HomeMy WebLinkAboutABBOTT LOOP TERRACE BLK 3 LT 1 I=::ll""l C: ,I-;~"'~-~IC~' I"ILJN T C: 'r F:.F'%-~ T'T' · ~' -' ---"--- P R R T r'lE N T OF-' ~I~LTH & Er'IV T ROI'-.I I'.II~'NTRL- PI~OTEC:T 1' O1'-.I DRTE C0HPLR1'HT 0PENEP: ?~258 DRTE C01~IPLRZNT CL0$EI~: CO~IPLAINT CODE: 04 8RE8 CODE: il9 HSTURE: SE~AGE CURRENT IbISPOSITION: PEHD C85E OFPICER: JOE REF #1: REF #2: HR. BLU~I, ?Ol:L HENDERSON LOOP, 2~5-4~5, SEI4AGE FLOWED ($TSNDIHG POOL) AT BUGLE CRT Off HENDERSONLOOP ~/~/~{~ ~_____.__~_~ ~7'-'~./Z~7'-'~~ ~,,'/~,, GREATER AI4C, HOR~GE AR£A BO_RC~JGH 3500 Tudor Roa4, Anchorag,, Alaska 90507 279-9696 A- 2 Time of Ineoection~ Da~e of Ir~nection ~ - ,~'7 - 3, a. 5. RF'Q'J£$T FO~ AP~:OVAL OF INg~.VI~JAL SE.~ER & WATER FACILITIES FO9 B. Deoth Type Of Facility ~o he In.~necfed:.... ... Number 6f Be4roo~s: ~, Wall Data: ~7o..z~ ,~ A. Tw~e C, Con~truction D, Bacterial Analysis C~'S~e~ttc Tank: 1. D. Seepage Pit, I., E. Disposml Pleld: Total [.e~gth of Lines A. e:ell Tn~ Sentlc Tan~ . Absorption Area · S~wer Lines · :l-.-~re~t Lot lin, . Other Contamination ~. Fo,;nrtatinn '+'~ C~?t. ic Tnnk ~ ~ ' ~.. ~ Abs~rntion Are~ ~0 C. AOsorett,n Are, tc Heare~t Lot Line '~0-~y'. .'~eq~=~rt for. Apvroval o( . ,~tv!cluel Sewer & Water Factltt" ODe Y,ar F,.'o~ Date Signed 9erartment c.f Environmental Ouality '9.A::,t,,. OF o.STJ.. ! certff" t?:at the information contained in thi.~ req~]est for approval to be a t~Je and acc:~rat~ repr~e~t, at!nn of tho. s,~iect se'.~er and '#ater facilities located at: HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM I~$URING OFF~CE MOIITGAGO~ OR SPONSOR PART L--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA. MORTGAGEE TOTAL [] Public system [] Public system Yes [] No [] Community system ~1 Communlty system [] blew installation PART II.~TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT OF INSPECTION~INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARy TIILATMINT consists ¢)f r-I Se~ic tank. l'-1 Cess~ol. feet, Material, Number of compartments gallons, Capacity inlet cnmpanmem,, gallons. ft~t. Inside width, feet. Liquid de[xh, feet. Distance from well. Total liquid capacily, Ins~ length, Disunce lrrom: Well fees: fimndaticm, fees; nearest I(~ line a~ r-I front. I-I side. rl ~ear. Inside diameter, feet. Depqh fi'et. Liquid capadty, gallons. Lining material Disun~e from: ~//cll, To~l kn~h of tile lines Trench width, ~ng~h ~ ¢~ch llne, Ty~ ~ hher material: ~ Gravel. fee~; foundati;m, feet; nearcU lot line at f-I front, I-I si~e, F'I rear, feet. Number of lines, Distance between lines, · inches. Total effe~-tlve absorption area in bottom of trenches. · feet. D~pth, top of tile to finish grade. n Broken stone. O~her Delxh of filter matetlal beneath tile:~ inches. Depth of filter mat.iai over tile~ Number of p!tS . . Outside diameter, feet. Depth.. feel. Lining material Disunce from: %X/ell. fee~: building foundaticm,, feet; nearest lot llne at r-I fronL 1-] side. I-1 I~ctJ, o~ med~ by1 J-1 S~ate. [-1 County. [-1 Loc. al Health Authoclty. Inspected by Date of inspexth,fl , 19 ~luare feet. REPORT OF INSPECTION~INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Give most r~ent rc, c(~d of failure of wtlls in immediate vicintty (o furnish adequate supply of water Propertk's in fleighbocl,~d I-I are [-I are not bei,g developed with bo~h individual water-sui~,ly and sewage.disposal systems. L~,t size' feet wide, feet deep. Dwelling set b~ck from front property line fee~. Individual water supply from: [='] Dr:lied well· ["=] Driven well. n Dug well. ['=[ l~ored well. Building f~Jndation, ~eepage pit.. .feet; tile sewer. fret: cesspool. feet; neares~ Io4 llne at n front. [] side. n rear, feet; s~ptic tank, feet; disposal field, feet; other sources o~ possible pollutlon~ i'eet. Diameter. inches. Total depth, fc~. Type of casing. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well. feet. Approximate yield., Sealed watertight to depth of feet. ExtcYk~' space around casin~ s~aled with: I-1 Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. [] Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Comct~e. [] Wood. [] Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: [] Yes. I-I No. Pvmpt [] Shallow well. [] Deep well. Len~h of drop pipe. feet. Pump capacity,. Looted in: n l~asement. [] Pumpr0om of/' basement. [] Pumpbouse above ground. [] Pump pit. Pumptoom properly ~alned: [] Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: I-1 Yes. I-I No. Type cd' stocage: [] Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity,. gallons. Has b~cteriological examination of water been made.) [] Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date Quality of water [] is I-1 is not satisfactory for human consumption. InstalLation n does I-I does not comply with approved ezhibit$, it' any. Inspectiofl made b)': I-I S~ate. I-~ County. I-I L~xal Ileahh Aud~ocity. Inspected by Date of inspection ~ 19 Depth of casing, gallons per minute. gallons per minute. 