HomeMy WebLinkAboutABBOTT LOOP TERRACE BLK 2 LT 2 December 17, 1968 Mr. Dan ~apalee Local Representative Veterans Administration Po O. Box 1399 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SVBJECT: Water Supply Serving Abbott Loop Terrace S~b. Dear ~. Rapalee: The subject water supply Is approved by this office for the purpose of Veterans Administration financing. This letter will therefore serve as an approval for the home located at Lot 2, Block 2, of the subject subdivision. The home ts p~esently owned by Mr. Nick Peters and ts being purchased by Mr. Peter Beige1; Sincerely, DAVID £o L. DURCMI, M. D. Medical Director David B. Harkness Sanitarian DBH/srr ~a7 2~, J~r. ~ Rapelee Lo,al Repreeentat ~ve YeteX-ene Box Anc~o~ase, AXaska 99501 SUBJSCI'I Yete~ Supply and ~ wete~ ,~ly ~d ~ve~ dieP~hcL1Lties nerving the o~Jeet l~ti~ a~ append by DAVID R..L. DUNCANo ~. D, CPJ/srr P~EQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Tri~~--~ O~f~ ~- .of person requesting approva~ of prope y:ow er. Gql ~al.. desc~tp~lon Nu~e~'~ ~e4r~ms ~n house . Water ~nalysls: a. Bact~rial b. Detergent__ Well data: a, Type b. Depth. 5-0' Casing Size Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line 2. Septic tank__~__ 3. Seepage Area_~. 4, Cesspool,' · 5. Property Line Se Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, draina£e ditch, etc. sewage disposal system. a. Age of system.. b. Septic tank capacity in gallons: c. Name of septic tank manufactu~r d: 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse ~ide of this for~. Disposal field or seepage pit size and type [ 1. Distance to property line to house foundation f.. Percolation Test performed,by .... Use the ~verse ,side of this .fo~ to show dtaEFam. Dla~ra~ should include -%he foilowinE lnfo~.ationJ "~Fope~ ~knes; .wail'location, house location, ~pttc tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a~ di~ction of ~round slope. : ": ' 9. Tke h,~'~ra~to~ on ~kls form Is true and cor~¢t to the best of my knowledte. \ Signature of Applicant ~ Date Si~ned T~ BE FILLED O~ BY HEALTH DEPART~.~ENT PERSONNEl. The above described sanl{a~ facilities'are hereby ipproved,' }~ect to the ..... ~llowfnF cond{tionsj ". '~ Conditions= The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the followin~ "~i~nature of ~.ffici-~l.~ ~-'.-.~ .L 'Date ~'~- .~;t' ,'~.~1 Approval Is valid for one year followln~ the date of approval. CPJ: cw ---%. 2. 3. S, REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) llame..of person %:am~. of propertI ~.-??al,descrlptlon ~umbe~'o~ecLrooms in house .Water ~nalysls: a. Bac~-_rla! b. Detergent__ Well data: b. Depth.. COI c. Casing Size d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line 2, Septic tank__ 3. Seepage AreaJ~ 5. Property Line_ . 6. Other sources of ~ossible contamination, i.e., cr~. houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc... S~wa~e disposal system. a. Age of system b. Septic tank capecity in gallons., c. Name of septic tank manufacturer_ '~ 6Ol[O~ 1. If "home made" show dlaFram on reverse side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type_. 1. Distance to property llne ~' to house foundation /~-/ . -~. ~ercolatJ~kTest'r~s~ts f. Percolation Test performed by .. Use the reverse .side of this form to show dla£ram. DiaEra~ should include -The followin~ information: ~.roperty lines;.well location, house location, ~pt[c tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, ax~ direction of Uround slope. The h~fo~a~ion on tkis form is true and correct ~o the 5est of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date SiFned \ T_O BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH D£PART~.IENT PERSONNEL The above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, ,subject to the Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following SiEn~ture of ~.f[ici'~g ~' '.-~. "Apprmval Is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ: cw