HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 18 BLM Lot 198 S-10781TI§N 18 Lot $ - 10781 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: f]~t~rMncnts on Cases 06/13/01 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD James Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water & Wastewater due June 14, :2001 The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S - 10779 S - 10780 S -10781 Skyhills Subdivision Phase I No objections. Suetawn Estate #2 / Sleepy hollow Subdivision/ti No objections. BLM Lot 198, T15N, RIW, Sec 18 Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 15.65 and AMC 21.15 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE I COMMUNmf PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 I REC'D BY: Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Tax Identification No. 2. Street Address 3. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). I/~ I~1~1 Ilhlel~l I~,1 I~hl~ IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34} full legal on back page. I~k. 14 Iq0H IIhl$1 I~1~1~1 hill H~ ~, r~ ~ ' 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 6. Petitioner's Representative ~1~1~ h-I~t~lpl~l I~rdr-IH I I I I I I I I I I IIIII c~ty ~ ~ c ~-',-,oC'~..--~ state Phone# "'[""~f'~)-~> ~'~,'"' Zip ~'.~'~"'"- FAx# 7. Petit[on Area Acreage 8. Proposed 9. Existing Number Lots Number Lots 10. Grid Number 11. Zone 13. Community Council "J'~l~C~'~' DO b I hereby ce~fy that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it In conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the bastc subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that It does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed If the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff. Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: 204303 (Rev. 9~38)' Fm~t : C. Please check or fill In the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan m Land Use Classification Residential Commercial ,Parks/Open Space " Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected 3. Environmental Factors (if any): td 1/~ a. Wetland b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d, Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please Indicate below If any of these events have occurred In the last five years on the property. Rezonlng Subdivision Conditional Use Zoning Variance Enforcement Action For Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for adveffislng. F. Checklist Certificate to Plat Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water:. Sewer. 204303 Back (Rev. 9/98) · 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1/~ x 11 ) Private Wells Private Septic Fee Drainage Plan Topo Map 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Pedestrian Walk'ways Landscaping Requirements Community Well Community Sys. Waiver .Public Utility Public Utility ANDERSON ENGINEERING P.O. BOX 240773 May 10, 2001 Gastaldi Land Surveying 4726 West 88th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99502 Attention: Jeff Gastaldi Subject: BLM Lot 198 Subdivision Geotechnical Investigation and Septic System Feasibility Study Dear Jeff: At your request we completed a geotechnical investigation and septic system feasibility study on BLM Lot 198 located in Bimhwood. The plat for the subdivision was furnished by Gastaldi Land Surveying and indicated a total of 2 lots was to be included In the proposed subdivision. Our directive was to locate suitable areas on each lot for the construction of on site septic systems capable of meeting the requirements of the Municipal Ordinance for the treatment of domestic effluent from homes to be constructed in the subdivision. Excavation for the test holes was completed on Monday, May 7, 2001. Test holes were dug to depths approaching 15' utilizing a track mounted backhoe and a monitor tube was placed in each hole. Percolation benches were then constructed at vadous depths in the holes, but pdmadly between 2' and 5' below the odginal ground surface. A percolation cavity was prepared to determine the absorptive characteristics of the soils encountered in the test holes. The cavity was presoaked in accordance with Municipal requirements and a percolation test performed. The results of