HomeMy WebLinkAboutTALUS WEST BLK 2 LT 11Talus West Block 2 Lot 11 #01§-201-21  Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program, 4700 S. Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Page www. ci.anchorage.ak.us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number. ~ ~ (~OO ~-~-~ PID Number:. """" ,.~ /'% c,~r~,( Wastewater System: [] New [] Upgrade ~/Z; Y o 'T'~I~,z D,'~,~ ,,~. 9 '~.~'/~' ABSORPTION FIELD P~' 3'¥5.% ,,5'5' 3't9 ,~' c]o.o'r,.~o~ gSh~T~.~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION q. ~9 ~pp.~' ¥. ~" ~I, Well: ~O57'. E]New []Upgrade ~.8" SEPARATION DISTANCES [] septic [] Holding I-I S.T.E.P. e~tocy c/'¢ i, [] Other. Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Une [~ IO ¢~ C ~'/~_ w, IO-/ 1~.7 10'7 -- >'z~'. F, Io~r~lo-r-r s~..w~,, > ~¢o' ~c~' · ~r-.,o' ~/: LIFT STATION ¥ Fo~.,~ 2?? '~'(' ~2' -- ~3VB ~ ~,.,"~'~,~t ~q~ ~= I,F/ $/n. F~r~y ~.~-.,.~:.,,~ BENCHMARK i,~.c Ir.~llt,~ ;,, )g,o¢/,¢/¢ I~, Engineer's Stamp Inspections pedormed by: ~[~ ~cA ~c Dates: 1" 7/t~ 2~ 7/1~ Development Se~ices Department Approval (~ ,:~) ~ // -~ PERMIT NO: SW000223 PID NO: 015-201-21 SWING TIES: DRIVE PAGE 2 OF 2 LOT 11 BLOCK 2 NEW' "BIOCYCLE" AEROBIC TREATMENT UNIT FROM: COR."A" COR."B" COR."C" TO: BIOCYCLE "D" 30.5' 28' TR. M.T. "E" 66' 45.5' TR. M.T. "F" 80.5' 65' ' I TOP BAFFLE / FROM HOUSE DISCHARGE 'BIOCYCLE' TREATMENT UNIT NEW 66' LONG SOIL ABS. TRENCH WITH 3.0' GVL. BELOW DIST. PIPE ~ INV. .)i/ . X FILTER A~ORPTION TRENCH ELEV 95 0" SAND ~CKFILL FO~ INSU~TION ON ~EXTERIOR OF BICYCLE RESIDUAL BLUE ~D INS~N DISPOSAL D~INFIELD CROSS-SECTION NOT TO SCALE LOT 11, BLOCK 2, TALUS WEST S/D SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE AS-BUILT INSPECTION REPORT FLATTOP TECI INICAL SEI~VICES 14530 ECIIO STREET ANCI IOR. AGE, ALASKA 995 ]6 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY TFM JANUARY, 2000 FR0tl: C~RCEL F1F¢¥~C FRX H0. : ~ Oct. 24 2~ 1~4:l~Ptl P2 ~: ~ ~{C ~ ~ ~ ~ tg~:~ ~ ............. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA GE Department of Health and Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196550, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTE~NATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Jul 12, 2000 Expiration Date: Jul 12, 2001 Permit Number: SW000223 Legal Description: TALUS WEST BLK 2 LT 11 Design Engineer: 0019 Flattop Technical Services Owner Name: Jim Picard Owner Address: 4840 Talus Dr. Anchorage, AK 99516-2256 Parcel ID: 015-201-21 Site Address: 004840 TALUS DR Lot Size: 16740 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 4 Permit Bedrooms: 4 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage A~I construction must be In accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. mi requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: Date: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGLNEER[NG * ENERGY CONSERVATION & A.NALYSB TIIEODORE F. MOORE, P.E. 14530 ECHO ST. Pth (907) 345-1355 June 99, 9000 ANCHORAGE, ALAS KA 99516 M.O.A. DHHS P.O. Box 19-6650 Anchorage, AK 995 ! 9 Dear Sirs: The purpose ofthis letter is to provide the required design narrative in support ofour application for a permit to upgrade the wastewater disposal facilities on Lot 11, Block 2, Talus West S/D, located at 4840 Talus Drive. The existing soil absorption bed is no longer able to accept the wastewater !oad generated within the residence. Soils logs, perc test results, a site plan, design drawings and specifications are enclosed for your review. We are also requesting a lot line waiver allowing the proposed trench to be installed within 2 feet oftheeast property line common with Lot 12. Sincea holding tank presently serves Lot 12, granting of the requested waiver should have no effect on soil absorption systems on that lot.. The options for upgrading this septic system are limited by poor soil conditions, small lot size and extensive disturbed areas occupied by prior soil absorption systems. Soils in the vicinity of test holes # 2 and 2a were found to be unsuitable dense silt. Better soils were encountered in test hole #1, but even there the soil conditions were inconsistent. In an effort to maximize longevity ofthe system the proposed upgrade will include a "Biocycle" advanced treatment unit discharging into an oversized residual disposal trench. Provision have been made to allow periodic switching of the "Biocycle" effluent back to the present bed after it has had a chance to dry out and partially rejuvenate itself. The proposed residual disposal trench will be constructed in the vicinity of test hole # 1. As can be seen from the soil logs, the native material between 2 feet and 4 feet below ground level is silty sand with a measured perc rate of 5 minutes per inch. The overlying sandy loam also has a measured perc rate of 5 minutes per inch. Using a soil application rate ot'4.0 gpd/sq, fl. as called for in currently accepted guidelines for Category II Advanced Treatment Systems, this 4 bedroom residence requires an effective absorption area of(4 x 150)/4.0 = 150 square feet. The proposed 4.5-foot deep trench is designed for 3 feet of sidewall absorption between 1.0 and 4.0' below ground level. Although the theoretical required length is.only 25 feet in order to achieve the necessary 150 square feet of absorption area, the proposed design length is 60 feet in order to compensate for areas of less permeable sidewalls. The topography of the lot in the area of proposed construction is generally level, but starts to slope downwards at 5% - 10% near the ends ofthe proposed trench. The proposed project will have no significant impact on present or future water supply and wastewater disposal systems servihg adjacent properties, nor will it have any significant impact on reserved space-surface and subsurface, or on drainage. Please give me a call at 345-1355 ifyou have any questions on this submittal. Sincerely, Ted Moore, P.E. ew/---WELL t '' ~. TALUS DRIVE _. --", -~, / WELL--~ WELL~ ~ ' '- T.H. ! ', LOT 11 #2a ! BLOCK 2 ', , INSTALL ', , ~' ......... , v , LOT 12 LOT10 , , T.H. , / ~ BLOCK 2 BLOCK2 , ,I ~2 ~ / ) ' ~ ~, , , ~ ~ , ~HOUSE . ..