HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 4 LT 44T15N R1W Sec 4 Lot 44 #051 - 072 - 41 GARNESS ENGINEERING EE UP, Ltd ENGINEERING SALES CONSULTING December 26, 2023 Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Rd. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 Quanics Alaska Authorized Dealer Ref: T15N, R1 W, Section 4, Lot 44 (21325 Bowery Lane, Chugiak, AK) Memo concerning converting CAT III AWWTS to CAT If AWWTS septic system To whom it may concern: The permitted drainfield was installed on the referenced property in 2009 and started up after the installation. ARM Septic Services. LLC recently checked the monitoring tubes in the drainfields and found them to be dry. In order to simplify the operation and maintenance of the system, we are proposing that this unit be permanently configured as a CAT II system Our justifications are as follows: The receiving soil has a percolation rate of <1 minute per inch. A 4.0 gpd/sq.ft. application rate is required for a Cat II system. The residence on this property has a total of 3-bedrooms, so 112.5 sq./ft. of absorption area is required for CAT II effluent (450 gpd / 4.0). The existing 2009 drainfield has 120 sq./ft. of absorption area. In short, the drainfield meets the sizing requirements for 3-bedrooms. The Inspection Report shows a 4.0 gpd/sq.ft. At this time, we request that your department approve the removal of the jandy valve actuator and placement of the/v lve in the open position. incer;ely,/ Pre ess, P.E., M.S. 3701 East Tudor Road, Suite 101 * Anchorage, Alaska 99507-1259 Phone: (907) 337-6179 * Fax: (907) 338-3246 * Website: www.garnessengineering,com LETTER OF NON-OBJECTION This letter states that we are athe owners of Lot 45, Section 4, T15N, R1W, Seward Meridian; and that we have no objection to the issuance of a waiver for the construction of a wastewater disposal field within ten (10) feet of our northern property line. We are aware that Anchorage Municipal Code 15.05.040 requires this separation distance. N1UNIC;IPALI ]'¥ OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L Stleet. Anchorage, Ah'~ska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES FOUNDATION ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING .~----' TYPE OF SYSTEM , ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~OTHER ~ / WELL8 ~' REMARKS: 2 6 4 -. q '~ 2 '3 I ) ............ E'N [31 N E-']E F~:E]D L,EIll:~AL. DIL..:L,,:I.t. S:LlJBDiViS![]N:: [',lA I...,t. TT~ Bll_H 44 SE2' 1L-N: 4- 'T'OWN.SHiF': 15N RANE'~E:~ 1W lllCi'i'~::~'-' :£ ZE:: ..:.::% .SA (S[;h, I:::'"1". OF;; i.:CR,:::.,::)". ,...c: cerlLify that..- 1. t am f'amiliar' w:iltlh ']_'lhe r'eqtldlr'emen±.~ fop cFi-lsiLe ~ewer'si and well~s as set. [c:;,rt.h by the) HLU'~:i. cipaliCy of ¢.~nchor"ag~ (IvlOPr) and Lhe'St. aLe I ~/~J.].l ir'if~ta~].]. 't'..l"~(~. ~:~,yf5'L¢:~xf~ ir~ acc:(Dpclan¢::c~) with all M(]F~ codes and negLtlaL:i.c,r~fs, ancl J.n c:omp].ianc:6~ wiLh t. he d~s:Lgn c;r'iter':La of' Lh:i. st pepmi(.,, ]: ~4J.:l.] adhf~)v(::) 'Lo ali FIOA and St. at.e) of Alasfl<a v(.eqL.tiremlerv(.s, fop t. hf) f[~(~)'L bac:k IF:' A [_. :[ l::: 'l- f';!'AIT']ZON :IZS INSlflALLED IN AN AREA COVE:RED BY MOA BUlL.DING CODES, THEN (I) ¢:'~N EL.EC-FRICAL. F:'Eff:ZHIff f~ND iNSI::'ECT]'C)N MUST BE OBTCd:NED~ (2) AS-BLU:L.TS PJILLI. !q[J'T BIE ~f:'FIF~E}V[~:D N]Z'lllHOLJ] flUFf E:I.-EC'I'RICf::L. ]JNSPECTI[)N F(EPOF('F; ~ND (3) TIHE "='"" '"-~ BY ' '- ' 1 cXZXlkZ, L l. A I E ~ ATE¢ Associates, Inc.  2049 Cliffside Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907-277-6938 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection Al-TN: Mr. Rabble Robinson 825 %" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 August 19, 1986 Re: Stebun Residence Wastewater System Ueorade (Lot 44. Sec. 4. TISN. RIW) ReQuest for Waiver Dear Mr. Robinson: The purpose of this letter is to request Departmental approval of waivers of §15.65.040 for the following: 1 ) stream setbacks; 2) well separation; 3) property line setback; and 4) requirement for a 4-feat separation from bottom of absorption bed to the water table. The existing system used a two-compartment timber crib in ciasa proximi'ty to Peters Creek. Direct discharge of primary effluent was directed towards the Creek. The above-mentioned waivers are necessary to site a package treatment facility (Rid-waste DST- 15) with a sand filtration mound as shown on the following drowinge. The locations for the absorption bed was selected in order to use a small rise in surface elevation so that the separation from the water table and private well can be maximized, ,Separation distances are as follows: Well to Disposal Field - 85 ft. Disposal Field to,Stream - 45Tt, Minimum Property line setback - 3 ft. Water table to bottom of pipe invert - 2 ft. On-site soils have been classified as silty gravels. The silt matrix is mottled to near the surface suggesting some seasonal flucuation in ground water levels occur, making the site unsuitable for standard septic systems, Based on rather limited data, we doubt that the upperlying surface is inundated and that a two (2) foot separation is likely year around when a 1.5 foot thick layer of sand is mounded at the site. We hope that this letter provides you with sufficient information on which to base your decision for this waiver request. Please call us if you have any questions. Corporate Office: Indianapolis, IN Offices: Anchorage, AK