HomeMy WebLinkAboutWYNTER PARK #1 BLK 1 LT 30Wynter Park Block I Lot 30 #051-491-23 Municipality of Anchomge P,,.e I ~f--~-- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P. iO. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Teleph?._.n~L~/3-4744 On Site WastewaterDlsp~l System and/or Well I~rl "'~': ~.V'~-~OV'~''. .~), ~"-'~--V'~,~I~ WastewaterSystem: ~l"ew r'lUpgrade ~"~'/r,3~'"~'~.~g[t'~, [,1~, C-.~l~f. ABSORPTION FIELD LEGAL DESCRIPTION w~ ~.~w ~u.,.. ~ 3 ~ ~ I~"x--"; ~'"~ ,~"'~: ,,. ,~' TANK ~ ' ," ~EPARATION DISTANCES ~ ~ ~ a.o~d,,e ns.m.r_P. s~ I0~ I OD ~ r~ LI~ STATION.,,,,' n~ ~ ~;U.~C' ~ti ~ ~..% BENCH MARK ~,. ~tio.s ~,o~ b~ ~ ~: De.~ent of H.lth~// ../~and Hu~n Sewi= approval Re~e~ and ~pmv~ b~~Date: ~//~ CLASS 'C' WELL Solid SegmeRf.~' -"'"~ su~ ~D · S C02 2e~ ~ 2~ ~4 ~-2 70~ NO~: ' 1) ~i~ng S~em~ank to ~ ~andoned when New House Is (tank ~moved or emptied, o~ned. · fil~ed w/ 2) Sewer Une to New Tank and S~tem to ~ bu;It when New ~) Su~iv~=~on Se~d ~ ~mmuni~ ~e~l 1800 fl to 4) No Su~ace W~er 5) No Known CuHa;n Drains SITE P~N -- AS-BUILT LEGAL: L 30, B 1, ~NTER PARK SD, OWNER: Grego~ D. Pederson CONTRACTOR[~UILDER: Roy Hoken oo-oo ~GLE RIVER, AK 99577 907-696-0~02 (phone ond St3ckup ID A B CO0 (eec hate 2 below) C01 C02 26.3 32.1 CO.] 2.5.1 33.4 C04 15.2 30.7 CO'q 109.0 115.7 TC01 35.7 24.0 TC02 28.0 30.0 '1P--1 34.0 5.5.9 TP-2 70,.B BO.7 Oi~t LiT 69.6 ~5.1 CO MT SECTION co cos 1500 gal Tank CO Top Deep Pit ~ ~-2 .FG-97.9 ~-1 Orig. GS el. 90.8 91~ ~ FG-90.1 89.0 Bottom of Trench el. 77.3 Boffom ~ 72.8 Bottom Deep Pit 71.3 PROFILE 1) 2 in. Blueboard Insulation ~er Tank 0 20 40 ft 2) FG Cover 3.6 ft ~er Tank I I I 5CA~ 3) FG Cover ~ft to Right (NW lO SE) 3.9 to 11.7 ff ~er Gruel 4) GeotexUle ~nes Ba~er ~er G~el. SECTION AND PROFILE LEGAL: L 30, B 1, ~NTER PARK SD, ~1 ~¢~'9~11 OWNER: Gre9o~ D. Pederson E~[49~ CONTRACTOR/BUILDER: Ray Haken ~ ..... ~ .... ,~ ..... JOB NO.: 00-002 I D~E: 8/5/0~ EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES ~,~X~ ~6~ER~ 5875 MARIAH DRIVE · ~GLE RIVER, AK 99577 907-696-0402 (phone and FAX) August 5, 2001 James Cross, PE Program Manager On-site Services Subject: Wynter Park #1, Block 1, Lot 30 Sw000335 Parcel ID: 051-491-23 The septic system as-built profile and section drawing for the lot identified above hag been modified as follows: 1) The locations of the Deep Pit with Monitoring Tube and Percolation Pits (TP-I and TP-2) relative to the septic system trench profile have been added to the drawing. 2) The original ground surface elevations ofthe three pits, as well as the elevations of the bottom of the Deep Pit and its Standpipe/Monitoring Tube, are indicated on the drawing. 3) Ground surface finish grade (FG) elevations are included where recorded after construction, i.e. over tank and at either end of the septic trench. 4) The original ground surface has been approximated based upon original ground surface elevations taken at the three pits at the time the percolation tests were performed. 5) The finish grade ground surface over the tank and pipe system has been approximated--based upon recorded elevations over the tank and at either end ofthe finished trench, coupled with on-site observation at construction completion that one-half to one foot of soil above original grade was mounded over the trench. Notes: 1) The percolation test in TP-2 was performed at an elevation above the bottom of thc perforated pipe in the septic trench, as shown on the revised profile drawing. The existing approved revised design and construction does not encompass the TP-2 percolation. The strata is the same soil composition as that identified to 71.3 feet BGS, however, and the pemolation rate (32 mpi) is in the low end of the percolation range of 30 to 60 mpi. The originally submitted design, a length of 86 feet, was a deeper trench of sewer rock, and as such had a higher top- of-sewer-rock elevation that encompassed the TP-2 percolation test. 2) Attached to this revised WW Disposal System report (consisting of 3 pages: a) the completed form, b) plan view, c) modified section and profile) is a copy of the well log of the well that services Wynter Park Subdivision (Well Log #3). The subdivision well is located some 1800 feet to the east, however, and as such it is likely of questionable use for representing soils on Lot 30. Two other well logs (#1 and #2) and a map showing the approximate locations of the wells they represent are also attached. 