HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRANITE VIEW BLK 7 LT 2Granite View Block 7 Lot 2 #014-302-10 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DE. tTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERI cS _ Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NameDISTANCES 13e'yy-`? IT S-A Tp FROM SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD WELL Address 3 U .� � Na,tfi C/rG/G /Qnc/ia--•ye iiK P 1'j-09 WELL 2 Phones) Permit No. No. of Bedrooms 3yy2i6� 666.21/4 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT LINE �f b yo < z Lot Block Subtliwson C.n� FOUNDATION "y CIO / Township, Range, Section % /2 N !Z .3 � AS -BUILT DIAGRAM driveway, water bodies, (Show location of well, etc.) septic system, property lines, loundation, TANKS SEPTIC ❑ HOLDING Manufacturer Art r 4 0'-a e— Capacity in gallons /0 C"o Material No. of Compartments TYPE OF SYSTEM E)"iRENCH ❑ BED ❑ W. DRAIN ❑ OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from original grade FT Total depth from original grade g FT Fill added above original grade FT Gravel, depth beneath pipe S� FT o Gravel length 8 FT Gravel wiom % t 'V'PA S/o-% FT V Total absorption area qb D SQ FT Distance bet wej' lines %" FT Number of lines Soil rating /S a SOFT Pipe material Installer// Qehe6("C Date Installed Q / �l/-Ub dA����`�'j'�' _ O 00 4.1 WELLS ❑ PRIVATE ❑ OTHER (Identify) o 12, O Z Classdicahon (ABC) Total Depth FT Cased to FT Installer Date Installed: "-- -" - Y� 2.0 REMARKS: — Go — i N nfr-re S S*in PAJ /iqe. 'fv /,vcrs� >itS'cr/a-"%cG N/r'f'H 7 "pyow C1(•f'r"vd-2Lk Sr'aa� SCale: Inspections Date: /fir= .3h, Performed n"'�fy�^ by: - ENGINEER'S SEAL n G certify that this inspection was perlormed according to all I // ,yam Municipal and Slate guidaf nes in elfecl on this dale: ;7-Z a v — Health Department Approval: Date:. 79_ntq MlArl '� L/ ^ ' � ��act �X -1 "w" �����FOE ��� DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION * ' 825 L STREET, ANCAORAGE, AK 99501 � Ell NJ 10 1 - 0 !E.-..� M FEE bi FEE K tic QA;P F:,.. J "I�� PERMIT NO: DATE ISSUED: APPLICANT: ADDRESS: CONTACT PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIP: LOT SIZE: MAX BEDROOMS: 860244 ` 07/21/86 BETTY ASH 3038 N. CIRCLE. ANCHORAGE, AK 99507 349- 768 SUBDIVISION: GRANITE VIEW SECTION: 22 TOWNSHIP: 12N 14368 (SQ"FT. OR ACRES) 3 Listed be1ow areLhe options available to you system" Choose Lhe option that best [its your BY 0 H/EU���U� DEP|H |O PIPE 130 11 (FT"> 4"0 8RAVEL DEPlH (FT.) 5,0 �TOTAL DEPTH (FT.) 9,0 GRAVEL WIDTH (FT.> 2.5 GRAVEL LENGTH (FT.) � 46"0 GRAVEL VULUME (CU"YDS") 23.5 TANK SIZE (GALS) 1,000"0 ** SOIL RATlNG (SQ"FT"/BR) 152 LOT: 2 RANGE: 3W in designing site" BLOCK: 7 your septic ** TANK MUST HAVE AT LEAST TWO COMPARTM .TS �..... --- --- ... ....����� I . certiiy that: ` 1. I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and the State of Alaska" 2, I will i1-1 stall the si�ystem in accordance V4ith all MOA codes and regulations� and in compliance with the design criteria of' this permit. 3 I will adhere to all MOA and State of Alaska requirements .1or the set back � distances {rom any existing well, wastewater disposal system or public sewerage system on this or any adjacent or, nearby lot. � 4. I understand that this permit is valid for a maximum off 3 bedrooms and � any enlargement will require an additional permit, IF A LIF[ STAlION IS INSTALLED IN AN AREA COVERED BY MOA BUILb/NG CODES, THEN (1) AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION MUST BE OBTAINED; (2) AS~BUILTS WILL. NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT; AAD (3) THE ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN,' !S[GNED SM. ICA ISSUED DATE: -h.