HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONTOUR ACRES #3 BLK 2 LT 3Contour Acres #3 Block 2 Lot 3 #017-451-15 Municipality of Anchorage Poe, 1 of 4 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: 345-4744 On-Site Wastp.~ .a~e~ ,D. isposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number:, SW980446 PID Number:. 017-451-15 JOHN ENG Wastewater System: · New 1-1 Upgrade P.O. BOX 241568, ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 ABSORPTION FIELD Ph°ne:~907/f 1 561--1993 DDeep Trench IShaltow Trench r'lBed nMound rlOther LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~' ~ o.6 ~o/s~ r~ 5.8-7.9/5.0-8.1 3 2 CO~NTOUR ACRES ~3 2.9-5.0/2.0-5.0 ~ 3.0 - - - 1.4-2.2/-0.2-2.5 ~L 121/114 WELL: · New r-I Upgrade 5.0 ~ 2 PRIVATE 249 rL 249 rL 2030 so. r~ ASTMD-3034/F810 ALPINE DRILLING 3/17/99 230 rL WHFFrERS 8/16-18/00 4 ~u UNKNOWN ~ 2 ~ .TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES · sop~= r'l Holding t'l $.T.[P. · rom Tank Reid StaUon Tank s,,, u~, ANCHORAGE TANK 2500 Well 100'+ 100'+ -- -- 25'+ STEEL 2 Surfac. Water 100'+ 100'+ - - - LIFT STATION~ Une S'+ 10'+ -- -- ~ ~ ' FoundaUon 5'+ 10'+ -- _ _ 'Pu~e ce' ~ ec - ' Cur~aln ~ ~T.'r~ ~-~.~ ~ Drain NONE~ KNOW~ ~emorks: BENCH MARK TOP OF FOUNDATION CLEANOUT. iA,..~ 101.15 Inspections performed by: AWWC, INC. Dates: ,st 8/16/oo' z ~. ,~.~ ~.. ! 2n, sZ,,/oo ""'3: Department of Health and Human Services .approval ~nT~.~'... ¢ E-7953 ...' y~D ~J~"~°'" ............. R~v~ewed and approved b ate: ~-~-~/ PERklff NUMBER: AS BUILT DRAWING PARCEL ID NUMgER: SW980446 ~ 017-451-15 "'~ :~' ""~." '" '7::~"'~' '" '"~ : · . .&-..?.~? .~-' ..... . ..~...? / ~.~.,:,~ ~..,...' I .....~.?~,,....,;, l , I / ~¢..~..LA I,...-..,., / ~../.~ ~., ,: ,. /, ,..,..p. ,...,...:.~ ;...., ;: ~ I I .~.. ~2~ ~%.,. ~: ,~,;..., - % .~'...-,:..~ :~ ~ ..'.. ~ ~ ,),. ,/ ~ ~b..,:.~,. ,,....-.., ,? ~.:.~ ~ ~ ~........,, ..... I , I I s.~N ON .~ ~ / ~ / ~'~"i:'~ , I I ~o~, ~~/ ~ ~/ ~ ~1; ~~~ ~ ~' /1~'~' ~ I I ~.~- ,~~., ,~, ~ ,~ ~ I I ,. / / .,' / ~ '"I I I I ~2 8933 3726 //~// ~ I ; ~ ' DB~ 92.16142.43 // // X/ I / I ~ ~.~ ~o~ ~2 84.44 ~3.~, ~_~ I / I co~ ~.oo ~.~ ~ I / / ~3 144.16 112.82 I / co~ ~o1.~ ~,7.7s' , / / ~, ,o~.~,~.,~ I/ I ,/~~, , ' CONSULTANTS INC. JOHN ENG (907) 561--1993 2 OF 4 comou, ,c,Es s/, ~3= LOt ~. ,LOCX AS-BUILT OF SEPTIC SYSTEM A B ST1 83.53 25.02 5'1'2 89.33 37.26 DBL1 91.45 40.40 DBl.2 92.16 I 42.43 C01 144.20 91.99 MT1 134.78 90.62 C02 78.06 130.75 MT2 84.44 113.21 CO3 151.00 111.77 M'r3 144.11 112.82 C04 101.61 147.75 IdT4 107.29 132.47 .' I .c~v- x. Lo'r :', nt_OCK ~, ~ ~,..~ ~, -' I _ ~1~ '~ CO.OUR ~R~ 5/D I ~ ~ / , ~~ !t~r ........... ~ ~ / / I ~ ~~ ~ I '~k / ~'/~ ~1~ / ~ I ',~~7~~ Ill ¢ ~ , ~~~ ~ s~c~ //// ~'~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~' ~~~7-~- I/// ' ~ I ~ ~ ~~~b~~l~/I iIi l g x,~'x ~// III ~ '. ~'~ I I ~ "3',. /1i ,/! .