HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEER PARK Block 1 General Information GARY PLAYER VENTURES ~j ..~' CONSULTING GEOLOGIST DOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A " ANCHORAGE:. ALASKA 99507 Septembe~ 28, 1978 · PHONE 344-707t Mr. Avron Gensburg Bella Vista Associates, Inc. 140 E. Deerpark Court Highland Park, Illinois, 60055 LETTER REPORT Soils Studies Deer Park Subdivision Peters Creek, Alaska Introductioq On Wednesday, September 20, 1978, Mr. Les Brattain of Tryck, Nyman and Hayes verbally authorized Gary Player Ventures to conduct an investiEation of soils conditions in portions of the proposed Deer Park Subdivision, Peters Creek, Alaska. We agreed on thc proposed locations of test pits and selected Chuck's Bac¥~oe Services of Anchorage, A~aska to excavate the pits. On Fr~day, September 22, ~978, three test pits were excavated and the materials described. On Saturday, September 25, ~978, I returned to the site to conduct percolation tests at test pits "B" and "C". The locations of the test pits~are sho%.m on the Location Map (attached). Soils and Groundwater Soils at the site consist of silty sands and gravelly silty sands overlain by va~yingthicknesses of clean, well graded gravel. The ~:ater table v~as not encountered in the three test holes; clayey gravels encountered belo~; 8 feet in test pit "A" are wet, but per- meable s~nd lenses in the gravel are not water-bearing. 'The materials encountered in test pits "A", "B", and "C" are described in the attached Soils Logs. Percolation rates for the silty sands encountered in test pits "B" and "C" are shov~ on the Soils Logs. Respectfully Submitted Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist Attachments Location Map Soils Logs of Test Pits "A", and "C" sheets) i i /' y -/ LOC~TION MAP Test Holes A, B, and C DEER PARK SUBDIVISION GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSUL"I:IN G GEOLOGIST SOILS LOG Test Pit "B" Performed forBe]la Vista Associates, Inc. Location Lot 5, Block 5, Deer Park Sub., Peters Creek~ Alaska (see Location Map) 2 4 ~ %0 '512 16 Soil Type Water Level 'Remarks SM 0-I .Sand, silty, tan, loose. GW I-4 Gravel, sandy, clean, brovm, with boulders to 2 feet in diameter. SM 4-16 Sand, silty, gray-bro~m, about 5-I0% gravel averaging 2" or less in diameter with a few to 6 inches. Scattered lenses of poorly graded fine sand. Occasional layers of very stiff to hard sandy silt. PERCOLATION RATE: 27 minutes/inc~ Interval "perked" from 5 feet to 7 feet below ground level% 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater (X) Not Reached Depth, if Reached · Classification Method (X) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis 16' ~latertal at Total Depth SM Bedroc% (~ Not Readhed Depth, if Reached -Gary F. Player, Consulting Geologist GARY PLAYER CONSULTING CE. OLOGIST ,NTURES ANCHOeAGE. ALASKA 99507 · PHONE 344-707! SOILS LOG Test Pit "C" Performed for Bel].a Vista. Associates. Inc. Date At tho boundary of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Location Deer ~ark Sub. Peters Creek, Alaska. (see Location Map) 0 2 4 6 ; %0 lZ 16 Soil Type Water Level kemarks 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater · (X) Not Reached Depth, if Reached SM .0-1.5 'Sand, silty, tan, loose. Si'; 1.)~11.0 Sand, silty, gray-brovm, gravelly, dense; with lenses of poorly graded ~ fine sand and very stiff to hard sandy silt. PERCOIATION RATE: 20 minutes/inch Interval "perked" from 5 feet to 7 feet below ground levcl. SP 11.0-17.0 Sand~ gray-bro~'m, fine grained, gravel- - ly, with lenses of silty sand and hard sandy silt 97' Material at Total Depth SP Bedrock (y) Not Reached Depth, if Reached Classification Hethod. Cz) visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () · Gary F. Player, Consulting Geologist SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR PETERS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION Peters Creek, Alaska The subsurface investigation was 'conducted on Hay 13, l~ and 15, 1~75 using a Case 580 backhoe to excavate the test pits, Test pit sltes were chosen and logging was performed