3) The Driller's Log for the Class 'C' well located 150 feet west of Lot 30 could not be located in the records at State DEC. Please advise as soon as possible if you require more information. Sincerely, Greg Eberle, PE Eberle Engineering Services 3875 Mariah Drive Eagle River, AK 99577 696-0402 230-1226 geberle~mtaonline.net eric.: Revised As-built, Copy of Taxi Map for Location of Site and 4 Water Wells Three Water Well Logs in Vicinity NW t KIND OF FORMATION: From ~) From C~ From ~ Ft. FI. to Ft. to Ft. to Ft. A41.~IOPAUTy OF ANCHORAGE FI. to Ft,'''''''r ~'~ ' ..... I ' ~1~ ,=d .I../,.. ~ .O F ; I From Ft. to From FL~o Ft. ~1 ~ ~ From FI. lo F~ I ~ ~ ~ , From.~Ft. to~FL ~ From From .FI. to From Ft.to FL From / o From FC~ .Ft. ~/e'~e)a ~,~ From FI. to Ft. From /30 Ft.to Fmm/~ Ft.~i?~FL ~;~d ~ ~ From FI. to Ft. From' Ft. t~ Ft ~ ~ ~ From Ft. to . Fl. FMm FL FMm FL lo Fl FMm Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. Fr~ . FI. to Ft. F~m .FL to FMm~FL I~FL. ~ From~Ft. I~FI-- MISCL. INFORMATION: , DRILLER'S NAME f ~/~-W DRILLING, Inc. ~ell Owner Mt.~lu~a Development Company '1~ feet Cased to 1~ feet Size of casing 8"' T~epth of Hole ~epth In feet from ground surface Use of Well Dom ? · Olv~ detail o[¥ormatlonsl~netrnted, siz~ of mnterlal,~olorandhnrdness .:'SL~%~ Gravel .. · ~andy Gravel " · Boulder Gravol _ S~lty Gravel _ Sahdy Clay : S~ll2Grnvcl with c~ay lenses ..~all'Gravcl~ large'pebbles ~'lth ~ing~ cTsc sand ~tcr~ ~0 ]~ TO l~ - ~ 'tO ~? · ~ TO,,' lO~ · lo~ TO · ~ TO 19 Static water level 102 ft. (~',7o3 (below) land surface. Finish of we]l (check one) open end. ( Screen ( X ); Perforated ( ). -' Describe screen or perforationJ0hnson Stainless ~.g. OO slot screen~ '1',8 to 1~8 fi, dept Well pumping' t'es~ ~t j~.~/O gallons p;r 0~)' (minute) for oI~ hours wit]~ ' ~ ' of drawdown fror~' ~tafic. leveL-. Sca ~+ Test Ptunp Report · '.' ·-, 1. Drtll~n~ - 7 July 1 7~ Date of completion · z ' ' 2. Development -/g'J'#z]' . '- WEtt tOG ' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health end Human Services On-Site Services Program 825 L Street, Room 502 P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-4744 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT Upgrade Date Issued: Aug 28, 2000 Expiration Date: Aug 28, 2001 Permit Number: SW000335 Legal Description: WYNTER PARK #1 BLK I LT 30 Design Engineer: 0821 Eberle Engineering Services Owner Name: Gregory Pederson Owner Address: 26535 Paradise Lane Chugiak, AK 99567- Parcel ID: 051-491-23 Site Address: 024005 HEARTHSTONE DR Lot Size: 21916 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 5 Permit Bedrooms: 5 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. Ail requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Aiask~ Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80. ). 3. The engineer must notify DHHS at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-4744 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Received By: Issued By: Date: LOT .30, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SD, NO. 1 EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPONENTS PLAN VIEW--Revised 11/8/00 CLASS 'C' WELL RADIUS 150.0 FT SHOP co ,0' I NORTH NOTES: Solid Segme EXISTING SEPTIC ,toted HOUSE PRIMARY TRENCH - Oeofabric fines barrier over top of sewer rock. ~.. · .'. ~'..~ ~'~.,. - Bluebocrd Insulotlon to cover sewer lines, perforated plpe, end tank where sol[ cover is less then 3 ft thick - 1 in. blueboard equNolent to 1 ft soil. ~,~,~..% {~.~-(~O;~AL/~-~ o~:~'. . . [ '.'b",. ~-~'~ tank removed or emptied, opened. · filled Invert el. 87.4 ft at House Invert els. -- 86.1 0 20 I SCALE LOT .30, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SD, NO. 1 EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES WW DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROFILE--REVISED CO COs el. 81.8 ft Tonk Bottom 1500 gol Tonk 1 O0 ~t 11/8/00 "~ "~' '~' '~' Z ................. · f ~,, CE92~ ...~ ~'. ..... .