~_-~_~ DATE: .._704 lsi�_ (ENGINEER'S SEAL) e Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES t�� 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST �t PERFORMED FOR: C7zyledir t C�yn.1'fictG'!7 �/�-- DATE PERFORMED: it �� _196i - LEGAL DESCRIPTION:.yra')de View 8 L Township, Range, Section: S ,, 2 z-F12ts"1z_3Lr T SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 q�. 1 L 2 3 (n1 0, nt y itire o f S w,d s+ lF) eui eL 5rwv<{ 1 .A very o) vndan } 4 Al 51v 1c - 5 6 7 8 9 Mu rea 10- 12 0 12 13 rN' 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 GP rr ra.rzl ) (oil S ii'il i5 niaS.t�'f �e4 cls WAS GROUND WATER P y rock ,,,,x117 ENCOUNTERED? 5ewe� Coarla b(ad( ScnS L 6e..1-WeeN IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? P t -)1l j/ 6r" E Depth to Water After c� y C Monitoring? Date: V1 O -�4' d Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Gj Jv! i s v G d zoo 10 3S` as zoo p L!v /0 33" Z1 2,2,0 — 6U 23T� r0 -3 Lav �b 20 lul G iD Z•Uy �n2G PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIA TEST RUN �BZ/FTAND 3 FT lVrn 2 F cCSo GJrtS'COMMENTS �0 J-4--GA> d�tq r 'Kt 6 Ae_ wYS W '7'H-/ b AVbISs614 /a7CL"A/ cuyt/tiu '1�/ Gf�L PERFORMED BY: 4/ e C S Ie - f %! CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLSTATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFF , nN THIS nATF nATF G whl'v /XO v 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) = I - I`yI v 9 3•`'1 J 25 Q� I'D a 10°T�p,ENt BG°�Ev —3r�-2-6v"'--- 139 80 25 25 139.80 103.03 \� 85.00 X55.00 p-j0 -- WEST 164;80 00 S A WEST 164.80_ 00 6 _A_ 00 (83-33) WEST 300.00 HHG - EAST _ 540.0 2635.87 093-33) 300.00 EAST oo n EIGHTY EIGHTH =lo 0 ! 165.0030 30 _ - _ _ 150 00 _ _ 120,00 X10° 120,`0 1 150.00 30 30 16! EW E°m1 8Y 987p878 N • ,o m N q1 m 7 w 34 �a\ / !0 MI l0 ' n _n i« 2 m` 9 N o; i =° 0cu /Ooh V Z o o° y 56 °°s 50 g051j9/ V 644 ♦J° \Comp CO P V p U /� \ ^r ♦� 0 6 Q 0 0 o / O Ula\ \S o� 5 o° °oma 7 ♦�'♦ bAro C7 YoJ p0�, n o� $ 0 0' Y. 0: M % PO �-'� 6.96 3.. 9`3 yl� w C `� % �/ 6' Opp ?i /B R'33 p _h ,,t� ro 0 / Come Comb - ,ZgOp° 411;. 60.59 tl2 6 .0 60 00 Q� _ 9 (:998 1 6_89 5300 G wt 696696 yy� p 4, 3 7i.00 30 30 696.8' jse Exrsfmj Gib ta� Np `\G ._ / pY� ' �' - m / a � "' / o ':. 1 �a ,,�e 11 -✓tel p ■i n �j / X69 ov-) IV Gin Vie -j 6 `� GT =90=13" a '13� o /d♦l\ ( v.'° �o+Yi"i too' j to // S s ant7s.5s �'. - 4-i3 119.5 14j �0 L°fL 9tnP�..� renl�<J'/a<tli���ty - WI 74.65 �/luS-frtiX2 la /lie ve rt 44 .ieP �ll ('4.i/t-AJ /6 90. O: p:0Bo38�2Tn�1 ' /0 EX fava-fV� f/vou// F!/EGD �v P VCA/FV nbr /O:. p ) well 9 9ya C `C s rAsnl 7$6P � ✓ o P G iifnrKE /�M a/� Gvt/! 1 N O V'% c„ �owNCA 6y� ow hR 1 9 d ^ N Q) ♦ � ` Bo38'2 p;0g9 54 � 30 - p:09°3 5 Ool co,-v v m N890 Cn n -3�'S2 b // T: LB 18 ° 30 i p.29031'18 LR=690.00 `g886 r pp A=10008'50" O 14160 '�yJ "m m /4 m Qi V �rAR 17 July /y /19CL e; 6P 1, 7�' S Jtiowy �� of 1 N89°53'00"E 140.00 N8905300"E 140.00 z N69053'00"E 140.00 `\�0 T N 2 2 ;. a r ' n u r.o 1Rot,.gl� 81k 7 Gra nate Vied sc�401-4. �..0 V 1-077! tb .t. O c j;*- f C- R N %4 %-T' C-5= VA E—W 25 k.) %- ����. ���a y`'�op :�3)�ev�F•��r� ���,-nr_-J, S��r��go�o� GUSTAV V. JOHNSON CONSULTING ENQUIEgn Do; I Danurnbs it: own C" To ., A' Q;, - ._. . - . " _ . ''I I .. . � 1 .1 neu "Ova I Dp", U! wno Static unteYl level-, a: Roma rk KAI CNI ra.