~ I~ ' ' ~,{ ~ ~ '~ ~ / ~ /MT '. -. , ~) ~ ~d~~ I a ...~/ --.. , .:.- ~ ~.-'~X o~ ~ g. t~..... ~:~'~ ........ , .... --~ .... I ~ .o~ /~- I / ~ ~ : :// / ~ T.H. ~1~ I , ~ HOLDING TANK ~ ; '~ ~'-V:~::. ~--~ .......................... .......................... ............. '"-~' ...................................................... ,~;~; hL;~ .... X DISPOS~ TRENCH ~ LOT 8, LInC P~K S~ ,  (NO WELLS WITHIN 100') W. 3.5 G~. BELOW PIPE ~ ~.- ~"-~ -. ~- LOTll, BLOCK2, TALUS WEST SID .~,._ .... ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ SEPTIC SYSTEM UPG~DE ¢ .... " ..... ' ............ 4 ~ITE P~N Q, ~ .*HtODO,.. ~. ~OO~ ~ ~ ~OP~ClffilC~ SER~CES 1 INCH = 40 FEET i.~ .;..... .. ~ ~ 14~30 ECIIO S~ET D~WN BY TFM · 4:q~,; ........ · ~; ~' '~%~ NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SUR~YED P~T. ALL LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE ~PROXIMATE. 1 1/4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC DISCHARGE LINE TO NEW -- SOIL ABSORPTION TRENCH "BIOCYCLE" __ TREATMENT UNIT " DIA. D-3034 /-~INLET FROM DWELLING 4" DIA. 1:)-3034 :NT LINE FROM HOUSE ;OMPRESSOR DIST. PIPE. W 118" HOLES ~1 k. RESIDUAL 1 114' PVC LINEm I ,Y ii I"- DISPOSAL TOOLDBED 71 iii D. ,NnELD MONITOR //1 I :', I LIMITS OF ~CAVATION MONITOR TUBE 2' SOIL 2" RIGID INSULATION FILTER FABRIC DISCHARGE PUMP "BIOCYCLE" LEGEND: TREATMENT UNIT Q PRIMARY SETTLING CHAMBER Q /~I~TION CH/~BER Q CLARIFICATION CHAMBER ~ DISCHARGE CH~BER 1 114" SCHEDULE 40 PVC )ISCHARGE LINE TO SOIL ABSORPTION TRENCH ~---SAND OR GRAVEL BACKFILL INSULATION ON EXTERIOR OF BIOCYCLE BOARD INSULATION -- SAND LEVELING COUSE RESIDUAL DISPOSAL DRAINFIELD 1.25" DIA. PVC 118" HOLES SPACED 30" 1/2" - 2 1/2" SEWER GVL BOTi'O M OF EXCAVATION CROSS-SECTION LOT I 1, BLK. 2, TALUS WEST S/D SEPTIC SYSTEM UPGRADE PLAN AND CROSS-SECTION FLATTOP TECl EqlCAL SERVICES SCALE: 1" - 5' - O' 14530 ECllO STREET DRAWN' BY: TFM ANCI IORAGE, AK, 99516 .IUNE, 2000 q:fattop tI'ecfmica£Ser~ices 14530 ~_.c[io Street, Jlnc[iorage, JI~ 99516 {P~one (907) 345-1355 Lot 11, Block 2, Talus West S/D 4840 Talus Drive Wastewater disposal system installation Specifications 1.0 General: 1.1 The scope of the project consists ofabandonment of an existing septic tank and lift station and installation of a "Biocycle" aerobic treatment unit that discharges effluent into a 60-foot long soil absorption trench with an effective gravel depth of 3 feet. I.:2 Construction shall be as depicted on the approved site plan and design drawings. Minor deviations from these drawings may be allowed or required by the engineer conducting the inspections. All construction procedures and material specifications shall conform with Municipal and State requirements. Ail separation distances shall be in conformance with Municipal requirements, unless specifically waived. 1 .:3 The contractor shall be responsible to obtain any necessary utility locates, and to work around any buried utilities. 1.4 The contractor shall provide adequate cover material and rough grading over all system components to ensure that proper drainage is achieved at~er settlement and that there are no residual depressions. Insofar as possible the contractor shall minimize damage to trees and existing lawn areas. 1.5 Unless specifically agreed otherwise, the homeowner shall be responsible for finish grading after the soil is compacted, as well as placement oftopsoil and reseeding all areas disturbed by the construction. 2.0 Existing Septic Tank and Lift Station: 2.1 The existing septic tank and lift station must be properly abandoned by thoroughly pumping, removing the top and backfilling with soil. 3.0 "Biocycle' Aerobic Treatment Unit 3.1 The new 1500 gallon "Biocycle" aerobic treatment unit shall be manufactured, furnished and equipped by Pegasus Engineering in accordance with the Municipal and State approved design. 3.2 The contractor shall be prepare a suitable site for the "Biocycle" unit and install it as follows: The location of the unit shall be chosen to maintain a separation distance in excess of 100 feet from the well serving this lot and all neighboring private wells. The depth of the excavation for the "Biocycle" treatment unit shall be sufficient to allow connection to the 4" waste line leaving the house at a minimum slope of W' per foot, but no deeper than 8'-9" below finish grade in the vicinity of the unit. A cleanout shall be installed within 5 feet of the building foundation. All pipe connections to the "Biocycle" shall be equipped with waterproof mechanical couplings. The bottom of the excavation for the "Biocycle" treatment unit shall be carefully leveled and smoothed by the placement ora layer of clean sand. Two inches ofrigid, burial type, insulation with a minimum compressive strength of 30 psi shall be placed on the sand prior to installation ofthe "Biocycle" treatment unit. The space between the sidewalls ofthe excavation and the "Biocycle" unit shall be carefully backfilled with sand. The top of the manhole riser shall extend 4" above finish grade, and the final ground surface graded as necessary to provide surface drainage away from the "Biocycle unit. 3.3 The contractor shall be responsible to obtain the necessary electrical permit and inspections. 