HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINDYER MANORS BLK 1 LT 1Mindyer Manors Block 1 Lot 1 #020-091-62 . ' MuniCioality of Anchorage ~ : De~,eloPment,S~rv~ces Depa~ment · , i ,,,h ' ' IOn' Jl~ ,. · : ' Bu Id'ng Safety D~vis' ' i . ",' " · . On-S te Water and Was~ewater Program . .~ r ~ . ~:-:: , j 4700SouthBragawSt..: :, i · i . iP.O. Box' .19'6650 ;Ah',choi'a'ge, ;AK :99519-665.0: : ~ . t Wwwbi.a'nchor~ge.~k!us · ' : ! ' ON-SITE;SEWER/VVEL. L [SUBMITTAL~C, QMMENT SHEET To: LARRY P. Legal description: MI'NbYER MANORS SUBb'rVZS]:ON Bi~ocK 1!. LOT I . .; · returned fOr the following reasons: Topographic information m~ss~ng or inade~ Incomplete;' missing ' ' i ~ ~. The attached paperv~,ork has been reviewed ~pd ~iS'b~i ['-J Original signatUre 0! ~{an~p missing on t .,: * r, t,.~,l ii: [--I ,.Calculation errorin aesign. ~.r ,' .... ! ti,!li:,~! E] Additional soils information neeaea. Water momtonng results :maaeq uate. ~, ,', ,,' II!llJ i!4 Discrepancy in infoi'rnation submiuea. u',;te. Incomplete;'mlsslng · ' -~ · i Additional adequacy t, est informatiOn needed. ~: ! Water sample unacceptable~ ' ' , ';. ~ Measured/proposed distances/dimensions missing. Locations of all SOils, i ation a,nd water momtonng tests not 'shown. Proposed sYstefli too for soils information submluea. E] iWell log require~J. J ! ;i Omission in narratlv, eJ ~ ' Insuffic~ent:fill over, tank o,r field. . Other. CANNOT TSSUE~tA PERMrI'JTOi~'bRTLL: A W UNLESS A PERMIT FOR A WASTEWATER'r!b:T. SPOSAI2' EXTSTS OR A WASTEWATER ;SYSTEM TS TN PEACE OR PUBLTc, SEWER :I:S AVAI~ABLEIll. of reviewer:il)AN :. ' [ D,ate: 11/12/o3 - Name . Please sUpply, the necessary tnforma!ton and re,submtt your request. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. Permit Number SW Properly owner(s) Mailing address (1)f~.O. _/~.p .)( Mailing address (2). Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Z~ /' Day phone Legal description(Section, Township & Range) Lot Size Zip Code ~7~ ~/,,/ Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only Sewer and Well Sewer Upgrade [] Well Only ' [~. [] Water Storage [] THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub [] Jacuzzi [] Swimming Pool [] Water Softening Unit [] Therapy Pool [] I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of prop~'rty owner or authorized agent) Permit Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: (Rev. 12/00) Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: LOT E I0' TELECOM 8 N 89e59.;~.E 2:71L83, ~'~" ' -~ _ ~, .~_-_ 47.0' 47.0' ILO' X I1.0' DECK-~ N 81~ ._..I;J..~._', EXISTING FLk'VAI'ION 104,t~ PROPOSEO ~ ;VATION .T'~;~- 'T~f;' ~T' ~ ~"~ t~.~', .~'~,o o. ~ SURFACE DRNNAGE LOT 2 PLOT PLAN x ASBUILT SCALE I_' _- 5o' GRID ~6 Prolecf No. o2-296 Lon~ & Assoclcltes-- 'lnc, 11500 Daryl Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99515 ~ ' (907/ 522-6476 Phone Registered Lond surveyors (907)522-46~5 Fox · .~-~ _O..F....A._~-'~_. I hereby eerflfy thef, I hmm ~urveyed the following d_e~orlbed properly: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MINDYER MANORS SUBDIVISION (PLAT 78-294) __ Ar~homge Recording Olsldd, Alaska, and fftat the Im~. m.ent~ ~ltuafed_ thereon ore within the properly Ilnea end do nor eno're:mn omo me p?..per~. ~~...~....-:.7..~, ,d~eoenf fllerafo, ~hc~ no Improvemenfa on ~he properly lying ed. l,oen! me? . enc'ro~h on file ,uWeYed premlee, end fll~f ]here ere no ro~m/~,/mnemmmon ,n. 0~ ~h.r ~ ..~.~. o. --,~ ,--.* .=... ,n,.~.d h..o.. ,~e~enenf,, or re~rlc'tlon, ~hl~h do not appear on me r~oree~ ,UD~Mmon p~m.