HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMPBELL HEIGHTS #1 BLK 7 LT 26 Ot4 0"1Zl' Or4 ~kRE,-"ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOP"UGH ~J~' Department of Environmental Quality '~' ~ 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME LOCAT,ON [ MAILING ADDRESS, I ' '~' /(-2'"1""~//C'"~/~?/4'~- LEGAL DESCRIPTION PHONE TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH i ~..~:..~ _(~ NUMBER OF MATERIAL --7/Z'~'~' COMPARTMENTS MANUFACTURER INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH I IQUID CAPACITY ~.~(~ O GALLONS. TYPE ICONSTRUCTION DEPTH BUILDING~~'''''~ NEAREST "'"~'"'-~E A R EST SEPTIC FOUN[~ION , LOT LINE , SE~WERJ~LNE . TANK -- CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES . APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANyFROM: ,SEEPAGE DISTANCES: LOT SLOPE: /~---~/~' ,~,~ ~ ' .,. Form No. EQ-031 I DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM Gri--a~ER ANCHORAGE AReA BorOugh , SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM m APPLICATION AND PERMIT~,/-,/~--/O P sm. PHONI~ OTHER CO.PL~ON DAT£ ANT~C.'A'rED ! "~ 7J FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. ~ ~A.~. ~/ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM G.RE~JE~R ANCHORAGE AREA OOROUGH,; ',,~ '" .... - " MENT OF EIWZRON~4ENTAL QUA' Y ~"CASE,J : ~'~'.~ '' 3500 TUDOR ROAD ~ ~ /~'"" .~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 ' ' '~.,.., ; Performed For Kenny Dryer e . Legat Description: Lot Block 7 ~ Tht,s'Form Reports' Soils~g x '~". : '- i , Lots 26 and,27 ~ · .., Feet Sotl] Charactertstic.~ ....;, .. 1-- Dark gray sandy silt (ML) ...... Gray sandy gravel (GW) and (G~) .Was Ground Water Encountered?. 7es · If Yes, At What Oepth? Date Performed 5/2/72 Subdivision Campbell Heights Percolation ~est Reading Dat~l Gross Time ,'let Time ·Depth to H20 Net Drop I ~1 nute J; ' Proposed Inst iation: Seepage Pit Drain Fteld Oepth Of Inlet Depth. To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench.; ...,:{~ COMMENTS: Based o~ CAAB requirements of a minin~m four feet abo~ ' .%~,, for private sanitation systems, I can neither recommend drain field mot seevaee ;~ for this location. :: ,T Performed By R.,E. ol ' Date: DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAl. CONSERVATION / $OUTXC£NTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE ~CHO~GE May 50, 1975 ~Ir. Joseph iS. Blair, R.S. Department ~.of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, ;AK 99503 Subject: Lot 26,Block 7, Campbell Heights S/D, Addition No. 1 Dear Mr. Blair: This offic~ has no objections to the use of a holding tank on the subject property providing the stipulations listed below are met: 1. Aipumping contract exists between the owner and a pumper. 2. The pumpings must be disposed of in the GAAB sewer system. 3. There must be a history of no problems with holding tanks in the subdivision. If you have any questions please contact me. Yours truly, Kyle ~J~. Cherry, P.E. Regional Environmental Supervisor