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#050- 602 - 06
555 Cordova Strect
Anchorage, AK 99501
PHONE: (907) 269-8685
File: 2107.26.002
Return Receipt Requested
Article No: 7007 3020 0000 1948 2733
September 25, 2009
John Gaydos
General Communications, Inc.
Core Engineering Department
2550 Denali Street, Suite 1000
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2751
Re: Record of Decision- GCI Network Facility
Corrective Action Complete- Institutional Controls
Dear Mr. Gaydos:
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Contaminated Sites Program,
has completed a review of the environmental records associated with the GCI Network Facility.
Based on the information provided to date, the ADEC has determined that the contaminant
concentrations remaining on site do not pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the
environment, and no further remedial action will be required as long as the site is in compliance
with established institutional controls.
This decision is based on the administrative record for GCI Network Facility, which is located
in the offices of the ADEC in Anchorage, Alaska. This letter summarizes the decision process
used to determine the environmental status of this site and provides a summary of the
regulatory issues considered in the Corrective Action Complete with Institutional Controls
Site Name and Location:
GCI Network Facility
23554 The Clearing Drive
Eagle River, Alaska 99577
Name and Mailing Address of Contact and Mailing Address of Contact Party:
John Gaydos
General Communications, Inc.
Core Engineering Department
2550 Denali Street, Suite I000Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2751
G: SPAR SPAR CS,26 Case Filcs(LUSTSitca)'Q107 Laglc River'S107.26.002 GO Nerwmk Facility GC1 Nclwnrk Fu ilily_CC.ICs_Lidren.drw
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John Gaydos 2 September 25, 2009
ADEC Site Identifiers:
ADEC Reckey: 2003210036301
File: tt 2107.26.002
Hazard 1D: 23376
Regulatory authority under which the site is being cleaned up:
18 AAC 75 and 18 AAC 78
During the removal of a Tank #1, 500 -gallon diesel underground storage tank (UST) in 2003, a
second, older and previously unknown, 500 -gallon diesel UST (Tank #2) was discovered. No
contamination was discovered at Tank #1; however, soil samples collected beneath Tank #2
contained petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations that exceeded ADEC cleanup levels.
Contamination has been attributed to tank overfills, indicated by observable staining around the
fill pipe. This site is located approximately 4.5 miles up Eagle River Valley from the Glenn
l lighway on a two acre lot. The facility consists of a building, two satellite dishes, a storage
shed, and an above ground storage tank (AST); all of which are enclosed inside a fence.
Contaminants of Concern
During the investigations at this site, soil and water samples were analyzed for diesel range
organics (DRO), gasoline range organics (GRO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
including benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Based on these analyses and
knowledge of the source area, the following Contaminants of Concern were identified:
• Diesel Range Organics (DRO)
• Gasoline Range Organics (GRO)
• Toluene
• Ethylbenzcne
• Total Xylenes
Cleanup Levels
The default soil cleanup levels for this site are established in 18 AAC 75.341, Method Two,
Tables B 1 and B2, Under 40 Inch 7one.
Site Cleanup Level (mA ,)
Diesel Range Organics
Gasoline Range Organics
Total Xylenes
Site Characterization and Cleanup Actions
A release investigation was performed in August 2003. The investigation consisted of soil
borings (one of which was completed as a monitoring well) as well as the collection of soil and
groundwater samples. Groundwater was located approximately 24 feet below ground surface
John Gaydos
September 25, 2009
(bgs) and did not contain contaminants above ADEC cleanup levels. Soil samples collected
underneath the former Tank #2 location at 6.5 feet (bgs) contained GRO up to 2,450 mg/kg;
DRO up to 12,100 mg/kg; toluene up to 27.6 mg/kg; ethylbenzene up to 24.2 mg/kg; and total
xylenes up to 131 mg/kg. Benzene was not detected. However the detection limit for benzene
was elevated above the ADEC cleanup level of 0.005 mg/kg due to sample dilution, so the
benzene results are inconclusive. Removal of the estimated 75 cubic yards of contaminated
soil was not feasible due to the close proximity of UST #2 to the building foundation. The
excavation was backfilled with stockpiled soil and clean fill.
To evaluate the nature and extent of contaminant migration, a remedial investigation was
performed in May 2007. Two groundwater monitoring wells were installed and subsurface soil
samples were collected. The new and existing wells were sampled on two occasions.
Groundwater samples contained petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations below ADEC
cleanup levels. The groundwater was found to flow South to Southwest. Soil samples
collected during the monitoring well installations, outside of the fenced facility, did not contain
detectable concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. The monitoring wells were
decommissioned in accordance with DEC guidance on July 30, 2009.
Pathway Evaluation
The exposure pathways for human health that were evaluated include the following: ingestion
of soil and groundwater, indoor and outdoor inhalation of vapors, and direct contact with soil.