~ MT :0 Top of GVL el. 86.2 ft Invert el. 85.7 ft Bottom of Trench el, 77,~ ft 40 ft I NOTES: - Geofabric fines borrier over top of sewer rock. - Blueboard insulation to cover sewer lines, perforoted pipe, ond tank where soil cover is less then ,3 ft thick - 1 in. blueboerd equivolent to 1 ft soil. - Maximum digging depth (SE end of trench) 18 ft BGS - Existing system to be abandoned- tank removed or emptied, opened, & filled w/ soTI. LOT 30, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SUBDIVISION, NUMBER 1 The attached site plans shows: Locations of the on-site waste~vater (WW) disposal system with all its components as well as adequate area for a replacement WW disposal site. b) Measured dimensions of the on-site WW disposal field, tank, and distribution piping. ¢) Measured distances to ali WW disposal systems, wells, surface water or drainage courses, roads, property lines, and structures within 200 feet of the location of the proposed and existing WW disposal systems on this lot. d) Locations ofboth percolation tests and the deep test pit where the water-table monitoring tube was placed. e) Topography in the form of arrows indicating direction and pitch of slopes within 100 feet of the WW disposal site. No impacts of the WW disposal system on adjoining properties are anticipated. All requisite separation distances relative to adjoining xvells, WW disposal systems, and this lot's backup site are met herein. There are no known curtain drains. A community well serves Wynter Park Subdivision No.1; it is located on Lot 22, Block 2, about 1800 feet east of this lot center. A class 'C' well is situated 150 feet to the south of the existing and proposed WW disposal systems on this lot. 6,qG -o t~o2_ I NORTH HOMESTEAD RD CENT[RUNE LOT 50, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SD, NO. 1 EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES SITE PLAN s~P~C SYST~,. CO, KUP SIT~ cos ,32 kLASS C WELL UNDEVELOPED GRAVEL PIT SEPT1C 51 FROM COMMUNrlY WELL ON LOT 22. BLK ~t~ o~ ~e~,~I BIk Approved Sept;c System/,,'I ~, (house placement end ut;llties under ON BLOCKS 0 60 120 ft I I I SCALE / HEARTHSTONE Wynter Park SD 28 SEF13C I LOT 50, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SD, NO. 1 EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPONENTS PLAN VIEW I NORTH BACKUP SITE DESIGN 31.5 S~'PT~C S¥SiLM Sol~d Segment 54.5 Deep Pit EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM 500 gal ,Tank HOUSE I SCALE House ;0 CO COs Invert efevoUons-S9.1 8817 I 188.5 Bottom of Tani< el. 1500 gal. Toni< LOT 30, BLOCK 1, WYNTER PARK SD, NO. 1 EBERLE ENGINEERING SERVICES WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PROFILE 84.4 ft CO Top of MT ~,u02~ MT ,~VL el. 88.~ ft ~' ' I 7.6 ft Bottom of Trench el. 77.3 ft 0 I 2O NOTES: - Geofobric fines barrier over top of sewer rock. - Blueboord insulotlon to cover sewer lines, perforated pipe, and tank where soil cover is less than 4 ft thick - 1 in. blueboord equivalent to 1 ft soil. - Maximum digging depth (SE end of trench) i_~_ ft BGS - Existing system to be abandoned- tank removed or emptied, opened, & filled w/ soil. ISOO /' I.T=~\ MuRl¢lpallly OI Anchoraee ~ ....... l~ .... ~ ~; ~ I L~V] DEPARTMENT O~ ,~L~, ~ 'UU~, S~V,C~S ;J'. ~..~~'~ t'~ I ~ 8 5 L Slreet, Anchorage, Alaska 99502~0 ~'. ~ES0~ ....... .~ ~ j ~. I J SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST l/;~'. Ce~S4.C~I ~1~ ,J . l~l?~'. ' .-:~m~ I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~t ~ ) ~t I~ J ~lownship, Hange,~echon:~ ~ ~ ~I ~ 10 I 2, 3- 4- 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11, 12- 13- 14- 15. 16- 17 lg ~0- SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;' I I, COMMENTS SITE S IF YES AT WHAT L · /~- o DEPTH? p Oeplhlo WMm'~fr , ,...~. .- .t Reading Date Gross Net Dc~th lo Net Time Tim~ Water · ,,, ~ I~; ~ ~ '/,~ ,~_ PERCOLATION RATE .l~ ~) tmmules, Jnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN E~ETWEEN ~' FTAND ~ FT ~--'~ PERFORUEDBY: J~¢v'le ~e~,v~. <~k./~,. , ("l¥,~l~,,Jr.,,¥-~_~ CERTIFYtHATTHISTESTWASPEREORMEDIN ACCORDANCEWITHALL.~TATFANRMIINi~iPAi ('dIInFIINFF*II~II:FFF~TI'~N?Hi.~riATF .AT, "~ I::~J [00 , · .... ~/~ Munlci~flty of Anchorage ~[~4) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ~ 825 'L" Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 ~ - --~ SOILS LOG -- PERCO~TION TEST (T~- xI LEGAL DE~RIPTION: ~ D ) ~ [ I< ( ~ownship. Range. Section: 4.