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Paradise Valley Lot 14 Block 7 #020-413-07 Municipality of Anchorage Page J of DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: _~,~c~ ~OZZ_~ PID Number: Name: ~.~f~. ~,.~,r~,l~j{t~ll~ Wastewater System: U New ~Upgrade Address: A~SORPTION FIELD Phone: No. of B oms: ~'7~ /~' ~O~ e~o ~D~Trench ~ Shallow Trench DBed ~Mound ~Other LEGAL DESCRIPTION SoilRating:~GPD/Sq. Ft. Total Depth from original~ o o ,rom Lot: i~ Block: ~ ~1~~ ~~.~ Ft. Township: I Range: I Section: Fill added above original grade: ' ~ell~ ~~ ~ ~ Ft.~ Ft. ~mber o~ I Distance between lines: WELL: ~T/~ New ~ Upgrade Gravel width; ~ ~ Ft. Classification (Private, A,B,C): Total Depth: ~ Total absorpti~~ Pipe material: ~t ~ ~ Ft. SQ. Ft. Driller: ~~Dri[ied: Static Water Level:Ft. Ins~ Date installed: Y~M Pump Set st: Casing Height Above Gr0und: TANK Ft. Ft. SEPARATION DISTANCES ~ s~pti~ FHo~ding ~ S.T.E.P. To Septic ~ Absorption Lift Holding Public/Pdvat~ Manufacturer: Capacity in gallons: From Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Lines ~0~ ~A~~ Number of Compa~ments: we~. ~ ~ ~ ~ Z~"+ ~t~i~:~TaEL s~a~e ~ ~ ~'+ LIFT STATION Water ~ ~ Lot Line ~ Remarks: ~ ~lq~ ~Tep BENCH ~ARK Location and Description: Assumed Elevation: ENGINEER'S SEAL ~ O~ Inspections pedormed by: ~A~ G~r~ IA.Dates: 1st ~'.... .............. ~'"~77~ "~"~ Department of Heal~ and., ..~.. Hu~ an Se~ices approval -2~-~;' t;~,:,~, %.~ ,$b 't~:·,' ~j ":;,/Je~rey ~ ~ ,.rn--. ~ :z~ :. e' ..... Reviewed and approved by: ~ Date: ~ ' ~ k.~g0 FES 72-013 (Rev. 9/91) MOA 25 ' AS BUILT DRAWING PERMIT NUMBER: m PARCEL ID NUMBER: SW980223 020-413-07 '~ ~'~AL G~DE FINAL GRADE r-WEST END OK ~'OW-co 1a.'75 : 46.427.0 55.0 FCO ~S ~ 6i'~0 ,~c02 ~02 33.0 60,5 _ = ~ ~ .... C~-- ___~3.0 _. ~3.75 TOP OF TANK~ ~ / ~ ~TOP OF 'rANK ~-92,~ NEW 4000 GALLON ~q2 ~ HOLDING TANK WAS~WA~R ~ "~ PARADISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION; LOT 14, BLOCK 7, AS-BUILT DRAWING OF HOLDING TANK UPGRADE ~fe~ Ga~.. ~REPARED FOR: PHONE NUUBER: ~' CE 7955 J.L.M. 1 = 30' 2 OF 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Jul 09, 1998 Expiration Date: Jul 09, 1999 Permit Number: SW980223 Legal Description: PARADISE VALLEY BLK 7 LT 14 Design Engineer: Alaska Water & Wastewater Services Owner Name: LESTER WHITEHEAD Owner Address: 6111 AUSTRIA DR ANCHORAGE , AK 99516-6021 Parcel ID: 020-413-07 Site Address: Lot Size: 15235 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage ,~1 construction must be in accordance with: 2. The attached approved design. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska 3. Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling 4. (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Rick Mystrom, Mayor Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http:.,/www.chanchorage.ak.us July 13, 1998 Jeff Garness, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 14 Block 7 Paradise Valley Subdivision Waiver Request #WR980031, PID #020-413-07, SW980223 Dear Mr. Garness: Your request for a waiver of the required 100 foot horizontal separation of an on-site wastewater disposal system to the surface water has been approved. The approved separation is 75 feet from the holding tank to the surface water. This xvaiver approval applies to the existing on-site wastewater disposal system to surface water separation only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastexvater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. Should the operation of the subject wastewater disposal system cause any contamination or degradation of the subject water, this waiver will be come void. If there are any further questions or concerns regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343- 4744. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Services Program MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-site Services Section Waiver Review Worksheet WR~u~2~_ PID9 ~(~-lA\~-~ HA~ Date Received: .~ ·0, ~ L~ \%o~ Legal Description: ~'~ 1~4 ~_.~ ~t~ ( ..>~ 0 0 ~ Engineer: ~ ~ ~,~,~~ ~a..~r~n~ ~%~ ~. {~ ~,o~~ Applicant Waiver Requested: Criteria: 1. Geology: Points: A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation TOTAL: 2. Special Conditions: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: ~ Waiver is NOT Granted: List Conditions or Reasons for above: ~g~ ~-~6~ Date: Amount: $ Name of Reviewer Date Paid: ( Alaska Watee & Wastewatcr 7320 East Chester Heights Circle ~ Anchorage - Alaska 99504 (907) 337-6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers July 3,1998 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Attn: Dan Roth Ref: Sewer Upgrade (Holding Tank) for Lot 14, Bk 7, Paradise Valley S/D. Dear Mr. Roth: The subject property is served by a private welt (located on the property) and a community septic system that is located on Lot 8, Bk 8, Paradise Valley. The drainfield is currently failed and is being replaced with a new septic system that only serves Lot 8, consequently, the owners of Lot 14 must install there own system. Attached are 30 & 100 scale site plans which shows the location of nearby wells and surface waters. Also attached is the logs for two test holes performed on Lot 14. Test hole/ti had unsuitable soils for an onsite septic system. In fact, it appears that groundwater is above the level original ground profile. There are springs all over the lot immediately to the north, and the well which serves the lot is artesian. Test hole/t2 indicated suitable conditions, however, the available area is extremely limited due to the protective well radii and nearby surface waters. It is also important to note that groundwater monitoring was done on 5/14/98, which was not representative of the peak groundwater levels this year. This is based upon an evaluation we performed on Romania Drive earlier in the year, which showed that groundwater peaked around mid April In addition, it is uncertain how far we can go from the test hole before the conditions deteriorate to that which was found in test hole /tl. In short, if we were to attempted to install a drainfield in the vicinity of TH #2 we may find that the conditions are not suitable over an extensive enough area. After our (Dan Roth and Jeff Gamess) site visit on 6/12/98, and your follow-up conversations with the DHHS department head, Jim Cross, P.E., it is my understanding that DHHS is not receptive to granting the necessary waivers to