HomeMy WebLinkAboutABBOTT LOOP MANOR BLK 3 LT 8Abbott Loop Mono Lot 8 Block 3 #014-181-33 MUNICIPALFrY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES P.O. 13~x 196650/mdx~age. AJaa~ 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILLY DWELUNG GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description AB;~OW LOOP MANOR S/D: LOT 8. BLOCK 3 ~n (site add _re~_~_ or directions) 770g HACIENDA DR. Property owner Lending egency Mailing address STE'PHEN TWEED Day phone~ 7709 HACIENDA DR. ANCHORAGE. AK 99507 Day phone Agent Day phone Address Unless otherwise requested, I-IAA will be held for pickup. 2. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 3 :3. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well xx Community well Public water NOTE: If communlb/ well system, provide wrYden conflnnaUon from State ADEC etlest. lng to ~he legallb/ and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual on-site Holding Tank Community on-site Public sewer xx NOTE: ffcommunitywes~ewatersystem, provfdewritlenconfirmationfromStateADEC lng to ~he legality and status of system. 72-G25 (Rev. t/~I) Fmt:t MOA #21 ~ Ve~O~ Note: Alaska Wate~. and. Wa~tewater Consultants, Inc. shall be paid $800.00 at, or prior to, dosing for me engineetfng services provided. 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed he,-e~ and as of ltm validation date shown below, I v~ that my Investigation of this Health Authofffy Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or waatewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of s~Jcture Indicated heroin. I further verify that ~ o~ the Information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and fn~n my Inve~e~on end in~pecticm, the on-site water supply and/or wa~ewater disposal system Is In compliance ~ all Muatc~ and State codas, ordlnancas, and regulations In effect e/~rn tn ~____c,~,n~ance with ADEC and MOA DHHS G~__ ~,~ & Regu~k~s. The repon~ results nor wTl lt confer any legal tfght what~c'.~-~, . e. D,,S S;GNATU~E ~ Approved for ?> __ Disapproved __ Conditional approval for bedrooms, with ~e following slJpulaflo~s: Additional Comments Date The Munic~pality of Anc~orege Department of Heal~ and Human Sen, ices (DHHS) Issues Health Authority Approval Ceraflcatas based only upon the representations given In paragraph 5 above by an Independent p[or~ssional engineer registered In the State of AJaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasem of homes and their lending InstJtu~ons In order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not c=nduct tnspeclJons or analyze date before a certificate is Issued. The Municipality of As~cracje is n~t respcnsible f~r errors or omissions In the ~.u;'c~sional engineer's work. 7243=5 (Rev. 1,~I) Bec~ MOA ~1 C,3mput~ Vemian Municipality of Anchorage JUL ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ~-- "'" 825't.' Street. Rm 102 Anc~,Nld;! 99501 (907) 343-4744.,.~,n'~,,~ s~,/~c~) L~gld D~ N~BO~T LOOP UN,OR S/D; LOT 8, BLOCK 3 ~ I.D.: A. W~3.L DATA W~'~ PRIVATE IfA, B, Or C, ~l~h ADEC k~Mr. ADEC wMm'~f~mlt number N/A LOg ~ (Y/N) N D~ ~ 9NKNOwN ToIal depth 7~*+ C~sed to 40'+ t~.Mq~ hS~ (SJXM~ g~l~d) 18' WA1 r.~ 8AMPt. E RE$1YLTS: AT INSPEC1'IQN 7/11/2000 2,8 7/11/2000 C~4cl~d by:. A.W.W.C~ INC. B. 8~LDINQ TANK DATA C. ABSORP11ON In~ n DATA FUdd~n'~ -/"-Om)~nutmm~c .'~.m~.onrm-~'' "';' "~ ~w~-~ (pest t2 mmlh8) (YIN) D. UFT ~rAllON ~ E. SEPARATION DI~I'ANCE5 SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM ~ ON LOT ~ N/A Oil ~ ~ N/A N/^ ~ .dIacent mo~ N/A 75'+ Public lawef ~ 100'+ 25'+ I. lit mum SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM 8EPTICJHOLDING TANK ON LOT TO:. Waiver Fee $, I~Number 08:51 F ROb~TE EXVIRO~N?AL K CT&E Envlronment. I Services Inc. 5615301 T-445 P.02/03 F-900 CT&£ Ref.# Client Name PrGjeet Matr~ Orde~d ~ PWS~ Sample R~marks: 100372900l AK. Wa~r & W~lewa~er Consultants Inc. AbbOn Loop Manor. Lot 8 81k 3 Abboll Loop M~or, LOT 8 Blk 3 ~nkln~ WaTeT Client po~ Prated Dare'Time 0T/14/2000 15'54 Collected Dare, Time 07/11/2-000 13:30 Re~lved Dat~ime 07/1 !~000 14;10 Technical Dire~or Stephen C ~de Rele~ By ~~ 0.500 U 0.S00 mg/L EPA ]00.0 10 ~ 07/11/00 Total C:o~.l f om Cot/lOOmL S~18 92221 07/11/00 HIR~ICIPALITY OF ~NCHORAGE ~ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIROI~KrAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. C~neral Information Application Date (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Lo~tion (address or directions) Cb) Applicants Name ~, ~,~.