HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMPBELL HEIGHTS #1 BLK 7 LT 16 Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FROM WELL MANUFACTURER ~'~-' MATERIAL COMPARTMENTS INS,DE LENGTH /'~ ~NS'DE W,DTH L,~UIO DEPTH I.,C~U,O CAPAC,T¥ ~O~S. DIAMETER_ OR WIDTH/ , LENGTH DEPTH / /~ETER DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE · LINE . ABSORPTION AREA {WALL AREA) NUMBER OF PITS -- LINING MATERIAL CRIB SIZE: BUILDING FOUNDATION NEAREST L~ ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION t TYPE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING NEAREST FOUNDATION LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED DEPTH_ DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE SEWER LINE TANK SYSTEM . REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: LOT SLOPE: Form No. DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE APPROVED ~:';RE:A'~?'"'ANC:HORAGE AREA BORCiI-'?.-I DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONt,~£NTALQUALITY 3330 "C*'STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4~61 PERMIT NO. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NOTEI THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL. TES'T FINAL INSPECTION: ~'4 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPEC'~ION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. HINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIRE:MENTS DRAIN FIELD DRAIN FIELD , SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM FIT~FED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 2B*6B AND THAT THE ABOVE March 24, 1975 and State ordinances. John Steele Les Buchholz Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C'~ Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ SUBJECT~ Lot 16, Block 7, Cambell Heights Subdivision Dear Mr~ Buchholz: This letter is to serve as notification to the Department of Environmental Qualitylthat the water supply serving my property will remain disconnected until such time as an approved on-site sewage disposal system is constructed. I am aware that production of sewage through the use of water on the subject lot will place me in criminal violation of Greater Anchorage Area Borough lb/ko 740425 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) STREET AND NO, P.O*, STATE AND ZIP CODE SSTURN L tl S~;~(~-wh-em~d d~te--d~llve~id ....... P D£LIVCR TO ADOR£$$£E ONLY ............................................ ~Od- ~P~O[AL-O[L-IV£RY (~x'tro re4 re.ired) ........................... -- PS Form Apr. 1971 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEU-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL · Les Buchholz Sanitarian Dept. of Environmental ~,~ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska' 99503 SUBJECT: Reference Dec. 2, 1975 Mr. BuchhSlz; I Just received your letter today. January 5, 1975 The mail service to Valdez is worse than I had thought. Also hoping this letter will help straighten out this situation. I am scheduled for R & R the first week of March 75 and plan to be in Anchorage. I ~11 be glad to discuss this problem with you at that t~me · November 74, the water pipes in my trailer froze and broke. Campbell Heights Utility Service tu_~ned off my water service. At present, I have no intentions of reconnecting that service before next ~,mmer, since as you are aware, I'm working out of Valdez. Because of +~b~s fact I see no reason why these proceedings couldn't be postponed until such time as I am ready to reconnect my water service. In closing I ~ould like to say that I am concerned about Environmental Qus.lit-y, and looking forward to resolving this situation. John Steele ZkM:mn~be~ lS, ~74 SW3~T: ~x~ 1~, BXoc~ 7; Cmq~eLX ~xLcj~. Su~i~,JLm :LM lWcid~L~/R.S., RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL---30~ (plus postage) -----~'~¥~'N~L'-i~[R~I¢I~$ FOIl ADDITIONAl.. Ft[S PS Fo.~ 3800 Apr. 1971 #0 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- HOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL Decem,r 2, 1974 aloha Stable 'C/oFLOflR ~ P. O. Box 347 Xeldez, Alaska S~E~:~ Lot 16. BI~ 7. ~11 ~?