install a Recirculating Upflow Filter system drainfield .in the vicinity of test hole//2. As a result, we are requesting that your department issue a permit to install a 4000 gallon holding tank at the location shown on the site plan. Installing the tank here will require the issuance of a waiveS to the surface springs on Lot 13 (undeveloped). It can be seen on the site plan that the existing driveway is not entirely on the lot. The intent is move the driveway on the lot to the north, which will dictate that the new holding tank be moved closer towards the surface water (springs) on Lot 13. It is anticipated that the separation distance will be approximately 75-80 feet. It is my opinion that the waiver is justified because the holding tank will be equipped with a high water alarm, which will alert the homeowner before an overflow occurs. In addition, the tank is located in the front yard, next to the road and driveway, in an area which is highly visible. Any overflow would be noticed mediately and corrected. In short, there is minimal health risk associated with this waiver. We are requesting that the ,separation distance from the holding tank to surface waters be reduced to 75 feet. I am unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179, or 244-9612. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely~/]/? Jeffr~/y i.'O~ess, I~.E., M.S. Princi LOT 9, BLK 7, PARADISE VALLEY S/D LOT 11, BLK 7, PARADISE VALLEY S/D / / / / // ! / ! / /"4 I LOT 19, BLK 7. PARADISE VALLEY S/O LOT 12, BLK ~/D PN~AOISE VALLEY LOT 13, BLK 7, PARADISE VALLEY S/D I I I I I 1 II 1f t I t I LOT 18, BLK 7, PARADISE VNLP/ S/D LOT 6, BLK 8, \\ PN~ADtSE VALLEY S/D \\~,\ PROPOSED HOLDING \ (SEE DE.SIGN, BLK LOT 15, BLK ~ \ \X~\ \ LOT 16, BLK 7, =ARAOISE VALLEY \ LOT LOT 9, BLK B, PARADISE VALLEY LOT 13, BLK PARN31SE PREPARED BY: R ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATE ILEC,,~_ DESCRIPTION: J PARADISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION; LOT 14, BLOCK 7, IT'mE OF WORK: I SITE PIJ~N IPBEPARED FOE: PHONE NUMBER: J LESTER WHITEHEAD 545-7518/659-6700 InATE: IDRAWN aY: ISCALE: I PAGE: I LEaL ~C~I~ON: ' " ~E OF ~K: DETAIL DRAWING ~,~. 8/659-6700 WHITEHEAO 545-751 LESTEE , J.L.M. 1 = 50' 2 OF 2 At &SIL WATFR & WASTEWATER I SOIL LOg - PERCOLATION TEST I .g.._T..~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PA~DISE V~L~ SUBDIVISION; LOT 14. ~LOgK 7, ~;~ PERFORMED FOR: L~TER WHITEH~D ~, ~ ~'~. ~LLiKfi~:""~ DATE PERFORMED: 5/13/~S ~ ~ NO. ~.'%. C.E....' ORG~ICS TEST HOLE ~lJ '~('*-"' ........... '~ ISITE P~[ SOIL C~SSIFICATIONS ~,,,, SH - FILL :,~;,.~?~ GW ~ ORG , , SOHE G~VEL ~ GP ~ HL GM CL GC OL SW MH ~ ~ SP CH ORG~ICS/PEAT/ ;~ SH OH ROOTS/STUHPS B~IED ~G~IC DEBRI S~ DEPTH TO DATE 5ROUNDWATER 5' ~/1 DENSE .L - WET ..... ~'- ............ ~7~7~' ~ (BLUE IN COLOR) DATE READING CLOCK NET TIHE WATER LEVEL: NET DROP TIHE (HINUTES) RE.lNG (INCHES) PERCO~TION ~TE - (HIN,/INCH) PERC, HO~ DIA, 6" (INCHES) TEST RUN BE~EEN - FT, ~B - PERFOMED BY A~S~ WATER · WASTEWATER I, ~ ~Ji , ,CERTI~ THAI v,~s w,s ,~,~o,~ ~ ,cco.~,,cE w~v, ,~ ;~ ~TE *.~ UU,*C~,*~ ~U~Dm,ES ~, ~,~ECT ON TH~S ~,TE. ~*TE: 5~ 7320 E. CHEsi~.~ HTS. CIRCLE * ANCHQRAGE, AK. 99504 . I SOIL LO(; - PERCOLATION TEST I 9 .~^. ~c~,~,o,: ~^,~,~ w,,~ ~u~,v,.~,o,; ~o~ ~. ~.o~ ~. ~,T~ ,~,~o,~: ~/'~/~ I ~b?".. 'c.~. ...',~ OR$~ICS [TEST HOLE ~2 ] I/'~.._"' .......... " EPTH [ feet) GH/HL SOIL C~SSIFICATIONS [SITE ~[~ W/SW LENSES GW ~ ORG ,, GN CL GC ~ OL SW HH ~ SP CH OH DEPTH TO DATE 3ROUNDWATER 8' 5/13/98 ~ 11 DATE READING CLOCK NET TINE WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIHE (HINUTES) RE.lNG (INCHES) 12~ 5~13~98 -PRESACKED TESTHO.E FOR 4 'HOURS 6" ............... -~ .......7:45 30 MIN. 2" 3 7:45 14~ ....... 4 8:15 30 MIN. 4" 2" 5 8:15 15 -- , 6 8:30 16~ 18~ 19~ PERC~TION ~TE. 15 (HIN./INCH) PERC. HO~ DIA. 6" ,.(INCHES) TEST RUN BETWEEN 3.5 ~. ~B 4.0 20~ COHHENTS: PERFOMED BY AU,SEA WATER & WASTEWATER I,= j~ ~ , CERTI~ THAT THIS WAS PERF~9 {IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL ~A~ AND MUNIC b~L GUIDELINES IN ReflECT ON THIS DA~. DATE: ~~ ,~-% MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ Dr- ITMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER kS Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name sTEVE OL%'B,O 14 Address LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot I q IB'oc~ Township, Range, Section TANKS II [] SEPTIC [] HOLDING Manufacturer Capacity In gallons Material CN~O[. of~ompaHm~nts TYPE OF SYSTEM []TRENCH [] BED [] W. DRAIN [] OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade original grade FT FT Fill added above original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe FT FT ~rr~vve- length Gravel w~dth FT FT Total absorption area Distance between lines SO FT FT Number of lines SOIl rating Pipe material $0 FT WELLS ~ PRIVATE [] OTHER {Identifvl Classdication (A,B,C) I Cased to DISTANCES WELL SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD WELL /iq LOT LINE ..-- --- ~ FOUNDATION ~ ------- /~ AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show iocabon of well, septic system, property hnes, foundabon, driveway, water bodies, etc.) REMARKS: Scale: Inspections Performed by: Municipal and State guidelrnes in effect on this date; Health Department Approval: 72-013 (3/85) cerlily that Ibis inspection was perlormed aG00rding Io all ' " :-~ M-W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box 110378 · 10330 Old Seward Highway (907~ 349-8535 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99511 86-241 Well Owner DRILLING LOG Steve Olsbo and Diane Barth Use of Well Dnrnp ~ I-~ C Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road L14. B7. Paradise Valley- ~chorage 4 1/2" PVC 44' ...... 123' S~e of casing 6" Depth of Hole 123 ' feet Cased to 52 ' feet Static water level 42 ' ft. (above) (%Fe~F~ land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( ); Screen ( ); Perforated ( X ). Describe mm~-~x~: perforation :~ 3/8" diameter drilled holes - 1/ft. Well pumping test at 5 gaii'6hS pe~ (Ffe~ (minute) for 1 hours with 100 ft. of drawdown from static level., ~/ Date of completio~ 10 / 23 / Depth in feet from ground surface 0 TO 2 2 TO 18 18 TO 21 21 TO. 39 39' TO 43 43 TO 50 50 TO 123 TO. WELL LOG TO. TO. TO TO ~TO Of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness < Cad, inK' Stick-up S~lt¥ Gravel ~:~eeping Gravel .Silty Gravel ?