¢ /// ~ II/ ~ 'f /I/ I III ~ I III i I Ill I III ~ I I I LOT 5, BL~K 2, J II E~ ~ ....................... ~/~ ....... ~, r~ .......... ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ 11/l~/zooo ~Sl~ BSVI'ER & B~STE~TER K.D.W. ~V<~: Ii Il I~, .~ CONSULTANTS. ~NC., ~ [~A ~'/~ ~ ~t ~.~/LI.~ ~~ [2 .............. JOHN ENO (907) 561-1995 5 Or 4 A~,ess- CONTOUR ACRES S/D ~3; LOT 3. BLOCK 2 'i,¢~_-.. .. x . ~[ OF WORK: AS-BglLT OF WELL LOOATION AS-BUILT DRAWING SW980446 017-45 WE~ TRENCH ~ST TRENCH ~ It2~.s' LONGI ~ ~ ' ~.~1 (AV~ ~ ' ~.~1 (AV~.) ~z~ ~%~ L ~S~ ~TER & ~STEWATER ~ ~.~.w. "' CONSULTANTS, INC., PR~ FOR: PHONE NUMBS: P~E NUMBS: JOHN ENO (907) 561-1995 4 OF 4 .r, . ' ~ ~ 'r~ A. Oames C0,TOU, ~c,~s s/o ~= ~OT ~. ~0C~ ~. .~...~ ......... .~'~ AS-BUILT PROFILE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM Fro, = RLPII, E DRILL ~7 345 ~ ,,Tul.23.2000 09:10 PM Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services · 825 'L' Street P.O. Box t96650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519.8650 Rick My~trom http:llwww.¢i.enehotege.ik.u~ May~r Permil Number: #SW 980446 Dale of l[~ue: 11-1~-~6 Dale Slatted: ~-2.99 Date Completed:, 3.17.99 Legal Description: Pro~r~ ~ner Name & Addr~s: 'Borch~ic Data: Soil Type, Thlckn ess & Water Strata Frtm~ To Stick.,p 0 ~ gravelly sill 2. 43 silt 43 49 sandy silty gravel 49 57 gravelly silt 57 109 sandy slit 109 123 gravelly cobbly silt 123 230 silly sandy gravel-moist 230 245 water sand end gravel 245 249 Blk 2 lot3 Contour Acms #3 John Eng P.O. BOX241568 Anchorage, Ak.99524 Depth (fl) RECEIVED JUL 26 2000' MUnicipality of Anchor · Dept. Health & ....... oerwces Parcel Identification Number: 017-4,0!-15 Is well located at approved permit location? [] Ye, n [] No Method o~ b'rllllng [] air rolury [] cable tool Casing typo: Stoei Wall Thickness: ,;~0 inches Diameter: ~ inches Depth: ~ fcc1 Lluer Type: Diameter: ~ inches Depth: ~ feet' Casing sflckup above ground: ~ Static wa~er level (from ground level): 230 ct feet Pumping level: 249 feet'alter ~ hours pumping ~ gpm Recove~ Rate: p gpm Method of T~tlng: airli~ Well Intake Opefilng Type: ~ Open End ~ ~en Hole ~ Scrccn~ Stun . feet Stopped ~ feet ~ PcrforationsSta~ feet Stopped ~ feet Grout Type: ~entonlte ~ Volume: Depth: Slart ~ f~ Stopp~ ~ f~t Pump: Intake Deplh ...... feet _ Pump size hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upun Completion? [] Yes [] No Method ofDislnfectlon: .chlprine Comments: ~:~ co'J2 Well Driller: Alpine Ddlling & Enterprises P.O. Box 110496 Anchorege, Ak 99511 AK Zip 00T-31-2000 TUE 11:14 FRX NO, 5616626 post-It' Fax Note 7671 LOT 2 LOT 4 LOT 3 6.12 ACRES LOT 3 LOT 5 N89'36'38"[ 