19 fcc[. feet; G~.ELAI~R ANCHORAGE AREA BOROJJ~,~L HEALTH DEPARTMENT '~ 327 EAL~tE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 · INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCAT,ON ADDRESS._'7 Ir- SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL LIQUID CAPACITY /~C · MATERIAL GALLONS. INSIDE LENGTH NUMBER OF // COMPARJMENTS. C~~tu~"' LIQUID INSIDE WIDTH__DEPIH SEEPAGE SYSTEM: NUMBER OF PITS LINING MATERIAl NEAREST LOT LINF SEEPAGE PIT: OUTSIDE DIAMETER OJ~ WIDTH ~/ LENGTH , DEPTH '~ -'~" (--~'~'C~,~"' DISTANCE FROM WELl /~'~1 , BUILDING FOUNDATION ~; TOTAL EFFECTIVE *BSORPTION AREA ~ALL AREA) ~T SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL ~ ,FOUNDATION ~ , NEAREST L~ ~TLILN[~"GTH DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE .DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: TYPE ~'~l'~j7 DEPTH '~ DISTANCE FROM WATER · , BUILDING FOUNDATION ~'~"~' / SAMPLE ~"~ NEAREST I L~PAOE OTHER NFR~r~T SEP!IC~[~ ~ ,~ST~ , CESSPO~ , ~U~S [0~ ., SEWER LINE , Ia~ ~ ~ DISTANCES: APPROVED GREATEI.." CHORAGE AREA llEALTli DFRARTMENT 327 E~gle St. Anchorage, Ahska 99501 279-2511 Case No. /-~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT .AMEOFAPPUCANT RESIDENCE ADDRESS <~o ~. ~. LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY FINANCED THROUGH F'~ '"~PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS ~ ,h~C/MAILING ADDRESS <~ ~ ~/.~ ff~HONE LOCATION OF INSTAL~TION ~Q SEEPAGE PIT. ~ , DRAIN FIELD , OTHER TO BE INSTALLED BY ~e ~g ~ ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS IS TO SERVE AS AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED ~ ~ .SE~ICTANKSIZE ~ TYPe C~T SEEPAGE AREA TYPE, ~r DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM · DISTANCES: ! Health Authority L I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. J DATE APPLICANTS SIGNATU R E INS, PECTION ' -- QUALII~ CONTROL~ ~/ / MATERIA~ TESTING · SOIL CONCR~E ASPHALT / NATIONAL TEeiNG SERVICES INC, .April 17, 1969 Mr. Samuel Provost 2804 Valleywood Anchorage, Alaska 99503 'bi Re: Percolation Test - Lot It Block 3, Abbott Loop Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Provost: This letter is to certify that we have conducted a percolation test on · the subject property. The test was performed at the bottom of an eight-foot deep test pit · . in the general area of the proposed sewage disposal facilities. This test was made in accordance with the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department specifications as prescribed in Appendix B of the National Plumbing Code, 1962 Revision. Very truly yburs, WED:Js Attach. NATIONAL 'i-~:STING SERVICES, INC. William E. Duncan, Manager March 12, 1969 Samuel Provost 2BOV Valleywood ~nchora~e, Alaska ggsov SUBJECT~ Water Supply Serving ~bbott Loop Terrace Subdivision The subject water supply is approved by this office for the purpose of ~{A financing. This letter therefore servee as an approval for your home to be built on Lot 1, Dlock 3, of the subject subdivision. Enclosed you will find a copy of Ordinance No. 28-6B re£ardln~ sewage disposal practices. When you are ready to install your sewage system at the sub~ect location, we will supply you with a permit for doin~ so. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, H. O. Medical Director DBH/srr cc~ Federal Housing Adm. David B, Harkness, R, S. Sanitarian 1. This ~s an a~eenent between th~ Abbett :Loop Hoae (7.~ners Asses~ ~ation and 'the o~mer of lot ! block ~ of Abbott. Lo~p Terrace. ~. For.$1.O0 and other consid~ratie~s th~ undersigned ~nd his h~irs and assigns agree from. this day for,~ard to restrict or prevent the place,~nt ~£: a. A seepage pit or disposal field within 120 feet fro:~ the w~t~r well located in th~ S.E. cor. of lot-7 block 2, Abbott Loop Terrace. b. Sewers or.septic tanks within 80 feet of said well. c. Any kind of contaminmtion within ~0 feet of s&!d well. ~. This agreement is intended to run with the'lnnd and is prepzred at th~ direction of the Hsa"_th D~pt., Orester .~chcrmEe Area Bcrough. ~ c o~ n F D-~VqL-BD · , ~C)lgdlgE REC. ~ DISTRICT