Atlanta, GA Baltimore, MD Birmingham, AL Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH Dallas, TX Dayton, OH Denver, CO Destin, FL Ft. Wayne, IN Gaithersburg, MO Gary, IN Harrisburg, PA Huntsville, Al_ Lexington, KY Montgomery, AL Nashville, TN Raleigh, NC Salisbury, MD Savannah, GA Washington, DC Affiliates: Alexandria, VA ChantiHy, VA Newport News, VA Norfolk, VA Very truly yours, Ronaid F. Black Consulting Geofechnical, Environmental & Matedals Engineers Munlc~pahty of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 801L8 40~ -- PE~OOLATION TEST *.,,, ~'~,,&,~,;'~:'"~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~ ~ ~ Township, Range, Section: ~, 1 2 3 4 5- 6- 7 8 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ///~/ff-)_~ ./ ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? '~'~ / O~ P E Del)Ih [o Waler Aller Moniloring? Date: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ 7 (minutes/inch} PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~'.~" FTAND ~'-~'- FT PERFORMED BY: -/~, '~'- /'~,' ,~"~' I ,,~.~-,~----~" CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3- 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~'~?' -'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~'~/~ -~'-~'c ~' Township, Range, Section: ~'~.~( 7-//-2 SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;) IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH;) ~ Deplh to Water Alter Monitoring? Dote: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~,. ~ /~ ~ ~:/~ ~,~ 2/ ~ ~,7~ PERCOLATION RATE "'~" ~¢~ (minutes/~nch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ '"~'~ TEST RUN BETWEEN // FT AND ~ FT PERFORMED ~Y: /~'~' /~c'c- I .//'~. '/~ "~'9¢~7 CERT'FY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED 'N AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: .~ ~ /~ STATE Permit No: Date issued: Applicant: ~, Address: Legal Description: S/D: ~I~NICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~-] De~partment d ~'Health and Environmental' otection Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, AK 99502 264-4720 On-site Sewer/2~ Permit ~//z~/~ ~,~ HANDWRITTEN ~ ~~/~__/~/ Block Section: ~ Township: ~'/~ Range: Lot Size: ~-~ ~g~ (Sq. Ft. or Acres) Lot Location: /~ ~'~./~.,~ (~ O~ ~T~k Max Bedrooms: ~ ~ Listed below are the options available to you in designing your septic system. Choose the option that be~t fits your site. TRENCH BED W. DRAIN Depth to pipe bottom(ft.) Gravel depth (ft.) Total depth (ft.) Gravel width (ft.) //t7 Gravel length (ft.) ~-z7'~-----~ Tank size (gal.) Soil rating (sq. ft./bt) ** Gravel length 75 feet requires multiple runs (not exceeding 75 feet each) ** Tank must have at least two compartments I certify that: 1. I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage(MOA) and the State of Alaska. 2. I will install the system in accordance with all MOA codes and regulations, and in compliance with the design criteria of this permit. 3. I will adhere to all MOA and State of Alaska requirements for the set back distances from any existing well, wastewater disposal system or public sewerage system on this or any adjacent or nearby lot. 4. I understand that this permit is valid for the maximum number of bedrooms stated above, and any enlargement or modification will require an additional permit. IF A LIFT STATION IS INSTALLED IN AN AREA COVERED BY MOA BUILDING CODES, THEN (1) AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION MUST BE OBTAINED; '(2) AS-BUILTS WILL NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT AN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT; AND (3) THE ELECTRICAL WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. ATE¢ Associates, Inc.  2049 Cliffs]de Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99501 907-277-6938 August 13, 1986 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection ATTN: Mr. Robbie Robinson 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Corporate Office: Offices: Anchorage, AK Atlanta, GA Baltimore, MD Birmingham, AL Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH Dallas, TX Dayton, OH Denver, CO Destin, FL Ft. Wayne, IN Gaithersburg, MD Gary, IN Harrisburg, PA Huntsville, AL Lexington, KY T 15N. R 1 W) Reouest for Approval of Temporary Holding Tank Dear Mr. Robinson: Longmont, CO Re: Stebun Residence Wastewater System Upgrade {Lot 44. Sec. 4. ~o~svi,,,. KY Montgomery, AL Nashville, TN Raleigh, NC Salisbury, MD Savannah, GA Washington, DC Affiliates: The purpose of this letter is to request Departmental approval ofa Chantilly.Alexandria'vAVA temporary holding facility as permitted under 18 AAC 72.025. We areNewgorfN,,~s.V^ asking for this approval to provide sanitary waste facilities for the ~orto,~,v^ occupied two-bedroom residence while design and construction of a package treatment facility can be installed. For the record, it is our opinion that the following conditions are present or may reasonably be foreseen at the site: o The existing system is almost assuredly in non-compliance with current health regulations and engineering practice. There is a possibility of effluent directly piping underground from the septic tank area to the nearby Peters Creek. This can be verified during the construction phase of the project. o The 2.5 acre lot was subdivided by the U.S. Government and patented in 1961. This area is within the Peters Creek Floodplain as