3.4 The control and alarm floats shall be set and their proper operation verified by the "Biocycle" supplier. The high level alarm shall be installed inside the residence at a location selected by the owner. 3.5 The discharge line from the "Biocycle" treatment unit to the soil absorption system shall be 1.25" dia. Sched 40 PVC. A second discharge line shall be installed from the "Biocycle" unit and connected into the existing soil absorption bed. Provision shall be made allowing future switching between discharge lines inside the "Bioeycle" unit. All pipe connections in the distribution system shall be glued, and the ends of all pipes capped. 4.0 Soil absorption system: 4.1 The soil absorption system shall be constructed by excavating a 60-foot long trench to a maximum depth of 4.5 feet below existing ground level at test hole # i. 4.2 The bottom of the excavation shall be level. Any compacted or smeared surfaces shall be raked to allow proper infiltration. Sand for leveling or serving as filter material shall comply with Municipal specifications. 4.3 A total of 3.8 feet of approved sewer gravel shall be placed in the bottom of the excavation with the perforated distribution pipes laid level such that the pipe inverts are no less than 3.5 feet above the bottom of the sewer gravel. Sewer gravel shall be 0.5" - 2.5" screened gravel, with less than 3% passing the #200 sieve. 4.4 Monitor tubes and cleanout pipes shall be of 4" diameter and installed in the locations shown on the design drawings. The portion ofthe monitor tube extending through the sewer gravel shall be perforated. 4.5 Approved filter fabric shall be placed over the entire top surface ofthe sewer gravel. A minimum of 2 feet ofsoil cover is to be placed over the filter fabric. Ifthe soil cover thickness is less than 3 feet, two inches of rigid, burial type insulation is to be placed over the entire top surface of the gravel, in addition to the filter fabric. 4.6 The top surface of the cover material shall be raised a minimum of 6 inches higher than the surrounding terrain to allow for subsequent settlement, and shall be graded to smooth contours. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1. 4.7 Unless specifically agreed otherwise the homeowner shall be responsible for arranging to have the site finish graded after the backfill material has stabilized, and for placement ofadequate topsoil and seed to promote rapid revegetation of all areas disturbed by the construction. 5.0 Inspections: 5.1 A minimum of 4 engineering inspections will be required during the course of the project: (1) initial stakeout with the contractor to establish the location of the system and to discuss the plans, specifications and construction procedures, (2) after the native material has been excavated to expose the infiltrative surface to ensure that it is level and at the right elevation, and conforms with the soil test information, (3) after the sewer gravel is in place and the distribution pipes have been laid and connected up to the septic tank, but prior to placement of insulation or filter fabric, and (4) after rough backfill and grading is complete. The "Biocycle" unit requires one inspection after it is set level and the piping connected, but prior to backfill. This inspection may be incorporated with any ofthe above inspections. 5.2 The installer shall coordinate the timing of the inspections with the engineer sufficiently far in advance to ensure the availability ofthe engineer. ITESTHOLEit ! LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: PERFORMED FOR: DEPTH ~ (feet) -- 4 7- 8- g- 10- 11 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Lot 11, Block 2, Talus West S/D May 30, 2000 Jim Picard SM Reddish sandy loam SLOPE SITE PLAN Depth to Groundwater Date See~_.~_._9' 5/30/00 '"rVV~{er at 8.6' 6116100 Clock Net Tlme Percometer Net Drop Date Reading T~ne (minutes) Reading (inches) 5/31 12'' Presoak 27 1/2 Start 2:41 23 3/8 #1 2-56 15 20~J18 3 AdcL~t' 2~'57 23-5/8 3~-12 15 20-578 3 Add water ;~:-'I 3 23 11116 #3 3~28 15 20-57'8 3 111~ SPISM Brown, somewhat silty sand indistinct transition MI/SM Gray-brown sandy silt Lenses of SP/SM to 8' PERCOLATION RATE 5 (minutes/Inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 8" TESTRUN BETWEEN 3.5 FTAND. 4.0 FT COMMENTS: Monitor tube instatled in separate hole dug 12' away because effluent ponded in the bed broke into and f~ooded the bottom of thi,%.t~t hole. Soil condi~9.EsJ/ery_gr~aW w~thj~3..shor~ diste~.~..~jg~r~;enW le~a~l_~s found even at the location of me monitor tube, PERFORMED BY FLATroP TECHNICAL SERVICES. I ~'-,..~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~"/ ~.~ / o~=, TEST HOLE# la I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: PERFORMED FOR: DEPTH -- (feet) -- 4 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- lo- 12- FLATTOP TECHNICAL SERVICES 14530 ECHO ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99516 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST Lot 11, Brock 2, Talus West S/D May 30, 2000 Jim Picard SM Reddish sandy loam aP/SM Brown, somewhat silty sand indistinct transition MI/SM Gray-brown sandy silt Lenses of SPISM to 8' SLOPE Depth to Groundwater Date ._.See~ 9' 5/30/00 -'VV~'ter at 8.6' 6/16/00 : : 15% 2nd perc test conducted in shallower stratum Clock Net Time Percometer Net Drop Date Reading T'me (minutes) Reading (inches) 5/31 12" Presoak 31 1/4 Start 2:40:30 27 #1 2~5~0 15 23 3/8 3 5/8 Add..~ater 2L56 27 #2 3;_11 15 ;23 7116 3 9/16 Add w___ater 3:J 2 2 7~'78 #3 3;27 15 23 1/2 3 5/8 PERCOLATION RATE 5 (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN. 1.0 Fl' AND 1.5 FT COMMENTS: Monitor tube installed in separate hole dug 12' away because effluent ponded in the bed broke into and flooded the bottom of this t~t, J10le. Boil coo~ljUo~s_yaqLgr~atfy_within short di~tances,_.