HomeMy WebLinkAboutT15N R1W SEC 8 LT 152 ei'i I'Ol,... I I 6-650 ANQIi()RAGf. ALASKA (907) ?64 ,il I I DEPARTIdENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO'rEC]ION Permit t~: 840444 January 31, ].985 TO: Permit Applicant: SUBJECT: T15N R1W Section 8 Lot 152 A permit issue<] by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as ef December 31, 1984. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority ef Municipal Ordinanc. e. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system net installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If[ a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, the original as-built inspection report and the yellow copy must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Keith E. Bandt, SupeYvisor Environmental Engineering Program KEB/ljw eric: Copy of Permit SWP/057 MLNIvIFALIT~' OF- RNCH~"'FICJE ~, ] , JTEC:TiON DEPRRTMENT O~ rtERLTH AND EH, IRcNMENTAL F ,_,L.4.~, L _,TREE¥., RNCHORAGE., FIE 99501 PEF.:MIT NO: DATE ISSUE[:,: 84~3444 06,..":1.:.t / 84 264-4720 ---..EL-lEE. P E ~.~ P'! Z RPF'LICRWT: ADDRESS: CONTRCT PHONE: CRRL NELSON BOX 670671 CHUG I P]K 99567, 266-i610 RI.-'.: 99567 . LE~RL DE_;CRIF': LOT SI~E: Mffl~'., BE.[.,RouM=,. LISTED Br".'LO~4 RRE THE OPTIONS RVRII_RBLE TO ~'OIJ IN DESIGNING ~'OIJR SEPTIC _,~_.TEM. L. HOO_,E THE OPTION THRT E,E~,T FITS b'OLIR _,ITE. DEPTH TO PIPE BOTTOM (PT,) 4. 0 4. GRRVEL DEPTH (FT.) TOTflL DEPTH (FT,) 7, 0 4.-~ GRFIVEI_ WIDTH (FT.) 2. ,5 22. 0 GRRVEL LENGTH (FT.) ~8~. 8 ~m 42. 0 ORR'eEL VOLUME (CU. TRNK SIZE (GRL5) SOIL RRTING (SQ. FT. /BR) 212 205 ['.~ R I=t I 4.0 ~:.0 7,0 5. 0' 75. 0 40. 6 2~L2 GRRVEL LENGTH } 75 F'"T. EE~LIIRE_, PILLTIFLE RUNS (NOT E~'~'C:EEDING ~ FT. ISFIBH) MUST HRvE RT LFFIST TI40 L-:OMPI:IRTMENTS I CERTIF'¢ TFIRT: &, I RM FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH B'~' THE MUNICIPRLIT'¢ OF RNCHORFIGE (MOR) RND THE STRTE OF RLRSKR. 2. I HILL INSTRLL THE S'¢STEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH RLL ~OR CODES RND RIEOULRTIONS., RND IN COMPLIRNCE WITH THE DESIGN CRITERIR OF THI~ PERMIT. :3. I WILL R[:'HERE TO RLL. MOB AND STRTE OF RLRSKR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SET BRCK DISTRNCES FROM RI'49 EXISTING WELL, WRSTEWRTER DISPOSRL S~'STEM OR PUBLIC SEWERRGE S~'STEId ON THI~; OR RN'¢ RI),TRCENT OR NERRB'¢ LOT, 4. I UNDERSTRND THRT THIS PERMIT IS VRL. ID FOR R HRXIMUM OF ~ BEDROOMS RND RN'¢ ENLRRGEMENT WILL REQUIRE RN RDDITIONRL PERMIT. IF ~ LIFT S]'RTION IS INSTBLLED'IN RN RRER COVERED BM MOB BUILDINO CODES., THEN (~) RN ELECTRICal_ PERMIT BND INSPECTIOM MUST BE OBTRINED; (2) BS-BUILTS RND (~) THE WILL NOT BE RPPROVE[:, 1.4ITHOLIT RN ELECTRICRL IN_~PEC:TION REF'OR]U ELECTRICRL WORK blUST 13E [:,ONE Bb' fl LICENSED ELECTRICIRN. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99501 2644720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST 3 8 9- WAS GROUND WATER ~ '-- ENCOUNTERED? ~¥ 12 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 13 Gross Net Depth to Net 14 Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 15 ~,p~oL G-I-e'~ -- _ ~ _ST~l~r.~a~K -- /~8 17- //:~o ~ 19- /.'oaf ~ ~¢ ~ ' / a/~ .~R~OR~ED .v: DATE: I 72-008 (6/79) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGF DEPARTME OF ltFALTH AND ENVIRONMEN PROTI!CTION 825 L Streei:, Anchoi?aqe, A]as~.a 99501 279--25].1, ext. 224 or 225 Date Re¢;~[~Jved: August 5, 1977 #1: Time 11:00 a.m. ~2: Time 11:00 a.m. =3: Time Date 8-8-77 Monday Date 8_- _9. _- _7_7_ T.u._e~s_ d a y s Dace Insp Pratt Insp Pratt Insp REQUES[[' FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WA'PER FACILITIES 1. Lending Institution Request: State of Alaska - Veteran's Administration Mai].ing Address: 907 West Northern Lights Blvd. Phone~: 2. Property Owner: James Cotey PhonE: 688-2494 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 94 Chugiak 99567 3. Legal Descrip'c~_on: T15N R1W Section 8 Lot 152 4: Single Family Residence: (x) Multiple Family Residence: ( 5. Well System: Individual well Permit ~ Depth Number of Bedrooms: ..~hlte_~ ............ Two ) Number of Bedroqm~;: /~ -- % ............. Communi t~/Publ J c Sys t:e~ (~ of Well 63' Well Log on File ( ) (.¢ ns truct.