The groundwater exposure risk is considered acceptable as groundwater samples did not
contain contaminants above ADEC cleanup levels. Additionally, there are no drinking water
wells on site, and the nearest drinking water well off site is located 300 feet up gradient.
The ingestion and direct contact exposure risk is acceptable as the remaining contamination is
located beneath the western edge of the building in the subsurface at 6.5 feet bgs., and the
facility is fenced reducing the exposure risk
Inhalation exposure was evaluated in January 2008 using the Johnson Ettinger Model. The
model calculates a 1-lazard Index (I1I) using a benchmark of 1, where a result above 1 indicates
potential indoor air risk. The results of the model at this site indicated a 1-11 of 0.97.
The facility is occupied with workers only periodically for up to four hours per day.
The exposure pathway analysis above was supported by the most recent ADEC Exposure
Tracking Model (ETM) ranking. The ETM results showed all pathways to be De Minimus
Exposure, Exposure Controlled, or Pathway Incomplete.
ADEC Decision
There is contamination remaining above established cleanup levels at GCI Network Facility,
but ADEC has determined there is no unacceptable risk to human health or the environment,
and this site will be granted a Corrective Action Complete — Institutional Controls
Determination subject to the following:
John Gaydos
September 25, 2009
Any future change in land use may impact the exposure assumptions cited in this
document. If land use and/or ownership changes, current institutional controls may not
be protective and ADEC may require additional remediation and/or institutional
controls. Therefore, GCI will report to ADEC every five years to document land use, or
as soon as GCI becomes aware of any change in land ownership and/or use. The
report can be sent to the local ADEC office or electronically to
DEC.ICUnitna alaska.gov
2. A Notice of Residual Contamination will be recorded on the ADEC database to
document that there is residual contamination remaining on site above the most
stringent ADEC cleanup levels.
3. A Notice of Environmental Contamination (NEC) has been recorded at the State
Recorder's Office that identifies the nature and extent of contamination at the property
and any conditions that the owners and operators are subject to in accordance with this
decision document.
4. The soil contamination located under the buildings is currently inaccessible (see
attachment B). When the building is removed and/or the soil becomes accessible, the
soil must be evaluated and contamination addressed in accordance with an ADEC
approved work plan.
5. Any proposal to transport soil or groundwater off site requires ADEC approval in
accordance with 18 AAC 75.325(i). A "site" [as defined by 18 AAC 75.990 (115)]
means an area that is contaminated, including areas contaminated by the migration of
hazardous substances from a source arca, regardless of property ownership. (Sec
Attachment B)
G. Movement or use of potentially contaminated soil in a manner that results in a violation
of 18 AAC 70 water quality standards is unlawful.
Any person who disagrees with this decision may request an adjudicatory hearing in
accordance with 18 AAC 15.195 -18 AAC 15.340 or an informal review by the Division
Director in accordance with 18 AAC 15.185. Informal review requests must be delivered to the
Division Director, 410 Willoughby Avenue, Suite 303, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 15 days
after receiving the department's decision reviewable under this section. Adjudicatory hearing
requests must be delivered to the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental
Conservation, 410 Willoughby Avenue, Suite 303, Juneau, Alaska 99801, within 30 days after
the date of issuance of this letter, or within 30 days after the department issues a final decision
tinder 18 AAC 15.185. If a hearing is not requested within 30 days, the right to appeal is
John Gaydos
September 25, 2009
If you have questions about this closure decision, please contact Grant Lidren at (907) 269-
Approved By,
Linda Nuechterlein
Environmental Manager
Recommended By,
Grant Lidren
Environmental Specialist
Attachment A: Cleanup Complete -ICs Agreement Signature Page
Attachment B: Site Figure
CC: Dan Roth, Municipality of Anchorage, Development Services
Join Gaydos
September 25, 2009
Attachment A: Cleanup Gnnnlete-ICs A zreenrent and Sirrrtature Pane*
General Communications, Inc. agrees to the terms of this Cleanup Complete with Institutional
Controls determination as stated in this Record of Decision (ROD) document dated September
25, 2009 for the GCI Network Facility, Hazard ID: 23376. Failure to comply with the terms of
this agreement may result in ADEC reopening this site and requiring further remedial action in
accordance with 18 AAC 75.380(d).
Signature of Authorized Representative, Title
General Communications, Inc.
Printed Name of Authorized Representative, Title
General Communications, Inc.
Note to Responsible Person (RP):
After making a copy for your records, please return a signed copy of this form to the ADEC project
manager, Grant Ltdren at the address on this correspondence within 30 days of receipt of this letter.
John Gaydos
Attachment B: Site Finttre
7 Septcmbcr 25, 2009
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