HomeMy WebLinkAboutROSEWOOD PARK ESTATES BLK 2 LT 11Rosewood Park
Block 2
Lot 11
Telephone: (907) 269-7519
Fax: (907) 269-7650
January 17, 2002
Robert Stevens
7541 Our Own Lane
Anchorage, AlaSka 99516
Re: Lot 11, Block 2, Rosewood Park Estates Subdivision; 21'11 E. 74th
ADEC Project # 517, Class C Public Water System (PWSID # 218654)
Dear Mr. Stevens:
This is in response to the submittal received in this office on Decem'ber 19, 2001 that included drawings,
drinking water test results, and a well log. I have completed my review &the completed Class C public
water system registration form, the separation distance waiver request, and all the other information ~hat
have been provided to the Department regarding this project. Based on this review, I have the following
In the submittal you requested the Department grant a separation distance waiver between an existing Class
C public water system source well and a newly installed wastewater service line.
Normally, all separation distance waiver requests are submitted under the stamp of a Professionai Engineer.
The Department's July 17, 2001 letter only waives the requirement of engineering plans for the wastewater
sen. ice line not the requirement for the use ora Professional Engineer to request the separation distance
waiver. The only time the Department waives the use ora Professional Engineer to complete and submit a
SoenParation distance waiver is when the facility is located in a remote location in the State. However, based
the fact that the installation of the wastewater service line was inspected by representatives of the
Anchorage Water and Wastewatar Utility, it appears that the potential source of contaminatinn was
properly installed. My review of the submitted information revealed that the well log shows that if the new
wastewater sewer line did leak, the in-aitu soils could provide sufficient treatment to minimize any threat to
pubhc health and the enwronment. In addition, the water sample test result for nitrate(as nitrogen) was ·
noted to be 0.67 mg/L which indicates that the groundwater has not been impacted by either wastewater or
surface water runoff. As a result~ the requested separation distance wavier is reasonable.
Therefore, in accordance with the State Wastawater Regulations (18 AAC 72.060), the following waivers
are granted:
1. The separation distance between the existing Class C public water system source well and the
building Wastewater service line located on Lot 11, Block 2, Rosewood Park l~states from 150
feet to 101 feet at the closest point to the source well.
2. ~he~requirement that the separation distance waiv ......... '. ,~
rroressional Engineer for this facility .... u u~s[ oe su*m~tted under the stamp of a
The distances noted in the aboye Waiver was taken from the subm'
d~!stance is from the nearest edge of the wastewater service ' ~tted information, it appears that the
class C public water system source well ~me c~eanout to the nearest edge of the existing
If contamination to the groundwater is ever traced back to the newly installed wastewater service line or the
wastewater service line fails which results in wastewater flowing on the surface of the ground, the above
granted waivers will become invalid.
Public Water System
Based on the information provided in the submitted Class C public Water system registration form and the
test results, along with the issued separation distance waiver, it appears that the existing public water
system meets the minimum requirements of the State Drinking Water Regulations. Therefore, the existing
Class C public water system is approved for concerns of this Department. Attached is a signed copy of
Page 1 of the Class C Public Water System Registration Form constituting final approval of the existing
Class C public water system.
The Public Water System Identification Number (PWSID #) 218654 has been assigned to the Class C
public water system. Please make sure this identification nuthber is placed on all laboratory request forms
to ensure that the test results are properly credited to this public water system.
This approval and waiver does not imply the granting of additional authorization} nor obligate any state,
federal or locai .regulatory body to grant required authorizations.
Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. Please include the assigned PWSID # (218654) on
all future correspondence with this regarding this facility. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact me at 269-7519.
William R. Rieth, P.E.
Environmental Engineer
Enclosure: As stated
cc: Trevur Fairbanks, ADEC DW/WW, w/o Enc.
James Cross, MOA, w/o Eric.