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�jarld�, kiSh+s 510 Oil 222 -43_000 GAAB-HD I GP 'ITER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROF H 6v, ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL i iK' 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 279.8686 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM MAILING -i 7 NAME &YdA roti >� /V ------ADDRESS —PHONE LOCATION Qllm lvbh J�/LVL->� _--LEGAL DESCRIPTION_p>'/a SEPTIC TANK: NUMBER OF DISTANCE FROM WELL l )r :jljm MATERIAL -COMPARTMENTS- 'LIQUID LIQUID CAPACITY '�2 GALLONS. INSIDE LENGTH > '7 INSIDE WIDTH ,5 ,!U2> DEPTH �✓ Y SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS OUTSIDE DIAMETER 'Z LENGTH �'� DEPTH LINING MATERIAL 6VIVt/1 F & A'iiVG-S , DISTANCE FROM WELLr`E,ivl�}-) BUILDING FOUNDATION , NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) °!L' SQ -FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LIN ABSORPTION AREA DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DATION , NEAREST LOT LIN DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES SQ. FT. LENGTH OTEACH LINE DEPTH OF TRENCH WIDTH TOTAL LENGTH OF LINES_ AL EFFECTIVE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL:DISTANCE FROM WATER TYPE 612,ja " DEPTH , BUILDING FOUNDATION. SAMPLE , NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE OTHER LOT LINE SEWER LINE-, TANK . , SYSTEM _ , CESSPOOL , SOURCES_ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: DATE 2 -M -J2 NAME OF APPLICANT GREA I ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOR,, ,JGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3500 TUDOR ROAD POUCH 6.650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 TELEPHONE 279-8686 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO MAILING ADDRESS`-PHON E`' 2143 INSTALLATION LOCATION �"T3'///A'�f%V / ✓"'.� !/// % '��"� ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK / SEEPAGEPIT !� DRAIN FIELD OTHER Afm TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED Id_ / FINANCED THROUGH /�«/Y✓LLGI - TO BE INSTALLED BY C CCu/Z SOIL TEST RESULTS , NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY WILL /��pB�E//� SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE O2` J - TYPE &f k 407144 4 SEEPAGE AREA SIZE !�/'°'�- ('", TYPE nr MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK `+ Jn FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT /l(l DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL '1✓ E V l 20 SEPTIC TANK . SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD TO NEAREST LOT LINE. r yo / WELL TO SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD Lzo / ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. / WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT ! /o DRAIN FIELD i CC ! /00 /00 SEPTIC TANK, ✓0 SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD TO RIVER, LAKE. STREAM. CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. + 4 INCH DIAMETER C IT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOV GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. HEALTH AUTHORITY OR LICENSED DESIGNER ICER Y THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATFFI(ANC R A A BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28.68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DES -RI ED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. DA - 61 7 APPLICANT'S SIGNAT E-� --- ---- / GRE��eER ANCHORAGE AREA BOi�,-JUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT NO. / 3500 TUDOR ROAD POUCH 6.650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 TELEPHONE 279-8686 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM — APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT >�Ai ,� „� MAILING ADDRESS //�� /� (--'If%C�-- %/ hr PHONE,i=1�r:[-�°/ /P INSTALLATION LOCATION r _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK x>� SEEPAGE PIT, DRAIN FIELD,OTHER , /�• � TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED --x� "�4' efi /y I i �x ac^ 'l'.