delineated by the Corps of Engineers and a portion of the Creek intersects the lot into two nearly equal sections. While soils are expected to be highly permeable, groundwater is expected to be located within 4 to 8 ft. of the groundsurface. This condition will limit the effectivness of standard septic system designs. Of importance is the fact that due to site geometry the proposed upgrade cannot meet all setback distances as stated in § 15.65.040 of Anchorage Ordinance 86-21. August 13, 1986 Mr. Robbie Robinson Page 2 As discussed with you at the site, we propose to install a "Rid-Waste" DST-15 tank (1500 gal. rated capacity} near the southeast corner of the home near where the current tank is located. This location was choosen to: 1) maximize the separation distance of the tank and absorption bed from the well (the bed is to be installed in a later phase after a permit is issued by your department}; 2) allow construction of the absorption bed on higher ground, maximizing the depth to groundwater; and 3} separate the system from the stream to the extent possible. We hope this letter provides you with sufficient information on which to base your decision and also alerts you to the fact that for the aforementioned reasons we intend to request waivers of setback distances, Very truly yours, Ronald F. Black cc: Mr, Tom Graham Mr, Lionel Urban ATA ALASKAN TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,INC. 701 West 58th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 (907) 563-3117 Department of Health and H~unan Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 ATTN: Mr. Steve Morris January 28, 1987 Subject: Health Authority Approval fo~ Rid Waste Environmental System Package Wastewater Treatment Plant Dear Mr. Morris: The purpose of this letter is to bring you up to date on the progress of the testing program. In addition, due to the temporary lack of performance, I will explain the corrective measures that were taken to bring the test performance back up to standards. 1. The test results dated 10/20 were unrealistic due to fact that the piping in the above ground testing unit had been changed just prior to the sample being taken. The increased test results indicate the disturbance. Eliminating this test, the average for the months of 10/7 to 12/11 are: Suspended Solids 12.89 mg/1, BOD 23.79, pH 7.78. These test results reflect that the system is properly functioning at this time. 2. ADEC has required~ after the testing program was under way, TKN discharge of 25 mg/1. By a slight modification of the tank, (recycling effluent to the first chamber from the third) this will be met. The result will be reflected in future tests. 3. Early on in the testing program, I felt that the best way to draw samples from the system was above ground in the faucet provided. The door hinge broke and allowed the faucet to freeze. The unit is now being sampled from the third chamber directly. The disposal system has been rerouted under ground. Sand Lake will be rerouted and we will begin testing this unit in February. As you are aware, it is critical to test results that a true picture of performance be shown through proper testing methods. 4. The testing program was initiated on 10/7 and is in operation at this time on the Peters Creek site. I was unaware that your office was was not receiving copies of the testing directly from the lab. I have instructed Chem Lab to send them directly to you. Also enclosed are the copies of samples to date. MUNICIPALtI%, OF ANCHOP~(~ DEPT, OF HEALTH & i iFEB 2 t987 RECEIVED ATA ALASKAN TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,INC. 701 West 58th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 (907) 563~3117 5. The UTV was insta%led at the Peters Creek site due to the unavailability of the Photozone in the single family size at the time of installation. I suspected, as the tests indicate, that the scum layer prodncing bacteria decreasedd the efficiency of the unit. On January 23, I installed the Photozone in the Peters Creek site. The UTV was removed in December without my knowledge. There is no possible way that the unit can disinfect the fecal if it is removed. 6~ Since Rid Waste is not a contractor, we will insure that the units are installed in accordance with the proper engineering. We will extend the existing manholes for access. 7. Bonding: I have hired Tim Lamb of Bangs and Lamb, Inc. insurance firm in Anchorage to supply the bonding necessary to fulfill your requirement. His number is: 333-1325. 8. 'As the tests indicate, the Peters Creek unit is suffering from a lack of aeration volume. Corrections were made by me 1/23 in the following manner: 1.) the compressor timer was set to run 15 minutes of each hour. When I arrived at the job, I found the timer had been turned off for six hours straight. This eliminates the dissolved oxygen and hampers the system from performing to the best of its ability. The lack of air in the amount of 25% was eliminated to the tank by someone resetting the timer. I corrected this by resetting the timer back to the time of 15 minutes per hour. 2.) The valves that regulate the air to the specific compartments had been turned down to restrict the flow of air to the tank. Again, without air in the proper dosage and frequency, the tank becomes a septic tank as the testing indicates. Increased BOD indicates a lack of air. IN THE FIFTEEN YEARS THAT I HAVE WORKED ON RID WASTE, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THAT THE TIMER HAS BEEN TURNED OFF AND THE FIRST TIME THAT THE VALVES TO DELIVER THE PROPER AIR DIFUSSION HAD BEEN RESTRICTED. BOTH OF THESE ARE THE RESULT OF HUMAN ERROR. Since these have been corrected, the testing will indicate the worst possible abuse of the system and the time it takes for the system to recover from the abuse. 