HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMPUS HEIGHTS Block 4 Lot 5Ittk CASE NUMBER S~-'~475 PETITION FOR DATE RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW oF Fmd Na]atka & Associates for Plat of Lot 5C Campus Helghts Subdivision - a resubdtv of Lots 5A & 58, Campus Hetghts subdtv located tn NE ]/4 Sec 33, T]3tt, R3~, SH Ai COMMENT TO PLANNING BY FOR MEETING OF COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: lC ¥ 1,NOI'AVAI LABLE of . Cases C SEWER Nefl"~VAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: rcc¢ivcd a petition from Jo-m Dic.~erhoff' to resubdivide lots into one lot/Thc pcthion area is located west of ~mpus St. . .~~~' ....... . · ,. < · ' Approved' as submitted. . -.' }~ETING ~JOL~%~ AT ll:S3 P,H. HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I~$URING OFF'CE · PART I.~TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA ~Q¥ Clark SUBOIVI$1ON ~ ,,.,.~u.., I ,,0,oo.s,.,,s [] Yes No MORTGAGEE SERIAL [] New installation Public system [] Corvanunity system SA'~VA G S DISPOSAL Public system ]Community system [] Individual Y~ [] No PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT It is the opinion of the [] State [] County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system [] is [] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. lc is the opinion of the [] State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [] Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and [] Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition O¢:ober 1". 1961 /'~'d~,~/' ,~ 0 ~ ] Sanitarian .o,,. -,. ~f'~...,o,*,~, .~..,d ..,..,....~..,,,.,..-...,,.,....-..-,.., .b.....~ ..,. ~......,---,,. --~ ..- .- ",- ~ PART III.~.FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHiEf UND(RWRITIItx I have ~eviewed t~e foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the Indivldu~ water-supply s~srem be considered [] Acceptable [] Not Accep~ble Sewage disposal be considered [] Acceptable [] Not Acceptable. INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGS DISPOSAL SYSTEM REPORT OF INSPECTIONtINDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Individual wells f-I ate I-] are m~t customa~ in n¢ighborh~x~d. Ptopertles in neighh~xh~x)d ["] are f-I are no~ being deveI.ped with bo(h individual water-supply and sewage.disposal systems. Lot size' feet wide, feet deep. Dwelling s~ back from front property line feet. Individual water supply from: ["[ Drilled well. I-I Driven well. [-] Dug well. 1-[ Bored well. Building founda6on. seepage pit. Well ceast~l ,feet; cesspool, feet; nearest I~ line at f-] front. I-I side, f-I rear,. .fees. .feet; seJxic tank.. .feet; disposal field, feet; feet; mh~t ~o~tces m' possible pollutiofl. ~'eet Diameter, inches. Total delxh, feet Type o( casing.. Approximate del'~h to ~mping level of water in well f~. Approximate yield, ~al~ watertight to ~pth ~f f~. F~t~ sp~ around casing ~aled ~ith: ~ ~ment grout. ~ ~led clay. ~ Ordi~ ~ell cover: ~ ~r~e. ~ ~, ~ M~, ~nin&s in ~11 cover wat~ig~t: ~ Y~, ~ ~ Shallow ~[I. ~ ~p well. ~h of drop pi~.. fe~. ~mp capacity, bgat~ in: ~ ~nt. ~ ~mpt~m off ba~ment. ~ ~mp~ a~ve ~nd. ~ ~mp pit. ~mpr~m pro.dy ~ain~: ~ Y~. ~ No. ~mp ~ntln~ watertight: ~ Yes. ~ No. Ty~ (ff sc~agc: ~ ~ssure. ~ Gravi~. ~city, gall~s. -' Has ~c~t~logkal examinat~ of water ~n ma~? ~ Y~. ~ No. If answer is "~," give ~ali~ ~ water ~ is ~ is ~ sati~a~o~ for hu~n c~sum~n. In~allat~ ~ ~s ~ ~ not comply with approved ex~i~ts, if any. Ins~t~ made by: ~ ~ale. ~ ~unty. ~ ~ Health Au~ority. Ins~ed by Date ~ in~i~ ,19 Depth of casing, feet. .gallons pet minute. .gallons per minute. 19 (Trna) INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND %~ATER rAClLITIES [~ ~'l .,~. ~ . (Fill out in Triplif~e) _ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5. Wate~nalysls: ¢ b. DeterEent . WeLl date: b. gepth, c. Casinf Size de Distance 'from well to closest exlst~ng or proposed: 1. Sewer l~ne TO ~ 2. Septic tank. 3. Seepage Area ~. Cesspool~. 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, ham, drainaEe ditch, etc. . 7. Sewage disposal system. a. Age of system . . b. Septic tank capacity in gallons /20~ , c. }lame of septic tank manufacturer ~ ~ 1, If "home made" show diaFram on reverse side of this~orm. d.' Disposal field or seepage.pit size and type - 1. 'Distance to property line ~'! to house foundation....~"' .. Percalaticm.,Test ~-~e sults f. Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse.side of this form to show diaEram, Dia~ra~ should include 'the fol].~oun~ information: p~operty lineal.well location, house location, ~,t-{c tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a,~ direction of Fround slope. 9. Tke l,J~.,.m~.ion on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date SiFned T.O BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART;~ENT PERSONNEL above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, sub~ect to the ~611owinF conditions: Conditior.s: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following ' Approval is valid for one year followin[ the date of approval. CPJ:cw