~ 0n Bactez-ial Ana!ysis 6. Sewage l)isposal System: On-site System (x) Public Utility ( ) Permit Septic Installed 1975 Installer Tank Size Manufacturer Absorption Area Soils Rate Material Distances: Well to SeptJ. c Tank to Sewer LJ. ne Nearest Lot line to Nearest Lot. Line t:c.) Absore'LJon Area Abserption Area REAI]TORS® REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES 1. 'Type of Inspection: CMRO 2. Property Owner: Mailing Name of Mailing 4. Name of e VA FHA CONV Address: '_/~. O, ~'., ,.57 ~'~ dz~/~4~/~,~,.gfl$¢~ay, ,Phone Buyer: 0~ ~,~"~g~m~ /~'o/0 Address: ~9C9/ ~ ~/d~/ /~,~ Day. Phone~,~-~/ Lending Institution: ~~ /~ Mailing Name of Mailing Address: Phone Realtor or Agent: ]~,,,?~&~z'c'~ .~,- Address: ~ ~__~..' ///,:~ Legal Description: Location: .~__7~'~ 7. Type of Facility to be inspected: 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility __ No. Bdrms.~_~_ Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation: Individual (on-site)__,~._ AREA, INC. REALTOFIS [] Anchorage "C" St. Office 3300 C Street (907) 278-2525 [] East Anchorage [] Eagle River East(.late Office Parkgate Office 5437E. Northern Lights P.O. 8ox249 (907) 278-2525 (907) 694-9555 Page Hea].t~h and Environmental Protection of Individual ~:;ewer ¢nnd Wa~eL~ Facility. cs Dep~rLment of Request for Approval Legal DescriD%ion: T15N Rlw Section 8 Lot 2L52 Affadavi'h A'ttached: ( ) ]Letter A~xtached: ( ] Department Worksheet: W. H. Selby Star Rt. C, Box 88 Palmer, AK Address: Anchorage 279-1938 Palmer 745-3351 (~lonnallen 882-3413 Results AUTHORIZATION TO DRILL I hereby authorize 101 Drilling Co. t~) proceed with the abo'~e described work. Pa~'~ent shall be made in the foilowing manner: In the event it is necessary to institute legal proceedings to collect any amounts due on this contract, I a~ree to pay an additional sum of not to exceed ten percent (3.0%) o£ the contract price as attorney's fees, plus costs, for legal proceedings. ' CAJOLES' GO~GRE'T~ PRODUCTS Licensed Distributor Jet Area~ion Sewage Treatn~en~s Plants Ctyde Rhoedes installation Serivae Box 149 Wasiila, Ak. 99687 - 376-5919 / p~nr /ED BY TOTAL ills AMOUNT i' Au~3ust 23, 1977 James Cotey Post Office Box 94 Chug£ak, Alaska 9~567 Subject: T15N R1W Section 8 Lot 152 Dear ~4r. Coley: The well construct£on o~ thz~ subject property is sati~fa~.~tol:yo The bacterial analysis on the water f'rom the w~l! is ne~jative. But, ibefora this dapa:rtm~nt can giv~ final approval, '~he~:~e].l on th~ lot (;an nerve only one residence. ~'k~er~for~," ' '- our' final approval can be ~3ranted, one of the two(2) llonies on that lot will need to be moved, or a ne%.; well ~.~i].l need to b~ drJ. lle¢l so that two(2) wells will serve each residence If th~]re ari~aBny further q~(~stions, pleal~e t:ontact '~his office at 279-2511~ extel%sion 2:~4 ¢)r 225. Sincere ly, Robert C. Pratt'., RcS. Sanlt~%rian } CP/ljh cc: Will Privett Area Post Office Box 1113 99577 August 16, ].9'17 Coley Office Bo× 94 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 .~h~)Jo¢;t: T15N Rl~; Section 8 LeE 152 De~r Mr. Coloy As I discussed ~arlier with the realtor. The only was thi~ department can giv~ a final approval on tt~e subject property is if the 'two(2) hoiries are served[ by s(~para'ke wo].ls, or if one hom~ is removed fr~m~ the property so that the e~:isting The conditions st:ate:d in this letter' ~lust be ¢~ompleted pr4~or to this dcpart~%ent's approval. If t:hert~ a:uo any f;~rh~er questions, please contact this office a~: 279--2511, o~tens.ion 224 or 225. Sine er~ly ~ ~(obert C. Pratt, ~$anitartan August 15, 1977 J~es Coley Post Office Box 94 Ch'~giak, Alaska% 9956,~ Subject: T15N RIW Se(~tion 8 Lot 152 Dear Mr. As I disoussed,"earli'e:u with the realter. The only way this ~epartme~t c~an~,~ive a final approval on the su~u~t prop~rty is'if one home is re~oved~ from th(~ property so theft the existing we!~ serves Just the one r~sidencs. If there are any further q~stionS~ please this offioo at 279~2511, extension 224 or 225,. Sincerel'y ~ Robert C. Pratt, I~.S. Sanitarian 0 N. O0 08~ W0 0 33003 No OO O8' W ~3Oo2 [ ~.H.rlS ,I,'ILqit -SV NV SI Sills :Ill, ON 'I'INO NOI~VO0'I 'XO~{ddV ~dV X~L~HflS SIHZ .I. MS SH~NHO9:3~ON ! i I I I HI~IVd£' ' 9I!IiSIX,~ J 6'6Z£ 't~ ,9$ 6~ 's .I