by Harvln Beyer, P.E. A total of h test pits were placed at Iocatlons on the property so as to reasonably represent all soils within the proposed subdivision. The test pits were located by pacing from topographic features determined from the topographic map of the area. Therefore, all locations are approximate. The proposed subdivision is heavily tree covered and the soil consists of I to 2 feet of organic topsoil underlaln with clean NFS sandy gravel in various thicknesses. Underneath the NFS material is an F-1 sandy, silty, gravel with low amounts of silt. Some large boulders exist at random locations throughout the area. The test pit observations indicate that there is adequate NFS sandy gravel on the site for the construction of the proposed subdivision roads. An analysis of the material encountered Indicates that all portions of the subdivision would be suitable for on-site sewage disposal systems consisting of septic tank and ]eachlng fields or leaching pits. All soils analysls was by visual classification. One soil sample was retained from each test pit. Imc Test Pit No. 1 Depth In Feet From to 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 2.2' 2.2' 3.8' 3.8' 6.0' 6.0' 6.2' 6.2' Il.O' Ii.0' 13.0' PETERS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. So11 Description Organic F2, ML, sandy slit topsoil F2, HL, sandy silt NFS, S~, clean gravelly sand ML, thin layer of gravelly silt NFS, G~, sandy gravel with some 8"+ boulders NFS, GP, open course graded gravel with few fines, damp 13.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Test Pit No. 2 Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Depth in Feet From to . O.O' O.4' 0.4' 1.1' 1.1' 4.8' 4.8' 13.0' Soil Description Organic Fl, ML, brown sandy silt topsoil with roots and decayed matter NFS, GW,. sandy gravel (~-) with occasional large boulders FI, GM, sandy silty gravel, low amount of silt, marginally NFS 13'.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Marvin Deyer, P.E. Test Pit No. 3 Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.3' 0.3'. 1.2' 1.2' 4.3' 4.3' 14.0' Soil Description Organic FI, ML, sandy gravelly silt, topsoil NFS, GW, sandy gravel, 3"-, dry FI, GH, silty sandy gravel, occasional 6"+ boulder 14.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Test Pit No. h Depth in Feet From to 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 1.3' i.3' 4.0' h.O 12.0~ Date: 5-1h-78 Logged by: Marvin Beyer, P.E. Soil Description Organic FI, SH, sandy silt topsoil NFS, GW, sandy gravel, 6"- FI, GH, silty sandy gravel, grey, dry 12.0~ Free water level Bottom of hole None 'TEST /-IOLE. . .. · .. , ...'.'..... .. ,( ' ... " ~' ~' ; " ''T: :"i' 'r. H. ~-: ! t ; FIC~UR -F- ~: ?- ~,/.0. :~ 1BZZ9 Test Ilole i~1 Logged BT: T. ~t~x~ 0.0' 0.2' 0.2' - 1.0' soil DescrJ Organic Material (forest litter) F-2, tan .Silty. Sand., SM, dry, medium. NFS, brown Sandy_ G~avel, GW, dry, sand component c~'~r-~-,'-;~undcd particles 8" occasional cobb]es. F-1 ,' brown Silt.~ ~9!~.d.%_' Grgv'~.i., .GM, dz~,m,p., sand and gr.q~6-.~ coral>On¢'nts' x./c~t grao¢.~, subrounded l)artic]es to 3", few cobbles. Bottom of Test llole: Frost I,ine: Free Water l,evel: '{'{,:;t Ilole {{'2 ~ 15.0' ," None Observed None Observed Table A we {IA1U22B Date: 9-16-77 Logged By: T. LO' Sexton FrOm To 0.0' - 1.0' 1.0' - 8.0' 8.0' - 10.0' 10.0' - 14.0' Soil .D~p¢~r__iption' Organic Material. F-l, brown Silt~ Sandy Gravt:], GW-GM, damp, sand and gravel components, Well graded, subrounded particles to 6", few cobbles. F-2, brown Silty Sand~ SM, damp, well graded, subrouuded part~cie.{ to ~/2 . I:-1, brown Si.]ty Sandy Grave], GM, dam} , sand and gr~-~l~'-f-cJ"'1323.r[eSt~--Uell graded' few cobbles. · , : !r,:e ¢~t 'l'('St IIo]0: r) o:;t i,iue: 1;']'(.:0 %,;tltor ],eVe].: 14.0' None Observed None Observed Te-';t IIolc #3 Table A ~A18228 Da=e: 9-16-77 Logged Dy: T. Sexton Depth in Feet FrOm To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' - 4.0' 4.0' - 5.5' 5.5' - 15.0' Soil. Description Organic Material (forest litter). F-l;, tall Silty sandy G.rLavol_, SW-SM, dry, sand and ~.