~_ ,elepho~n'~ne~-'H~ome~'e~:~ Business Applicants Address (c)Applicant is (check one) Lending Institution Buyer ~ ; Other ~-~ (explatn); (d) Lending Institution Telephone Address (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent Address Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: ® e Type of Residence Single-FamilyU-~ Number of Bedrooms Multi-Famil'y ~ Other (describe) Individual Well ~ Community ~ Public ~--~ '/J' ~' Note.' If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. Sewage Disposal Onslte ~ Public ~--~ Community ~-~ Holding Tank[ ! · Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and s~atus. [Page 1 of 2] II1! e Engineerin~ Firm Providin~ Inspectionst Tests? File Searcht Data and Inf~rmation As certified by my eeal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, verify that my inveetigatiou of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water eupply and/or wastewater disposal syetem is safe, functional and adeq~mte for the number of bedrooms and ~ype of structure indicated herein. I further verify that, based on the informatiom obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and.from my investigation and inspection, the om-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- tions in effect on the date of this inspection.' Name. of Firm '-~-~-~F%--~._% ~oe_ Telephone Terms of Conditional Approval CAUTION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT 'OF HEALTH AND ENVIRO~N~AL PROTECTION (DEEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED SOLELY U~ON TIlE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGRA~{ 5 ABOVE BY A~N INDEPENDENT PROFESSIO~kL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF ALASKA. THE DHEP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES ~ND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL tND STATE REQUIRE- MENTS. ~MPLOYEES OF DEEP DO NOT CO}~UCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S WORK. (DEEP SEAL) RR4/eJ/D18 [Page 2 of 2] 7 -i 9 -84 Casing Height Abo~e Ground J~" Sanitary Seal on C*-_ing (Y/N)~-~ Electrical Wirin~ in Conduit (Y/N) Separation Distances f~cm Well: ~k~e_~ --- ~j/~ TO Septic/Holdir~ Tank Ct'l Lot ; On Adjoining Lots · ' "Lo~.~ On ~,~o,~.~ng Lo,:, ,./,~ T°' Nearest Edge cf Abscz-ptiou Field on To Nearest Public Sewer Line / Cleanout/Manhole I~O Water Sample Collected By Water Sample Test Pesults ~ / ."J-- TO Nearest Public SeCtor - /4- TO ,.Ns~.a~.st Sewer Service Line O~ Lot Z~ · , SEPTIC/MOLDING TANK [IATA Date Installed ~ Star~l~ipss (Y/N) Dap~®ssion over Tank (Y/N) Si~s %Air-tight Caps (Y/N) Date ~m-~t Pumpsd No. cf Foundatic~. Cleanout (Y/N) ./ Pumping/Maintenance Contract on'File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances fr(xa Septic/Ho/ding Tank:/ ~, 'To/Building Foundation To Wete~-Supply Well. To Property Line To Water Main/Se=vice Line [Page 1 of 2] - / To Disposal Field \ To,~tream, Pond, [ake, c~ MajCz D=ainsgs 2-15-84 C. ABSORPTION FIELD [1%TA Soils Batin~ in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field / / Square Feet of Absorption Area/ Dsp=essi(~ Over Field (Y/N) ,/ Pesults of r~-t Adsquacy St Type of System Desig~I / ~ngth of Field'/½' 9pth of Fiel.d G~avel Bed Thxckness f I Stand~iDes P=esent '(Y/N) Datel of Ta~t Adsquacy Tes~ Separation Distance f~cm AbsorptiOn Field: / To Wat®~-Supply Wall / T© P~o~e~ty Line D. LIFt STATION Date Installed Sizs in Gallo~.s 'Pump On" Ia~l at High Water Alarm Tested fo~ Electrical Codes (~/N) Pumping Cy¢ ole/Acc ss ) . p Off" Level at ,' Vent (Y/N) [es ~inG Adequacy T~st. ** Check Permitted Bedrocm Ratin~ AGainst HAA Peq~st ** I csrtify that I have d~d, verified, c~ confc~,~ed to all MOA HAA~C~_Q~E~s in effect 2-15-84 7e B. Dept. , 117--' A. Installed /~ 9. Installer C. SeptiC Tank: 1. Size 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage PSt, l. Size 2. Mater~el ... Disposal Fteld: Total L~th of Linesu Distances: A. Well Toe Septic Tank ~__. Abso~p~to~ Area ., Sewez Linen · Nearest Lot Lirm · Other Contamination B. Founda~iop to Septic T~nk ~ "~ A~So~otien A~a C. A~sorpti~n Ares to ~earest Lot Line Re'c~azt for A~.rov~l of i.~Ividuel Sewer & Water Comments = Approval Valid for ~e Ynar Pr~ Da~e 3torino Greate~ Anchorage Are~ ~orouqh, Da~ent of ~nv~ro~ente{ ~altty D]AO~ OF SY~ / I certify that t~e information contained in this request far approval to be a true end accurate representation of the s~b.~ect sewer and water factlltiee located et~ Signed Date October 12. 1972 %.Ir. Dan DeI4ott 2347 Rio Grande Anchorage. Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: Sewer systen~ for Lot 8. Block 3 Abbot Loop lianor Subdivision. Dear ~Ir. De),lott: A ~ecent inspection by this Depart~ent indicated that the sewage disposal systen~ for the subject property consisted of a cesspool which does not meet the standards of Borough Ordinance ~28-68,"Sewage Disposal Practices". For this reason, we must request that a per,dr be obtained at our office located at 3330 "C" Street, and the system be upgraded to meet the m~tnimum sewage disposal standards. Your cooperation in this ~)atter is appreciated. Sincerely. Denise Bashaw Environmental Control Officer mb ~larch 21, 1~73 Ur. Dan Oe[lott 2347 Rio Grande ' ' Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUBJECT: Sewer Factlt%tes For Lot 8, Loop ~lanor Subdivision Dear I{r. DeHott: Block 3, ~bbott It has been reported to ee ~hat public sewer for Abbott Loo~ Manor Subdivision has been proposed an~ construction for this service Js to benin in the-1974 construction season. The possibility for ~onstructton to be~tn tn the lg73~seasoq is not hopeful. -- - Thts departmen~'has, tn ~lovember, 1972, as a result of a request for se~er and ~tater approval on the above nenttone~ lot, requested that you upgrade your current cesspool syste~ to an approved on-site sewer system and that funds be escro,e~ for this purpose to be completed this spring. Since revtewln~ the se~er situation on your lot, ~e see that you have had no apparent.problems or failure ~tth this systen in the past. For this reason, and the fact that public sewer is proposed in 1~74, tht~ department ~tll not require you to upgrade your sewer system at this time. Should this system fat1, however, before public hook-up ts ~ade available to you, upgrading be necessary and required. You should be advised, too, that you ~tll be required to hook- up to the public sewer system ~hen it ts provided to the area. [f you should further request an approval of the sewer and t.~ater facilities for either CHRO or loan approval, tt ~tll be necessary that funds be placed in escrow for the ~urpose of the sewer hook-up. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact this office at 274-4561. Sincerely Denise C. Basha~ Environmental Control lb Officer ~larch 20, 1973 rte. Dan De Uott 2347 Rio Grande Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUDJECT: Sewer facilities for Lot 8, 81ock 3, Abbott Loop l.ianor Subdivision Dear ~lr. De ~lott: It has been reported to we that public sewer for Abbott Loop Manor Subdivision has been proposed and construction for this service is to begin in the 1974 construction season. The possibility for construction to begin in the 1973 season are not hopeful. This departn~ent has, in November, 1972, as a result af a C)IRO request for sewer and water approval on the above ~nttoned lot, requested that you upgrade your current cesspool system to an approved on-site sewerage system and that funds be escrowed for the purpose to be completed this spring. A review of the sewerage disposal problems in this subdivision has been undertaken. Due to the lot sizes and soil conditions to facilitate the upgrading of the existing systems in this area. This department will withdraw its request for upgrade. You should be advised, however, that you will be required to he, up to the public sewer systen~ when it is provided to the area. If you should further request an approval of the sewer and water facilities for either eMRO or loan approval, it will be necessary that funds be placed in escrov: for the purpose of the sewer hook up. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact this office at 274-4561. Sincerely, Denise Basha~ Envtronemeeal Control Officer lh 39, 72 l',r. Dam) DeHott 2347 Rio Grande Anchurafie, Alaska SUbject. Sewer system for Lot 8, Subdivtsiom). Block 3, Abbott Loop leaner bear ilr. Dei.lott: In October of tills y~ar this office wrote you concernin-s thc sew~r syste,.~ factlt~cLtn.~ the trailer ~t Lot ~, Block 3, Abbott Loop l~:~or Subdtvtsi(:n. This sewer sys;e:~ consts:s of ~ cesspool. Ctsspcols arc tllt:~al under State and local laws if not installed in conjunction with a septic tank. You were rr. quest~d to obtcii~ ~ per~:Ht for an on-site sewer syste::~ for this lot. To dat~, no perm;it )las been issued to you for suci~ syste~':. A check k:ith thc Greater Anchora.q( Area 6orough Public Sewer Uepartm~er;t revealed that puLlic this area in the ))ear future, perhaps for several years. Ccc~use of this reason, this bcpartr;ent I:'ust at;atn request ti)at you up,sradc this oxisttn,S seuer systc).', to Soil conditions ~ue :c weath-~r at this tt,.:e cf year r.:ake it difficult to install an on-site sewer syste',~. For this reason, this Depart~:.ent ¥:ill extend this request until spring providing that funds ar(: tscroue'~ for this installation and a cory of the agree:rant is sent to cur offic6 ~iti~in thirty (30) days from thc receipt of this letter. Failure to co~.ply ~H~h this request r, tay result in court action against you. Your cooperation will b~ greatly appreciat~d. Sincerely, Denise Bashaw Environc:ental Control Officer