9. Testing of Sand Lake was never authorized by me. Since the compressor was not running and the Photozone was not installed, there is no possible way for the tank to meet the standards of the test. In addition, the method of testing was not correct. Upon my return to Alaska next week I will have this system and the method of testing on line. 2 ATA ALASKAN TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,INC. 701West 58th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 (907) 563-3117 Steve, I appreciate your meeting with me last week and for your spending the time to observe this testing program. I am very glad that these abuses of my patent were observed both by yourself and me. In the long rrm, I feel that correcting these abuses take the Rid Waste Environmental System another step closer to being the only viable sewage disposal system capable of withstanding arctic conditions and meeting NPEDS discharge requirements. THOMAS S. GRAHAM Special Representative TSG/dss cc: Robby Robinson Dr. Lee Reed Chem Lab Bruce Erickson, B_DEC Nicholas Bailey, Dr. Keith Knutson 3 ATA ALASKAN TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS,INC. 701 West 58th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99518 (907) 563-3117 0 · CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL~ ',t LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC.  .:TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B Street Drinking Water Analysis Report for ' Inorganic, Organic, and Radiochemical Contaminants PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM: IIIIIII I.D. NO. N/A AECS Public Water System Narne L44 Bowery Lane Address N. Birchwood, AK 99567 City State TO BE COMPLETED BY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Collected By Jeff Kaitchuck After V.V. Sample Locatior~ Source Type E) Surtace Water Sample Date Zip Codu Mo. [] Routine Sample [] Special Purpose Sample Note: Check box to lelt of contaminants Ileled below for the anmyses desired. [] Ground Water Day Year [] Untreated Water [] Treated Water TO BE COMPLETED BY CERTIFIED LABORATORY INVOICE #7362 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA Laboratory Name 5633 "B" STREET Address ANCHORAGE, ALAS KA 99502 City Slale ZJj: Code INC. Sample NO. Station NO. 4463 Laboratory Analysis NO. ETY 10/7/86 Received by Date Limit i-1 Arsenic (0.05) [] Barium (1.) [] Cadmium (0.010) [] Chromium (0.05) [] Fluoride (2.4) [3 Lead (0.05) CI Mercury (0.002) [] Nitrate - Nitrogen (10.) [] Selenium (0.01) [] Silver (0.05) [] Turbidity (1 NTU) [] [] INORGANICS Mg/I 0 .1 ND Indleelee Not Detected 10/15/86 ORGANICS Limit [] Endrin . (0.OOO2) [] Lindane (0.004) [] MethoxychlOr .(0.1) [] Toxaphene (0.005) [] 2, 4-D (0.1) [] 2,4,5 - TP Silvex (0.01) [3 RADIOACTIVITY Limit [] Gross Alpha (15) [] Radium 226 & 228 (5) [] Gross Beta (50) [] Strontium - 90 (8) [] Tritium (20,000) Mg/I pCi/I 10/20/86 · ~.~ CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OFALASKA, INC. ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 995'18 ......... TELEPHONE (907) 582-2343 CUSTONER AK Technical Apolications/AF£S DATE COLLECTED 10/7/86 TINE COLLECTED !032 SANPLED 5¥ JK . SOURCE TIS, RIW Section 4, L44, S.M~ After V.V. Treatment REHARKS HA'FRIX · " "7362 10/20/86 INVOICE ~ DATF · o mglJ )ALUMINUM, Al ) ARSENIC, As ) BARIUM, Ba ) BORON, B ) CALCIUM, Ca ) CADMIUM, Cd ) CHROMIUM, Ct ) COPPER, Cu ) IRON, Fe ) LEAD, Pb ) MAGNESIUM, Mg, ) MANGANESE, Mn ) MERCURY, Hg NICKEL, Nt PHOSPHOROUS, P POTASSIUM, K SELENIUM, Sc SILICON, Si SILVER, Ag mgll ( ) STRONTIUI~i, Sr (.) TIN, Sn ( ) VANADIUM, V ( ) ZINC, Zn ( ) ZIRCONIUM, Zr ( ) ( ) ( ) Bowery tne SANPLE LOCATION..[~K RECVD..BY [TY LAB '~ 4463 . DATE RECVD,_ · 10/7/86 _ DATE COHPLETED 10/15/86~ DATE REPORT~, , 1 0/15/86. ED IRDICATE~ 't!Ol,'E DETECTED DETECTION LINIT IS IN ( ) ; m9/1 ~ ( )'TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS ( ) TOTAL VOLATILE _ SOLIDS ( ) SUSPENDED 1 2 SOLIDS ( ) VOLATILE SUSPENDED .. ·SOLIDS ( ) HARDNESS AS CaCO3 ( ) ALKALINITY AS CaC03 ( ) Biochemical ( ) Oxygen Dem_a~ ( )AMMONIA 65 ( ] NITROGEN-N - · ".: NITROGEN-N ( ) NITRATE-N 0i 1 0 ¢ ) COLOR-UNITS -- ( ) NITRITE-N ND (0.0l) (') CONDUCTIVITY, -- umhos/cm ( ) CHLORIDE ( ) LANGLIER INDEX - ( ) CYANIDE ( ) LANGLIER INDEX ( )FLUORIDE .( )pH, UNITS 8.0 ( ) OIL AND GREASE { ; TURBIDITY, ntu~ - ( )PHENOL { )F. COLIFOR.M/100ml 54 _ ( }PHOSPHOROUS I } ' . (ORTHO)-P ( }SULFATE I )' · - { ) SODIUM, Na ( ) SULFIDE IH2S) I ) ' TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ' ; . ~,'~ ANALYTICAL REPORT -.- REriARKS MATRIX INVOICE DATE DAYE RECVD. .,~ -/"-~ - ~ · D,~TE COHPLETED /O- DATE REPORTED XO - ~-~ SIG~ATURF ND INDICATES 'NONE DE~CTED; DETECTION LIMIT IS IN ( ) ' mgll ( )ALUMINUM. Al ( ) ARSENIC, As ( ) BARIUM, Ba '- ( ) BORON, B ( ) CALCIUM, Ca ( ) CADMIUM, Cd ( ) CHROMIUM, Cr ( ) COPPER. Cu ) IRON, F¢ ) LEAD, Pb ) MAGNESIUM, Mg ) MANGANESE, Mn ) MERCURY, Hg ) NICKEL, Ni ) PHOSPHOROUS., P · ) POTASSIUM. K ) SELE.