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T12N R3W SEC 15 Jesse Lee Home
825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAI~. PROTECTION October 16, 1980 Jesse Lee Home 4600 Abbott Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: Maintenance of Sewer System This department records Show the upgraded septic system has been in use over two(2) years. The septic tank should be cleaned via pumping inorder to protect the leachfield from damage and the necessity for another upgrade. If there are any further questions, please call this department at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental LNB/ljw Specialist AugUst 14, 1978 Dr. Jotul Garvin % Jesse Lee Home 4600 Abbott Loop Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: On-site Se%~ler System Serving Jesse Lee On August 9, 1978 a field inspection of the on-site sewer serving Jesse Lee Home revealed absorption area failure. Failure of septic systems varies according to use and soil type, however~ al! system have a finite life. A new ab~orptlon system is necessitated due to the frequent pumping re~aired of the e~isting system. This department requests an engineer familiar in Municipal codes and design criteria be e~ployed to conduct the following items: (a) Site selection for ab~prption area. (b) Soil absorption tests. (c) Expected flow/loading rates. (d) F~xisting septic tank evaluation for current expansion of ~ac~litleso (e) Absorption trench blueprin~ design. (f) Submit blueprints for review by this department prior to construction. (g) As-builts of the new sewer system submitted to this department for docuz~entationo If there are ~ny questions~ please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, Senior Environmental Specialist Alaska Children's Services 1200 East 27th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99504 [907) 276-4515 Serving Families at ANCHORAGE: Anchorage Children's Christian Home--(Youth Se~ices Center) The Center for Cmldren and Parents Group Homes: Aquarius House Coiletti House North Star House The Jesse Lee Home UNALASKA: muliuk Family and Health Services Jointly founded by the American Baptist, American Lutheran and United AAethodist Churches Member of the Greater Anchorage United Way and Chi/d Welfare League of Amerlca August 8, 1978 Mr. Butt Hal1, Director Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: JESSE LEE HOME SEWAGE Dear Mr. Hall: This letter is to confirm that Alaska Children's Services has received notice from your office, dated July 27, 1978, of a sewage problem at the Jesse Lee Home, 4600 Abbott Road, which is in violation of 15.65.020 of the Anchorage Code of Ordin- ances. This notice was delivered to Sunny Calkins our main- tenance man at the Jesse Lee Home by L. J. Bringle. Specific instructions given were "drain area, chlorinate and maintain septic system or court action will follow for upgrade". Please be advised that on July 28, 1978 Alaska Children's Services did employ Isaacs Vacuum Cesspool and Septic Tank Cleaning Service of Anchorage who removed nine truck loads of sewage water from the affected area. We also treated the area with 400 pounds of chlorine on that date. It is my understanding that on August 7 the area was again inspected and surface drainage found to be present. Isaacs' Service has been employed and will continue on a daily basis to remove drainage until the problem is resolved. On this date August 8, 1978 we have arranged for a backhoe service to dig up the system at the source of the problem. When the system is exposed we wit1 contact your office for an inspection and further recommendations. Please be assured that we are anxious to correct this matter. We ask the cooperation of your staff to the end that the problem be resolved satisfactorily. Sincerely yours, ~, Ph.D. "--J~G/rv CC: George Williams, Associate General Secretary, Board of Global Hinistries, National Division, United Methodist Churc Glen Wright Dick Lynch POUC?, 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF NEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (S25 "L" SIreet) Dece~oer 12, 1978 Consolidated Enterprises Post Office Box 4-1438 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Subject: T12N R3W Section 15 Jesse Lee Home Sewer System This department is in receipt of "as-builts" for the Jesse Lee Home. The only changes