HomeMy WebLinkAboutFISCHER S-10731Fi h r' 5 - :1.0731 May 15, 2001 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Jim Cross, P.E. Su~e~: Lots 2A, 2B, 2C, Block 3, Fischer Subdivision S-10731 Septic System Reserve Areas Dear Jim: In late January we completed a geotechnical investigation and septic system feasibility study on Lot 2, Block 2, Fischer Subdivision. The lot is currently being subdivided into 3 lots each with its own on site septic system and water well. Our directive was to locate suitable areas on each lot for the construction of on site septic systems capable of meeting the requirements of the Municipal Ordinance for the treatment of domestic effluent from homes to be constructed in the subdivision. Excavation for the test holes was completed on January 24, 2001. Test holes were dug to depths approaching 15' utilizing a track mounted backhoe with an experienced operator. ^ soils technician was on site to log the test holes and perform the field testing. A monitor tube was placed in each hole to monitor the groundwater levels over the ensuing runoff pedod. Percolation benches were then constructed at vadous depths in the holes, but pdmadly between 5' and 7' below the odginal ground surface. A percolation cavity was prepared to determine the absorptive characteristics of the soils encountered in the test holes. The cavity was presoaked in accordance with Municipal requirements and a percolation test performed. The results of the tests are included in the attached documentation. The underlying matedal encountered in the test holes was faidy uniform throughout the site and was pdmadly composed of well to poody graded sands and gravels with silt contents ranging from 5% to 15%. The percolation rate of Lots 2A, 2B, 2C, Block 2, Fischer Subdivision Septic System Feasibility Page Two May 15, 2001 materials encountered was uniform and ranged between I and 2 minutes per inch. No groundwater was encountered in the test holes and none was noted throughout the monitoring pedod. Conditions encountered on the parcel are excellent for the construction of septic systems and the treatment of septic effluent. The surface topography of the tract is fairly fiat with only slight grades from south to north. No slopes on the lot exceed 25% and setback requirements are not a factor. The Municipal Ordinance governing septic systems requires a minimum of 10,000 square feet of area be available for the odginal and two replacement onsite wastewater disposal systems. The square footage is based on the soils absorptive characteristics of less than 5 minutes to absorb an inch of water. More than sufficient area is available on each lot. The reserve area for each lot is shown on the attached documentation. Proposed well locations for the lots in the subdivision are shown on the attached drawing. We have also shown the wells on the adjacent lots. No surface water was noted dudng our study. The Municipal Ordinance requires that septic systems cannot be constructed closer than 100' from any surface water. Test holes were located in areas, which were assumed to be the pdmary location for the new septic systems. These locations are shown on the attached map, which defines the area of the subsurface study. Please review the attached data and advise if you have any questions. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments JA4 J~J SELDON JA2 · 'H~T2g IQ° Ut# I'~t JBt ,% SPRUCE. CR~'K Circle 68.55 JBJ JB2 ,~ JBI NSg°57'4~llk 2~8,53 HVI.~ 10' Ulll 299,71 3 i 2C 2B 0% - 2% 2A .~fN89'53'45"1 -1316.t4;. F,etd HVt. ~. ' 1Q'Tde · C~A C~ml ~- I NOTE: LOTS 2A, 2B, 2C, BLOCK 3, FISCHER SUBDIVISION SCALE 1" = 100' Ground Surface Slopes on This Property <<25%. lC 7 60.22 I I 5 S8~'55'50'l 3 - 438't ' .:7 3A7 SELDON CIRCLE I Septic Exist g Well Reserve Area ® ~ >~o,ooo Lot lB Reserve Area · >i0,000 SF TH6' Exi Well 3B7A T~"4 SPRUCE CREEK Proposed Well Septic Reserve iArea >10,000 ~ TH1 ~F Exis .ng CIRCLE Exi: :lng F E: :tsting _ ._ EAST 104TH SEPTIC SYSTEM RESERVE,,~,~.;,.~o,," ~ ~ ~ ~"~..~'~"~c~. ~'~3~'~"~'~ .-' :"-:'3 ~ ~E ~ '4.~" ."-~'" Performed For: paul Palmer Legal Description: Munici~li~ of Anchorage ¢.~~. Depa~ment of H~lth & Human Se~ices 825 L Strut, Anchorage, AK 99502~650 Date Pedorm~: Lots ~. 