- 5' 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18' 19- 20- COMMENIS SLOPE StTE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? DEPTH;~ Reedlng Date Deplh to PERCOLATION RATE .,'~ ~'' TES' RU~ UtTWEEN . CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ..... · 7 Is, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEAl_TH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAl_ ENGINEEHING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264.-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAl. SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT I~ ........ MAILINGADE)RESS NO, OF SEDROOMS LOCATION II Absorption a~ea Dw011ing / D,STANCETO' 1 Liq na ac y n gal OhS nsid engt Wid~ DISTANCE TO: [weu I Dwelling DISTANCE TO: c~ ,.2. / Nearest lot line Trench wid U~,~.~ (,,, i n c h es PERMIT NO. No. of compartments Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. Distance between lines Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Well DISTANCE TO: DISTANCE TO; Crib depth Total effective absorption area OTHER PIPE MATERIALS ~ 3034 SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER REMARKS APPROVED 72-013 (Rev. 3/78)/.~ DATE LEGAL I'.lbli'-.! I C: 1- RL 1. T'-r' C~F fl~4C~-, ...,RFIt3E DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTFCTION 825 "L" STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK. _-'S.;~50J. 264-4720 ,.-J ~-.I -- '.'_--] 1- T EX L~ E I-4 E R F" E ~." ~-.1 1. PERMI'T' NO. ( 020975 ) THOMAS J OLSON B:t L.~O WYI'.,ITER PAR. K S/D RPPL. ICFINT LOCATION LEGFIL BOX 767 CHUGIRK DL~567 rz] ,~ ,.':z.,- ..q. 2Z EIO ~- LOT SIZE 99~999 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL FIE:_C;ORPTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOIL RATING (SQ FT?BR)= 145 THE REQI.JIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: [J" E F" ]- I-~ == ~'L(EI L E: i'-,I G'T' H == ...~7 Lq R R "',-' k'--: I__ [."' E P T l-l= THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRFIINFtEL. D. THE DEPTH OF R TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF THE C4ROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF TME ENCRYRTION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET 14IDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFFIL. L PIPE FIND THE BOTTOM OF THE E~','CRVRTION (IN FEFT). f~..E,l:.-! L! ][ IRE:E) 5.-;EF"T I C: -r RI'-.II-=:: PERMIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM '[HIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTP]LLFFI~ION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY' AN[:, THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. BACKFILLING OF"' ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINFIL INSPECTION AND APPROVAL B9 THIS DEF'FIRTMENT WILL DE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN 19 WELL FIND FINY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS ±00 FEET FOR Ft PRIVFITE WELL OR ±50 TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDIN(.~ UPON :'FILE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM FI PRIYRTE WELL TO A PRIYATE SEWER LINE IS 25 FEET AND TO R COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICt~TIONS FIND CONSTRUCTION DIRRRFIMS FIRE R'v'RILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION PERI'ii I 'T' E~-~P I RIES [)EC:EMIE~E;R I CERTIFY THRT l: I RM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS RS SET FORTH E:"r' THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL INSTFILL THE SYSTEM IN RC:CORDRNCE WITH THE CODES. 2:: I UNDERSTAND THaT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLRRGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THAN ~ BEDROOMS. ......... FIPF LI Z. RNT ~KOMR5 ..l _LSON ZSSLIED B~ ...... DRTE ....... ',,,'4. 0 O & E ENG,NEERING & DEVELO, MEN'F CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-27?4 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: SOIL LOG Name: ~'~'//// I..egal Description: EaH Ellis 688-2280 Tel. No._ Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics --10 ___ 11___ PLOT PLAN Ground Water Encountered: Yes. _ No___ Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit____ Comments: r"" If yes, what depth Drain Field__ PERC. TEST