~IUM. Se ) SILICON, Si ) SILVER, Ag ) SODIUM. Na rog/1 ( ) STRONTIUm}, S.r ( ) TIN. Sn (.) VANADIUM, V. ( ) ZINC, Zn ( ) ZIRCONIUM. Zr' ( ) ( ) ( ) · · mgll CYANIDE FLUORIDE OIL AND GREASE PHENOL PHOSPHOROUS (ORTHO)-P SULFATE SULFIDE {H:S) ( ) TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS ( ) TOTAL VOLATILE SOLIDS ~'z / (.) SUSPENDED SOLIDS ( } VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS ( ) HARDNESS AS CaCO3 ( ) ALKALINITY AS CaCO3 ¢ ) , - ) ( ) COLOR-UNITS ) CONDUCT! VITY, umhos/cm ) LANGLIER INDEX ) LANGLIER INDEX ) pH, UNITS ) TURBIDITY. mu ) ~' ~O:L'IFORM/100ml ) 7,9 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. /"~-- ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAl. CENTER 5633 B STREEt ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPORT CUSTOMER Alaska Technological Applications/AECS DATE COLLECTED 10~20-86 TIME C0[LECTED 1530 SAMPLED BY JTK _ SOURCE AFTER U.V. Treatment REMARKS HAl-RIX INVOICE = DATF L44 Bowery Lane SAMPLE LOCATION N. Rirnhw~ RECVD..BY ZTY LAB ~ 4593 DATE RECVD, 10-20-86 _ SIGNATURF ~.,,.x,~.,~-- . /~ RD IRDICATES ',k'Oh'E DETECTED' DETECTION LIHIT IS lit ( ) ; mg/1 )ALUMINUM, A1 ) ARSENIC, As ) BARIUM, Ba ) BORON, B ) CALCIUM, Ca ) CADMIUM, Cd ) CHROMIUM, Cr ) COPPER, Cu ) IRON, Fa } LEAD, Pb ) MAGNESIUM, Mg. ) MANGANESE. Mn ) MERCURY. Hg ) NICKEL, Ni ) PHOSPHOROUS. P ) POTASSIUM. K ) SELENIUM, S~ ) SILICON. Si ) SILVER. Ag ) SODIUM. Na _ ( ( ( ( ( mgll ( ) STRONTIUiXi, Sr (.) TIN, Sn ( ) VANADIUM, V ( ) ZINC, Zn ( ) ZIRCONIUM, Zr ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) AMMONIA 48 NITROGEN-N ( ) KJELDAHL 54 · "- 'NITROGEN-N 6.i2 ( ) NITRATE-N 1.5 ( ) NITRITE-N ) CHLORIDE ) CYANIDE mgll ( )'TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS ( ) TOTAL VOLATILE SOLIDS ( ) SUSPENDED 43 ·SOLIDS ( ) VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS ( ) HARDNESS AS CaCO3 ( ) ALKALINITY AS CaCO3 ( ) )Biochemical Oxygen Demand 16_~ () (-) COLOR-UNITS · ' ( ) CONDUCTIVITY, umhos/cm {' ) LA~GLIER INDEX _ ~: ( ) LANGL'iER INDEX ) FLUORIDE ) OIL AND GREASE ·{ ) pM. UNITS 7.9 I } TURBIDITY, ntu Fecal 2 ) PHENOL PHOSPHOROUS (ORTHO)-R )iSULi=ATE SULFIDE (H:S) ' I ) COLIFORM/100ml ! ) CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 'B' STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 REPORT OF ANALYSIS CLIENT: SEND REPORT TO: 701 W 58th Anchorage, AK SEND REPORT TO: AECS METHOD: MATRIX: Wa te r REFER QUESTIONS: DANIEL J. BACON AK Technological AppIicat.CLIENTPONO: ORDERED BY: 99518 SAMPLE RECVD: ! 0/27/86 DATE ANALYZED: 1]/4/86 APPROVED BY: STEPHEN C. EDE SAMPLES HELD UNTIL: ]2/5/86 LAB SAMPLE NO: 4673 CLIENT SAMPLE ID, Rid-Waste, Start Up #4, After UV Treatment, 10/27/86, L44 Bowery Lane PARAMETER mg/l mg/l mg/I ALUMINUM. Al. ARSENIC. As. BARIUM, B~ BORON, B. CALCIUM, Ca CADMIUM.Cd. CHROMIUM. Cr COPPER. Cu IRON, Fe LEAD, Pb MAGNESIUM, Mg MANGANESE. Mn MERCURY. HI NICKEL. Ni PHOSPHOROUS. P. POTASSIUM. K. SELENIUM. Se SILICON, Si. SILVER. A! SODIUM. Na STRONTIUM. Sr. TIN. Sn VANADIUM. Zn ZINC, Zfl ZIRCONIUM. Zr AMMONIA NITROGEN-N KJELDAHL NITROGEN-N NITRATE-N NITRITE-N CHLORIDE CYANIDE FLUORIDE OIL & GREASE PHENOl. PHOSPHOROUS (ORTHO)-P. SULFATE SULFIDE (H.S). 58 63 0.30 2.9 {4 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TOTAL VOLATILE SOLIDS SUSPENDED SOLIDS · VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS HARDNESS AS CaCo3 ALKALINITY CaCo3 COLOR-UNITS CONDUCTIVITY umhos/cm LANGLIER INDEX LANGLIER INDEX el40 ph, UNITS 7,9 TURBIDITY, ntu FECAL COLIFORM/! 00 mi 0 TOTAL COLIFORM/100 mi REMARKS. ND-NONE DETECTED DETECTION LIMITS 1N ( ) INVOICE" 4637 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 'B' STREET, ANCHORAGE, At[. 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 REPORT OF ANALYSIS CLIENT: AK Technological Applications SEND REPORT TO: AECS 1200 W. 33rd Avenue #B SEND REPORT TO: Anchorage, AK 99 503 METHOD: Standard Method, 16th Edition MATRIX: Water REFER QUESTIONS: DANIEL J. BACON CLIENT PO NO: ORDERED BY: SAMPLE RECVD: 10-29-86 DATE ANALYZED: 11 =7-86 ~C~c,/ APPROVED BY: STEPHEN C. EDE SAMPLES HELD UNTIL.-... Not Held LAD SAMPLE NO: 4669 .... CLIENT SAMPLE ID: Lot 44, Tract 15 N, R1W, Sec 4 PARAMETER mg/l mR/! mR/! ALUMINUM. Al ARSENIC, As BARIUM, Ba BORON, B CALCIUM. Ca CADMIUM,Cd CHROMIUM, Ct. COPPER, Co IRON, Fe LEAD, Pb MAGNESIUM. Mg MANGANESE, Mn MERCURY, Hg NICKEL, NJ. PHOSPHOROUS, P. POTASSIUM, K. SELENIUM, Se SILICON, SI. SILVER. AR SODIUM, Na STRONTIUM, Sr TIN, Sn VANADIUM, Zn ZINC, Zn ZIRCONIUM, Zr REMARKS AMMONIA NITROGEN-N 60 KJELDAHL NITROGEN-N 65 NITRATE-N 2.0 NITRITE-N 0.72 CHLORIDE CYANIDE FLUORIDE OIL & GREASE PHENOl, PHOSPHOROUS (ORTHO)-P SULFATE SULFIDE (H,S). TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS TOTAL VOLATILE SOLIDS SUSPENDED SOLIDS 2 ~ VOLATILE SUSPENDED SOLIDS HARDNESS A~ CaCo3 ALKALINITY A~ CaCo3 COLOR-UNITS CONDUCTIVITY umhos/cm LANGLIER INDEX 840 LANGLIER INDEX el40 ph, UNITS 7.8 TURBIDITY. nth : FECAL id' COLIFORM/100 mi TOTAL COLIFORM/100 mi Biochemical Oxvoen D~mand. mo/1 g0 ND-NONE DETECTED DETECTION LIMITS IN ( ) INVOICE · 4669 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ,~ ~ REPORT ~ AK Technological Applications gDDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. Eagle River, AK 99577 t~'I~RQUESTION TO: Daniel J. Bacon APPROVED BY: Stephen C. Ede CLI~qT P. O. ~ Tom Graham SkMPLES RECE1W]~: 11/10/86 SAMPLES DATE giNALYZED: ]l/ll - 11/13/86 LAB SBMPLENO. 