HomeMy WebLinkAboutMANN #2 Soils Information Civil Engineers R&M ENGli' ','r-'RING & GEOLOGIC/'r CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. I';OX 6087 - ANCtlORAGc,'ALASKA 99503 '[ELEPHOHE 907-279-0483 TELEX 000-35419 Geologists Land Surveyor~ 3A~.'~ES W. ;lOONEY, P. E. ,~ALCO L~'.I A. N~ENZJES, P.E.. ,lAMES H. ¥.'ELLMAN, P.E, August 17, 1972 Mr. Arthur Mann Loretta Street /%nchorage, Alaska RALPH R. IVIIGLIACC;O R'& m No. 2sz2z . [o c c RE: Subsurface Soll Investigation (For Sanitary System) Propose~l Subdivision at 163rd/%venue and Golden View Drive Dear Mr. Man~: We are submlttin~ herewith our test borinE results and comments re- £ardlr~ soil conditions encountered at the subject ske. This investi- cation %~as performed in accordance %v{th your verbal request. The procedures utilize& in this investigation were directed to identifying soil characteristlc~ in accordance with those regdirements outlined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 from Mr. Rpl~ Strlcldand o~ the Greater/%nchor~-~ Area Borough, , Department o.~ Environmental Quality. ;% total of four. (4) test holes were put down withL% the plattea area for the purpose of definlna general subsurface soll conditions. The borina locations aru Sh6wn on Drawing A-01 and their locations' are approximate only. The borina locations were selected for the purpose of defJnlna maior SOil units. Dri111n[ was performed with a track-mounted "Mobil B-50" hydraulic drlilln~ unit employin~ 6 inch diameter solid-stem augers. Samples were recovered ~m representative strata and retained for labora- tory testinE. Final logs for the test borings have been prepared and are included on Drawing/%-02. Grain size analysis curves for selected samples have also been plotted and are shown on Drawin~/%-03. The genera/topography and geology indicates that the ~round surface slopes to the northwest and borders swamp deposits desc-t'ibed by Alii/er and Dobrovolny in Geological Survey Bulletin 1093. The south- eastern portion of the property lles witl~n the lateral moraine area also'descelbed in the above-mentioned builebin. Large surface exposed boulders were prevalent ~n the area. ANCIIORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU August 17, 1972 Mr. Arthu~ Marm Page 2 Test IIoles Number 1 and 2 located at the common boundaries o~ Lots 7 and 8 and 5 and 6, respectively, showed peat extendln~ to a depth of about 3 £ee~ underlain by medium dense uranular deposits. I~ was no~ poss~le to de~e~e a depth ~9 a hydrostatic water table as the -'pe~cheU~va~er~able ~n the pea~ s~ratum caused floo8~ o~ the holes.~ Tes~ Hole Number 4 was ~ou~ ~o ~ve abou~ L 5 fee~ o~ ~at a~ a s~ perche~ water table conditions. Tes~ Itole Number 3 showe~ abou~ 5 fee~ o~ pea~ and was locatcO a~ a low ~in~ on the bounda~ be- tween lots 3 and 4. Underlyln~ the organic material in all test holes was a thin layer (up to 2 feet thick) of s~Ity sand which extended to depths rart~ing ~rom 3. $ to 6. $ feet below ground surface. At these depths a l~ht'brown to ~rray silty or ~ravelly sand (SAg) was encountered and continued to the bottom of all bor~s except T.H. 1 where a sandy silt (ML) ',;as found below a de~:h of ten feet. The borings were terminated at depths of from 15 to 17. 5 feet below ~round surface. We appreciate belr~, ~,: ~n this opportunity to be of service to you. Should you have any euestions with regard to the above information, please do not hesit~ .e to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ~oone~/'~ ~ So~l Engineer ]%VR:wb R&M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULIANI'S 'DRAB T.H.- $ 8-15-~72 ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) SILT W/SOME SAND, Light S~o~n 4.0' ~,¥D AS Dense I0.0' )io% SANDY SILT TRACE GRAVEL ~ ML 17.5' T.D ORGANIC MAT ERIi,L i PEAT) ¸AD, . 5.0' SIL3'Y SAND W/SOME PEBBLES Light Brow'~ . ,/ . ' SM 15.0' ToD. D-15-72 · ~ ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) ~'~: SILTY SAND, Light B~own !: "~ 'q:~C GRAVELLY SAND TRACE -~o ..~.:. ~' ~ SM 17.5' T.D. T.H.-4 8-15-72 ORGANIC MATERIAL (PEAT) SAND W/SOME PEBBLES GRAVELL:/SA D ,RACE TO .SOME SILT SM I§.0' T. Do Proposed Subdivision Development Authur Mann Property L Engln3erlng E~ Geologlcal Consultants LOGS OF TEST BORINGS ^.c.oaAoe ,~lae~.e ALASKA ~.