& Vc�'o AAROW PUMP & WER EROCE, LLC P.O. Box 110496 Anchorage, AK 99511 Office: (907) 346-9355 • Fax (907) 333-8976 Eagle River: (907) 622-9335 --�y / CUSTOMER r � -30 3 /1/4 ir ` t�,'r c e ST/N Ago 5e 7 014- �307--10 MWOOCE N° 07875 JOB SITE ra0W3 � /l/rtl. ` 4 -7- of 6 J I- - .J /M�Q(I.CE � I -0 •7 77-0-2 WELL DEPTH SSM. CHLORINATED PUMP DEPTH S LLESPERSON QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT -o U, i Qv` 6'\ -9 P o 70 4 e , w -el l i 'tom L0Ps71� W! to a Q h w6e 4 etc k ' Ir u rM t- r rG je ra to I eq LABOR RATE AMOUNT TOTAL MATERIAL O Ila o. Q 6 TOTAL LABOR 360 -22 no WORK ORDERED BY DATE COMP. TOTAL LABOR ^ PAY THIS AMOUNT y �O Thank You w — SIGNATURE (I Hereby AcknowledgeSatisfactory Completion of the Above Described Work and agree that If above work Is riot paid for in 90 days I agree 10 allow Aarow Pump 3 Well Service, L.L.C. the right to remove unpaid for equipment and charge for labor already performed 8 labor to remove unpaid for equipment.) TERMS: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AT 10TH OF MONTH FOLLOWING PURCHASE SERVICE CHARGE AT RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OVERDUE ACCOUNTS. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE • DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services M� On -Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. # 01it - �Q' \n 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Gof 2, L'/oeGc -7, 6-rzt/niI-e (/r.ew Location (site address or directions)- 3 319 Nmrth C(r-cl Property owner Oef- ,X ASA _ Day phone 277 —3S3,b' Mailing address 3038 Norte �rcEL} °AAc�ia� ev hk 99so7 Lending agency seQW-e Mc�h%Tfe Day phone GK z S -d Z6' Mailing address Sha 6 3 y - 4k 919S-03 Agent N A Re Fin ancln-r- Day phone Address Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well Public water NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 72-025 (Rev. 1191) Front MOA 021 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I furtherverify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm FW'{:!;�ri 7echl7r'ca/ SerL1ccw Phone 9 11,6"-- i3SS Address 1 `r' S3 o rE/cho Sf. A/7 cloor7r A k 9997( Engineer's signature DateMuy 27, /992 -7 6. DHHS SIGNATURE Approved for bedrooms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for Additional Comments bedrooms, with the following stipulations: CAUTION The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employeesof DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91) Back MOA 021 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: LOT 2, OLK 7y 6RANirE ✓16k/ Parcel LD A. WELL DATA Well type PR WATE If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number Log present (Y/N) Y Date completed 1 O 17160 Driller SWAFFARD DRILLING Total depth 100' Cased to 100, Casing height 15 e Sanitary seal (Y/N) Date of test Static water level Well flow Pump level FROM WELL LOG Io/716O 4s' / J SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL TO Septic/holding tank on lot J)0' Absorption field on lot 13E, Public sewer main y too r Public sewer service line a ADO r WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Wires properly protected (Y/N) AT INSPECTION s/2ilgZ ' oz Z F) 8 2 / f "i 6 �C -_e m y y r r M N rte- -G g.p.m. 7 3 g.p=ra'. o MMID N ®< 0 � In n, � m On adjacent lots y /oo t On adjacent lots too, Public sewer manhole/cleanout > toot Petroleum tank NoNe 08SER✓ED Coliform /lCPo m t Nitrate 0. I my Other bacteria O ca f /100 sn� Date of sample: .5 12d9 2 Collected by: FLATTOP TEct! 61C9 B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed 7I 29 4 ($b Tank size 1000 GAL Compartments Cleanouts (Y/N) Foundation cleanout (Y/N) Y Depression (Y/N) N High water alarm (Y/N) N • /t. Alarm tested (Y/N) N,A Date of pumping 5'/2x/92 h,, lsaacf SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK TO: Well(s) on lot 110 - - On adjacent lots I I0 Foundation— To oundation To property line 40 Absorption field i5 r - Water main/service line u Surface water/drainage 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Front MOA 21 CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE C. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons Vent(Y/N) High water alarm level "Pump on" level at Meets MOA electrical codes (Y/N) Manufacturer Manhole/Access (Y/N) SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM LIFT STATION TO: Well on lot D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA On adjacent lots "Pump off' level at Cycles tested Surface water _ Date installed 729 s14/ 8;6 Soil rating 152 Q'190kM / System type TRE�Ic4 Length 4$ Width 14 Gravel thickness S� Total depth q / Total absorption area 4go a, Cleanouts present (Y/N) i Depression over field (Y/N) _ N Date of adequacy test 5121112 Results (pass/fail) PASS for 3 - bedrooms Peroxide treatment (Past 12 months) (Y/N) Nouf KnlOwn( — If yes, give date u •A SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD TO: Well on lot 13S — On adjacent lots > /o0 1 — Property line 2 0 To building foundation G0 To existing or abandoned system on lot tS On adjacent lots >2o Cutbank NA. Water main/service line Surface water y/oo ( Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area ?0 Curtain drain NONE o gSER✓9?) E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Signature J'/�- c T 712e.,e ti Engineer's Name _ T6 eOckre- F. I•-toar'<- DateMrAy %. /99? HAA Fee $ / 20 .rte Date of Payment Receipt Numbers—��%(� ) 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Back MOA 21 AV &A' •' (�; � .f d }:THEODORE K. AAOORE p a"✓f Q X CE -3589 '}-7411 Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Receipt Number �; r4C%04AG[ AYF9 uJ •�a c r � 9 'C9/P£0 lATN49Y � GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received (0 5 Time of Inspection 0 Date of Inspection 2- � 7 �/- REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 1. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: d i e Phone: ,27E:-7 —, 7&'-323�7 X 2. Property Owner:�h e f_Phone: 34- -3 4;"- Mailing Address: 20-5 -� �a r p 3. Legal Description: 4. Location: 30 --3,p 5. Type of facility to be inspected d,,_,jZ�No. of bedrooms L� 6. Well Data: A. Type -Q B. Depth C. Construction 61 I~ �`/d _7 y D. Bacterial Analysis (I/ K "e5 %� 7. Sewage Disposal System: �,�_�� -2'w dytg�.W� A. Installed C. Septic Tank: 1. Size B. Installer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: 2. Manufacturer 2. Material A. Well to: Septic tank Absorption area _ Nearest lot line Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ -034 (1/74) , Sewer Lines , Page 1 of two pages Page 2 of two pages - Rey,Asst for Approval of Individual s & Water Facilities Legal Description comments Approved A 4 z Disapproved Ap roval Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM Date /(9 "%y Quality I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these faci ities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED EQ -034 (1/74) Date �1 ` GREATER ANCHORAGE ARLA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" St., Anchorage, Alaska 99503 s 274-4561 r_ 6. Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 7 Grantte View S/D 3038 North Circle Location: 7. Type of Facility to be inspected: sgl family dwelling No. Bdrms. 