~'a{;'[-''l-~'~[['i]O~-6n~s well graded, subrounded particles 'to 3", few cobbles. NFS, brown Sandy G_r__a_vel, GW, dry, sand component coarse, few cobbles. F-l/F-3, brown §3_!AY. Sand~ Graw~l, damp, medium to fine ~h(i, gravel, subrounded particles, few cobbles. Bottom of Test Ilole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Test Hole ~4 15.0' None Observed Non~ Observed Table A. WO ~A1822~ Date: 9-17-77 Logged By: T. Sexton D_oJ,)th in Feet From To 0.0' - 0'.8' 0.8' 3.5' 3.5' - 15.0' soil Description Organic Material. (forest litter) F-l, tan Silty. ~9_n..d., SP-SM, d. ry.,)meli~ets°to fine sand~ subr~unded - rounaea I ar 1" F-l, brown Silty_ Sand][ Grave{, GM, dry, sand and gr~f c~{{,~p6ne~76J-J~i"l graded, many cobbles and boulders. l'ree Water l.evel: 15.0' None Obser~e¢l Non(: Observed Test IIole #5 Table A WO ~A10228 D,~t.¢': q-17-77 l,ogg,:d By: T. Depth in l.'eet 'From To 0.0' - 0.5' 0.5' 7.5' 7.5' - 15.0' Soil Description Organic Material, (forest lit'ret). NFS', brown Sandy Gravel, GW, dry, sand and gravel well' ~-~'de~ subrounded particles to 3", few cobbles. F-l, brown Si]tx Sand~ G_r. ave], (:W-GM, dry, sand and gr'~5'J 'w~.]-l-g'r~ed, gr:,d¢:s to a GM wit]] d(:l)th as silt content ]ncreases, subrounded particles to 3", few cobbles. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: ].'roe W~lter I.evol: 15.0' None Observed None Observed DATE: TO: FROM: SUE. JECT: N ul " cipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM October 25, 1978 Jerry Weaver - Planning Department File No.: PB3 : S-4866 Les Buchholz - Environmental Engineering - DHEP Deer Park Subdivision - tS-4866 - Reply to revised soils report submittal dated 10/23/78. This Department is n~ in receipt of the requested addendum of soil reports. The proposed plat is now acceptable to this Department based upon soil tests submitted. Les Buchholz Environmental Engineering Acting Manager LB:lmp cc: Les Brattatn - Tryck Nyman & Hayes cc: Sanitation S/D Book file {a/s) PLAYER CONSULTING GEOLOGIST GARY October 23, 1978 VENTURES · PHONE: 344-7071 Mr. Avron Gensburg Belle Vista Associates, Inc. 140 E. Deerpark Court Highland Park, Illinois, 60035 ADDE~IDUM REPORT Soils Studios' Deer Park Subdivision Peters Croek~ Alaska Municipality Case #S-48SS introduction On ThUrsday, October 19, 1978, Mr. Los Brattain and I met with Mr. Les Buchholz, Environmental Ensineeriu~ Manager, Department of Health and Environmental Protection, Municipality of Anchorase. We discussed the status of soils studies at the proposed Deer Park Subdivision and ~ointly selected the locations for ~ additional tes~ pits. We' agreed that the three additional tests, if satisfactory, would be sufficient to allow the Municipality to review your proposed subdivision. On Friday I contacted an excavator in tho Peters Creek area and showed him the locations of the additional test pits. A small Case bacl~oe capable of digging to nine feet below ground was selected, as Mr. Bucb~olz had agreed that the nine existing excavations had that groundwater levels were at least 15 feet below ground in the area· On Saturday, October 21, 1978 the three additional test pits were dug and the materials described. Soils and Groundwater Soils in the three test pits were even better than could have been predicted from the previous studies· All three sites were underlain by clean well Eraded gravels to depths of at least eight feet. Silty loose sands mantled the gravels from the surface to depths of 1 to ~.5 feet below ~round. Gravels in Test Pits E and F were dry. A small amount of free- ~ater was oerchcd on silty sand at 8.5 feet below Eround'in Test Pit D. The wa~er was probably surface water percolatinM do~mward after hea~-y rains and wet snow of tho previous week. Respectfully submitted, Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist Soils Loss of Test Pits D, Attach~ents: and F CONSUL1 lNG GCOLOGIST ANCIIOi~AG[, ALASK~ 99507 SOILS LOG Test Pit "D" 'Perfor.-..~d for Belle. Vista Associates, Inc. ])ate Locat~Dn Lot 2, B!ock.5~ D~er Park Subdivision~ Peters Creok~ Alaska (see Location Map) 2 16 lg 2O Soil Type Water Level Remarks !