from the preliminary blueprJ, nt originally submitted are location of the absorption trenches on the west side of distribution piping due to better soil porosity. This department finds the sewage facility design acceptable. One important facet that should be addressed is annual septic tank cleaning. I would hope this point is emphasized and incorporated by Jesse Lee Home management. If there are any questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw CC: Ellerbe Dominic Lee 3201 C Street, Suite 400 99503 Alaska Children's Services Dr. Garwin Wright 1200 West 27th Avenue 99503 3201C Street Suite 400 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telex 0909 5299907/276 4035 E erbe. December 1, 1978 Consolidated Enterprises P. O. Box 4-1438 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Attn: Mr. Bill WattersQn ~ Re: Jesse Lee Home Sewer System Commission No. 7789-781 Gentlemen: At your request we met with Mr. Garfield at the project on Monday November 27, 1978. The following items remain to be completed prior to acceptance and billing for the work to be submitted: Provide InsRection Report/Acceptance Certification by Municipality. As a warranty item, Mr. Garfield will return to the site in the spring of 1979 and provide more fine grading of the area. This is necessitated due to the freezing ground conditions and will not preclude payment at completion of the previous item. We enclose for your use 3 copies of the As-Built sketch which is based on our limited observations and the information provided by Mr. Garfield and is a supplement to the Contract Drawings M-1 thru 3 and SK-1/M-1 and SK dated November 7, 1978. We have reviewed this matter with the Municipality of Anchorage and it is suggested that your people arrange a meeting with them at the site. We have had dialogue with Mr. Les N. Bucholz at 825 L. St., Phone 264-4111 so he is familiar with the project. I am going to be unavailable for at least all of next week, therefore is you have any questions please contact Dominic Lee, P.E., Ellerbe Alaska. Very truly yours, ELLERBE .ALASKA T. Jack Orchard " Manager, Construction Administration cc: Alaska Children's Services Dr. Garvin/Hr. Wright omces m: TJ0: ds Anchorage & FairbaGks AK · Bloomington & St. Paul MN · Columbia MO · New Orleans LA · Washington DC · Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Architects/Engineers/Planners 3201 C Street Suite 400 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telex 0902 5299 907/276 4035 1 3E erbe. December 4, 1978 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Environmental 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Protection Attn: Mr. Les N. Bucholz, R. S. Senior Environmental Specialist Re: Jesse Lee Sewer System Commission No. 7789-781 Dear Mr. Bucholz: Enclosed with the As-Built of the Jesse Lee Home sewer system is a copy of our letter to Mr. William Watterson, Contractor of this project. Mr. Watterson will contact you soon for a final inspection. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you very much for your assistance in this project. Very truly yours, ELLERBE.ALASKA Dominic S. F. Lee, P.E. Enclosure DSFL:ds Offices in: Anchorage & Fairbanks AK · Bloomington & St. Paul MN · Columbia MO · New Orleans LA · Washington DC · Riyadh, Saudi Arabia · General Contractors P.O. Box ~1438 Anchorage, Alaska 9~~C~P - ~*. ~ ~.~v ~n~ ~ Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Prints [] Plans [] Change order [] GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval ~ For your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit.__ [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints __ ~ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO B I0,0o0 G,qL. S'n.. SFpTic ~K. I ~" J/A C.Pip[ CO,'3. 4 - 5" B~ecH ./ RE. JESSE LE.E' I-ION, qF_ REV. SCALE FAIRBANKS ANCHORAGE B C.,O,I I0,0o0 GAL. S'rL $[~r~c -[K. CO.' 5. 'FA.H .wy CO. .... ~ ~' .5" BIRCH RE. REV. ANCHORAGE i~ '~_~v~ ~ /47 ~° _/ RE. JESSE L.E.[ 5EWER ~'YS'TE t,~ SCALE *= ~'0 ~ ~ ~ DE"rAIL FAIRBANKS -- -- ANCHORAGE .... ~'~' ~"~' MUNICIPALITY OF ANC-IORAG · ~ · DEP,ARYME,FF,-uF~ H~E'¥N AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROT~'C~FION ........ 1st Inspection: S%f'A~, Anchorage, Alaska 9~'501 ~'~ .... 