•xx /:% i i+ �M'" 'J:V �� FINANCED THROUGH TO BE INSTALLED BY ✓:,., SOIL TEST RESULTS 4 `> %�3�)y�,llJ��yl�rt-'�-•�iNOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED/•%/� /�i / FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE / •+-- TYPE SEEPAGE AREA SIZE �L�/`'�F/��� TYPE A �-,5c ,'tJll -4-' MINIMUM MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS ! FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT I DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL 1 ' / ci SEPTIC TANK l.). % SEEPAGE PIT 4� DRAIN FIELD TO NEAREST LOT LINE. [i WELL TO SEPTIC TANK - �` T ` , SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK / i1 ,SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK, x'` SEEPAGE PIT �!', DRAIN FIELD TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. 1 HEALTH AUTHORITY �. OR LICENSED DESIGNER DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I CERTIFY THAT 1 AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28.68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. DATE 1 '7'-' . APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE �: . M- arch 19, 1976 Or. Parini Blanes 110 w. monid noel yard Anchorages Alnska, 99692 opm Mr. lana W File No..- 4-1 After conterring with the Sewer BugUmaring DOPOrtw, ent. I hRvQ f0und Out t13fAt t o $ewes constrviated last year at your ro d (W IA }-Sandi eights Subdivision) wou not completed until FebtvavY 26, 1013. According to the mance you, therefore, would have Until VvbvuarY 26. 1979 before you ivouldbe required to t n . At t ie t mol, the Sewer Una In qV68 flon htm 801me cOnstructiOn d6ftc4enctez due to the State of Alaska fOrlAddlug rOPRIV Of 0 se0tJOA Of lige, under DIMMd 'goulovard, vel cit was IvIpIvperly AvIstalled with reverse graft thus re'%W�Aing flow. T eref rp., we will not require that you hO*UP by MY s OO1f1O At"- PrWiding ibeA your pr wont septic system doesWt f4II and orae c. publfo health havar . Robert P. Noale Principal Unvironmental Control officer m Fed mary 3s 1976 M11r. mi rlin "Manus 5 1, 410 ry . Dim-ond Boulev ard Alaskt, 00502 7 Dear N -Ir Mansol , 1 - Pile NO 1 4 1 it has been brought to our aft-ention that public Bowe? H; avall'oblo to tot 1A, � Sandi Heights Subdiv*don , vee ring to th-o- Ane horage Cade of Or4inaneas "Smage- Wspovml PrnetleeO. Chapter 10., ArHOU 16.43, SovffoA 19.46.050.- "S-e.j)dO tAnk-aOOVRg0 ',t;YZteV,-, NOWOffe diSPOS31 PACIIUhIS A#11 not be installed or used on my premises where sm-Aftnry sowors awe W-milabl's W-Whilt 34mnty (70) foot of the Ost lint Une of s a eld Vhe Municipalfty of Arx(,*horWo gym-tment of Publie Works has che&ced thy, -Ir reemda and the -y I'ailleate that your stmeture(s) Is mt connooted to the wmftswy tower. IoW d you pleaso cheek your rocoyw.ls to vel that the aLinjetu". (a) to or Is rmA cep-eted es-nd notify iaz fmmoWately is 7*ur remrds Indicate t a oonneetion hAs be M- made� it W"a do not ho - from you W101Ln aevfom (7) days, Wv will axmne that our xag.,orda are cot/ et. We , therefore . request you emnect any and an struetUrev, located on the subiftt property to PU10410, 9 "mver by iray so t 1.476. You rmust apply for aaomacOon permit from Pm perky -At offter for the rriear ding Me obove to pleaso do 110t hasitAft to MMU -tet t nmmmit Otfltmv at 279-6"O" mdonsion 269,or the"OePsAmmutOfflpmqfth and FraWfim eA 274-2231. yet WAW Nu uer C lD& lQglpbO; Haka V210 brook Street � umm�, m wRa (Saner3tRet and UiamadO Qegr) gam Subject: t er and water System serving ton (1 0) bedroom Aur d ex Lot 16Sandi t!lgyt:Sbdww2 yarr»z 3 qa: &, m;P, c tion ms perfomieLl ijy Gis Deptartment, m JW « l« 1972, Lae s er y7a' a maWledat Gear A }kad 2, It is ppmkd Oy 2'5 wepartfimit. Ae dvielling is served by a co»#i' well %dm is 2so§$mkab G42 W9rUmL Ifs an be of ayfurtAer assistance We«e do not a6ibG to c». Gct a. AqE you. gacro6, Gw , acUie Dwr<.2n i Control0ffisr Wd Sam � �-l�,�c�h�IS 4.