HomeMy WebLinkAboutPROSPECT HEIGHTS #4 BLK 1 LT 5.Pro pect Heights Block 1 Lot 5 #015-132-52 Municipality of Anchorage Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number:.__ SW000400 PID Number:._ 015-132-52 ~ Wast°water System: [] New · Upgrade NQme: DARYL HALLQUIST ~d.,,: ABSORPTION FIELD 10001 SIDOROF LANE ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 '"Q"°:(907) 546-1286 4 .Deep Trench r'lShaIIo~ Trench =Bed =Mound LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0,8 ~,,s~ ~ 8.93 MAX 5 1 PROSPECT HGTS J~4 2.43 MAX - - - SEE DWG. ~ 62.5 WELL: [3 New [] Upgrade / 2.5 r~ 1 . ~ ~ 812+ so.nASTM D-3034/F-810 ~. o~ ~ ~,~ w~,, ~,~ * 'CARLS EXCAVATING ~' 9/30/2000 ~-~/- ~,1~" ~"*" .l"'~ "'~ "~' ~'"~ TANK SEPARATION DISTANCES , sept¢ n Hold;ng ri To Septic Ab.or~ton Uft Holding~,,~ ANCHORAGE TANK 1250 We, 100'+ 100'+ - - 25'+ STEEL 2 S.,oae lO0'+ 100'+ - - - LIFT STATION Lot 5'+ 10'+ -- - - s~ ~. ~-~- Un' Foundaton 5'+ 10'+ - - - Curtain NONE KNOW[J " Drain I BENCH MARK Remarks: OLD 5EFI[[; TANK A~ANDONED ~ ~,~ PER UPC. THRESHOLD OF SUDING CLASS DOOR TOP OF F.C.O. -- 114.7 ~--~ r.~-~ 113.68 "f";' [': Inspections performed by: AWWC, INC. Dates: 1st s/~o/2ooo , ......................... .o...o., o, ..,,, .., R~vlewed and approved by~Date: ~' 7- o ~ '~'~[~,a¢o,,~o~..~)~ .~ ...,~.: AS-BUILT DRAWING 015-152-52 5W000400 NEW DRN /,,~ ~ / ~ ~.~ ~o.7~ , /,,/~ / i~"' ,,.,,,~.,, .~ ~_~.~ / / ~ / o~ 72.2~ ~.~s / ~ co, ,~.,~ I " MT1 133.B8 118.30 ~ ! C02 119.64181.05 ~ \ I ~2 12o.44182.o4 10/31/2000 C.J.6. ~S~ WATER & ~STEWATER ~ DARYL HA~QUIST (907) 546-1286 2 OF 3 PROSPECT HEI~HT~ $/D ~4; LOT 5. BLOCK 1 AS-BUILT DRAWING OF SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE A B ST1 63.54 I 32.54 ST2 55.97 40.79 DBL1 71.51 47.81 DBL2 72.21 48.35 F'D 72.88 48.68 C01 133.68 118.25 UT1 133.B8 118.30 C02 ! 19,64 181,05 MT2 120.44182,04 "'"'"'-: AS-BUILT DRAWING 015-1;52-52 SWO00400 ;~'1,~ ¢.~¢ - 1~,6 -IlO.?~ la/eoN ~tiPfl¢ 'rANK. / /- .~'~.~ o DRAWN ~f: ALASKA WATER & WASTEWATER ~:~ .. , , CONSULTANTS, INC. N.T.S. ~on[ Nu~am: PS6~ Nudism: ~R rr. PARrr~ FOR: DARYI. HALI.OUIST (907) ;546-1286 ;5 OF ~ ~n~ t ..?._"'~" ... !.[GAL D~S~RII~ON: PROSPECT HEIGHTS S/D ~4; LOT S, BLOC:K 1, AS-BUILT DRAWING OF SEPTIC: SYSTEId UPGRADE "~'~.%.~'~.,~.'~.~,'~ A-23-2~1 3:2~J::~4 F'ROH HAI:~Y,/I..C~! 9(~72E;1~1 P. I Sent By: Alaska Water and Wastewater Con; 907 338 3246; Jun-13-01 16:41; Page 111 SIX INCH WATER WELL DRILLED AND CASED OUT TO THE DEPTH OF 775 ~'~:~ DRILLED AT THE RATE OF ~2.~.00 PER FOOT. PROPERTY OWNER __E~; WELL LOG: [NvIRON~A~NTAL pEO~ f.C~tCN Co~ o~ .~,~,,t.C/d~: ~23.00 ~ ~ X 175 ,bt: ~4025.00 COST INCLUD~ ALL ~BOR AND MATERIAL FOE COMPL~ION OF SAID DRILLING, WRITE CHECK PAYABLE TO RAMPA~ DRILLING WORKS FOR THE SUM OF DATE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. BERNIE CLAUS OF RAMPART DRILLING WORKS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health end Human Sen//ces On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Sap 26, 2000 Expiration Date: Sep 26, 2001 Permit Number: SW000400 Legal Description: PROSPECT HEIGHTS #4 BLK 1 LT 5 Design Engineer: 0041 AK Water & Wastewater Consultant Owner Name: DARYL HALLQUIST Owner Address: 10001 SlDEROF LANE ANCHORAGE, AK 99516- Parcel ID: 015-132-52 Site Address: 010001 SIDOROF LN Lot Size: 100809 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Date: Date: ALA-S "W, ' ER O' .............. STEWATE CONSULTANTS, INC, September 25, 2000 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Reft Proposed Septic System Upgrade for Lot 5, Block 1; Prospect Heights Subdivision #4 To whom it may concern: The existing 4 bedroom house is served by a private well and septic system. A test hole was excavated on the property where the proposed upgrade will be located. The proposed upgrade will be designed around the 30 foot radius of the test hole. We are proposing that a 1250 gallon septic tank and a deep trench type drainfield be installed. Comments regarding the proposed design are summarized as follows: 1. SOILS: Attached is a soil log which shows the soil profile, and the percolation test results. 