279-2511, ext. 224, 225 Inspector Date Received: March 16, 1977 Time 2nd inspection: Time Date Date Inspector REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES 1. ]bending Institution Request: Mailing Address: Phone: Property Owner: Alaska Children Services Phone: 344-9611 Mailing Address; 4600 Abbott Road (Jesse Lee Home) 3. Legal Description: % NE¼ NW¼ Section 15 T12N R3W 4. Single Family Residence: ( Multiple Family Residence: ) (x) Number of Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms: about 45 people Well Data: Type Individual Construction Depth Well Log Filed Bacterial ~alysis Sewage Disposal Permit # Septic Tank Size Absorption Area System: On-site system { ) Public Utility ~ ) Installed Installer Manufacturer Soils Rate Material Distances: Well to Septic Tank to Sewer Lines Neares~ Lot Line Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line to Absorption Area ' ~ ~' ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCNORAGF~ '.De' a ( '~ U CP T O~ A~C OR,,',GE f?0.:,'~:.~[~3~'~fI'".-" ;-:? 825 --' L' Street, ~chorag~,: ~Alaska ' . 279-25~Z, ext. 22~, 225 ' ' ":'' ::c" ' ' Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: Phone: Lending Institution: Mailing Address: Phone: Realtor/Agent: Mailing Address: Phone: Street Location: 6. Single Family Residence: ( ) Numb/e~f Bedrooms: Multiple Family Residence: ( ~// Number of Bedrooms: 7. Water Supply: *Individual Well (~ommunity System ( ) If Individual Well, well depth If Community System, name of system 8. Sewage Disposal System: On-site System ( If On-site System, date of installation: Public System ( ) *NOTE: A well log is required on ALL wells drilled since 6/75. 3/77 : - i Department of Health a.nd Environmental Protection · , :Requ:e~t. for Approvai of individual Sewer and Water Fac~l~tz~s' Legal Description: ½ NE¼ NW¼ Section 15 T12N R3W Comments: Affadavit Attached: Letter Attached: Approved: Date: Disapproved: Date: Department Worksheet: DATE A~.~.~KA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH INDIVIDUAL AND SEMI-PUBLIC BACTERIOLOG I CAL WATER ANALYSIS OFFICE SEMI-PUBLIC [] CHLORINE RESIDUAL PP~Vi ~ REPORT RESULTS TO OF SOURCE But]ding Sewer DISTANCE TO: or Olher Drainage Pipe Tile Seepage Field Feet. Pit Olher Possible Sources of Contamination MATERIAL: Building Sewer [] Cast Iron COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF W~._A? INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY SAMPLE COLLECTED BY / DATECOLLECTED -/'~ [] Wood [~ Plastic Joinl Moleriol Type GENERAL: Does Water Become Muddy or Discolored? [] Tile [~ Fibre [~ Asbestos Cement [~] Yes [] No Diomete o We _Deplh Feet. Well Casing MoterJal Diameter Deplh Length of Water Deplh Drop Pipe From Bo!tom- .Feet. Offset in In Utility PUMP LOCATION~ [] In Well [] Basement [] In Basement [] Room On Top []Of Well [] Other. PURPOSEOFEXAMINATION:IIInessSuspected? [] Yes [] No Analysis shows lhis Water SAMPLE lo be: [] Queslionoble [] Sample too long in transit; sample should nol be over 48 hours old at exominotlon to indicale reliable resuhs. Please send new sample. [] Bottlebrokeninlrons~l, pleasesendnewsample. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS A~,-~(KA DEPARTMENT OF UE/~LTH AND SOCI L S£n¥'ICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH NOIVIDUAL AND SEMI-PUBLIC BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Lob No. OFFICE NDIVIDUAL ~ SEMI-PUBLIC [] CHLORINE RESIDUAL PPM. REPORT RESULTS TC Anal isis shows this Waler SAMPLE to be: [] Sot,sfoctor [] Unsalisfoctor,. [] Queslio?~a ble SANITARIAN'S REMARKS COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY SAMPLE COLLECTED BY DATE COLLECTED 7 ~? TIME COLLECTED. ~'~} ~ LOCATION: [~ In Yard [] Olher Diameter of Well Demn Feet. We~l Casing PUMP LOCATION. [] ~n Well [~ Basement [] n Bc~semenl [] Room ~ Of Wel [] Olher PURPOSEOFEXAMINATJON. BlnessSus~)ecled~ ~ Yes [~ No ~ _ 06 1'~2~,~f~ Rev 1973 A DEPARTMENT OF.NF:AL:TH AND SOCIAL.SErvICES ..... ::. 