�, 1 � �- 2 - ��- � �� MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE s DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: - Z-85-118 DATE RECEIVED: October 24, 1985 COMMENTS DUE BY: November 4, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lot 1 A Sandi Heights Subdivision ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: o-�,-- ZL-.1..LulL Gam, C- I> 7 2- 71-n14 (Rev. S/R31 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCIIOR .. PUBLIC Iti ORKS DEPART;.I%:� 1 ` NOTICE OF APPEAL TO AN RECEjVEp ACTIO\' OP AJC ADM 1.11,ISTiZAT-tVc DECISJC.1 OCT ry fiOR UST 13Y CLERI - Acceptance date: Hearing date: Case number: A• Ger:eralIdcr_tit r } o� Action that is Being Appealed: 1 • Zoning Departrn nt Case I\Tumber: 2• Legal Description of Pro perty Involved: Lot A Subdivision: — Rlo"' E�G�LT S 3• Date of the Action: E ppellant's Name and Address: 1. ATarne: i. A"ailing Address: 3• TcIepl:one; G� x • Relationship to Action: Petitioner (of matter acted upon) -AZ°nt of b'etitio ' ncr, Give name and <dd:•ess az p•ti:;c, cr Aarnc: I„eilirr� Adcir :: e S; I ..orr aclvcr;cl}' ''ffertQCi _ Covcrnrncntal agellr_y SPECIFICS OF APPEAL CER11rfCATION The Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals shall hear appeals _`rU:a cic:cisions of t?:: municipal stat. regarding: '• A. Enforcement orders pertaining to the zoning revulatiolls, f133d1]', Ct 1•c�,u!a-_ tions, or mobile home park regulations issued pursuant to S_ction 21.2�.U7.'; B. Denial of an application for a floor hazard permit; C. Denial of an application for a builciinS or'land use permit such dcnial is based on the requirements of Title 21. D . Denial of an aoolication for a sign permit ,:lien such del: aI is b_scd on tie requirer,cr.ts of Title 21. E. Denial of an application for a mobile home park permit v cn sucl-i denial: is based on the requirements of Title 21. 21_3:. 130 Notice of Alco al --Time Limitation. An appeal to the "Zoning Board of Examincrs and i21t rcT1S 2.1 5 Ile fill d 710 •c• later than 30 days after I1U.a.lcatlOri of the ClCCIs10n.UI^S S. Notice of appeal must be filed with the Municipal Clerk on. a or.^ ureses ibe by the ;.funiciprtlity and muzs.t contain detailed and spacific of er_es, I v --'C: e cby certify that I arci we ar qualified to make t?;is ar;;Jcai and is at ota`6; lent Or CGuse and rep.SUI] is true and CO:'_'eCt to the 1J St Gf lay (o knowledze. Signaturr.: Date: M,;: 7.:.. 3U. 11 U 01-ou-11 ?. i.30. 190 fa': furt'It-c.- , ;:;.. N-EASK ATFACIi S{'i:(:II I C Alli,w-f i GI F.�,.:1:, I,, f:"*•t,:•. ..:.::,c,i Oct-=jber' 3, 1985 Mj_inicipality of Anchorage Z wnirig Beard r..f Examirers & Appeals Anch -_�ra.ge, Al'. Geri t 1 emen We hereby appeal this decisi.-ri in Exhibit Because of the fr_,l Lowing errors.. Having received Mr. Corr -w's hand delivered letter nn September c.3, 113857 we hereby submit evidence that construction of the buildinq in questi-n located on Lot 1A of Sandi Heights Subdivision was negun pr -i! -r to the March 24, 197' Zoning r1rdinarce, and that the same building was intended as a f _ir plex from the neginning. (See appendixes #1 and #c) Arrangements for water- were made with RJ Rhodes, owrer of the c .mrn_trity system that provides water to more than 5o homes in the area. (See appendix #3) The electrical coritr-actor, J. D. Electric, state in their letter that they wired the building as a four plex. (See appendix #4) ' Please note delivery dates of materials from Spenard Builders. (See appendix #5) Enclosed are Municipality of Anchorage records showing taxes paid on a four plex since 1972, including a picture by the appraiser taken in November if that year. (See appendix #6) Also please note that in 1985 the same Municipality of Anchorage Building Permit Office granted and approved the issuance of a permit to renew the intericir and exterior finishings of a four 21911 at the above location. It is unbelievable that an officer of the Zoning Enforcement should deny granting a zoning variance under' grandfather rights after almost 14 years of use as a four plex and with the attached six pieces of evidence that it has always been a four plex and construction was begun prior to the date on which the R-1 zoning took effect. We can not supply anything from the plumber, carpenter, concrete man or excavator as they are all dead or gone from MI_iricipality of Anchorage 0ct:,ber- 8, 1985 Page Anch,=,rage, and the building Was funded With our - wn rni_rlev so there Was no c� �rlstruct i _rl lc-arl to offer as pr"_ f. What else do we have to do? Sincerely, Mage la Blarlas MB:rs t Blanas Investments, Inc. P.O. Box 4-2397 Construction & Development Phone 243-8330 Anchorage, AK 99509 243.8322 Mr. Hoak, Building Safety Division August 15, 1985. M.O.A. Dept of Public Works 401 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: 4-plex located at Sandi Heights, Lot LA Dear Mr. Hoak, I picked up a copy of a certified letter from Mr. Thomas Corrow, which I have found to be in error. I have on hand doccuments which I can present to you which clearly show that framing materials for the fourplez were ordered March 25, 1972, and delivered March 27, 1972. Before framing can begin on any building, the following construct- ion work must have taken place in the order listed and in the approximate time listed: 1. Excavation (2 days) 2. Underground utilities, water and.sewer to the building (2 days) 3. Hand excavation and form footings (2 days) 4. Hand excavation for underground plumbing such as waste from bathtubs and toilets•; and mains system of waste pipe (7 days) 5. Erect CMU foundation walls (3 days-) 6. Place steel in CMU walls and grout (3 days including inspection) 7. Pour bond beam. (2 days including inspection) 8. Framing can begin the following day. (1 day) Counting back from item #8 to #4 gives you sixteen working days and eighteen calandar days, if you add on at least two Sundays. If you deduct eighteen days from March 25 or March 27, you must find that the construction of this fourplex must have begun by March 9, 1972, for the underground plumbing. It is important to stress that the use of the building as a four- plex was determined at that time, since you must plumb for toilets and bathtubs at that time. This therefore is proof that the construction of this building as a fourplex was begun at least 15 days prior to March 24, 1972, at which time the current zoning went into effect, and this four- plex qualifies for non -conformity. Sincerely yours, ��'xHr13t7' 1 H. Blanas ,P, Ul to 6� 4 C C: ti 6� 4 j 1-viunicipa11cy of Anchorage August 13, 1985 0 PO Xo G �c ..sa l DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED N0. P 666 677 396 Haralambos and Majella Blanas 5110 West Dimond Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: 4-Plex located at Sandi Heights, Lot 1A Mr. and Mrs. Blanas: A review of Zoning Enforcements non -conforming files show no four-plex existing on the above referenced lot prior to March 24th, 1972, the effective date of the 'Area F' zoning. A review of Building�Safety's Permit Files show that a Land Use Permit was applied for on January 26; 1972 to construct a duplex on the above referenced