2. TRENCH DESIGN: a. Percolation Rate: 2.96 minute/inch b. Allowable Application Rate: 0.8 gallordday/fl2 c. Number ofBedrooms: 4 d. Design Flow: 600 gallons per day e. Minimum Absorption Area: 750 ft2 f. Maximum depth: 9.0 feet g. Effective Depth: 6.0 feet h. Width: 2.5 feet i. Length: 62.5 feet k. Effective absorption area -- 750 fl2 3. SURFACE WATERS: There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed upgrade. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B ~ Anchorage, AK 99504 ~ Ph: (907)337-6179 ~ Fax: (907)338-3246 4. TOPOGRAPHY: As can be seen on the attached design, the a proposed trench is to be installed on a slope that runs from approximately south/southeast to north/northwest at a 20 to 25 percent grade. In short, there are no slope concerns. The trench is to be installed parallel to slope contouF$. I am unaware of any adverse impacts this installation would have on adjacent wells or septic systems. If you have any questions, please contact us at 337-6179. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Jeffrey A. Garuess, P.E., M.S. President NOTE: Attached is a site plan drawing, a design drawing, one soils log. a topographical site plan and a 7 page construction specification letter which are all part of the design package for this septic system. 6901 Debarr Road, Suite 2B ~ Anchorage, AK 99504 ~ Ph: (907)337-61.79 ~ Fax: (907)338-3246 I ~ ', ~ LOT 4. eLoc)c ~, / I Ii x /t ........ ii I ~ I I I ~ ~ .... ~ I I / '~1 /% / ~. I I / ~ / / / ~, ii ~ ~ / / I I ~ I / ~ -~/ I I -- i ~ PROSPE~ H~ S/O ~4 I I . 9/22/2000 ~SI~ ~5~TER & ~¥ASTE~TER ~ c.~.o. CONSULTANTS, INC. S~i~,~.~GE,~5~e~(~OT)S37~ITg*FU~07~38~?~6 1" = 100' G~"": ....................... :"'=~ DARYL HALLQUIST (907) ~46-1286 I OF 2 PROSPECT HEIGHTS S/D ~4; LOT 5, BLOCK 1, SITE P~N OF PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE ~ / / EXCAVATE A TRE. NCH THAT IS /' / g FEET DEEP MAXIUUM BY / / 2.5 FEET WIDE BY ~2.5 FEET i / / LONG. ADD 7.5 FEET OF CO MT/~//CY ~ EXISTINI~ DRJ~N.E3.DS TO BE , .,, /// I t :: ,: ~ \\ / I c.~.o. , ~." ~SI~ WATER & ~STE~VATER ~ ~'~? 49~ , CONSULTANTS, lNG. ~R~ FOR: PHONE NUMBER: P~E DARYL HALLQUIST (907) ~46-1286 2 0F 2 .... :'5%; ..... :"~ ........ :'"~ · ~yenrey PROSPECT HEIGHTS S/D ~4; LOT 5, BLOCK 1, u~ DESIGN FOR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE ' ALASKA WATER. & WASTEWATER. CONSULTANTS, INC.,=.~-~ OF',-,,_<. '~ 6901 m somL LOG - PERCO~TION TEST I F~? 49~ ~JJ JJJ JJ JJJJJJJJ JJ JJJJJ J J JJJJ JJJJ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROSPE~ HEIC~ S/D ~4; LOT 5, BK 1, PERFORMED FOR: D~ ~OUl~ ~"') I~;~ J TEST HOLE ~ 1 J "~t~. ......... (f~e~ OR~ICS '~ '~%~ rofe,,~o IIIIIIIIII ~ ~w ~ OR~ GC OL -- ' % , SW HH SP CH SH ~OH DEPTH TO DATE ~ GROUNDWATER -..-- ~ ~/2o/oo 11 DATE READING CLOCK NET TIHE WATER LEVEL NET DROP TIHE (HINGES) RE. lNG (INCHES) 12 9/14/00 1 1:58 ~ 6- 2 2:08 10 2' 4" 13 3 2:08 -- 6' 4 2:18 10 2 1/4' ~ ~/4' 14 5 2:19 ~ 6' 6 2:29 10 2 1/2' 5 1/2' 15 7 2:29 ~ 6' 16 8 2:39 10 2 5/8' 9 2:39 ~ 6' 17 BEDROCK 10 2:49 10 2 5/8' 5 5/8' 11 2:49 ~ 6' 18~ J 12 2:59 10 2 5/8' 19~ PERCO~TION ~TE 2.96 .(HIN./INCH) PERC. HOLE DIA. 6" (INCHES) 20 TEST R~ BETWEEN 6.5 FT. ~D. 7.0 FT. COHHENTS: PERC-HO~ W~ PRE-SO~ED FOR 4+ HOURS PERFORMED BY A~ WATER A W~ATER I, , CER~ T~T THIS W~ PERFORMED IN ACCORD~CE WffH A~ STATE ~D MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DA~: DEPTH TO DATE GROUNDWATER sE£P e 9' 9/11/oo D~Y 9/20/00 <~ < NAME LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,- DbP[. OF HEALTH MUNIC'IPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISlO~ 825LStreet-Anch°rage'Alask" 99501 Teleph°ne264'4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION PHONE J ~EW Well DISTANCE TO: Man ufacturer /]aterial IF HOMEMADE: Well Liq, cap DISTANCE TO: Manufacturer Inside length Dwelling Material F°und'ati°n/~')~-/~/~ ~7'~ Nearest Iotlir[~.~¢_ Total length of lines I Trench widt~ Material ben/~till ~;~ inches Depth Well DISTANCE TO: I No. of lines ~ I Length of ea.cl~line Top of tile to finish grade -- '1 - Length Widt/ NO, OF BEDRO.~_/¢S No, of compartmel Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons Distance between Total effective absorption ~r.e~¢ PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO, DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST R/ G INSTALLER REMARKS APPROVED DATE LEGAL SIX INCH WATER WELL DRILLED AND CASED OUT TO THE DEPTH OF 175 DRILLED AT THE RATE OF $23e00 PER FOOT. PROPERTY OWNER /~: ~ ~A~ ~)~t/d_ llmJJ~t,j~l~. 180~ C./~Jl~ flA~_ _0~08 LOCATION OF WELL S1T~ ~/._- 5' ~: ~ S,U,_. ~,o~-~ bt(~-~. ~ ~/ WELL LOG: 0 .... 1~, ~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCH°RAGE D:?T. OF NFALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION · JAN 9 ! ' g85 RECEIVED 143 40 145 ~ ,,!~/. I 1/2 g))~ ~ .f-,~L 167 40 173 .f~ .*h.,~,~ m~. 40 an.~ & c~ h. mlq'. ~o Ya,t.a~ ~wt.~,~ ~ I~Zd..e ~ 9,aac~ a,t 5 1/2 40 6 ~. ~ cam, e.e ba.d~ 40 COST INCLUDES ALL LABOR AND MATERIAL FOR COMPLETION OF SAID DRILLING. WRITE CHECK PAYABLE TO RAMPART DRILLING WORKS FOR THE SUM OF THANK YOU VERY MUCH. BERNIE CLAUS OF RAMPART DRILLING WORKS 1986 ' %,J,~,~x (~ .~ · ~ -DEPRRTMENT OF HEFILTH RND ENVII~:OI'.,!MENTRL PROTECTION ,:,.-'.-, L STREET., RNC:HORRGE., AK L~.950t ,3 ~'-4 -- "--"] ir TE S . - -- EI.-!EF.." F"ERI"d ][ I MUNICIPRLIT'~' OF RNCHd PERMIT NO: DATE ISSUED: RPPLICRNT: ADDRESS: CONTRCT PHONE: LEGAL DESCRIP: LOT SIZE: MR~ BEDROOMS: DERRMOUN EXCRVRTING 5~44 RIVERTON RNCHORRGE, BK 995.16 ~45-.1E±9 SUBDIVISION: PROSPECT HTS .~1.~ SECTION: t3 TOWNSHIP: 90160 <SQ. FT. OR ACRES) 4 LOT: 5 E LUI..K. RRNGE: LISTED BELOW RRE THE OF'TIONS RVRILRBLE TO '~'OLI IN DESIGNING ~r'OUR :,EPTI_. S'~'STEM. C:HOOqE THE OPTION THAT BE_T FITS '~'F~IIR SITE. }EPTH TO PIPE BOTTOM (FT.) ]RAVEL DEPTH <FT.) FOTRL DEPTH (FT.) 3RAVEL HIDTH (FT.) ~RRVEL LENGTH (FT.) ~RRVEL VOLUME (CU. YDS. ) 'RNK SIZE (GALS) ;OIL RRTING (SQ, FT.?BR) 2.0 * .'+.' 2-:.0 ~o ,:,4. ~1 :+: 27. 2' t., 250. 0 125 DEPTH TO F'IPE BJTTUM '::: '.'.: 5 FT. REg!LIIRES INSLILRTION DEPTH TO PIPE EFTTFIM .::." 4. E~ FT. t'lR~' RE 'LIRE - - -': '-]! R LIFT STATION ~JRH,EL LENGTH }- -"~ FT. REQUIF.:ES MULTIF'LE RLtNS (NOT EXCEEDING 75 FT. TANK MUST HA',,,'E RT LEAST THO COMF'RRTMENTS ERiE H ') CERT i F'T' THAT: · 1. I RM FAMILIAR HITH THE REQLIIF.:EMENTS FOE: ON-SITE SEHER$ AN[:, WELLS, RS SET FORTH B'~" THE MUNICiF'RLIT¥ OF ANCHORAGE (MOP) AND THE STATE OF RLRSKR. 2. I HILL IN'-']TRLL THE S'~'STEM IN RCC:ORDRNCE ~4ITH ALL MOP CC~[:,Ec. AN[:, REGLILRTIONS., AND IN COMPLIANCE HITH THE DESIGN c .... -' - -.RITERIR OF THI_-, F'EF.:MIT. ]:. I HILL ADHERE TO ALL MOP AN[:, STATE OF RLR'_-.qKR REQUIF.'.EMENTS FOR THE SET BACK DISTANCES FROM ANY E;.'::ISTING HELL, WRSTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM OR PUBLIC SEHERRGE S'~'STEM ON THIS OF.'. ANY RDJRCENT OR NEARBY LOT. 4. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PERMIT IS VALID FOR R MAXIMUM OF 4 BEDROOMS RN[:,. RN~r~ ENLRRGEMENT HILL F.:EE4LIIF.:E RN A[:'[:'[TIONRL PERMIT. R LIFT STATION IS INSTALLED IN RN RRER COVERED B'~' MOP BLIILDING CODES., ~EN (±) AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND ,INSPECTION MUST BE OBTAINED; (2) RS-BUILTS ILL NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT RN ELECTRICAL IN--,~E~.TION REPOF.:T.; AN[:, ~_'-'.') THE .ECTRI F:RL HORK · - ML:,T BE DONE B'~' A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. L DEF'!'.:iF.':"!"HL'Z. NT 01:: F!EFiLTH FIND EN'v'IRONHENTRL PROTECTION 025 L STREET.. :;:INCHORFiGE., F:ik: 264-4720 F:'ERJ"! i T NO: [.':,F~TE I ?5;UE'!L'.,: F:IF'F:'!... :[ CF:iNT: I::IE:,£:,RE:E;:5: CONTF:K::T PF'IOi',IE: DFiRYL.. E:, HRL. L.~]:!t...t i ~;:'r :LSE'i::L CI;:IE'.'.E;C:ENT DR I 'v'E i:::tN CHC)RFtGE:., FII< 99508 5E;:::;.:..--3 E;20 F" £5-1t:~: Ih'l X 'T' LEGI:::iL DE!:5;C:R ]: F': L.O T S; :[ ZliE: !'"! l:::i ::.:; :~!;i..IBD _T ',/i' :S t Cli",i: PROSPECT FIE: I GHTS 4.*4 SECT I ON: :L3'. TOi4N~.H :i: P: :L2N ;2. 2&4. Fi ,::E;&% F:T. CiF:: F-iCI.;.:E:5.':, 4 LOT: 5 BLOCK RANGE': L. i 5;TED E~EI...O!4 FIRE THE OPT.t: ON:E; f:l',,,'F:t:i; LI:::IE:L..E 'TO "r'OU I N [:'ES I GN I NG YOUR SEPT I C :E;"r%TEI"i. CHOO:SE: THE: OF"'TION 'T'HF:!T BEST i::iT:S Y'OLIR S;ITE. DEF'TFI ].'0 PiPE E:O]"TOM ,::F']". ::, I.;!iRF:WE'L DE.r.:'"I'H ,::i':"T'. i"OTF&. DE:P].'H ,::FT. :3F.:FWEL !...t..17. D"F!.-! ,:.' F'T. :::.iRA'v'EI... L.ENGTH <F'T..':, 3RR'v'EL. VOLLIhitE ,:: C.':U. '¢[:,~S. ::, i'FINK % ]: ZE: ,:: GF!L.S ) ::;0 ]: L F:AT i NCi ,:: ::;(::!. F'!". XE:R > 3. E) :+::+: 2. 5 :+::+: 0.0 Z.':. 0 Z:'L. 0 E;.5 2.5 5.8 2E;. 0 40. ;2'0. 4 40. O &., 2'.SEL E) .'+-':+: iL., iL., .250. 0 ::L02 85 85 :*::+: [:,Ei::'TH TO Pt'F'E E:O'TTOi"I 'C Si:..5 FrT. REQUIRES INSLILRTION m:+: ['E'::'T:-. T" P:i:F'E: ECTTL'."i .:::: 4. ,9 F:T. MAY [;;:E'QUIRE Fi LIF'T S;TI'~tTICd'.4 :+::+: YF:IN.k: P!UST HFIVE FIT L.ERST 'TP.IO E:OHPFIRTHENT'.S !: C:IERT]: I:::"? 'THF:)'T': I FIH !::'F!H:i:L.!FIR I.,.I!']"H THE F;:FZ6:!UiF-':EHENTS F'OI'?. ON-S.!:]"E SEt.,.tERS FIi"dE:' HELLS FI'_:'; SE]'' FORTH E~h" THE .hiUN:[C]:F:'FP_]:'TY OF:' F!.NCF'tORFP::'iE (HOFI)' FIi",ID THE '-::;TFITE OF FILFI'E;KFI. 2. I P.!):L.L. 'J'q'.::;Tl:::!. L. THE: :~Y'5;TEH :1:1",t FICC:Efl:RE:,FtNCE P.!tTH RL.L MCR COB'EEl F¢',I[:' F.':EGLIL. F:ITION~.5., AN[:' ): N COHF'L :!: ANCE P.i]: TH 'THiE [:'E:S i GN E:F:: t TER I F:! OF TH I :S PERH I T. 3. :!: P.i:[LL. i:::iB,HE:RE T0 AL.L. HOF:I FINE:' E;TFi]'E OF: FIL.F:iSI<F:! F::E:QLItl;i'.EHENTS FOR THE SET BFICK E:']:':'~;TF:iNE:E:S; i:::'!:~:OH F:d",Fd E~:X];'J:J;'!"):NC~ HELL., !-4FISTEI.,.!I:::ITER DISiF'O:SF:IL 5Y'.'=,TEH OR PLIEfl....)i.C :E;EF.!ERFIGF-_' :S'¢E;TFSH ON "i"HI~; OR F:tN"¢ FtE:,.;rF!CEN'i" OR I'..!E:F!RE:'¢ LO¥. 4.. .T LINI.')E::RE;TFd',E:, 'THF:FF 'T'HI:S PEF;;'.HZT i'S; 'v'F&..I[:, F'OF~: FI i"11::!',:<IHLJH OF 4 BEI)ROOH'.E; I::iI".tD FiN? ENL. F:!RGEHE!:N T ~,.i :[ LL.. RE(.:.!LI Z RE Fii'.,! F:iDL':, Z T :!: ONF:tL F'ERH .'1: T. F F! L ]: F:'T :.:.:;TA'T' T .. i'.i :[ rE; ~i: NSTF:iLL E'[', l i'.,i FIN F~REF! CO',/EREE:, E~'.r' MOFI E:Ij I L.E:, l big C:O[:,ES., 'HEN C:L> F:ti",i~L. EC:TF;::[C.F:IL./' i:::'E:[~iiT !:::iNB, ZNSF'ECTZC~N I"tUST BE OEKFRiNEE:,; ,::;2) FI:E;-IE~UZLTS Z ,.F'"F Fir ::':'";'"~: .... ~rl'... ~ :'-, :' ~ ........ :,"-.r: .... : :~ ......... :": ......... .:. .. .. ....................... ~P~:'lt .............. k,~i..ll~)Ll,, ,~r4 .......... ]t...IL.,d .... ~.I,L.F,.._L.;Zdt,~ t,.L. FuR~.. Mr4E ........... THE .L.,::.,..:FI.,::i,...:,...,L. P~i:¥: i"I'..~;~E;~ D,~,~iE~,I:SE:B, IEL. E,::TRI,::IF, N. ;1,3 i'-,, E [:, "'~~"~'~ 'L~' ' ..... ",F :, TE' IPi::.....[..::FII'~.'. t..:F:]¢;.'l_ ,..,'1 ~:, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: 'EG^L DESC*PTIDN: 1 2 3 4 5- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. 2O COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) OL- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? O P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN (minutes/inch) FT AND -- FT -- ivlUNICIPALITY OF ANC~iORAGE ' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Stre~t, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264.4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: -/o Sn LEGA~ DESCR,PTION= ,~/. /c~ 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SLOPE ~ SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATfON TEST SITE PLAN I0- 11- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C. Reid, Jr. No. 225I-E WAS GROUND WATER j~) SL ENCOUNTERED? 0 P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH;' Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND -- FT PERFORMED BY: 7" -~' CERTIFIED BY: 72-008 (6/79) ALASKA IiLIII OFIlll F1TAL COF1TI OL $ RuIC $, linC. ~ntineerinq ~- I~nuironmcnlal StuJies Susan Oswaldt Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, ~Iaska 99503 SeptemSer 21, 1984 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HizALTH & FNVIRONMENTAL P~'C'i ,:Ci iON R CEIVED Dear Susan, This is in regards to Prospect Heights Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 1. You had two objections to the as-bullt submitted: first, that there ls no cleanout on the 90 - degree turn prior to the tank, and second, that it appears there ls no connection between the trenches. The problems are the result of an error in copying by a conscientious but misguided secretary who had difficulty interpreting my rough notes. Thls is why, ordinarily, I prefer to be the one who makes final copies of my own work. I am enclosing a copy of the original rough notes. As you can see, the trenches are connected by solld pipe at the south end. Also, there ls no 90 - degree turn before the tank -- two 45 - degree turns were used. Excavators always prefer this to installing extra clean outs. I have corrected these matters in red lnk on the as-built. If I can be of any further assistance to you, or if you desire a longer and more elaborate letter, please do not hesltate to call. Sincerely, Darcy ~Be vens Engineering Geologist 1200 [.[Jest 33r¢1 Aucnu¢. SMile ~ ® Anchorage, Alaska 995o~, r o71 ~s~-.~n,,n .. · Munimpa :,o nchorage,..,.,,;, ,,.. ....... ' ........... ~ 'rfmflnt'' ' '' .... "~ :'"*' Development Servlces'Depa . . . :' ..,;,:. 4700,So~hBragawSL, .~ ~ : ... -'., .... · % : . ..... P.O. Box ~a~.~ ~ge.'.AK..~5. 1~o: . . wwv......~ .,,, ,,,.,~,,.~,.us .... . . . .~_ . (907)343-7~04 · OF:'HEAL'TH" :APRROVAE ' CERTIFICATE '~AUTHORIT~Y ' FoR'A SINGLE:FgHIL¥ DWELLING .... :Parc~lI.D:'- ::"015'-:'1;,~2-52 ~.. , ;'..,.".. HAA~ .... ~ 01~)~'~ '" ' 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: . .. ....... Expiration Date. ..... Complete legal descflpflon .PROSPECT: HEIGHTS"~4: tJOT.r5~, BLOCK*.1 . .'.. '- ,' · .L°cetl(~n(slte'addross°l:~llracti°~s) ':.,:, '10001 .SIDOROF, LANE'.-. ',' ,~ '; ,:--,: ....... · :,;. ,.'~;;- - ~'~-',',._..;'~ . ,,., .~. ,,~... ~ . .-, ~...' :.. Current Property owr{er(s) DAR;i't:;' &\'L'~NH'."HUL£OuI~;' ', ! ,' """ " ~ ' ' " ' t .. D, ay p~.hone, : '346'--.12~';' . ..M. ai!lng address L. ending ag.e~cy.. -. . Mailing address Real Estate Agent ,~ ,,:. M~iling address .:" '2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: '; 3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: ~,iq~ ANCHbRAG~ AK ' ' 10001-'SID~R~0F : - ~': ''::!' ' ' "" '" ' ' ' ............. -~' .......... .DAY_ _phone MARY·TUTI'EROW,/DYNAM1C' ' ' -, .'-' '.' Day pl'{o, ne' 261-7682 D;YNAMIC 3111 ' ~'C'.'ST...'ANCH~RAGE; AK :' ' ...... Unles. s othen~lse"~quested, HAA wi#be held by DSD for pickup. · . ;.. ; ~'.'. 4' Individual Well [] Individual Water Storage [] Community Class Well [] Public Water System [] TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Indivldu~l On-site Indivldual Holding tank Community On-site Public Sewer The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department (DSD) Issues Certificates of Health Authority Approval (HAA) based only upon the representations given In paragraph 5 by an Independent professional civil engineer registered In the State of Alaska. Certificates of Health Authority Approval ara required for the transfer of title (except between spouses) for properties served by a single family on-site wastewater disposal and/or water supply system. DSD also Issues HAAs upon request to homeowners. Certificates of Health Authority Approval are valid for 90 days from the date of Issue for properties served by a private or Class C well and may be reissued with new water sample results less than 30 days old. (Certificates may be reissued for a peflod of up to one year with valid water samples.) Certificates ara valid for one year for properties served by Class A or B wells or a public water system. The Munlcipality of Anchorage Is not responsible for errors or omlsslons In the professional engineers work. Note: Alaska Water and Wastewater Consultants, Inc. shall be paid $550.00 at, or pdor · to closing for the enginesdng services provided. 4.' sTATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER. "' ..~ As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I vad~' that my investigation, b~, sed on procedures Outlined in the Health Authority'ApprOval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrOoms and b/l~e of structure Indicated herein. I further ved~y that based on the Information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my Investigation and Inspection, the on-site water supply ~[3d/~r'wasteWater disp~sa! system Is(are) In COmpliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations In effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm ALASKA,WATER &: WASTE'WATER CONSULTANTS, INC. Address 6901 DEBARR R0,~,D,' SUITE 2B * ANCHORACE, AK 99504 Engineer's Printed Name JEFFREY A. GARNESS, P.~'. · Er~glneer% com~nen~s: ' In conducting this'evalua~on, AWWC, Inc. attempted to provide a therough, ' ' · · .consclan~fous englneadng analysis of the system In accordance with ADEC and MOA DSD Guidelines & Regulatiens. The reported results described the performance of the system under the condi~eas encountered at the lime of the test. and separa~on · distences measured to readily Identifiable features. The oporetienallife of all wells and septic systems depend on ~he Iocal sulls condition groundwater levels that may ' fluctuate dudng the year, and the water usage of the family being esnred by the system. These conditions are cute/de the cen~l of the evalualor of the system. Satisfocfory test results do not guarantee future performance of the system, nor do they guarantea that there are no hidden defects or encrcechrnente. AWWC, Inc. can therefore not provide any warranty or future est]mate of how long the sj~tern wfll continue to meat the operational requirements of the ADEC or MOA DSD. The content of this report Is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Any reliance upon or use of this report by any other porson or party ls not authorlzed, nor wf#1t confer any legat #ght whatsoever. 5. DSD SIGNATURE /,'"'" Approved for J'?/' bedrooms. Disapproved. Conditional approval for __ Phone 337-6179 Date ' Attachments: HAA Checklist Septic System Advisory Well Flow Advisory Manitenance Agreements Supplemental Engineer's Reort Other Odginal Certificate Date: (-4, - / ~'" O t Municipality of Anchorage [ Development Services Department On.Eh Wat~ & Wastswater Program 4700 South 8ragaw St. P.O. BOX 196650 ~, AK 99519-6650 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST LegalOescdpber~ PROSPECT HEIGHTS ~4 LOT 5: BLOCK I Pan:allD: 051-152-52 A. WELL DATA Well type ~mVAT[ ifA, B, otc provide PWSlD~t N//A Oats completed ~ Sanrmy ~ (Y/N) YES Total depth 175 [ Casedt~ 175 [ FROM WELL LOG Date of test 6-3-84 Static water level 15 [ Well preduction 5.5 g.p.m. WATER ~a~LE RESULTS: Date of ~ample: 5-23-01 Co,coted by:. B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tenk Type/Matsltal STEEL Tenkelze 1250 .gal. Number of Comparlments weu Log (Y/N)~'~='~ , W~es pmpedy pmtsctsd (Y/N) Casing height (above ground) ~, 12.'1~ AT INSPECTION 8-24-00 3O I[ 4.3 g.p.m. AWWCf INC. Date Installed 2 Cleanouts (Y/N) Foundationcleanout(Y/N) YES Depmsalonovertank(Y/N) NO Date of pumping N/^ Pumper C. ABSOIUqlON FlU DATA ~ Date Installed ~ Soil rating (i~r ~/bdrm) 0.8 9/30/2000 High water alarm (Y/N) N/A N/^ D~-P TRENCH Length 62.5 .lt. Wldlh 2.5 lt. Gravel below pipe 6.5 ft. Totsldepth~ lO tr. Eff. ab~oflerea~12+Its Monltodngtube YES Depmsslonoverflald NO of adequacy test NEW Re~ult~ (Pass/Fall)_.. n treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & b'pe) ff yes, give date D. UFT STATION SEPARATION DISTANCES SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM W;~; ON LOT TO:. Septic tank/lift ~tatlon on lot 100'+ Absorption field on lot 100'+ Public ~ewer main N/A Sewer/sep~c sewlce line 25'+ Curteln drain NONE KNOWN F. COMMENT'8 On adjacent lots 100'+ On adjacent lots 100'+ Public sewer manhole/cieanout Ho~olng lsilk N./A SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Bulldlng foundalion 5'+ Property line, 5'+ Water main N/A Water ~ervlce line, 10'+ Wells on adjacent lots 10o'+ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line 10'+ Building foundation 10'+ Water ~ervlce line 10'+ Surface water 100'+ Wells on adjacent Iote. 100'+ Ab~oq~on field, 5'+ Surface water. 100'+ Driveway, pertdngNehlcle storage 50'+ Water main G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I cerSfy that I have deten~lned through field InspecSons end re? of Municipal records that the above systems are In conron~ance with MOA HAA guidelines in eEect on this dale. Englnee~ Pdnted Name JEFFREY A. 0ARNESS ~~.~.;;~.:-..~ Date of Payment~ Receipt Number ~HH Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number ~Y-25-01 13:29 Fl~kF- ,j~__~ CT&E Environmental Services Inc. T-089 P.02/03 F-S4Z CT&I: Ref.~ Client Name Project Name/~ Client Sample ID Matdx Ordered By PWSID 1012835001 A]~ Water & WasteWatcr Consultants Inc. L 5: B 1 propect Heighzs S/D I~: BI Prospect Heights S~D Drinking Water Sample P, tmatks: ~ar. erS Depa~:tnont: Nittate-N 2.5S PQL 0.500 Units Client Print ed l~te/l'in~ 05/25/2001 12:27 ColleetedDatefflme ' 05/23/2001 12:15 Rect4ved Date/Time 05/23/2001 15:01 Tedmlcnl Director Stepheu C. Releated Allowable Prep Aflstysis Limits Date Da~e Init mg/L. EPA 300.0 05/23/ol SCL l~:Lcs:obiologY ~,abot&t:ory Total Coliform I OB, Ho Coli col/lOOmL SMI8 9222B 05/23/01 ICAP MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF ~LTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR ~ALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. General Information Application Date January 21~ 198~ (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision~ sebtion, towmship, far, ge) Lot 5, BK l, Prospect Heights #4; Sec° 13, T12N, R3W, SoM. Location (address or directions) 10001 Siderof Lane (b) Applicants Name Daryl Hallquist Telephone - Hom~63-3620Business 563-3620 Applicants Address__..~.O. Box 4-D~ 4nchoraze~ AK 99509 (c) Applicant is (check one) Lending Instltu~ion ~; ~ner/builder .~; Buyer~ $ Other~(explain); (d) Lending Institution _ Rainier Bank Alaska Telephone 276~8080 Ad~ss 550 W 7~ Anchora~e~ AK 99505 (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent N~ne Address (f) Telephone Mail the HAA to the following address: Hold For Pickup 2. ~y~e of Residence Single-Family~-~.. Number of Bedrooms 3o WaterSu_~_~ Multi-Family~ 4 Other (describe) Individual Well ~ Community ~-~ Public ~--~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to ~he legality and status. 4. Sewage Dis osal Onsite~ Public~ Community~ Holding Tank~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and sgatus. [Page 1 of 2] Name of Firm Address En$ineering Firm Providin$ Inspec~ions~ Tes~s~ File Search, Data and Information As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify tha~ my investigation of. this Health Authority Approval show~ that the on-site water supply and/or ~mstewater disposal system is safe, functional ~d adequate for the number of bedrooms and ~ype of structure~ indicated herein.- I fu~=her verify ~hat, based on the information obtained from the Mmni¢ipali=y of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewmter disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- ~ion~ in effect on the date of this inspection. Alaska Soil Testing and Engineering Telephone 561-7453 6100 A Street~ Anchorage, AK 99502 ~..~. January 21~ 1985 :' nSm? f_A_p roval Approved for _~ bedrooms Approved ~ Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional CAUTION TEE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTE AND ENVIROh2~--NTAL PROTECTION (DHEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED SOLELY UF3N THE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGRAPH 5 ABOVE BY AN INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN TRE STATE OF ALASKA. THE DHEP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES AND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIRE- MENTSo EMPLOYEES OF DHEP DO NOT CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE IS NOT RESPOh'SIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S WORK. (DHEP SEAL) RR4/eJ/D18 [Page 2 of 2] 7-19-84 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRU3~RY 1984 Well Classification individual Well Log Present (Y/N) Y Total Depth 17~' Cased to Static Water Level 15' (Well log) Casing Height Above Grcund 2.5' Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Y Sepa=ation Distances f~om Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot 117' To Nearest Edge of Abs°~Ption Field on Lot To Nearest Public Sewer Line t00+ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHO~[~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: Legal Description: Lot ~ %-~k~ ~! ~rr~pec% Heights #4~ Sec. 13~-T12I~~.~I.[~ If A, B, c~ C, D.E.C. ~p~o~d(Y~) ~te ~leted 6-3-84 Yield 5Y~ GPM ( Well log) 175' ~pth of ~outin~ N/A~ ~ ~t At 150' Sanit~y ~al on ~sing (Y~) Y~ ~ession ~ound ~l~ead (Y~) N~ Cleancut/Manhole 100+ ft. To Nearest Sewe~ Service Line onLot Water Sample Collected By Mark Holum, P.E. ; Date 12-3-84 Water Sample Test Results Satisfactory (Water Quality Analysis At~ached) C~nts New Construction ; On Adjoining Lots 100+ ft. 125 ft. ; On Adjoining Lots 100+ ft. To NearestPublic Sewer 92 ft. B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed 6-27-84 Size 12~0 gal (~nsp.N.o. of Cc~t/nents 2 (Insp. Rept.) Standpipes (Y/N) Y Aid-tight Caps (Y/N)Ret)y p ' Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Y Depression ove~ Tank (Y/N) N Date Last Pumped N/A~ (New installation) Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) N/~ ; for Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) N/t~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances f=om Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well 117 ft. To Property Line 85 ft. To Water Mai~Se~vice Line 53 ft. Course 100+ ft. To ~ilding Foundation 29 ft. To Disposal Field 8 ft. (Insp. Rept.) To Stream, t~nd, r~ke, c~ Mmjor E~aina~ Counts Receipt ~ Date Paid: Amount: [Page 1 of 2] 2-15-84 Ce ABSORPTION FIELD DATA/ Soils Rating in Absorption Strata 125 ft2/bdrm Date .Installed 6-2?-84 Width of Field 3 ft. 660 £t2 square Feet of Absorption A~ea Depression over Field (Y~) N Results of Last AdeqUacy Test__ Separation Distance f~cm Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well 125 £%o To P~ope~ty Line 10e To Building Foundation 37 £%. To Existing or Abandoned System cn Lot N/.~.~ ; On Adjoining Lots 100+ fro To Water Main/Se:vice Line 61 £t. To Cutbank(~_if present) 90 ft~ To St~eam/Pond/Lake/c~ Majo~ D~ainage Course !00+ ft TO Driveway, Parking Area, c~ Vehicle Stc~age Area 67 ft. COiN.£~, ntS Type of System Design Trench Length of Field _ll~O ft. ~ ft.) Depth of Field l_2~/z ft+Insulated and mounde, d Gravel Bed Thickness 3 ft, -- Standpipes Present (Y/N). y _ Date of Last Adequacy Test N/~ (~ew Installat.) D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons ,,p~p On,' Level at None Dimensions Manhole/Access ~(Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at High Water AlarmLevel at Tested~fo~ Electrical Codes(Y/N) Conments Vent !Y/N) -Pumping Cycles during AdeqUacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA on the date of this inspection. signed ~~/~~ Date January 21, 1985 Con~pany Alaska Soil Testing and EnEr..MOA No-~f~r~ 2 g o KB1/d5/s [PaOe 2 of 2] 2-15-84