'r'O VISION OF ~UBL C HEALTH ' - -- ' ' ' ' '~ INO V OUAL'A~SEMI'PUB[ C~ L '--' - 8ACTE RIOLO.G I CA [~'WRTER'~A NAL'YS I'S'~ '" o~,~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF WATER IS AN INDIVIDUAl: SUPPLY · W~blls= g Wood 0 Concrete . T6p -- [] Wood [] Concrete [] Melol When? Diameter of Well _ Lenglh of [] Bored Tile m Bric OoenToo L~ Con&de READ NSI:RUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE Water Oeotn fe~}. hour's old at examination lo ~r~d~cale'reliable results. Please - ~... . BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE AGAR Laclose Broth, 24 hr'~J ' (Most oroboble No per lOOcc J~ No SlgnotuJe ' 064220 ,b, BA~-ERI©LOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS ~ECORD Rev. 1973 DIREClfONS FOR COLLECrING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAl_ EXAMINATION Bear in alind Ihot water analysis deals wilh materials presenl in very minute quantities, The Feast carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise to resulls which are misleading. Samples are accepted rd 1he regional laboratories in the early part of Ihe week (Moncby-Wednesd¢~y) unless water samples reach the laboratory as quickly os posslble and wJfilil~ ~g [~ours after collection, After 48 t~ou~s, Ihe significance of the bacteriological analysis is impaired. In collecting samples fi'om TAPS or PUMPS proceed as follows: la) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing water to run freely for five minutes. lb} Shut off water and flame the outlet with torch or burning paper. '[he flame should not be merely passed over the outlet but should be applied until fixture shows indication of being hot, Flame should be directed against inside edge. Open fixlure so that a small stream flows. (dj Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold boltle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leqving foil protecting cover in place. Fill the bottle to the shoulder. Replace cap with foil cover', screi,¥i~g fJrii~l~, lille place but t!~ tier ~pply pressure vslrlcb ~-~lll spli~ c.qp, . Pack bottle carefully in mailing ?ube enclosing this corgpleted information sheet. DO NOr COLLECI' SAMPlEr) FROM FIRE HYDRANI'S, YARD / I IYDRAN'I'S, D~2NK~NG FOUN'I'AH~S OR SIMILAR OUTLETS WI IICI I ARE DIF,.ICUL'F '10 DISINFECT PROPERLY. STERILE WATER SAMPI.F. BOTi'LES ARE AVAIl,ABLE UPON REQUEST FROM: D~pt. of I leolth & Social Services Pouch l Junec~u, Alaska 99801 Dept. of I leahb & Social Services 8oulhcentral Reg[o~al Sorfitarion 838 Denali Slreeb MacKay Bldg. Ancborage, Alaska 99501 Dept. of l leahh & Social Servlces Norlhern Regional Saniloricm 604 Bornette Slreet Foirbcmks, Alaska 99701 Or District Offices in Fairbanks, Juneau, KetcbibJn, Kodiak, Nome, Palmer, 8aldolna and Voldez. Consult local telephone direclory for sanJlation offices located in It~ese communities. Anchorage area - contact Greater Anchorage Area Borough Deporlment of Environ. mental Quality. October 11, 1978 Ellerbe Alaska 3301 C Street, Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Att)l: Mr. Dominic S.F~ Lee, P.E. Subject: Upgrading of Jessie Lee Home On-site Septic System File No.: PB3 Gentlemen: My letter of September 25, ]978 failed to bring to your attention that it is absolutely necessary for you to submit As-Builts 9~ Subject to this Department prior to a Final Approval of ~aid project. ~f there are any questions about this or other related nmtter, please call ~re. ~ i!ohn/'~o Lynn ' · Fnv~/renmental Engtn~ering J~L: lmp cc: Les Buchholz ~ S/)~ - EE. ~]E~ierbe ® Ellerbe, Aiaska Architects/Engineers/Planners 330~. C Street Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907/276 4035 Dominic S. F. Lee, P.E. Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering HARDING- LAWSON ASSOCIATES (324 W. international Airpod Road, Anchorage A aska 99502 (907) 276-8102 Telex (090) 25-149 Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists September 12, 1978 5597,003.08 ELLERBE-ALASKA Architects/Engineers/Planners 3301 "C" Street - Suite 210 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Dominic Lee Percolation Tests Jesse Lee Home Anchor~ Alaska Gentlemen: This letter presents the percolation test results we performed for a proposed sewage absorption system at th'e Jesse Lee Home, Anchorage, Alaska. During the field work and data reduction, we consulted with Messrs. Dominic Lee and Gordon Edberg of Ellerbe-Alaska,.Project Archi- tect. We performed four percolation tests at points §elected by the architect during a site visit with our engineer. The holes were drilled using a si x-inch diameter solid flight auger to varying depths between ll and 17 feet. These holes were cased with perforated two-inch diameter ABS pipe. Our engineer was present during the drilling to log. the holes and obtain samples of the materials encountered. In