~/"'~"'/":~ O-fl SM San~, silty, tan, loose, with iio.'.o~o'.' .. organic d~bris in top 5 inches. ~~' "" "' ':' ~-2 GW Gravel,.. ~sandy' clean, bro~m, dr)'. ~::~'.'O:'~ 2-5.5 SM Sand, oml~y, compact, I~I'~'~'CD''° 5.5-8 GW Grovel, sandy, clean, brovm, dry, ;,27.>...2:.~. ~ 8-8.5 SW Sand, clean, gray-bro~, wet at ~ ~ base of the layer. ~ - 8.5-9 SM Ssnd, silty~ dense, gravelly. [ ~{ote: a small amount.of free water entered the test pit from the well graded sand at 8.5' below ground. The water ~obably surface water percolati~- ward from hea~ ~ains and wet . snow of the previous week. Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater ( ) No: Reached Depth, if Reached°o.5~ Classification Hethod (X) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () 9 feet Haterial at Total Dept~ SI-? Bedrock (~9 Not Reached Depth, if Reached Cory F. Player, Consulting Ceo]ogist CONSLILTINC; GEOLOGIST PIIONE 344-7071 SOILS LOG Test Pit "E" Performed for_l~CO_l_~.__l~i~ta ;.,smoc~ates~ T~. Date IO/P~/?R ]~ocation Lot 6, Block 3, Deer ?ark Subdivision, Peters Greek, Alaska (see Location Map) Soil Type }later Level Remarks 4 6 ].6 18 o. cSPc 0-1 S."'.I i-8 GW -Sand, silty, loose, tan, with organic debris in the top G inches Gravel, sandy, clean, brovm, dry,. with a trace of alluvial silt. Pebbles to 3 inches in diameter. groundwater occurs greater than 17 feet below ground in adOaccnt test pits. Total Del)th of Excavation 8 foot Material at Total Depth G?o un d:,'a t er Bed rock ,0:) Not Reached (~) Not Reached Depth, if Reached Depth, if Reached Cia~sifica tien Method (x) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () Gary F. Player, Consulting Geologist CONSULI'II'~(~ GEOLO[;IST Per fort. ed for Locat ich LOt SOILS LOG Test Pit "F" Bolla Vista Associates, Inc. Block (see Location l.:ap) Date 10/21/78 Deer Park Sub. ~ Peters Creek, Alaska 0 2 '1 S:.i! iype Uater Level F, emarlm '.~/.'./..; 0-2 SM Sand, silty, loose, t~n, {.lith organic debris in .top 6 inches. .C~.'~'~.)'~i 2-8 GW Gravel, sandy, clean, dry, with ; ..~.~.~.-. a trace of alluvial silt. Pebbles · Ci~ ~. to 5 inches in diameter. j Note: ~roundwater occurs greater than ~7 feet below greed in adjacent - test pits. 16 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater (X) Ne: Reached Depth, if Reached Cla.~sifica:ton }Iethod (:.:) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () 8 feet Material at Total Depth Bedrock {1) Not Reached Depth, if Reached 'Gary F. Player, Consulting Geologist L"cte~er 12, 197~ File ho.. P33 Tryck Hy~an & Ua,yos 740 ! Street Anchorace, Alaska 99501 SubJect: Deer P~rk Su~divislon (most recent su~=ttted) 5-4~(5 Gentl~.~n: Your recent submittal of revtsed lot configuration/size has been reviewed an~ tho following co,.-r~nts noted: 1. Soils tests are r~quirod of each lot, duo to lot size. 2. Place:unt or &~11 and three absorption system reted for 3 bedroo~ residences should be illustrated on each lot. Please note absorption syste~ ~ust be 75' frc~ cut banks exceeding 6' helght. 3. Uso of soil profiles in lieu of sotl testtn~ on each lot uould be acceptable if lots with poor sells and sloping topography are enlar~d. · Sincerely, Les guchhol z £nvtror~.qental Engineering It~na~r cc: Oorry Ueavor - Plannln~ ~partrJent, Ituntcipalit7 Anchorage PO,..H B 650 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 (907) 2644111 October 12, 1978 File Nuni~er: PB3 Tryck Nymen & Hayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Deer Park Subdivision (most recent submitted) S-4866 Gentlemen: Your recent submittal of revised lot configuration/size has been reviewed and the following con~nents noted: 1. Soils tests are required of each lot, due to lot size. 2. Placement of three absorption systems rated for 3 bedroom residences should be illustrated. Please note absorpition systems must be 75' from cut banks (roadway) exceeding 6' height. e Use of soil profiles in lieu of soil 'testing on each lot would be acceptable if lots with poor soils and sloping topography are enlarged. Sincerely, Les Buchholz Environmental Engineering Manager LB:lmp cc: Jerry Weaver - Planning Department, Municipality SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR PETERS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISIO~I Peters Creek, Alaska The subsurface Investigation was conducted on Hay 13, IE and 15, 1978 using a Case 580 backhoe to excavate the test plts. Test pit sites were chosen and logging was performed by Harvln Bayer, P.E, A total of h test pits were placed at locations on the property so as to reasonably represent all soils within the proposed subdivision. The test plts were located by pac|n~ from topographic feature~ determined from the topographic map of the area. Therefore, all locations are approximate, The proposed subdlvislon Is heavily tree covered and the soil conslsts of I to 2 feet of organic topsoil underlain with clean NFS sandy gravel In various thicknesses. Underneath the NFS material Is an F-! sandy, silty, gravel with Ic~ amounts of slit. Some large boulders exist at random locations throughout the area. The test pit observations Indicate that there is adequate NFS sandy gravel on the slte for the construction of the proposed subdlvls|on roads. An analysls of the material encountered Indicates that all portions of the subdivision would be suitable for on-site sewage disposal systems consisting of septic tank and leaching fields or leachlng plts, All soils analysis was by visual classlflcatlon. One soll sample was retained from each test pit. lmc PETERS CREEK ESTATES SURDIVISION Oate: 5-1h-78 Logged by: Harvln Beyer, P.E. Test Pit No. I Depth In Feet. From to 0.0' 1.0' 1.0' 2.2' 2.2' 3.8' 3.8' 6.0' 6.0' 6.2' 6.2~ I1.0,~ 11.0' 13.0' Soll DescrIptlon Organic F2, HL, sandy slit topsoll F2~ HL, sandy silt INFS, S~, clean gravelly sand HL, thln layer of gravelly silt ' ~NFS, GW, sandy gravel with some' 8"+ boulders NFS, GP, open course graded gravel with'few fines, damp 13.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Date: 5-1L~-78 Logged by: Harvln Bayer, P.E. Test Pit No. 2 Depth in Feet From to. O.O~ O.h~ O.h~ I.I~ Soil Description Organic FI, HL, brc~ sandy silt topsoil with roots and decayed mat er -~, I,/~ W, dy gravel (6~-) with occasional large ~" boulders FI, 6H, sandy silty gravel, low amount of silt, marginally NFS 13.0~ Bottom of hole Free water level None Date: 5-1h-78 Logged by: I~arvin Beyer, P.E. Test Pit No.'3 Depth In Fee~ From to. 0.0' 0.3* 0.3* 1.2' 1.2' 4.3~ 4.3* 14.0' 14.0' Free water level So11 Description Organic FI, rtL, sandy gravelly slit, topsoll ~ .~')~ fNFS, GI~, sandy gravel, 3"-, dry/~70 ~ ~ ~ · ~, GH, silty sandy g. ravel, occasional 6"+ boulder/ Bottom of hole None $ ,8bb ^t S 02 Test Date:.5-1h-78 Logged by: Harvln Beyer, P.E. Depth In Feet. From to . O.O' 0.5' 0.5' 1.3' 1.3' ~.0' 4.0 12.0' FI, SH, sandy sllt topsoil NFS, G~, sandy gravel, 6"- Soil OescrIptlon Fi, GH, silty sandy gravel, grey, dry 12.0" Free water level Bottom of hole None Sh.~bb ~L~ 0 Zf~'/B GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST BOX 476-M, STAR ROUTE A · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 · PHONE 344-?07l Octobor ~, 197~ REPORT Ccolo 'otc InvcstiEr-tion~ .Dee'.- i~ark Su!~division Pctors Cr~ok, Alnska Municipality of Anchorazo Tnt ~cd~;r t'.; ~n On _-'ri(lay, Septm::l~e.:.' 29, 1978, Mr, Les Bratb'ain of gryck, :.:;~:~c~, an'i iluyon vcx'b-ull2; authorizcd O,~r;F.l-qayo:.- Ven~urcs to pro- :~nre a :.opo.c~ describin~ the surficial geolo[~' of the propos~(l Dee.'.' ].'~vck 2ubdivisioa in Pc~ers Creek, Alaska. ThO scop.:-~ of work inc!ud2i: ousitn reconnai$snncc eT tho area to bo subdividcd; e::ca'?a~!on of throe t(:s~ pits b~; Ga[T/ !~laye:c Ventures; corz'clatiou of thc results cf cur own investigTr~ions with six previous Fits and borin[;s provid, ed by Tryck, i~yr,:au and Hayes; and const.- ?ucb!on of a Gcolojic Map and Sub3urface Sectionz of the proposed subdivision. A !(,tier report sld~:.~it'bed ~lepbember 28, 1Q78 des- cr:lbes '~ho field s[;u~lics p2rfoz'2ml bY Gary P].aycr Von'~uz'es. Tho :-~ubdivision is compose:l o.? two c, enor.a! r,.rces o,t con-- ,,z" '~,.~-~',.,, r.._.Lc~"' .f, Blocks 1 anco' 2 ore ,la.~' '" to very ~cn'b!y rolling. · · ...a_ ,~ thc t,~ nor~n-..,outn trending% road -' ~! .... ~ ,-~, --, ~.