~p lng Hardpan edrock ~dro ck; MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. nr ~1 TH ~. fractured with water seaps, must be cased with PVC, ~ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JAN 2 3 1987 RECEIVED NV~VA Certified Contractor C~r~,~fJcate No's. 814 & 973 , TO. TO 1 -- CUSTOMER j tlltl¢ll:)&.Zty 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 of (907) 2~-4111 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 27, 1987 Ms. Sue Jarvis Alaska Mutual Bank Subject: Lot 14, Block 7, Paradise Valley Dear Ms. Jarvis: This department has received a well log and an inspection report on a new well recently drilled on the above property. According to the log, this well produces a sufficient quantity of water to support a four bedroom dwelling. The well also meets minimum separation criteria from all surrounding sewer systems. i lot is served by a community sewer system located on Lot lock~.7'~;~ This department has no jurisdiction over that sewer eye%em and is therefore unable to write an approval for it. You will need to contact the Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation for an approval of the sewer system. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Sanitarian eEO/den 825 L S]"I::;~EIE] , AN[:)HOI::;.'.AGE, AK 9950 264'""4'7 :~;~ C) ~i~A]'E 8'?()() :1.3 0 :I../;'.,;:t I/8?' () :1./;.'2 1187 DIANE BAR'H...t 6 ]. :I. 1 AUS'T't::;,' I A :OR I VE AIxlCHC)RAGE, AK 99516 345"--'7856 L.OT: :i. 4 .Efl....OCff(: 7 c: e r' t :i. f' ':/ t h a t. ~ f'c~r'.tl"i by 'khe Munic::i. palitw c::,f' Anc:l"~or'ac~e (MO&) and the State of Alaska. 2.. :[ ~;i,:l.:l. ;i. nst. a:t.l t. he system in ac:cc)r'danc:e w:i.t.l"i all MOA l:::(::i(::ti.3~i; ar'ici ar'id ir'i c:ofiip '[ i, arlc::i!e ~aJ. th thE, dE~si;~jl"l C:P i'lLiizq" ia Cif' th :is i::)¢.:,~l"lil:i.t.., 3,, I t,,a;i, li adhepe 'Lo ali NOA ar'ici S'La'ke elf Alasl<a r'l,iiH:lL.lJ.r'~:,~iiiel"i'f25B ~'cip the ~iet !:::,ac:k !B,)z,~,~/z, Pa~t(~:, ![sy~'l..Eqi'i (::)i"i t.h:i.~:~ c:~p ary adjac:ent or' l"tE.)aPbw , APPLI¢ NT FILLS OUT UPPER HA[' ONLY Pr~p~'rtyO~n~r ,~~'~ ~ ~~',) ,Phone Mailing Addre~ i { ~ ' ~ : Zip Code :-( p '~':-'~ :~J~? y:~:~' BuYer ~ ~ ~'~. ~:~", ~ ,, ~ .... ~ Address Zip Code Address ) ~ :, t ~_: , :' ~ :' ~'~ ~,,,2 " Zip Cods ~ '~ ~j Phone RealtyCo.&A~nt ~ ~( ~ ~(:(.~ }~¥. (.~.)~ [~.) ~ {...( [~ ., / ~'~ Address ~,~ ~ : ~)~{( )~r,, Zip Code Type of Resi~nce ~Single Family~/~ ~7 ~ Multiple Family No. of Bedroo~ ~ ~ Other Water Supply ~lndividual . A~ACH WELL LOG. A wall log is required for all wells ddlled since June 1975. ~Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). ~ Public Utility Sewer Disposal ~ ~= ].-4)[' ~ ~/~ ~ ~; ~p ~lndividual ,~ ~ ~'~ Year Indiv~ual Installed: ~ Public Utility - ~~ L~S¢ ~-Z~ When Connected to Public Utility: ~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspec~r~ Field Notes: ~ f ~ o.,..., ~ MUNICIPALITY ANCHOt(AGI~ OF , ~'- ~'~ : DFPT O~"?"T: ~ ._RECEIMED (~) APPROVED BEDROOMS ~._ *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( )~GONDITIONAL APPROVAL*. __ / _--/,~1'/~ . 'l I lJ BY: Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank Septic Tank Size 72.023 (3182) JAMES T. StANlEY corPOrATiON ATTORNEYS AT LAW ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 9950:3 TELEPHONE 907-276-4979 August 15, 1988 William F. Mede Owens & Turner 1500 West 33rd Avenue, suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 RE: Minor v. Barth MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AU6 1 ? t988 RECEIVED Dear Bill: I am in receipt of your letter dated August 12, 1988. Please not~ my new address and phone number. I give the number to your secretary on Thursday, but I note you called the old number and got the recorder again on Friday. I hardly know what to say to your letter. There was no meeting and no agreement to sign, to either my or my client's knowledge. And no one has changed her mind at the last minute. To update you, however, Pace Engineering does seem to think it could get a system'on Diane's property with appropriate Municipal waivers if the soils check out. The soils work would be the next step, and it is apparently' fairlY'.costly. The Munici- pality, however, has determined that .Diane is not eligible for- assistance money unless ~nd until she can .bring her mortgage current and demonstrate a positive equity position in the property. It's a sort of catch-22. She can't get the mortgage current and resolve that problem without some assistance. She can't get assistance to resolve some of the other problems without having the mortgage current. She has, therefore, gone back to the bank with the total scenario,, and it, in turn, has sent her file back through the channels for re-evaluation. There is nothing further she can do. Diane has steadily pursued resolution of these issues for a long time. Contrary to your implications, she has been straightforward about her situa- tion. Her position has not changed. As a starting point for any resolution of this problem, it is imperative that the Minors recognize the fact that Diane Barth shares ownership of the existing system, and that she owns an easement on their lot for its use. If Minors wish to purchase her easement and her interest in the septic system, and they can come to terms with her on a price reflective of the value of the system to her, they would be in a legal position to disconnect her from the shared system upon reasonable notice. Let us remember ,that both properties were originally owned by a common owner who installed the system at his option and ~then conveyed Diane's lot to her. Minors purchased their property · several years later, and purchased it subject to Diane's rights in the shared system. Under no view of the law or facts in this case are Minors entitled to disconnect Diane Barth from the shared system without her consent. No facts tend to support the Minors' contention that this is a mere license granted by them and revocable at will. The law in Alaska of easement by reasonable necessity is well-developed. I understand that the Minors are frustrated with this situation. So is my client. She has sought to resolve things in good faith. We had an agreement to fix the existing system as necessary, and then were given an undocumented estimate that included a new well for your clients and a summary notice of intent to disconnect. Today you claim meetings and paperwork we were not aware of and have not seen. It is unhelpful to demand the unreasonable and insist on the impossible, while refusing t° deal with the facts as they actually exist. Very truly yours, JAMES T. STANLEY CORPORATION, PC cc: Diane Bart~ Susan Oswalt, Municipal Department of Health TMOMA~ P, OWENS~ J~ TERRANC~ A. TURN~m DAVID M. FREEMAN WILLIAM F. MEDE C. ANN SCO~ J. No.osT~.