4769 CT_&-E~i' S~IMPLE IJD.: L44, Peters Creek tvL~I~HOD: -~Tt~X: Standard Methods, 16th Edition Water Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/l Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/1 Ammonia-N, mg/l Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml pH RESULTS 0.37 2.9. Sample Lost on Analysis 58 12 8.0 44 7.9 RESIDUAL S~MPLES WILL BE HELD UNTIL: 12/13/86 ND = NONE DETE(J£ED DETECTION LI~LiT 1%I ( ) INVOICE ~, 4769 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. / * x TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPORP AK Technological Applications 1707 Eagle River Rd. Eaqle River, AK 99577 Daniel J. Bacon Stephen C. Ede REFER~TI~: APPROVEDBY: CLIENTP. O. ~ SAMPLES RECEIVED: ] ]/17/86 DATE ANALYZED: LAB SAMPLE NO. 4825 11/]7/86 11/18 - 11/2o/86 ~ SA2vIPYL~3'IiD.: L44 Bowery Lane, S. Birchwood METHOD: Standard Methods Ammonia Nitrogen-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen-N, C~Nitrate-N, mg/1 t~O~ ~Nitrite-N, mg/l /~ Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/l Suspended Solids, mg/1 pH Fecal Coliform, col/IO0 ml mg / 1 Water, Rid Waste Start Up #7 .61 65 0.62 2.6 7.5 ll 7.9 66 RESIDUAL SD3~LES WILL BE HELD UNTIL: 12/20/86 ND = NONE DETE~3f~D DETEC~fION LLVLIT IN ( } INVOICE '~ 4825 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ~i.~-- A~RAGE JNOUSTRiAL CENTER 5633 8 STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99518 ~J/o~o'~,~ TELEPHONE (907/ 562'2343 ADDRESS I~'k2~ QUESTION TO: APPROVED BY: ANALYTICAL REPOR~ AK Technoloqical Applications, 1707 Eaqle River Rd. Eaqle River, AK 99577 Daniel J. Bacon Stephen C. Ede 2~ inc.CLLEixTf P. O. ~ S$~PLES CO]'.T F. Ci'~D: DATE gzNSU~YZED: LAB SAY~LE NO. )2/11/86 ]2/11186 12/11 - 12/16/86 5027 PIETHOD: Standard Methods, CLIENT S~/~LE I.D.: MATP~X: Water 16th Edition Rid Waste, Start Up #9 L44, Bowery Lane, After UV Treatment PARAMETER Nitrate-N Nitrite-N Total Kjeldah] Nitrogen-N Ammonia Nitrogen-N Biochemical Oxygen Demand Suspended Solids pH, Units Fecal Coliform, col/100 mi RESULTS, mg/1 20 1.4 23 16 26 23 6.9 RESIDUAL S~x~PLES WILL BE 'HELD UNTIL: Not Held ND = NO_kIEl DETEC!~-r~D DETECTION LI~LIT INVOICE ' ~ 5027 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. /~??\- ~-~E~.OUSm~^cc~Ea ~SOa~SmEE~ ^NC}~O~^~,~ ~,~/t~a'o;~;;;,~%~,,~ TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ~I~ ~0~ PT.T~N~ ADDI~F_SS 1707 Eaqle River Rd. Eaqle River, AK 99577 RI~e'/~ (ZJESTIC~I WO: Dan i el J. Bacon APPROVED BY: Stephen C. Ede AK Technoloqical Applications, Inc. ~,TF~P. o. # -- SAMPLES RECE/VED: 12/15/86 SAMPLES COTI~cft~D: ]2/5/86 DATE ANALYZED: ]2/]6 - ]2/19/86 LAB SAMPLE NO. 5054-1 Standard Methods CIJENT SA/~PLE MATiLiX: Water Rid-Waste Start Up #10. L44 Bowery Lane, after UV Treatment Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/l Ammonia-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/l Suspended Solids, mg/1 pH Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml 11 9.0 ~4 5.6 86 172 7.2 98 I~_SIDgAL SAMPT,ES ?~LL BE ~ZT,D UNTIL: 1/19/87 ND = NONE DETE(gI'~D DETECfION LIMIT D~ INVOICE '~, 5054 () CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF A LASKA, INC. ~.','~ ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 96518 ,~,[,~,, ;'~ "~ TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPOR~ AK Technoioqical Applications, Inc. 1707 Eaqle River Rd, Eaqle River, AK 99577 iRIiF~X~YJES~EgiCNTO: Daniel J. Bacon APPROVED BY: Stephen C. Ede. CDIENTP. O. 0' -- SDzMPLES RECEIVED: 12/15/86 g~ ~T~i'~: 12/5/86 ~ ~z~ ]~/,~ - ~ ~ ~ ~o. scsi- ~ 12/19/86 Standard Methods · cq',T~r2. S~iMPLE 'I&D.: MATP,_7~: Water Rid-Waste Henkins Start Up #1 Henkins S/D, after UV Treatment Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahi NitKogen, mg/] Ammonia-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 pN Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml ND (0.10) ND (0.01) 1.6 0.33 lO4 11 7.8 102 IRES~. SAMPTF. q WI'T,L BE F~r.~ UNTIL: 1/19/87 ND= NO~D~i~Ci'~ D~i%ci'±~NLIPLIT I~ ( ':I2,!VOICE'~' 5054 " ~~ CHEMICAL &___GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 REPORT CL0~E2qT AK Technological Applications, ADDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. Eagle River, AK 99577 RE2VE~R QLO~STIC~] ~: Daniel J. Bacon &PPR(Tv~D BY: Stephen C. Ede Inc. CLIEN=f p. O. = S3x3~PLES RECEIVED: SB}4PLES COLT,R~jI'ED: DATE ANALYZED: mB SAWnE NO. 51o8-] Tom Graham 12/22/86 12/22/86 12/22 - 12/27/86 CLIE~ Sg2vlPLE I.D.: Rid-Waste, Start-Up #1, Sandy Beach METHOD: P~TIL~X: Water Standard Methods, 16th Edition PARAMETER Ammonia-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/1 Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/l Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/la0 ml pH RESULTS 27 44 ND (O.l) 0.010 3OO 183 GT 2000 7.8 GT = GREATER THAN RESIDUAL SA~LES WILL BE I~F~.T,D UNTIL: Not Held ND = NONE DETEC]?ION L]/VLIT I~ ( ) ~,~voIcE ~ 51o8 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ~~-~-- A~-~-G~ 56338STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 AaNALYTICAL REPORT C:LIEA~ AK Technological Applications, ADDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. Eagle River, AK 99577 ~EFER.QUESTIONTO: APPROVE~BY: Daniel J. Bacon Stephen C. Ede Inc. CLIENT P. O. ,,_x. S~_M~o LES RECEIVED: SA~'~R>LES DATE A~xir~LYZED: ~ , LAB S~t~LE NO. Tom Graham 12/22/86 12/22/86 12/22 - 12/27/86 5108- 2 b'~fD IOD: Standard Methods, CLIENT S/xzMPLE I.D.: ~TRi~X: Water 16th Edition Rid-Waste, Start-Up #11, Bowery Lane L44 PARAMETER Ammonia-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldaht Nitrogen, mg/1 Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/lDO mt pH RESULTS 16 24 21 ~9 5O 15 104 7.2 RESIDUAL SAblPLES WILL BE HELD UNTIL: Not Held ND = NO.NE DETEc'I'EU DETECTION LI~T 1~I ( ) INVOICE ~ 5108 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ~~ A--~'O~-G~ 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPORT AK Technological Applications, Inc. CLIENT P. O. ~ Tom Graham ADDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. SAMPLES RECEIVED: 12/29/86 Eagle River, AK 99577 SAMPLES COT~CTED: 12/29/86 REFER QUESTIEXq TO: Daniel J. Bacon DATE ANALYZED: 12/30/86 APPROVED BY: Stephen C. Ede ~/~/ LhB S32VlPLENO. 