~ ~d~v~s~m hat ~.~ Steele: E~lter this 3~&r ! discussed the suh,tec~, prpperty vtth ~ou and described the on-stte sever violation l~at currently exists. ~. Sb~land, vhc~ ~ou are b~yl~g the property frem, has been cited to cour~ and charged wtth in tllegal sever system and public health I~zard. Fu~r ~esea~ch and evidence by Rowland Indic·ted ~ou ha~e · absted tn- tar·st tn the property and ire &1so responsible. Stn~ 'there are t~o tndtvtdo&ls tnvolved (14~. Rceland A 3mursel¢). bot~ of ~ou v111 be ctted to cou~t and held ~sponKtble. ! am ~lttng thts letter to you as · preface tothe ensuing legal l.~ceed- lngs as ;! understand ~ou are currently employed out ot' tcx~. Xn oTder to preyer fin·nc1·1 hardship J am r~quastlng ~ou contact thts office as to ~hen ~ou wtll be tn Anchorage so · meting and dtscusstm of ~ou~ sltoatton can be a~rmged. Thts method will save ~mu the tncunvenlence of & smunns and ~'~,l&lnt betng 1slued ·nd 3~ur resulting absence rrm Z ,- requestJflg 3mu met With us and the Borough Legal Depirtment vlthtn 20 days after receipt of thts 1·tEar. Fatlu~ to do so wtll result In · smmons and _-~,~,l&tnt through the State Troopers. RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~' (plus postage! ,~, ,, · OPT~ON&L SiltVlCES FO~I AOD~T~0N&I. FIE[S ~ ~ ~Ll~n_TO .ADDRESSEE O~LY ...................................................... ~ #0 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (S,, ot~, ~d,) NOT FOR INTEflNATIONAt. MAIL * G~: ]e~ O-A~-Yfl Les Buchholz, R.S., C~tfted Ho. 740411 October 16, 1974 TO: FRei: Tti~J: SUBJECT: Y~OLATOP.: VIOLATI~: 9-11-74 9-13-.74 10-11-74 Alan B&lley, Borough Prosecutor Charles F. Sellers, Environmental Cofltrol Officer II Les Buchholz, ~out~ Sum~t7 I~m it, Royland Box 8-9164 Anchorage, Alaska la) Required sewage holdtng tank not Installed on tbts property. b) 14aSntatntng an tmpr~erly destgned seuer system. Letter ~rltttn requesting corrections. Letter delivered. Summons and cemplltnts tssued. ~GAL: LOt 16, Bioc~ 7, Ciapbe11 Heights Subdivision Enclosed for your revted ts a copy of the O~tton for Sale by Rc~lind showtng he st111 ts holder of tttle untt1 property ts 'l~td off. iAiso eflclosed Is & memo Mrltten by thts Depl _r~t's Chtef Slnttavdan stating that the &tea's sotl test dlcUtes · se~age holding tank. · iTbe subject property had · residence (mobtle hem) placed o~ It after Borough He&lth Ordinances were enacted according to assessing r~cords. IOn lutY prope~.r~y tn the Borough & SMgl lystet must be:'. l) pirlttted, lb) -inspected, c) Ipprmd befort use. No record txtsts of n lnSlaC- itton or &pproval on ~ pro~rt~. Xlim Bitla~ October 16, lg74 Page 2 ko piOe~ 16.~2 and 16.24 of the w codtfled health ordlp~ces ire . attached. · 14r. Ito~land ~as not ctted m~r ~!~ ctrcled I~lgrepbs, ~although~ ho.doubt, he !$ tn vtol,ttm of same, because the burden ef pregf as to amirIs u~dar ground ts difficult. Instead, GF~ATER ANCHOR,~GE AREA BOROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORFORATION, / Charles F. Selleirs vs Ron R. Re',,:land -I Cox Drive Box 8-91654 - 99508 ,h~: DISI'S;ICT (,~ J. ,1 FL:F', T~iE S, ~TF. O,- ,*[.~ 31~D JUDICIAL D ~S T Fd CT, AT ANClIO~GE COMPLAINT II-,IR UNDERSIGNED CO.'.¢LAIN,LNT (NAMe! Char]f,s F. S?tlers FERSONALLY APPEAR;NO BEcOr~,E file UND!:~SiG:tF:,~ DISH; : J.ot][ A;,.D BEING DULY SV, Ob"l gMES THAT ON OR ABO'JT Ir!E ] (2;-¥ OF I.~ AT OR NEAR !APPPOX!MME LOCATION) AF:CHO~,',OE. ALASKA, IH;RD JUDICI\I. DISIRIQT !NAME OF DEFEN3AI'J!I ~0~ COMMIT 1HE FOLLOWING OFFD.'$.r', INAME OF OFFE:..'.~[I [':!'Ct' SySt£'I! does ROt cor$id~ of required ir, spected and approve ho ] nk lnsta atlorl. ~O VH) JDESC~I?ION OF The defendant ha~ refused a regis~eru~ ),':,'luest ~o install a permitted, inspected and .approved sewage holding tank fro' the ~:'.~]l~'r residence on Lot 16, Block 7, Campbell Heights Subdivis ~cn. - WHICH IS IN v,O~.ATION OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AFI~A DOROUGH, THE COMPLAI~ANT STALES lltaf TH',S COL'J'd' m;T IS; '.'