2B. 2C. Bilk 3. Fischer Su~ivision SLOPE SITE P~N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OG/PT TESTHOLE NO. I Sandy Well Graded Gravel See Site Plan GW Was Groundwater Encountered? No S If Yes, What Depth? L Depth to Water O After Monitoring None P Date: 1131101 E East to West (~ 0% - 2% Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 24-Jan 10:50 2" 2 11:00 10 12" 10" 3 11:01 2" 4 11:11 10 12" 10" 5 11:12 2" 6 11:22 10 12" 10" Parc. Rate: I Min./Inch Parc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 5 Ft. and 6 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 1/25/01 Performed For: paul Palmer Legal Description: /' Municipality of Anchorage ~0,.;. ~.~,...,~ ............. : .... ~; - Department of Health & Human Services ~. ~j'. M~¢.~E[ E A~S~; ," 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 ~ ~'.. C~- 4381 · ,/~, .. SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST #,.~.~., ...... ,,,,~ ~j· P£OrE~'~~'~ Date Performed: %~'~2~101 Lots Z~. 2B. 212. RIock 3. Fischer Subdi¥i~ion SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OG/PT TESTHOLE NO. 2 Well Graded Gravel See Site Plan GW Was Groundwater Encountered? No S If Yes, What Depth? L Depth to Water O After Monitoring None P Date: 1/31101 E I;;.~t to West (~) 0% - 2% Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 24-Jan 10:55 2.5" 2 11:05 10 12" 9.5" 3 11:06 2" 4 11:16 10 12" 10" 5 11:17 2" 6 11:27 10 12" 10" Perc. Rate: I Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 5.5 Ft. and 6.5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~T. Jl]3_J~Ji]3Jz~ug~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 1/25/01 Municipality of Anchorage $ ~,~. MICHAEL E ,','U',[~' ,; ', Development Services Department .~ ,..,:., . . 4700 South Bragaw, Anchorage, AK 99507 ~.... .. Date Performed; 1/24/01 Performed For: paul Palmer Legal Description: Lot 2. Block 3. Fischer Subdivision SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OG/PT TESTHOLE NO. 3 Well Graded Gravel GW See Site Plan Was Groundwater Encountered? If Yes, What Depth? Well Graded Depth to Water Sand After Monitoring Date: SW Bottom of Hole No S L Fa~t to West @ 0% - 2% O None P 4/1101 E Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 24-Jan 1:05 2" 2 1:15 10 12"(Dry) 10" 3 1:16 2" 4 1:26 10 12"(Dry) 10" 5 1:27 2" 6 1:37 10 12"(D~) 10" Perc. Rate: 1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 5.5 Ft. and 6.5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~T. iELIC~aJ3B3Ug~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 4/1101 Municipality of Anchorage ......... Development Services Department ~ ~.~'. MICHAEL E. A';:~[~SC~' ~' I. Cu~. CE - 43E;11 ." ..;; 4700 South Bragaw, Anchorage, AK 99507 ~,~..~.. ..'.'..;.. SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~. /~ '- ........' ',..- Date Performed: t ·,~1~2~1~ 1 Performed For: paul Palmer Legal Description: Lot 2. Block 3. Fischer Subdivision SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OG/PT TESTHOLE NO. 4 Well Graded Gravel GW See Site Plan Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Well Graded Depth to Water Sand After Monitoring None Date: 4/1101 SW Bottom of Hole S L O P E Fast to West ~_ 0% - 2% Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net 'Time Time Water Drop 1 24-Jan 1:00 2" 2 1:10 10 12"(Dry) 10" 3 1:11 2" 4 1:21 10 12"(Dry) 10" 5 1:22 2" 6 1:32 10 12"(Dry) 10" Perc. Rate: 1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 6.5 Ft. and 7.5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Pdor to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 4/1101 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services 825 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99502-0650 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST Performed For: paul palmer Legal Description: Lots 2A. 2B. 2C. Block 3. Fischer Subdivision ;LOPE I OG/PT 3 4 5 TESTHOLE NO. 5 Well Graded Gravel 6 GW 9 10 11 7 Slightly Compacted 8 Was Groundwater Encountered? No If Yes, What Depth? Depth to Water After Monitoring None Date: 1/31101 SITE PLAN Sea Site Plan S L O P E East to West (~) 0% - 2% 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Well Graded Sand GW Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 24-Jan 1:40 4" 2 1:50 10 12" 8" 3 1:51 4" 4 2:01 10 11.5" 7.5" 5 2:02 4" 6 2:12 10 11.5" 7.5" 19 Perc. Rate: 1.3 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 6.5 Ft, and 7.5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~T_iI:]3_F~]3J3[QUg~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 1/25/01 Performed For: Paul Palmer Legal Description: Municipality of Anchorage ~.