299.23 w~Jh C0RN~RST0~ CONS[~JC~0N SLANA SURVEYS INC. LOT 3 CO~IOUR ACRFS, 3rd P, O1 LOT 4 ADDITION MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Sen/ices On-Site Sen/ices Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343.4744 1/71 Expiration Date: Nov 18, 2000 Permit Number: SW990412 Legal Description: CONTOUR ACRES #3 BLK 2 LT 3 Design Engineer: 0041 AK Water & Wastewater Consultant Owner Name: John Eng / Cornerstone Construction Owner Address: PO Box 241568 Anchorage, AK 99524- Parcel ID: 017-451-15 Site Address: 005300 COUNTRY CLUB LN Lot Size: 266587 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 8 Permit Bedrooms: 8 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage A~I construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. Ail requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of A~aska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. 5. The following special provisions. This is a renewal of permit #SW980446 issued 11/18/98 A well log has not yet been received. Date: October 25, 1999 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Attention: Mr. James Cross, P. E. Program manager On site services Contour Acres no. 3, Blk. 2 Lot 3 Permit number SW981M46 PID number 01745115 Permit renewal Dear Mr. Cross, There is a chance that the septic system designated by the permit number referenced above may not be installed by November 18, 1999. I would like to request a new permit, or an extension of the existing permit, what ever is most appropriate. I will complete construction ofthe house during the construction season of 2000. My original plans involved constructing the house during 1999, however the Municipality of Anchorage used the period between May 21, 1999 and August 2, 1999 to review and approve the building permit. As a result, there was not enough time to complete construction this year. Since the foundation work is nearing completion, it should enable the house to be completed during the 2000 construction season. The water well has been successfully drilled and is located in the north west comer of the property. If you do not have the water well drilling report, please tell me and I will get another copy from Mr. David Harper of Alpine Drilling, as he drilled the water well. Please call me at 561-1993 if you have questions or comments. My facsimile number is 561- 7899 and my e-mail address is cjeng@comerstoneak.com. Sincerely, C. John Eng copy- file Attention: Mr. James Cross Facsimile number 343-4786 See two attached pages MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Sire Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650. Anchorage. AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Nov 18, 1998 Expiration Date: Nov 18, 1999 Permit Number: SW980446 Legal Description: CONTOUR ACRES #3 BLK 2 LT 3 Design Engineer:. 