general, similar soil conditions were present over the entire site below five feet deep. The soils below the five-foot level are stiff, moist sandy silt with so~m gravels and cobbles. Tile soil samples are being held in our lab- oratory for your inspection and grain size tests, if de~ired. Our engineer measured the percolation rates on Monday, September ll, 1978 following a presoaking period. The tests were performed in accordance with the Manual of Septic Tank Practices (Pub. No. 526, U.S. Department of H.E.W.), requiring saturation, swelling and percolation rates estab- lished during the last 30 minutes of the test. A constant head method was used for the measurement.= Although a broad range of percolation values were measured, we believe a rate of about 90 minutes per inch to be reasonably representative of t~e soil type, which yields a Q-value of 0.527 gallons/rtZ/day. The following is a summary of the percolation rates and calculated absorption rate (Q). The Q-value is calculated from tile formula Q is equal to five divided by the square root of "t", where "t' Mr. Dol~inic Lee Se?tember 12, 1978 Page Two HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES is the percolation rate in minutes per inch. Test Depth of Percolation Rate (t) Q-Value Hole No. Total Depth Water (ft) (min/in) ~gals/ft2/das) 1 10~-10" 3 240 0.323 2 12'- 3" 2 120 0.456 3 17'- 0" 2 60 0.646 4 14'- O" 2 55 0.690 A test hole location plan is attached (Plate 1). The plan shows the re.lative position of the proposed leach field and the existing one. If we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES Civil Engineer - 1943-E Chambers Project Engineer Attachment: Plate 1 - Location Plan JME/JRC/r To Jesse Home approx. I/4 mile No Scale HLA Perc Test Holes Existing Backhoe Pits ~_~ ~-~ ~~ ~ Existing Ski Shed Existing ~ Ski Slope // Existing Road~ ~J Existing Field System Co~gulting Engineers and Geologi~a job No 5597,003.08 _ Appr~Date 9/78 LOCATION PLAN PERCOLATION TEST HOLE JESSE LEE HOME Anchorage, Alaska PLATE September 18, 1978 Mr. John Lynn, Chief Engineer Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street/4th Floor Anchorage, AK 99502 Re: Jesse Lee Home Sewer System Commission No. 7789-781 Dear Mr. Lynn: Persuant to our conversation this morning r~garding the Jesse Lee Home Sewer Disposal System, we would do the following changes as requested by the Municipality of Anchorage as a condition to gel the final approval of this sewer system: 1. We would abandon the existing septic tank, . closing tank, distribution box and leach ~"~// ~. We would move the proposed leac? fiqlO ~o ~/ * test holes ~3 and ~4 area to take aovan~age ~ of better soil condition. Very truly yours, ELLERBE'ALAS}~ Dominic S. F. Lee~ P,E. DL:ds cc: Dr. Garvin Gary Bengtson Oftices in Anchorage & Fairbanks AK, Bloomington MN ,Columbia MO,NewOrleans LAoWashingto(~ DC,Fbyadh Saudi Arabia ~- \\ ~ Exis~in9 Ski Shed Ski Slope ~ HLA Perc Test Holes ~ Approx. 125' . To ~esse Home approx. Existing Leach Field S~stem LO Cox.suiting Engineers and Geologi~t~ ,JobNo. 5597,003.08 . A~)pr:_ ~ _Date_ 9/78 LOCATION PLAN PERCOLATION TEST HOLE JESSE LEE HOME Anchorage, Alaska PLATi September 18, 1978 Mr. John Lynn, Chief Engineer Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street/4th Floor Anchorage, AK 99502 Re: Jesse Lee Home Sewer System Commission No. 7789-781 Dear Mt*. Lynn: Persuant to our conversation this morning r&garding the Jesse Lee Home Sewer Disposal System, we would do the following changes as requested by the Municipality of Anchorage as a condition to get the final approval of this sewer system: /~ 1. We would abandon the existing septic tank, . ~\~ closing tank, distribution box and leach L //~/.V ~/A field. ~.~.¢\ ~ //~ 2. We would move the proposed lea~ch field to ~" ~k~ /_.! test holes #3 and #4 area to ~ake advantage ~? of better soil condition. /0~/' 3.- There will be minimum of tree removal in this · ~ · area. % Very truly ' - ' ' yours, ~ ELLERBE .ALASKA Bominic S. F. Lee, P.E. DL:ds Cc: Dr, Garvin Gary Bengtson Offices in Anchorage & Fairbsnks AKo Bloomington MN,Columbia MO, NewOrleans LA*Washington DC. Riyadh Saudi Arabia r F L JESSE LEE HOME ELLERBE. ALASKA M3 DTI003246 '-o I Z 'F ,.~ SEQTJON CT , -~ , DMIP~Bu~:ON BOX ,/%~-', bm(-IOk! DISTP-dBLIT!ON BOX F L JESSE LEE HOME ELLERBE · ALASKA M2 DTI003247