the tests are included in the attached documentation. The underlying matedal encountered in the test holes vaded throughout the site, but was pdmadly composed of well to poorly graded sands and gravels with silt contents ranging from 5% to over 25%. The pemolation rate of materials encountered was uniform at less than I minute per inch. No groundwater was encountered in the test holes and none was noted throughout the monitoring period. Conditions encountered on the parcel are excellent for the construction of septic systems and the treatment of septic effluent. BLM Lot 189 Subdivision Septic System Feasibility Page Two May 10, 2001. The surface topography of the tract is fairly fiat with an approximate 15% slope near the middle from northwest to southeast. No slopes on the lot exceed 25% and setback requirements are not a factor. The Municipal Ordinance goveming septic systems requires a minimum of 10,000 square feet of area be available for the original and two replacement onsite wastewater disposal systems. The square footage is based on the soils absorptive characteristics of less than 5 minutes to absorb an inch of water. More than sufficient area is available on each lot. The reserve area for each lot is shown on the attached documentation. Proposed well locations for the lots in the subdivision are shown on the attached drawing. We have also shown the wells on the adjacent lots. No surface water was noted dudng our study, The Municipal Ordinance requires that septic systems cannot be constructed closer than 100' from any surface water, Test holes were located in areas, which were assumed to be the primary location for the new septic systems. These locations are shown on the attached map, which defines the area of the subsurface study. Please review the attached data and advise if you have any questions. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments N 8g~'S4"E 328.4~ ~.~ ~ - - ~ .... -- -.~-~ ..... t.- -~'- ~-. - - · ~ - .~' ~ . · Proposed ~ , . Well .' ' ' " 'A'//L o . . . pt~c Rese ye ~ '~ ' ./ '~ 7/Ar~a ~. 10,0(0 = ~' ~ // / Square Fe~t~ ' ~ ~.~. ~ S~UC Reserve Xre~- F1 O~~e .Feet - We~ SEPTIC SYSTEM RESERVE AREAS SCALE 1" = 50' .I l AREA MAP SCALE t" = 100' Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST Performed For. Gastaldi Land Surveying Legal Description: BLM [et 189 SLOPE OGIOL SITE PLAN 145' 0 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1S GP/SP Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Depth to Water After Monitoring None Date: 5/10/01 S L O P E 2% ~-25% 2% Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop 1 7-May 1:14 .5' 2 1:19 5 Dry 6.5' 3 1:20 .5" 4 1:25 5 Dry 6.5" 5 1:26 .5' 6 1:31 5 Dry 6.5" Perc. Rate: >1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 4 Ft. and 5 FL Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, M,~3ae[E,~[e~r~ Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With mi State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5/10/01 Municipality of Anchorage *', .7~,. ~<,.4:~q~,~,..~-,.~ ;-'; -_' · 'ff De artment of Health & Human Services ~',~: ~:c~^~ P . Z-,__,'"' ' CF - 4381 ' "'~ ~' 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 ¥. '~.~'...,... _,,,..-~'~",~,~ SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ¢~'t ?,",;' ' ....... Pe, rformed For: Gastaldi L~nd Surveying Date Performed: Legal Description: BtM Let 189 SLOPE SITE PLAN 3 4 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 lg OGIOL GP/SP Bottom of · Hole Was Groundwater Encountered? No S If Yes, What Depth? L Depth to Water O After Monitoring None Date: 5/10/01 145' ~ 57' 2% ",~5% 2% Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 7-May 2:17 .5" 2 2:22 5 Dry 6.5" 3 2:23 .5" 4 2:28 5 Dry 6.5" 5 2:29 .5' 6 2:34 5 Dry 6.5' Perc. Rate: >1 MinJlnch Perc. Hole Diameter:. 6" Test Run Between 4 FL and 5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing· Performed By: ~ I, M~;~JJ~..~3~3D Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With A/I State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101 Mu nlcJpal,ty of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services ~ %.?,c~^~ [. A~D~SCN. 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 ~,-*'~... Cc 4381 ...~... · ~... ..