0041 AK Water & Wastewater Consulta Owner Name: John Eng / Cornerstone Construction Owner Address: PO Box241568 Anchorage, AK 99524- Parcel ID: 017-451-15 Site Address: 005300 COUNTRY CLUB LN Lot Size: 266587 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 8 Permit Bedrooms: 8 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. Ail requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each Inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either:. A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Alaska Water & Wastewater Consultants, Inc. 7320 East Chester Heights Circle ~ Anchorage ~ Alaska 99504 (907) 337-6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers November 1 i, 1998 Municipality of Anchomge Department ofIlealth & ltuman Services Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Reft Well and Septic Design for Lot 3, Block 2, Conlour Acres Subdivision #I To whom it may concern: The proposed 8 bedroom house is to be served by a private well and septic system. Comments regarding the proposed design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: Four test holes were excavated in the area of the proposed septic system and eight percolation tests were performed in thc test holes. Thc soil classifications ranged from ML to MIJGM to SM and the percolation rotes ranged from 2.2 minutes/inch to 24 minutes/inch (see attached soil logs). 2. TRENCtl DESIGN: a. Percolation Rates: .6.6, 2.2, 7.27, 10, 24, 8.6, and 21.8 minutes/inch b. AlIowable Application Rate: 0.6 gallons/day/fl2 c. Number of Bedrooms: 8 d. Des!gn Flow: 120.0 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 2000 1l2 f. Maximum Total Depth: 8 feet (on uphill side) g. Effective Depth: 4 feet h. Width: 5 feet i. Reduction Factor = 0.50 ~. Minimum Length: 2 ~ 100 feet lonqg each (200 total length) Effective absorption area = 2000 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed upgrade. 4. TOPOGRAPI1Y: As can be seen on the topography site plan, the slopes in the area of the/ proposed septic system varies from 5% t.o 28% running from approximately northwest to(x_ southeast. The proposed trenches are to be installed parallel to the slope contours and all effort~ will be made that no cutbanks arc made during construction. I am unasvare ot' any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179, or 244-9612. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely,. . ./ /~J ~/ ~~-~' / _~, I, / ~ '% 15" II · ,,~,,, ~.~,~ / /// _ ',~',, (s~ ~..~ ~ ~ ~) ~ / I /,~ ~,X',, / / / ~ ~ , *1, I , ' ,1~ ~ ~T5 B~ :, , ~ i ' ~NTOU~SZ~ I ' ,It / L ......... , ' ~-~ ................ ~ .................... t ......................... I-~ SITE P~N FOR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEU ~f~ .... . t ./ \ \ PROPOSED [ _ ~~~oUSE ~ - / / s~P~C ~ ~ ~vX~-~ I ~ ,~1; ~ ~o~ u.~ ~ mo. TO CON~N. ~ '~~~~/~,/~' I I 6' ,'/ X/ , /, ~TER~TE S~ ~' DEEP (M~IMUM) ~ / / / 5' WIDE ............... ~ ~D 4' OF C~, W~HED ~u~: ~m~n~ ~ ~ n~o~ lPg,,- TO SLOPE COmOURS. I .... ~S~ WA~~ W~A~ CONS~T~S, ~C. ~ O~..AI~, CONTOU, ,C,[S SUa,~WS~ON ~. LOT ~. DESIGN OF SEPTIC SYSTEM 561-1993/227-6554 -795 JOHN ENG 11/11/98 J.LM. 1 = 50' 2 OF 2 DEPTH TO DATE 3ROUNDWATER UCHT SEEP 8/12/gB · 12.5' D~ 8/1 s/ga DRY 8/21/98 AT.&SKA WATER ~ WASTEWATER 7.120 E. CHESTER HTS. CiRClE ANCHORAGE, AK. 99504. ~,~?v......~,~....~ P~NE: (907) xx7-6170 · irAN (907) =...18-3246 dj FX~.-\,'' /I I SOIL LOG - PERCOLATION TESTI ~ lEGAL DESCRIPTION: CONTOUR ACRES SUBDMSIBN, LOT 3, BkOCK 2 ,' ......... 'J ..... ~.'[ ..... '~' DATE PERFORMED: u/~z/~u ¥/~g :.. NO. 9608 ..' B~.~----~ , ........... , *~ '..... C.E......" ~,~ 2-1111111il ~ 6 7 DEPTH TO +rH/,~ , ~ IIIIIIiIANO UTTU[ GRAm. UCHT SEEP 8/12/g8 , I I lllll:l !~ ----- i *~"~ '~"~ //i B~ Illill'l i~ ~ I~ /// / /TiT/i/ 11 --] I lJlll !1 DATE n~=~nlNc- CLOCK NET TIHE WATER LEVEL NET DROP 12-1 Iltill'l a/~8/~8 PERC. I')LE WAS PR~OAKED 4+ H 'URS PRIOR TO IIIIIIII ~ ~ - ~ '-~-I Illllll _- --: 2 -~ _- =,o 1 ,/,- , 1,-I IIIII1,1 - -- ~ ~ - ~ '---~--' I I C.~NHENTS: PERCOLATION DATA ON THIS PAGE FOR UPP :R BENCH F '~'~C. 'HOLE )NLY. PERFOMED BY ALASIiA WATER & WASTE'WATER I, \fl/Vlll~ ~ ~J [J ~ . CERTIFY THAT THIS WAS PERF. ORME D IN ACCORDANCE wm-t ALL .,.[1'~ E~-A~D~ MUNICIP,~ L GUIDEUNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: [[[~ 'ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER P~NE (907) ~7-6179 * F~ (907) 338-3246 '"' I SOlLLOG - PERCO~TION TESTI ~CAL DESCRI~ON: CO.OUR ACR~ SUBD~SION. LOT 3. B~CK 2 DA~ PERFORMED: 8/I~/98 " GW ..... 3-- ~.* ' GP mmmam~ ML ' ~ ~ SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 7-- ~ DE~H TO 0 SRO~WATER DATE 8-- ~ S~ PAGE 1 OF 2 ~ CLOCK ~ TIME WATER ~EL ~ DR~ 11 -- ~ DATE ~NG TIME (MI~ES) RE'lNG (INCHES) 2 2:43 10 1 1/4' 4 3/4 13 -- 3 2:44 ~ 6' 4 2:54 10 1 1/8' 4 7/8 7 3:06 9 3;17 -- 17-- 10 3:27 10 1 1/2' 4 1/2 CO~S: P~ON ~TA ON ~IS P~E FOR ~ rER BENCH~/RC. ~HO~ qNLY. ~lS W~ PERFORH~ IN ACCORD~CE W~ ~ ~TE ~D MUNICIP~ GUIDEUNES IN ~E~ ON ~lS / DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER .=.~- U,F.,./~ l ~,% 7.320 E. CHESTER HTS. C~ECLE ANCHOEAGE, AK. 99504 I$OIL LOG - PERCO~TION TE~TI ~"' /~""~Y~ PERFORMED FOR:. JOHN ENO DA~ PERFORMED: 8/12/98 ~ ~,mmum GM ~ CL ,,: ,.,,, - ~L/GU Gc .m. ~ I* :W~o~% SW ~ ~H 5-- [~i ~ ~ m CH ' S-- ~(~< SC 7--:, , SRO~WATER ~ .