~ ,-.'- ~,.,o small hills .':'" --' "- ~. ,.. ~ .--. :' ' ~!, ant] the norbh ]f' of Lot 5, Block ~n~ so...~n ;;' of Lot Block 3~ .... ~ "~ s appa~'cn'bly stable an~ do not ey3~ibit; evidence of ~SZ Z~o%,o~ont · Soils nDd Ground:.:ater~ f,---, 1¥ silty t.,~. site consis~ of silty sands and Soils at sands o-..~rlain by v~ryin5 thicknesses of clean, %?o!l graded ~ravel. feet thick) in thc aban- Glean ...~,elo amc thickest (at least - · ~,, a-o channel between the hills in Block ~. Clean m~t- cria! c:¢;ends ~o depths ran~in~; from z~. to f{ fee~ he].ow Ground in - - -, o. '"~-,, h.,1., in Block 5 arc mantled with ! to 5 feet ~z_t., sands sad ~ravclly silty sands. of clean s~dy gravel over the . oS..~ 9, t tWO porcolot~on tests were run locations. S'Oabiiized percolation rates ¥;crc 27 minutes per inch T.~ Pz~ B and 20 minutes per inch in Test Pit '2he ¥;ater table %.~as not encountered in any of thc test pits or borin5c- Hoist soils %~crc cncoun~ez~d in Tcst ' ~ · ,-~ ' locally retarded by that thc Dcrcolntion of surface d_azn~u silty and clayey soils below tho olean surfaco ~rave].s. Lenses soils arc .not of ~-~ ! clcan sa~d within the moist silty ~=n~n=. and no water entered cay of the tesb pzt~ or borin[~s. -~ '- Subdivision occurs m.. an area ,,~%~ proposed Door flat ~round and stable ~cn~lc slopes. Soils a~ the si'bo are suf- ficient!:; permeable for onsite disposal of domestic ~ ..... and thc water table is deep enough (Greater than !7 feet) to b~ pro- tectcd from coutanination. Gary F. l~layer Consulting, Geo!ojic Map Jubsurf~ce ~$octions ',' -.- of Borinus and ..e.,t Pits ~Oj~ G}~: Cp GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST Septembe~ 28, 1978 Mr. Avron Gensburg Bella Vista Associates, Inc. ~40 E. Deerpark Court Par.., Illinois, 60055 IIighland ~' LETTER REPORT .Soils Studies Deer Park Subdivision Peters Creek, Alaska Introduction On Wednesday, September 20, 1978, Mr. Les Brattain of Tryck, Nyman and Hayes verbally authorized G~.ry Player Ventures to conduct an znvestzga~zon of soils conditions ~n portions of the proposed Deer Park Subdivision, Peters Creek, Alaska. We agreed on the proposed locations of test pits and selected Chuck'f Backhoe Services of · Anchorage, A~aska to excavate the pits. On Frzday, September 22, 9978, three test pits were excavated and tho materials described. On Saturday, September 25, ~978, I returned to the site to conduct percolation tests at test pits "B" and "C". The locations of the test pits are sho~m on the Location Map (attached). Soils and Ground[.zater Soils at the site consist of silty sands and gravelly silty sands overlain by varying thicknesses of clean, ~cll graded gravel. The water table %.:as not encountered in the t.hree test holes; clayey gravels encountered below 8 feet in test pit "A" are wet, but per- meable sand lenses in the gravel are not %.~ater-bearing. The materials encountered iu test pits "A", "B", and "C" are described in the attached Soils Logs. Percolation rates for the silty sands encountered in test pits "B" and "C" are shovm on the Soils Logs. Respectfully Submitted, Gary F. Player Consulting Geologist Attachments ~ocation Map Soils Logs of Test Pits "A", "B" and "C" (5 sheets) GARY PLAYER VENTURES CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 'cox 476-M, STAR ROUTE A · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 - PHONE $44-707! SOILS LOG Test Pit "A" Performed for Bella Vista Associates? Inc. Location Lot 2~ Block ~, Deer Park Sub.~ (see Location Date 9/22/78 Peters Creek, Alas:<a 0 2 4 '.c: ,-, 12 Soil Type Water Level Remarks 16 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Croundwater (X) Not Reached Depth, if Reached SM 0-2.5 Sand, silty, loose, tan, with organic debris in top 6 inches. 