HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRANITE VIEW BLK 7 LT 3 ~ ~%~ ~, ~ .~,,~ .. ~.~. :.~ l ~t Form Approved FHA Form 2573 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Budget Bureau No. 63-R296,8 Rev. July 1958 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. INSURING OFFICE ^nchorege, Alaska l~nch0Branch-Y~tanu~k~ Valley Bank 60-008445 MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR PROPERTY ADDRESS Nodern Homes 6nohora~e B, OCK NO. ,OT NO. SUBDIVISION NAME Granite Vte~ 7 3 TOTAL NUMBER: LIVING UNITS BEDROOMS I BATHS BASEMENT Yes [] No New installation 3 WATER SUPPLY BY: [] Public system [--] Community system SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: ["-]'Public system [] Community system PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Can attic ar ether area be made into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how rnany.~} NO. Ss~YSTEM DESIGNED FOR ] OF RMS. GARBAGE DISPOSAL Individual [] Individual ~ [~ Yes ~-~ No HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opinion of the ['~tate [] County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system [~is ['-'] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the sub}ect property. It is the opinion of the [---~tate [] County [] Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [~ian be expected to function satisfactorily, and , [-~ Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily s not likely to create an insanitary condition , ' NOTE: The health authority should complete the appropriate~ opinion~statement above and affix date, signature and title in the spaces provided. Use of the above grid for Health Department Inspector's sketch as well as use of the back of this form is at the option of the health authority PART Ill.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: ' ' ' I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that'the Individual water-supply system be considered [~] Acceptable [--'] Not acceptable Sewage disposal be considered ~-] Acceptable [] Not Acc, ep?lSie. DATE SIGNATURE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ] CHeF ARCHITECT r~ DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT FHA Farm 257,.s ~aaj 6I'/ /'( / 'Ollltl!tH JOri suoll,~ 'alnu!m Jad sUOllUS ; .:, / ,:i ,~ / '~'u!s*~ jo qldoG Jal*;~ jo X[ddns o~*nbape.tls!u.mJ o~ Xl!up.n al*!pamtu[ u! slla~x jo aJnl[eJ jo pao>aa lua2aJ lsom aa!© 'pooqJoqt[~'!au ui XJummsn~ ~ou aJ* [] a~'~7~] S[laaX lunp!,qpui 'saq>u! .. 'u!mu'jo az!S '~aaj -- 'u!utu aa~u~a ~!lqnd ~sa~au m a~umqG '~aaj 'saq>u! 'saqau! 'laaj aa~nbs '~aaj '~aaj 'laaj smatmJ~dtuo> jo ~aqtunN aaq~o 'aU!l q0ea jo tll~uaI 'q~pva q>uaJj~ 'sau!l al!l jo q~uaI lmOJ, 'lP/Xk :moJj WllSAS 1V$OdSla-3ovNtlS I~IIOIAIONI~NOIZDtdSNI ~O /UOdaU ' 17 ,," r . · Subdlvillon -~:-' ' Deir S.Irl ' Jun~ 23, Block 7, Oranlfe View · ' Presented'herewith Ere thc results of the percolation ~t :i.._. ,tilt' requllfcd bY YOU June ~1, 19&O. ~: ~ r' r ' ' ''fill koleThe'maJ°rlog. I loll fYpf II IIl't wlfh.., gravel. IiEe.r of'roched The Dercol4t Ion ~...~ ~ . per ~0 Should you h'ivl quelflons regarding the test result, , *' --~' pl~414 feel free to Contact the ~rltcr,. VErV truly yourl~ ADAMS - CORTHELL - LEE by . APPLF ~,NT FILLS OUT UPPER HA' -<ONLY ProperJy Owt~er /) I il('~'; ~_~ ~,7~,,~ ¢~ Phone Mailing Addre~ ~ ~ /~/2~-/~ ~ Zip Code Lending Institution ~?,?/.k d j ,¢//,~/~ ¢' ~ ~ Phone Address ~// /~ ~ ~/Jzv~ Zip Code Realty Co. & A~nt '~ Phone Address ZiP Code Ty~ of Resi~nce ~ Single Family ~ Multiple Family No. of Bedroo~ ~ Other Water Supply ~ Individual .:~ A~ACH WELL LOG A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. ' ' ',~' For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). ~ Community ~ ~._¢j~ ~ Public Utility Sewer Disposal Year Individual Installed: / ~ ~ ~ ~ Individual ~¢' ~ Public Utility When Connected to Public Utility: ~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. inspector Inspector Inspecto,,[ /~A ''% I n spj~or ~,. i~ /,~' ~ ' , ~ - ,~:~.~ ' . . - .,-.-.,~/. - Field Notes: ~ (( ,:'~ ' ~ '[::~ ( / ~ O ~ ~ ~~~ MUNI~IPALI~DEPT. oFOFHEALTHANCHORAGE& ~E)J ~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .DECEIVED ( ~ov~ ~o~oo~ ~ 'CONDmONSO~ ~OW~-: / ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL ~VAL' DATE ~ ~ [~~ BY: ~ Soils Rating Date ~er installed ~ ~i~Well To Absorption Area ~ ~ Well Log Reoeived ~m ~ 72-023 (3t82) u* / RECEIVED , INSPECTION'APPOINTMENTS ,~.2'~.~//~3~[2 ~ '~.