~jgP. J~Jv least,nd v~s_f_~nd even at the location of the monitor tub~ PERFORMED BY FLATTOPTECHNICALSERWCES. I_~,,~--.. ~ CERTIFYTHATTHISTESTWASPERFORMEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUlDEUNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: PROPERTY OWNER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM This agreement, dated (,~/g/~ /r~.~ , 200~_, is made between the Municipality of Anchorage Departmen. t of Health and Humon Services (DHHS) and the property owner(s) of This agreement is made for the purpose of maintaining an on-site wastewater disposal system on the subject property. The property owner(s) agree to the following: The property owner(s) will have an annual inspection of the system performed by a registered professional engineer· This inspection shall verify that all effluent and air pumps, timers, and alarms are functioning as designed. Any deficiencies shall be corrected and the engineer's statement that the system is functioning as designed shall be filed annually with the DHHS. Property Owner Name Judicial District ~ ~ SS. On this /e~9 day of q~e ~4.A in the year eOt3~/'J before me, the~undersigned notary pO~,lic, persona, ll~ appearedI IS' /4 ~'tL~9~ ~own to me to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that be/she/they executed the same for the purposes therein contained. In witness whereof. I hereunt3x.set my ~icial seal. ~ t--,{ \ No~ry Public (signature~-- . s d/)o ,dot~ v-~ M~L. lx.I (Notary's printed name) My commission expires: ~ h~d and Mmficipality of Andlo age Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street R~ck Mystrom. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Mayor hltp:llwww.cl anchorage.ak.us July 12, 2000 Ted Moore Flattop Technical Services 14530 Echo St. Anchorage, AK 99516 Subject: Waiver Request for Talus West, Lot 11, Block 2 Waiver Request #WR000047 Parcel ID #01 $-201-21 Dear Mr. Moore: Your request for a waiver of the required 10 feet horizontal separation from the on-site wastewater disposal system to property line has been approved. The approved separation distance is 2.0 feet. This waiver approval applies to the existing on-site wastewaterdisposal system to property line separation only. Any future upgrade to the on-site wastewater disposal system will require all separation distances be met or another approval from this department. If there are any further concerns or questions regarding this waiver, please call our office at 343-4744. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Water Quality Program WR#: WR000047 PID~: 015-201-21 Date Received: July 3r 2000 Legal Description: Talus West~ Lot 11r Block 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Waiver Review Worksheet HA#; Engineer:. Flattop Technical Services 14530 Echo St.~ Anchorage~ AK 99516 Applicant: Jim Plcard Waiver Requested: 2 foot lot-line waiver Perrnit~: Cdteria: 1. 2. Special Conditions: 3. Other:. Geology A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation Points: Total: Waiver is Granted: List Condi§ons or Reasons for above: ,qT P 3'U,uz Waiver is not Granted: Rec~: 06669 Amount: $115.00 By: ~)~/ Name of Reviewer Date Paid: June 30~ 2000 · - ' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name · ..~,~ ~l~/'t~ DISTANCES Ad~ ~ TANK FIELD WELL Phone(s) Permit No. No. of ~ed.~oms WELL /~ I LEGAL ~ESCRIPTJON LOT LINE /O }ownship, Range. Section ~ ~3~ ~ ~ Aa-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well, sepUc system, p(ope~y lines, foundation. driveway, water bodies, etc.) TANKS ~ ~ SEPTIC/~/~ ~ HOLDING Manufacturer Capacgy in gallons ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' Matodal ~o. oI Comoa~ments ~ ~l TYPE OF SYSTEM ~ TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER Depth [o pipe botlom from Total depth kom o~iginal grade orlginal grade 0'~ -~,~FT ~ '~ FT Fill added above original grade Gravel depth ~neath pipe Gravel leng{h G~avel width Number oHi.os So~l raUng ~ipe ma,erial WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER (Identify) Cla.ification (A,B,C) Tmam Depth FT Cased to Installer Date Installed: FT REMARKS: ~, ~ /~. ~onicipal and State guidelines in efle~, date: ~ ~ 72-013 (3/85) Depaptmen'L o£ Health & Human Se, r~vices 0 N '-o o I T E ¢* o E W E R P E R M I T Per'mit 1'4L~mbep: 880159 Upgrade Date Issued: 081:['.:.5/88 Engineer, Designed Owner. Narae= J~MES F:'ZC~RO Ownel- Addpess: 4840 TALUS DRIVE ANCHORAGE~ AK 99507 Day Phone: 7c~6 --'~:. 7..:.6 F'ai*c:el Id: 015-201.-.27.1 Lot. L,.egal: Sul;:~divisic)rl: TALUS WEST SUBD,, [...et." 11 Section~ ¢5]2 Township: 12N Range: 3W I.ot E~ize 17240 (sq. ¢'L. cap att'es) Max Bedrc~oms:~ This Permit: 4 T'otal Capacity: 4 Bio,z[.'..",=..o septic tank I::apacJ.'Ly: i,~='- gallons. J.I]SLlla'k. :i.C~l"l ¢3Vel" 'Lank D~p~.li to top of Each se. pti sep'Lic tank (s) < 4.() INFORM F_).H,,H.S,, Fi'Ri:[iR TO IST & 2ND INSPECTIONS BY ENGINEE.:R, AFTEER OF:'FICE 1'4OURS, CALL 543.,...4681 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. COI~ISTRIJCT PER ENGINEERS ATTRACHED AF:'PROVED DESIGN. ]"HIS F:'EF~MIT EXF'IRES :t. 2/:5J./88. THIS PERMIT VALID Fi'OR A SINGLE FAbIILY RESIDENCE ONLY. I CERTII::'Y ]lqAT: 1,, i am familiaP w:['Lh the requipemen'Ls fop on-.si~.e sewers and wells; as set foi"Lh by the Munic:i. pality of Anchor'age (MOA) and the State or Alaska. 