3 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility _ Individual xxx If Individual, number of dwellings presently served 1 If Individual, depth of well unknown 9. Sewage Disposal System Type.of System: Public Utility Individual (on-site) xx If Individual, date of installation unknown REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF 11 1VEI) INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES JU1' 25 1974 ANq 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO _ VA xxx GREATER q EPT. NCJ�Qjt�y�p� AREq BOROUGH FHA DOF EN 11V tV!.HEN7Ai ataY 2. Property Owner: Louie J Schroyer Mailing Address: 3038 North Circle Day Phone 344 2356 3. Name of Buyer: Charles Robert Ash Mailing Address: 5301 Dorbrandt No 4 Day Phone 274 4157 4. Name of Lending Institution: Alaska Statebank Mailing Address: 310 E Northern Lights Kefl--E-S'tate Phone 279 7637 Dept. Ext 30 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: None Mailing Address: Phone 6. Legal Description: Lot 2 Block 7 Grantte View S/D 3038 North Circle Location: 7. Type of Facility to be inspected: sgl family dwelling No. Bdrms. 3 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility _ Individual xxx If Individual, number of dwellings presently served 1 If Individual, depth of well unknown 9. Sewage Disposal System Type.of System: Public Utility Individual (on-site) xx If Individual, date of installation unknown ,lune 260 1974 Alaska Statebank 310 East florthern Lights Boulevard Anchorage. Alaska 99503 ATTENTION.. Rosie Parks SUBJECT: SeweandwaLe fa facilities serving Lot 2" Block 7, Granite View Subdivision near Mrs. Parks: The subject Property was inspected and the following discrepancy found. a) The well casing must be extended above the qr be exposed or the surrounding terrain lowered. egroan the well sto eSPrevent there must be sufficient drainage away standing water neer the casing. A water sample has been taken and sent to the State Lab and results are pending. if you have any questions please reel 'Free to contact me at 27445611, extension 135. Sincerelys, Los Buchholz. P.'S.. Sanitarian LB/ko cc: Louie 5chroyer 3038 North Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99507 .d Alaska�Jl SMteba! lk 310 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99504 9071277-7681 Greater Anchorage Area Borough JUL ' 01974 AM 3500 Tudor Rd Anchorage Alaska 9 EAT%ANtHPRAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPT. P ENVIRON ,NtNtAt QUAIITY Subject: Water and Sewer Facilities serving Lot 2 Block 7 Granite View Subdivision --3038 North Circle. louie Schroyer Mr. Buchholz: The above property has had the deficiencies corrected as per your letter of June 26, 1974. Please reinspect the property and send the inspection on to me. Ans /y Real Estate Dept. Alaska State Bank ADH—kSE-6-F1 (e) TArrE "A1"R S 'TIT .E TO: This Form Must Be Filled lNDINIDUAL �1A•I•EC"IcRi°SUPPLY Please Look on Reverse of Out Completely. Sheet for Sample Collection ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Instructions. Section of Sanitation and Engineering Request for Bacteriological Analysis / Lab. No............ Water sample collected b .. K % , ( """ (Name of person collecting sample) (Dat) (Time) - Water sample collected from ❑ Kitchen tap; KBathroom tap; ❑ Basement tap; ❑ Other (list) ...................... r I // yf�.7 Address premise where source is located.......... 5?_ �... y�...,e.l..".---- (Mr.) (MTs.) �. G� Mail repoA to (Miss) ..S2.h " ', x� �.,p a C/1 a2...... 5 .pit../ °..