HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEARMOUN #2 BLK 2 LT 10r)eArmoun #2 Block 2 Lot 10 #018-401-39 February 20, 1973 Al(:ska ,u~uul Savings 544 5th Street Anchur~ge, Alask~ 9950] AttenLton: Lyn,) );reiland Subject: Lot 10, block 2, Dear)noun Subdivision ~o. Z DeGr hrs. This Departnent has inspected the on-site sewer system of Lot 10, ~locl. 2, ~earu~un Subdi'visto~ i~o. 2. ihts syste~:~ co,mists of ~ 1,O00 g~llon septic tank and seepa,Je pit and.is approved by this Departuent for a 3 bedroon~, stn31e f~tly dwel 1 t n~. The d~elltn~ on ti~e let is served by water syste):,. Sincerely, Carol Sue flcKechnte Envirom~ntal Co,~trol 0f~icJr'III bb February 16. 1973 Alaska ~utual Savings Gank 544 " .. 5th Avenue Anchorage. Alaska 99501 Attention: Lynn ~reiland ~ubject: On-site sewer and water syste~; Lot 10, i~lock 2, DeAra:oun Subdivision Gear I~rs. bretlat)d: At the request of tlr. brigba~ tiorgan this depart~nen[ inspected the sewer and water facilities serving the dwelling at :he above subject location. ThC sewer' syste,~ is approved by this departn=em~t fur ~ :hree bedroom,~ single fam,dly dwelling and consists of a 1,000 gallon septic tank and seepage pit. The dwell- ing is served wa:er fru~ an appruveU coi,~nunity ual1. We are glad to be of service to you in this ~atter. Sincerely. C. Suc HcKechnie Environmental Control Officer kt RGQUE~ FOR APPROVAL'O]= I~/V/DUAL S~R & WATER FACI~ZTIE$ FC~ 1. Apparel Requested Ry~ 6.. Well Dater A. Type ~'~/~.~//~',/~ S. 'Oepth . C. Const~uct/on/~/~f~-,~/-/~2~ D. Bacterial AnalYSts. ~--~'.' 7. Sewage Disposal System C. Septic T~nkt 1. $t~e /~//~. D. Seepage Pit, 1. Size ~ 2. ~te~ol ~~~, Dispose1 Pteld~ Total Length of Lines Dlata~caz: A. Well Tot ~/~,. /- Septic Tanked ~ , Absorption Area P~atton to Septic Tlnk ~/~ "p'lbl~on An~ l~o~tt~ ire~ to Nee.st Lot Line ~ /~ ~equeat for Approval of lnulvidual Sawer & Water Faotlttie~-' P~ge ~o Approved Dtsavproved Date ~.~ Approval Valid for O~e Year From Date $tqned Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department o! Enviro~entsl ~uality DIAGRAM OF SYS'TE~! I certify +.hat the information contained in this request for spprevsl to be a true and accur~e.e ~e~rn'.~euta[toa of the subject sewer and ~ater facilities located Request for Approval of Individual Sewer & ~,tater Facilities Page Two e Coa~ents: ..... Approved Disapproved Date Approval V&lid for One Year From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGP~tH OF SYSTEH 12° I certify that the infom~tion contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject se:~er and water facilities .located at: Signed ~L~ ~(L~l..~e~ January 3, 1S73 ;~r. Drigha~ llorgan ~ St. Rt. A, Box 278 L Anchorage, Alaska 90507 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--.-30~ (plus postage); PS Form Apr. 1971 3800 140 INSURA,~C£ COVERAGE PROVIOED-- N~T FO8 INTERNATIONAL MAIL Subject: Installation of on-site sewage systcn, Lot 10, Block 2, 6eArc;oun Subdivision. Dear Elf. llorgan: On Auoust ~, 1971 a permit ~as issued for an on-site sewage systm~ for Tract G, Lot 1D, ~lock 2, DcArmoun Subdivision. Xn December of t~at year you answered a letter of inquiry re~ardtn~ the status of your sewage systec) stattno that the systat; had been installed. There is no soil test on file in our office for that lot, ~nd a passable soil test is a prerequisite for installing a systm~. So you are requested to obtain one fro: ~ny licensed suil tester t*nthe gorough. Since the systc~ h~s been installed, you are in violation of the gorou9h Ordinance ~2g-G$, Section 9-71, Paragraph A, Sub- paragraph 4 which states, ":1o septic tank, dratnfield, seepage pit or cesspool shall be backftlled ~dthout the per~;tssion of the I,ealtn authority". In tan effort to alleviate this sttuattun this office will allo~' you fifteen (15) days fro~.~ receipt of this letter to send or bring to our office data concerntno the sewer systole,. This infor~.~ation should be in the furr.~ of receipts for backfill, septic tan~, crib, percolation test, excavation work, etc., alonu with a detailed dra~,Hng of the syste~,l. If such receipts have been ~tslald, it ~vould benefit you to make an appotnt..3ent utth this office to have an inspector observe what he can of your system and discuss it with you. Hr. Norgan January 3, 1973 Page Two Zf no effort is ~:ade to cm.~ply with the regulations, this office will be forced to start court proceeatngs against you. Sincerely, 0eborah A. 8art Environ~ental Contrel I.lb Officer II .-EG REATER ;AN CHO RA-G E ~REA:BO ro u G H'_~ ~3500 -TUDOR --ROAD ~'POUCH 6-650: ~:: ANCHORAGE.-ALA~KA :9g~OZ :D~.~=ARTM ENT: O F': ENVI RO NM ENTALCOUAL1TY: C E A A C L E a n A T A C L E A C O U N T Y December 6, 1971 Mr. B.A. Morgan St. Rt. ^ Box 278 Anchorage, ^laska 99502 Subject: On-site Sewer Installation, Lot 10, Block 2, DeArmoun Subdivision. Dear Mr. Morgan: On August 9, 197l you obtained a permit from this Depart- ment for the installation of an on-site sewer system to be installed at the above location. Please advise this Department if the installed or if you wish your permit files. system has been kept valid in our Sincerely, C. Sue McKechnie Environmental Control Officer st REATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT LEGAL ...,T.O. /¢9/ OTHER TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED ~'~'~ FINANCED THROUGH SOIL TEST RESULTS /"l~-'/~'~a~ COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED ((~'~ TO BE INSTALLED BY '~'-Z"~'~ .,~d~ , HOT~z THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT BOIL FINAL INSPEGTION~ 24 HOUR NOTIC~' REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE: HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC; TANK SIZE °~'~3'~;/ O"-/~'~-~ TYPE ~ SEEPAGE AREA MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT ~ / DRAIN FIELD WELL TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD SEEPAGE PIT /K W DRAIN FIELD CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF GRAVEl. BACKFILl. CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION, HEALTH AUTHORITY OR LICENSED DESIGNER DIAGRAM OF I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA EIOROUGH ORD NANCE NO. 28-66 AND THAT ?H~: ABOVE