2. I will :ins{all the system J.n acc:or'dance wi{h alit. MOA c:odes and r'egulations, and in compliance ~,,~if.h 'Lhe design cpitee:i.a o~ th:i.s pepmit,, 5. I will adher'e t,l:~ all MOA and Stat. e of Alaska r'equ~ipemer'lt.s G~P the se'L back distant:es fpom any existing well~, wastewatep disposal system o~ publ:[c: sewepage sys{em on 'Lhis op any adjacent op near'by lo'L. 4,, I undepstand that this pea*mit is valid fop a maximum of' 4 bedpcac~ms. 1 alsc:) undepstand tha'L the capac:ity of the total system is 4 bedp~c)ms arid any enlapgeme~rL will r'ec~uiPe ~n addi'Lional per. mit,, El j. g n e c:[ = D A T E (Owner.) JAMES ~CARO ]'~'~' .""-,=_t~,d By~' DAf~.. - ALASKA eI1UIROIlmeI1TAL COFITROL St RUIC S, II'lC. ~n§inecriu§ 8 I~nui~oum~nta[ Stuclics SPECIFICATIONS FOR BED WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT Il, BLOCK 2, TALUS WEST SUBDIVISION 1.0 :L. 1 !.2 1.3 1.4 1,5 2,0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2,5 GENERAl, The drawings, sheets 1 through 3, shall be part of this specification. All materials and workmanship shall meet the requirements of the MnnJcipality of AI~chora~e, Department of Health & Human Services (DItHS), the conditioas of the permit, and all applicable rs!es aud regulatioas currenEly in effect. All excavations and depths are advisory, and are to be verified or modified in the field by the Engiueer or inspecting ageucy. It is the responsibility of the owner or installer to adhere to approved design for the installation, to maintain the specified separation distances and to have the appropriate iuspections. If the installation is not inspected by an AECS engineer, AECS will not be responsible for the installed system. An engineer at AECS should be consulted prior to construction, to determine the uumber of inspections that will be required and to explain what these inspections will iavolve. SEPTIC TANK I'f there is an existing sepkic tank it may be used if it meets the capacity requirement for the residence. The structural integrity of ~he ~ank must be verified. The septic tank shall be a UPC Approved two-compartment tank, constructed of 12-gauge steel with bitumastic coating and set level on undisturbed soil. If the 'tank is buried at a depth of 4 feet or less, it must be insulated with an overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystyrene rigid board insulation, The septic tank shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the house foundatiou, and a minimum of 5 feet front the absorption area. The septic tank and bed shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any privaLe well or body of water, 150 feet from Class C wells, and 200 feet from Class A or B wells, uuless otherwise specified. Less than tile rectuired sepa~'ation distance must have prior approval or waiver by DHHS or Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). Piping shall be fitted with a mechanical watertight calder coupliug ou the ou~let and inlet of the septic tauk. Piping shall be 4 inch solid PVC AST}I D8034 or cast iron, sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per lineal foot. ~200 [lies! 33rd /~ue,ue. Suite g · gnchoruq,¢. ~lusk0 99503'/907) 561-5040 2.6 2.7 3.2 3,3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 If Mm piping is buried at a depth of 4 feet or less, it must be insulated with an overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystrene rigid board insulation. Cleanouts shall be installed as designated and capped with air-tight rain caps (Jim caps or equivalent), and extend a minimum of 1 foot above ground level. If a lift station is required it shall be a combination lift station septic tank per Aacborage Tank and Welding, Inc. design. See attached specifications. SEEPAGE BED The gravel for the bed shall be 0.5 to 2.5 inch, screened rock with less than 3~ passing the #200 sieve residual, All substitutes must bare prior DHHS approval. The bottom of the excavation shall be level and raked with the backhoe blade to insure that the bottom has not been compacted during excavation. Sand, for leveling, shall have a size distribution which meets the requirements of MOA code 15.65.077. The distribution pipe shall be perforated 4-inch rigid PVC with a minimum crush strength of 1500 pounds and shall meet the approval of DHHS for use as drainfield pipe. All pipes shall be laid level, and spaced according to the drawings. Monitor standpipes shall be placed as shown in the drawings. They shall he 4-inch rigid PVC ASTM D-8034, or cast iron. The section shown with holes may be either drilled 0.5 inch holes on 6 inch centers on opposing sides of the pipe, or a section of regular perforated sewer pipe may be clamped to the solid section with a no--hub coupling or solvenL joint. Perforated section shall be located in gravel only. The portion of pipe above the sewer rock shall be solid. A rubber raincap (Jim Cap or equivaleot) shall be placed over the top of the pipe. Insulation is required, using burial type polystene rigid board insulation, There shall be i inch of insulation for every foot of soil tess than the required 4 feet of cover, but there must be at least 24 inches of soil even though insulation is used. The solid pipe extending from the septic tank ta the drainfield shall also have 4 feet of cover or an equivalent layer of insulation combined with soil. The side slope of the mound shall be sloped 1 foot vertical to 3 fool horizontal. The the bed shall be planted with a white clover and red fescue mix or 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4~4 blue grass. INSPECTIONS This bed will require a minimam of three inspections. The first inspection will be of the opea excavation, to assure that the system is installed ill tile proper soil strata, correct depth and meet minimum specified design parameters. The second inspection will be after placement of gravel, monitor standpipes, amd distribution pipe, to verify proper installation and positioa of pipes prior to backfill. The third inspection will be after final backfill and grading to ensure that adequate soil cover bas been provided over the bed. The inspection of the septic tank or lift station installation can be incorporated with any one of lhe above 11~ced ~nspections. Anchorage Tank & Welding, InC. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 272-3543 FOR PRI!!:SSLJRE SYSTEMS SEPTIC TANK SHALL 'BE': A MOI)IFIE]O. ANCIqGI~P,[!;!i TANK STEEL TANK, THE DE.SIGN OR ANAL, Y.SIS SHAL, L, BE IN ACCORDANCE WII'M ACCEPTEI) ENGINEERING PRAC'.TICE AND LOCAL, RE:GUI..,ATORY AGENCIES, THE 'IANKS SHAbL BE DESIGNED FOR LOADING CONL~iTIONS AS REQUIRED BY MUN]iCIPAL AND STAI'E REGLIL, ATI ONS, C, AL, b WEI..IiilNG SHAbL, BE liN A[;CORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND GTANDARI)S, D, COATING SFIAL,L BE TNEMEC LI. 6...~65 HI-BUIL, D TANK COATING AND APPI.,IED AS SURF'ACE PREPARATION .... ALL SURF'ACES MUST BE DRY, CLEAN, AND REASONABbY FREE OF RUGT AND MILl.. SCAL, E EXCESS RUST, MILL, SCAL, E AND WEI.,DING SI.AG SHAbL. 'BE RI![MOVED BY WIRE BRUSH OR OTHER MEANC~ AS NECESSARY, AI:)PI. ICATION SHALl.. BE AIRI.,EGo SPRAY TOUCH LIP WITH })RUSH OR ROLLER, TH]iNNING SHALL BE ACCOMPL, ISHEI) WITH APPROVED MATERI'AL AND WIL, L NOT EXCEED SURFACE TEMPERATURI!: SHAI..L NOT BE BELOW L~0F OR 5 BEL,OW DEW POINT WHICH EVER IS L,OWER, INTERIOR SHAbL, BE: COAI'ED TWO TIMES ANZ~ SHAI..,L BE A HINIMUH OF 20 DRY MTbL,~ ~{.XTERIGR SHALl.,, BE COA'I'I~:D ONE TIME AND SI-IAI..,I,. })IEA MINIMUM OF' 10 DRY MILLS, 2 RISER Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700Porcupine Dr. ~ Anchorage, Alaska99501 [9071272-3543 OUTLET RISERS SHALL BE GAL, VANIZED STEEL, CULVERT, AND SHALL BE 5~- INCHES (MINIMUH), HIE;H, SHALL HAVE: A MINIMUM NOMIHAL, ~)IAHETER D[ 2~ INCHES, AND SHALL BE CAPABJ,E OF BEING EQUIPPED WITH THE FODL.,OWING: A', A JUNCTION (NEMA L~X) BOX OR [EQUAL, BONDED OR A'ITACHIED'"FO THE RISER, B UL LISTED ELE:CTRICAL CORD GRIPS, INSTALLED IN THE J-BOX A LIE) - SHALL BE FURNISHE:~ WITH ]'FIE RISER, Il SHALL DE CONSTRUC'IE:D OF FIBERGLASS OR EQUIVALENT ALS RE:I3PYYE F'INISH RISER INSTAI.,,LATION - EACH RISER SHALL BE SEALED OR WI::],.,DED TO ]'HIE TOP OF' THE TANK IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO PREVENT INI::'].L, TRATION OF GROUND WATER WHERE PRESENT, INSULATION- 2" SHALL BE PLACED LID, RIGII EXTRUDED POL, YS'JYRENE IN THE RISER DIRECTLY THE INSULATION - 2" SPRAYED URETHANE ON C]:RCUMFERENCE OF RISli:-'R, Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 272-3543 EF'I:'L~UE:NT PUMPING ASSEMBLY A, EFFLUENT PLJMPING ASSEMBLY SHALL, BI!i: OP. ENCO SYSTEM.':] (TN) MODEL OSI WE 4000 SERIES {]ONSI.(~TING OF FOLLOWING', 1, MODEL, 20 OSI 05HH BY ORi-'NCO SCREENED PUMP VAULT (U,S, PATENT 59" DEEP. .~/16 TH]iCI( HIGH--DEN.~ITY CYCLINOER HOUGE~; THE PUHP, LEVEL CONI'ROL~ AND SCREEN AND SERVES AS A BAFFLE TO PRE, VENT I'HE SCREEN FROM CLOGGING, THE '::'IfF'TEEN 1-1/2" DIA, HOt..r..."S At~E I)RILI,ED IN THE VAULT AT A bEVEl., THAT PL, ACIJi]S THEM Al' A;8OUT TIlE bi]]I)WAY POINT IN THE DEPTH OF' THE SEPTIC, FL,AP CHECK: ALL.OWC-~ 'THE VAULT TO DRAIN WHEN REMOVING FROM TANK, PUMP CON'¥RO L,E~ CONTROL S I-'IAI.,L CONSISTING OF: SCREEN: 15" DIA, CYL, INDER OF HIGH....DEN~;~ITY PDLYETHYI.,ENI'- 1/8" MESH CAS¥ INTO FIBERGLASS BOTTOM, ALL PL,UMBING SHALl.., BE PVC OR OTFIER NON- COt~ROD I NG MATERIAl.,, AND ALARH SYSTEM - BE ORENCO SY~;'[EMS (TM) HL-'-iF AUDIBi. E ALARM PANI-Zb MOUNT WITH A MINIMUM OF 80 DB !~OUND PRESSURE AT 2~'-'INCHES~ OPERATING TEMPERATURE ~"~OAC TO 65AC, CONT).NOUS SOLIND, Anchorage Tank & Welding, Inc. 2700 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 1907) 272-3543 .III..,-"TIGHF VlSI]AL AL, ARM WiTI'q PUSH"'TO-SII~ENCE FEAI'URE, AUTOMATIC AUDIO-..ALARH R[:oEr, 15 AMP MOTOR RATIED TOGGLE SWITCH, SINGLE POI..,E, DOU?,DE-THROW W]:I'H THREE MANUAL (NAN), AUTOMATIC (AUTO), AND CENTER (OFF) (H,O,A,), NEMA ~X--.RATI.:.".D, FiBI}:RGLA,SS, OR EQI. JA[.,, ENCLOSURE WITH H]NGI::.][ COVER, LEVEL, CONTROL, Fl.,OATS SHAI,,,L BE ORENCO SYSTEHS (TM) MF2 CONSISTING OF 2 MERCURY FL, OATS ON ADJU.STAI.)[.E PVC STEM WHICH ATTACI..IlES TO YAULT, ONE FLOAT SIGNAbS ALARM; THE OTHER SWITCHES PUMP ON-OFF, ..N,:>iA[.,I..A'I.I. ON Al.,,[. P[JHPING <,]YSTENS -:~l-.IAbb BE INSTALLED IN AC;CORI. ANCE WITH I'HE HANUFAC;I'URER'S R~:LOHMENIATIONS AND STANI..ARDo CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue. Suite B ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEET NO CALCULATED SY CHECKED BY SCALE '~ DATE ATE REID, CE-2251 /FIX West 33rd Avenue, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEETNO. ~ OF CALCULATED BY ' /' ~'J DATE CHECKED BY DATE PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Aflchorage ~1~ ~ 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 ~-~...",~.~.Z.. o 0.---- ----..-. ~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~& ~_ ~-225t ..~ ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: /~,/~ ~ .¢,/¢ ~ 7/~',./,~ ~/~ ~,,~ Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 -- 5 6 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? DEPTH? E Deplh I0 Waler After _ Monitoring? //° ~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to I Net Time Time Water~ Drop PERCOLATION RATE ./L-) (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~']'~ FTAND ,,/~ FT PERFORMED BY: ///'Z~'~ [ /~ ' ~)t', f~ ' CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~,~C~/~x*(~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) INSPECTION REPORT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 3500 EAST TUDOR ROAD - INSPECTIONS (907) 563-3464 INFORMA'~ION (907) 786-8211 NA"E .~"~'~ ~4'.'.'>/" ' ,PE~M,~'.O.~' '.X.~?~'~ ~0~,../'/.LOC", 4 ~...,V~ ~,~?