%L, SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~t. ~,'¥. '. ...... '.~"';.~, Date Performed: '5f7101' Performed For: Gastaldi Land Surveying Legal Description: I~LM tot 189 OGIOL GP SP GP/SP Bottom of Hole ;LOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 4 5 6 1 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 Was Groundwater · Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Depth to Water After Monitoring None Date: 5110101 187' S L 0 2% ".~ 5 % 2% Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time rime Water Drop I 7-May 12:22 .75" 2 12:32 10 Dry 7.5' 3 12:33 .625" 4 12:43 10 Dry 7.625' 5 12:34 .75" 6 12:44 10 Dry 7.5" Perc. Rate: 1.3 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter. 6" Test Run Between 2 FL and 3 FL Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing· Performed By: ~ I, ~ Cefffify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With Ail State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101 Munidpali~ of ~cho~ge ~, · Dep~en~ or Hoal~ & Human ~e~J~s 825 L ~t, ~chomge, ~ 99502~0 ¢,.~... ..-,~ 8OILS LOG -PERgO~TION TEST Pe,~ Fort Gas~ldJ ~ Suwe~ng Date Pe~o~: L~al Desc~ption: DLM Lot iSg 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OG/OL GP/SP Bottom of' Hole SLOPE SITE PLAN 18 19 Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Depth to Water After Monitoring None Date: 5110/01 94' ~0 · S L O P E 2% ~1,~.~5 % 2% Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 7-May 1:48 .5" 2 1:53 5 Dry 6.5" 3 1:54 .5" 4 1:59 5 Dry 6.5" 5 2:00 .5" 6 2:05 5 Dry 6.5" Perc. Raie: >1 MinJInch Perc. Hole Diameter. 6" Test Run Between 4 FL and 5 FL Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, M[c~.,J~;~a Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With AJI State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101 163.0, ~// 2,699, AERIAL · 2,698 Municipality of Anchorage Copyright ~ ~,,,o7~ 1078! JUN ! 8200~ TRANSMITTAL ANDERSON ENGINEERING Date: May 11, 2001 P.O. Box 240773 Anchorage, Alaska 99524 Tel: (907) 522-7773 Fax: (907) 522-6779 To: MoA/Building Safety On-Site Water &Wastewater 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Jim Cross, P.E. The following items are: ~ Requested ~] Enclosed From: Michael E. Anderson, P.E.r'~''~'-'~ Subject: BLM Lot 198, T15N, R1W, S18 Proposed Subdivision ~'-] Sent Separately via Report Test Result Specification Pdnts Cost Estimate [] Shop Drawings Test Sample [] Other No. Description I Water Availability Study I Septic System Feasibility Study This data is submitted: ~ At your request r'-'l For your approval ~-~ For your review [] For your action [] For your files [] For your information General Remarks: Attached is documentation justifying the lot split for BLM Lot 198, T15N, R1W, Section 18 in Birchwood. Please review this documentation and let me know if anything else is necessary for you to allow the subdivision to proceed. ANDERSON ENGINEERING P,O. BOX· 240773 ANCHORAGE, AK 99524 522-7773 522-6779 (FAX) May 11, 2001 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Jim Cross, P.E. Subject: BLM Lot 198, T15N, RlW, Section 18 Water Availability Study Dear Jim: We have studied the wells on the lots surrounding Lot 198 in an attempt to predict the availability of water for private use on the proposed two-lot subdivision. The well on Lot 186 located northeast of the subject parcel was originally placed in January of 1971. The depth of the well is shown on the log at 116' with the static water level at 45'. The log further states a production rate of 20 gallons per minute with only 7' of draw down. The well on Lot 199 immediately west of the subject property was placed in June of 1983. The total depth is 100' with the static water level at 50'. The production rate on this well is noted at 20 gallons per minute. The draw down is not shown on the well log. The well on Lot 197B immediately east of the subject property was placed in October of 1976 to a depth of 78'. The static water in this well is 30' below the surface. The production rate is noted at 20 gallons per minute with very little draw down. All of the logs indicate shallow wells with high production rates on three sides of the subject parcel. We can therefore assume based on this information that the wells to be placed on this lot will have similar characteristics, The wells will probably be less than 150' in depth and will produce sufficient water to meet the Municipal requirement of ,108 gallons of water per minute per bedroom, Attached are copies of the well logs for your use and a location map showing the proximity of these wells to the proposed subdivision. Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments ; / 2?3 24 AREA MAP SCALE 1' = 100' -'-' 197 A,'" · 328 .Or SAM CO~:-,.-I D,RILLLNG CO.' .......... ~ox 298 ....... -: ..... Ecgle P, iver. ,A]asl:c[ ..... 'WATER WELL'.,DRILLING-LOG Location (address of, To.ship, Range, &'s'~ctlon;,'if~kno~.., - '' ~*,O:,~.-. !~,.,I,o'r. I'~ or distance from win roa~"l''V'iI .~,~1 "~ ~ '" ~"' ' '' ~:" , - , ;. ii,.-..~ . ,, :. · ~ '~, · ~te:;completed:,t~ .~. S'tze of casi~ .~ Depth'of, hole' /OO.'feet.-.'Cased.to'~/0'0- feet. ms.tic ~ter level ~' feet (above) (below) lan~;s~rface. 'Ftfitsh o~.' '' well (check-'one} OCen end {XO. screen (.}*.Per~oraged.[{~}.. ' -''.' ' Describe screen or ~erforations Well pump~n~ test at '~0 ~ls. per (~) (minute) for '~' hours with feet of dra~o~ from static 'level.. Remarks Depth In feet from ~round surface Give details of formetlons penetrated. size of materiel, colorand'hardenss.. May 10,2001 Gastaldi Land Surveying 4726 West 88th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99502 Attention: Jeff Gastaldi Subject: BLM Lot 198 Subdivision Geotechnical Investigation and Septic System Feasibility Study Dear Jeff: At your request we completed a geotechnical investigation and septic system feasibility study on BLM Lot 198 located in Bimhwood. The plat for the subdivision was furnished by Gastaldi Land Surveying and indicated a total of 2 lots was to be included in the proposed subdivision. Our directive was to locate suitable areas on each lot for the construction of on site septic systems capable of meeting the requirements of the Municipal Ordinance for the treatment of domestic effluent from homes to be constructed in the subdivision. Excavation for the test holes was completed on Monday, May 7, 2001. Test holes were dug to depths approaching 15' utilizing a track mounted backhoe and a monitor tube was placed in each hole. Percolation benches were then constructed at various depths in the holes, but primarily between 2' and 5' below the original ground surface. A percolation cavity was prepared to determine the absorptive characteristics of the soils encountered in the test holes. The cavity was presoaked in accordance with Municipal requirements and a percolation test performed. The results of the tests are Included in the attached documentation. The underlying material encountered in the test holes varied throughout the site, but was primarily composed of well to pooriy graded sands and gravels with silt contents ranging from 5% to over 25%. The percolation rate of materials encountered was uniform at less than 1 minute per inch. No groundwater was encountered in the test holes and none was noted throughout the monitoring period. Conditions encountered on the parcel are excellent for the construction of septic systems and the treatment of septic effluent.' BLM Lot 189 Subdivision Septic System Feasibility Page Two May 10, 2001 The surface topography of the tract is faidy fiat with an approximate 15% slope near the middle from nodhwest to southeast. No slopes on the lot exceed 25% and setback requirements are not a factor. The Municipal Ordinance governing septic systems requires a minimum of 10,000 square feet of area be available for the original and two replacement onsite wastewater disposal systems. The square footage is based on the soils absorptive characteristics of less than 5 minutes to absorb an inch of water. More than sufficient area is available on each lot. The reserve area for each lot is shown on the attached documentation. Proposed well locations for the lots in the subdivision are shown on the attached drawing. We have also shown the wells on the adjacent lots. No surface water was noted during our study. The Municipal Ordinance requires that septic systems cannot be constructed closer than 100' from any surface water. Test holes were located in areas, which were assumed to be the primary location for the new septic systems. These locations are shown on the attached map, which defines the area of the subsurface study. Please review the attached data and advise if you have any questions. Sincerely. Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments /. I I I · ! i '" / :.: :.. ~ lC) cD . I ..~ ' ' · .-.~-I-~.~ : ~'.':"" · . ','"' ~ I -. :.. , · '/~.~ t,.// .',~' .. -:. ..: ! l 788£4 ':' /881'B' AREA MAP SCALE 1" = 100' 197 4: N 8g~-~8'.54."E 3~8.48' ~ · . . P~oposed ! '. ~ ' ~ ' · '\.. ' J '~ ll*=~ ' ~, ~ . ~~?~. · . .'....~~ __~:-.~~ . .. - ~ I Septic Reserve ire;"- .'~ ~ ~}I.~ '. ' t ~~,~.' - . "'.'. . X · . .. ~,.:.-.~ . · .~ ~ · ... ~' · ~: .45!~.t~2~.~ ~,.~,' · SEPTIC SYSTEM RESERVE AREAS SCALE 1" -- 50' Department of Health & Human Services ~ e~, .MICHAEL g. ANO£:~SC .- ,.; g 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502~650 ~.~-.. CE. 4381 ..'~ SOILS LOG - PERCO~TION TEST ~ ~?*. .*'~' ~ Pedo~ For: Gas~ldi Land Su~eying Date Pedo~: ~tttS~- L~al Description: BLM Lot 189 SLOPE SITE P~ OGIOL 145' GPISP Was Groundwater Encountered? No S If Yes, What Depth? L 1 Depth to Water O After Monitoring None P 11 Date: 5110101 E 2% ~-25% 2% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To iNet Time Time Water Drop 1 7-May 1:14 .5" 2 1:19 5 Dry 6.5" 3 1:20 .5' 4 1:25 5 Dry 6.5" 5 1:26 .5' 6 1:31 5 Dry 6.5" 19 Perc. Rate: >1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 4 Ft. and 5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, MzcbaeLE.~b~c~ Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With AJI State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110/01 .-t_ ~,'~. ........ .".,4 ~,.~. Depadment of Health & Human Semices ~Y~[X;;;~*[[,~-. E* 2;DER$CN- 825 L SE~t, Anchorage, AK 99502~650 'd~',, CE - 4381 SO LS LO - P .CO T O. EST .... .. Pe~orm~ ~or: Gas~Idi L~nd 8u~eying Dale Perform: ~ L~al Dec¢fipfion: BLM Lot t89 8LOPE 81TE P~N OG/OL GP 145' 157~ GPISP Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? I Depth to Water After Monitoring None 11 Date: 5/10101 2% ~'~5% 2% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net ;'time Time Water Drop 1 7-May 2:17 .5" 2 2:22 5 Dry 6.5" 3 2:23 .5" 4 2:28 5 Dry 6.5" 5 2:29 .5" 6 2:34 5 Dry 6.5" 19 Perc. Rate: >1 MinJInch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6' Test Run Between 4 Ft. and 5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, Jx~a~[~i Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101 Depadment of Health & Human Sewices 825 L S~eet, Anchorage, AK 99502~650 SOILS LOG - PERCO~TION TEST Peffo~ed For: gas~Idi Land Suweying Date Legal Description: BLM Lot 18~1 OG/OL GP SP GPISP SLOPE SITE PLAN Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? I Depth to Water After Monitoring None 11 Date: 5110101 87~ 2% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 7-May 12:22 .75" 2 12:32 10 Dry 7.5" 3 12:33 .625' 4 12:43 10 Dry 7.625" 5 12:34 .75" 6 12:44 10 Dry 7.5" 19 Perc. Rate: 1.3 Min./Inch Pero. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 2 Ft. and 3 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, ~ Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance W~th All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101 ,,- *".; M.nioipa,ity o, A.¢ho.age Department of Health & Human Services ~'] ~,'..M,C,A,[ ;.' ^"~',:~,'~C,~ .~'~'- ~ 825 L Sb'eet, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 ~,~.... CE - 4381 ../"' .~, SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST "~t ,¢¢'~, -'" .... ' '.' /J °°° V' '~' ~'~ I, ?'~O'r [$~\~'~.~''"' Performed For: Gastaldi Land Surveying Date Performed' Legal Description: BLM Lot 18g OGIOL 3 SP 5 SLOPE SITE PLAN 94' [ 0 1 45 GPISP 1 11 Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Depth to Water After Monitoring None Date: 5110/01 2% ~5% 2% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time 'rime Water Drop I 7-May 1:48 .5" 2 1:53 5 Dry 6.5" 3 1:54 .5" 4 1:59 5 Dry 6.5" 5 2:00 .5" 6 2:05 5 Dry 6.5" Perc. Rate: >1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 4 Ft. and 5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: A[aiz.l:l~:a[~ I, J~,ba~u~[~s~ Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 5110101