-:r'~ O"; , CCDE OF OROJNANCES. SWORN TO AND SUBSCR;B£D DAY OF 19 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, AT GREATER AN ,CHORAGE AREA L;OROUGH A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, Charles F. Sellers v$ Ron R. Rc;.Jland Cox Drive Box 8-91664 - 99508 CRo COMPLAINT ItlE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT (NAt, tEl Charles F. Sellers PERSONALLY APPEARING BEFORE THE UNDERSIG,'-~ED DISTR:CT ~'UPGF. /d.; ;,EIh~G I)UL~ SWORN. STALES THAT ON O~ ABOUT THE // DA'/ C,; 0~ AT OR NEAR [APPROXIMATE LOCAI!OFJJ ALASKA,, THIRD JUDICIAL DISIRICT ANChOr,: GE. !NAME OF DEFENDANT) J~l~[l~/~/~O DID UNLAV,'J.J~L'r COMMIT THE FOLLO\VJNG OFFENSE (NAME OF OFFEh~SEt Naintainir. g an ir.properly designed and constructed set~er system, j TO WIT; (DESCRIP[ION OF OFFENSE) Defendant has failcd tc. c(':.ply t.:i'th a registered letter requesting , },~,l~s Subdivision comply ¥:ith ~erougn the existing seYmr system en Lot 16 Block 7, C,.~.,.~.l, "' ~ ' ' ' Ordinances. The subject property titled to defendar;t has an existing sra.:er system, ccnstructc , CODE'OF ORDINANCES. after enactment of Borough Health Codes. W.~CH ~S ~ V~OtAI~ON OF S~¢T~ON 16.45.020{A} GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, lite COMPLAINAI'IT SIAIES THAI IHIS COMPLAINT IS BAS£D SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBE'D BEFORE ME IHIS Environmental Centrol Officer II L'IA'~ OF 19 ~pl~ber 11, 1974 Rmald 2o~lmd Box 8-.~1~4 . Subject:I Lot 16~ Block 7, Cam~11 ~elghts Subdivision Dear ~4r.l Rowland: Charles F. Sellers, Eflvfronme~tal Control Officer II CFS/ko Certified ~k). 7402~2 cc: Oohnl St~el. P. O. Box 14~ Anchorage, Aluki ' 99510 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~O~ (plus postage) OR DATE P.O., STAT[ AN~' ZZP CODE 'II[TURN ~ 1~ S~W~m-~d k~t~d~ll~d ~ ..... ~5~ Apr. 1971 38~ ' NO INSURANCE NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FROM: TO: DEPARTMENt': RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE : FOR INFOR~TION ONLYi : PREPARE BACK. UP INFORMAt.ION FOR ~.~u~ AC.ON C~ ~ ~ORE ~OU ~SWER FOR YOUR CONSID~TION e NEED YOUR RECORDATION .... .... _~ ~._.._~._.~__~/~~_ ~z ~. ....... ~ ~ Ed'~ ~b:cav~t ing ~16 iI.h Avenue Lr. chcrace, been cctv. duoS e July 24, 1969 Rc: Percolction Tout Lot 16~ Block 7 of C~mbcll tloight¢ Subdivision I~o 1 This lotter is to cex~ify that ~ porcolntion %c=t on the ebove-~mcntioned propcrSy. ~t wa~ determined at ~he time of our inve~tigztion that a percol~tio~n test was necens~a-y ~d the ~fo~=tion cnclosod here-in dccriboc ~he ~oil ch~x~eri~ticm ~d percolation rate for yo~ proporty which i~ ad,quints for ~ ccwc~ ~y~tcm. Lcc~tton of ~he septic t~: r~d ~eopa~e pit t~ sho~ on ~ho attached Crc~lcr f~chcrcgcl~rca Borough He~ih Lop~'tmont form. ~ This ~est was performed in acoord~co with thc Creater ~zchor~c ~Jea Borough IIealth Depcrtm~t ~pccification~ ~d the ~blic Hoalth S~icc ~liccticn 1~o. 526. ~ Eu=l: Ecrm cc: Greater ~nchorage Area Borough Ilealih Dept. 2 iO ,, ",'/ / HEALTtl DEPART,~ E' T ,'~ CASE # 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 Perfgrmed For Ed's ~cava%in~ ..... ~,, , , Date Pe~f~rzed~.~. pl. 19~q Legal Description: Lot 16 Block~[., ~, " '~' ~-~ , · J e~cola~on" ~ Soll Cha."a~terlstics Overburden u/Sil% This Fcrm Regorts a: Deplh Fee~ Glacial Till %~i%h' Layers of Sander Gravol Location Sketch 1':as Ground Water if Yes, At What Dopth__ . . Reading ~ Date G~oss Time __ l;et Time ~ Depth To H20 };et Drop ~ -rfrfo-~i' - .. ~,, f - -~ ~,-,.v" Frcposed Installa~ ~geepa~e Pi~ Depth Of ln'le~ ,,~ ~ .... l u,,o pit iS '" :~ ~ 5, ', ....~I~':~t~' - ~ ' -- -~ - . 3'~- - Date: J,il "2:'~ ~ 1, ..-~,,,.,,ZE~" Establishment Loaation. Ma[linE Add~ess WELL DATA: Depth GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMenT WATER AND SE¥~R SURVEY Type £stabltshment Sealed Monthly Sampled. SEWER DATA: Septic Tank Distance To Well REMARKS: Cesspool Owne~/~anage~,