~/z~ ~,- TIME TIME , TIME .... NSPECTOR 'NSPECTbR ' C~/ u iNSPECTOR ~ ' DEPT. OF HEALTH & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE E~i~NMENTAL PROTECTION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 JUL REOUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. PROPERTY RESIDENT (if difCerent from above) PHONE 2. BUYER ~AILING ADDRESS 3. 'LENDIN~NS~ITUTION I PHONE MAILING ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ I1~,~5 PHONE MAI LIN~ADD~ESS 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION , , STREET LOCATION [ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS ' 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [] 'One [] Four [] Other~ ~ SINGLE FAMILY [] Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY .:~ Three [] Six 7. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled 'prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) /~<~ ,-~ ~ YE/~R'ON-SITE SYSTEM WAS INSTALLED. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010 (Rev. 6/79) / .j~.-~'-~"~ THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [~'~NG LE FAMILY [] ONE ~-'-TH R EE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY ~]~ INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL /o [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [~INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified iNSTALLER [~]Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size: ~¢~ ~/ If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line I Nearest Lot Line 4. DISTANCES WELLTO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS ~ APPROVED FOB BEDROOMS [] CON DITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE PENINSULA ENGINEERING August 27, 1981 Sally Long 3042 North Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: Adequacy Test-Sewage Disposal System Lot 3 Block 7 Graniteview Subdivision Dear Mrs. Long: As per your request, I have performed the adequacy test on the above listed lot in accordance with the Municipality of Anchorage standard recommended procedure with a slight modification. Your system consists of a septic tank (approx. 1000 gallons), with two seepage pits connected in parallel. The system was tested on August 25, 1981 by adding approximately 500 gallons to the system in it's stable operating condition over a ten hour period and monitoring seepage pit levels at regular intervals, The second test day, August 26, 1981, approximately 500 gallons was added directly to the seepage pits after pumping to septic tank in an 80 minute period and then left to stand for 24 hours. Level mea- surements were made again on August 27, 1981%nd the tabulated values are enclosed. Analysis of the data indicate that your system is functioning adequate- ly for a 3 bedroom home. If I can be of any further service in the future, please call. Sincerely, Attachments WH:zc-p 2820 'C' Street, Suite #3 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503 * 276-4855 Anchorage 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION August 5, 1981 Sallie R. Long 3042 North Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Lot 3 Block 7 Granite View Subdivision Approval for the individual sewer and water facilities cannot be granted until the following items have been completed: (3) (1) The water analysis report needs to be submitted to  this office from the Chez Lab, 5633 B Street, for our review. The well seal needs to be tightened so that it is water tight. This will need to be reinspected by this office after it is corrected. The septic tank pumped with a receipt submitted to this offiee. (4) An adequacy test needs to be performed on the existing leaching area. This test will determine if the system is adequate according to National Standards. A listing of private firms performing the:test is enclosed. This report needs to be submitted to this office for our review. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, James S. Roberts Associate Environmental Specialist JSR/ljw cc: First Federal Savings and Loan Post Office Bce 4-2200 99509 ' '' ': , 10-5~-5M "... Lab. No. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ....... ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH o~mc~. )/Dr,'m Section et Sanitation and Engineering ACTION ON REQUEST FOR tlAcTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply serving was received ~/a/~tO and 11. should be developed. ~,. · ~, ','" ~' '~ ~ '~ i~ - '':~' ~ ..... 0 closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring See bulletin HSE-6-2 3. Improve your cistern -- See bulletin HSE-8-3 4. Improve your dug well- See Bulletin HSE-8-4 5. Improve your d~iven well -- See bulletin HSE-6-5 6. Improve your drilled well- See bulletin HSE-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your-sewage disposal system--See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit~ sample should not Be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, and assistance. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source examination has been completed. Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of _ ~- Satisfactory~Questiouable__.Unsatis{actory sanitary status. Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be_ Satisfactory Questionable. Unsatisfactory. ' If an ','Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from water-borne diseases as outlined in eh- . z Labo:~mry, 94-5 Sixth Ave. ~ ! . I '~ ~'om ~us~ ~e ~'mea I ...... ~ .............. PPLY t ~ ~k on ~ve~ of I [ Out Completely. ] ~DXVI U~ W~X~K ~ [ Sh~t for S,mple Collation S~tion of SanCtion ~d ~ng~eer~g ], Requ~t for Ba~enolog~cal ~alys~ _ ':~ ,~;~=~,...:',~ ~;'~ / ......... ........ ............ a ....... : ........... ...................... - (Name o, person collecting s~mple) / Jyate, (Time) Water sample collectea irom-~ Ki~hen tap; ~ ~athr~m tap; ~ Basement ~ Other (l~t) ................. # ..................................... ;;= ...... ~--~: .............. : ............................................. Addr~s premise where source ~ l~a~d....~d},:a:.:~a.~.i~.-----~,~.~%,,(,acm----~f(-z-,*~-:i; ............................................................ ' (Name) ~/ ' (Box No. or street address) (C~) Please place an ',X" tn ghe Box before lg ' s which b~g dese~be 70ur wa~er supplT: ~O~: Well ~ ~ Dug, ~ Driven, ~ D~lled, ~ Bored ~ Spring, ~ Cls~em, ~ O~her (~ag) ...................................... ~ ................................................... .: .................. ~ Cree~, ~ ~lver, ~ Bake, ~ Pond ................................................................................. , ....... ~ ......................... DUO ~LL OR C~TERN CONS~UCTIO~: Walls ~ ~ Wood~ ~ Concrete, ~ ~tal, ~ ~le, ~ Brick or Concrete Block Top -- ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, ~ Open Top LOCA~OH: ~ In basement, ~ Basement o~set, ~ Under ho~e, ~ In yard Other ................................................ : ............................................. , ................................. ~ .................................................... DIST~CE TO: Building sewer or other drainage pipe: ............ feet, Septic ~nk .............. ieet, ~le iield ............. ~eet, Seepage pit .............. ieet, Cesspool .............. leer, Privy ..............~eet. Other p~slble so~ce~ o~ contamination (l~t) ............................................................................................................................................. ~R~: Building sewer -- ~ Cast ~on, ~ Wood, ~ Tile, ~ ~bre pipe, ~ Asbestos cement Joint material ~ ~pe ..................................................................... ~ ............................................. : ................................... GE~R~ I~OR~ON: Does water become muddy or discolored? ~ yes, ~ no When? ...................................................................................................................................................... Diameter of well ...................................................... depth .......................................................... feet Well casing mate~al ........................................ diameter .................... depth .................................. Length of drop pipe ............................................................................................................................... Water depth from bot~m ............................................................................................................ ~eet Pump location: ~ ~ well, ~ O~ise~ ~ basement, ~ In basement ~ ~ utility r~m, ~ On top oi well ~ Other (t~t) ........................................................................................................ PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? ~ yes, ~ no New source of supply? ~ yes, ~ no Repairs to existing syste~? ~ yes, ~ no ~e~arks: ........................................ : ................................................................................................................................................................ PLEASE DRAW A S~TCH ~ ~ SPACE BELOW. ~IS SKETCH SHOULD SHOW ~CATION OF HOUSE, WA'r~ SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SE~R, DRA~ LI~S OR O~R SOURCES OF POLLU~ON ~D DIST~CES BE~N WAT~ ~UPPL~ SO~OE AND ~ OF ~OVE FIC~I~. SAMPLES MUST BE S~JBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY '1'!~ ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH