HomeMy WebLinkAboutROCKHILL BLK 2 LT 18Rockhill
Block 2
Lot 18
Development Services Department Phone: 907-343-7904
On-Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997
Pump Installation Log
Well Drilling Permit Number: _______________ Date of Issue: ____-____-____
Parcel Identification Number: ____-____-____
Legal Description Block Lot Property Owner Name & Address:
Pump Installation Date: _____-_____-_____
Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: __________ feet
Pump Manufacturer’s Name: ___________________________ Pump
Model: _____________________________________
Pump Size: ____________hp
Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: _________ feet
Pitless Adapter Manufacturer’s Name: _________________________
Pitless Adapter Installer: ____________________________
Well Disinfected Upon Completion? XX Yes No
Method of Disinfection: _____________________________
Pump Installer Name: __________________________________
Company: ___________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________
City: ___________________ State: __________Zip: _________
Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to On-site within 30 days of pump installation.
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and Human Services
: Division of Environmental Services
On-Site Services Section 825 'L' Street Room 502
995t 9-6650
P.O. Box 1~3650 Anchorage.
www.cl.anchorage,ak.u$ (907) 343-4744
Permit Number. ~-~000 ~ ~ PID Number.
N'"',.~O~,,.t ;' /...4.0.~ Pb~P~ WastewaterSyetem: I~New r-lUpgrade
~='"~.g30 ~. 85't2/9~'. '4~'~'.~.-%T0'7 ABSORPTION FIELD
Well: ~ New I'-I Upgrade c,,.v~ ~ ~'~ FI, J ~
SEPARATION DISTANCES ~ Septic r'] Holding I-I $.T.E.P. [-I Other:,
Tank Field Station Tank Sewe~ L~e //~/~C/-~/3~ ~.O'-
S<./.c~W~.L~Um 7SO~t.~¢t '~"~'}3; "-~_ ~ ~ s~. c~ ,,..u.~,.,.MFT STATION
..~ ~Tcr~.-.~ I~.S;'v%~..uO pc,,r~_. BENCH MARK
Engin. eeffa Stamp.
~,'n~,.,. o.., ~..,-,_ .4s-~.,,,-7 ¢ (.~---,-,,,-.+T...J D~*~'~r',5 .~.~'../e,I /~".~'.~&
,?,7'~ / }/~.~.
Inspections performed by: To(~ne,J ~"P--,,e.~,.4-,/3 Dates: 1"~ '~'//~
2" .5--.//'.7 t'.---~.
Department of Health and Human Services approval
Reviewed and approved by: .~~, ~"/ Date: I".~.,q-.'Ol
Technical Field Services
PO Box 215 llealy, Alaska 99743
Legal Description/Owner: Lot 18, Block 2, Rockhill Subdivision/Susie and Larry Phelps
Performed By: Tobben Spurkland, PE
Date Performed: 5117100
Test llole #:
,fixed Gravel and Clay
3 *See site map for hole location
Depth to
Groundwate Date
Dry 511710~
Dry 511810C
Silty sand
[)ale Reading Clock Time Net Time Water LevelNet Drop
17-May-0{~ Presoak 10:30 18
Add water
and start 3:30 9
4:10 0:40 5 5/8 3 3/~
Set #2 4:10 5 5/8
4:40 0:30 2 1/4 3
;et #3 4:40 6
5:10 0:3C 2 I/2 3 I/2
Set#4 5:10 6
5:40' 0:30 2 7/8 3 1/8
Percolation Rate: 9 (mln/in)
13 Hole Dim 6 in ~"~;'"~",~
-, ~, ,'~'Q3"'?.-. ......... ..'7 ~'~
Top of hole: ~c,t n .~7- ~,~,,,~'"'x ~.,,.''''ex , ,e~.7 '-.'T' '"'":"- %" ~ ' '"
~4 nase of hole: o.~ ,, ,.,Z;.~:...,-,,X j. ~, I ~X~' '":,.'~"'
15 )ca gravel ~ ..,,,,..A~gT.,,; ...................
BOll at 15 ¥, ''~ % O..n'~l Cb}r ss Graham
Comments: Pete test was performed on the more confining silty sand layer rather than~JPffa.yer ~Vadlibl~ .%-.. ,',
with a faster pete rate for conservative design purposes. '-'. :,,.,,¢-"--..."- : ... ..'" ". ~' '..,
Performed by Tobben Spurkland: I, Dan Graham, on behalf ofT. Spurkland, certify that this test was performe
in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on the date the test was performed.
Department of Health & Human Services
On-Site Sewer/Well Permit Application ~:~)-~'
NOT~: A~.k~ on mu~t be I~lled out ¢~np~et~y
Property Owner Name
Mailing Address_ ~930 L=. E-o'~-~ ~)~cr' ~
Legal Description
Day Phone
· Zip Code _
LotSizeS~_ot.I Acres~) Number of Bedrooms '~
Inspections ~11 be conduced by: ~ Approved Engln~fing Fi~ ~ Municipali~ (pe~it fee included)
D~s your house ~n~in any of ~e following: ~ HotTub ~ S~mming p~l ~ ~empy p~l ~ Jacu~i, ~ Water ~ffener Unit
~ls appli~fion Is fo~ ~ Sewer On~ ~Sewer and Well ~ Sewer Upgrade
~~. I ~er ceffi~ ~at
I ~~', ~=~' ' ~
In a~o~ance ~ appli~ble Municip~ ~es.
[:]Well Only []Water Storage
pmpert'/Ovmer/Well D~
= Receipt il__
= Receipt I __
- Pem~it II
Technical Field Services
Daniel C. Graham, PE
PO Box 215
llealy, Alaska 99743
(907) 683-2480
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and iluman Services
Environmental Services Division
On-Site Services
PO Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
January 1,2001
Request for Certificate to Operate
Water and Wastewater System
Lot 18, Block 2 Rockhill Subdivision
Enclosed is information for your review for the above supply water and wastewater disposal system. The
following information includes:
· On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and Well Inspection Report
· Copy ofwell log (you should have received this from the well driller)
· As-built survey conducted by R.L. Button, Registered Land Surveyor
· Certified As-built cross section from notes by T. Spurkland, PE
· Required fee ($300)
In addition to the plan survey, I hereby submit the following swing-tie table for your records. Mr. Button located
the monitor tubes, well and clean-out pipes via standard survey methods, llowever, I have included these for
your records. They match up with the submitted drawing.
To/From A B C D
I 16 33.5
2 22 38
3 83 94
4 19.5 19.5
Well 46 51
I apologize for the long delay in this submital. Please feel free to contact me at 683-9719 or Tobben Spurkland,
supervising engineer at 279-3916 if you have any questions.
Respect full,Submitted,
Daniel C. Graham, PE
Municipality of Anch_o.rage
Department of Health and Human ~erv~ces
825 'L' Stm~ . '. · ' ....
· p;o.'Box i~r~ Anchorage,,~aska
~:~ .. ~M~....,~. ........ .
Pemit Number:. #$W000064 .l)aleof~,e'- 4- ~ 7-00 .par~ Idea tiflcaflo . Nmn be ~' 0 f 5'3 0 ~-3 0
Data Started: ~ Dale Compltqed: ~.1.00 Is well located at approved permlt location? [] ,Yes [] ~No
Property Owner Name & Addre~: Suzio & Larry Phelps
3930 E 80~ Ave.
Borehole D~rta:
Soil T~pe, Thldmesa & W~ S~rata
organic & ~
Gravelly silt
sil~y gra vel
gravelly stTt '
gravelly silt ? wet '
water send & gravel
Depth (fl) '
Fram - To ·
0 2
2 12
12 15
15 35
35 44
44 57
57 60
Method ofDrilling]~ a~r rot.,'u'y
Casing type: stud
Wall Tl~kness: ~025 inches
· Diameter: _~ inches Depth: 6._~0 feet
I~iner Type:
D~ameter: incl~s Depth:
Casing stiekup above ground: ~. feet
~] cabl~ tool
Static water level (from ground level): 44
Pumping level:'60 feet after
~ hours pt~,n,'mg 20+ gpm
Recovery Rate: 20+_ ~
Method of Testing:. airl~
· Well Intake Opening Type: ·
[] ~ End [] Open Hol~
[] Scr~'~ed Start , f~
[] perforatk~s. Start ~ Stopped feet
Grout Type: ~¢ntonite #8 VolUme."
· Depth: Stun_0 feet Stopped ± fro'
Pump: Intake Depth feet
Pump size . hp Brand Name
Well Disinfected Upon CompletiOn? [] yes [] NO
Method of Disinfection:. C/or/ne Tablets
· Comments:
Well Driller:.
Alpine DrilFmg &'Enterprises
' PO Box.If0496
· Anchorage AK 995f I
Attention: Thc w~l driller sEa~ p,-o-dde a v.~ll log to the property owner within 30 days ofcompletion and the property
Municipality of Anchor. age
Department of He 2a t. Lh. sa tHuman serv,ces
P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
PJ'Ck Mystrom htr p:l/www.cl.a nchorage.a k.us
Permit Number: #SW000064 Dateoflssue: 4-17-00 .parcel Identification aNamber: 015-362-30
Date Completed: 6-I-00. Is well located at approved permit location? [] Yes [] No
Date Starte~.: ~
Legal Descr~pt~o~t
Property Owner Name & Address: Suzie & Larry Phelps
3930 E 80~ Ave.
Ioreholc Data: Depth (ft)
Sell Type, Thickness & Wat~ Strata From · To
stick-up 0 2
organic & silt 2 12
Gravelly silt 12 15
silty gravel 15 35
gravelly silt 35 44
gravelly silt - wet 44 57
water sand & gravel 57 60
Rockhi# BIk 2 It 18
dUN 06 2000
Munlclpality of Anchorage
Dept. Health & Human Services
Method of Drilling [] air rotary 'r'l cable tool
Casing type: stoel
Wall Thickness: .025 inches
Diameter: 6 inches Depth: 60 feet
Liner Type:
Diameter: inches Depth:
Casing stlckup above ground: _2 feet
Static water level (from ground level): 44 feet
Pumping level: 60.feet aRer
_2 hours pumping 20+- gpm
Recovery Rate: 20+. gpm
Method of Testlng: airlift
Well Intake Opening Type:
[] Open End [] Open Hole
[] Screened Start feet Stopped
[] Perforations Start , feet Stopped
Grout Type: Bentonite # 8 Volume: I bff
Depth: Start _0. feet Stopped _+ feet
Pump: Intake Depth feet
Pump size hp Brand Name
Well Disinfected Upon Completion'?. [] Yes [] No
Method of Disinfection: Cledne Tablets
Well Driller:
Alpine Drilling & Enterprises
P 0 Box .110496
Anchorage AK 99511
Attention: The well driller sha~ provide a well log to the property owner within 30 days of completion and the property
Anchorage Recording Dlstrlct~ Alas t~. plat of reoord are not
Date ' Prepared by: ~ L. BUT~O~
Registered Land S~rveyor
2 1
h~o~t 000 OALLON
Irmm $ Barn1 Ho~e
/ /'~[PT1C TANK I N
~.1o ' I I '~=~.77
I ..or 18. Block 2. Rock I. GII $ul)d~:,.~'~
Measurements ore based on
F :~) Box 215
I' ~j,. AK 99743
installation inspection notes
b.v T. Spurkland, PE, CEO0-O007
Department of Health and Human Sen/ices
On-Site Sen/ices Program
825 L Street. Room 502
P.O, Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650
(907) 343-4744
Date Issued: Apr 17, 2000
Expiration Date: Apr 17, 2001
Permit Number:. SW000064
Legal Description: ROCKHILL BLK 2 LT 18
Design Engineer:. 0818 Daniel C. Graham, PE
Owner Name: Suzie & Larry Phelps
Owner Address: 3930 E. 80th Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99507-
Parcel ID: 015-362-30
Site Address: 006430 LIMESTONE ClR
Lot Size: 52061 SQ. FT.
Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3
This permit is for the construction of:
[] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy
[] Private Well [] Water Storage
All construction must be in accordance with:
1. The attached approved design.
2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska
Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ).
3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by coiling
(907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ).
4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather
must be either. A. Open and closed on the same day.
B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing.
Date: ~'~'~7/
Consulting Engineer
519 West Eighth Ave. #209
Anchorage, Alaska
The attached document represents engineering conducted under my
direct supervision for which ! bear primary responsibility.
Dan Renshaw has performed professional Civil Engineering Services
from offices in Anchorage, Alaska since 1969.
Technical Field Services
Daniel C. Graham, PE
PO Box 215
llealy, Alaska 99743
(907) 683-2480
I April, 2000
Municipality of Anchorage
Department of Health and tluman Services
Environmental Services Division
On-Site Services
PO Box 196650
Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650
Request for Approval to Construct
Water and Wastewater System
Lot 18, Block 2 Roekhill Subdivision
Enclosed is information for your review for the above supply water and wastewater disposal system.
The following information includes:
· Narrative in support of Application
· Results of Percolation testing (Including soil logs)
· Design Criteria used to establish design parameters
· Plan view of site
· Cross section Details of leach field design
· Copy of most recent lot survey by Mr. R.L.Button, RLS
· Standard construction specifications
· Required fee ($300)
Please feel free to contact me at 683-9719 or Dan Renshaw, supervising engineer at 276-3474 if you
have any questions.
1~ ~tted,
Daniel C. Graham, PE
Request for Approval to Construct
Lot 18, Block 2 Rockhill Subdivision
Page 2
Project Information
Description: This application is for a new water and septic system for a yet-to-be constructed private
residence. House plans call for a 3 bedroom house of standard wood-frame construction. Currently, a
house exists on easterly adjoining Lot 17; a permit has been issued for a proposed structure on westerly
adjoining Lot 19. Information from both of these structures has been considered in this design. No
structure exists on adjoining Lot 26 to the south, nor could a plan or permit for any development be
Larry and Suzie Phelps
Anchorage, AK
(907) 344-7294
Contact regarding project approval:
Dan Graham, PE
Technical Field Services
PO Box 215
Healy, AK 99743
(907) 683-9719
Dan Renshaw, PE
Anchorage, Alaska
(907) 276-3474
Percolation Testing
On September 6, 1998, on-site testing was conducted in the area that was tentatively planned for
installation ora wastewater system. (Work had been conducted the previous day on the adjoining Lot 19
by Mr. Jeff Garness, PE, Alaska Water and Wastewater Consultants, Inc.) For this project, two test holes
were excavated to a depth of 13.0 and 13.5 feet, respectively, at test hole locations I and 2 as shown on
the accompanying site plan. The soil logs for these holes are also attached (photos of the holes can be
made available upon request). A 2 foot gravel layer was revealed in both holes starting at depths of
between 3.5 and 4.5 feet. To ensure the long term function ofthe proposed system, the more confining
sand and silt layers below the gravel were tested to determine proper field sizing. In test hole !, a
percolation test hole was placed in the silty sand to sandy silt layer below the gravel at a depth of 8 feet.
This produced a percolation rate of 8 minutes per inch. This agrees quite well with the adjoining Lot 19
Test hole #2, which had a percolation rate of 9 minutes per inch in similiar strata. A second percolation
test hole was located in a silty sand and produced a percolation rate of 27 minutes per inch, matching
more closely with hole #1 on Lot 19, which had a rate of 20 minutes per inch. As the desired drain field
location has tended closer to hole #1 from this testing ( 8 mirdin) and hole #2 on Lot 19 (9 mirdin),
coupled with the fact that these percolation rates are in the middle to lower end of the published 6-15
Request for Approval to Construct
Lot 18, Block 2 Rockhill Subdivision
Page 3
mirdin range used by the municipality, an application rate of 0.8 gallons per day per square foot of field
area wasselected.
Both excavations encountered no water during excavation. A l-inch monitor pipe was placed in each
test hole prior to backfilling. These were checked 1 week after testing and remained dry. Surrounding
well logs show groundwater to be at a depth of near 50 feet.
Project Design Criteria
The following is a listing of the design steps and criteria used along with the final field sizing:
Wastewater application rate:
Application rate for design:
Minimum initial absorption area:
Depth to top of drain field:
3 BDR ~ 150 GPD/BDR = 450 gallons per day
0.8 GPD/Sq. Ft.
563 Sq. Ft.
4 feet
Depth to base of drain field: 7 feet
Allowance for pipe and gravel cover: 0.5 feet
Effective gravel depth: 2.5 feet (30 inches)
Published reduction factor for depth: 0.64
Drain field minimum width used:
Initial drain field length:
Corrected drain field length:
Designed drain field length:
Final effective absorption area:
5 feet
112.6 feet
72 feet
75 feet
586 Sq. Ft. > minimum area
Summary - the wastewater can be adequately handled by a wide drainfield excavated to a depth of 7
feet deep, 75 feet long and a width of 5 feet. This can be filled with 30 inches of+l/2" by -2.5 inch
washed drain rock up to a depth of 4.5 feet. Seventy feet of 4" perforated drain pipe will be placed on
· top ofthis and another 6 inches of drain rock added to cover the pipe. After a filter cloth is placed over
the drain field, the excavated soil can be replaced and mounded. This should provide in excess of 4 feet
of cover over the top of the field.
Other factors that were considered in the design:
Separation distances from adjoining wells, leach fields and lot lines - the Site Plan shows that all
separation distances have been met and no waivers are being requested.
Topography - The area has no ground slope that needs to be considered for field sizing and design.
Surface and Groundwater - As stated earlier, no groundwater was encountered and indications are that
the top of the groundwater surface is near 50 feet below existing ground. No surface water were visible
on this or the adjoining lots.
Technical Field Services
PO Box 215 llealy, Alaska 99743
Legal Description/Owner: Lot 18, Block 2, Rockhill Subdivision/Susie and Larry Phelps
Performed By: D.C.Graham, PE
Date Performed: 9/6/98
Test Hole #: I *See site map for hole
Depth to
Groundwate Date
Dry 9/6/98
Dry 9/16/98
GC - Mixed Gravel and Clay
~' Silty sand
Date Reading ClockTime ,lelTime WaterLevel NetDrop
06oSep-98 Presoak 11:55 8 I/4
Add water 3:55 7 7/8
and start 4:25 0:30 I I I/2 3 5/8
Set #2 4:25 7 13/16
4:55 0:30 II I/2 3 II/l~
Set #3' 4:55 8 1/4
5:25 0:3~ II 9/16 3 5/16
*Bad Reading
;et#4 5:25 7 1/16
5:55 0:30 l0 3/4 3 Il/16
,, gravel
, Silty sand
ML/SM - Silt, Sandy silt
BOll- 13.0
Percolation Rate: 8 (min/in)
tlole Dia: 6 in
Top ofhole: 8 ft
Base ofhole: .8.5 R
Comments: Perc test was performed on the more confining silty sand layer rather than GP layer available
with a faster perc rate for conservative design purposes.
Performed by Technical Field Services: I, ~ ~Z~h,~4'--., certify that this test was performed
in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on the date the test was performed.
Man. Tube CO
~ of Ex~avation 0
3bric to cover drain rock
Drain rock to be +1/2' by -2 1/2'
Clean outs and Pipe between tank and bed
to be 4' Dia D-3034 Non-perf
DisstribuUon pipe to be 4" Dia F-180 Perf. Pipe
Monitor tube to be perforated in drolnfield exposure
Length of drainfield to be 75' minimum
Width of drolnfield to be 5' minimum
Sect;on Detans
Lot 18. Block 2. Rock Hill Subdivision
WkJe Dralnt~mld
Technical Field Services I Scale** NA
PO Box 215
Heel),. AK 99743 Dr. By. DCG
April 1. 2000
Technical Field Services
PO Box 215 Healy, Alaska 99743
Legal Description/Owner: Lot 18, Block 2, Rockhill Subdivision/Susie and Larry Phelps
Performed By: D.C.Graham, PE
Date Performed: 9/6/98
Test tlole #: 2 *See site map
SC - Mixed Gravel and Clay
Depth to
Groundwate Date
Dry 9/6/9~
Dry 9/16/9[
3 2-4.5
SP/SM - Grey Silty sand
Sandy gravel
8 SP/SM - Grey Silty sand
8.5-I 1.5
SP - silty sand, dry
Date Reading ClockTimc qctTimc WaterLevel %tDrop
06-Sep-98 Presoak I 1:50 6 5/8
Add water
and start 3:50 6
4:20 0:30 7 I/4 I I/4
Set #2 4:20 6 I/8
4:50 0:30 7 I/4 I I/ii
Set #3 4:50 6
5:20 0:30 7 I/8 I I/~
Percolation Rate: 27 (mtn/in)
12 tlole Dia: 6 in
11.5-13.5 Top ofhole: 8.5 ft
13 MtYSM - Silt, Sandy silt Base of hole: 9 ft
BOllat 13.5
Comments: Perc test was performed on the more confining silty sand layer rather than GP layer available
with a faster perc rate for conservative design purposes.
Performed by Technical Field Services: I, ~ ~,..rvgO4~ , certify that this test was performed
in accordance with all State and Municipal guidelines in effect on the date the test was performed.
It ~s'lhe responCbility of the owne¢ or ~lldeto
prior 1o construction, to verify propa~cl b,mildlng
gro~o relollve to finish~ OrO~ on~ ~ii~ Con-
Prepared by: /?' £' BUTTON
Brasl or Aluminum caP~ed monumenl
0 Iron pipe and/or rebar recovered
2 x2 hub & tack recovered
· 5/8"x~0" rebor set this survey
Anchoroge Recording District, Alaska
Scale Date
Registered Land Surveyor
Consulting Engineer
519 West Efghth Ave. #209
Anchorage, Alaska
The attached document represents engineering conducted under my
direct supervision for which I bear primary responsibility.
Dan Renshaw has performed professional Civil Engineering Services
from offices in Anchorage, Alaska since 1969.
Technical Field Services
PO Box 215
tlealy, AK 99743
Standard Construction Specifications
(See attached relevant section of Anchorage Municipal Code 15-55)
Wastewater Disposal System
I. The scope of the project consists of installing ASTM D3034 (PVC) or ASTM D2661 (ABS) 4'
diameter pipe from the foundation area to a new 1000 gallon 2 compartment septic tank, which is also
a part of this project. The pipe shall be set at a grade no less than ¼" per foot. In addition, similar pipe
shall be run at a grade no less than 1/8" per foot from the tank outlet to a wide bed drain field as
depicted in the approved design, which is also part of thls project.
2. Construction shall be as depicted on the appruved site plan and deslgn drawings. Minordeviations
from these drawings may be allowed or required by the engineer conducting the inspections. All
construction procedures and material specifications shall conform with the Municipal and State
3. The contractor shall be responsible to obtain the necessary utility locates, and to work around any
buried utilities.
4. The contractor shall provide adequate cover material and rough regrading over all system components
to ensure that proper drainage is achieved after settlement and that there are no residual depressions.
Insofar as possible the contractor shall minimize damage to trees and existing lawn areas.
5. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the homeowner shall be responsible for finish grading after the
soil is compacted, as well as placement of topsoil and seeding all areas disturbed by the construction.
Septic Tank:
I. The new 1000 gallon, 2 compartment septic tank shall be Municipality approved and shall be set level
on undisturbed soil. Each compartment shall be equipped with a water tight manhole cover an a 4"
clean-out. If the tank is buried less than 4 feet below final ground surface, it shall be insulated with 2
inches of appruved burial type, rigid insulation.
2. All pipe connections lo the tank shall be equipped with waterproof mechanical couplings. The waste
line from the residence to the septic tank shall have a minimum slope of ¼" per foot, and the waste line
from the tank to the soil absorption system shall have a minimum slope of I/g" per foot. A clean-out
shall be installed greater than I foot but not greater than 5 feet from the foundation of the building. A
clean-out shall also be installed at any 90 degree bends, at each end of the drain field pipe, and a
double clean, out is required between the septic tank and the drain field.
Soil Absorption System:
I. The soil absorption system (also referred to as the drain field) shall be constructed by excavating a
trench to a total depth of 7 feet below original ground level in the vicinity of test hole #1, This depth
may be altered pending results of the post.excavation inspection (see below).
2. The bottom of the excavation shall be level. Any compacted or smeared surfaces shall be raked to
allow for proper infiltration. Sand for leveling or serving as filter material shall comply with
Municipality specifications.
Technical Field Services
PO Box215
llealy, AK 99743
3. A total of 4 feet of approved sewer gravel shall be placed in the bottom of the excavation with the
perforated distribution line laid level such that the inverts are no less than 3.4 feet above the bottom of
the sewer gravel. Sewer gravel shall be +1/2" and -2 Va" screened rock, with less than 3% passing the
#200 sieve.
4. Monitor tubes and clean-out pipes shall be of 4" diameter and installed in the locations shown on the
design drawings. The portion of the monitor tube extending through the gravel shall be perforated.
5. Approved filter fabric shall be placed over the entire top surface of the sewer gravel. A minimum of 3
feet of soil is to cover the fabric.
6. The top surface of the cover material shall be raised a minimum of 12 inches above the surrounding
terrain to allow for settlement, and shall be graded to smooth contours. Fill slopes shall be no steeper
than 311:IV.
7. Unless specifically agreed otherwise the homeowner shall be responsible for arranging to have the site
finish graded after the backfill material has stabilized, and for placement of adequate topsoil and seed
to promote rapid revegetation of all areas diturbed by the construction.
I. A minimum of 4 engineering inspections will be required during the course of the project: (I) initlal
stake-out with the contractor to establish the location of the system and to discuss the plans,
specifications and construction procedures, (2) after the native material has been excavated to expose
the infiltrative surface to ensure that it is level, at the right elevation, uncompacted and conforms with
the soll log information, (3) after the sewer gravel is in place and the distribution pipes have been laid
and connected up to the septic tank, but prior to placement of filter fabric, and (4) after rough backfill
and grading is complete. The septic tank requires one inspection after it is set level and the piping is
connected, but prior to backfill. This inspection may be incorporated with any of the other 4
2. The installer shall coordinate the timing of the inspections with the angineer sufficiently far in advance
Io ensure availability of the engineer.
~nn FROM
P~e sewer line 25
Cum~ dr~ 2~
Sewer t~ ~e
~y so.ce of p~nti~
Solid waste hold~ 75
Sep~c abso~fio~eld ~ ~00
Sewer or
cle~out ~
~ feed lo~, shel-
:e~d cont~p~ent
~%%11 drilling. The commercial drilling of a
well and subsequent recompletion/deepening op-
eration shall be performed by a licensed well
driller. Any drilling method used in the construc-
tion of a well shall meet the following require-
1. The ground surface surrounding the well
for at least ten feet shall be sloped or
contoured to allow surface water to dra~n
away from the well.
2. The well driller shall exercise reasonable
care during excavation or drilllng opera-
tion to prevent contamination to any aqui-
3. Organic drilling fluid may be used only ff'
the fluid is approved for that use by the
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) or
by an equivalent org..ization; these flu-
ids ~re listed in NSF Stendard 60 and
NSF Standard 61 and in associated prod-
uct listings described in these two stan-
4. Waterused in the ck4111~g process sh~11 be
obtained from a source providing potable
5. Water wells sh~ll be drilled and cased
with non.perforated pipe to a minimum
depth of 40 feet in unconsolidated mate-
rials such as sand and gravel. In cases
where bedrock is encountered before the
~.~mum depth, the casing shall be driven
and sealed at least three feet into bedrock
or to casing refusal, except where the
d~lllng contractor or property owner has
obtained a written variance from this
provision from the department. Such vari-
ance shall be granted only upon a finding
by the department that the construction
permitted under the variance will be sound
and will not materially reduce the purity
and safety of the water supply.
D. Well casing. All casing installed shall be of
steel in new or Like new condition free of pits or
bre~1~ or of the material best suited for this
purpose available through the highest state of
modern technology. The following wall thickness
shall be used, except that all casing greater than
the nominal size of six inches shall have a wall
thickness of at least 0.250 inches:
4 4.50 0.237
5 5.50 O.244
5.5 6.00 0.245
6.125 (6Va~) I 6.625 (6~/s~) 0.250
Joints. All casing joints shall be screw-
coupled or welded and shall be water
tight. If welded joints axe used, the weld
shall be at least as thick as the thickness
of the well casing.
Grouting. Grouting the outer ~--ular space
is necessary to prevent shallow non-
potable water or surface waters from eh-
ter~g into a potable water aquifer. All
wells shall be grouted with bentonite slurry
or granules as follows:
a. From the pitless adapter level to at
least ten feet below the pitless adapter
installation; or
Supp. No. I~L~. 1
AMC 15.55--6
b. From the pitless adapter level three
feet into bedrock or to casing refusal
if bedrock is encountered at a depth
of 15 feet or less; or
c. From the surface to a minimum of 20
feet below the surface.
3. Pitless adapters. When installed, pitless
adapters shall be one of the types ap-
proved by the department.
4. Well ce, zing stick up. All well casing shall
extend a minimum of 18 inches above the
natural ground surface with the ground
sloped to drain away from the casing.
5. Well seal. The top of the casing shall be
closed with a sanitary seal of a type ap-
proved by the department.
6. Drive shve. When the casing is driven or
otherwise forced into the well bore, the
bottom of the casing shall be protected
from damage by the use of a drive shoe or
mechanical device.
7. Perforating or slotting, perforating or slot-
ting cf the casing utilized for the purpose
of allowing water to enter the well from
water bearing aquifers encountered above
the bottom cf the casing shall not extend
higher than 40 feet below the ground
surface, unless it meets the requirements
of subsection 15.55.060.C.5.
E. Minimum water well production and test-
ing. If the minimum sustained rate of production
and recovery of a well is less than 150 gallons per
day per bedroom as determined by a well yield
test and/or recovery test, water storage facilities
shall be installed.
1. Well yield testing. A well yield test shall be
performed by a licensed well driller or
pump installer er a registered civil engi-
neer or a hydrogeologist. The well yield
test shall be performed by bailing, air
lifting or by pumping. The well yield test
shall accurately determine the well's sus-
tained productivity from test data includ-
ing but not limited to static water level,
pumping water level, drawdo~a rate, re-
covery rate or any other information use-
ful in determining the sustained produc-
lng rate. If the well's initia~
product'ion rate is less than 1.U.
per minute, the department may re~.
additional testing by alternative methoc~
F. Well disinfection. Wells shall be dis/nfected~-
in accordance with this subsection as follows:
New or deepened wells. Immediately after
completion of d.~lling or deepening wells,
the well shall be disinfected. After the
well has been flushed of drill cut'tings,
apply a chlorine compound proportioned
to provide a concentration of at least 50
ppm as free chlorine to the entire volume
of water in the well bore. The chlorine
shall be introduced into the well in a
manner which will distribute it through-
out the entire water depth. Allow the
chlorinated water to remain in the well
undisturbed for at least 24 liours.
2. Hydrofractured or re.developed wel~. ~2(de
redeveloping or hydrofracturing wells and
insofar as possible, a free chlorine resid-
ual in the well of at least five ppm shall be
3. Pump work. On completion of pump in-
stallation work, a chlorine compound pro-
portioned to provide a concentration of at
least 50 ppm as free chlorine to the entire
volume of water in the well bore shall be
applied. After chlorine is introduced, wa-
ter sh~ll be circulated in the well so that it
reaches all parts of the pumping equip-
ment, inside and out and the chlorinated
water shall be allowed to remain in the
well for at least ! hour.
4. Flushing. After the required disinfection
time has expired the well shall be flushed
of ail chlorinated water before being placed
in service. If the chlorinated wa~er must
be discharged d/rectly to a sensitive re-
ceiving environment, the chlorine shall be
neutralized before discharge.
G. Well identification. All wells shall be la-
beled with a durable form of construction infor-
mation upon completion. The construction infor-
mation source shall be secured to the well casing
and contain the following information:
1. The name of the drilling contractor;
Supp. No. I~L~. 1
AMC 15.55--7
2. The date the well was completed;
3. The total depth;
4. The total depth of casing;
5. The location and type of well completion;
6. Static water level below the top of the
?. Yield; and
8. Height of casing above fmlshed grade.
'H. Well logs and as.built. The licensed well
driller shall provide a well log to the property
owner within 30 days of completion of the well.
Within 60 days following the completion of the
well or drilling activity, the property owner shall
submit to the department a copy of the well log,
the results of other drilling activities conducted
under the permit, and an as-built drawing on an
8V2 by 11 inch sheet to a scale of not smaller than
one inch to 50 feet showing all data and informa-
tion shown on the site permit plan including the
location of the well and/or other drilling activities.
1. The well log shall include at least the
following pertinent information:
a. The property owner's name;
b. The legal description and street ad-
c. The method of ch-illlng (rotar); cable
tool, etc.);
d. A description, relative depth, and
thickness of each soil stratum pene-
trated from the ground surface to
the total depth;
e. The relative depth and thickness of
each water bearing stratum (aqul-
fer) penetrated;
f. The total depth drilled;
g. The length, diameter, wall thickness '
and type of casing used;
h. A description of the liner (if used)
and the length and setting depth;
i. The depth and number of perfora-
tions, (if any) in the casing and/or
j. The type and location of any screens
k. The static water level and drawdown
1. The well production test results in-
cluding the method of testing;
m. The dates of commencement and com-
pletion of drill~g operations;
n. The number and date of the well
drilling permit issu. ed by the dep~r~-
o. The name and address of the li-
censed well driller; and
p. A description of the method of disin-
fection process used upon comple-
tion of the well.
I. Water quality standards. Water used for
domestic purposes shall not contain concentra-
tions exceeding the following ratios:
l. Total coliform bacteria- 0 colon/es per 100
2. Nitrate - 10 mg per liter.
3. Other bacteria - 10 colon/es per 100 ml.
or permanently decommissioned in
2. Permanent~
md in-
the followin
a. Perforate th, g from the bottom
to within five land sur-
face, remove five feet, then
pressure ~gth.
b. and fill the
borehol clay, or
below ground level and
ing with a concrete m
Supp. No. },IA 1
AMC 15.55--8