~^. Anchorage Alasl~a 162nd AVENUE LOT NUMB&RS ~.H-$~~ I ,I LOT I NUMBERS 5 6 T.H.-2 T. tl.-I 8 bJ 16;5 rd AVENUE Note: Locations of fest hopes are approx., and hove not been surveyed. Engineering ~ Geological Consultants Proposed Subdivision Development Aulhur Mann Property LOCATIOI't OF BORINGS Anchorage Alaska SOl L3 CLASSI F[CATION~ cONSISTENCY AN D SYMBOLS CI.A.qqlI'ICA'rlON.: Identification and classification oE the soll is accomplished in accord,mc,, with the Unified Soll Classification System. Normally. the grain size di,:ribution determines class~ication of the soil. The soil is defined according to major ,,nd mLnor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the ma~or elements. For cohesive soils, the clay becomes the principal noun with the other major soil constituents used as modifier: i.e. silly clay, when the clay particles are such that the clay dominates soil properties. Minor soil constituents may be a&!ed to th.. classiZication breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i.e. sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. ' · no call - 0 - 3% trace - 3 - 12% some - 13 - 30,% SOIL CONSISTENCY - CRITERIA: Soll consistency as defined, below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen materbal. For these materials, the influence of such factors as soil structure, i.e. fissure systems, shrinkar, e cracks, sllckensides, etc., must be taken into consideration in makLng any correlation with the consistency values listed below. In permafrost Zones, the consistency and strength of frozen soils may v~-y significantly and unex-plainably with ice content, thermal regime and soil type. Coheslonless Cohesive, N .'. (blows,'f' t)':lelat ire Density Loose 0 - 10 0 to 40t,5 .~ledium Dense 10 - 30 40 to 70;~ Dense 30 - 60 70 to 90~ Very Dense - 60 90 to 100% *Standard Penetration "N": Blows per foot of a 1.t0-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. Very Soft Soft Firm Very Firm Hard 0 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.5 0. S - 1.0 1.0 - 2.0 2.0 - 4.0 -4.0 DRILLING SYMBOLS. WO: Wash Out WD: WL: Water Level BCR: WCl: Wet Cave In ACR: DCh Dry Cave in AB: WS: While Sampling' 'TD: %"nile Drilling Before Casing Removal After Casing Removal After Boring Total Depth Note: Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the hori~, at thd times indicated. In pervious unfrozen soils, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water co~dltlons. La impervious mad frozen soils, accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained wlth~n a ILmited period of observation and other e~dence on ground water elevations ami conditions are requLred..  Enoln.erlm3 C~ Geological .C~..n~ultan,~ GLI~ 6EHERAL HOTES ~'moJ ~'~0 GENERAL cwo NO. STANDARD SYMROL~ ORGANIC M,ATERIAL COBBLES ~ BOULDERS IGNEOUS ROCK CLAY :~;6 CONGLOMERATE METAMORPHIC SANDY SILT SILT GRADING TO SANDY SILT SANDY GRAVEL, SCATTEREO COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) INTERLAYERED SAND I~ SANDY GRAVEL SILTY CLAY w/TR. SAND SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS St ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOOI'J WITH 47-~ HAMMER Ss .... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140¢~ HAMMER SI .... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140# HAMMER Sh .... 25" SPLIT SPOON WITH :340~ HAMMER S~ .... 2.0" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140# HA,V, MER Sz .... L4" SPLIT SPOON WITH $40# HAMMER Rp .... 2.§" SPLIT SPOON, PUSHED H$ ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER HI o . . '.. 2.5" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE: Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb o.-. o PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUBE Cd .... CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SA,~PLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE G ..... GRAB SAMPLE . SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE* SAMPLE . DEPTH. TYPICAL BORING LOG BORING NfJ/.fSER-.~T.H. 3,0-15 Elev 274,6 .