HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 02 - 05~uly"16, 1973
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Dept. Of Environmental Health
5500 Tudor Road, Pouch 6-650
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
Attn: Rolf Strickland
Assistant Director
Subject: Great Land Estates Subdivision
Dear ~lr Strickland:
The following is a brief description of soil conditions as they relate to
Unit No. 3 of Great Land Estates Subdivision which is being revised and
resubmitted to the Planning Commission. The general description as depicted
by my letter of ~arch 27, 1973 (copy attached) continues to apply to the
entire unit, but more specifically the ensueing information is provided to
stay concern as to the ability of Lots 2 thru 5, Block 4 (as revised) to
handle on site sewage facilities.
Actual field information was derived from two excavations made at the
locations shown on the attached plat. Each excavation was bottomed out at
approximately 11'-12', it being difficult to proceed beyond this depth
because of cave-in.
The material encountered in both excavations was similar. In each case an
organic/silt overburden approximately 12" in depth was underlain by glacial
till which continued to the bottom of the excavation. Both excavations
contained cobbles which varied in size from 6 to 12 inches in diameter.
Excavation No. I consisted of brown sandy gravel containing some silt in
the layer between 12 and 48 inches. Excavation No. 2 consisted of brown
sandy gravel with "very" clean gray black sand from approximately the four
foot level to the bottom of the excavation.
Observations made of both excavations 48 hours after they were opened
indicated no ground water. Based on this and the relief as depicted on the
topography map submitted with the plat, no ground water problem is anti-
As the minimum lot size along Peters Creek in Unit NO, 3 is approximately
one and two-thirds acres, and as each lot contains over an acre of land
suitable for on site sewage disposal no problems are anticipated.
S- 2694
Anchorage, Ala'ska 99507 g
DATE: ~May 2, 1972
Platting Engineer
Public Works Department
D~e~ rt~rent of Environ~'.~fit~ Q~uality
Fire Department'
Street Names
Tax Appraisers
School District
Fire Marshal
Municipal Light & Power Department
Property Management Officer
Public Works Department
Telephone 'Utility
Traffic ~ngineer
Water Utility
Alaska Department of Highways
Alaska Railroad
Anchorage Natural Gas Corp.
Central Alaska Utilities
Chugach Electric Association
GAB Telecommunications, Inc.
Matanuska Electric Association
Matanuska Telephone Asseciation
Assistant Superintendent of Mails
Alaska Department of Fish & Game
OWNER: Marianna & wil'liam J.'Koehler
A pe·t~tion has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning
Department for the proposed Subdivision of subject property for the
May 31, 1972 Planning Comm~ission Meeting.
Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments
in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department
or agency may need.
If we do not h~ar from you by ~y 18.~ 1972 , we wiil assume that you
do not wish to submit any comments.
If you have no further usa for the attached print, please return it with your
C omP,1 e n t s,
Planning Department
~rch 27, 1973
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Dept. Of Environmental Health
3500 Tudor Road, Pouch 6-650
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
Attn: Roll Strickland
Assistant Director
Subject: Great lands Estates Subdivision
Dear Mr Strickland:
The following is a brief description of soil conditions as they relate
to Unit No. 3 of the above referenced subdivision, As previously related
by memo dated September 4,1971 , the subdivision lies within "..- sorted
and unsorted drift of the Naptowne glaciation..." which formed "... deposits
of advance outwash, lateral and ground morraines, pitted outwash, and ice
contacts, of sand and gravel.., advance of the Wisconsin ag~..." ( Dobrovolny
and Miller, 1959 ).
Actual field information was derived from five visual sources:
l} Backslope of Bi~ Sky Drive adjacent to Lot 2, Block 5.
2) Back,lope of Gtlugacn par~ ~rive aa3acelit to Lot 2, BloCk 7.
3) Backslope of Great Land Circle adjacent to Lot 5, Block 3.
4)'Escarpment face in Lot 4, ~zoc,, 4.
5) Backslope of Creek Road adjacent to Lot 5, Block 5.
Ail sources showed an organic/silt overburden of 12"-24" in depth under-
lain by morraine and outwash deposits of gravel till. The glacial till
in sources 1,2,4 & 5 consisted of sandy gravel to gravely sand. The
glacial till in source 3 consisted of silty sandy gravel. Ail sources
would exibit excellent perc characteristics.
A sample from each source is available for your visual inspection should
you so desire.
Mr. Rolf Ro Strickland~ RoS.