~ OWENS & TURNER ATTORNEYS AT LAW ISOO WEST 33"--~ aVENUE~ SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 -3639 August 12, 1988 Jeri Bidinger 15100 Platinum Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99516 AREA COOE 907 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUG 11 5 1988 RECEIVED Re: Diane Barth and Steve Minor Dear Jeri: As you know, you and I met along with our respective clients and Susan Oswalt of the Municipality Department of Health and Human Services on August ~, 1988 in an attempt to resolve this matter. It was my understanding that the Municipality was going to provide Ms. Barth with financial assistance and that Ms. Oswalt was going to do everything in her power to obtain a waiver which would allow Ms. Barth to install a septic system on her own property. For those reasons, my clients agreed to avoid proceeding with the planned severance of Ms. Barth from my client's septic system. I have recently been advised by Mr. Minor that Ms. Barth appeared at a meeting to sign the paperwork necessary to bring the agreement to fruition but changed her mind at the last minute. She apparently informed Roger Goodman that she is not going to go through with the agreement and is going to let the bank take her house back. Please inform me at your earliest opportunity with a written explanation as to Ms. Barth's latest position on this matter. As you know from our meeting with Ms. Oswalt, time is of the essence i~ connection with seeking a resolution of this matter before the current construction season. Very truly yours, OWENS ~ TURNER, P.C. / Attq~eys//.~Steve..~43d~Jo3~ M~nor William F. Mede WFM/tjj cc: Steve Minor Susan Oswalt NOTES TO FILE SUBO. Lot 14, Blk 7 and Lot 8, Blk 8, Paradise Valley S/D 8-2-88 Met today with the following people: Steve Minor and his attorney, 8ill Mede; Diane Barth and her attorney Oeri Bidinger; Roger Goodman, Pace Engineering. Steve Eng was unable to attend due to an emergency in Girdwood. I reviewed the information in file and the position the department would take should the sewer line across Austria be summarily cut and sewage flow on the ground. I further suggested that we try to work out a solution. Mr. Minor indicated that he was prepared to drill his own individual well provided an agreement coutd be.worked'ou~ with M's. Barth. If that happened, the well on Lot 15, Blk ?, currently classified as a Class C and serving Lots 15, 81k ? and Lot 8, 81k 8, would be rendered an individual well. Once this occurred, all permits and approvals would be handled by this department rather than the ADEC. After discussion, both parties and their attorneys agreed to seek a solution which will provide a new well for Mr. Minor, and a new on-lot sewer system for Ms. Barth. Mr. Goodman will serve as engineer for both parties. His initial act will be to perform a site survey for both parties and determine the feasibility of the above. From there he will move to perform necessary soil testing for Ms. Barth and complete a permit application. I have requested that the final agreement between 'the parties be in writing. Mr. Goodman will contact me as soon as his survey is completed. barth/14 THOMAS P, OWENS. JR TERRANCE A. TURNER DAWD M. FREEMAN WILLIAM F, MEDE C. ANN COURTNSY SCOTT J. NORDSTRAND OWENS Ex TURN ER ATTORNEYS AT LAW ISOO WEST 33"--° AVENU~'~ SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 -5639 July 22, 1988 AREA CODE 907 276-3963 Jeri Bidinger" 15100 Platinum Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Re: Diane Barth and Steve Minor Septic System (Paradise Valley Subdivision) Dear Jeri: This letter is a follow-up to my previous correspondence to you dated July 5, 1988. The Minors have made arrangements with Pace Corporation to have Ms. Barth's line disconnected from the septic tank on the Minors' property. Please be advised that Pace Corporation will be disconnecting Ms. Barth from the Minors' septic tank on August 5, 1988. As I previously informed you, and as you undoubtedly know, Ms. Barth must have arrangements in place prior to that time either in the form of holding tanks or her own independent septic system in order to use the plumbing facilities at her home. The Department of Environmental Conservation and the Municipality's Health and Human Services Offices have been informed by telephone of the fact that Ms. Barth is going to be disconnected from the Minors' septic system. Enclosed please find copies of correspondence from my office to each of those entities advising of the disconnect date of August 5. ~eri Bidinger Page 2 July 22, 1988 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, OWENS & ~URNER, P.C. Attor e s f Ste and J n inor WFM/j es CC: Steve and Joan Minor Diane Barth Mike Lewis, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Steve Eng, Alaska Department of Environmental C?nservation Dan Bowles, Municipality of Anchorage', Health & Human Services office Roger Goodman, Pace Corporation THOMAS P. OWENS, JR TERRANCE A. TURNER DAVID M. FREEMAN WILLIAM F. MEOE C. ANN COURTNEY Scorr J. NORDSTRAND OWENS ~- TURN ER ATTORNEYS AT LAW ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-3639 July 22, 1988 Mr. Steve W. Eng Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Anchorage/Western District office 3601 "C" Street, suite 1350 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Diane Barth and Steve Minor, Paradise Valley Subdivision, Lot 14 Block 7 ~and Lot 8 Block 8 respectively Dear Mr. Eng: This letter is a follow up to prior conversations involving our office, your office, and Roger Goodman at Pace Corporation regarding disconnection of Diane Barth from a septic system located on property owned by Steve and Joan Minor. Ms. Barth owns property located at 6111 Austria Drive, Anchorage, Alaska, Block No. 7 Lot No. 14 in the Paradise Valley Subdivision. Steve and Joan Minor own a residence located at 6124 Austria Drive, Block No. 8, Lot No. 8. Ms. Barth is presently hooked up to the Minor's septic system. The"Minors were previously advised that the existing system is insufficient for use by two residences. In order to bring the Minors' property into compliance, Ms. Barth is going to be disconnected from the system. The disconnect is scheduled to take place on August 5, 1988 and will be performed by Pace Corporation. ~r. Steve W. Eng Page2 July 22, 1988 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, OWENS & ~JRNER, P.C. A~7~. ~f°~~~J ~n°r - William F. Mede WFM/j es cc: Steve and Joan Minor Diane Barth Mike Lewis, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Jeri Bidinger . Anchorage///~ Dan Bowles, Municipality of Health & Human Services office Roger Goodman, Pace Corporation OWENS ,~ TURNER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW ISOO WEST 33~-.