HomeMy WebLinkAboutCARLSON LT 5 MEDICAL DISTRICT00 -0 1- OR[~,I'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT r ~ '-~' 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279.2511 ° INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DISTANCE FROM WELL LIQUID CAPACITY NUMBER OF MATERIAl COMPARTMENTS LIQUID GALLONS. INSIDE LENGI'H INSIDE WIDTH DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: ~ ,.~ ~ ,//.~.' ~" ! NUMBER OF PITS '~' OUTSIDE DIAMETER -- " OR WIDTH f,,'~ / , LENGTH , DEPTH LINING MATERIAl ~ ~ ~ -'. DISTANCE FROM WELL ~//~ ~j , BUILDING FOUNDATION ' . NEA~ST LOT LINF . IOIAL [FFEC[IVE ABSOR~DON A~[A ~LL AREA) TILE DRAIN FIELD: TOTAL LENGTH DISTANCE FROM WELt · FOUNDATION · NEAREST LOT LINE , OF LINES DEPTH~"TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN, ABOVE TILE WELL: LOT LINE .~'e /.,~--,,,,,e- DISTANCE FROM WATER TYPE ,/~.,~.~3 DEPTH ,BUILDING FOUNDATION ' SAMPLE , NEAREST NEAREST SEPIIC SEEPAGE OTHER ~_.~. SEWER LINE.~..~-. TANK..~--~, SYSTEM~'. CESSPOOL~', SOURCES~ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: GREATER 'kNCHORAGE AREA )ROUGH C. No. IIEALTI! DEPARTMENT ~ Anchorage,.Alask/?) 99501. NAME OF APPLICANT_ RESIDENCE ADDRESS ,LEGAL DESCRIPTION . APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK ¢/"~'2,,), SEEPAGE PIT TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY FINANCED THROUGH C~../.-- F PERCOLATION TEST RESULT.9~ LOCATION OF INSTAL~TION ,DRAIN FIELD .,OTHER TO BE INSTALLED BY ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS lS TO SERVE AS ~ j~' '~'~pOK,I ~O ,PERMITT0 INSTALLA ,~'~r~/''~D ~']~ ~L' AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNITTO BE SERVED ~ ~~ T~ -.-[~ Z~pE S~a~ SEEPAGE AREA - ,TYPE ~ . SE~IC TANK SlZ~~~' . DIAGRA~ OF SYSTEM DI~ANCES: ~0~ ~ I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No/28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said c°de' /~) 7"' ~/~/... I ,J~ /,C//~O ~- OATE~ ~ ~ ,/~RgATER ANCHORAG£.AREA BOROUGH~ HEALTH D£?ARTHENT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 CASE Legal Descrlptzon~ Lot...~.~IocK.~ r'l{¢ rq This rc~ta Reports a:.So~ls Log ..... .j/ .... Percolation 7est Depth ~'eet Soil Characteristics Location Sketch Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, At What Depth Reading Date Gross Time Net T/me Depth To H20 Net Drop ercolaltion ~te''l"! 14znute' '" Proposed Instal ~n: Seepage PXt / Drain field Depth Of Inlet ~'-~' Deptn To Bottom Of Pit Or T~ench //, Test Performed Data Certified Date ~rch 15, 1971 l.!r. Jack A. Brocl=~:an, Civil Engineer GAAB Department of Public lIorks 2207 }laRae lload Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dasr lit. ~rockman: ~ SUBJECT: Wentworth e}~,r s total Improvement District Nos. 25 & 27. I lmve discusoegk3~r~ m~tter of thc 0.003 ft./ft, grade versus 0.004 ft./ft, with the Chief of our Plan Review Section. ::e will now accept the 0.003 ft./ft, slope as the minimum where a velocity of at least 2 ft. per sec. is maintained. Please consider the plans and specifications for tho subject project approved for the features with which this Department is concerned. Yours truly~ YJC/m:: cc: Richard Britt Rolf Strickland l~le J. Cherry Regional Sanitary Engineer DIVISION Or ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTli ~X~E/~F-~}~( WILLIAM A. [GAN, Governor ~.