~ FOOTING [] ELEC. TEMP. __ [] PLBG. UNDGR. [] FOUNDATION [] ELEC. SERVICE ~ PLRG. ROUGH [] BOND BEAM [] ELEC. ROUGH ~' GAS TEMP. [] FRAMING [] ELEC. FINAl- ~ [] GAS [] NSULATION [] OTHE~ [] MECHANICAL [] SHEETROCK [] ~--/'( ~'---- MECH. FINAL [] STRUCT. FINAL [] FIRE FINAL [] PLBG. FINAL __ [] OTHER [] ZONING [] OTHER [] /~NO NONCOMPLIANCE OBSERVED WILL REEXAMINE AT NEXT INSPECTION [] CORRECTIONS ESSENTIAL AS EXPLAINED BELOW [] DO NOT CONCEAL UNT L REINSPECTED COMMENTS HEN CORRECTIONS ARE MADE, PLEASE CALL FOR INSPECTION " DO NOT REMOVE THIS NOTICE 84~002(Rev. 11/87) GRD [ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPEC];ION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TAN K"~ INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH MATERIAL~ LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF / COMPARTMENTS LIQUID CAPACITY ' GALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL/~O/ NUMBER OF LINES / ABSORPTION AREA ~"~t~)(7,) SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE ~f(~-~ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE NEAREST LOT LINE [~'0 */ OF LINES ,;~-) DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TRENCH WIDTH IN TOTAL EFFECTIVE TYPE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING NEAREST FOUNDATION LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED NEAREST SEPTIC SEWER LINE TANK REMARKS DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM DISTANCE FROM: DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM i N STA L LED By:, 'J~-~///.~_ I SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL' ~'~ LOkOPE: REMARKS: Form ~Q-032 GrEaTEr ANCHOrAgE ArEA Borough DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3990 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT [NSTALLATION LOCATION PERMIT NO LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~/_ ~ ''~ /'/ ~NSTALLATION OF~ SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH SOIL TEST RESULTS / ~ COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED DR~IN~FI L.D OTHER . NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED· BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE ~'~ '~ TYPE SEEPAGE AREA SIZE TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM MINIMUM DISTAN(:E$, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATrON TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL SEPTIC TANK , SEEPAGE PIT TO NEAREST LOT LINE. · DRAIN FIELD -, DRAIN FIELD SEEPAGE PiT- ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. -, SEEPAGE PiT · DRAIN FIELD CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION E FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON P~PES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE P~T FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. O0"FO..TO C BOROUGH REGULATIONS REG ' D1N~ INSTALLATION, I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH,SAID ~RE ~ ~/~ ~ /~ ~~ I:K ANLI'IUI(ACil- AgFA BOr UGH Department3330°f EnvironmentaIc Street Quality - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCATION SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL INSIDE LENGTH MANUFACTURERL~/~ ~ O~ MATERIAL NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE WIDTH .LIQUID DEPTH IIQUID CAPACITY ./~ ~:~ U GALLONS. NUMBER OF PITS / DIAMETER OR WIDTH LINING MATERIAL CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER BUILDING FOUNDATION ,~ ~, NEAREST LOT LINE ~ f ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION LENGTH DEPTH DEPTH t~, DISTANCE FROM: WELI~ TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA)_,~ ~ SQ. FT. WELL: TYPE f~i ~/~/~- CONSTRUCTION . DEPTH_ BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC FOUNDATION LOT LINE SEWER LINE TANK CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROyED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCE FROM: SEEPAGE SYSTEM DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form No. EQ-Oal GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM m APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO. NAME OF APPLICANT LEGAL DESCRIPTION TYPE AND SIZE FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY __ ' WELLTO SEPTIC TANK ~d~'O~) SEEPAGE PIT /~1~'~ ] CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL, 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGLILATION~ REGARDING INSTALLATION. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHO /~GEAREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DATE .'~./'-~] /+~ '~ APPLICANT'S S'GNATURE 'y ( lad ,~ ~/('~REATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~ APPLICATION AND PERMIT ;RMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIl. TEST FINAL INSPECTIONI 24 HOUR NOTI~ REQUIRED. HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJE iooo SEPTIC WITHOUT FINAL INffi4~I~CTION BY TH~' REA SIZE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS 20 ft. 15 SEPTIC TANK 5 f~, DR^'N F'E ' lO ft. / DRAIN FIELD 10 ft. I I SEPT,C TANK. 25 ft.. SEEPAGE PIT 100 ft..] O 50 ft. ..~¢.~ .... TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST CRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PiT PITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. CONFORM TO ROROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. OR CERTIFY THAT. I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE EA ~tOROU H ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 A TH T THE BOVE December 4, Ri chard B. St. Rt. A, Anchorage, Subject: Dear Sir: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 1972 Box 1521-A Alaska 99507 Perm'it to install sewer system A permit was issued to you by this Department for'the installation of an on-site sewer system and at this time we have no record of this system having been installed. Please complete this form and return it to this Department at your earliest convenience. yes no ~ ~ l, The system has been installed. [] ~ 2. The system will be installed later this year. [] ~-] 3. Void my permit; the system will not be installed. ~ Y-~ 4. The system will be constructed during the next construction season. Your cooperation is requested as we have a great number of outstanding permits for 1972 and we would like to clear our permit files out as much as possible. · nk you, ~ ~o h n~R. ~L'ee ,~R. S. (.