~-.EI.E'V/IT/ON /N FEET DA~ ~RI~D- ~tO- 21- 70 All SomCes Ss~A&fP&Eff TYP~ O' ~ OHGANIC MATERIAL I' " I[~ ICC~ SILT ,. ~ ~stlmote 6b ~o V~s~le Ice GR~DATIO~A~ CH~NG~ Ss t'ROZ£N GROU~,~D SANDY SILT /,~PPROXIM,~TE STRAT~ CHAIVG~ L~ttle toNoV~sible Ice I~O' V~ ~ /C~ DESCBIPT/O,V ~ C~/FICARON 72, 5ZI °/o, 85 9pcf~ 28~ GP (CORPS OF ENGI,~E~RS ~f~TH~) SAUDY GRAVEL ' 95 SCHIST ~GE~ER~UZ[D SOI~ OR EOCK D~SC~IPT/ON Engineering E~ Geological Consul tant~ EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS August Z3, 1~7~ Dickinson-Oswald & Partners g00 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alask~ g9501 Attention: I,Irs. ~o Frankfourth Subject: Mann Subdivision, Addition ~2 Dear 14rs. Frankfourth: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Envtron~nental Quality is In receipt of tile platt of the subject subdivision. After revte)l of our files, we find soils information will be necessary along with the location of all individual sewer and ~later systems on eaci~ lot in this proposed subdivision. Should you h:ve any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strickland, Chief Sanitarian bb cc: Alan Scheen, RoSe Planning Department August 8, 1972 Es. Jo Frankfeurth DicklnsonGOswald & Partners DO0 Cordova Street Ancilora~e, Alaska 99501 Subject: f!a~ln Subdivision, Dear ~.is. Frankf~urth: Addition #2. Our Departme~)t is requesting th]t soils data be subn~ttted with the subject subdivision along ~.~it~) the other appropriate sewer and water infor)~)atiun suc~) as placer~ent of se~er systems and t~ater supplies. I uould recon:mend one "test" for each lot. Sincerely, ~olln ~. Lee, Environmental bb ~,So Services Supervisor F i R&M Civil En3ine-~rs GEOLOGICk,-' CONSULTANTS ENGh c' -RING & 229 EAST 51st, AVE. - P.O. BOX ~-'L "- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907-279-0~$3 "~- TELEX 030-35419 Geologist~ L~nd ~urv-~yor~ September 9, 1972 No. 25121 l~[r. Maurice Osw~d Dfc 'k{nson Oswald & Partners P. O. Box 326 Anchorage, A/aska Re: Subsurface Soll [nvesti[at:[on (For Sanitary System) Proposed Sub- division at 163rd Avenue and Golden View Drive, Addendum Le~cer Dear A%r. Oswald: In response to ),our request, we are su])m{ttin~ our interpretation o~ sur- face area (square foot/bedroom) requirements for placement of seepa[e pits in the soils encountered at subject site. The following tabulation of values is based on the assumed influence of the high percentaEe of gravel contained in the respective soils. Test IIole 1 Depth Soil Type Sq. Feet/Bearra 4-10 Silty Sanfly Gravel (GM-SM) 200 10-17.5 Sandy Silt (SM-ML) 250 3.5-17.5 Gravel Sand (GM-SM) 200 65-15 Silty Sand w/~ravel (G,%'[-SI%I) 200 3.5-15 Gravel Sand {GM-SM) 200 The Unified Sol/Classification symbols noted on the borinE lo~s in our re- port Drawin~ A-02 represent a strict: interpretation of the soil classifY- ~.. cation units listed on the chart provided by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department o~ Environmental Quality. Because o~ the border- line ~radat{on o~ the material, we feel the above listed values provid'e: a ' more real~st~c representation o~ {n s~tu conditions. · We regret air inconvenience v;e may have caused and hope the above in~or- September 9, I972 Mr. 0 swal',l Page 2 raation ~vilI serve to clari~y your questlo6s regarding soil classif{cation and seepage pit requirements. Shotdd other questions ar{se, please let us know. Very truly yours, R & M ENGINEEPJNG & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ]WR:wb xc: Mr. Arthur l%Iann R&M ENGIN55RING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ~ . 90 .......... I0 .... Illll --~ ~11' IIlll I ~ I00 0 ~ mo m m ~ o.~ o.~ o.e~ o.0~ o~o~ o~ GRAVEL SAFJD ~'~L~ ~ - ~;~. W.C. LL PL PI CLASSIFICATION ~o~osea BlS2 NV ! NE NV Sandy S{l~ Trace Gravel (ML) Development I~2S2 NV ~ NP NV Grave~ Sand Trace to Some S~I~ (SM) Arthur Man Proporty G~IN SIZE CURVE ~ 3S2 NV NP NV Silty Sand Trace Gravel I R~M ~ ~N~]N~RI~G ~ G~OGICAL CON~ULTANT~ DR~WN APPROVED DAT~ PROJ. ~O. · ' 229 E*... 