--• ............................... (Name) (Box No. or street address) (City) Please place an "X" in the box beforeite s which best describe your water supply: SOURCE: Well — E] Dug, E] Driven, gilled, ❑ Bored ❑ Spring, ❑ Cistern, ❑ Other (list)............................................................................................................... ❑ Creek, ❑ River, ❑ Lake, ❑ Pond .......................................................................... ...................................... .DUG WELL OR CISTERN CONSTRUCTION: Wails — ❑ Wood, ❑ Concrete, ❑ Metal, ❑ Tile, ❑ Brick or Concrete Block Top — ❑ Wood, ❑ Concrete, ❑ Metal, ❑ Open Top LOCATION: ❑ In basement, ❑ Basement offset, ❑ Under house, ❑ In yard Other............................................................................................................................:..................................................... DISTANCE TO: Building sewer or other drainage pipe..............feet, Septic tank ..............feet, Tile field .............. feet, Seepage pit ..............feet, Cesspool .............. feet, Privy .............. feet. Other possible sources ofcontamination (list) .................................. .................. ........ --- ................................. ............. -- ....................... MATERIAL: Building sewer — EI Cast iron, ❑ Wood, ❑ Tile, ❑ Fibre pipe, ❑ Asbestos cement Jointmaterial — Type ................... ......... ............ ------- ................... .............................................................................. GENERAL INFORMATION: Does water become muddy or discolored? f] -yes, ❑ no When? -•-- .....-/--t ----- Diameterof well........a.......................................... depth........ ....................................... :......... feet Well casing material:. � .F .: ................. diameter. ................... depth..... --------- .................. Lengthof drop pipe --- .......................................... .......................................... ................... ..................... Waterdepth from bottom ..... ............................ .......................................................................... .feet Pump location: ❑ In well, ❑ Offset in basement, f In basement ❑ In utility room, ❑ On top of well ❑ Other (list) ....................................................... ------•--••------........------................ Do you suspect_ illness from this supply? ❑ yes, N no Remarks: ........ ..........-•---.........................._..........-••---.........................--•-•-.......-----••---•-------------•-••-•........................... PLEASE DRAW A SKETCH IN THE SPACE BELOW. THIS SKETCH SHOULD SHOW LOCATION OF HOUSE, WATER SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SEWER, DRAIN LINES OR OTHER SOURCES OF POLLUTION AND DISTANCES 3ETWEEN WATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ANY OF ABOVE FACILITIES. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY THE ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OOOLZV—I-O L561 : nIJJ0 9HI1NINd 1NMNN3n00 's "n (el11YI 61 uonaadsui}o 33eQ f , .. / % Aq pa3aadsul '/apoy3ny 1131e3H IV30-Po ,S3unoD ❑ •amS ❑ :,(q apew uonaadsul -.iue }I 'Suq. Tgxa pano3dde gitm Aldwoa lou scop E]saop`•p. uonelle3sul uoudwnsuoa uewny Jo} Aaolae}sires lou sl ❑ si f/] n3um }o A3gBn6 7�7761 ! Dreg an18 _'SQA_ sl samsue }I 'ON ❑ -sal; r] ppew uaaq Jalem }o uoneulwexa 1ea18ololia3aeq seH f •suo11e8 _r {, f3laede� i3ineJo ❑ •alnssaJa ,� :a8e3o3s }o adAl 'ON ❑ •sDT U :3y813Ja3em duiiunow dwnd 'ON ❑ •saA'Ej :pauiexp /l3adold wowdwnd // 'lid dwnd ❑ •punoa8 anoge asnogdwnd. ❑ wawaseq }}o ulowdwnd ❑ •mawasuil :tit paleao-I ajnbiw .lad sdolled _ 'Xipvdea dwnd •aaa} adid dolp }o glfua7 -[lam daaQ`[j -Ilam mollegS ❑ :dwnd / f oN ❑ sa�'d ayBlUalem Janna Ilam w sdumado '1e3aW'o •poo/ ❑ 'DIDIDUOD ❑ :Janna 113A�, -11U'aeq 6Jeulplo'Ej •XvID palppnd ❑ •mw8 )uatuaD ❑ :yltm galeas 8uisea punoJe aaeds Jou33xg }o y1d�p 01 Iil2m tem paleaS •alnuiw sad suolle8 _,� 'plar/ alewixoJddy •1aa} ��. `l[am ur Jalem;o lana[ 8uidwnd o1 gldap alewixorddy 7aa} _ ; ` '8uisw }o y3daQ—`8uisea }o acTly 'aaa} 'g3dap le3oy -sagaui 'Ja3amiCl :uol;onJ+suoa IIeM 'aaa} _ 'uonnllod aigissod }o saaJnos Jaglo '.aaa} 'loodssaa `.laa}--r-'lld adedaas aaa3 'play Iesodsip aaa} � _ . `slusl andas `.laa}^� � �.