° AVENUE~ SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE/ ALASKA 99503-3639 July 21, 1988 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 907 276-3963 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. '2 5 ' 988 RECEIVED Mr. Dan Bowles Municipality of Anchorage Health and Human Services P. O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Re: Diane Barth and Steve Minor, Paradise Valley Subdivision, Lot 14 Block 7 and Lot 8 Block 8 respectively Dear Mr. Bowles: This letter is a fol~w-up to p~ior conversation~ involving our office, your office, and Roger Goodman at Pace Corporation regarding disconnection of Diane Barth from a septic system located on property owned by Steve and Joan Minor. Ms. Barth owns property 1.ocated at 6111 Austria Drive, Anchorage, Alaska, Block No. 7 Lot No. 14 in the Paradise Valley Subdivision. Steve and Joan Minor own a residence located at 6124 Austria Drive, Block No. 8, Lot No. 8. Ms. Barth is presently hooked up to the Minor's septic system. The Minors were previously advised that the existing system is insufficient for use by two residences. In order to bring the Minors' property into compliance, Ms. Barth is going to be disconnected from the system. The disconnect is scheduled to take place on August 5, 1988 and will be performed by Pace iCorporation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. Very truly yours, WFM/j es cc: Steve and Joan Minor Diane Barth Mike Lewis, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Jeri Bidinger ~ Steve W. Eng, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Roger Goodman, Pace Corporation :' ._':':':-..~ .~%'~ .:'.' ~i:.;!-";· :..-'q'~:.'i.:.'j<~'ir: ~:-":.'2..-'::i': ,~.!;';': 207 E. 74th Ava.-Suite 203 :;:" :. '/; - ?""::"':""~.- - ,':'i';'q '~"-'; ;~:.~: _ : ::?~;~:,'"~?':.'/:.'~ ./-.~::'~:::~::': An~dra~j'Aio'~k6 995i8 ' .~ '"" '. · . ~.;~.::~?...:-: ~:/:~:/' - "i" ?.',:?.,.~- ':-- ":':': e, .~-~ "'~ ~ i'r,.:b~-'~':'":'~df:'-~-'.'5, ;..":, ~ ~ ".t~'~'.' bt:'.'. ,'~. .- : '. q", .' . :' ':'.- ' .'.'. '. : :>:...% .Z~ ~ ~-~'S i :~ '>" 3 'i ~ ~' ~;'-~ ?} ::-?:.4~ };~',.-:.:.,:::.:~. ':: :; .:7' .~.:--'.: :.' '~... '-... :. ~ ~: '~.:::: :..': ~'. :: .~ ~... ::::}: :':.-..,..: ".: ~ :: ?'~.'~ :'~: Ct:)-%'.- ' '' R'~:~{:~-~}?S~p'~'i'C:':>la;~u'acY Te'J'~; L6~ .8, Bl~ck 8, Paradise Valley SuUd..: ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - ' :f'" At the request of the homeowner,-Steve Minor, I .performed an . . . :,:'.i"adeq.uacy test on the on~§ite drainfiel~ located on the referenced pro-- : . pe'rty.gn October 11, 1986.:' .""i'..'~.'..'- ' ' '-' ''' . :. _' '{'.':'~7.'?':"':The sys"~e:~:'::.is Cur~:n'~Iy's'e~ing two'(2):.'2-bedroo~ ho'use~ (L'ot 8', -.:". ~i:O[~'~:.'~8'~ and:Lot-.-14,'B10-ck 7)-and..the. refo~e water was int'roduced -into ~' 'the'-~.'~d' stan'd0ip~ qf."th~./drainfield at a rate of 0.75 ~'pin to represen.= 'exp. ecte'd 's~p'tic peak influx.rates and as incr~ased.b~? a'factor of '1.5 "' ''' in.'accordance with current standard procedures. The inflow was star~ed at 10:00 a.m.,'.with a':rea'ding at the end drainfield standpipe of it4 .' and'a 'reading,of 60.5'ti.at,the septic tank_~nd. comp~/rtTJ&n~. . s'~andoipe.... . . / · "Th~se 'r~adi'n~g'~i!i~em~in~'].d.~-'~he same.at 1/2 hourli~terv~Is for 1 1/2 h'ours 'i.i'~'.:jan'd-the~efo'~eJ~e'' :c6n~h'sion is that the drai~field.is imore thanlcapi~b!~ . . - . of..acce~'t, inj-f'the'.~"0r'm'~'l'~7D'e'ptiC.effluent quantity ~f.or a ~vBR hcuse,:,.0.r '."...:-'--.'.!'.~{~.two 122BRJ~>6"~'~i.'!i'{?6'0'n~ur'.wi~h'''DgC!s assessment thalt' t-ne-s.ep'C'f6.,, i ~-..?:':,-~. t~-Ak::..c~.~ack--x. - ...... . - .. - ....... ty'xshould be .~ncreased to a~ te~'s'~ 200'0-gali:~'n~' if ~b~e."~'~'o'" %. houses are"tO"'continue to share the 'drainfie!'d. Please contact me at. 349-5552 (days) or 274-0512 (evenings) if there are any questions- concerning the above. -" ' ' " .... .'l' !'";:' . A!iCHORAGE/~ESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 'E" STREET, SUITE .t03 AI;CHORAGE, ALASKA 99c. 01 274-2523 April 2, 19Q5 Mr. Greg Joseph ~ 6463 Thurman ri, rive Anchorage, Alaska 9~502 SUBJECT: Lot 8, Block ~, Paradise Valley, Anchorage Dear F!r. Joseph: In reqard to your inquiries for the suh.iect property, the following events have taken place: .1. An Approval to (l~rate a well ~,'as oriclinally given in [:~ve~ber of 1982 for Lot l~., ",lock 7. to serve the subject property also. In January, 1.~:~ it ~'as discnvered that ,.qe said ~:ell was drilled on the wrong prnperty and w~s in violation o~ State separation req. uir~.,.ents for a Class "C" well. A,,~aiver was requester! in January, 19~5 by ,.]asKa Environl.~ental Control Services requestin.q this well he allowed to re~ain as a Class "C" well. This Department evaluated the waiver request and we felt the potential for contamination was tho Great to allow the continued use of this uel! as a Class "C" well. ~Ye recommended private wells be drilled for Lot 14, Block 7 and Lot 8, ~lock O. 5. An Approval to Construct a~pri%ate ~.~ell on Lot ~, ~____-~ ~ Block 8 was given by this office on February 20, 1985. For any additional inforK~ation please contact me. Sincerely, ~'5~.even ~t. [n~, ?.~__~ ~istrict Engineer S~E/msm SOUTHCENTRAJ- REGIONAL OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 February 27, 1985 274-2533 .Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1200 W. 33rd Avenue, Suite B Anchorage, AlasKa 99513 SUBJECT: Lot 8, Block 8, Paradise Valley, Anchorage, Alaska (8521-DA-123) Dear Sir: - The Depar~nent has reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject lot and the Department's letter of February 22, 1985 same subject with Project ~8521-FA-135 and offers ti~e following as clarification!of that letter. The system must be expanded because the design guidelines using bedroom equivalents assumes one kitchen and laundry facility. The total volume generated by the two kitchens and laundries.will be about the same as the volume of a larger single living unit. However, the maximum instantaneous ~ows will increase from a projected 8 gpm/20 min to 16 gp~/20 min utilizing the two living units on the same septic tank. Normally with community ground discharge systems the septic tanks are separate and only the leach fields are shared; Therefore, if this were the case here each home would have a 1,O00 gal tank or 2,000 gal total volume to handle the surge. Since the instantaneous flow is based upon fixtures and appliances common to all living units regardless of the number of bedrooms t~e instantaneous flow will increase because of the number of units on the system and not the number of bedrooms on the system. Therefore, the Department hereby _conditionally approves the community waste system for the subject lot provided the seotic tank ~oacit¥ is increas~ ~y 750 gallons if one ~o compartment tank is use~ ~r' o~-$00 gallons if two tanks ~re used or a three compartment~ tank t"~ ~* ~he The system must be up(raded ~¥ August 31, 198~. Secondly~, a copy '-n~ltntena~ce agreeme~i~_ anO road easement for the system must be submitted to the U'6'par~m~eac ~{qapproval by At, gust 31, 1985. This :approval supersedes tala .royal of February 22,' ! Sincerely, ~ District Office Coordinator ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE · 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 274-2533 February 22, 1985 Alaska Environmental Control Services 1200 West 33rd Avenue. Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Lot 8, Block 8, Paradise Valley - Anchorage {8521-FA-135) Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project. The septic system is adequate only for the subject lot. The system must either be enlarged or Lot 14, Block 7 must be disconnected from the system. Approval for the sewerage system will be given when these conditions are met. Enclosed with this letter is a "Certificate To Construct" for the drink- ing water system. The "Approval.to Operate" section of the certificate must be completed by a representative of this Department prior to ~lacing the system in operation. · It should be remembered that final approval will necessitate the submis- sion of Engineer As-Built Plans. This will consequently mandate that a private professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign off on as-built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsibility of the developer. Any future expansion of subject project will requ!re additional approval froin this ...... office. Sincerely, Environmental Engineer S~E/dd ENCLOSURE /8 890014 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services On-site Services Section Waiver Review Worksheet PID# 02-413-07 HA# Permit II. Date Received: April 10, 1989 Legal Descriptiofi: Lot 14 Block 7 Paradise Valley Subdivision Engineer: Applicant: Waiver Bruce Corwin~ P.E.~ Corwin 1000 East Dimond Boulevard, Fannie Mae Alaska & Associates, Inc~__ Suite 205~ Anchoraqe 99515 Requested: Well to absorption field (new) 87 feet Criteria: 1. Geology: Points: A. Water Table~2~ ~ O~ B. Soil Sorption~/LT~ 6F~££ O. 0~ C. Permeability /. g/ D Water Table ~radien~ ~,~ E. Horizontal Separation~ ~.~ TOTAL: ./~, ~ 2. Special Conditions: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: ~ List Conditions or Reasons for Waiver is NOT Granted: above: ~' f ~ ~ . ~. ~.~, Date: Rec %: By: Name of Reviewer 21080/6050 Amount: $ 590.00 Date Paid: 4-10-89 & associates,inc. Consulting Engineers 1000 E. Dimond Blvd. · Suite 205 * Anchorage, Alaska 99515 ,, (907) 522-1311 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP, AGE April 10, 1989 Ms. Susan Oswa!t Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APR 't 01989 RECEIVED SUBJECT: LOT 14, BLOCK 7, PARADISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM APPROVAL AND WAIVER Dear Susan: As per our telephone conversations, we have coordinated with the Owner of Lot 8, Block 8 to drill a well and obtained a tempQrary waiver from the community well located on Lot 15, Block 7 from ADEC. We are now requesting approval to construct a new septic system on Lot 14, Block 7 in order to resolve this long standing problem situation. All aspects of the request are as discussed with you on preyious occasions, we are also requesting a waiver from the 100 foot separation distance from the well to the soil absorption system on the subject lot. We believe that we can achieve an 87 foot separation distance to the well. We also would like for you to confirm that it will be appropriate to install the system as indicated nearlthe dry drainage ditch in front of the property on Austria Drive. This is the only practical solution for this property and our waiver request data is as follows: Well on Lot 14, Block 7 is drilled 165 feet deep into bedrock. According to the well log attached, ibedrock was first encountered at the 50 foot depth. Also, the top 23 feet has a silty sandy gravel, the next I8 feet is a hardpan cemented gravel and then there is 9 more feet of gravel to the bedrock level. Natural drainage from the proposed septic location is away from the well location. system 3. The proposed septic system is a bed system and treatment should occur rapidly within the upper soil layers of the sandy soil. Based on all the facts surrounding the subject lot, we believe this resolution will result in a better environmental condition than presently exists and request that an approval be issued to begin construction. Ms. Susan Oswalt April 10, 1989 Page Tw© Should you have any questions information, please let us know. all data pertinent to this request. Ve~ truly y~urs, ~6~ ~ ~ A~6~A~S, ~NC. /~ru~_ / ' , .E. Presi en~ encl~ ~ures or need any additional We have enclosed copies of BJC/bbb/oswalt/bruce ALASKA 99503 STEVE COWP£R, GOVERNOR 563-6775 April 6, 1989 Mr. Bruce J. Corwln, P.E. President, Corwin & Associates, Inc. 1000 E. Diamond Blvd., Suite 205 SUBJECT: SEWER-WELL SEPARATION WAIVER FOR LOT 14, BLOCK 7, & LOT 8, BLOCK 8 OF PARADISE VALLEY SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Corwin: I am in receipt of your February 27, 1989 letter requesting temporary waiver for Lot 14, Block 7 & Block 8 and the ~ ~ ~-- substantiatin~ le .......... L Corporation dated March 30, Based upon the information submitted Department has de~.