property. The as -built survey provided to Zoning Enforcement_i4iti;your written re- quest to confirm non -conforming use rights shows that.at the time the as -built was drawn, 11-9-72, the building had been constructed as a four-plex. Unless the construction of the building occured prior to 3-24-72, the four-plex on the above referenced lot is a building constructed without a valid permit. Pleasecease the use of two of the dwelling units of the structure on the above referenced lot. within thirty (30) days. Pursuant to A.M.C. Section 21.30.110., you have the right to appeal this determination to the Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals with- in thirty (30) days of this notice. Lxli -01 Haralambos and Majella Blanas August 13, 1985 Page 2 Pursuant to A.M.C. Section 21 .30.130. b. , Notice of Appeal must be filed with the Municipal Clerk on a form prescribed by the Municipality and contain specific allegations of error. If you have any questions regarding the above referenced property, don't hesitate to call me between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. at; 786-5747. Sincerely, , GWS' Thomas H. Cor row Senior Code Enforcement Officer Building Safety Division Department of Public Works TC: cb �3 R. J. Rhodes 5216 Shorecrest Anchorage, Alaska, 99515 eotember 6. '385 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: R. J. Rhodes, owner and operator of Seacliff Water System, APOC, Contract No. 76, advises that early in 1972, he had several meetings with Mr. Harry Blanas regarding the planned expansion of Seacliff Water System to include the lot owned by Mr. Blanas in Sandi -Heights Subdivision. As a result of these meetings, Mr. Blanas started ground workwork on his property, bringing in heavy equipment to break the frost over about the first of March, 1972. Water service was supplied to the four-plex, then completed. In late May 1972 or early June 1972. This building has always been on our consumer list as a four-plex. Dated this 44--, of September, 1985. R. J. Rholl�l 0 INCA 3209 Greenland Drive Anchorage, AK 99503 272-4493 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: October 7, 1985 In early February 1972, J. D.'s Electric, Inc. contracted with Harry Blanes to do the electrical roughin and finish of his four-plex at Sandi Heights Subdivision, Lot 1A. This included 110 and 220 electric prewired telephone and television antennae systems, thermostat controls and doorbells to four separate apartments and one utility room. Our work was completed by mid June 1972. Si cerely, ln� �� Donna R. Hahn Secretary -Treasurer J. D.1s Electric, Inc. w &XHIS IT 118 E. INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ROAD • ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99802 • 277-0493 C C: `' C O _O C.n m ff ' STATEMENT COPI ,EXHlt3 I r�Sa. T li oD LIS z^ ^ O D a D Z r N c m �_ T y 'l7 A o = D I� Y O N O c a O r C (J _ f m D n Z n 7 p v a ^ i Z O a N oC A D ,1 Z 2 m D O m m � ? o A d m ; r O � ^ n A n Q O L Z77 N_ Q T y i e VVV J j A V � Q% v �A �l V ,EXHlt3 I r�Sa. STATEMENT GOP ` ir. T 1-2a 11 0 kNe- On Zn " ° . cQ 7T- D > v O c r /\ c > T Z ,Q O O O P 1 O O W p n cp "° O > N y� Oo OO n Z n O 0, N � c v D Z x o m m A m ; n A C) Q O Z O D O C 4• p, r O • ki '� 'p b C3 J w -4* sj STATEMENT COPY -r-7 1 -kE- S-4. L p: vpa TJop sl� o A 3*c z X or Tn 1 tk 0 t -I cn Ln cm -kE- S-4. iS LEaHONE 17 CUSTOw[R S 12) ORp[R MO 2 DATE SC / s ec �penard ' builders supply _7/� L A412 LOIS DRIVE • ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 ADDRESS .'C BY =its --j 0U, _•ip•.. S _. _il ✓V- FA'9 oLF 6 S i TERMS: ALL ACCOUNTS DUE 10114 OF MO. FOLLOW PURCHASE. 1% PER MO. CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. ALL RETURNED GOODS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THIS BILL. y .