= ~'J ' '~ I DATE ~{NG CLOCK <T TIHE WATER ~L ~ DR~ 11 --~+~]' I' SM TIHE (HI~ES) RE.lNG (INCHES) ~:'=~ w~ sP ~NS~ 8/18/98 P~C. ~ }~ W~ PROOFED 4~ H ~URS PRIOR TO ~NO 15-~ UL ' 6 =:=9 =o 1 7/~' 4 1/8 ~l~l~ ~ D=SE 16--~ B.O.H. 17~ 19-- ~TI~ ~ 7.27 (HIN.IIN~) ~. H~ DI~ 6 (l~S) 20-- T~T ~ B~ , 4.0 ~. ~ 4.5 ~HHE~S: PER~ON ~TA ON ~IS PAGE FOR UP~ :R BENCH P~. HO~ Oh LY. P~o~D ~ A~ WA~R · W~AT[R ~. mL~ ~ ~ ~ . C~ T~T ~IS W~ PERFORM~ ~N ACCORD~CE W~ ~ ~A'~ ~D MUNICIP~GUFDEUNES IN ~E~ ON ~IS DA~. DA~ DEPTH TO DATE SROUNDWATER DRY 8/12/98 DRY 8/18/98 DRY 8/2~/98 'ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER ~,, O..F. 4~ ~, ISO LLOG - PERCOLATION TESTI PERFORMED FOR: JOHN ENO t.r~. ..j.. .~.~ DATE PERFORMED: 8/12/98 ~-.'... ~o. ~oa .." ITEST .O E 1- PAGE 2 OF 2 2-: ~ '~,' GW ====:1 3-- ~GP II I III I"~ HL ...... SW MH 5-- ~ ~ CH 6- ~ SC SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 7-- ~, DEPTH TO DATE 0 GROUNDWATER 8-- ~ SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 hi 1 $ -- ~ DATE READING CLOCK NET TIHE WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIHE (HINUTES) READING (INCHES) 12-- 8/18/98 PERC. HO E WAS PRD;OAKED 4+ HO" RS PRIOR TO TE:~NG. 1 2:09 13-- __ 2 2:,~9 30 2 7/8' 3 1/8 3 2:40 ~ 6' 4 3:10 30 6 3:41 30 ~7~ 1B~ 19~! PERCOLATION RATE 10 (HIN. IINCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6 (INCHES) 20--,- TEST RUN BETWEEN 7.0 F'T. AND 7.5 FT. PERCOLATION ~c. ~TA THIS WAS PERFORME[~ I~1 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL ~ ~¥E AND MUI ilClPNY GtJlDEUNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: DEPTH TO DATE GROUNDWATER SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 'ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER 782o B CHES~.R ~. o~ctz · ~CHO~E, PHONE (907) 3.37-6179 * FAX (907) 3~8-3246 LEGAL DE~CRIF~'IDN: DONI'OUR ~R~ SUB~S~O~, tOl ~, Bme~ ~ ............. , ........... DA~ PERFORMED: 8112198 ~{ ro f e~loO I mEST HOLE ORG P,C~ ~m 7 iTiTIII ML DE~H TO 3RO~WATER DATE [SITE ][/mmmm m 11 DATE ~ING CL~K TIHE (HI~ES) RE. lNG (INCHES) 12 B/19/98 PERC. E3~ ~ P~ ~0~ 4+ H)URS PRIOR TO ~hNG 13 ~ 2 11:20 ~0 3' 3 6 12:22 30 3" 3 16 17 18 ~OHHE~S: P~CO~ON ~TA ON ~IS PAGE FOR U~ PER BENCH ~. HQ~ ~NLY. ~IS W~ PERFOR~E~ IN ACCORD~CE W~ ~ ~AtE ~b MUNICIP~ GUIDEUNES IN E~E~ ON ~IS v DEPTH TO 3ROUNDWATER DATE DRY 8/12/98 DRY B_/19/gB DRY 8/21/98 AI.ASKA WATER & WASTEWATER P~NE (907) ~7-6179 · F~ (907) ~a-a246 ~L DESCRI~ION: COmOUR ACR~ SUBDMSION, l~ ~, BroCK 2 [' ...... PERFORMED FOR: JOHN ENG ~ ....... DA~ PERFORMED: e/~2/98 ~,~ ~. NO. 9608 1- PAGE 2 Of 2 2- ........ SW HH s-, ~ sc SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 i ~ 7--: ~ DE~ TO 0 GRO~WATER DATE 8-- ~ SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 ~ CL~K ~T TI~ WAT~ ~EL 11 -- ~ DATE ~iNG TINE (HINGES) R~ING (INCHES) 12-- ~/19/98 PERC. HOlE W~ PRE;O~ED 4+ HOt ~ PRIOR TO 6 12:24 30 4 $/4' 1 1/4 COH~E~S: PE~O~ON ~TA ON ~IS PAGE FOR LO ~ER BENCH 'PERC. HO~ ONLY. PERFOMED ~ A~ WA~R & W~AT~ I, I~D ~= CE~ T~T ~IS W~ PERFORMEDt IN ACCORD~CE W~ ~ ~, MUNI GUIDEMNES IN ~E~ ON DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 'ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER P~NK (907} ~7-6179 · F~ (907) ~38-~246 [so;L LOG - P~CO~T~O, TE~ ~"' ~'"~% ~L DESCRI~ION: CO.OUR ACR~ SUBD~SION. LOT & BLOCK ~ ~ ........... { .... f,~ DA~ PERFORMED: 8/12/9B ~'~'.' ~., . NO. 9608 . ~%'-..... c.~......' ~,~ ~~ iT[ST HOLE ORG PACE 1 OF 2 · ~':~ OW ==z=: ~G ' .'-" GP ;~1111 NL ........ SW NH , DE~H TO .rHf~ ~ IlJlJllll~j~[~] ME ~RO~WATER DATE SITEP~ W~ SM ~S~ O~ 8/12/g8 ": O0 D~ 8/19/98 +mO2 +THt5 D~ 8/21/98 10 ~ 11 DATE ~JNG ~ N~ TI~ WATE~ ~Ek ~T TINE (Hl~ES) RE. lNG (INCHES) 12 ~/1g/98 PERC. )~ W~ PROOFED 4+ HiJURS PRIOR TO ~ 1 10:58 6' ~ 3 ~ 2 11:28 30 2' 4 14 ~. 3 11:2g ~ 6' ~ 4 11:59 ~ 2 1/2' 3 1/2" ~5 ~ 5 12:00 6' 6 12:30 ~ 2 1/2' 3 1/2' ~6 B.O.H. 19 ~Tl~ ~ 8.6 .(HIN. IIN~) ~. H~ DI& 6 (I~HES) 20 T~T ~ B~ 4.0 ~. ~D 4.5 CONNERS: P~ON ~TA ON ~IS P~E FOR UP ER BENCH PE~. HO~ P~FO~ED ~ A~ WA~R & W~ATm I, ~ S~ ~~ . O~ T~T roms w~ PeRro.~m ~N ACCORO~C~ W~ ~ s~re ~D aU~ C~P~ gUIDEUNES IN ~E~ ON ~IS DEPTH TO 3ROUNDWATER DATE DRY _8./1_2/98 DRY 8/19/98 DRY e/2~/oe 'ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER ISOIL LOG - PERCO~TION TEST[ ~L DESCRI~ION: CO.OUR ACR~ SUBD~SION, t~ 5, B~CK 2 .............. ~ .......... PERFORMED FOR: ,JOHN ENO ... DA~ PERFORMED: 8/12/98 4~ ~GC~'~')' ~ 5~ ~ ~~ CH s- m~ SC SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 7-- ~ DE~ TO m 0 GRO~WATER DATE ~ SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 11 -- m DATE ~{NG CL~K NET TIME WAT~ ~EL ~ DR~ TIME (MI~ES) RE.lNG (INCHES) 12~ ~/1g/98 P~C. HO E W~ PRD;O~ 4+ HOi 14~ 15~ -- 5 12:02 6' 6 12:52 ~0 4 5/8' 1 5/8 lg-- m ~TI~ ~ 21.8 ,~IN. IIN~) ~. H~ DI~ 6 .(I~ES) 20- ~J m~m ~ a~ 7.0 ~. ~ 7.5 NLY. P~FOMED ~ A~ WA~R ~ W~LWATER I, ( ~- { <~ , C~ T~T ~IS W~ PERFORHE~ IN ACCORD~CE W~ ~ R&T~ ~D MUNICIP~ GUIDEUNES IN E~E~ ON DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DATE SEE PAGE 1 OF 2 July 24, 2000 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Attention: Mr. James Cross, P.E. Program manager On site services RE: Contour Acres No. 3, Blk. 2 Lot 3 Permit number SW980446 PID number 01745115 Dea~ 1~. Cross, We will be installing the septic system this construction season. We hope to have the installation and inspection occur during August. As previously indicated, the water well was successfully drilled. David Harper provided me with the attach report which I am providing for your use and files: Please call me at 561-1993 if you have questions or comments. My facsimile number is 56 i-7899 and my e-mail address is cjeng@comerstoneak.com. Sincerely, copy- file