51,t. AVE. - P.O. BOX ~087 - ANCHOR;,--: ALASKA 99503 ~9 TELEPHONE 9071279-O183 1ELEX 0~-35419 . JAMES W. ROO~,,E Y. P. E1 MALCOLI'.I Al L~'=NZIES, P.E.. L.S. JAMES H. ';;'2 LLI'.IAN. P.E. October 18, 1972 R & /%I No. 25121 Mr. Maurice Oswald, P~rdner Dic'Idnson - Oswald &~Pe~tners P. O. Box 325 Anchorage, Alaska Re: Proposed Subdivision Development, Arthur Mann Property, Perched I Water Conditions Dear Mr. Oswald:. At Mr. Mann's request we have re,dewed slt~ con~tions and attempted to eveI'uate perched ground water levels following completion of the drainage ~tch excavations. A general map showing the approximate location and drainage paths for the various ditches is attached. .Iland probes were made at selected locations on October 2, 1972 immediately a£ter completion of the dltckin~ operations to verify the level o£ perched water. A co.~t inspection was made on October 17, 1972 to further review the present state o£ site drainage. ]n ~eneral, it appears that the excavated ditch sections will allow sufficient drain- age and eventual ellraJnatlon of the perched water table found in the peat overburden ·chroughout much o£ the site. Due to recent wet and rainy conditions, it was not possible to ascertain whether a slgni~cant change in the water level had occurred over this short period, however, it is our feeling that the provisions taken to en- hance drainage willbe e£fectlve. Because o~ the variation in relle£, we expect .~hat the higher lots v!ill drain at a more rapid rate. Drainage of the lower sections should be anticipated to occtrr at a somewhat slower rate. It Js hoped the above information'serves to identify the state of present perched ground water and drainage conditions. Should you have any questions please let me know. Very truly yours, 1,3, 6. James tV. Rooney NOV t t972 .i l. .~¥ R: wb xc: Arthur l%~ann . l -' l l ANCHORAGE~ . 'FAIRBANKS JUNEAU \ IG2nd ' LOT NUMBERS I,'lI LOT NUMBERS . 1~I I . , d,I .. I , ~ . ~{{ '.l', '" ~ ~) I ~ III ' . : , . I~ . .- . · . ,:,~ ~ . [1~ . · 3 , I,,,I '" ' "', m 11--- ~- - .t', > , . -, II · ~ ' ,~i-4 ..' .. , · ..~ - n~ 165 ~d AVENUE '"~ote= Local{ohs of test ho{es ore opprox.,~nd hove not been Surveyed, ' - Proposad ' Subdiv]s}on Development ,.Aulhur Mann Prou~rty  .~ngln~ering ~O~logic~l Consultant= LOOATIOH OF BO~INGS R&M' ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL' CONSULTANTS 229 EAST 515t. AVE. - P.O. 80X 6087 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907-279-0483 TELEX 090-35419 C/vii Engine~rs Geolo;[$t$ Land Surveyors JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZIES, P.E.. L,S., JAMES H. WELLMAN, September "!973 R & bi No. 25121 RALPH R. MIGLIACCIO Lore~ca S~reet · Anchorage,- AK Re: Sub~{v~s~on Deve/opmen~, Arthur Mann ProperLy, Pezche~ Groundwater Conditions - Dear Mr. Manta At your reguest we have reviewed the perched ~roundwater level cordlti~s since the e/even mo~ths have e/apeed following completion oE site drainage ditch excavations ar~ ~'dtial probing on October 2, 1972. Hand probes were performed on Augu~ 30, 1973 at approxirmtely the same locations of the original probes to asoer~ain the present level of the perched water. Typi.~11y, 0nly a very sm~11 an~ount of perched water was four~t to be present ar~l in some instances water was absent. In general, it appears that the excavated ditch sections have allowed drainage oE the perched water table fou~l in the peat overburden throughout much of the site. Due to recent we~ and rainy con~itlons, it was not poss~le to determine the raaxirnum ex'cent of drainage that has occur=ed in the peat since a certain amour~c o4= water is retained in the peat. It is otnc belief that the present rernah~ apparent perched water is due to the inherent sponge-llke ma~n:e of the overlying organic mat aha the peat to absorb-: and retain inc~derd: rain,n11: ~n conclltiens observed at the site, resnlt$ oE a recent test pit: excavation and the low soi[ moisture contents mote~[ in our or~ml report, it is mtr fe~l~ng that, in general, the perched or surface groumtwater conclltion has been adequately alleviated. Surface runof:E from above the site is presently intercelYced by the dJt.ch system and the collected water is directed to a small s~ream at the lower er~ of the s~te. It is hoped that the above ad~tional information serves to clarify any remainirg questions o~ perched ~£om~water and drainage con6itions at the site.. Should you have any fom~cher questions please let me know. Vex7 ~-uly yours, '" R & M ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Part:ne~CHORAGE ' JUNEAU