~ed to t..~ temporary ~ ............... ..... ~=~om4~ Valley system serving Lot 14, Block 7 and Lot 8, B~v 8, = ....... Subdivision. The waiver is effective from ,~_..__ m=te__ .h~,,~_~.~_~.. J,~e_.. 1, 1989, at which time the Department will consider this system private serving only a single family house. Sincerely, Bruce E. Erickson Manager, ADEC/AWDO BEE:kk I STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR 563-6775 For: JERRY/ CORWIN & ASSOCIATES DATE: April 5, 1989 PWSID: CLASS C To Whom It May Concern: According to the records on file in this office, the PARADISE VALLEY LOT 14, BLOCK 7 AND LOT 8, BLOCK 8 water system has been issued a temporary separation waiver to 100 ft. by this Department, effective until June 1, 1989, and is thereby in ~ ~ ....... ~ ~ State of Alaska Drinking Water ..... ~=~ Sincerely, VERA E. CRAIG Environmental Field officer VEC:kk Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVll 825 "L" Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ER'S SEAL) DATE PE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4 7 9 12 o 13 14 15~ o 17 20- Township, Range, Section: Si~ ~/,4 SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p _/ Depth to Water Ahec ~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE __ (m~nutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN __ FT AND __ FT PERFORMED BY; --) ~__'¢ ~'~ ' 6ERTIFY THAT T~IS T~T WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORO~NCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELIN~ I~ EFFEC~ THIS DATE. DATE: 72-~8 (Rev. 4185~ ~ ~ q BEP SIZE ~,. {~ USE 40o0 m~ SEPTIC TA~K ~ , / /NATIVE FILL / ,-.-. :~o 'MHONITO~ PIPE ?SEWER. SYSTEM 'LOCATION PLAN. ~111 I1~ I" ' ~0~ I T< AC~RA~ OF L~ATION OF EXISTING e~¢~,~e~e~ ~ee~e , ~. DRAWN BY I SYSTEMS INDICATED IS NOT EXACT. '~ ~ I DETERMINED BY USE OF CLOTH TAPE AND * ~Jl .:-:~::~:~T~?~:T~:~x:~:~:~::~:-`~-:~:~r~`?:~:::~.~~::~:~:~::~:~:~ NOT BY SURVEYING TECHNIQUES. CORWIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1000 E, Dimond Blvd. Suite 205 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (907) 522-1311 SHEET NO.. ~ OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE 5911 5 6 9 I0 II 2O /9 1800O 181O0 3 18010 ,¢ 180~ 5901 5922 5951 6001 6124 6011 6021 6101 17 181 I0 18211 18105 18111 8121 18110 4/ 40 i8120 8 18137- ~925 5920 5955 4 5928 TR ~X 8 6001. 6031 6150 6204 6217 6221 6501 6321 Parcel I.D. # MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH &HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 (9o7) :3434744 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A S NGLE FAM LEY,DWEIE[!NG 020-415-07 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description PARADISE VAIt EY SUBDIVISION: LOT 14. BLOCK 7 Locaton (site address or directions) 6111 AUSTRIA DRIVE ANCHORAGE. AK 99516 Property owner Mailing address Lending agency Mailing address GARY TONE 6111 AUSTRIA DRIVE Day phone 349-7750/727-2584 ANCHORAGE. AK 99516 DaY phone Agent BETH SIMPSON W/ DYNAMIC PROPERTIES Day phone Address 5111 c STREET ANCHORAGE. AK 9950.3 Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well xxx Community well Public water NOTE: 261-7600 If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC a~test- lng to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual on-site Holding Tank xxx Community on-site Public sewer NOTE: If community wastewater system, provide wdtten confirmation from St. ate ~DEC lng to the legality and status of system. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91 ) Front MOA #21 Computer Version Note: Alaska Water and Wastewater Consultants, Inc. shall be paid $800.00 at, or prior to, closing for the engineering sen/ices provided. 5, STATEMENT OF INSPECTION By ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval aPPlication shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further vedty that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Munici.~/and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of F rm ALASKA W~TE [ ~ (ASTEWAITER CONSULTANTS INC. phone ('907) 337-6179 OAO 11. Address 6901 DEBARR Sl/Jl~ E2B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99504 ~' / Engineer's Signature ~., ~/[1~'/~'"'/{-'''''''''~ Date -- I. in conducting this evaluation, AWWC, In~ ~tte~, ~tedX~ovide a thorough, conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with ADEC and M~ ~DI~ fS Guidelines & Regulations. The reported results described the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soils condition, ground water levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system. These conditions are outside the control of the eva/uator of the system. Sab'sfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments. AWWC, Inc. can therefore not provide any warranly for future estimate of how long the system will continue to meet the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DHHS. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other person or parly is not authorized, nor will it confer any legal right whatsoever. 6. DHHS SIGNATURE J/ Approved for ~ bedrooms Disapproved Conditional approval for. bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Note: The weii i'or this property meeis existing State and ~viunicipai Codes. There are nitrates present. It Ja ~n~oooe~t~d that porlndle to~tln~ h~ porfnrmod tn in,nfo tho wolle Current nitrate concentration is 7.28 mg/l. EPA maximum concentration is 10.0 mg/l. More information on nitrates is available from On-Site Services, CPD, 343-4744. Additional Comments The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91 ) Sack MOA 11821 Computer Version .*Datum Size in "Pump off" level at* ~on lot On adjacent lots .On adjacent lots Public sewe Lift station 100'+ Property line 5'+ .Surface water/drainage '~/~ + *WAIVER #WR980031 Absorption field Wells on ad' 75'+ storage area Wells on adjacent lots 'eview systems are in conforma!~ce JEFFREY A. GARNESS CE~7953 .." .,Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number, 11-30-00 15:23 FROUr'CTE ENVIRON~NTAL 5615301 T-035 P.03/03 F-Sgl CT&E Environmental Sewices Inc. Laboratory Division ~ 200 W. Potter Drive ...... .__1..;., Reoor~ for Total Coliform Bacteria *~hom.. ^K Ssmlm. lsos Tel: (~ ~2-23~ shows ~hiJ.Wlger SAMPLE m be: Ss~l~ ov~ ~0 hou~ o1~ ~1~ may PUBLIC WATER sYSTEM LD. ii pRIVATE WATER SYSTEM . BACTeRiOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Faxed ~g MARYI.AND. MICHIG~'~, m,m~v- 11-30-00 16:Z3 FROM-CTE ENVI RON~NTAL ZtK CT&E Environmental Services Inc. 5615301 T-036 P,02/03 F-591 CT&E Rd.