5134-1 brtE25IOD: Standard Methods, CLIENT S~2viPLE MATRIX: Water 16th Edition Rid-Waste, Start-Up #2 Sandy Beaches, After UV Treatment PARAMETER Ammonia-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/1 Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml pH RESULTS 42 52 ND (0.10) ND (0.0]) 246 146 11,700 8.0 RESIDUAL SAMPLES WILL BE HET,D UNTIL: Not Held ND= NONE DETECTED DETECTION LIP~T 1~ ( CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 R~'ER QUESTIC6I TO: APPROVED BY: ANALYTICAL REPORT ~ AK Technological Applications, Inc. C%IEIXYI' P. O. # Tom Graham ADDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. SAMPLES RECEIVED: 12/29/86 [ogle River, AK 99577 SBMPLES COT,T,F.(jI't~D: -- Daniel J. Bacon DATE ANALYZED: 12/30/86 Stephen C. Ede LAB SAMPLE NO. 5134-2 METHOD: Standard Methods, CLIEiqT SDlvlPr.?. I.D.: Rid-Waste, Start-Up #11 L44 Bowery Lane, After UV Treatment MATRiX: Water 16th Edition PARAMETER Ammonia-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/1 Nitrate-N, mg/l Nitrite-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml pH RESULTS 45 5; 2.9 6.1 75 47 1630 7.9 RESIDUAL SAMPLES WILL BE HELD UNTIL: Not Held ND = NONE DETECTED DETECTION L]i~LIT /N ( i%XBfOICE ~ 5134 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF A LASKA, INC. ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 ~~~ TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPOTS) ~ AK Technolo§ical Applications, inc. CY,TENTP. O. # Tom Graham A]DDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. SAMPLES RECEXVED: 3/26~87 Eagle River, AK 99577 S~tV~l~I~_q COTI~C~fED: 3/26/87 10~15 REFER QLTESTIGN TO: Daniel J. Bacon DATE ANALYZED ·~ 3/26 - 3/31/87 APPROVED BY: Stephen C. Ede LAB SA~PI~ NO. 5762 CL/ENTS~zMPLEI:D-: Peters Creek SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ~TRiX: Water M~JI'HOD: Standard Methods pH TOTAL ORGANIC SAMPLE LOCATION UNITS CARBON, mg/l COLONIES/lO0 ml FECAL COLIFORM /Lit ....... : * * * Milligrams er ...... SUSPENDED RESIDUAL SOLIDS CHLORINE BOD 1 Ray Staben 7.8 ~- 640 15 -- 18 .......... * * RATING ............................. * .... PARAMETER EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR BORDERLINE UNACCEPTABL~ BOD, Suspended Solids, mg/1 0-10 1]-20 21-30 31-45 45+ Fecal Coliform/100 ml 200 MAXIMUM pH, Units 6-8:ACCEPTABLE RESIDUAL SA~LES WILL BE HELD UNTIL: Not Held ND = NONE DETECTED DETECTION LI~LIT 1%7 ( ) INVOICE ' ~ 5762 CHEMICAL &. GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. c~.~,.~ ANCHORAGE INDUSTRIAL CENTER 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 ~..~~ . TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 Cr.T~XT~ AK Technological Applications, Inc. ADDRE.SS 1707 Eagle River Rd. 3/26/87 Eagle River, AK 99577 3/26/87 1045 Daniel J. Bacon Stephen C. Ede ~f//~ REFER QUESTION TO: APPROVED BY: CLTEN~ P. O. #' Tom Graham SBMPLES RECEIVED: SBMPLES COT,T,ECTEf): DA~[~3 31klYlLX2 Z J~P: I~ S~I~ NO. 5762 3/26 - 3/31/87 METHOD: · C~',/ENT SAMPLE'IiD.: Peters Creek, Ray Staben by TSG MATRIX: Water Standard Methods For the Analysis of Water and Waste Water Nitrogen Ammonia, mg/1 Nitrogen Kjeldahl, mg/1 Nitrogen Nitrate, mg/1 Nitrogen Nitrite, mg/1 29 37 9.2 1.3 NOTE: Kjeldahl Mitrogen includes ammonia nitrogen; to obtain organic nitrogen, subtract ammonia nitrogen from kjeldahl nitrogen. RESIDUAL SAMPLES WILL BE HE¥,D UNTIL: Not Held ND = NONE DETE(31'~JD DETECTION L]IVLIT IN ( INVOICE # 5762 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 ANALYTICAL REPOt~ ~,I-RN~2 AK Technological Applicatlons, Inc. ADDRESS 1707 Eagle River Rd. Eagle River, AK 99577 R~'mRQUESTION TO: APPROVED BY: Daniel J. Baco0 Stephen C. Ede CLZE~TP. O. # -- SAMPLES RECEIVED ~ 4/6/87 SAMPLES COT .T.~C'i'ED: 4/6/87 0930 DATE ~NALYZED: 4/6 - 4/13/87 mB NO. SSSO CL~ S~MPL~. 'I.D. :' Pe'te'rs Creek Bowery Lane iV~ATP~X: Water METHOD: Standard Methods, 16th Edition PARAMETER Ammonia-N, mg/1 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, mg/1 Nitrate-N, mg/1 Nitrite-N, mg/1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, mg/1 Suspended Solids, mg/1 Fecal Coliform, col/100 ml pH RESULTS 33 33 4.3 0.36 · 9.0 26 70 8.1 RESIDUAL SAMPT,V.S ~LL BE I-T~T,D UNTIL: Not Held ND = NONE DETECI~ED D~'fECTION LIPLTT 1%~ ( ) INVOICE $'5850 CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 · TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 Client PO# : VERDAL Client Smpl ID: PETERS CREEK Lab Smpl ID : 1 Sample Rec'd : APR 13 87 Req ~: 5918 Matrix:Water ANALYSIS REPORT DY SA~-'LE ' ~ Date Report Printed: APR 24 87 ~' 07:56 ' Client Account : AKTECHT Invoice No. : 47 Released By ': ~.," REPORTS ADDRESS