HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMPUS HEIGHTS LT 2ALASKA IROFIIllI I1TAL COFITROL IllC. December 27, 1983 Alaska Depa~b~nt of Enviror~ent~ Conservation 437 E Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Erickson, Enclosed is a packet of information pertaining to Lot 2 in Campus Heights Subdivision. The hcma~)wner is selling the property and discovered there ~_re tw~ problems to rectify before the sale could be cu~gleted. The first was that a city sewer man-hole and cleanout are located within 150' radius of the w~ll, which is a class C well. It was discovered that was not.a problem after all since the sanitary s~r line was put in in 1971, and installed to code k~eping the man hole over 120' aw~y frcm the well and the clean-out over 80' away. Problem number two is t_hat the well was put in t_he only area available for' the driveway (See Diagram), and therefore the ca~ing has been cut to ground level. It was approved by the Municipality in May, 1971. The general drainage in the area is away frem the property since it is locat~ at the top of a prcminent hill. Tudor road ~is apprc~imately 65' below the property and 185' to the north. The well was drilled in 1963. Since w~ll logs were not recorded at that time, we have not been able to locate a copy. Copies of logs of the neighbor wells show blue-green clays at 58' where they end. Frem the l{~!th Departments records, it shows the well to be drilled to a depth of 136'. A ~ter sample ~as taken November 23, 1983 and found to be free of coliform bacterial. To facilitate continued use of the driveway, I have relayed your instructions to the ~ owner for protecting the well. He will bring the well ca~ng above ground 6", seal it with a sanitary seal and pave 6' around the well, sloping it to keep surface drainage away frem the sma]. If you have any further questions please call. Sincerely, Laura Ogar ::.: :..:..: :.. . . ...: ~....;.,...It :t~..the .responstbtltt',the'~owner. t EASEHENTS OF RECORD, 'OTHER THAN ..x 2 ::..the existence of any easements,:covenants;.-. THOSE.SHO~'N. ON THE RECORDED'. '. ';,'~ !"::strict'ohs ~h' flo.not:appe{i~-on'the' ' ' PLAT,'"ARE NOT..SHOWN-HEREON. · ' m "]~'l.; [.diyis, ton plat: Under n° circumstan, ces ~s'h6uld. · .' .'..~."'.i'' --: .... : '-' ;'" ' ':~3da. ta hereon be'used for con~tructlon'iFoi~..for..'.esthbr ::.,..;. '-" .'/~"(~"'~ 1~[ Jl'~. '.'~'.": ":". ll~hing bouddary o~"fehee.l~nes; "':-.?, .'~;';.t .':':':!.?~.-~'...T'i: uu/'"'""; ' 2 ' ..-.:~._ ~""~ ~,.,u · . .' .... ,.. · ..,..,... :.El · Heiqhts SU~)(41¥1SlOtl _...'' ..' :', · % '.. '.~ ,.' ", '.ANCHORAOE RECORDINO.'~DiST, R. lCT::?~:'--~ ,.."' ' . :. ,?-..: ~w$,o~$ :,. ~.~::....- f" :'~aT["; ' :-~.'.' ' l't'' "." ";'"'/~ '' '~ 04' EAS*~ "l 5th Ave~:$ul~e. ~- ,-, ,_~ :..~.J....:. ;.: ...:.:.,:.~; .~:-;,.~-~:~; · · , ..... ,- · '.". ..... - ~1~ ' · - ,.~.~ ...... Ie¥., . I Sr..ALE;. · ~ .... .~. , Iwo...,, ....~, -..3.1 ~..~_..~'a.~.,.,I ~!~....,:.,,,~...~,:.~= REASON . APPLIC"~. T FILLS OUT UPPER HA~"~:ONLY o~ Re~.ce i Indlvld~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ACH ~LL LOG. A w~l log Is r~ulr~ for all wells drlaed since June 1975. Pubfic UUIIty ~ ~ For we,s ~111~ prior to th~ date, give well depth (attach I~ If available). PubllCHolding Tank~llity ~t~ ,~ ~~ W~en ~ect~ Io Public Utility: .~tspect o~ I~$pector I~$pector Inspector · *' - ~ I ~ ~ ~,.'1,,~''J ~PT OF t~ ~,LTlt ~, ~ ~ -- ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ O~},:NTAL p~OT[CIION ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~' · ~ -i- _~-'~ ~ ~. ~ NOV ~ t' ~ ~-- ( '~APPROVEO ~ROOMS I ~ '~ONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~lls Ratln~~ ~ Date ~wer Installed Well TO ~sorption Area Wetl Log Recelv~ Wetl to Tank ~eptic T~k Size DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR ~lephone:~O~ 276--2533 437 E Street .Suite 200 Anchorage AK 99501 January 11, 1984 Alaska Environmental Control Services 1200 West 33rd, Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Sir: Subject: Lot 2, Campus Heights Subdivision (8421-FA-260) We have reviewed the plans and specificatinns for the subject project. Enclosed with this letter is a "Certificate to Construct" for