HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARADISE VALLEY Block 4 S-10658Par'adi
Block 4.
#$- ! 06§8
09:16 F.~ 907 343
~hor~ Plat $~r~'~L~ of Acdon
Communl~' Plsnnlng -, CROSS
[~ 00S,'006
5. Resolving the following with Land Use Enforcement:
Submit an as-built sm, vey to verify compliance with all
required setbacks, including a parking layout plan to verify
compliance with required parking.
Verify compliance and applicability of the approved
landscape plan per Case Z-83-34 and 83-34A.
Correcting the tiQe block to reflect the underlying plat as P-59A
recorded 4/18/87.
7. Placing the following note on the plat:
a. "Landscaping meeting the requirements £or thc arterial
landscape standards of AMC 21.45.125.C.4 shall be installed
along thc west property boundary and maintained by thc
property owner or his/her designee for the life of the use."
~LS-10655 Paradise Vn!!ey Subdivision~ Block 4, Lots 39A & 4lA
Approval of the plat subject to:
Resolving utility easements. Showing t_he "10' utility easement' as
"10' T&E easement."
2. Resolving with Land Use Enforcement:
Verifying non-confo,~,ing status to establish yard and lot
coverage requirements.
b. Submitting as-built sur~ey(s) to determine compliance with
all required yard setbacks and required parking.
Correcting the title block to reflect the underlying plat as _87-16.
Correcting map information to reflect that the lot in the southwest
comer of'Austria Dr. and Spa_in Dr. is Lot 10 not Lot 16.
Department of Health and ltuman Services
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Date: September 14, 2000
To: /~b/~0ni~g & Platting Division, CPD
From: ~ Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Services
Subject: t Request for Comm'ents on Case(s) - September 14, 2000
The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services, has reviewed the following case and has
these comments:
Campbell Creek Commercial Park Subdivision
No objections.
S10655 T12N, R3W, Section 15, Lots 37 & 38
The existing well and on-site wastewater system serving proposed Lot 37A are not
permitted, and have not been approved by DHHS. Prior to approval of the request, the
applicant must take necessary action to bring these unapproved systems into compliance
with on-site water and wastewater disposal regulations. Reserve site requirements also
Snyder Addition Subdivision
No objections.
Hillstrand Subdivision
No objections.
paradise Valley SubdivisionV
No objections.
Shoreline Acres Subdivision
No objections.
P.O. Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Please fill in the Information requested below. Print one letter or number per block.
Tax Identification No. 2. Street Address
I~1~-I°1~1~1o1~1 ~ ~1~ ~ ~1 I';Irl,~l~l'"l I~l~hl,'l~l I I I I I I I I
OLO4-11 0-1
NEW abbreviated legal description (1'12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34).
IrlAl~l~blrl~l~l Ivl,,l~l~-I~l~l I~1"1~1 I~lol~'lsl I~1~1~,1 I'.'1 I~11 ^ ~Lo~-I '~
4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page.
Irl~l~:bl~l~l¢l~l Iv lM~'k-I,~l'd i~l,,I,I Iclol'rl¢l t~1'~1. I+lol. IM~l I~lclolcl~114-11
5. Petitioner% Name (Last - First)
6. Petitioner's Representative
IC~l~ Iz-lz-I~ IAI,,4 ILI~
c~y ~¢
Phone ~
I~l~,l',l-rl,°4~-~1~1 la'l~l¢l~-I I I I I I I I I I I I
Address ~*'-')?-*'~ W- ~:~0~",.~
City ~ ~~ S~te
Phone ~ ~5~ Zip
7. Petition Area Acreage 8. Proposed 9. Existing
Number Lots Number Lots
10. Gdd Number
II I-~1~1~1
11. Zone
12. Fees '2~~:;)~-'' 13. Community Council ~AF..
B. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I deslre to subdivide tt In
conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic eubdMsion fee Is
nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also
understand that additional fees may be assessed If the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further
understand that ~ssigned headng dates are tantatJve and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission,
or the Assembly due to administrative reasons.
Date: /~ "' / [?' 0 ~
2~-003 (Rev. W98)* Front
.S, ignatura,//~V L/
Agents must provide written proof of authorization.
Please check or fill In the following:
1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classilication
~.- Residential
Parks/Open Space
Transportation Related
Margimfl Land
Public Lands/Institutions
Alpine/Slope Affected
Special Study
2. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Intensity
SPecial Study
Dwelling Units per Acre
Alpine/Slope Affected
Environmental Factors (if any):
a. Wetland
b. Avalanche
c. Floodplain
d, Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson)
D. Please Indicate below if any of these events have occurred In the last live years on the property.
Conditional Use
Zoning Variance
Enforcement Action For
Case Number
Case Number
Case Number
Case Number
Building/t.and Use Permit For
Army Corp of Engineers Permit
E. Legal description for advertising.
t"~-4'"r- /4,0. '~,"/- It,,
CvCDI ¥'1~1¢v
F. Checklist
40 Col,les of Plat (Long Plat)
30 Copies of Plat (Sho~t Plat)
Reduced Copy of Plat (8 1/~ x t '1)
Certificale to Plat
Aedal Photo
Housing Stock Map
Zoning Map
Drainage Plan
'l'opo Map 4 Copies
Soils Report 4 Copies
Pedestrian Walkways
Landscaping Requirements
~ Water: /' Private Wells __ Community Well Public Utility
~ Sewer: ~'- Pdvate Septic __ Community Sys. Public Utility
20003 Back (F.~)v. 0/98) ®