~f 222. ~CKAY AUILOi,¥~ 338 ~£N,ALI $1A[U- A~ClYO£~t~£ 99501 February 24, lgT1 Mr. Robert Ih Morrlss, P.E., Director GAAB Dept. of Public Works 2207 MoRse Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Sub~ect: Wentworth Subdivision LID 25 & Carl~on Subdivision LID 27, Sanitary Sewer Improvements. Dear Mr. Morrlss: On February 19, 1991 this office received plans covering the subject pro~ect. In our review we find several cases of grades flatter than 0.4% which is the minimum allowed by our Administrative Code. Specifically these cases are reaches between: Existing MH - MH 4-1 MH q-1 - MH 4-2 EH 4-2 - Cleanout q-1 Existing MH - MH 3-1 MH 3-1 - Mil 3-2 MH 3-2 - Cleanout 3-1 Existing MI! - 2-1 Mit 2-1 -Mtl 2-2 MH 2-2 - MH 2-3 MH 2-3 - Cleanout 2-1 Existing MH - 1-1 MH 1-1 - MH 1-2 MH 1-2 - Cleanout 1-1 We will require that these grades be increased to the minimum allowed by our Administrative Code before the approval of this Department is given. Yours truly, K c/jf cc: Richard H. Britt Rolf StricklandM/ Kyle J. Cherry Regional Sanitary Engineer SCRO-Anchoraze Trans,~ttcd l~em~lth for your revle~ and co=~ents Is ona set. of Plans and associated docu=~nts for the subject project. Your approval Is reco~qended. ,' DHW-EH-'/ ~' Al&ska Department -f Ih.alth and Welfare llranch "f Environm,'nt.I Ih'aRb Pooch Il Juneau. Alaska 99~0t ALASK~.-t~EPARTMENT OF llEALTI! AND DIVI.~ION OF pi'BI,lC IIEALTH APPLICATION FOR APPROV~ OF PI,ANS Anchorage 2207 McRae Road Mailm~ A(hh'e~ 2-12-71 272-~577 9950~.. Zip Code RE:. CARLSON SUBDIVISION. LAT~}~L-I}[P.ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 27 ........ Iff accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title IR, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Scc~ IS.0~).OIo, I ti ), il21, and rules and teK- ulatlons promulgnte. I thereun,lcr, we, Greater Anchorage Area B~rough Department of ~ublic Works ............................... · , wand'a to.al, with re. et to SANITA"Y ~ E!qTH~ ?.' I~"~'e ,~et. of Complete plan~ hecewith submit for }our.revip~ . -.,--~P"como e Ol~' shall be taken ~o mean (,, ~ r ~ pm-, I~ taH~t plans and fl~ons, and a Prol~t Re.ri (Engin~ring or drchitec~ral Re.ri) including n~, ,'~-.- v dst.* rcqu&'i~i for full understand- i~ of SANITARY FEATC{iES of design, (Give~mpletebutbrtef description of prole~t~ Sanitar~ Lateral Extension ................................... .1777E ......... $ 2300 ....... Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Public Works 2207 HcRae Road, .Anct?r~.~.e, ~c~S..k~a....9-9.5-.-0-3-----and by or under th,' dlrectlo.n of the f,,llowlng Englneeris) or Archltectisl duly Ikense<! to practice In Alaska: .... Civil ................ ..l~0berl:..H. Horriss, P....E .............. ~rt~,z or uc~sr, lc,.., ~..~.'. ~" ' This project is to be financed in the following manner: (List sour es of funde and I~mounLsL ' Property Assessments ............... 10011 ......................... To~I ~tlmat~ ~st of this p~J~t Is $ ....~}0.0 ............................. ~ese plans are ~lng submttt~ to you et least one mon~ prior to the ~ntemptat~ date ,if advertising for bids ~arch 20, 1971 We understand that construction s~ll.~ ~ ~.~.~ ~ the ~rolect may ~ matte subse~ uent to r~lpt of your app~val, such approval will ~me void. Very truly yours. Gceater Anchorage Area Borough IAppllcantl ................................................................... (Sl~'ned) ..... ..,";" ~ "~'"f ........................ (Official Title) -.-.~-/...~--.~ .... .x~.k~ ,~ ...........................................