. OATF~ ~z'~-~2/'~/~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2o Township, Range, Section: ~/¢~ ~./~ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED? _ .,~/--~'-~ S IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ~:~, 7 pO E Oept~l lo Water ^Her ~/"/~' 7/¢5"" Monitoring? ~", 7 Dale: Reading Data Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Orol~ PERCOLATION RATE__~ / tm,nutes.qnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~.~./1 TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~' 5 FT AND "~' ~'' FT COMMENTS CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS ~ERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG ~ PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL OESCRIPTION: ~R Y/¢~ ~¢~¢~¢ Township, Range, Section: 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS WAS GROUNO WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN s IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? E Oeplll lo Water Alter Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~'LT~ tm,nutes/mch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN SETWEEN __6¢ FT AND __-¢----.. FT PERFORMED BY: ~ ~ ~"~ L ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: '~/~' YI~I,42 E5'~'1'~5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" StreeL Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Township, Range, Section: COMMENTS SLOPE SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? L IF YES, ATWHAT O DEPTH? p E Moniloring? ~? Oale: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop _~ " I/: 55 1~ 5 '//~" / 5t/~" ~ - i~: ~ /¢ ~ ,//~' / ~//~" PERCOLATION RATE '~' ~"~ tm,nuLes/,ncnl PERC HOLE DIAMETER __. TEST RUN BETWEEN ,~7 FT AND __?~_FT PERFORMED BY: '~ ~-''~ I ~~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORO*N~ W,TH A~.~T*T~*NO ~,,~,~,~, ~.,,,~, ,~,~ ~.¢.~ 0~ ~,~ ~*~ ~ ~u/ ~?l 9 ~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ¢,~,'~/,N Y/gl,9 E57'/~?'65 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Township, Range, Section: SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L iF YES, ATWHAT 0 DEPTH? p E Oeplll Io Water AHer Monitoring? SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 7-. ,- ~.; ¢6, _~O ~ ~/lu', /0//¢" PERCOLATION RATE /'TZ~ (m,nute~mcn) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~2/1 TEST RUN BETWEEN ? FTANO _ ~______FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~ ~-' '~ I ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WASpERFqRMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE ANO MUNICIPAL GUIOELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 ).'¢-~.~-, L~,h .'~. ~u~er,~ ,:' ~.,~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~D~N ~/~ ~5 Township, Range, Section: 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER /x) D ENCOUNTERED? · IF YES, AT WHAT (~ DEPTH? -- p Oeplh lo Water Aller Monitoring/ _~. "" ~ Dale; Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop I o~,//eI¢5 £'o~ q ~ z, ~ ~2 ~ ~t/~" / ~//~" PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/mctel PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND "~ Fm COMMENTS Municipality ol Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: "/'O'rZ.'Y ~:/~ gO,,V:5'7: /.-O'7' /~,, 79? $o/~. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 I Gm- ug row,,/ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS (~e C~- , /~e,~ L IF YES, AT WHAT O: DEPTH? p E: 01~1111 ID Water After /~ Moniloring? ~F_? Oa~e~ Reading Date Gross Net Oel~th to Net Time Time Water Orol~ ? :~//~,/¢. .~,'~_. ,g- ~- ~ './~ Z~ 5 ?t/~' 1 ~//o" PERCOLATION RATE -?._.?' ~)~/ {minutes/tach} PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN 7' 5 FT AND __~5~" ,~ FT PERFORMEDSY: ~ '~' ~'~'~ I ~~~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~ ~._ 19 20 COMMENTS ,,~..~v.,, .... . ..... "~,0.~ / ' ~PROFF SS%~~ Township, Range. Section: ~/5~ ~1~ ~E~. /O 5~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SLOPE SITE PLAN S IF YES, ATWHAT ~ DEPTH? p Depth to Wster Alter ~,r.~ M~itoring? -I N I I Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time T~me Water Drop ~ ,- 7~,/~ ~ /-/ 91/u,, 7//~, .3 ,- ~; ,4/ ~o ~ '~l/c," /.,,ILL.," l-I ,' ~ : 1'7. I PERCOLATION RATE '~' (~ (mmuteS/,ncl~l PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~' 5 FT AND ---~' -~ _ FT PERFORMED BY: ~ ~ ~ I ~ CERTIFY TIHAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMI-'D IN ~i~j ~/ - ~" ¢ WOODED ~ .- ~ ~ ~/' fi S ~"05'0~ E 997.22' CHAPEL DRIVE I SMITH TERRACE SUB. LOMARU SUB. 8 WOODED HOLLOW SUB. z! ii - ,, ' ~'~' .' ~ ~!~ ' ' I~,, I z SMITH TERRACE SU~. ~ LOMARU SUB. Z