__._ REC'D „ -` No. R d J 106572 BY =its --j INFLUENCES: PLUS- MINUS O"th T000gn Irregular Madifiutioa Vim Drainage PhssiW earelers Access Corner Was" Sewer —� Sidewalk Paving Curb 6 Gutter Other TOTAL Net + I—) /•i— i/ -i{. Basic WW Valw ? O `i / Plus ar (Minus) Factors • li Net Pi u of Land r S33 ANGMUKHLIM, RK. KLnNIMN5- ANt-C MMERCIAL 10/03/85 FOR *CEL 0112224300 / 01 500 BLDG DATA: BLDG 01 YR BLT 1972 UNITS 0 STRUCT 21f 1 COST MOD C IDENT UNITS 1 599 IELETE 601-608 BUILDING OTHER FEATURES # �{ LINE STRCT +/- MEASURE MEASURE UNITS .01 _ --- - ------ ------ 502 - --- - ------ ------ ';03 _ --- - ------ ------ j04 _ --- - ------ ------ Ws- --- - ------ ------ 1)06 _ --- - ------ ------ W_ --- - ------ ------ i08- --- - ------ ------ INTER THE FIELD CODE FOR THE NEXT SCREEN, ELSE 999 IF DONE �S52 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ASSESSMENT MAINTENANCE 10/03/85 FOR PARCEL 01122243 000 FOR TAX YEAR 1984 IWNER BLANAS HARALAMBOS h LEGAL SANDI HGTS MAJELLA LT 1A 5110 W DIMOND BLVD UNIT PLAT 000000 HRA -S-ZIP ANCH AK 99502 REF ________ ____ ---- --- - ;HANGE DATE NOTES ______________________________ OWNER-------- ------------------------------ ADDRESS -------- LAND SIZE L 90.10 135.86 IWNER CODE _ CENSUS 27 TAZ 240 )EED BK PG DT _______ SITE ADDR 0112224300084 ;OMMENTS TAX DISTRICT 003 ZONING R1 GRID 2424 • ------------------------------ iSf -SMENT HISTORY LAND BLDG TOTAL 84 45,300 159,775 205,075 83 39,400 147,575 186,975 82 34,900 138,475 173,375 CURRENT 55,000 167,000 222,000 EXEMPT 0 0 0 NET TAXABLE 222,000 ENTER THE FIELD.CODE FOR THE-NEXT.SCREEN, ELSE 999 IF DONE. ;S31 ANCHORAGE, AK. PRC ON-LINE CAMA MAINTENANCE - COMMERCIAL 10/03/85 FOR PARCEL 01122243000 - 85 - 01 / 01 [02 LAND USE 211 ; MULT 103 MAP'GGG:000 ROUTING 00000 104 CLASS C 105 ZONE- R1 ; 106 YR RECHECK 85 107 LIVING UNITS 004 108• NBRHOOD 10D00 109 LEASEHOLD _ 20( ;ALES 1: MO YR TYPE AMT SRCE VAL C D 102 SALES 2: % 103 SALES 3: ; 101 TOPO 24 405 LOCATION - 410 PARKING _ _ - 411 UTIL 47 112 WLST N 413 WETLAND 421 ROAD 15 422 ACCESS 10 131 DRAIN 2 441 TRAFFIC 1 443 COMMON AREA _ 151 ENTRANCE: DATE -------- ;,CODE - APPR NUMBER __-- 152 ENTRANCE: -------- ; - ; ---- 161 PERMIT 1: NO ------- ; DT --------- AMT -------- STAT _ PUR--_----- 162 PERMIT 2: ------- r ---------------- --------- 40TES: 471 ------------------------------ % 472 ------------------------------ 473 ------------------------------ ; 474 ------------------------------ ENTER THE FIELD CODE FOR THE NEXT SCREEN, ELSE 999 IF DONE :S31 ANCHORAGE, AK. PRC ON-LINE CAMA MAINTENANCE - COMMERCIAL 10/03/85 FOR PARCEL 01122243000 - 85 - 01 / 01 192 LAND USE 211 ; MULT 103 MAP 000 000 ROUTING 00000 194 CLASS C 105 ZONE R1 ; 196 YR RECHECK 85 107 LIVING UNITS 004 108 NBRHOOD 101109 109 LEASEHOLD 29f SALES 1: MO r YR r TYPE ; AMT SRCE r VAL C r D 202 SALES 2: r r r 293 S ES 3: 401 TOPO 24 405 LOCATION _ 410 PARKING - - _ 411 UTIL 47 412 WLST N 413 WETLAND 421 ROAD 15 422 ACCESS 10 43' (RAIN 2 441 TRAFFIC 1 443 COMMON AREA _ 451 cNTRANCE DATE ______ ; COCE AF'PR 452 ENTRANCE: — 461 PERMIT 1: NO ------- ; DT -------- AMT ________ STAT _ FUR 462 PERMIT 2, ------- •---------------- _ ' a- �,c/lr$ iT G CL. Oriner 1• . • - �. Mailitp Addres _5:�W �T �i% %% _ property Address _ Permits Date Built CALCULATOR COST FORM F..r .vAarlbn ..!-p IA' MARSHALL VALUATION SERVICE Ca/rolah.r C1,.t MrtAnd SQUARE SOOT COSTS 1. Subscriber making survey d�l u �,a,'�<�•}� o �. Date of survey 2. Name of building 3. Located at s I 113 Z 1 n+u., 1 SECTION 1 SECTION II e SECTION 111 SECTION ly Building class and quality .... . 1_ S 7 6. Exterior wall .............. . a.;.Lo�al Z.• rv. C1'_oym No. of stories & height per story . . WJ � n Average floor area .......... . 6 9. Average perimeter.......... . 10. Age and condition........... . U S 17. Height per story-mul ' V �' ! •• ' " -1 SrC t : Age- Coed. Aq�CoAd Aae_C..d Aoe—Coed. I 4. Occupancy ............... . 5. Building class and quality .... . 1_ S 7 6. Exterior wall .............. . 7. No. of stories & height per story . . 8. Average floor area .......... . 9. Average perimeter.......... . 10. Age and condition........... . 17. Height per story-mul ' V �' ! •• ' " -1 SrC 18. Floorarea•perimeter --?.;, -' C 7�TL 11. Base Square Foot SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION I 1 IV AewuW YL, `ter yowl nepinATeet can i Tatty Line ' • • • • . • • • . . coo cenv "ft eetter AooraIW . . . Adjunse nee-- , f TOTALAvpnAISED . . , . ' �""'^'^"e't I VALUt f Exh iigrr'/j 12, Heating, cooling, vel / I'-� I '' •. ,_' - :/ 1_ S 7 13. Elevator deduction 14. Miscellaneous .... 15 ............... 16. Number of stories -1111 17. Height per story-mul ' V �' ! •• ' " -1 . vv(; 18. Floorarea•perimeter --?.;, -' C 19 ............... FINAL 20. Refined square foot / ' �• SECTION 111 SECTION IV 21. Current cost multipl - 22. Local multiplier ($e ;� t. 1 23. Final sq. ft. cost (L 24. Area (Back of this f 25. Line 23 x Line 24.. L- 26. Lump sums (Line 3A ?7. Repiacetnent Cost d 18. Depreciation's (See .9. Depreciation amould 10, Depreciated Cod ` H. Rtlacement cost T -Insurable value See bock of this form for drawings and area and insurable value calculations. ORM 1007 (Cat. Cool "'M ..Wo "eN. �O•.I AewuW YL, `ter yowl nepinATeet can i Tatty Line ' • • • • . • • • . . coo cenv "ft eetter AooraIW . . . Adjunse nee-- , f TOTALAvpnAISED . . , . ' �""'^'^"e't I VALUt f Exh iigrr'/j 4 D/EGl:'_ I ;25.BG HI 9' Con. Sloops - zG o 20 • �I PL EX Eley. gore A:rrnred A SBL//L T DA.nCliOiZAGE, ALAS}:A 91VaV47InIQER 1922- I iiCREOY 922I1+CREOY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE SURVEYED THE FOLLOWING D��%i.ICED P ;.^.i E,,TY, LOT 1A BLOCK r' I =/TS. .SUBD. , ANC- /J lGE RECORDING 1 r-:ECr.r1T, ALASY,:•, AND THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED THECCON ARE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES AND 00 NOT OVER• LAP OR ENCROACH ON THE PROPERTY LYING AD:ACENT THERETO, THAT } t:0 ItfPROVE M.ENTS OM PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT THERETO EN' CicOAC',i ON THE PREMUSES IN QUESTION AND THAT THERE ARE NO I f r ;; • AY, T,1ANS!MSSION TINES OR OTHER VISIBLE EASEMENTS ON r„(•-rERTY E."CEPT AS IN-dIATE HEREON. NO. 609-S I � i F Eley. gore A:rrnred A SBL//L T DA.nCliOiZAGE, ALAS}:A 91VaV47InIQER 1922- I iiCREOY 922I1+CREOY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE SURVEYED THE FOLLOWING D��%i.ICED P ;.^.i E,,TY, LOT 1A BLOCK r' I =/TS. .SUBD. , ANC- /J lGE RECORDING 1 r-:ECr.r1T, ALASY,:•, AND THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS SITUATED THECCON ARE WITHIN THE PROPERTY LINES AND 00 NOT OVER• LAP OR ENCROACH ON THE PROPERTY LYING AD:ACENT THERETO, THAT } t:0 ItfPROVE M.ENTS OM PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT THERETO EN' CicOAC',i ON THE PREMUSES IN QUESTION AND THAT THERE ARE NO I f r ;; • AY, T,1ANS!MSSION TINES OR OTHER VISIBLE EASEMENTS ON r„(•-rERTY E."CEPT AS IN-dIATE HEREON. NO. 609-S 7A oa o� ob o5 04 03 02 c5•NO EC.?ESr i ' 2, It S 34 35 !4 42 43 __... t 33 3b Q © 71 I ION 9/ 44 J % JiA 90p, " , ! 45 __ !w �w 32 ' CiR 0 i sw � I2 KAP NeA SU / - .... TSO A/ , ` s 29 ' " i A-0 61778 j (3nn�� I O -05 WEL LA ELBir- y S8 "s7 7 4N CIRCLE `q TE �R 13 PE ITIONEDI r ` - - - - `---- . 9 7A _- 7(3 �• h � I jb P 0 P E R T Y I � -sfl 60.. "6/'" '•62" ID - ;-? ' 38 ."• IQ O/iYlONO Be- v0 7A oa o� ob o5 04 03 02 c5•NO EC.?ESr O.P. S 34 35 V 42 43 __... t 33 3b Q ION 9/ 44 J % JiA 90p, " , ! 45 __ !w �w 32 r , 0 i sw � 30' , ` s 29 j � 20