¢.;~.  -~!,:MICH~L E. Depn~ment of Henlth& Humnn S~i~ ~'~.~". 825LsoiLsStr.t,L~Anchorage,. PERCO~TIoNAK .502~650 Date ~enorm~: Lots ~. 2B. 2C. Bilk 3. Fischer Su~ivision SLOPE SITE P~N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OG~T TESTHOLE NO. 6 Well Graded Gravel GW Slightly Compacted See Site Plan Was Groundwater Encountered? No S If Yes, What Depth? L Depth to Water O After Monitoring None P Date: 1/31101 E East to West ~ 0% - 2% Well Graded Sand GW Bottom of Hole Reading Date Gross Net Depth To Net Time Time Water Drop I 24-Jan 1:45 3" 2 1:55 10 12" 9" 3 1:56 3" 4 2:06 10 12" 9" 5 2:07 3" 6 2:17 10 12" 9" Perc. Rate: 1.1 Min./Inch Perc. Hole Diameter: 6" Test Run Between 6.5 Ft. and 7.5 Ft. Comments: Percolation Cavity Presoaked Prior to Testing. Performed By: ~ I, Michael E. Anderson Certify That This Test Was Performed In Accordance With All State and Municipal Guidelines In Effect On This Date: 1/25/01 May15,2001 Municipality of Anchorage Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 S. Bragaw Street Anchorage, AK 99507 Attention: Jim Cross, P.E. Subject: Lots 2A, 2B, 2C, Block 3, Fischer Subdivision S-10731 Water Availability Study Dear Jim: We have studied the wells on the lots surrounding Lot 2, Block 3, Fischer Subdivision in an attempt to predict the availability of water for private use on the proposed three-lot subdivision. The attached site plan shows the location of the adjacent wells along with their respective 100' protective radii. The plan also shows the proposed locations for the wells to be placed on this subdivision. In general, water availability in the neighborhood is more than adequate and the addition of three more wells should have little impact on future water supply. The wells located immediately to the east of this property on Lots 4, 5 and 6 Dav-Dor Subdivision are very shallow and range in depths from 40' to 60'. Casing is extended full depth of the wells. Production rates are very good and range from 7 to 9 gallons per minute. Flow tests performed in the past on these wells vedfy these production rates originally noted on the well logs. The static water level in the wells ranges from 15' to 24' below the surface. Water appears to be plentiful in this area. The well on Lot lB, Block 2, Fischer Subdivision immediately north of the subject parcel is 180' deep and cased to a depth of 168'. A flow test on this well indicated a production rate of 8.5 gallons per minute and a static water level of 14.8'. Similar conditions to the wells on the eastem boundary, but the well is much deeper. The wells on the western boundary of the property in Lot I of Fischer Subdivision are deeper and range from 250' to 260' in depth and are cased in excess of 40' below the surface. Well logs are not available for these lots as the wells were apparently placed many years ago. The static water level in these wells is deeper at 238' to 250'. The production rates are still very good and range between 4 and 7.2 gallons per minute. In every case the production rates of the wells surrounding this proposed subdivision are very good and well in excess of the Municipal requirement of .108 gallons per Lots 2A, 2B, 2C, Block 2, Fischer Subdivision Water Availability Study May 15, 2000 Page 2 minute. Based on our research it is our conclusion that the wells to be constructed on proposed Lots ?..A, 2B, and 2C, Block 2, Fischer Subdivision will be fairly shallow and probably less than 100' in depth. Production rates should be in excess of 4 gallons per minute. Attached are copies of the well logs for your use and a location map showing the proximity of these wells to the proposed subdivision. Please review this data and let me know if additional information is required to complete your analysis. Sincerely, Michael E. Anderson, P.E. Attachments