REPORTS ADDRESS ~2 AK TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, INC. AK TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, INC. 1707 EAGLE RIVER RD EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 1707 EAGLE RIVER RD EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 Special Inst~ct: Parameter Tested Result DOD5 RESIDUE:NON-FILTERABLE(SS) pH FECAL COLIFORM NITROGEN: AMMONIA NITROGEN: KJBLDAHL NITROGEN: NITRATE NITROGEN: NITRITE Detection Allowable Units Method Limits Limits 26 mg/l 14 mg/l 7.6 units 44 cot/100ml 50 mg/1 52 mg/1 9.8 mg/1 0.10 0.20 mg/l Sample Remarks: · 8 Tests Performed * See Special Instructions Above N/D= None Detected ** See Sample Remarks Above ANALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE Client PO~ : VERBAL Req ~: Client Smpl ID: PETER'S CREEK Sample Rec'd : APR 20 87 Ordered By : J.M. REPORTS ADDRESS ~! AK TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, INC. Invoice No. : 124 Client Account : AKTECMT Date Report Printed: APR 28 87 @ 16:55 Released By : ~ REPORTS ADDRESS ~2 1707 EAGLE RIVER RD EAGLE RIVER. AN. 995?7 Special COLLECTED 4-20-87, 0945 Instruct: J. M. MONTGOMERY ENGINEERS Chemlab Ref #: 5983 Lab Smpl ID: 1 Matrix: Water Detection Allowable Parameter Tested Result Units Method Limits Limits GOD5 30 mg/l RESIDUE:NON-FILTERABLE(SS) 15 mg/1 pH 7,7 units FECAL COLIFORM 210 col/100ml NITROGEN: AMMONIA 70 mg/1 NITROGEN: KJELDAHL 74 mg/1 NITROGEN: NITRATE 14 mg/1 NITROGEN: NITRITE 2.2 mg/I 0.10 Sample Remarks: Tests Pmrformed m See Special Instructions Abovm Nnnp ne~octed ~ See Smmolo Rmmarko Above &CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATO~ES OF AL"ASKA, INC. iests Perfocmed -t See Si:,ecis) lnstfuetionsAoove ~ -" Not An:ii CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 Ci ient PO~ : UER-P. AL Req ~): CIient Smpl ID: PETERS CREEK~ 5-4-87~ 0857 Sample Rec'd : MAY 4 87 Ordered By : REPORTS ADDRESS AK TECHNOLOGiC;ALAPPLICATIL¥4S,INC. 1707EAGLE RIVER RD EAGLE RIVER~ AK, 9957? Special EC~4PLEO 8Y J,H HC~TGC~'iERYB,IGINEERS InstPuct: ~ALYSIS REPORT BY SAMPLE Work OrdeP No. ~ 534 Client Account : RKTECHi' Date Report PPinted:D~¥ JS 87 B 12:25 Reieased By : ~JC~ REPORTS ADDRESS ~2 Che;dabRef ~: 6110 Lab Smpl iD: ! Matrix: Water Al t c.D)abl e Par~,e rep Tested Resui t/Uni ts Method LiIM ts AK TECH HPPL.~{~J~TERS BANK n/a BOD5 S? m~/1 RESIDUE: (SS) NC~',~-F I LTERAOLE 10 pH 7.5 units FECAL COLiFORI-I 2030 col/lO0 n:l ~,¥IC¢,1 i A-N 73 rog/1 ICJELDAHL-N 76 mg/i NITRATE-N 15 mg/I NITRiTE-N O, 02'? m~/1 10 Sample ? Tests Performed * See Special lnstructionsAbove NO= None Oetected ** See Sample RemarKs Above t~= Not Hnalyzed LT=LessThan, Gl'=Greater Than CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. FEDERAL TAX ID # 92-0040440 (¥-IALYSI S REPORT BY SAHPLE C! ient POi~ : VERBAL Req ih i]i tent Smpl ID: PETER'S CREEK E.~mpleRec'd : PAY II 87 Ord,.'.red By : ]'OM GRAHAH REPORTS ADDRESS ;iK TECHNOLOGI CALAPPLi CAT] ONS ~ INC. Work OrderNo. : 455 Client Account : ~Ki'ECHi' Date Report Printed:IdlY 22 87 ~ 16:!I Released By : SCE REPORTS AODRESS ti2 1707 EAGLE RIVER RD EAGLE RIVER, AK. ??577 Special COLLECTEDS-11--87 0?22 HRS 8¥ Id~GOMERYENGINEERS ~nstruct: AK TECH NPPL~I,?N'TERSBA~IK n/a n/~ SOD5 IS mg/1 RESIDUE:(SS)N~-FiLTERABLE ~1 m~l pH ?~7 units FECAL COLIFORH 500 co!/lOOml A~<~ION!A-N ~8 m.q/'l KdEL[~HL-N 81 m9/1 N1TRATE-N 17 ~9/1 NITRITEYq 0.51 mg/l ~0 Samp! e ~emarKs: TestePerformed * Sex Special lnetructions~boue NC:None Detected ~ See Sample Remarks Above Hot Analyzed LT=Lees Than, GT=Greate~Than ~~ CHEMICAL e & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORIES OF ALASKA, INC. ;, / ~'.~.'~ · 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 i ,~~.~ " FEDERAL TAx ID # 92-0040440 AN~LYSf$ REPORT BY CJ ism ' ::mpJ AK TECHiqOLOGiCALAPPLICATiON~, Work Order No, ; 604 CIient Account : AKTEC!i! Date Report Pr inte{l: t. iAY 2/ ~','~/ ':~ ::,:~c ..... ~PORTS ADD~ESS ~2 La,o Smp~ ID: 2 Hatrix: Water Parameter Testeo Resul t/Units Hethod Limi [;s AK TECH ~PPLwWATERSBANK n/a n/a BOD5 gO RESiDUE:(SS)NON-FiL~ERABLE ~ 20 pH 7.4 units FECAL CoLiFO~J 4100 col/lO0 mi A~HOXIA-X 79 m~l KO~LD~HL-N ~ NITraTioN i2 m~/i 'i ~emarkS: ? I'ests Pe~forme~ .~ See Special InstructionsAbove ~ ~ione Detected ~ ~ee oamp e RemarKs LABORATORIES OF ALASKA CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL , INC. Work O,,'der i~o. : 6! tent &ccount 7.4 units 4100 cot/lOg mi 79 ~g/I 0,u72 m9/l LO Sa f,i?. { e rests Performed '~ See Special Instructionsabove i4u=' acne bet ec tee o. See :}ampi e Remarks Above got Rna i yzeo LT:Less 1'hah, Gl'=Oreater Than CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LAB OF ALASKA, INC. ~'"'L;a'o~'~ FEDERAL TAX ID # 92'0040440 oampie~.t, c~ : ~JA¥ 26 87 a~. l~;t~aNuLOuloA£aPP6!l,~d_ itlNS, iNC:. R~POR fS AODRKS,S !707 ~AGL~ RIVER RD ~AG£~ RiVeR, aK. 99577 Special 5-26-87, O,~, MONT60~YRN6!NR~R$ CnemiabRef ~: 6345 Lab Smpl !O: I ~latrix: }later Alio~,~abie Par~eter?ested Result/Units l,Jethod ~mi.s' 't, AK TFC~ APPL~};A?~SBAN[ n/a n/a ?H 8.1 units P~CAL UOI, iFORi4 2~2 coi/iO0 mi A~ON~A-.N 69 mg,/[ KJ~LDAHL-N 78 m9/t ~Ii'i'RATi-N 12 mg/i NiTRi~B-N -0.84 m9/I i0 oamp i e Remarks: Tests Performed * See SpeciaI tnstructionsAbove f,tone Detected ~ See Sample Remarks Above i~h=NotAnaiyzed LT=kese'~han, G'£=greater?han -- BLAIR AVE. ~_,~) ~ --Jw. HOMEBTEAD RD. NW i358 20 North ~unicipalily Ama Reference ~ap--lB 26 ~ 28 ~