2.5-8.0 Gravel, sandy, clean, dry, with a trace of silt. Boulders to qO inches in dia- GW meter. "8.0-14.O Gravel, clayey, silty, gray-bro%,m, wet.! GC Water does not enter pit, but soil is saturated and caves readily. - ~.O-1'7.O Gravel, silty, blue-gray, moist. Rocks GM to q2" in diameter. Lenses of. gray, poorly graded sand, moist, but well drained. No water entry to pit. }~terial at' Total Depth GM Bedrock . (X) Not Reached Depth, if Reached Classification Hethod (X) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () Cary F. Player, Consulting Ceologist GARY' PL,AYER VENTURE5 SOILS LOG Test 'Pit "B" Performed forBella Vista Associates, Inc. Location Lot 5, Block 3, .(see Location Map) Date Beer Park Sub., Peters Creek~ Alaska 0 2 4 6 16 Soil Type Water Level Remark~ SM 0-1 .Sand, silty, tan, loose. GW 1-z~ Gravel, sandy, olean, bro¥~, with boulders to 2 feet in diameter. SM 4-16 Sand, silty, gray-bro~.~, about 5-~0% gravel averaging 2" or loss in diameter with a few to 6 inches. Scattered lenses of poorly graded fine sand. Occasional layers of very stiff to hard sandy silt. PERCOLATION P~,TE: 27 minutes/inc~ Interval "perked" from 5 feet to 7 feet below ground levell 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater (~ Not Reached Depth, if Reached' 'Classification Method (X) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis .() Material at Total Depth SM Bedrock ()) Not Reached Depth, if Reached -Gary F. Player, Consulting Geologist G,AF:iY PLAYF-. V NTUF:IES. CONSULTING ,GEOLOGIST SOILS LOG Test Pit 'tC" Performed for Bells Vista Associates, Inc. Date At tho boundary of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Location Peters r...,.,,=~ Alaska. (see Location Map) 9/ -217s Deer Park Sub. 2 4 6 ,- %0 16 Soil Type Water Level 'Remarks SM .0-1.5 Sand, silty, tan, loose. S!.; 1.5-1~.0 Sand, silty, gray-bro~m, gravelly, dense; with lenses of poorly graded fine sand and very stiff to hard sandy silt. PERCOLATION RATE: 20 minutes/inch Interval "perked" from 5 feet to 7 feet below ground level. SP ~.0-17.0 Sand, gray-brovm, fine grained, gravel- . ly, with lenses of silty sand and hard sandy silt 18 20 Total Depth of Excavation Groundwater · (X.) Not Reached Depth, if Reached ~7' Material at Total Depth SP Bedrock Not Reached Depth, if Reached Classification Method· (X) Visual ( ) Sieve Analysis () 'Cary F. Player, Consulting Geologist SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR PETERS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION Peters Creek, Alaska The subsurface investigation was conducted on Hay 13, 14 and 1978 using a Case 580 backhoe to excavate the test pits. Test pit sites were chosen and Iogg|~g was performed by Harvln Bayer, P.E. A total of 4 test pits were placed at locations on the property so as to reasonably represent a11 soils within the proposed subdivision. The test pits were located by Pacing from topographic features.determined from the topographic map of the area. Therefore, all locations are approximate. The proposed subdivision is he'avily tree covered and the sol1 consists of 1 to 2 feet of organic topsoil underlain with clean NFS sandy gravel In various thicknesses. Underneath the NFS material is an F-1 sandy, silty, gravel with Iow amounts of s|lt. Some large boulders exist at random locations throughout the area. The test pit o~servatlons indicate that there is adequate NFS sandy gravel on.the site for the construction of the proposed subdivision roads. An analysls of the material encountered indicates that al1 portions of the subdivision would be suitable for on-site sewage disposal systems consisting of septic tank and leaching fields or leaching pits. All soils analysis was by visual classlfication. One sol1 sample was retained from each test pit. lmc Test Pit No. 1 Depth in Feet. From to. 0.0' 1.0' i.0' 2.2' 2.2' 3.8' 3.8' 6.0' 6.0' 6.2' 6.2' Il.O' 11.0' 13.0' PETERS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Harvin Beyer, P.E. Soil Description Organic F2, HL, sandy slit topsoil F2, HL, sandy silt NFS, SW, clean gravelly sand HL, thin layer of gravelly slit NFS, GW, sandy gravel with some 8"+ boulders NFS, GP, open course graded gravel with few fines, damp 13.