� `Jamas alis 'laa}- Jamas uoJi lsea `aaa} .� 'Jeal ❑ 'apis ❑ `IuoJ}'p le Dull 301 1saJeau aaa} uol3vpunoj duipling •sagaui '3aaj aJenbs :woj;< Ilem ;o eouo+sla •11am paroq ❑ •11am dn(I ❑ •llam uanuQ ❑ -Ilam palp(I E] :woJ} Alddns Ja1em lenpinipul 7aa} 7=; 'Dail laJadold 3uoJ} woJ} alaeq las du1lamQ •daap 103}„r `apim laa},, J• .I err :anis 107 •swalsAs Ies6dsip-a8emas pue /lddns,ta3em lenpm:pal gloq grim padolanap 8ulaq lots we ❑ aJe�Ej pooyJoggBtau•ui samadoJd r Ja3em }o Alddns alenbape gsiuJly of .(13ulatn all pawwi ul s[lam }o aJnlie} }o p3oaaJ 3UDaaJ 3Sow OATO -poogJogqVpu ul Aiewo3sm lou we ❑ an;,Q/s[lam lenpinipul sagaui ulew }o azrS 'iaa} --`umu Jalem ailgnd 1sa3eau o3 aauelsiQ W31SJLS JLlddnS-1131VM lvnalAlaNi—NOlID3dSNI d0 1110dH (H IYIYI A. ' r uonaadsul }o a3eQ r Aq paaaadsul / •%1uoglny 1-131133H 1POO-I launaJ ❑ •a3e1S ❑ :Aq epow uolsoedsul `leaJ ❑ 'apis 13uoJ} ❑ 3e Dull 301 3saJeau aaa} �r. 'uonepuno} duiplinq aaa} 'llama :woJ} awelsiQ lepa3ew Buiui'I aaa} _, , `gidaQ -aaa} , 'Ta, Dump apis3np 'Ts3id }o JagwnN / :sild efinds” aril Jano lenwew JD31y }o g3daQ •sagaui ''alp g3eauaq lenalew Ja31y }o g1daQ Jay3o -auols uaawq ❑ -1aneJ9 ❑ :iei3a3ew Jally}o adAl apeJB ysiuy w alp }o dol 'g3daQ 'aaa} 'Dull yaea }o gldual —'sapuaJl }o wolloq to eaJo uopd3oege annaa}}a le30,L sagaui 113mm gauaJ,I, aaa} sang uaamlaq aauusiCl `sau11 }o JagwnN aaa} 'sauil alp }o y3dual 1mob '1Da} `Jeal ❑ 'apis ❑ auoj} ❑ 3e aull lol Isamu aaa}— 'uopepuno} :aaa} :woJ} aaue3slQ :plela losodsla 9111 Jaglo •s3!d agedaas'@ play Iesodsip ally ❑ }o slslsuoa 1N3W1V381 AeVGN033S lepalew dulul-I 'suolled '/alaedv pinbrl 1aa} 'yldaa •laa} `Jalawelp apisul '333} 'JBQJ ❑ 'apis ❑ 1uOJ} ❑ 3e Dull Sol 3sale3u '1aa} 'uonepuno} :woJ} aauelsiQ r r J 7aaj-'yldap pinbl-i 'aaa}—. 'ylp:m aNlsul '—'3u3w3Jedwo7 3alu: hyedeD •suolle.� ;- )) JagwnN goodss sD kimciuD pinbil inoi, -'11aro woJ} aaue3slQ aluol *µdeg •loodssDD ❑ )fuel apdaS`uf }o slslsuoa 1N3WiV381 kdVWI-dd IVSOdSIa-39VM3S ivngIAIaNi—N011D3dSNl 10 IMOdU I` ADH -HSE -641 (f) •.��•.._ • - (4M) 1668 lab. No INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY - n Ta ALASKADEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SoUtheentral 1 KJ()ii all Section of Sanitation and Engineering osatca ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply Mr,, L. d`, Schroy er Lot 2 13100k 7 BMX 41419 serving Gr nit [j#Ah —�ji€anitr�on SPC3i4ciY`(1s Alaska received 1/31/61 :Ind examination has been completed. Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of =' Satisfacto sanitary status. ,- ry Questionable Unsatisfactory Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be tisfactory Questionable Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your wate closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." r supply to protect your family from water -borne diseases as outlined in en - 2. Improve your spring—See bulletin HSE -6-2 3. Improve your cistern —See bulletin HSE -6-3 4. Improve your dug well — See bulletin HSE -6-4 5. Improve your driven well—See bulletin HSE -6-5 6. Improve your drilled well—See bulletin HSE -6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system—See bulletin HSE -15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest El Local Health Department or 0 Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, and assistance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply s should be developed. ource SANITARIAN'S REMARKS f Signature Pi'