Environmental Health Supervisor
GAAB Health Department
3500 Tudor Road
Anchorage~ Alaska 99502
Dear Mtn Strickland
Great Land Estates Subdivision
SW ~t, Sec 10, T15N, R1W, S.Mo
The following is a brief description of soil conditions as they relate to the
above referenced subdivision. More detailed physiographic analysis can be
obtained in Geologic Survey Bulletin ].093, "Surficial Geology of Anchorage
and Vicinity Alaska" by Dobrov01ny and Miller~ and "Geologic Map of Alaska"
by Dutro and Payneo
The subdivision lies within "..o sorted and unsorted drift of the Naptowne
glaciation ..." which formed "... deposits of advance outwash, lateral and
.ground morraines~ pitted outwash, and ice contacts of sand and gravel ..o
advance of the Wisconsin age .o." (Dobrovolny and Miller~ 1959)o
Actual field information was derived from four visual sources:'
Back slopes.along the old and new Glenn Highway in the
immediate vicinity of Great Land Estates Subdivision°
Examination of the escarpment face between Block 2 of
Great Land Estates and Peters Creek Valley floor°
~/ Cut banks along the access road leading into the subdi-
vision and also along Great Land Circle (a street within
the subdivision.
~/ Test holes in Block 1 of the subdivision.
Ali sources show an organic/silt overburden of 12"-24" in depth underlain
by morraine and outwash deposits of glacial till consisting of sandy gravel,
grave!~ and gravelly silt. Test hole depths of 11' revealed no change in
the till strata. Permafrost conditions are not known to exist within the
confines of the subdivision.
Should you need any additional information., please do no hesitate to contact
September 4, 1971
Flat Status;
Anchorage, Alaska 99S0~
Preliminary Date:
July 7, 1971
Public Works Department
Sand lmke }:ire Department
School District
Street Names
Tax Assessor
Alaska Department of Highways
Alaska Railroad
Anchorage Natural Gas Corp,
Central Alaska Utilities
Chuga~ Electric Association
Mm~icipal Light fi Power Department
Property Managemen~ Officer
Public Works Departmant
1%lephone Utility
Traffic 5zgineer
Water Utility
GAB Telecomnunica~ions, Inc.
Matanuska Electric Association
Matanuska T~lephono Association
Assistant Superi~)tondent of ~dails
Re: Subdivision / ~]~g_iJcbftlMlxxX
Description of Property:
Great Land Estates
Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning
and ZoniBg Com~mission for the proposed _~Subdivision of subjec~ property.
Atta~:Y. ed i~ a copy of the proposed plat. ~ill you p/ease submit your comments
in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart-
ment or agency may need.
If we do not hear from you by July 23, 1971
, we will asst~ that you
do not wish to submit any comnents.
If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with
your co~l~ntso
Planning Department
GREATER ANCHORAGE. AREA .,..~n~,m~r, .,~v...~ I
Departme.ht of Environmental Quality
,~ E ~' '~ R A N D U h
September 8, I~71
TO: PI ant,' i mg
~)tck Gl-ashecn
F ROt:i:
Rolf Strickl~d, R.S.
Assistant Oirector
The e~gineer on this pa~ticul.ar subdi¥ision l~as pro,iided to
this ge~:',~rti~)t:.')}t ~'~(~ici~:~r~t ~fn~:~iae:~:rinq o~ soils cortd'i~'i~}ns for
o~r 3~.-partmc~t to ~ :,CO,,l~,,,.:,,d~ ~ ~'~, ap~>roval o~ thl~ su~),:J~visien' as
Oepartme~)t of Enviro]m~i~tal Ouality
i-.i E N 0 R A N D U ~.~
~ch 29, 1973
Al aJ') Scheen
Planning Department
Rolf Strickland, R.S.
Ci)ief Sanitarian
S~..,~°~"~', Great Land Esta(~es Subdivision
Additional Infomation for Apri I 11, 1973, Neeting
The engineer on this case )~as provided rids Department ~dth general
soils data for t~e above unit. Soils data ~as derived froh) visual
inspection of five cutbanks in t~e subdivision. Apparently tile en-
gineer has ),et provided you t~ith this i~)formation so I have had a
copy routed to you. Tile soils i,~ffori)iatio~ indicates that the lots in
the subdivision wilt bo suitable for on--situ sev~age disposal. Tn~s
subdi vi sion no~,~ ~eets our mi nimum requi rerr~nts.