~'Environmental Services Supervisor BEVAN ENGINEERING P.O. Box 112852 Anchora~ge, AK 995]] (907) 522-1383 July 14, 1987 Robbie Rebinson Department of Health & Human Services Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Re : Lot 12 Block 2 Talus West Subdivision MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT, OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION JlJl_ 1987 RECEIVED Dear Mr. Robinson : During the period from April 8, 1987 to June 4, 1987 I worked on the subject property in an attempt to locate acceptable soils for a replacement soil absorption septic system. The original system appears to be a crib which was installed in 1974. In 1977 a trench upgrade was added to the crib. As near as I can determine neither of the systems were sized properly nor have they.ever functioned as desired; the home has a history of flooding. -My field work consisted of one adequacy test, two water monitors, four test holes and one perc test. The perc test results were 120 minutes per inch and all four test holes showed very poor soils. The test holes all had a faint septic smell to the excavation spoils. It is my understanding that this property has gone into foreclosure with out resolving the septi.c situation. The intent of this letter is to'inform'you of my findings and to perhaps save-sdme other engineer from wasting his time on the property. Please call if I can clarify this material. 87218~ws "' - ~ Phone ~ingle Family Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). wet Disposal ~ Individual Year Individual Installed: /97¢ Public Utility When Connec ed o Public Utility: NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Ti(~ ~ Date Date Date Date Inspector Insp~tor Insp~tor Insp~tor Field Notes: MUNICIPALI~ OF ANCHO~QE ~VIRONMaNI'AL PROTECTIO~ ' MAR '1 5 RECEIVED ~APP~OVED BEDflOOM8 *GONDITION8 OF APPROVAL ( ( ) DISAPPrOVeD { ) GONDITIONAL APPROVAL* Soils Rating Date ~wer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received ~ ../ ~ ~ 2~ WelltoTank Septic T~k Size C~EMICAL & GL..~LOGICAL LABORATORIES ~ ? ALASKA, INC.~ TELEPHONE274.3364(907)-279.~4014 ANCHORAGE56331NDUSTRIAL CENTERs Street Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER I.D. NO. Water System Name Phone No, Mailing Address City State ZiE Code MO. Day Year SAMPLE TYPE: [3. Routine [] Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no. [] Special Purpose [] Treated Water [] Untreated Water SAMPLE Time Collected NO. LOCATION Collected By TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY Analvsis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ;.[~] Satisfactory [] Unsatisfactory [] Samom too long m transit: sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate ce[iaDle resu~[s. Please send new samDle Date Received Time Received Analytical Method: [] Fermentation Tube ~[~ Membrane Filter Lab Ref. No. Result* Analyst I READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAM PLE BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Date collect ecl Source Date Received Time Recetvecl Presumptive ].Omi lOml 20mi /Omi 10mi 1,0mi O.Zml MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION Telephone 264-4720 DE;']'. C r : 'L :Cl'iO~/ ~ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten {10) days for processing. PROPERTY OWNER , PHONE AILING ADDRESS PROPERTY RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE BUYER MAILING ADDRESS PHONE 3. LENDING INSTITUTION MAILING ADDRESS 4. REALTOR/AGENT MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PHONE 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One ~ Four [~ SINGLE FAMILY [] Two [] Five [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SU~PPPLY E~' INDIVIDUAL* * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled [] COMMUNITY since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well [] PUBLIC UTI LITY depth (attach Icg if available.) S. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I:~'~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** **If individual/on-site, give installation date % ~,~/~ ~,,/q ./q '~ ~/ If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required [] PUBLIC UTI LtTY by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE ~NSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1, TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS. -- [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY -- DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified. LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER []INDIViDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED ~PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER []'--~'eptic Tank or [] Holding Tank ~ -- '~ ~, ~.f~ --'-~ -) _~~ -- Size:__ If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: / /-~-- TOT^LABSORPT,ONAREA MATER,AL 4. DISTANCES Septic/HoLding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line WELL TO: __ Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5, COMMENTS ~5~-APPROV ED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED ~ ___ DATE BY (Title) LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78)