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Test Pit No. 2 Date: 5-14-78 Logged by: Harvin Beyer, P.E. Depth in Feet. From to 0.0' 0.4' 0.4' 1.1' 1.1' 4.8' 4.8' 13.0' Soll Description Organic Fl, HL, brown sandy silt topsoil with roots and decayed matter NFS, GW, sandy gravel (~v.) with occasional large boulders FI, G~, sandy silty gravel, low amount of silt, marginally NFS 13.O' Free water level Bottom of hole None Date: 5-1h-78 Logged by: Marv|n Beyer, P.E. Test Pit No. 3 Depth in Feet. From to . 0.0' 0.3' 0.3~' 1.2~ 1.2~ ~.3~ ~.3' 1~'0~ Soll Description Organic FI, ML, sandy gravelly silt, topsoil NFS, GW, sandy gravel, 3"-, dry Fl, GM, silty sandy grave1, occaslonal 6"+ boulder 14.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None Test Plt No. q Depth in Feet From to 0.0m 0,5I 0,5' 1.3~ 1,3' . 4,0' 4.0 12.0' Date: S-14-78 Logged by: Harvin Beyer, P.E. Soll Description Organic FI~ SH~ sandy silt topsoil NFS~ G~, sandy gravel, 6"- FJ~ GH, siJty sandy gravei~ grey, dry 12.0' Free water level Bottom of hole None FIC-UR -E ~ 0.0' - 0.2' 0.2' - 1.0' 1.0' 5.5' 5.5' - 15'.0' Soil D.¢3.5 .c2:i.P t i °n ' Organic Material (foreSt litter) F-2, tan ._qilty. San.d_, SM, dry, medium. NFS, brown Sandy Gravel, GW, dry, sand component c~[~s,?',"'s~-~l?-~'~unded pattie l. es to' 8" occasio,,al cobb]cs. F-l, brown Silt~ Sand~ Gravel, GM, da,m?, sand and grSv6'~ eSi;ii)~ne'lts, '%.~cll graded, subrounded partictes' to 3", few cobbles. Bottom of Test llole: I'rost l,ine: Free %.later I.evel: ~ 15.0' None Observed None Observed Table A we t1A~22~ Date: 9-16-77 Logged Dy: T. Sextou 'D¢.[~.th in l:oet From To 0.0' - 1.0' 1.0' - 8.0' 8.0' - 10.0' 10.0' - 14.0' Soil De~(_2ription ' Organic Material. F-l, brown Silty. _S2~.1}c.1~ Gravel, GW-GM, di~mp, sand and gravel coral~onents, well graded, subrounded particles to 6", few cobbles. F-2, brown Silty Sand,' SM, damp, well graded, subronndcd i~-~i'cl~--to 1/2". .F-l, brown Si. ILy Sandy Grave].~ G}!, damp, sand and (Jr~Sf'c~ml~{eS'f~-~Oll graded,' few cobbles. '. ;t,,m ¢~1 'l'(~st II¢)]e: I't O:;t I.ine: F~ce W,,l.c,r Level: 14.0' None Observed None Observed T'e'st ~lole #3 . !)_~,~th Jn I.'eet 0.0' - 0.5' 0.5' - 4.0' ,I.0' - 5.5' 5.5' - 15.0' Table A L ..e: 9-1£-77 Logged By: T. Sextou Soil Description_ Organic Material (forest litter). F-l;, tan Silty. Sandy Grave.l., SW-SM, dry, sand and grav~'l-~:~[6~l]o~-6hts well graded, subrounded particles to 3", few cobbles. NFS, brown Sand~ Gr_i~_vel, GW, dry, sand component coarse, few cobbles. F-l/F-3, brown J.!AY. San.d_~ Grav~l, damp, medium to £ine ~-~, gravel, 'subrounded particles, few cobbles. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Test llole ~4 15.0' None Observed None Observed Table A. WO #A1822f{ Date: '9-17-77 Logged By: T. SextOn l~rom To 0.0' 0.8' 0.8' - 3.5' 3.5' 15.0' soil Descrzption ,. Orga'nic Material (fores% litter) - -~,~ eand SP-SM, dry, medium to F-l, tan Dxtc~ o ..... , . fine sand~ surrounded - rounded particles to ~ ..... c;~v Sandy Grave~,_GM, dry, sand many cobbles and boulders. i~¢,'tt, om of Test Ilole: ; :obi i,.~l~.. Free Wat'~:r l.evel: 15.0' None Observed None Observed Table A we ~A18228 D,~t.¢': q-17-77 1,ogg~:d. By: T. _Depth in Fee. t_' From To 0;0' 0.5' 0.5' - 7.5' 7.5' - 15.0' Soil Description Organic Material, (forest litter). NFS, brown Sandy. Gravel, GW, dry, sand and gravel well graded, sub'rounded particles to 3" few cobbles. sand and gr.-~-~l (;M with d(~pth as silt content ~ncreases, subro.unded particles to 3", few cobbles. [~ottom of Test llole: Frost I,ine: 1.'roe Wat¢~r I.evel: 15.0' None Observed None Observed October 12, 1~)7~ File No.: ~3 Tr~ck 1Jy~an & tlayes 740 I Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Deer ~ark Subdivision (eest recent submitted) Gentlemen: Your recent submittal of revised lot co, figuration/size has been reviewed and ~e roll,trig c~,.~n~ noted: 1. Sotls ~sts are requl~d o~ each lot, d~ to lot stze. 2. Plac~nt o~ ~11 and ~e abso~tt~ syst~ r~d for 3 bedr~ res1~nces should be 111ustra~d ~ each lot. Please no~ absorptt~ sys~ ~st be 7~" f~ cut banks (~a~ay) exc~ 6' helot. 3. Use of sot1 p~lles tn 11eu of so11 ~sttng on each lot ~ld be acceptable If lo~ wtLh poor sotls and sluing ~po~a~ a~ enllr~d. Slnce~lg, Les Buchholz Environmental Engineering t,~na~er cc: Jerry ~leaver - Planning Oepart~ent, tlunlctpaltty