the drinking water system. The '~pproval to Operate" section of the certificate must be c~pleted by a representative of this Department prior to placing the system in operation. It should be remembered that f/ns1 approval viii necessitate the submission of Engineer As-built F/ans. This ~r111 consequently mandate that a private professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as-built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Si~cerely, ~. Erickso9 Environmental Engineer BEE/msm Enclosure i ~ STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT oF ENVI"0NMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION AND OPE J TION CERTIFICATE for PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modification of In Nzct.o~:~s;: t. , AW~kI, aubml~ed in ~ ~dth 18 AAI~ ~0.100 [] approved, ettez the ,- E] :'conditionally app~o~ (see attac~ If construction ham not started within two years of the approval date, this cedifl~ate is void m~d new plane and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change ~co~tr~{ ~M no. ~ ~<.pt~e m.,.,~*) Approved by Date C. APPROVALTO oPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be completed end signed by the Department b~fore any water Is ma~e available to the public. The consb'uctlon of the public water system was completed on (date). The system Is hereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. As*built pis~ submitted durlng the Interim approval period, or an Inspection by the Department, has coefirmed the system was constructed according to the approved pi&ns. The system la hereby granted final approval to operate. ANCHOt, .GE WATER & WASTEWA'i_R UTILITY 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) Tony Knowle$ Mayor Owned by the Municipality of Anchorage November 23, 1983 Department of Envirmental Q~ality REs Lot 2 of Block 3 of Campus Heights Sub Please be advised that sewer for the above legal description is maintained by the Municipality of Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility. Sincerely, Tjuanna Stewman Customer Service Representative Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received ,~"- Tlme of Inspection Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INgIVIDUAL SE~ER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 1. ^opro. 1 Rejected By, 5. T~e of Facility to be Inspected: Number of Bedrooms, ~/~~ Phone: . . ~ ~ /,~'/, C, -Sep[tc Tank~ 1, Size '2, Ma~ufac[u~e~- D. ~eepage Pit: '1. Size 2. Uate~al E. Disposal Field: Total. Length of Lines e Distances: A. Well To: Be · Absorption Area Septic Tank , Neeresk Lot Line , Other Con'tamlnation Foundation to Septic Tank ") Absorption Area Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line · Sewer Lines Req~e.~t for Approval of 1,,Jivtdua! Sewer & Water FacilittesJ Pac~e Two Comments .' Ap?royal Valid for One Year From Da'L~ Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Envtronu. ental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTFJ4 I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: ... Signed Date Hay 24, 1~73 Esther Parker 4432 Car~pus Street Anchorage, Alaska 995O4 SUBJECT: Four-Plex at 4424 Campus Street Uear tls. Parker: Upon your request this department inspected the water and sewer facilities serving the subject dwelling on 14ay 15, 1973, and resampled the water on ~Y 18, 1973. The water is via a well that we were unable to find. According to you the top of this well is beneath the ground. For this department's approval, the casing must be at least eighteen (18) inches above the existing ground level, and capped with a sanitary seal. Public sewer is serving subject lot. Xf you have any questions concerning this rmtter, please contact me at 274-45G1, extension 135. Sincerely, Tim Rumfelt, R.S. Sanitarian ! lb cc: Civilian Htlltary Referral Office &NCHORAG~, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 RE(~:ST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIHS FOR Legal Description 4. Type of Facility to be Inspected ~her of 8edro_,'~.~s ~ ~ S. Well Data: D. Construcr, ton~ Bacterial Analysis _.. _. 6. Sewage Disposal System: A, Septic Tank (If homemade, show d.tafrmn on back) 3. Ma~tu~acturer 4. Installer ~