# Client Name Project Nnme/~ Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID 1007303001 AK Water & Wastewater Consultants Inc. Paradise Valle'/L14, B7 Paradise Valley L14, B7 Drinking Water Client PO~ Printed Dateffime 11/29/2000 16:51 Celleeted Date/Time ] 1/20/2000 12:30 Received Datefflme 11121/2000 lh20 Technical Director, Stephen C. E, de~ · . _ Released~ ~ Sample Remarks: Allowable Prep Analysis Results PQL Umts Method Limits Date Date Init Wacers Depm~tmen~: Nittate-N 7.28 ~ 0.500 mg/L EPA 300.0 10 max 11/21/00 SCL MicrobioloGy Labora=ory Total Coliform 10B, No Coli col/100mL SM18 9222B 11/21/00 KAP MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING o o-, 1 -o7 HA^# '¢' 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Lot 14; Block 7; Paradise Valley Location (site address or directions) 6111 Austria Drive Anchorage, AK Property owner Mailing address Lending agency Mailin. g address. Lester Whitehead . 6111 Austria Drive Day phone Anchorage~ AK Day phone 345-7318 99516 Agent Address Teri Pisa/ Dynamic Properties Day phone NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. 3 NOTE: XX Public water If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: NOTE: Individual on-site xx Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 72-025 (Rev, 1/91) Front MOA #21 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date o~ inspection. Alaska Wa~er & Waste~t~r Name of Firm ,,-, ........ ', --,-- ~----/ Address 73~ C) Ite~/I-¢~. Circl~ Engineer's signature '_._..~dTK-' r ~7-- - Date /O/~//?~. ALASKA WATER &,WASTEWATER CONSULTANTS~ INC. IS TO BE PAID~--Ocu~ AT CLOSING FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES PERFORMED. DHHS SIGNATURE Approved for Disapproved. Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: By: ~ Additional Comments Note: The well for this property meets existing State and Municipal Codes. There °re =~"~=o present. Tf- 4 ........ ,-~,~ ~-~,:,,,- ~4~4~ testing ~ performed to insure the wells continued suitability. Current nitrate ................. 10 0 .~ / More information on nitrates is available from the On-site Services Program, Date The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements, Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91 ) Back MOA ~21 ices Division 825 L St~ DEPARTM Legal Description: A. WELL DATA ~..ci,~-5, ~ A-J V~ell type pV~i'" If A, B, or C~. attach ADEC letter. ADEC water Log present (Y/N) ~'{~-~ · Total depth Sanitary seal (Y/N) FR( Date of test Static water level Well production Casing height (above~gr0und) - Wires prop'erlglSrot~cted (Y/N). AT INSPECTIO g.p.m. , g.p.m. Coliform r bacteria B.' J/HOLDING TAN~ Date installed ~,~ Number of Compartments Oleanodts (Y/N) Foundation c eanout (Y/N) %J~ Depression (Y/N) ~,O H gh water a arm (Y/N) Date of Pumping I~1 JPx IPTION FIELD DATA Date i~ Pumper . ~ ~ ~- ~'ating (g.p, Effective absorption area Date of adequacy test : Results Fluid depth in absorption field before Fluid depth (Rev.- 3/96)* (past 12 months) (y/N) .For Absorption rate = If yes give date -, bedrooms (in.): Manhole/AcCess (Y/N) ~ a-F'"'---.,..__ "Pump off" level at* _ ---8,F~s tested E. SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL ON LOT TO: ~[llll~/holding tank on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main Sewer/septic service line On adjacent lots On adjacent lots Public sewer manhole/cleanout Lift station IOo/4- SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM-~IIII~/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Foundation ~'/-d- Property line ~/'1-' Absorption field ~j Water main/service line lO t4' Surface water/drainage ~/-I- Wells on adjacent lots ABSORPTIONFIELD ONLOTTO: ~¥ bJ~"V¢=/?" ~F Surface water · ~ Wells on adjacent lots ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION / I certify that I spections and review of Municipal reco3 ,~,~ ~ ~s are in conforrnan, n~e wi~ ~ g~elinlOlin ,in effect on this date. ~ .'~,,,~'~'--~/ ~:::f Signature ! ~...¢k~/! jk./& i ' '~ ~-' ~ ~: · EngineersNam~ ~ ~~ ' ~~' fl~J ~A~,~p~, Date ~ - '" HA/~Fee $. --~ ~ ' ET7~ Date of Payment '/(~/~"~h O Receipt Number /-~ ~ 72-026 (Rev. 3/96)* Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number O~:~ORH N~L AH~WORA~£ NORTHERN TEST! ~,~g INDUSTRIAL AViNU J NG LABORATORIES, INC, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA ~701 (~07j 4~,,~11~ · FAX ~56.ala~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9g~18 (~o~ ~4~-t000 · PAX 3~,10t~ PRUDHOE ~AY, ALAgKA 9D734 (9~7} 6~9-114~, FAX ~59-2146 ~, ~ 99511 Sampl~ Ti~: lB:tO Att~; C~l~ Client ~D: 6ill Austria Client P~j~ ~: S~ple ~t~x: Wamr Counts: [Me Date Date thod Parameter Units Z~tt ~ Pmparc~ .,~aly'z~l 4500 NO3 ~ Nitrate-N mF/L ?.;~B 2,50 9/30/98 02:BOPM NTL RHCHOR~E P, NORTHERN TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 3330 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE FAIF~EANK~, ALA~~ 99701 (~,07) 4~6-3~, 1~ * F~ 4B6-31~6 ~OOS SCHOON STREET AN~MORAGE, A~S~ 9~518 (90~) 348-100~, FA~3~1016 DRINKING WATER ANALYSIS REPORT FOR TOTAL COLIFORM BACTERIA Alpine Drilling P,O, ~ox 110486 Anchorage, AK 89511 Date Received: 9/29/98 Tame Received: 12:20 Date Analyzed: 9/28t96 Time Analyzecl: 14:50 Date Reported: 9/30/~8 Time Reported: 13:48 Next Sample Due: Comments Phone N~.lml~er: S = Fax Number: ( )~8.$246 U = POS = Collected by; BRIAN ND [] TNTC = Sample Type: Private water Systems CG = M~hod of Analysis: Merebrane Filtr~Uon (SM 9222 HSM = SA = ~) Comments: 8ampte Sample Total* Fecal Othed' Date Time Coliform Coliform Bacteria Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Positive Test Result None Detected Too Nume¢ous To Count (>200 Colonies) Confluent Growtl~ Heavy Sediment Mask. ing, Results May Not Be Reliable Sample Age >3(] Hours But <48 Hours, Results May Not Be Rali~bte Old = Sample Age >48 Hours, Too Old For Analysis R = Resample Required NT = No Test * # C_olonLesf~.O0 mi **_~-~ HPC** Result Lab~ Location Comments 9128198 18:10 0 ND 0 NT AC10307 el~ Austria Satisfad:ory Sh~rl L, 'Trask Environmental Analyst. No~hern Teeing LaboratorieS, I~: Anchorage, AK 9130/g~ Owner _. Well tnfo~metron: TUE 1 '~ : 1 2. WATERWELL. Pump Om P. 0:~ TU, Depth .J,.~Oepth Static Water, Level ~ I000 E. DIMOND BLVD. SUITE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99~1~ (907) 522-1311